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Ancient British Piety :

O R, A

British Martyrology*
A fliort Account of all fuch Britons as
have been honoured of old amongftthe Saints;
or have otherwife been renowned for tb^ir ex-
traordinary Piety and San£lity.

To which is annexed^

A Tranflation of ancient Saxon Manu-

the Burying Places of the
fcripts, relating to
English Saints. From the Library of
Bennet College, Cambridge.

Printed for W. Needham, oyer agalnft Gray's ^,

Inn Gate in Holbornt . j^'^

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E of
the moft interfiling Parts of
Church Hiftory, and .which has
ufually the ruoft Influence both on the
Faith and on the Lives of Ghridians; is
that which fets bffore their Eyes the Won-
ders of God in the Livesand Deaths of
his Saints, The facred Penmen, infpired
by the Holy Spirit^ fct the firft Example
of this Kind of Writings : and many of
the holy Fathers, and other learned and
gpdly Men in all Agps, have copied after
them, by publifhing the A6ts of the Mar-
tyrs, and of other more eminent Saints of
God, whom the divine Grace has lighted
i up in every Age, and fet upon the Can-
dJeftick of his Church as fo many Lights
to enlighten aU that dwell in God's Houfe,
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by the Splendor of their Works ; to ani-
mate them to walk Foot-
in their glorious
fteps and to inflame them with an hea<-

venly Ardor to ferve and love, with their

whole Hearts, the God of all the Spirits
of the Juft i wiiofe Love alone can make
But as the Multitude of thcfeholy Mar-
tyrs, and thefe other Saints, wha haire il-

luftrated theChurch of Chrift, by their

Lives and by their Deaths, has been ex-
ceeding great and withal the Ac):$ of a

great Number of them have been written

at large, fo as to fill many more Volumes
than the Generality of Chriftians can either
have the Means to procure, or the Leifure
to read : there have been fet forrh from
time to time Abridgments of their Ads,
giving a Hiort Account of what was mod
remarkable in the Lives and Deaths of
thefe Chrifllin Heroes, that the Faithful,
by reading thefe Abridgments, might find
every Day Leflbns for the Condu6l of their
own Lives, in order to arrive at the fame
happy End by an Imitation of their Vir-
tues. This was the Original of Mar tyro*
logies and Menologies ; of which there
has been publifhed in the Church of God
a great Variety i fome more general j others

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containing only the Saints of particular
Nations, or particular Ofdcrs of Rdi*
gious } for the Edification of the Fmthful
of that Nation^ or the Religious of that
Amongft thofe that were fet forth for
particular Nations, there was a Britijh Mar-
tyroiogy, publiflied about one hundred
and fitcyYears ago, by Mr. John JVilfon^
an Evgliflo Prieft, (who lived abroad in the
how Countrm ) under the Title of ^he £ng^
Ujh Martyrohge^ containing a Summary of the
Lives of the glorioM and renowned Saints of
the three Kingdoms^ England^ Scotland^ and
Ireland : which, if the JPerformance had
b^^en anfvverable to the Tide, might have
difpenfed with us from thinking of pub«
lifhing the following Sheets ^ fince the
. Work wJhich we promife would have been
already done to our Hands. But this Wri-
ter^ befides omitting the greater Part of the
Saints of the Scots Calendar (which he ne-
ver faw) and almoil: all the Saints of Ire*
land^ has been guilty of many grofs Mif-
takes in HiAory with regard to thofe he
has commemorated, and generally been
very unhappy in the choice of the Mate*
rials he has made ufe of, omitting whac
woald have been moft edifying in the Sum-
. A 3 mary

mary he gives of the Lives of thole Sef-
vama of God» and infiftieg chiefly qd cer-
tain matfvelious Events, for the nioft part
dcftkui» of my fuft«ic»i6.Autt)yority to fup-
port them.
Wherefore we tboisgbt k would not be
difagreeahle to our Countrymen, more e-*
ipectdiiy to as many of thetn^ as are Lovers
of Briii/b Antiguities^ or Fniends to ancienc
Piety, to fee a more accur^e Britijh Mar-
tyrology which might take in the Gene-
\ .

rahty of the Saints of all the three Nations,

giving a fhort Account of their Virtues

(where their Aifts were known) and leaving

oiut all that was apocryphal in their Hi^i^o-
ry ; which is what we have endeavoured
to aim at in the following Mbmorjial s
concerning which it may be proper to ac-
quaint ouc Readers, i^. That we have not'
here given the Title of Saints to any but
fuch as we found in pojfiieiIiQ£k of it, eithw.
in our Brhifh Calendars, or in the Names
of our Churches and Pariflies^ or other
ancient Monuments, teltifying the religi-
ous Veneration fi^mecly paid them by our
Anceftors* 2dly. That if we have givenr
a place ki this Msmoriai to fome other holy
Perfons who have not been thus enrolled
aoutngft the Saints, it was noc ts> befpeak,

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P R E F AC E. 7
themr or give any San6lion to, any public
Veneration of them, till the Church ftiould
be pkafed to declare them Sakits, but
merely as Hiftorians, to record their Names
with Ibmething of their Virtues^ as In->
fiances of ancient Brilijb Piety, 3dly.
That with sqgard to many of our Saim^
we have been able to give no more than
their bare Names y becaufe their Ads^ if
ever written, are long Unce loft : and as to
others, we have fometimes been forced to
join Numbers together in one Commemo-
ration ; becaufe their very Names are ac
prefent unknown. 4thly. That as to the
appointing our Britijh Saints their refpec-
tive Days thrcmghout the Year^ where our
Calendax9^ or cdxer MonoinentSt gave us
Light, wc have generally endeavoured to
follow it : :bot where we could not find
the Days, on which they were formerly
honoured, we have oimmemdrated them
on foch other D^ays, as otherwife might
have been vacant : and thus we have not
let fo much as one Day in the Year pafs
without commemorating one or more
Saints, or other Servants of God, illuftri-
ous for Chriftian Piety. Laftly, That as
to thofe, who have
preached the Faith of
Chrift in our Iflands, or have otherwife
A4 pro-

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promoted the Converfion of our Anceftorsy
though thcinlcl\res no Britons we have
alfo given them a Place amongd our Britijb
Saints, on account of their Labours a«
mongft us : as we have done alfo to fome
few others, who have had patticular Con-
nedions with Great Britain ; or whofe B.o-
dies have been tranflated hither ; arid from
hence ihall one Day be called forth to meet
the Lord of Glory, and to live with him.


