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Group Task

English Language








History, Culture, and art of special area of jogjakarta



A. Background
Yogyakarta is a special region rich in culture, history and art. We choose this title
because we are interested to discuss all the interesting things that exist in
yogyakarta, ranging from cultural history and art that is there.
Culture is a way of life that grows, and is shared by a group of people, and passed
down from generation to generation.
If we talk about culture then it is always related to the art that is in the culture.
Yogyakarta itself has a variety of interesting art for us to discuss this time.
Art itself is part of the culture and is a means used to express the sense of beauty
from within the human psyche. In addition to expressing a sense of beauty from
within the human soul.
Not only the arts, but the history that is there, such as tourist attractions that are
unique and interesting to visit but still provide a thick historical elements.
History is an event that happened in the past. In Yogyakarta many historical places
that we can visit, and also as a means of learning to increase knowledge related to
events in the past.

B. Formulation
1. What is the meaning of gedruk?
2. what is the characteristic of gedruk dance?
3. what costumes are needed?
4. what is the origin of gedruk dance?
5. when gedruk dance is showing?

C. The purpose of writing

1. to know the existing culture
2. Increase student insight into history.
3. Adding insights related to art outside the region.
4. Making students able to socialize with the surrounding environment.
5. Familiarize students learn by interacting directly with the surrounding
6. Adding insight about the existing culture in Yogyakarta
7. Preserve ancestral heritage
D. Time and Location
Time: 13:00 – 17:00
Location: Wonosadi Tourism Village is located in two hamlets, Duren and Sidorejo
Villages, Beji Village, Ngawen Sub-district, Gunungkidul Regency, Special Province of


Gedruk is one of art from yogyakarta.

one of the characters who named Gedruk is Jontor, commonly called Jontor Kang.

usually Gedruk in staging when there Jathilan and played simultaneously.

the term gedruk comes from "Gedroek" which means the pounding of the legs. And after in
the process gedruk combine with a spooky and frightening buto mask with the claws that
are on both legs of the player and by the time when the term "Gedroek" becomes
"Gedruk.krincing usual use not only one krincing but kilogram krincing in pairs on the legs.
first krincing sketch is attached to the silicone is flexible and styled and then on the shoe
latch as a binder and until now gedruk already many in the community.

In ancient times gedruk buto dance was used as the embodiment of evil demons, danced by
the men accompanied by traditional music music. mask was not arbitrary, must be made by
certain people who are considered smart people to make no mistake in the making.
penarinya also must be held in advance ritual as a tribute to the ancestors / ancestors.

But as time goes by, gedruk buto dance is more for cultural exhibition and grand opening
ceremony. mask anybody from all circles can make it. but currently openg buto price is
relatively expensive price range Rp. 750,000 more so this dance is only done during a big
ceremony course considering the property used is relatively costly.

In dance gedruk dance, required the ability to dance and great energy, but it takes a lot of
costume and akseoris equipment. The following we summarize,
1.Sayak / krembyah2


4.Rambut buto


8.Buto Mask

A. Closing
That's the things we got during the study tour to yogyakarta. Starting from the field of
art, culture, to history. With the writing of this paper, is expected to achieve the purpose of
writing that we have described above. We apologize for any shortcomings in this paper.
Because we all know that no ivory is not cracked.

B. Suggestion
Culture of Indonesia is a culture that is formed from various cultures and religions so
many challenges that always undermine the cultural unity but with the spirit of diversity
until now still exist in the exposure of the times. Our duty as a nation of children to keep
that culture to a nation that is eternal, noble, prosperous and dignified.


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