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TIBAYAN, JOBELLE TF 8:30-10:00 AM/CIS223-18

2BSIS-1 FEBRUARY 14, 2020

Chapter 2
 Review Related Literature
 Local Literature
 Foreign Literature
 Related Studies

Review Related Literature

Composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present study is related.
Materials which area usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias, professional journals,
magazines, newspaper, and other publications

Importance and functions of Related Literature

- It helps or guides the researcher in searching for or selecting a better research

problem or topic
- It helps the investigator understand his topic or research better.
- It ensures that there will be no duplication of other studies
- It provides the conceptual or theoretical framework of the planned research

Characteristics of Related Literature

- The surveyed materials must be as recent as possible
- Materials reviewed must be objective and unbaised
- Materials surveyed must be relevant to the study
- Surveyed materials must have been based upon genuinely original and true facts or
data to make them valid and reliable.

Local Literature

o Local Literature- are derived from our local news media or our own public
government sites.
o Local Studies-this refers to the researches and other studies that are
performed in our own setting or country.
Foreign Literature

Foreign Literature consists of foreign or from another country news, information

websites, and articles that gives great relevance to your Research or Study. Foreign
Studies are foreign researches, studies, thesis, surveys or any other methods of
The terms ‘foreign literature’ and ‘foreign studies’ are not generally used: you specify
what kind of ‘foreign’ you have in mind (‘German literature’, ‘Japanese literature’, or
what have you. The study of ‘foreign literature’ would be the study of significant
works (poems, novels, plays, even works of philosophy) written in foreign languages,
and ‘foreign studies’ would be the study of the society and culture of other countries
than the speaker’s own.

Related Studies
Studies, inquiries, or investigations already conducted to which the present
proposed study is relate or has some bearing or similarity. They are usually
unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses, and dissertations

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