Ancient British Piety:

O R, A

British Martyrology. .

Jan. I • A T London^ the Cbmrnemoratton of
t\ the holy Bifhop Thean^ whofe
Name ftand$ the firft in the Catalogue of the
ancient Biihops of that City. He is faid to have
held hit See in the Church of S. Peter's^ Corn-
hill^and to have lived in the Time of King
ciui. See Abridgment of* Dugdatis Mon^ticon^
p. 33?. Alfo a Commemoration of the other
holy primitive Prelates of the fecond and third
Century, who were the Fathers and Founders
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of our Britijb Churchea. Rmember^ fays the
Apoftle, your Prelates^ who have fpohen to you the
Word of God: wbofe Faithfollow ; confidertng the
End of their Converfation* Jefm Chriji the fame
ye/ierdayj and to-^day : and he is the fame for ever.
Heb. xiii. 7, 8. With thefe we may join the
Britijb Bimops^ who flouriihed in the Beginning
of the fourth Century ; of whom Eborius of Tork^
JLefiitutus of London^ and Adelftm of CamalGclu*
ivz^/ifyiubfcribedto -the Council of 4^Usy anno*

Jan. 2. At Londony the Commemoration of

the holy Confefibrs Ehan and Medwyne^ who
(according to divers *Hiftorians and ancient Re-
cords) being fent to Rome by King Lucius to the
htAfPaptMkutheriuSy fX> dewe Miffi6naries frdiri'
. thence who might receive him and his People
into the Church of Chrift^ returned home fo well
inftruded in the Chriftian Faith, as to become
both eminent Teachers, and great Saints. El^
luan is faid to have been the fecond Bifhop of Lon*
don^ and to have converted many of the Druids
. or heatheniih Ppiefls .(p the Failh ff Chrift. In
a little ifland, on the Eaft fide of Anglefy^ the
Cpmmemoratioa of St. ^nV, whole Church'

and Monailery are mentioned in fofin^r^s Notitia

Monqfiica^ pr 699.

Jan. 3« 'At Avaljoniay now.. GUifietibury^ the

Commemoration of the apoftoHck Miffionaries
Fagan ^d,DwywaUf or Deruvian^ honoured. by

p. zjtandpugdale^s
• See Ulher*8 Sntilh Antiquities^
Monafticoii; vol. 3, p.


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zncitnt Britons amongft their primitive Saints.
They are called by the LelTons of the Roman
Breviary, May 26, Fu^acius and Damtanus ; and
tb«re ibid ta have been fent by S< Ehuthrius
the Pope for the Converfion of the Britons which y

they happily efFeded. The Jniiquitiss of Glaf*

tenbury furtner inform iis^ that St* Fi^an and S«
Deruvtan^ in their Progrefs through Britainj vi-
fited the Solitude of AvaUonia^ and found there
the Old CbuTii^ fuppoled to- have been built by
S. yo/eph of Arhnaihea 3 and that they there ap-
pointed twelve of their Difciples to lead a mona*
iKcal, or eremitical Life, in the N^ighbcmrhood:
of that holy Church : which Number of twelve,
thev fay, was kept up by fucceffion till thedaysof
JS. Fatruk. See UJier^s Jmijuitiet^ chap. 6.

Jan, 4. In the Territory of Litchfield, the

Commemoration of many holy Martyrs, faid to
have been ma&cred there, under Di^ckiiamT*
whofe mangled Bodies that City bears in her
fcutcheon^ and from them takes her name:
iatdjfieU being the fame as Gamfrn^ Cadamrum^^
or the Field of dead Bodies. Thefe Martyrs are
fuppofed to have been Citizens of Verulam^ Jately
converted to the Cbrtftian Faidi by the mK^ia of ^
the fame holy Ecclefiaftick who converted S. Al^
ban who upon occafion of the Martyrdom of diis*

Saint, flying from the Heat of the Perfecution,

were overtaken at the Place, where Litehfiild
now and all there flain, to the Number,
ftands ;

as fome Authors affirm, of about one thoufand

Perfons: who having thus wajhed their Robes^
in the Blood of the Lamb^ live now with him for .

ever* On this Day is alio commemorated in


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Wilfaris Mmfnhgy^ S. Cnniack, Confeffi>r, il^^

I uftrious for San&i ty amongft the Sc^s^ .

Jan. 5* In the Abbey of W^mtnjlet the Dc-
poution of S. Edward^ King and Confeflbr, re-
nowned for the Innocence and Sandit^ of his .

Life^ and his virginal Purity^ which he preferv;r

ed, by a rare Example, even in the, Stiate of Ma-
trimony. God made him alfo illuftrious by the
Gift of prophqdck Light, and many Miracles
as well giving Sight to*the Blind, as in heair
ing the King's Evil, and other Difeafes. Obiit
anno iob6. At Wejimnjier the Commemora-
tion alfo of blefied Bebert^ the firft Cbriftian King
of the Eajt-Saxons ; who firft built the Church
of S. Feter tbere> .which fome fay was then con- ,

fecrated by the Apofile himfelf. [See Dugdalis

Monajikoriy vol. i. p. 55.] He palled to a better
life anno 616; and lies buried in the foutheoi
part of the choir " of the Abbey Church*

: , Jan. 6. The Epiphany^ or Manifeftatjon of our

X/ord : the Cbii^as Day of all the Churches of
the Gentiles. At.the Abbey of S. Piter and S.
Paul, near Canterbury (commonly called S. jfu^
Jiin s ) the Commeuoai^tioa of ttlefl'ed Peter ^ Dif-
. oiple.of S. Gregory theGreat, and firft Abbat of
that Monaftery, by the Appointment of S. Ju-*
gHjHn our Apofile : who after a mofi Saint-like
Adminiftration of his Charge, being fent over
to France^ about fome eccleliaftical Affairs, anno
607^ was caft away upon the Coaft of Btkukgne^

b Id auHrali parte facrarii. Dugdale s Abridgment.

