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1, FEBRUARY 2000 193

Fuzzy Adaptive Internal Model Control

Wen Fang Xie and A. B. Rad

Abstract—In this paper, a fuzzy adaptive internal model con- been directed toward linguistic fuzzy modeling [39], fuzzy re-
troller (FAIMC) for open-loop stable plants is presented. The con- lational equation modeling [11], [24], [25] and Takagi, Sugeno,
trol scheme consists of two parts: a fuzzy dynamic model and a and Kang (TSK) modeling [33]. In this paper, a special form of
model-based fuzzy controller. Fuzzy dynamic model, which serves
as the internal model of the FAIMC is identified online by using a TSK model, i.e., the fuzzy dynamic model, which is expressed
the input and output measurement of the plant. Based on the iden- in continuous-time domain is proposed. This class of modeling
tified fuzzy model, the fuzzy controller is designed to minimize an allows direct application of available techniques of linear con-
2 performance objective. This FAIMC scheme has been success- tinuous-time adaptive identification [13], [21], [29] and -op-
fully applied to control the flow rate in a laboratory-scale Process timal controller design to the nonlinear process.
Control Unit from Bytronic. The experimental results demonstrate
that this class of control scheme is appropriate for control of time- The fuzzy dynamic model of the plant is described by
varying stable plants with time delay. The control system is also a group of fuzzy rules. Each fuzzy rule represents a local
shown to possess satisfactory robust performance. linear system, which is expressed in a rational transfer func-
Index Terms—Adaptive control, fuzzy control, fuzzy modeling, tion. It has already been proved that a nonlinear open-loop
internal model control. stable system can be approximated by a finite number of
such fuzzy rules [5]. The fuzzy dynamic model is identified
online according to the gradient update law. The parameters
I. INTRODUCTION of each local linear system are tuned to the “optimal” values
during the identification and, thus, the output of the fuzzy
A MONG MANY control strategies, internal model control
(IMC) has displayed a conspicuous popularity in process
control industry due to its fine disturbance-rejection capabilities
model can track the output of the plant adaptively. For each
local linear system, the available linear -optimal control
and robustness [10], [12], [19], [20], [22], [27]. This is against design methodology [20] can be applied directly to improve
the background that the process control industry, being rather the robust performance of the closed-loop control system.
meticulous, has been reluctant to use many other advanced con- The -optimal controller of each local linear system is
trol system algorithms. Although the IMC approach has been designed based on the identified piecewise local linear
around since 1982 [9], its roots goes back to the well-known model. The control signal is formed by integrating all local
deadtime compensator, i.e., the Smith Predictor. The IMC de- linear control signals with fuzzy membership weights. The
sign is lucid for the following two reasons: 1) it separates the principle of designing fuzzy controller can be explained as
tracking problem from the regulation problem and 2) the design follows. At each time step, all local linear systems are de-
of the controller is relatively straightforward. signed to satisfy the local optimal -performance objective
The IMC scheme is especially suitable for the design and im- simultaneously. Therefore, the robust performance of overall
plementation of the open-loop stable systems. Therefore, it has system is naturally ensured.
drawn more and more attention since many industrial processes The notion of combining adaptation with an IMC structure in
happen to be intrinsically open-loop stable [7]. In IMC struc- order to obtain an adaptive IMC scheme has been suggested in
ture, if the model matches the plant exactly, a perfect distur- many applications [7], [32], [34]. In [7], the feedforward con-
bance rejection will be achieved. Thus, the major task for the troller in IMC configuration is any arbitrary stable transfer func-
design of an IMC controller is to find a precise model of the tion just to keep the system stable. The robust performance is
plant. There have been several modeling and identification al- limited by such a structure since the controller is not tuned on-
gorithms [1], [2], [6], [28], [35] which have aimed to arrive at line while the plant varies “slowly” with time. In this fuzzy adap-
this objective. Mainly, these methods fall into three categories: tive internal model controller (FAIMC) structure, the combina-
1) conventional modeling [16], [30], [31]; 2) fuzzy modeling tion of the model-based fuzzy controller with fuzzy adaptive
[4], [15], [18], [23], [36], [38]; and 3) neural network modeling identification is applicable to the time-varying stable plant with
[3], [14], [17]. time delay.
In recent years, fuzzy identification has become a very im- A real-time control algorithm and its stability analysis have
portant area in fuzzy logic theory. The main efforts, so far, have been developed. The FAIMC has been implemented for the
control of flow rate in the Process Control Unit (PCU) from
Bytronic. The experimental results demonstrate that the control
Manuscript received January 12, 1998; revised January 20, 1999. Abstract
published on the Internet November 11, 1999. This work was supported by The system owns very good robust performance.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University under Grant G-S071. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, The tionII describes the fuzzy dynamic model and adaptation law of
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail: fuzzy identification. SectionIII contains the design of a model-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(00)01343-5. based fuzzy controller and the implementation of the FAIMC
0278–0046/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE

