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A. T & L Details

Subject English

Date 7th February 2019

Time 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Class 5 Ibn Haitham

Number of Pupils 24 Pupils (10 boys, 14 girls)

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Self-protection

Focus Skills Reading

Integrated Skills Writing

Pupils have heard about child abduction cases from the

Pupils’ Prior Knowledge
mass media like television, radio and newspaper.
By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will able
3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to form letters and words in neat legible print
including cursive writing.
Content Standard 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to write using appropriate language, form and
style for a range of purposes.
5.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to use different word classes correctly and
3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct
b) paragraphs
Learning Standard
3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:
(a) stories
5.1.6 Able to use adjectives correctly and appropriately.
By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Write an essay about extreme sport.
Learning Objectives 2. Describe the extreme sports poster by using

Communication, analysing, brainstorming and multiple

Cross Curricular Elements

Teaching Materials Video, worksheet, A4 papers

Arts in Education Visual Arts

B. Teacher’s Details

Soft Skills (KI) Teamwork skills

Critical thinking, cooperation, collaboration, communication,

New Pedagogies (PMI) – 6C’s

Steps / Time
Content T & L Activities Remarks
1. Teacher shows the video of child
abduction to the class.
2. Teacher elicits questions from the
pupils about the video.

Set Induction
Show the video  Can someone tell me what Visual and
of child the video is about? verbal-linguistic
(5 minutes)
abduction intelligence
 Have you heard the news of
child abduction on television
or other media before?
 What do you think we are
going to learn today?
3. Teacher explains that they will
learn about safety tips to avoid

1. Teacher distributes the text to all the

2. Teacher asks the pupils to do the
silent reading.
3. Teacher then reads the text and
followed by the pupils.
4. Pupils then take turns to read the
Reading text Verbal-linguistic
5. Teacher then guides the pupils to
Presentation about child intelligence,
(15 minutes) underline the main points from the communication,
abduction. text. analyzing
6. Next, pupils will be picked randomly
to write the main points they have
sorted out from the text on the
7. Teacher discusses the main points
that have been written and explains
the meaning to the pupils.

1. The pupils are divided into pairs.

2. Each pair will get two incomplete
3. In each pair, pupil A will get text
A regarding on “How to Prevent
Child Abduction” with few
information missing and pupil B
will also get the same text with
different information missing Interpersonal,
Activity 1:
Practice from pupil A. analysing,
Information Gap
(20 minutes) 4. They then need to read each
Activity brainstorming
other text and ask each other
questions to fill in the gap.
5. Next, they need to create a
mind map on “How to Prevent
Child Abduction”.
6. Teacher will select two pairs
randomly to discuss on their
answers and mind map.
1. Teacher distributes A4 paper to
each pupils.
2. Each pupils then create their own
Production Activity 2: “My Critical thinking,
(15 minutes) Safety Tips” poster on “Safety Tips to Avoid creativity
Kidnapping” based on the texts they
have read before.

1. Teacher recalls the lesson by asking

- What have we learnt today?
- What are the two safety tips that
can avoid abduction?
Closure Recap the
2. Teacher explains the moral values. Communication
(5 minutes) lesson
3. Teacher asks the pupils to search
on the net and read about the child
abduction cases in Malaysia.

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