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y.
His Body was obfcurdy baited near the Shore i
till the neighbouring People obferving a heaven-

ly Lights fhining every Night over his Grave^

and upon Enquiry finding how great and holy a
Man he had been, taking up his Corpfe tt-anflated
it to the Church of Boulogne. S. Bedej h i.e. 33,

Tie Sauls of the Jujf are in thi Hands of God

to the Eyes of the Unwife they feemed to die^ and
their Departure from hence was looked upon as a
Mifery'^but tbey an in Peace* Wifd. iii. 1^ 2» 3^
At Canterbury alfo the Commemoration of the
holy Abbats yohn^ Rufiniany Graiiofus^ Petronius
and Nathanaelj Succeiibrs^ one after another^ oC
B» Pitir in the Government of the fame Moiia*
ftery, all Difciples of the fame S. Gregorys andi
all worthy of excellent a Mafler.

yan. 7. At Le/itngham in York/hire^ the Dc-*
pohtion of S. Ced^ Biihop of London^ Brother of
S. Chad of Litchfidd^ and Difciple of the great &
Jidan of Lindtsfarne^ in whofe Steps he walke'd,
by a'clofe Imitation of all his Virtues; for no-
thing of this World did he value or reg4rd> but
wholly cbnfecrated himfelf to divine Love, and
. tO'the Service of the Souls of his Neighbours.
His fiiyft apoiloUck: Labours were dedicated to the
Conmfion of iSm Midland Bnglijh: aftor whicby.
he was fent to the Province of the Eajl-Saxons^
'whom he brought over to the Faith of CbrUl«
He founded, for the training up his Concerts irt
Chriftian Perfeftion, the Monafteries of Ithan^
chejier and Tilbury in EJfex ; laying the Founda-
tions of them by forty Days Fafting and Prayer
as he did afterwards in founding, at the Defire
of King Edilwald^ a Houfe Qf Saiius at L^JUng-

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ham in the M^uMaitifi of ZWiV (Tark/hirey
From whence he himfelf happily pafl'eo to the
Mountain of Eternity, anno 6&4. His Body ^

was depofi«e€r there itvdie 6hurch of the Bleifed

Virgin, Bede^ 1. I. c. 21, 22,&c.] But his
Soul is with him, whom
he fo entirely loved and
fenred : accfording to that nromife of
Truth, If
any Man mmijier unto me^ let him follow me : and
where I am, there qifo JbaUmy Mtnt/ier be* John

jfan. 8. The Commemoration of the holy

Pti^B^ Celin- and C^bHf Brelhera to S. and
CSmdt and no left allied to them in Vii^tue
than in Blood ; and therefore jointly honoured
Vfiih them by our Anceftors amongft the SainlSr
[Santm Breviary, March 2.] Alfo at Lmdm^ the
Depofition of holy Gtiithelin^ a zealous and godly
Archbiihop of that See, in the Time of the
Brit9Hs. Mat. Weftminjler^ anYlO 435. At TuW
licht alfo, in the Diocefe of Aberdeen^ the Depo*
iition of S* Nethakn^ Bifliop and Confeflbr^ ho-
floored on this Dai^ in the Aberdeen Breviary. ^

yan. 9^ At Canterbury^ the Depofition of S#

M^hlnveMj tibe eighth Aithbiftop of that See,
celebrated for his Learning and San6Mty. Obiitf
ahno 731. S. Bede^ L 5. ۥ 9 & 24..^ In the
Solitude of Sirach^ not far from Glendarchy^ in
StoHawii the Depofition of S. Filanj or FeHan^
Abbat, greatly honoured of old, both in North
Britain and Ireland. Obiit anno 703, Abirdeen
Breviary. AJfo in Seofkmd^ the Commemora'-
tion of S. Kenti^erna^'WkdQWy faid to have been
Mother of Si Fikn.

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Jan^ 10* At (kntirlmty^ the D^Skion «f S«
Adriariy^Abbat of the Monaftery of S. Peter and
S- Paul (commonly called S. AuJIiris ) who being,
fent over into England by Pope Vitaliany ki the "

Company of S. Theoddre the A'rchbiflicrp, anno

669, befides preaching every where, and inft^u£l-^•
ing the People, throughout the Land> in aU the
Rules of a Chrifiian Life, ancl the ri^ c6 Way
eternal Salvation, opened in Kent an excellent
bchool ofall good Learnings and Chriftian.Pidt}v
itivfhich be tratmed up msiy Simits; indt
brought fuch happy Days amongft us, as Eng^'
land had never known beibreu He departed w
our Lord in a good old Age^ Jam 9. anno j ro»
S. Bi'dey L 4. c. I, 2. 1. 5, c, 21. Alfo at CWir-^
Urbury^ the Commemoiiatioa of the holy Abbat
JVnnu^^ Difciple and worfh^r Sudteflbv of 8»*
Jdrian^ and Afliftant to S. Bede in compilings
hisChurch Hiftory* ^hey that injiru^ many mUh
Jujike^ JbdLJhim a$ ibAJSrigbtfufs of th§ firm^'
menty and as^the Stars to all Eternity. Dan. xii. 3»

Jan. II* At Tf^orciftiT^^lki^ Feilivity of

Egwin^ the Bifhopof thfttSee, and Fouii^
der of the famous Monaftery of our Lady of
Evt/ham r i^ho thro' many Id^dours^ Triak and
Triiulaiimij made Ms way to tiie £ingdditi 'd^
God anno 717, and was ljuried in his Monafte-^
ry of Evifimm* William oi Malmjbury^ 1. 4, de .

Pontif. Ang. kt. Alfo at Kkrk ihe Tnuifla«ion

of the Body of S. JVtUiam Archbifliop of that*
See, whofe Relicks were taken up (on occafioi>
of the many iUuikiotts Miractes wrought at hts^
Tomb) tranflated and cnftirined anno 1284.
The McoPLory of which Tranilation was folensn*

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]jrkept in the Dbcefe of T&ri^ on the Sunday
within the Octave of the Epiphany. Mifale

Jan. 12. PitWeremouih in the Biflioprlck of

Durham^ the Depofition of St. Benmt Bifcop^
Abbaty Founder of the lifter Churches and Mo-
nafteries of S. Peter and S. Paul at Werermuth
and Jarrow ; where he trained up mmy excel-
lent Religious ; and amongft the reft) the great
S. Bide : who has left us in writing the Lives of
his Matter, and the other firft Abbats of the
. Monaiteries by him eftabJiihed. He departed ta
our Lord^ after being purified by a long and te-
* -

dious Ilinefs (which he qualified by divine Me-

ditations) anno 690, and was buried in S. Pe^
i0r^s Cbuich : from whence his Body was xtm^
ilated to Thorney Abbey anno 970. Allb at the
Abbey of Rievale or Ridale in Torkjhire^ the De-
pofition of blefied Jelred^ Abbat, illuftrious for

Learning and Sandity. He was a clofe Imitator

of his holy Father the great S. Bernard^ both in
his Manner of Writing, and in his Way of
Living* Obiitasitto is 66.

