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Online Damping Ratio Prediction Using Locally Weighted Linear Regression

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems · July 2015

DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2448104


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Junbo Zhang
the School of Electric Power


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Online Damping Ratio Prediction Using Locally

Weighted Linear Regression
Junbo Zhang, Member, IEEE, C. Y. Chung, Senior Member, IEEE, and Yingduo Han, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this study, a locally weighted linear regression the present operating condition), which is quite critical to
(LWLR) method is proposed to predict damping ratio of a dom- online re-dispatching and operations planning issues, is rarely
inant mode online. The LWLR method, which is nonparametric discussed.
and data-oriented, is essentially proposed for nonlinear data
fitting; therefore, it can track the nonlinear power system oper- With the development of digital data bases in power systems,
ations and help damping ratio prediction in real power systems, huge amounts of WAMS data have been collected. Among such
which is hardly achieved by the conventional linear regression. big data, the operating power flow (collected by WAMS) and the
To successfully implement this method, the measurement of respective damping ratio of a domain mode (estimated) have the
weighting value and the choice of weighting function as well as its potential for damping ratio prediction, because they are related
parameter setting, related to prediction accuracy and numerical
conditions, are extensively discussed. Simulations are carried out to each other through the dynamic model of the respective op-
in a two-area four-machine system and a large complex system, erational points [1].
China Southern Grid. Both results validate the effectiveness of the A linear regression method was first proposed in [16] to pre-
proposed method. dict the damping ratio of system modes with modal sensitivity
Index Terms—Locally weighted linear regression (LWLR), mode identification as an intermediate step. After that, intelligent
estimation, online damping ratio prediction, wide-area measure- learning methods and modified linear regression methods were
ment system (WAMS). used to identify the intermediate modal sensitivity [17], [18].
These works triggered the possibility of damping ratio pre-
I. INTRODUCTION diction through data analysis only, although they assumed the
modal sensitivity to be constant, which was inconsistent with
T HE damping ratio of a dominant and consistently shifting
mode is extremely important to online redispatching, op-
erations planning, stability warning, and damping control-re-
real power systems. In fact, the damping ratio of a dominant
mode is decided by the specific nonlinear power system model.
Therefore, the modal sensitivity to different system operating
lated issues [1]–[6]. Conventionally, the mode information is
conditions are nonlinear also, which renders the linear regres-
calculated with the linear model of a power system [7], [8].
sion based methods inapplicable for prediction.
However, this method is not practical in online applications be-
To realize online damping ratio prediction in actual power
cause the system model changes on different operating points
systems, this study reformulates the issue into a data analysis
and, therefore, with the same dynamic model, the mode results
problem. Consequently, a machine learning algorithm, called
are with large biases [9].
locally weighted linear regression (LWLR) [19]–[21], is em-
To alleviate the needs of the power system's offline model,
ployed. In this algorithm, the local modal sensitivity (LMS) of
many research works have been presented to estimate damping
the system on a specified operating point is identified using a
ratio of a domain mode by using data acquired from wide-area
space distant weighting to the training data, which fits the non-
measurement system (WAMS) [10]–[15]. These works focus
linear property of modal sensitivity and results in more accu-
on damping ratio estimation under current operating conditions
rate damping ratio prediction. Further, practical issues such as
of power systems. However, the damping ratio prediction
choice of weighting functions as well as the parameters' tuning
issue (focused on estimation of damping ratio of the operating
are extensively discussed.
scenarios in the future, which may be quite different from
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
Manuscript received October 08, 2014; revised May 08, 2015; accepted June Section II reviews the online damping ratio prediction with
09, 2015. Date of publication July 13, 2015; date of current version April 15, linear regression. Section III reformulates the damping ratio
2016. This work was supported in part by the China Postdoctoral Science Foun-
dation(2014M550064) and the University of Saskatchewan. Paper no. TPWRS- prediction into a data analysis issue. Section IV introduces
01383-2014. LWLR and its parameter setting. Section V is a case study
J. Zhang is with the School of Electric Power, South China University in a two-area four-machine system. Section VI validates the
of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China, and also with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing China (e-mail: proposed method in a large complex system, China Southern Grid. Section VII concludes the paper.
C. Y. Chung is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9 Canada. (e-mail: c.y. II. ONLINE DAMPING RATIO PREDICTION WITH LINEAR
Y. Han is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua Univer- REGRESSION
sity, Beijing 100084, China. (e-mail:
The linear regression-based online damping ratio prediction
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at consists of two parts: the sensitivity theory and the online pre-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2448104 diction algorithm. They are reviewed as follows.