Fig. 1. Fuzzy adaptive IMC system.

A. Fuzzy Rule Base

The characteristic of the nonlinear system is described by a
group of fuzzy rules shown as follows:

: if input is and output is

then the system output

where , the number of the fuzzy rules, is the

Fig. 2. CIMC structure. output of the th local linear system, is the input of the plant,
is the rational transfer function of the local linear system.
The antecedent part of each rule is the input and output fuzzy
algorithm. In SectionIV, the stability analysis of the FAIMC
sets and the consequent part is the crisp function representing
system is given. In SectionV, experimental results and a com-
the local dynamic linear system. The transfer function series
parison with a conventional IMC (CIMC) system are given. Sec-
represent the nominal characteristic of the fuzzy dynamic
tionVI concludes the paper by summarizing the main results.
model. Thus, the problem of nonlinear system identification is
changed to that of the linear identification of transfer function
The FAIMC and CIMC schemes are demonstrated separately
in Figs. 1 and 2. In the FAIMC structure, the internal model is (2.1)
replaced by a fuzzy dynamic model, which is identified online,
while the feedforward controller is designed based on the iden-
tified fuzzy model. This control scheme is very similar to the To identify the parameters of the above transfer function, the
indirect self-tuning control system, but it is combined with the higher derivatives of input and output signals are required. A
IMC structure and implemented in the fuzzy sense. stable monic and Hurwitz polynomial of degree shown in (2.2)
In the authors previous work [37], a fuzzy online identifi- is, therefore, introduced
cation method has been developed for the single-input single-
output (SISO) nonlinear systems. The method is appropriate for (2.2)
the open-loop stable nonlinear systems, which can be approx-
The main requirement of the Hurwitz polynomial is to make
imated by a piecewise-linear system at each operating point.
sure that this filter covers the bandwidth of interest in order to
The fuzzy dynamic model is formed by a series of local linear
ensure that all modes of the local linear model are accounted for.
systems expressed in continuous-time rational transfer function
Then, (2.3) is obtained as follows:
form in each local region. This fuzzy dynamic model is applied
directly to IMC structure. It tries to use a fuzzy rule set to ap-
proximate the time-delay plant. In general, a system with time (2.3)
delay can be approximated arbitrarily well by a finite-dimen-
sional (i.e., delay free) model in the low-to-medium-frequency
Let and
range. In the high-frequency range, the difference between the
delay and the finite-dimension approximation can be treated
as “model uncertainty.” It can be interpreted that the rational
transfer function in each fuzzy rule is local Padé approximation
of the time delay in the bandwidth of interest.