Jan. 13. At Gkfgow in Scotland, the Fcfti-

vity of S. Keniiginh ^^9B Mmgim^ ^fliop and
Confeflbr. He was of the Royal Blood of the
Kuigs of the Cumbrian Britonsj who then inha-
bited the South- weft of Scotland: and was
brought up from a Child by S. Servanus^ in his
Monaftery of Culrofs^ Being afterwards made
Bifliop of that Province, he imitated both the
Labours, and the Lives of the Apoftles ; and
by his Vx^^iug. ^ad Muades. brought over in*

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Dumerable Souls to God. He alfo ^eatly pro-
moted monafticiL Difcipiine, as wellm his ownr
Country, where he gathered together at Oilar/^'
gow^ Ti numerous congregation of devout Bre-
thren^- living according to the Form of the pri-
mitiveChurch ; as in NortihWiiles^ Vi\Me he
(when forced from home by the
letfTed himfelf,
Pcrfecution of the Wicked) and founded the
fiamous Monaftery of Llan Elwy (now S.Jfaph^s)
where he was fplritual Father to 965 Brethren j
to whom be allotted their different Functions,
of the a&tve or contemplative Life ; according
to their Capacities and Difpofitions ; regulating
alfo their Houn both of the Night and Day, in
fuch Manner as never to fufFer the divine Of-
^ce to be difcontinued ; but that (bme or other
of them fhould be always finging in the Church
the Praifes of Godi At length being recalled to.
his former See, after many more Years of Apdfto-
lick Labours, he entered into the yoy of fheLordy
anno 601 : and was buried at G^t^^w, Where the
great Church, now the Cathedra), was dedicated
ui his Name* See hi$ ASts in John of ImmMh^
inUJher's Antiquities^ &c;
• • •

yan. 14. At Cfymioc Vawvy in Caemarvm^

Jhire^ the Commemoration of S. Beuno or Ben*
Abbat, of whom there is ample mention in
the A^of S. Winefridej and in the Lei&ns of
the Sarum Breviary. He was of a moft no-
ble Extraction, in Powis-Landj Coufin Ger-^
man bv the Mother to S. Kmfigem ; and an ar«
dent Lover tsS God from km ChiMhood. Aftm
retiring from the World, and dedicating himfelf
U> a religious Life i he was for his Merit fd^

yanccd to the Prieftly Dignity j and by found-
ing dims Chuirhes and religious Communities^
very much advanced the Glory and Kingdom of
hi& Lord* His laft Foundation was, af^r bis de«
partuceftom S. Wmefrede^ tbe famous Mona-
fiery of Clynnoc Vawr dsmo From whence
he was called to the Land of the Living about
the Year 623, Clpmoc Vawr was afterwards
given to the Bernardin Monks; and a new
Church built there, one of the nobleft in Waks^
under the Invocation of S. B^um : bat his Body
continued in the old Churchu See DugdaUs
najikonj vol. 2. Alfo in the Ifle of Enlly^
[Bardfey) the Commemoration of the Man o£
God, Laudatus {LauMad) firft Abbat of »
holy Congregation eftablifhed in that Ifland ; and
ni^rly allied both to S. Beuno and to S. Kenti^
girth Alfo at Llan^£nman Frsnin^ the Cob>*
memoration of holy Eneon Bhrenm, King ot
Cumhria^ who not long, before the Foundation
mf Gly«000 Fmor hyt S. Bnm§fi leaving bis Roji^
akyy built a Chucchr in ^at Country, which
was afterwards called by his Name ; where he
fpent the remainder of.|iis Days in God'fr Love
and Service. See concerning thefe Saints Mr.
Vaughan^ ^ft Author well acquainted witk the
Antiquities of his Countryi quoted in Ds. GU-^
^^yCmkdm^ p. 825.
Jan. 1 5. At R&finede in the County of Wa^
Uffri^A^ tb« FeftivUi ef %^Mida or ha^ Virgm -

and Abbefs, of the Royal Blood of tbe Mo-

iiarcbs of. Inland \ who leaving all for.Chrift,
by a .donttant Atttaiiion ta divine Lovei a^nd a-
perpetual Rccolleftion in God 1 arrived atfo high
a Per-.

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a PerfetSlion lu all Virtues, as to become, next
to S. Brigide^ the moft iUuftrions of all the o-» W
iiien Sainte of Ireland. Ohiikjmvm 569^ ASa
€^ud BoUandum. In Cornwall the Commemo-
ration Day£y whofe Church or Chapel at

the Town of
S« Ikiye^ was m
former Times a
Place of gfeatrdbrt for Devotion* [EngJanfs

Janu i6» At Psrdme in Pkardf the Depofi*
tion of S. Furfcyj Abbat, of Royal Iri/h Blood,
who from his very Childhood confecrated bis -

whoie^Helrt^toDiviiieLove; and as he grew up*
laboured with all- hi^ Power to hniiart to his
Brethren, both by his Preaching and his Life,
thofe bright Fkmes which were enkindled in his
own BroiA ; being animated thereto by certain
heavenly Vifions, related at large in hiy ancient
After having wonr many Soub tOiGoil in^
hi$> owiv Cboffitry (wbei^Be cDtM nolemgei^ M»
dure the Crowds that were* contirmaHy flowing
in upon him) he came over to. Britain', and
pfcteebed Chrifl wkif great Zeal;» and^ fefs M
Fruit, in the Province of the Ea/i Jngies ;
where ajio he founded^ the famous Monaftppy of
BmghcaftU is Suffdk^ At length paffin^ over
irAa France^ after efBsbKfting there the Abbey
of L
at Per§nk0\ he waar called from tbenee to a bet«/
ter Life^ annor 650^ Hit Body was fodnd in*
corrupt four and twenty Years after his Death ;
and depofited;in the Church iA Peronfie^ whi^h *

19 dedScat^ torGbdin his^I^^ame. ^'Beie^ I. 3. e. •

19, Likewife in^ Ireland the Feftivity of S.