0885-8950 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

A. Sensitivity Theory
The behavior of a power system around an equilibrium point
can be described by the following state equations:


where is the state vector, is the output vector, is the input

vector, represents the system operating condition (generation,
load, transmission power flow, etc.), and through are state
matrices with respect to . Damping ratio of a dominant mode Fig. 1. Explication of damping ratio prediction.
in this system can be calculated by

(3) Then, with linear regression, the least square solution of

in (7) can be easily calculated as
where is the th eigenvalue of and
are the damping ratio, real part, and imaginary part of ,
respectively. (9)
Since is related to through and , it fits the following
incremental equation: As long as has full row rank, can be easily esti-
mated and, hence, (5) is realized.
C. Discussion
where is the sensitivity vector with respect to damping The linear regression sensitivity identification method cannot
ratio of mode at the operating condition represents the in- accurately track the system operating point because all of the
cremental value from the operating condition and represents training data from different system operating points is equally
the error. treated while the corresponding power system linear models
B. Online Damping Ratio Prediction Algorithm may be quite different.
In the theory of machine learning, (7) and (9) are, in fact,
Assume damping ratio of mode under an original operating
a special kind of data fitting algorithm [21]. Also, on the large
point is , then under an adjacent operating point , it
canvas of regression algorithms, the LWLR, which is essentially
can be estimated as
proposed for nonlinear data fitting, seems more appropriate to
(5) damping ratio prediction. To motivate this thought, in the fol-
lowing sections, the damping ratio prediction is first reformu-
where “” represents the estimation value, is calculated in lated into a data analysis problem which fits the application of
(4), and is identified from ambient signals [16]. Therefore, LWLR; then, LWLR is applied to solve this problem.
to realize (5) in practice, the key is to find the sensitivity vector
Assume there are different operating points According to (1)–(3), the damping ratio of a dominant mode
and their corresponding mode damping is determined by the th eigenvalue of the state matrix . In real
ratio . Then, according to (4), the following power systems, is formulated by physical laws. As long as the
equation holds: grid topology is steady, the value of is determined by physical
parameters and system operating conditions [1]. Therefore, in
the case of a developed power grid whose grid topology and
.. .. .. physical parameters are rarely changed, it is reasonable that the
. . . (6)
following link holds approximately:

Equation (6) can be rewritten in matrices form as
In other words, given a value of , one can calculate the cor-
responding uniquely. Therefore, the link in (10) can be refor-
(7) mulated as
with (11)

where is a nonlinear function with input and output .

.. .. The above characteristic is shown in Fig. 1: given different
.. (8)
. . . , representing different operating points,
one can calculate the corresponding with function .

The damping ratio prediction problem is then reformulated

as: given a specific , how to estimate the corresponding
using .
A direct solution to the above problem is: estimate (the
yellow solid curve in Fig. 1) with training samples (the round
dot in Fig. 1), then calculate (the star point in Fig. 1) by
putting into the estimated . Clearly, the function is very
high order, and the above solution is not practical.
An alternate method is using a linear straight line (the blue
dotted line) to represent the characteristics of around the equi-
librium point . Then is estimated as the value of the
straight line at . Clearly, the straight line represents the linear
relationship between and ; to estimate with minimum
bias, the straight line should get as close as possible to the tan- Fig. 2. Properties of different weighting functions with and
gent line of at . A regression method can be applied to
solve the above issue, and it is more appropriate that the samples
that are closer to are more important than others and there- The cost function is defined as:
fore, they should be assigned higher weights. So far, the problem
becomes how to measure the distance between the training sam-
ples and and how to calculate the weights in the regression
algorithm. Both issues can be solved by the following LWLR (14)
Differentiate with respect to ; the value of should
Here, the theory of LWLR is introduced; then the distance
and the weighting functions of different training samples are
discussed. Therefore, the solution to LWLR is
A. Locally Weighted Linear Regression (16)
In order to simplify the description, we redefine the following
notations. B. Distance Between Observations
: number of training samples (which in practice repre-
sents the number of different operating points); For LWLR, the weight age given to an observation to
: input vector with variables (with predict the value of another observation should be inversely
and to the system operating conditions in ); proportional to the distance between and , which guar-
: output variable ; antees that samples that are closer to are given more weight
The value of corresponds to the th training than the others. Theoretically, many kinds of distances can be
sample (the th dot in Fig. 1). used. For the power system function defined in the Hilbert
The predicted output for a given input vector using a hypoth- space, it is more appropriate to use the “Euler Distance,” i.e.,
esis is defined as follows: 2-Norm of defined in the following equation:


where is a coefficient vector (with the C. Weighting Function

intercept of the straight line in Fig. 1 and to equal to the With (17), many weighting functions can be used. To save
modal sensitivity ). space, only three popularly employed weighting functions are
In the LWLR, should minimize the square of the weighted investigated in this study (Fig. 2). Readers are referred to [20]
error between the predicted value and the actual output and [21] for more reviews.
for all of the values in a training process. Let be the 1) Uniform weighting function:
weight age given to the th training set, then the goal becomes The uniform weighting function in
(13) (18)
indicates any observation within the limit distance
where is a diagonal matrix, is the is given equal importance, while observations outside of
input matrix, is the output vector. are given no weight age [20].

Then we investigate damping ratio prediction of the interarea

mode under different system operating conditions. To illustrate
properties of LWLR clearly, two kinds of data are generated in
the following. Because of space constraints, only a brief descrip-
tion is provided.
Case 1: 121 different operating modes are generated, with
nominal power of Generator 1 varied from 300 MW to 300
MW (compared with the defaulted one) in steps of 5 MW. Since
loads are maintained, nominal power of Generator 4 is modi-
Fig. 3. Two-area four-machine system.
fied to keep the total generation balanced. For each operating
condition, the interarea mode is estimated with ambient signal
TABLE I analysis and then the training set is formulated. The regression
model is established with one input variable (nominal power of
Generator 1), one output variable (damping ratio of the interarea
mode) and 121 training sets.
Case 2: 500 different operating modes are generated, with ac-
tive power of Generators 1 to 3 and two loads varying within
300 MW compared with the initial operating point, which is
2) Tri-cube function: about % of capacity. For each operating condition, Gener-
The Tri-cube function in ator 4 is modified to keep the total generation almost unchanged.
The interarea mode is estimated with ambient signal analysis.
The power flow is calculated and the training set is formulated.
if (19) The regression model is established with five independent input
otherwise variables (active power of Generators 1 to 3 and two loads), one
output variable (damping ratio of the interarea mode), and 500
has the maximum value at zero and decays smoothly as training sets.
the distance increases [20]. Compared with the uniform In the following parts, we use Case 1 for a simple testing and
weighting function, it has a continuous first and second Case 2 for a complex damping ratio prediction.
derivative and provides different weight ages to the obser-
vations within . B. Testing With Case 1
3) Gaussian function: LWLR is employed to train data in Case 1. Three weighting
The Gaussian function in functions in (18)–(20) are tested with 10 (MW) and
5 (MW). The corresponding LMS, i.e., local damping ratio
(20) sensitivity of the interarea mode with respect to active power of
Generator 1, is identified as and compared with the model
is a smooth function with maximum value at zero and de-
based damping ratio sensitivity in Fig. 4. Then, to illustrate the
cays smoothly as the distance increases [20]. Compared
advantages of LWLR, the linear regression method is used as
with the Tri-cube function, the Gaussian function has an
a comparison. The linear regression model in (7) is established
infinite extent. in (20) controls the width of the function.
and the damping ratio sensitivity of the interarea mode with re-
A higher value of leads to a wider function.
spect to active power of Generator 1 is identified using (9). The
The weighting function should be chosen carefully. On the
result is also shown in Fig. 4.
one hand, it should reveal the local property of the training sam-
Fig. 4 illustrates the following.
ples; on the other hand, it should prevent the solution of (16)
1) The LMS varies significantly as the nominal power of Gen-
from rank deficiency problem.
erator 1 increases from 300 MW to 300 MW. Its sign
even changes from negative to positive. Since LMS reflects
the second derivative of power systems' characteristic, it
Here, a two-area four-machine system in Fig. 3 is used to val- shows strong nonlinear quality of this system.
idate the proposed approach. Due to space limitations, readers 2) With linear regression method, all of the training samples
are referred to [10]–[15] for mode estimation algorithms and from different system operating points are equally treated
[22] for more system settings. while the result cannot track the system operating point.
3) With LWLR, three identified LMSs are exactly the same
A. Simulation Background as the model based one. It shows LWLR has the ability to
Three electromechanical modes of the system are shown in track LMS in nonlinear power systems.
Table I. The first is the inter-area mode, with Generators 1 and The regressed damping ratio of interarea mode is compared
2 of Area 1 swinging against Generators 3 and 4 of Area 2. with the true value in Fig. 5. Damping ratio residues calculated
The other two are local modes. Local mode 1 is the oscillation in
between Generators 1 and 2 in Area 1 and local mode 2 is the
oscillation between Generators 3 and 4 in Area 2. (21)

Fig. 6. Regression residues with LR and LWLR ( and ).