The time response of the output of the local linear system is can be considered as the degree vector denoting the con-
expressed as tribution of each local linear system to the final output. It in-
cludes the influence of the membership functions for the an-
(2.4) tecedent and consequent reference fuzzy sets, and operators for
the logic connectives, inference, and defuzzification.
where is a
regression vector, and and B. Update Law of Fuzzy Identification
are the filtered derivatives of input For a given nonlinear system, there exists an approximate
and output . fuzzy dynamic model. The parameter matrix represents
The output of the local linear system is a linear combination the nominal fuzzy dynamic model. Fuzzy online identification
of the output of the stable filter . Thus, the aims at tuning the parameter matrix in the fuzzy model
fuzzy rule can be expressed in time-response form to the nominal value. At the beginning of fuzzy identification,
the parameter vector series , equivalent to
: if input is and output is parameter matrix are set arbitrarily. As time goes by, the
then the system output parameters in each local linear system should be tuned to the
“optimal” values to make the output of the fuzzy model track
the output of the plant. The error between the output of fuzzy
model and output of the plant is used to modify the parameter
vector series .
where , the number of the fuzzy rules, and Consider the error between the identification data and
is the parameter vector to be identified. fuzzy model estimation
By applying the singleton fuzzifier, product inference and
center-average defuzzification, the final output of the
nonlinear system which is inferred from the implication of
fuzzy rules is given as the average of all with the weight

(2.5) (2.9)

where is the optimal value of the parameter vector in the th

where rule, is the identified value of the parameter vector in the th
rule, is the parameter vector error in the th rule,
(2.6) is the parameter error matrix,
is a constant nominal parameter matrix, and is the estimated
is the truth value of the consequence of each fuzzy rule,
parameter matrix.
is the fuzzy membership function of the input fuzzy
The objective of identification is to make the , then
set and is the fuzzy membership function of the
output fuzzy set .
Let (2.10)

Therefore, the update law for the parameter matrix is


(2.7) where is a fixed, strictly positive gain called adaptive gain.

The normalized gradient algorithm for the update law is il-
then, (2.5) becomes lustrated as


(2.8) where are positive constants.

where The fuzzy identification diagram is shown in Fig. 3.


. Once the fuzzy dynamic model of the plant has been obtained,
the model-based fuzzy controller can be designed according to
the -optimal controller design principle for each of the local
is the parameter matrix to be identified . linear systems. The basic concept of this model-based fuzzy

Fig. 3. Fuzzy online identification.

controller design is that the plant can be described as a series local controller. The problem is focused on how to derive the
of local linear systems. Then, in each local region, the available controller .
linear internal model controller design technique can be applied
directly. For each local linear system, the relevant local feedfor- A. Local Controller Design
ward controller is selected to yield a “good” At each time step of fuzzy identification, the parameter matrix
system response for the input of interest. That means the local , which represents the fuzzy dynamic model is updated.
controller is integral-square-error (ISE) or -optimal Each row of the parameter matrix stands
for the transfer function of local linear system. Based on
(3.1) this information, the -optimal local controller can be
where is the number of the controller rule sets, The most basic objective of an IMC scheme is to keep the
is an input signal, is a rational transfer function representing error between the plant output and reference input
the local linear system, and is a local internal model con- small when the overall system is affected by external signal
troller. [20]. The perfect controller is chosen as the inverse of the local
The main feature of this design methodology is that all local linear system to make the error equal to zero
linear systems are designed to meet -optimal performance
index. Since all local controllers are designed to minimize the (3.2)
ISE, the robust performance of complete control system is nat- This controller is algebraically an optimal formulation, but it
urally ensured. As the model-based fuzzy controller is deduced is physically unrealizable and may become unstable if the local
from the identified fuzzy model, the rule antecedent of fuzzy linear system contains right-half-plane (RHP) zeros. Actually,
controller should follow that of the fuzzy dynamic model. Under the identified local dynamic model does contain RHP zeros be-
the same antecedent of fuzzy model, the rule base of fuzzy con- cause it tries to approximate the time-delay plant by using the
troller can be described as rational transfer function. The optimal controller should be de-
tuned to keep the controller stable. One possibility is to factorize
: if input is and output is
the local linear model as
then the controller signal

where contains RHP zeros, and is a stable strictly proper

transfer function.
In the real-time implementation, the identified numerator of
where is the number of the controller rule the local rational transfer function is included in the part
sets, is the th controller signal, and is the error to simplify the computation. is constructed only from the
between the reference input and the model error . denominator of the identified local rational transfer function.
The antecedent in each rule is input and output fuzzy sets The relationship between and parameter matrix is
and the consequent part is the crisp function representing the illustrated by (3.4), shown at the bottom of the page.