NmudbiuSf Abbat^^ . Father and Teacher of

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many whom he named op in his Mona«
an lite of the Lake of Erne. At I?;/-
ftcry, in
mmth the Depofition of S. Henryy Hermit, who
. foUowing a Divine Call, leaving Detmari his
0»intiy, with all his* worldly Friends,
and whatever he feemed to peflefs; embraced a
I/ife of wonderful Aufterity atid Sanctity, in the
Ifle of C^chtj near the Coaft of Nnrtbuniberiand
which he continued for a long Space of Years,
till his dying Day ; fufFering, for a great Part of

the Time, a moft ioathfome and painful Ulcer

in the Knee; which even fwarmed with Ver-
ipin ; but hindered him not frorn ftill working
' for hh poor Livmg, and perpetually praifing
God, with a moft reniarkable Alacrity : 'till he
arrived at laft at the end of all his Sufterings,
and the happy be2:inaing of a Repofe and Life,
that never ends, Jan.. 16/ anno 1 1 27. He was
buried in the Church of our Lady at Tinmouthy
near the Body of &, .OJwm King:and Martyr*
His A&s in CapgraWf

Jan. 17. At Menjirey in the Me of thanet the

Commemoration of the Royal Virgin S. Mil^
Sifter to the Saints Mildred znA MUlmrg^^
and a clofe follower of their Purity and Sanftity.
Alfo the Commemoration of S. /Were/in Brother
t9 thefe Saints : whofeeminent-Ptety iaa tender
Age, has entitled to a Share in the Glory of ^
the Saints,. To whom we may apply that of the
Wife Miin, Wi/d. iv. 139 14. Being made perfea
in a Jhort Space^ he filled up a Img Time: far his
Spul pleafed God : Wherefore he hajlened io bring
him out from the mi^ of Iniquities. Thefe Saints

Bourykt^i 10 Ibt Seventh Century; In^ Ireland


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the Commemoration of S. Kenan^ Confeflbry re-
nowned for Sandity in the fixth Century,

Jan. 18 In Britain the Feftivity of S. Dit^

ioldy Abbat, Difciple of S. Columban fays the Ro-
man Martyrology on this Day. He followed that
great Saint from Ireland into Britain^ and from
Britain into France and Bwgumfyj where he
Intinded the Abbey of Luira (Lure) and cfta-.
b]i(bed it in great Perfedion, In the latter Part of
his Life, he retired to a private Oratory to pre-
pare himfelf by continual Prayer and divine
Contemplation for a happy Eternity, into which
he entered ia the former Part of the feventh
Century. See his Life by Chiffiet. 'Tis re-
lated of this Saint, that he always fmiled and :

that being afked the Reafon> be returned this

Anfwer : I fmile becaufe no man can take away
jny God from me. There were alfo two other ,

holy Men, of the Name of Deicola or Dicul^ of

the fame Irijh Nation ; who flouriihed in En^
gland in the feventh Century : the one a Ccm«
panion and Difciple of S. Furfey^ to whom he ,

committed the Care of his Monailery at Burgh^

tajik^ when he betook himfelf to an eremitical
Jvife, in the Company of his Brother S. Vltan^
S. Bede^ 1. 3, c. 19. The other Abbat of Boj€^
ham in Suffix^ when S. Wilfrid came Co preach
Chrift to the South Saxons, o. Bede^ 1. 4. c. 13,
* • • •

Jan, tg. At Wmejlir the Feftivity of jS;

Woljlan^ who from an humble Monk was, by
compuliion^ made Biibop of that See which he ;

adminiftered worthily of a Succeflbr of the Apo*«

iUes« Hi$ preaching, like that of the Apoftles^

Uiyj^ed by Google
^thout the Pomp of fecular Learning, or bar-
man Eloquence, carried with k an Unftion of
the Spirit, which made its Way into the moft
Jitfrdened Hearts : the more ibecaofe his
Life «was
a continual Sermon, atvd a perpetual Prayer. He
had alfo a particular Talent in bringing Souls to
Ood in the Sacrament of Penance, which at*
•tra<ded to him, from all Parts of the Kingdom,
V fuch Penitents as had not the Courage to d^^clare
Iheir Sins to any other. He had the Charity of
41 Father to all ; more efpeclally to the Poor^
and was generally loved by all, as a Father. He
built tlie Cathedral of WaueJ^tr \ and went to
our Lord in a good^old Age, anno 1095. Oil
the fame Day In Finland the Martyrdom of S.
Hinry an Engliih Man, Bifliopof VpfaU and
ApoiUe of Finland. ^ He fettled and confirmed
Swedeland as yet young in the Faith, (faith John
•Jklagnus^ in the Lives of the Archbifliops of
Upfal) and brought it over from the iilth of the
Sins, with which it was defiled, to the W
of Chriftian Piety : he inftructed the Nation,
ignorant before, both in divine and humaa
J^ws ! he helped King Brie to become a Saint,
&c/ He converted to the Chriftian Faith a great
Part of Finland ; which alfo received his Blood,
^ anno 11 51. He has a Place in the Swedijh

Jan. 20. At F$wir in the County of tFeJl^

miothf the Fcftivity of S.Fechiny Abbat, Founder
of divers Churches and Monafteries, Father oi
above three bundled Monks, and Converter of
a ereat Number of Infidels and Sinners. After
a Life of wonderful Mortiftcation apd San<aity,
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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 23
be was taken to our Lord, in the Time of the
great Mortality anno 664. Alfo at Tegh M9^
lagga in the County of Corky the Feftivity of S.
Molacus^ Confcflbr, Patron of that Church, Alfa
in the Monafieiy of S. Columkille in the Ifle of
Hy^ the Martyrdom of S Bhthmac Abbat, and
his Companions, put to Death by jD^7«//& Pirates,
in hatred of their Faith, towards the beginning
of the ninth -Century. Their Paffion was writ*
ten by Walafridus Straboy a learned Abbat of
the fame Century by which it appears that

Slathmac was d Saint ftY>m his Childhood ; and

had long been ambitious of the Happinefs of dy--
ing for Chrift ; and therefore he met with Joy
rtiat Death, which was to unite him with bis
true Life for evermore.

