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Client teaching about the cause of HIV

COLLEGE OF NURSING B. Reviewing the risk factors for HIV
Angeles City C. Developing a list of people with whom the
A.Y. 2010-2011 client has had contact
D. Client teaching about the importance of
Nursing Care Management 104 HIV testing
QUIZ 1: Introduction to CD
7. A patient diagnosed with a sexually
Name: __________________________________ transmitted infection verbalized “This is a
Yr-Sec: _______ Date: punishment for my sins” which statement
_______ would be most therapeutic in response to
this statement?
PART 1: A. ”No, not really… we all get sick once in a
Instructions: while.”
Read each question carefully then write B. “I’m listening, are you sure it’s because of
the letter of the correct answer on the your sins?”
answer sheet provided. USE CAPITAL C. “What made you say that?”
LETTERS. BLUE OR BLACK INK only. D. “You are very troubled are you alright?”
SUPERIMPOSITIONS. 8. A patient with Clostridium deficile was
admitted in the hospital which precaution
1. Which of the following is not a primary should be implemented at this time?
prevention for communicable diseases? A. Strict Isolation
A. Immunization B. Respiratory Isolation
B. Health Seminars C. Droplet Precatuion
C. Isolation and Quarantine D. Enteric precaution
D. Environmental Sanitation
9. Which element of handwashing is most
2. Self medication or home medication for important in getting rid of
certain discomforts is discouraged in the microorganisms?
campaign to prevent CD infection, this is A. Soap
implemented because of the ff except: B. Water
A. It may result to a wrong diagnosis C. Friction
B. It can mask potentially fatal CD D. Paper towel
C. It makes signs and symptoms less
identifiable 10. Which of the ff interventions is contrary to
D. Because it is costly and not economical. the principles of universal precaution?
A. Proper gloving and Gowning
3. Pedro arrived from Macau where there are B. Use of goggles for possible spraying
rampant cases of AH1N1 virus, a fatal secretions
disease. Upon arrival at the airport he is C. Proper recapping of needles
observed to have fever which control D. Using a standard receptacle for sharps
system should be immediately and needles
A. Isolation 11. While caring for a patient with AIDS which
B. Quarantine intervention considers holistic care for the
C. Contact Isolation patient?
D. Universal Precaution A. Providing the prescribed medications
4. A nurse is assigned to the emergency B. Reinforcing health teachings by the doctor
department where new cases are always C. Allowing quiet time for meditation before
being admitted. Which measures should AM care
be implemented to prevent CD to the D. Providing religious materials
healthcare worker?
A. Proper gloving 12. Respiratory Isolation is being implemented
B. Proper Hand washing in the ward which of the ff actions if seen
C. Standard Precaution by the nurse warrants immediate
D. Isolation correction:
A. Use of specially designed airfilters.
5. Mamusing was admitted because of B. Maintaining standard protocol air pressure
Dengue, which Secondary Prevention can in isolation rooms.
be implemented at this time? C. Use of surgical/face masks
A. Monitoring neighbors for possible D. Health education sessions on cough
development of s/sx of Dengue. etiquette
B. Providing prophylactic vaccines to nearby
houses 13. Which of the following does not address
C. Starting fumigation in the neighborhood. the problem on Vector transmitted
D. Initiating environmental sanitation diseases?
programs A. Environmental Sanitation
B. Fumigation
6. A client was admitted because of HIV C. Rabies Control programs
infection which nursing intervention D. Proper disposal of hospital waste and
should receive the highest priority? excreta disposal
14. Dyords has just recovered from chicken
pox but still has some crusting vesicles
present and is still capable of infecting PART 2 next page…
others, what type of human reservoir is
A. Incubating Carrier
B. Intermittent Carrier
C. Temporary Carrier
D. Convalescent Carrier

15. Which is the focus of the healthcare in

breaking the chain of infection?
A. Destruction of causative agent
B. Blocking the mode of transmission
C. Prophylactic treatment
D. Early detection


5 Points


Explain the Diagram above (5 Points)



NAME: ______________________________________ YR/SEC:_________ DATE:____________

1 6 11

2 7 12

3 8 13
4 9 14

5 10 15

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