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Network Programmability

with Cisco APIC-EM

Verify Your PC is Ready
Your PC should include the following:
• Python installed and verified
• Postman installed
• JSONView installed

Verify that your PC is ready to complete the tasks of

the workshop.
Power of Code
Everybody... should learn how to
program a computer... because it
teaches you how to think.
Coding is a huge Steve Jobs [Coding] is the closest build off
Founder, Apple thing we have to a
go in the direction [you]
want to.
Drew Houston
Chris Bosh
Dropbox Creator
NBA All-Star Great coders are today’s
rock stars.
Black Eye Peas Creator
Communities of Practice (CoPs)

Communities of practice are groups

of people who share a concern or a
passion for something they do and
learn how to do it better as they
interact regularly.
Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger
CoPs for Programmers - GitHub

GitHub is the open source software version control

system started by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux.
CoPs for Programmers - Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow maintains a library of detailed

answers to every question about programming.
CoPs for Programmers - Cisco DevNet
Cisco DevNet offers support to developers and
programmers who want to build Cisco-enable applications
or use Cisco APIs to enhance and manage their networks
Start Python
C:\> python
Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Mac or Linux
$ python3
Python 3.5.2 (default, Aug 18 2017, 17:48:00)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Use Interactive Interpreter as a Calculator
$ python3
Python 3.5.2 (default, Aug 18 2017, 17:48:00)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 2+3
>>> 10-4
>>> 2*4
>>> 20/5
>>> 3**2
Use Interpreter to print Hello World
>>> "Hello World!"
• Strings can be 'Hello World!'
>>> 'Hello World!'
enclosed with single 'Hello World!'
quotes or double >>> print("Hello World!")
Hello World!
• To remove the single
quotes in the output,
use the print
Quit the Interpreter and Start IDLE
• Python includes the Windows
Start > Python 3.6 > IDLE (Python 3.6
Development 32-bit).
Environment (IDLE)
• Windows - open IDLE Mac or Linux
from the Start menu >>> "Hello World!"
'Hello World!'
>>> 'Hello World!'
• Mac or Linux - open 'Hello World!’
IDLE from the >>> quit()
command line. $ idle3
IDLE Benefits
• Provides color
• Includes a text
editor for writing
• Quickly save and
run programs
Activity - Write, Save, and Run Your First Program

1. In IDLE, click File > New File (Ctrl+N) to open an Untitled

script file.
2. Save the file as in your GitHub project
3. Enter the following in the script:
print("Hello World!")
4. Save the script; click File > Save (Ctrl+S)
5. Run the script; click Run > Run Module (F5)
First Program and Output

Program File Output

Basic Data Types
• The four basic data >>> type(98)
<class 'int'>
types we will use are: >>> type(98.6)
• Integer <class 'float'>
• Float >>> type("Hi!")
<class 'str'>
• String
>>> type(True)
• Boolean <class 'bool'>

• Use the type()

command to
determine the data
Boolean Comparison Operators
Operator Meaning >>> 1<2
> Greater than >>> 1>2
< Less than >>> 1==1
== Equal to >>> 1!=1
!= Not equal to >>> 1>=1
>= Greater than or equal to >>> 1<=1
<= Less than or equal to
Creating and Using a Variable
>>> x=3
• Use a single equal >>> x*5
sign to assign a >>> "Cisco"*x
value to a variable. 'CiscoCiscoCisco'