2T. In Siuedeland the Commemoration

of S. Ulfhtd or Woift^edj an Apoftolick Pfieadier
of the Englifh Nation, and one of thofe to
whom under God, Swedeknd ftands indebted
for the Faith of Qirift. He fuflFered Martyr-
dom there at the Hands of the Infidels, about the
Year io28# In Scotland the Feftivity of S. ^1-
7mnj Bifiiop,-marked \n,lSM Aberdeen Breviary to
have pafTeJ to a better Life anno 715. At the
Monaftery of S. Michael in Tierarche on the
Confines ofHaynauU^ the Feftivity of Sk^Makallan
firft Abbat of that Community, and of that of IFa-

%or in the Territory of Liege : a Man of adnoir-.

able Sandfly. Of whom thus writes Flodear^
a cotemporary Htftorian. ''Anno gyS, the;
Man of God Malcallan^ an Irifhman by Nation,
i^an. 21} left this traxifitory Life, which he
Mted ; and happily began to live with that

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Lord,, whom in his life Time he had continu-
ally ferved/

'Jan. 22, At TVilton the Comemoration of .

holy Britbwald, Bifhop, eminent for the Sane* .

thy of his Life,- and his. prophetic Spirit, of

whom a moft honourable mention is made in the
Leflbns of S. Edtvard the Confeflbr^ in the
man Breviary. Obiit anno 1007. At Hertland
Abbey in Devonjhire the Commemoration of S.
NeSfan^ Cdnfeflbrt Patron of that Church and .

Monaftery. In Cornwall the Commemoration of

S,yz^Confeflbr, held heretofore in great Vene-
ration amongft the C&rntjh Britons, as appears
lay the Places which to this Day bear his Name.

Jim. 23. At Runifey in Hampjhire the Com-

memoration of Mlflida- or E^idoy a noble
Virgin, trained up in the Difcipline of Chrift,
by A
Merwenna*^ and third bbefs of the Mo-
naftery of faicred Virgins, at Rumfey. She flou-^
riflied in all Sanfllty in the tenth Century. Her
Body was enfhrined in the Church of the blef**
fed Virgin at Rumfey^ together with that of
her Mii&efs S* Mmxmma. w
here alfo a Num-
ber of other Saints repofed in our Lord, ^ami
Manufcrlpt. At Cakaria ^now Tadcafiir) in"
Torkjhin the Commemoration of holy Hiiu^
Virgin and Abbefs, faid to have been the firft
Woman amongft the Northern Englifh, that
rbnfecrated herfelf to our Lord, in the Life and
Habit of a Nun, being dedicated to God by
S* Aldan. She Arft founded the Monaftery of
Hartkpool (of which S. HiUk was afterwards
Abbefs) and tlien the Monaftery of Cakaria \

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BRITISH P i E ¥• T as
from whence (he pafled to the happy fociety of
the faints, fome tioie in (he fisvemh century. S»

04. At Lkncarvan three miles from

Cotuhridge in Glanmganjhire the feftivity of S,
C^tfi^T abb^ ; fon of S.
prince of that
^imttyy by Gkdufa^ daughter of Bra^m^ or
Brecatiy who gwe name to Brickmckjhire^ and
was the and twenty children, all
father of four
faintB* Cadoc following the example of hia fa^
iher^ left his earthly principality, for the lov^ xsi
"Chrift, and put himfelf under the difcipline of
^ %ilthm in the fchool of all goQ4 Icarnii^ and
piety, which he ha^ lately opened Gtrfr^Gmm
in Monmouihjbire till having learnt of this great

mafter the fcience of ^e faints, he laboured to

impart the fiime to many others, by the founda^
tion of the fchool and monafteiy of Llancarvan^
one of the moft celebrated of all Brii4iin% where
|ie 4r4ined i|p many fiuats : and as he had aU
,way8 lived the life of the faints himfelf, fo he
died the death of the faints, fometime in the
former part of 4he fixth century. At Bemvm^
mntum in baly the feftivity of S. Bophias^ called
^ib CadoCj a noble Briton, who going abroad
into Italy w» for hi$ eminent merits made bi*
{bop of BiftingnHim^ and ended his days by
martyrdom. At Llancarvayi alfo the commemo-
^ration of the holy abbat £i&/iiW diiciple and fuq*
cdlhi of &Cadocy who no way. degeneflUed
fi om the virtues of his mafter.

Jan* t5« Tb« comredioa of S. Pm/, the ^

f oitle #ind general do^or of all the churches of
B the

26 A Ut E MiO R I^A i; O't
of the Gentiles : who alfo, as fome authors af-
firnij perfonally preached -in Britain.
In th^
monaftery of S.HUda at StreanJhaU {n<iw If^hhby)
in York/hire^ the coinn-icnioration of holy Trum^
tx;iff^biihop of the Pi^s^ who being -expelled his
fee^'when that nation fliookofFfhe ^nglijh yoke^
fpeiit the remainder of the days of his mortality -

in religious -folitude arid devotion inltruiSing : m

the mean time in the- ^ys* of true lifn?^ and
reeling the- men* and women fervants of
God, who lived in comfniinityj in the fiamoua
monaftery of SireanJh€ilU governed at that <ime
by the rojwil VXt^H ' Blfieda^ and: Her- nibtbe^
queen Earljled. He was called from hence to
our Lord about the year /oo* ./ i

Jan. 26. In the iflcf 6i TcombkiUe (Hy) the
commemoration of holy Eochoid (or Eoglodius^)
€me of the twelve apoftolick preacheiis,'<difeiples
of S.Coluffikille^ who accompanied this faint,

when he came over into BriUziny and joined

. their labours with his, in convertmg the Pi£is^
and propagating in Ncn'th Britain monaftick di-
fcipline.. At Barking in E£ex the commemora*
tion of holy Tor<hgytb virgin, difciple of S. Ethel^
hirgOj and one of the fuperidrefles of that
faintly community : who as vcnefable Bede re-
. lates I. 4* c. 9* was favoured with a vifion, in
which file faw ber holy miftnbfs takeh^ tip td
heaven: to which bl fled place of eternal re-
pofe, (he was alfo heri^if invited, after having
been purified like gold tti the furnace, With A

