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Paper 2019

1. What is computer chip?

2. Differentiate between topic sentence and concluding sentence?
3. What is audience analysis?
4. What is digital environment? How it is different from real world?
5. What are the important consideration in creating web content?
6. Differentiate between Cohesion and completeness of message?
7. Enlist the ways of generating ideas?
8. What is extended definition pattern?
9. Write down the four stages of mind mapping?
10.What are the guidelines for writing a Blog?
11.What is collaborative writing?
12.Name the strategies for proofreading?
13.Define Cleft sentence. Give example?
14.Write the categories of functional visuals?
15.Differentiate between work community and academic community?
16.Differentiate between premises and Assumption?

Paper 2018

1. Define community?
2. What is academic community?
3. What is digital environment?
4. What is brainstorming?
5. What electronic community?
6. What is planning?
7. What is the difference between Myth and Reality?
8. What is unfocussed paragraph?
9. What is topic sentence?
10. What is drafting?
11. What is digital environment?
12. How cubing can be helpful during drafting?
13. Define position paper?
14. What are the characteristic of critical reader?
15. What is format choice?
16. What are hallmarks of public community?
Paper 2017

1. Define academic community?

2. What is unfocussed paragraph?
3. Define digital environment?
4. What is brain storming?
5. What is oral presentation?
6. What is proof reading?
7. What is difference between Myth and Reality?
8. What is paragraph?
9. What is topic sentence?
10.What is role of the planning in report writing?
11.What is difference between academic and public communities?
12.What is speech anxiety?
13.What is drafting?
14.What is electronic community?
15.What is collaborative drafting?
16.What is thesis?

Paper 2016

1. What is summarizing?
2. What is an emphatic sentence?
3. What is difference between coherence and cohesion?
4. What is synthesizing?
5. Differentiate between purpose and strategy?
6. What is speech anxiety?
7. Define thesis?
8. Why meeting play vital role in group writing?
9. Define applied research?
10. What is meant by chromic pattern of organization information?
11.How one can meets the requirement of one audience?
12.Enlist the methods of organization information?
13.What are the function of mind mapping?
14. Define plagiarism?
15.What is meant by cubing in draft?
16.Write down the difference between academic and public writing?
Paper 2014

1. What is the difference between academic and public writing?

2. Define electronic communities?
3. What is planning in writing?
4. What is drafting?
5. What is digital environment?
6. What is paragraph?
7. What is the role of revision in paragraph writing?
8. What s format choice in designing document?
9. What is speech anxiety?
10.What is pilgrims?
11.What is role of ethics in communication?
12.How visuals can improve document?
13.What is the difference between social and natural science?
14.What is public flyer?
15.What is

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