• A variable can then

be called for other
Concatenate Multiple String Variables
>>> str1="Cisco"
• Concatenation is >>> str2="Networking"
>>> str3="Academy"
the process of >>> space=" "
combining multiple >>> print(str1+space+str2+space+str3)
Cisco Networking Academy
strings. >>>
Converting Data Types
>>> x=3
• Concatenation >>> print("This value of X is " + x)
does not work for Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#27>", line 1, in <module>
different data print("This value of X is " + x)
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str
types. implicitly
Converting Data Types
>>> x=3
• Use the str() >>> print("The value of x is " + x)
command to Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#27>", line 1, in <module>
convert the data print("This value of X is " + x)
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str
type to a string. implicitly
>>> print("The value of x is " + str(x))
The value of x is 3
Converting Data Types
>>> x=3
• The type for the >>> print("The value of x is " + x)
variable x is still an Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#27>", line 1, in <module>
integer. print("This value of X is " + x)
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str
>>> print("The value of x is " + str(x))
The value of x is 3
>>> type(x)
<class 'int’>
Converting Data Types
>>> x=3
• To convert the data >>> print("The value of x is " + x)
type, reassign the Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#27>", line 1, in <module>
variable to the new print("This value of X is " + x)
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str
data type. implicitly
>>> print("The value of x is " + str(x))
The value of x is 3
>>> type(x)
<class 'int'>
>>> x=str(x)
>>> type(x)
<class ‘str'>
Converting Data Types
>>> pi = 22/7
• Use “{:.2f}”.format >>> print(pi)
to display a float to 3.142857142857143
>>> print("{:.2f}".format(pi))
two decimal places. 3.14

• Change the 2 to
increase or
decrease decimal
Lists >>> hostnames=["R1","R2","R3","S1","S2"]
>>> type(hostnames)
• A list is an ordered <class 'list'>
>>> len(hostnames)
list of items. 5
>>> hostnames
• Create a list using the ['R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S1', 'S2']
brackets [ ] and enclosing
each item in the list with
• Use the type() command to
verify the data type.
• Use the len() command
return the number of items
in a list.
• Call the list variable name
to display it’s contents.
Lists >>> hostnames=["R1","R2","R3","S1","S2"]
>>> type(hostnames)
<class 'list'>
• Use the index to >>> len(hostnames)
refer to an item and >>> hostnames
manipulate the list ['R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S1', 'S2']
>>> hostnames[0]
• The first item in a list is 'R1'
indexed as zero, the second is >>> hostnames[-1]
indexed as one, and so on. 'S2'
>>> hostnames[0]="RTR1"
• The last item can be >>> hostnames
referenced with index [-1] ['RTR1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S1', 'S2']
• Replace an item by assigning >>> del hostnames[3]
a new value to the index. >>> hostnames
['RTR1', 'R2', 'R3', 'S2']
• Use the del() command to >>>
remove an item from a list.
Dictionaries >>> ipAddress =
• A list of unordered >>> type(ipAddress)
<class 'dict'>
key/value pairs
• Create a dictionary using
the braces { }
• Each dictionary entry
includes a key and a value.
• Separate key and values
with a colon.
• Use quotes for keys and
values that are strings.
Dictionaries >>> ipAddress =
• Use the key to refer >>> type(ipAddress)
<class 'dict'>
to an entry >>> ipAddress
• The key is enclosed with {'R1': '', 'R2': '', 'R3':
brackets [ ]. ''}
• Keys that are strings can be >>> ipAddress['R1']
referenced using single or '’
double quotes. >>> ipAddress["S1"]=""
>>> ipAddress
• Add a key/value pair by {'R1': '', 'R2': '', 'R3':
setting the new key equal to '', 'S1': ''}
a value. >>> "R3" in ipAddress
• Use key in dictionary True
command to verify if a key >>>
exist in the dictionary
Activity - Troubleshoot List and Dictionary Code

1. Open
2. Run the code.
3. Troubleshoot the code until the script runs without
4. What errors did you fix in the script?
The Input Function
>>> firstName = input("What is your first
• The input() name? ")
What is your first name? Bob
function provides a >>> print("Hello " + firstName +"!")
way to get Hello Bob!
information from
the user.
Activity - Create a Script to Collect Personal
1. Open a blank script file and save it in your GitHub
project directory as
2. Create a script that asks for four pieces of information
such as: first name, last name, location, and age.
3. Create a variable for a space: space = " "
4. Add a print statement that that combines all the
information in one sentence.
5. Run the script and troubleshoot any errors.
If/Else Function
• Open a blank script and nativeVLAN = 1
save it as dataVLAN = 100
if nativeVLAN == dataVLAN:
• Create a simple if print("The native VLAN and the data VLAN
function that compares are the same.")
two values and prints print("This native VLAN and the data VLAN
the results. are different.")
• Run the script and
troubleshoot any errors.
• Change the values to
test the else print
If/Elif/Else Function
• Open a blank script and aclNum = int(input("What is the IPv4 ACL
save it as number? "))
if aclNum >= 1 and aclNum <= 99:
• Create a more complex print("This is a standard IPv4 ACL.")
if function that takes elif aclNum >=100 and aclNum <= 199:
print("This is a extended IPv4 ACL.")
user input and includes else:
an elif loop. print("This is not a standard or extended
IPv4 ACL.")
• Note that the input
needs to be converted
to an integer.
For Loop
• A for loop iterates >>> devices=["R1","R2","R3","S1","S2"]
>>> for item in devices:
through items in a print(item)
list, dictionary, or
other sequenced R1
data type. R2
• The variable name S1
“item” is arbitrary S2
and can be anything
the programmer
For Loop with Embedded If
>>> for item in devices:
• Using an If loop if "R" in item:
inside the For loop
Use a For Loop to Create a New List
>>> switches=[]
• Create an empty >>> for item in devices:
if "S" in item:
list called switches. switches.append(item)