courfe of long and painful infirmities, which

exercifed her, without intexAiiifion, for the fpace
of nine yearstr •• • ^ « -

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BiR IT Its H P I E T Y. ay

Jan. 27. In the monaftery of Chelles the de-
poUtion of S. Bathildes (or BaldchiU) queen of
France^ who heing an Eiiglijh Saxon by birwhp
and carried away young into France^ was for
jthe beauty of .her foui aod body, advanced from
the condition -of a fervant, to be the cotjfort of
king Chuh II. to whom (he brought forth three
Ions, all fuccefTi^'ely kings of France^ Clotmre^
Clnlderic^ and Thierry \ aiid during their minO'-
rity governed the kingdom with great wifdom,
^uUice and religion^ ey«r guiding herfelf by the
-counlel o|f the, moft eminent in iznOixKy^ amongft
the bifliops. She founded the famous abbeys,
of Corbji for religjlpus ^len ; and of Chelles for
jeligious wotnen; in which latter many noble
SngUfli virgins, in the infancy of ourSaxon church,
confecrated themfelves fpoufes to Jefus Chrift.
S. Beele 1, 3. c. 8. In this monaiicry alfo the
Jboly queen herfelf as (bon as her eldefl fon Qzmt
to age, quitting the world, and all that the
•world is fond of, took up the fwcet yoke of
religious obedience and Jitimility, and there at
length ended her days in fanitity, anno 600.
Her body was found uncorrupt, above a cen-
tury after bier death. She has, a place both in
the Sarum and Ttfri calendai^ Jan^ 30. Some
part of her relicks was kept in the monaftery
of Rumfey in Hampshire. Saxon Manu/crip^
of the burying places of, the Englijh faints*

Jan. 28. At Cddinghum in the marches of

Scothndf the comiBefifH>ration of holy Adamnan
an illuftrious penitent, who touched with rc-
morfe. for a fin committed in his youth con;
denmed* himfelf Co fuch a perpetual penance, as
B 2 to

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to cat but on two days in the week ; and to
, fpend both night and day^ in pra)rcrs and peni-
tential tears* God was pleafed to reveal to him
the judgment by iire which coniumed that mo*
naftery, anno 686, in puniftiment of their irrc*
^ularitieSf S. B^iie^ L 4. c 25.

yan. 29. At Glajlenburyj the fefftvity of

Gtldas conieflbr^ furnamed the Elder and the
jllbaman from being bom in 'North Britain:
who after opening publick fchools, for training
up faints, both in Britain and Ireland (where
he regulated the liturgy, and was honoured like
a fecond- S. Patrick) ahd ilhiArating berth king-
doms with his wifdom and fanftity; retired to
AvaUon^ now Glajienlury \ and thereafter fome
years of an eremitical life repofed in our Lord«
anno 5 12. Vjher^s Antiauities. Alfo at Ruy m
Little Britain the depoution of S. Gildas the
Tounger furnamed Badonicus^ difdple of ///»-&
tus y and fchoolfcllow of S. Samfon and S. Paul
im;, iiluftrious for his learning and holmeft
of life, and his zealous labours in God's fervice.
He pafled over into Little Britain^ and there be-
came an hermitc in an ifland called Horata : but
many difciples reforting to him, he went ovcf
to the mountain of Riwys or Ruy^ and there
touuded in their favour a famous munafterv, af-
terwards from him called S. Gildas*s. In the
neighbourhood of which, he made himfelf a
little oratory, where he devoted his folitary
hours to divine love, till be was called to a
bappy eternity^ anno 57c. He is honoured as
matron in the diocefe of Vannes in Little Britain.
n Scotland the fefiivity of S. Makwobk biihopt

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B R I T I S H P I E T 2q
honoxj^^d in the Scouijb breviariesj where his
bappy death is marked anno 720.

• y^^* 30. In North Britain the commemora*'

tion of holy MaUoCf brother to S» Gildas^ the
Albanian ; a man excellently inftrudted in the
divine letters ; who leaving his father's houle
and ^ bis worldly pretenfions, built a mona-
fteiy in a place called LuiheSy where he lived
and died in great fan£tity.Alio the commemo-
ration of two other brothers of the fame S.
Gildas^ Egreas and Aiki€us ; who with .their
fifter Peieona^ in like manner left the world, and

cboofingja retired place, in the furtheft extremi-

ly of that country, built diemfeves feparate ora-
tories, where by watching, fading and fervent
prayiB;r, they continually tended towards their
heavfvly hoiMi till they wete galled at Jaft to
the joys of the Lord, fome time in the fixth cen-
tHry. [See ttie adts of S. Gildas^ publiihed from
9^ ancient -m|in«ff9ripl0 hy John dt J5^^.] Alfp
|n ScQtlandy the d^ppfitipn of :S. MdcgJa/lian
iMjOiqp, ]yvho w^ntto our Lord anno 814. Alfo
ii^ the abbey of FuUen in Germanyf the depofi-

t^on of S- 4w^bade an Irijh monk ; who lived

there for>many years a reclufe, immured between
A>ur w^ls I in 0e exercifes of continual prayer
and penance, Obiit anoo ip43«

Jan.^i. In Scotland the feftivity of S.Mo*

dl^eb bifiiopy who
has a place this day in the
Aberdeen breviary* Alfo at Feme in the pro-
vince of Leinjler in Ireland^ the feaft of S.
JEdaniiliSiB Maid^c bifliop a child of prayer |

f&d*trauifid.up froip his youth, by the great S.

f B* 3 David

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30 A M E MO R I A L O F
X>avid of Menevia^ in monaftick dtfeipline, and
all chriftian perfeilion. He afterwards founded
clivers churches and monafleries in Ireland, and
imparted to itinumerable fouls tbeieilbns of per-
fection, he had Jearnt from fo excellent a after. m
His chiefeft foundation was that of Ferney -

where he was both abbat and bifhop. He de-

parted to our Lpord in a good old age, anno 632.
Feh. I. AT Ktldare in Ireland the def)ofiti-
/\on of Brigidi or Bride virgin
..and abbefs: whole extraordinary fan^Hty and
miracles have made her name renowned ; not
only in all our Brkljh churches, but in the
whole church of Chrtft. Her feaft is fet down^on
this day in the Sarum, York^ and Mirdeen-C9k\tn-'
dars, and in the Roman Martyrology where ;

alfo notice is taken, that when (at the time of

her confecrating herfelf to God) Ihe bbwedf
down her head to kifs the dry wood, at the foot
of the altar, it immediately grew green, in
token of her purity. ~ She gave a rule to religi*-
ous virgins, which was followed afterwards by
moft psrt of the nuns of Ireland. She exthang-
ed^her mbrtal life for a happy immortality anno
523. * Alfo at JSi/E/i7r^ihe'depori^ton of the
abbefs Darlugdacha^ the favourite difciple, and
fucceflbr of S. Brigide^ in the government of the
monaflery ; who according to the pt'edi^on of
the faint, was afibciated with her in the heavenly
Paradife, on that very day twelve^month, after
the death of her bleiltd mothto.
Fth^ %M At Cmterbm^y the depofirion rf S»