Fig. 4. Damping ratio sensitivity identification with LR and LWLR
and .

Fig. 7. Enlarged from Fig. 6.

Fig. 5. Damping ratio regressions with LR and LWLR ( and

are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. These results lead to the following

1) The regressed damping ratio using linear regression
method is hardly satisfied. The residues are significantly
larger than the LWLR method.
2) The regressed damping ratio using LWLR is perfect. The
damping ratio residue is very small except the ones on
the edge (the details are shown in Fig. 7, and they are
much smaller than the ones with linear regression method
in Fig. 6), which demonstrates excellent performance of Fig. 8. Predicted damping ratio residues with LR and LWLR ( and
), outliers are bad results caused by rank deficiency.
3) Comparing the three weighting functions in Fig. 7 (which
is enlarged from Fig. 6), the best is the Gaussian function, These results lead us to the following conclusions.
while the inferior one is Tri-cube function. 1) The linear regression method will lead to large bias in
4) Since the true damping ratio values changes consistently damping ratio prediction and is not able to track nonlinear
and smoothly, no rank deficiency problem occurs even with property of different power system operating conditions.
very small and values. Therefore, to save space and focus on the LWLR method,
we do not provide further investigation of linear regression
A damping ratio prediction test is then carried out. Sev-
method in the following study.
enty-seven of the 121 training sets are randomly removed.
2) The LWLR method in general has smaller predicted
Damping ratio at these missing operating points are predicted damping ratio residues compared to the linear regression
with linear regression method and LWLR trained by the re- method; while with different weighting functions, LWLR
maining 44 points. The predicted damping ratio residues are could perform differently.
shown in Figs. 8 and 9 ( and ). Then, with 3) A small value of uniform weighting function and
and , the predicted damping ratio residues Tri-cube function is prone to bad numerical conditions
using LWLR are as shown in Fig. 10. [such as rank deficiency in solving (16)] due to the limited

Fig. 11. Damping ratio regressions with LWLR ( and ).

Fig. 9. Enlarged from Fig. 8.


Fig. 10. Predicted residues with LWLR ( and ).

weighting extent, and this may lead to failures in damping

ratio prediction (outliers in Figs. 8 and 9). With larger
, the problem is relieved significantly (Fig. 10).
4) For the Gaussian function with infinite weighting extent, Fig. 12. Regressed residues with LWLR ( and ).
it usually works well and is not affected by the numer-
ical condition problem. Therefore, its performance is more
stable, and it should provide better sensitivities. Clearly, with increased, the success rate of uniform
5) With increased and , the prediction accuracy de- weighting function and Tri-cube function increased (numerical
creases. This is the price of prediction accuracy (local prop- condition is improved).
erty) to a good numerical condition. With numerical conditions satisfied, damping ratio regression
residues of three weighting functions are compared in Fig. 12.
C. Damping Ratio Prediction in Case 2 This demonstrates that the Gaussian function has very small
residues compared to the other two functions. It indicates a huge
In this part, LWLR is further investigated with data in Case 2. price has been paid by the uniform weighting function and Tri-
With five inputs, the distance between two different operating cube function for improved numerical conditions.
modes calculated by (17) is scaled by compared to the one Finally, the damping ratio prediction test is carried out. Two
with single input (Norm-2 distance). Hence, values of and hundred fifty out of the 500 training sets are randomly removed.
are further investigated. The damping ratio at these missing operating points are pre-
First, with and , the damping ratio re- dicted with LWLR trained by the remaining 250 points. Dif-
gression is as shown in Fig. 11. ferent and are tested for improved numerical conditions.
Thus, with increased inputs, numerical conditions of uniform The success rate of the three weighting functions are summa-
weighting function and Tri-cube function decrease significantly: rized in Table III. The predicted damping ratio residues with
many observations do not get regressed. On the other hand, the satisfied numerical conditions are compared in Fig. 13.
Gaussian function still gets good results. These results lead us to the following conclusions.
Then, and are increased, and the same test is carried 1) The same as the former test, the Gaussian function over-
out. The success rates of the three weighting functions are sum- comes the numerical problems easily, compared with the
marized in Table II. other two weighting functions.