In order to make the controller realizable, the controller is 2) Select a stable filter for the input and output of the plant
augmented by the IMC filter as (2.2). The order of the stable filter is equal to or ap-
proximate to that of the plant. At the same time, se-
(3.5) lect the IMC filter in which represents the desired
closed-loop time constant. The order of IMC filter is se-
lected to keep the local controller proper.
where is selected large enough for to be proper. The con-
3) Apply the stable filter to the input and output of
troller then becomes as follows:
the plant, then the differentials of input and output
(3.6) — and can be obtained. Put two
differential vector together to form a regression vector
There is only one adjustable parameter in the controller . 4) Fuzzify the input and output . The membership
represents the desired closed-loop time constant. function is selected as triangle membership function, and
linguistic values for the both variables are selected
B. Fuzzy Controller Design such as: {NB, NM, NS, ZE, PS, PM, PB}. The number
In each fuzz rule of controller, the controller signal is of the rules describing the local linear system is
calculated as . Therefore, the truth value of the proposition
is calculated as (2.6) and the output weighting vector
(3.7) is calculated as (2.7).
5) In each rule, the plant characteristic is described as the
Since the fuzzy rule antecedent of the model-based fuzzy con- following local linear system: : If is and
troller is the same as that of the fuzzy dynamic model, the final
controller signal inferred from the implication of fuzzy rules is then . The output of the plant
can be derived as (3.8) by applying the same singleton fuzzifier, is calculated as (2.8).
product inference, and center-average defuzzification 6) Calculate the error between the output of the fuzzy
model and the output of the actual nonlinear system
7) Update the parameter matrix according to (2.12).
8) Form the local linear model as
where is the truth (3.4) based on the identified parameter matrix
value of the consequence of each rule, is the fuzzy and then design the local controller according to (3.6).
membership function of the input fuzzy set and 9) Calculate the error , and then the
is the fuzzy membership function of the output fuzzy set . control signal of each local controller is obtained
Let as (3.7).
10) Combine all local controller signals to obtain the con-
(3.9) troller output as (3.10) and send the control signal
to the plant.
11) Return to step 3) for the next step.
Remark 3.1: Two parameters which should be initialized be-
fore identification are the order of the plant and the pole
then, (3.8) becomes of the stable filter. These two parameters are determined based
on the prior information of the plant. The requirement for the
pole of the stable filter is not very strict. It is sufficient that
the filter is a stable Hurwitz polynomial and its frequency do-
main covers the bandwidth of interest. The rough estimate of the
order around the order of the plant still ensures the matching
where is a control signal vector
accuracy of the fuzzy model. The reason is that the parameters
containing the control signals from all local controllers,
of each linear local system are tuned to the “optimal” values to
is a transfer function vector formed by local
make the output of the fuzzy model track that of the plant.
controllers. The control signal can be interpreted as the average
Remark 3.2: The adaptation gain determines the speed of
weight of each local controller signal. The weight is the
adaptation of the parameters. Since the closed-loop system is
same as the degree vector used in fuzzy dynamic model.
globally stable for all positive values of , the parameter is se-
lected to optimize the performance of overall system. Increasing
C. Implementation of FAIMC
the value of will speed up the convergence rate of parameter
An algorithm for designing an FAIMC has been developed matrix to its nominal value . However, a larger
from the above analysis. A step-by-step procedure for the im- may make (2.12) “stiff” and, thus, more difficult to solve nu-
plementation of the algorithm is summarized as follows. merically. The parameter determines the effect of normaliza-
1) Initialize the parameter matrix . tion on the convergence and performance of the overall system.

Large values of lead to large normalizing signals that slow Thus, the derivative of the Lyapunov function along the trajec-
down the speed of convergence. tories (2.12) is given by
Remark 3.3: The proposed fuzzy dynamic model is suitable
to a class of SISO nonlinear systems. Thus, the model based
fuzzy controller developed in this paper, at present, is limited
to the SISO nonlinear and open-loop stable plants. Further re-
search will extend this methodology to more general cases, such
as multi-input multi-output systems.