• Iterate through the

>>> switches
devices list to ['S1', 'S2']
create the switch
Create a While Loop
• Open a blank script and x=input("Enter a number to count to: ")
save it as 06_while- x=int(x)
y=1 while y<=x:
• Create a program with a print(y)
while loop that counts to
a user’s supplied
• Convert the string to an integer: x =
• Set a variable to start the count: y =
• While y <= x, print the value of y
and increment y by 1.
Modify the While Loop to Use Break
x=input("Enter a number to count to: ")
• Modify the while x=int(x)
loop to use a while True:
Boolean check and print(y)
break to stop the if y>x:
• Replace while y<=x with
while True
• Add an if function to break
the loop when y>x.
Use a While Loop to Check for User Quit
• Add another while while True:
x=input("Enter a number to count to: ")
loop to the if x == 'q' or x == 'quit':
beginning of the break
script which will x=int(x)
check for a quit while True:
command. print(y)
• Add an if function to if y>x:
the while loop to
check for ‘q’ or ‘quit’
Read an External File and Print the Contents
• Open a blank script file=open("devices.txt","r")
for item in file:
and save it as 07_file- print(item) file.close()

• Create a script to read

and print the content
of a file.
• The ‘devices.txt’ file
should be in the same
directory as your
Remove Blank Lines from the Output
• Use strip attribute for item in file:
to remove the print(item)
blank lines. file.close()
Copy File Content Into a List Variable
• Create an empty file=open("devices.txt","r")
for item in file:
list. item=item.strip()
• Use the append file.close()
attribute to copy
file content to the
new list.
Activity – Modify the Script to Add an Item to the File
1. Open a new file and save it as
2. For the open() function use the mode a, which will allow you to append a
item to the devices.txt file.
3. Inside a while True: loop, embed an input() function command that asks
the user for the new device.
4. Set the value of the user's input to a variable named newItem.
5. Use an if statement that breaks the loop if the user types exit and prints
the statement "All done!"
6. Use the command file.write(newItem + “\n”) to add the new user
provided device.
Application Programming Interface (API)
• An API allows one piece of software talk to another.
• An API is analogous to a power outlet.
• Without a power outlet, what would you have to do to
power your laptop?
• Open the wall
• Unsheath wires
• Splice wires together
• Understand all the wires in the wall
• An API defines how a programmer can write a piece of
software to extend an existing application’s features or
even build entirely new applications.
API Example
• Restaurant Recommendation App
• Returns a list of relevant restaurants in the area
• Integrates a third-party API to provide map functionality
• The map API enforces a specification of an interface
Web Services Interface using HTTP
• Web browsers use
Hypertext Transfer Protocol GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1
(HTTP) to request (GET) a Send me the home page
web page.
• If successfully requested
(HTTP status code 200), Here’s the home page.
web servers respond to Client Response Web Server
GET requests with a HTTP 200 OK <html>
Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) coded
web page.
RESTful API using HTTP
• Representation State Request
Transfer (REST) APIs use GET /json?address=san jose
HTTP to interface with Send me San Jose address info
RESTful services.
• The HTTP request asks for
JavaScript Object Notation Here’s the address info in JSON.
(JSON) formatted data. Client Response API Endpoint
HTTP 200 OK {json data}
• If successfully formatted
according to the API
documentation, the server
will respond with JSON
RESTful API using HTTP
• Representation State Request
Transfer (REST) APIs use GET /json?address=san jose
HTTP to interface with Send me San Jose address info
RESTful services.
• The HTTP request asks for
JavaScript Object Notation Here’s the address info in JSON.
(JSON) formatted data. Client Response API Endpoint
HTTP 200 OK {json data}
• If successfully formatted
according to the API
documentation, the server
will respond with JSON
Anatomy of a RESTful Request