Fig. 14. CSG in 2008.

Fig. 13. Predicted residues with different weighting windows.

and the (YN and GZ) versus GD mode which dominates oscil-
lation of YN and GZ provinces against GD province with fre-
2) Without paying a local property price for a satisfied nu- quency in the range of 0.35–0.4 Hz. The (YN and GZ) versus
merical condition, Gaussian function leads to the smallest GD mode is well damped while the YN versus GZ mode is
residues (in statistical sense). poorly damped and, therefore, it needs to be monitored care-
3) Compared with Fig. 12, the residues in Fig. 13 are larger. fully.
However, they are still satisfied compared to the real The simulation system of CSG has been employed in [5] and
damping ratio value in Fig. 11. To the Gaussian function, [6] for different damping controllers studies. In this case, the
the value (which is 50) is much smaller than the max- simulation environment is the same as in [6], which is chosen
imum distance between the two operating points (which is on the basis of operating conditions prevailing in 2008. The two
), indicating a stable result. dominant electromechanical modes are shown in Table IV. Due
to space constraints, we do not repeat the system introduction;
D. Further Discussions readers are referred to [6] for more details.
Selection of is critical for best results. In machine learning, B. Data Collection
it is suggested to be selected by cross validation (CV) [21].
Forty loads spread over the system are injected with filtered
First, the data is divided into two sets, one for training and one
Gaussian white noise to simulate the practical environment.
for testing. Then, CV is used to select the best in the testing
Seven hundred operating points, different from the initial
data in order to limit problems like over fitting. However, CV
conditions, are randomly established, with within %
needs large calculations and is not suitable for online application
compared with the initial operating point. Ambient signals at
(especially when data quantity is large); therefore, a promising
each operating point are employed to estimate the YN versus
method is using a fixed trained offline with CV. Moreover, as
GZ mode using the stochastic subspace method and the Monte
different data lead to different CV results, to adapt different sit-
Carlo method; the corresponding is also collected. The final
uations, could be a little larger than the CV results.
data base including the initial operating point has 701 different
data pairs.
Here, an actual complex power system, China Southern Grid C. Implement LWLR to Online Damping Ratio Prediction
(CSG), is employed to validate the proposed online damping In the following part, damping ratio of the YN versus GZ
ratio prediction method. mode, which dominates oscillations of generators between YN
and GZ provinces with frequency in the range of 0.55–0.6 Hz,
A. Background is predicted under different operating points.
CSG is a well-known ac/dc parallel transmission system First, training samples to LWLR are generated. Seven hun-
in the world, comprising Guangdong (GD), Guangxi (GX), dred different operating points with active power of 29 power
Yunnan (YN), Guizhou (GZ), and Hainan (HN) provincial stations (which are highly participated in the YN versus GZ
networks in China (Fig. 14). mode) varying randomly (compared with the initial operating
The system has two inter-area modes, the YN versus GZ point) are generated. For each point, the power flow is auto-
mode, which dominates oscillations of generators between YN matically balanced with the reference bus of this system. The
and GZ provinces with frequency in the range of 0.55–0.6 Hz oscillation mode is estimated by ambient signal analysis, and


Fig. 15. Damping ratio regressions in CSG.

Fig. 17. Predicted residues in CSG.


Fig. 16. Regressed residues in CSG.

