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The concept of my pitch is different types of students doing different types of acts of

kindness in school. I did not deviate from my project idea, I actually went along with my idea. In
my project, I show different types of acts of kindness you could do with another classmate in
school. I consider my film more of a silent film only because there’s no dialogue involved and
contains only music.
When it comes down to the Pre-Production phase, that’s when the pitch, storyboard, and
script is involved. What I did to complete this phase was to create my pitch, do my storyboard
and cast people who best match the description for the characters in my film. I also needed to
create my script and include all of the shots I needed to do when it came down to filming. During
the Pre-Production phase, I did in fact face some obstacles. I was struggling to find a good idea
for my film festival until the Acts of Kindness idea was brought up to my attention and
encouraged me to make it come to life in a video.
During the Production Phase, what should happen is filming. After finishing your
Pre-Production phase you should get your equipment ready and start filming. What went well
during my Production phase was how easy it was to film with my actors and how professional
they were. The only obstacle I faced during the Production Phase was when the first day of
filming my actors had to leave for something that was happening during their shop and I ended
up filming the next day and they had different hairstyles and outfits on.
Next, is the Post Production phase. During the Post Production phase, once you finished
filming you need to import all of your videos to the computer. What I did was immediately go to
Premiere Pro and start to put my videos together and trimming them in the timeline until they
looked perfect. Right after I finished that, I exported that and moved it to After Effects where I
added transitions, animated text, and an animated title. Once that was finished, I exported once
again and moved it back to Premiere Pro just to add credits and music. I encountered some
obstacles when it came down to editing in After Effects. What I did to overcome those obstacles
was restart and try to redo my transitions and ended up working fine.
My favorite part of the production process would have to be the Post Production phase.
Editing would have to be my favorite, making my ideas come to life. What I like most is adding
transitions and adding animation to my text. I prefer this process because I can show my style in
the video with all of the effects I have in my video. My second favorite process would have to be
the Production phase. It’s my second favorite because once again it makes my storyboard come
to life.
Throughout this project, I noticed all of my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths
would have to be using After Effects. For me, it was easy to use and made my project looked
way neater. One of my weaknesses would have to be turning my project on time. What I can do
to improve my weakness is by being more organized and turn it in by the actual due date.
My film festival project was effective in its genre and audience. My target audience was
high school students since it’s acts of kindness in school. My genre would have to be a PSA. I
had trouble deciding whether or not it should have been considered as a PSA or a short film.
Originally, I considered it a short film, but later after I finished my edit I looked it at it twice and
finally made the choice of making my project “Acts of Kindness” a PSA for students.

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