API Server Resources Format Parameters

• API Server: The URL for the server that answers REST
• Resources: Specifies the API that is being requested.
• Format: Usually JSON or XML
• Parameters: Specifies what data is being requested
API Documentation
• Use an Internet search
to find documentation
for an API.
API Documentation
• The API documentation
will specify...
• The request format (JSON, XML, or
• The request parameters
• The response fields
JSON Response Data

• Enter the above URL in your browser

to get a JSON response.
• JSON data looks a lot like a Python
• The third item in the dictionary is the
response element.
• Inside the list are five dictionaries.
JSON Response Data
• Collapse components of the JSON to better
view its structure.
• In the example, JSON returns three root
elements: message, request, and response
• The message root returns the HTTP status
• The request root shows default parameters
and the parameters entered in the request.
• The response root typically returns an array
with relevant responses.
XML Response Data
• Extensible Markup Language (XML)
extends the functionality of HTML
allowing web programmers to
construct custom tags.
• To get XML data instead of JSON from
the MapQuest API, add the
outFormat=xml to the URL structure.
• You can see in the XML response that
the embedded dictionaries have the
same basic structure as JSON.
Demonstration - MapQuest API Application
MapQuest API Application Objectives
To build this application, you will complete the following objectives:
• Obtain a MapQuest API Key.
• Import necessary modules.
• Create API request variables and construct a URL.
• Add user input functionality.
• Add a quit feature so that the user can end the application.
• Display trip information for time, distance, and fuel usage.
• Iterate through the JSON data to extract and output the directions.
• Display error messages for invalid user input.
Authenticating a RESTful Request

API Server Resources Token Parameters

• None: The API resource is public and anybody can place the request.
• Basic HTTP: The username and password are passed to the server in an
encoded string.
• Token: A secret key generally retrieved from the Web API developer portal.
• Open Authorization (OAuth): An open standard for retrieving an access
token from an Identity Provider. The token is then passed with each API call.
Activity - Get Your MapQuest API Key
1. Go to:
2. Click Sign Up at the top of the page.
3. Fill out the form to create a new account. For Company,
enter Cisco Networking Academy Student.
4. After clicking Sign Me Up, you are redirected to the Manage
Keys page.
5. Click Approve All Keys and expand My Application.
6. Copy your Consumer Key to Notepad for future use.
Importing Modules
import urllib.parse
• Open a blank script import requests
file and save it
as 08_parse-
• Import modules
Create Variables for API Request
Add the following variables to your script:
• main_api - the main URL that you are accessing
• orig - the parameter to specify your point of origin
• dest - the parameter to specify your destination
• key - the MapQuest API key you retrieved from the developer website

Combine the variables into the url variable using the urlencode
method to properly format the address variable

main_api = ""
orig = "Washington"
dest = "Baltimaore"
key = "your_api_key"
url = main_api + urllib.parse.urlencode({"key": key, "from":orig, "to":dest})
Create the JSON Request
• Create a variable that json_data = requests.get(url).json()
uses the get method
to request JSON data
from the submitted
• Print the results to
verify the request was
Activity - Test the URL Request
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- {'route': {'distance': 38.089, 'hasHighway': True,
'hasUnpaved': False, 'hasAccessRestriction': False, script and 'options': {'mustAvoidLinkIds': [], 'maxWalkingDistance': -
1, 'manmaps': 'true', 'urbanAvoidFactor': -1,
verify it works. 'stateBoundaryDisplay': True, 'cyclingRoadFactor': 1,
'routeType': 'FASTEST', 'countryBoundaryDisplay': True,
2. Troubleshoot your 'drivingStyle': 2, 'highwayEfficiency': 22,
'narrativeType': 'text', 'routeNumber': 0,
code, if necessary. 'tryAvoidLinkIds': [], 'generalize': -1,
'returnLinkDirections': False, 'doReverseGeocode': True,
'avoidTripIds': [], 'timeType': 0, 'sideOfStreetDisplay':
3. You should get a True, 'filterZoneFactor': -1, 'walkingSpeed': -1,
similar JSON 'useTraffic': False, 'unit': 'M', 'tr
<output omitted>
response to what is >>>