the training data is formulated consequently. The final regres-

sion model has 30 input variables (varying power of 29 power
stations plus the constant value), one output variable (damping
ratio of the YN versus GZ mode) and 700 training samples.
The results lead us to the following conclusions.
Then, LWLR is used to regress damping ratio of the YN
1) The Gaussian function prevents numerical problems and
versus GZ mode. The success rate of three weighting func-
guarantees local properties of the prediction. The predicted
tions with different and are summarized in Table V (the
damping ratio is accurate; the residues are limited to %
CV suggests in the Gaussian function, so is
of the estimated damping ratio values.
employed.). The final results without numerical problems are
2) For the uniform weighting function and Tri-cube function,
compared in Fig. 15, and the regression residues are shown in
the results are inferior but acceptable compared to the es-
Fig. 16.
timated damping ratio values.
The following results are demonstrated.
3) By reviewing all of the tests done in this study, Gaussian
1) The uniform weighting function and Tri-cube function
function with an appropriate value is the first choice for
need large to avoid missing observations (Table V).
online damping ratio prediction in actual power systems.
And this costs regression accuracy, i.e., local property (in
Figs. 15 and 16). The Gaussian function gets good results
with even a small . VII. CONCLUSION
2) Gaussian function achieves very good performance with In this study, the LWLR is introduced to online damping ratio
only . Since Gaussian function is more stable prediction, which works much better than the existing linear re-
without losing the local property, it may be a prior choice gression method. Three popular weighting functions (the uni-
in practice. form weighting function, the Tri-cube function and the Gaussian
The damping ratio prediction test is carried out where 350 out function), with their local property of the ability to fit a nonlinear
of 700 training samples are randomly removed. The damping power system and the numerical conditions to avoid rank defi-
ratios at these missing points are predicted with LWLR trained ciency in the regression algorithm, are extensively investigated.
by the remaining 350 sets. With simulations carried out in a two-area four-machine system
The success rates of three weighting functions with different and a large complex system, China Southern Grid, it is sug-
and are summarized in Table VI. The final predicted gested that the Gaussian function with an appropriate value is
damping ratio residues without numerical problems are com- the first choice for online damping ratio prediction, because the
pared in Fig. 17. Gaussian function can guarantee local properties of a strongly

nonlinear power system while it prevents numerical problems [19] W. S. Cleveland and S. J. Devlin, “Locally-weighted regression: An
such as rank deficiency. The simulation results also indicate approach to regression analysis by local fitting,” J. Amer. Stat. Assoc.,
vol. 83, no. 403, pp. 596–610, Sep. 1988.
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In the future, we will apply LWLR to real power system data, line]. Available:
investigate its robustness to bad data and integrate it with other amples/performance-of-three-pss-for-interarea-oscillations.html
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mode shapes using the multichannel ARMAX model,” IEEE Trans. intelligence applications, power markets and electric vehicle charging.
Power Syst., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1950–1959, May 2013. Dr. Chung is an editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE
[11] S. Sarmadi and V. Venkatasubramanian, “Electromechanical mode es- ENERGY and an Editorial Board Member of IET Generation, Transmission
timation using recursive adaptive stochastic subspace identification,” &and Distribution. He is also a Member-at-Large (Smart Grid) of the IEEE
IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 349–358, Jan. 2014. Power Engineering Society (PES) Governing Board and the IEEE PES Region
[12] R. Preece, K. Huang, and J. V. Milanović, “Probabilistic small-dis- 10 North Chapter Representative.
turbance stability assessment of uncertain power systems using effi-
cient estimation methods,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 29, no. 5, pp.
2509–2017, Sep. 2014.
[13] H. Khalilinia, L. Zhang, and V. Venkatasubramanian, “Fast frequency Yingduo Han (SM'95) was born in Shenyang,
domain decomposition for ambient oscillation monitoring,” IEEE China, in 1938. H received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
Trans. Power Del., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1631–1633, Feb. 2015. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1962
[14] J. Ning, S. Sarmadi, and V. Venkatasubramanian, “Two-level ambient and 1965, respectively.
oscillation modal estimation from synchrophasor measurements,” He is a Professor with the Electrical Engineering
IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. PP, no. 99, early access. Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
[15] “Identification of electromechanical modes in power systems,” IEEE and was the Vice-Chairman and Chairman of that
Task Force, 2012 [Online]. Available: department from 1986 to 1995. Since 1989, he has
13616.htm been the Head of the Power Electronics Research
[16] B. A. Archer, U. D. Annakkage, B. Jayasekara, and P. Wijetunge, “Ac- Center, Tsinghua University. He is a Visiting Pro-
curate prediction of damping in large interconnected power systems fessor with the University of Macau, Macau, China.
with the Aid of regression analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 23, He has published two books and more than 100 papers. For more than 30 years,
no. 3, pp. 1170–1178, Aug. 2008. he has been engaged in education and research work on electric power systems
[17] “MANGO—Modal Analysis for Grid Operation: A method for and automation. In recent years, he has engaged in FACTS and DFACTS,
damping improvement through operating point adjustment,” Pacific intelligent control, regional stability control, new dynamic security estimation,
Northwest Nat. Lab., Rep. PNNL-19890, 2010. and GPS-based control systems.
[18] J. Zhang, C. Lu, C. Y. Chung, K. Men, and L. Tu, “Online re-dis- Dr. Han is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was the
patching of power systems based on modal sensitivity identification,” recipient of four State-level prizes and six First and Second ranked Province-
IET Gener., Transm. & Distrib., pp. 1–9, early access. level and Ministry-level prizes.

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