Assume that the plant is a SISO stable system. When it is
subjected to any bounded input , the output of the plant
is also bounded. The fuzzy dynamic model of the plant can be (4.5)
expressed as

(4.1) Because
, then (4.5) becomes
where is the degree vector of each fuzzy rule, is the
optimal values of each local linear system, and is the (4.6)
regression vector of the input and output of the plant. The error
between the identified output and the actual output of the plant
is As we know , then

(4.2) (4.7)

where is the estimation of . Therefore, the Therefore, and, hence, and are uniformly bounded.
control law for IMC is Also, since is monotonously decreasing and bounded from
below, exists. Since the input signal
(4.3) to the closed-loop system is bounded and the plant is stable, it
is inferred that and is bounded. Thus,
belongs to space. Let
From the above equation, it is found that the control signal is
determined not only by the input signal but also by the output (4.8)
of plant through error . In order to prove the stability of the
FAIMC system, we should prove that this kind of IMC scheme
is an internally stable system. The internally stable system is We get the inequality
defined as the system in which bounded signals injected at any
point of the control system will generate bounded responses at (4.9)
any other point [20]. By applying -space theory [8], the inter-
nally stable system means that all signals at any point of control Then, the following equation is obtained by integrating both
system should be bounded. For this fuzzy adaptive IMC, the fol- sides of (4.6) from to :
lowing theorem is proposed.
Theorem: Consider a SISO stable plant subject to the fuzzy
adaptive IMC structure (Fig. 1). The fuzzy dynamic model with
the parameters update law (2.12) in the FAIMC is described by (4.10)
a set of fuzzy rules . The feedforward fuzzy According to the definition of L2-space [8], we know that
controller is formed by a set of fuzzy rules . . Let us take a look at the control law of (4.3). The
Then, for any bounded continuous set point , the following controller is the fuzzy combination of the local controllers
conclusions can be obtained. and these local controllers are formed
by multiplication of the stable IMC filter with the inverse of
1) All signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly
the identified model of local linear systems. Since the identi-
fied model of each local linear system has all poles in the open
2) The output of the fuzzy dynamic model approaches to the
left-half plane (LHP) and the augmented IMC filter is stable,
actual output asymptotically as .
together with , the control signal should be
Proof:: Define a Lyapunov function . For the plant, the assumption is that for any bounded
input , the output of the plant should be bounded. It is in-
(4.4) ferred that once the input signal belongs to , the output
of plant should belong to .

To prove that asymptotically converges to the actual

output , we observe the following equation:

From Section II, we have

Because and and is an arbi-
trary monic Hurwitz polynomial of degree , the regression
vector should belong to . From (4.12),
and , hence, . The vector
represents the degree of each fuzzy rule,
, therefore, . The membership
function is selected as a triangle membership function, so the Fig. 4. Block diagram of flow-rate process.
vector is the linear function of time. The derivatives of
to the time, should be constant, therefore, .
We have shown that . Now, consider the following where and are the Laplace transform of the flow rate
equation: and pump drive voltage, respectively. Obviously, this is not a
dominant time-delay system. In order to demonstrate the pro-
(4.13) posed control structure for a dominant time-delay system, an
extra time delay of 6.8 s is added to the system control signal to
Because and . make the overall system time delay up to 7 s. At the same time,
It is proved that all the terms in (4.11) belong to space, an additional time-varying dynamic characteristic is inserted to
so together with , infers that (Barbalat's the system output signal to demonstrate the robust performance
lemma) [26] , there exists a fuzzy model [(2.8)–(2.12)] of the time-varying system. All the dominant time-delay and
with the output error relative to the actual output of the time-varying elements are simulated inside the computer before
plant, such that the control signal is sent to the plant. The block diagram of the
real-time implementation of the FAIMC and CIMC are depicted
in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.
For the CIMC structure, the IMC controller (5.2) is de-
termined based on the first-order lag plus time-delay model of
V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS plant 2. The design method is discussed in detail in [30]. The
model (5.3) is selected as a first-order plus time-delay model
In this section, the performance of the algorithm is demon-
based on plant 2 and is kept unchanged while the plant is varied
strated for flow rate control on the a laboratory-scale PCU. The
from time to time.
system rig consists of a sump, a pump, manual/computer con-
The feedforward controller in the CIMC scheme is shown as
trol diverting valve, and drain valve. The sump water is pumped
through the pipeline and the manual flow control valve to the (5.2)
process tank. The flow rate is measured by an impeller-type
flow meter located near the process tank. The water is fed back The internal model (first order plus time delay) in the CIMC
to the sump via the drain valve, thus completing the cycle. The scheme is shown as
flow rate is continuously monitored by the flow sensor module
(PCLS1). The objective is to control the water flow rate by ma- (5.3)
nipulating the pump voltage. Fig. 4 shows the block diagram of
this process. The time-varying plant is set as follows.
In this experiment, systems with dominant deadtime—one
of the major problems in process control—are considered. The When – s the first plant:
FAIMC structure not only can deal with the plant with large time
No additional element is added to the plant.
delay, but also is capable of controlling the time-varying plant.
Once the error between the output of the fuzzy dynamic model When – s the second plant:
and the actual output of the plant converge to zero, a satisfactory
robust performance should be obtainable.
The flow rate control system is modeled as a first order plus A pure time delay is added to the plant.
time delay
When – s the third plant:

Fig. 5. Real-time control experiment for the FAIMC system.

Fig. 6. Real-time control experiment for CIMC system

Fig. 7. Set point and flow rate measured from the plant—FAIMC.

An additional element is added real-time computer control program is written in C language and
to the plant. is implemented in the LabWindows environment. The experi-
mental results are shown in Figs. 7–10.
When – s the fourth plant: From the above experimental results, one may conclude that,
when the plant is changed (including the change of structure
and parameters of the plant), the performance of the CIMC
system becomes unsatisfactory. The reason is that there exists
The additional element is changed to . large model uncertainty in the control system. During the period
The sample interval used in this experiment is selected as 0.1 – s, the internal model is a dominant time-delay system,
s. The set-point signal to the closed-loop IMC system is selected while the plant is a first-order plus small-time-delay system.
as a square-wave signal. The period is set at 40 s. As time goes The rise time of step input time response is very large. The
by, the plant is changed to plant 2 and then to plant 3, and plant performance of the CIMC system is deteriorated by the inap-
4. The pole of the stable filter for the fuzzy identification is propriate model. The internal model is designed based on plant
selected as . The order of the local linear system is se- 2, and the model uncertainty between the model and plant 2 is
lected as , and is kept unchanged during the experiment. relatively small; the response during the period – s
Both and in the fuzzy dynamic model are selected as 1. The is good. However, model uncertainty between the model and

Fig. 8. Control signal (solid line) and error between the fuzzy dynamic output and the actual output—FAIMC.

Fig. 9. Set point and flow rate measured from the plant—CIMC.

Fig. 10. Control signal (solid line) and error between the fuzzy dynamic output and the actual output—CIMC.

plant 3 or plant 4 is large; as for the response during the period the proposed fuzzy adaptive IMC system possesses a satisfac-
– s, the performance of CIMC system has a large tory robust characteristic.
When the plant keeps changing from time to time, the per-
formance of the FAIMC system is maintained and satisfactory.
The reason is that the fuzzy dynamic model can match the time- In this paper, a FAIMC has been developed. This control
varying plant adaptively. The error between the output of structure consists of fuzzy dynamic model and model-based
fuzzy dynamic model and the actual output of the plant is limited fuzzy controller. The distinguished feature of fuzzy dynamic
within the range of ±0.1. Even though the plant is changed com- modeling is that it aims at identifying the fuzzy continuous-time
pletely from time to time, the response of the system matches model of the plant by using the input and output measurements
an IMC system with a perfect model of the plant. One may no- of the plant. The model-based fuzzy controller is designed based
tice that there exists a large rise time of the output response of on the identified fuzzy dynamic model. The design principle is
the IMC system. That is typical feature of the IMC structure. It that all fired fuzzy local linear systems are driven to arrive at
allows the design engineers to trade off the control system per- the -optimal control objective. An algorithm for the real-time
formance against robustness. Overall, the results indicate that implementation of the FAIMC system has been developed and

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