shown here.
Print the URL and Check the Status of the JSON
1. Save your script as
2. Print the URL
3. Store the request status
4. Create an if loop that prints request status if statuscode is 0.

print("URL: " + (url))

json_data = requests.get(url).json()
json_status = json_data["info"]["statuscode"]

if json_status == 0:
print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n")
Activity - Test Status and URL Print Commands
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- URL: script i_key&from=Washington&to=Baltimore
API Status: 0 = A successful route call.
and verify it works.
2. Troubleshoot your
code, if necessary.
3. You should get a
similar output to
what is shown
Add User Input for Address
1. Save your script as
2. Delete the current orig and dest variables.
3. Rewrite the orig and dest to be within a while loop in which it
requests user input for the starting location and destination.
4. Be sure all the remaining code is indented within the while loop.

while True:
orig = input("Starting Location: ")
dest = input("Destination: ")
url = main_api + urllib.parse.urlencode({"key": key, "from":orig, "to":dest})
print("URL: " + (url))
Activity - Test User Input
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Baltimore script URL:
and verify it works. i_key&from=Washington&to=Baltimore
API Status: 0 = A successful route call.
2. Troubleshoot your Starting Location: <Ctrl+C>
code, if necessary. >>>

3. You should get a

similar output to
what is shown
Add Quit Functionality
1. Save your script as
2. Add an if statement after the address variable to check if the user
enters q or quit.
while True:
orig = input("Starting Location: ")
if orig == "quit" or orig == "q":
dest = input("Destination: ")
if dest == "quit" or dest == "q":
Activity - Test Quit Functionality
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- Starting Location: q
>>> script ========== RESTART: /home/user/
Starting Location: quit

and verify it works. >>>

========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
2. Troubleshoot your Starting Location: Washington
Destination: q
code, if necessary. >>>
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
Starting Location: Washington
3. You should get a Destination: quit
similar output to >>>

what is shown
Displaying Trip Data
The final application prints the values for
the distance, formattedTime, and
fuelUsed keys from the route dictionary.
Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Baltimore
API Status: 0

Directions from Washington to Baltimore

Trip Duration: 00:49:19
Miles: 38.089
Fuel Used (Gal): 1.65
Starting Location: q
Parse and Display Trip Data
1. Save your script as
2. Below the API status print command, add print statements
that display the from and to locations, as well as the
formattedTime, distance, and fuelUsed keys.
3. Add a print statement that will display a double line before the
next request for a starting location as shown below.
if json_status == 0:
print("API Status: " + str(json_status) + " = A successful route call.\n")
print("Directions from " + (orig) + " to " + (dest))
print("Trip Duration: " + str(json_data["route"]["formattedTime"]))
print("Miles: " + str(json_data["route"]["distance"]))
print("Fuel(Gal): " + str(json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"]))
Activity - Test Trip Data Display
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Baltimore script URL:
and verify it works. e&key=Your_api_key&from=Washington
API Status: 0 = A successful route call.
2. Troubleshoot your Directions from Washington to Baltimore
code, if necessary. Trip Duration:
Fuel Used (Gal): 1.65
3. You should get a =============================================
similar output to Starting Location: q
what is shown
Convert Imperial to Metric
Convert the distance and fuelUsed values to the metric

print("Kilometers: " + str((json_data["route"]["distance"])*1.61))

print("Fuel Used (Ltr): " + str((json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"])*3.78))
Activity - Test Metric Conversion
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Baltimore script URL:
and verify it works. e&key=Your_api_key&from=Washington
API Status: 0 = A successful route call.
2. Troubleshoot your Directions from Washington to Baltimore
code, if necessary. Trip Duration:
Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.236999999999999
3. You should get a =============================================
similar output to Starting Location: q
what is shown
Format to 2 Decimal Places
Use the "{:.2f}".format argument to format the float values to 2
decimal places before converting them to string values, as
shown below.
Each statement should be on one line.

