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– LAB Forearm Part of the upper limb from the

HUMAN ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, & elbow to the wrist
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Wrist Part of the upper limb which
connects the hand to the
The Anatomical Position forearm
- Body erected Hand Part of the upper limb which
- Head, toes, and palm facing forward includes the palm and fingers
- Arms are straight and placed along the sides of Lower limbs Each lower limb is attached to
the body the trunk by the pelvic girdle
- Legs are straight with feet a bit apart consisting of the ilium, ischium,
- Feet flat on the floor and pubis
Buttocks Posterior round area in the pelvis
where the thigh is attached
Thigh Part of the lower limb that is
attached to the pelvis
Leg Part of the lower limb from knee
to the ankle
Ankle Portion of the lower limb that
attaches the foot to the leg
Foot Part of the lower limb which is
composed of the sole ad toes
Body Regions
Head (cephalic) Includes the skull ad the face Anatomical Terms
Skull The bony part of the head that
encloses and protects the brain
Face The anterior (front) portion of
the head where the eyes, nose,
mouth, forehead, cheeks, and
chin are found
Neck (cervical) Supports the head and attaches
it to the trunk; found between
the head and the trunk
Trunk Consists of the chest, abdomen,
pelvis, and back
Chest Found between the neck and
abdomen anteriorly
Abdomen Found between the chest and
pelvis anteriorly
Back Posterior portion of the trunk Frontal Forehead
that is between the neck and Cranial Portion of the skull surrounding
buttocks the brain
Upper limbs Each upper limbs is attached to Facial Face
the trunk by the shoulder girdle, Oral Mouth
comprised of the clavicle Mental Chin
anteriorly and the scapula
Orbital Eye
Buccal Cheek
Shoulder Part of the body where the
Otic Ear
upper limb is attached
Nasal Nose
Upper arm Part of the upper limb from
shoulder to the elbow Cervical Neck
Occipital Back of the head

GRH – 1APH 1
Vertebral Area of spine
Lumbar Area of back between ribs and
Sacral Sacrum
Dorsal Back
Scapular Shoulder
Acromial Highest point of the shoulder
Axillary Armpit
Brachial Upper arm
Olecranal Elbow
Antebrachial Forearm
Axial Central part of the body which
includes the head and the trunk
Appendicular Extremities or limbs

Sternal Breastbone
Thoracic Chest
Mammary Breast
Abdominal Anterior body trunk inferior to
the ribs
Umbilical Navel
Coxal Hip
Pelvic Pelvis
Inguinal Groin
Pubic Genital area

Antecubital Anterior surface of elbow
Carpal Wrist
Palmar Plm
Volar Antero-medial aspect of the
Digital Digits or fingers (upper limb);
toes (lower limb)

GRH – 1APH 2

Patellar Anterior surface of the knee
Crural Anterior surface of the leg
Fibular / Peroneal Lateral side of the leg
Tarsal Ankle
Pedal Foot

Gluteal Buttocks
Femoral Thigh
Popliteal Posterior surface of the knee
Sural Posterior surface of the leg
Tarsal Ankle
Pedal Foot
Plantar Sole of foot
Calcaneal Heel
Sacral Sacrum

GRH – 1APH 3

GRH – 1APH 4

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