print("Kilometers: " + str("{:.2f}".format((json_data["route"]["distance"])*1.61)))

print("Fuel Used (Ltr): " + str("{:.2f}".format((json_data["route"]["fuelUsed"])*3.78)))
Activity - Test Formatting Decimal Places
========== RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
1. Run your 08_json- Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Baltimore script URL:
and verify it works. i_key&to=Baltimore&from=Washington
API Status: 0 = A successful route call.
2. Troubleshoot your Directions from Washington to Baltimore
code, if necessary. Trip Duration:
Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.24
3. You should get a =============================================
similar output to Starting Location: q
what is shown
Inspect the Directions JSON Data
1. Locate the legs list inside the route
2. The legs list includes one big
dictionary with most of the JSON
3. Find the maneuvers list and
collapse each of the seven
dictionaries inside.
Inspect the Maneuvers JSON Data
1. Expand the first dictionary in
the maneuvers list. Each
dictionary contains a narrative
key with a value, such as “Start
out going north...”
2. You will parse the JSON data to
extract the values for narrative
and distance keys to display
inside your application.
Iterate Through the Directions Data
1. Save your script as
2. Add an if statement below the double line print statement to check the
3. The for loop iterates through each maneuvers list, prints the narrative, and
prints the distance in kilometers formatting for 2 decimal places.
4. Add a print statement that will display a double line at the end of the list of
for each in json_data["route"]["legs"][0]["maneuvers"]:
print((each["narrative"]) + " (" + str("{:.2f}".format((each["distance"])*1.61) + " km)"))
========= RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
Activity - Test Iteration Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Baltimore

1. Run your 08_json- API Status: 0 = A successful route call.

Directions from Washington to Baltimore script and Trip Duration: 00:49:19
Kilometers: 61.32
verify it works. Fuel Used (Ltr): 6.24
Start out going north on 6th St/US-50 E/US-1 N toward
2. Troubleshoot your Pennsylvania Ave/US-1 Alt N. (1.28 km)
Turn right onto New York Ave/US-50 E. Continue to follow
code, if necessary. US-50 E (Crossing into Maryland). (7.51 km)
Take the Balt-Wash Parkway exit on the left toward
Baltimore. (0.88 km)
3. You should get a Merge onto MD-295 N. (50.38 km)
Turn right onto W Pratt St. (0.86 km)
similar output to Turn left onto S Calvert St/MD-2. (0.43 km)
Welcome to BALTIMORE, MD. (0.00 km)
what is shown here. =============================================

Starting Location: q
Check for Invalid User Input
1. Save your script as
2. The final step is to finish the if loop to respond to the user when the
json_status does not equal 0.
3. The most common error will most likely be for invalid location entries.
4. Create a elif function that checks for json_status = 402 and display a
message, as shown here.
if json_status == 0:
elif json_status == 402:
print("For Staus Code: " + str(json_status) + "; Invalid user inputs for one or both locations.")
Check for Other Error Types
Invalid user inputs is only one error type.
You could write code to display error messages for other common
For this application, add an else statement that ends the if loop and
covers all other json_status values, as shown here.
elif json_status == 402:
print("For Staus Code: " + str(json_status) + "; Invalid user inputs for one or both locations.")
print("For Staus Code: " + str(json_status) + ", Refer to:")
Activity - Test Full Application Functionality

1. Run your script and verify it works.

2. Troubleshoot your code, if necessary.
3. For errors, you should get a similar output as shown
on the next slide.
========= RESTART: /home/user/ ==========
Starting Location: Washington
Destination: Beijing

Status Code: 402; Invalid user inputs for one or both locations.

Starting Location: Washington

Destination: Balt

Status Code: 602; Refer to:

Starting Location: Washington

Destination: [no user input]

Status Code: 611; Refer to:

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