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Lawrence^ the Tecond arcbbi(hop of that fee* He
wasadifciplc of S. Gregory the Great, and next
to S. AuguAin the chiefeft of thoie apoilolical
miffiohariest who brought the light of fiiith tci
the Englijh.mtion ; and by their doctrine, fane-
tity and miracles brought over many thoufands
to Qhrift« He fucceeded S*jfugu/lin in the archi-^
^ptfcopal fee^ and firenxioufly laboured, fays S.
Bedcj I. 2. c. 4, * to advance the foundations of

t)\echurchy which be bad ieen fo glorioufly laid;

^A'ftrovey tor.bring this fpiritual edifice to its
full perfe^ion ; as well hy nis frequent and holy

t^xbotftationSf a^iby the continual examples of

bta godly works, He converted king

hakl^ with his people, to the faith of Chi ill, and

to a life worthy of chriftian piety ^ and not long
aiftn wps^ca^kd to receive the reward of his la*
l>purs^ Fik»2t ^moM9' A\{o ztKildari in Inland
the commemoration of B. Conlaetb of
firit .bifl>pp

that city ; illullrious for his fan£tity and mira-

cles rtwhrotnS/ Brigide^iX\6& outof his £>Ktude, the director and father of the ixUgioU^
inen> who eaibrac^ her inAicute.

• */Feh,''^,lhi Hanltuy m Huntingtonf/jue^ the

of S. Wereburge. vit'^in and abbefs^
dau^ter to Wti^here king, of toe Merdofu-ky
his queen S, Ermenilda: and nearly allied <o
many great faints; She confecrated herfelf, when
very youiig> to Chrift the fpoufe of virgins, in
.tb4 monaftery of Ely j founded by her aunt, S.
jfudry : and after arriving here at great perfec-
'iioii^ib^ founded for herfelf with the help of
Mtr ut^e kin§ Etimked^ the mpiUifteries of If^e^
Trhkinghdm and Hanhury \ and in them
B 4 trained

Digitized by Google
3a A M E MO R I A OF
trained up many holy virgins. In the .ways
pcrfe<3; purity, and divine love. She died to-
wards the dole of the ievench century, and wai
buried at Hanbury t from whence her 'body was
afterwards tranflated to Chefter t the cathedral o#
which city is dedicated to God in her nanie;
Alfo in the fame province of Mercia^ the com^
memaratlon of a latter St ff^ereiurge, queen anct^
abbefs who after the death of her hufband king

Ciidred (anno 7<6j retiring into> a monaftery

there like the holy widow Anna the prophecdri
for the (pace of uxty-five years, conftantly at«*
tended in the temple of God> f^rving nigfai and
day, with fafting and prayer, till her happy
death, anno 'jii, Hoveden, This is alfo th«
day of S. Blafius biftiop and martyr : whofe re*
lickswere brought from Ram^ by bc^ l^kg* ^

muni archbi(hop ; and enlhfined ui catho-

dral of CanUrbury^ ^ *

Fib. 4« At Semprtngham in Line$kfi^r4 the fe«

ftivity of S. Gilbert cenfeflbr, founder of the re-
ligious order of the Gilberiim ; who formerly
had many monafteries in thefe kingdoms. He
Jived to be above one hundred years old ; purfu-
ing to the end the faint^like courfe of Wity
whkrh he had entred apon in bk youth* sObilt
anno 1190, and was renowned for miracles,
both alive and dead* See an abftra£l of his life
in Dugdalt^s M^nqfticm^ AKozt Rofmtth^nevit
Dunharion^ in Scotland^ the idRivtty o# S« Afy^
dan abbat, honoured on this day in the jfber-^
deen breviary ; and of his brother S. il^^^ olr
Midan waidSisT: AHb in fb«-^frimy of
hr.'iy^ tb^ martyrdom of S. Ltdipb^d^ or Li^
fbard^ •

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BR I T I S H P I E T Y. .33
pbitrd^ a B^itifi^ prelate, who returning from a
pi^image he had made to Bmu^ was flatn by
certain Pagan robbers, in a wood near Camhray
anno 642* His relicks are kept in the abbey of
Hannaw in the fame diocefe.

Feb. 5, la the territory of Glaflmhury\ the

«pai&on of S. IndraSius martyr, foa to one of
the kingjB of Inland.: .who leaving hi$ country and

friends, came over into Britain and there in

the n^igb|;>ourhood of (iJafimbufy^ led a folitaty
In^rqat abftinence and contlpual prayer,
with feven other companions. Where at length
they were ail murdered, by fome wicked men^
in Mxps$ of* meeting widi a hooty* Th<6ir bo-
dies^ which the murderers had cafl into a deep
pit, were difcovered by .a light from haa^en, aod
tranflated to the church of Gkfienburjf the m
days of Jcing Ina : where their feftivity was for-p
roerly k^pt on this day. .Malmejbury. Alfo in
Cornwall the comoR^eoioratipp of SmfBr^us foa^
feilor^ in whoiSb n^me a collegiate chuxch was
there formerly dedicated. See Brown IVtlUs
Miired Jbbey$^ vol» fl^ .and 1^4itmr'i NpMia Mo^

6. At ^iffick^Sja the county of Loagii

fmrd in /r^/i7;«i^he ieftivity of- 3* M^k bir
ihop of that fee, to which he was confecrated
by his uncle S» JPatric^. \V /lerc after a moft

faintly life, he repoTed in »our JLord anno 466*.

Alfo in Ireland the comoiemoration of thp faints
A^lelchu^ Munis ^ud j^lochj all vEr/V^«f jby birth,
brothers of S. Mel^ nephews of S^. Patrick^ and
his jC9i^ju5ojs. \^ J^js^ ^apoftoU^al Wi}pyr3 w in^
B 5
" land%
34 A ME M O R r A L OF
luffd^ Alfo the commemoration of S. Macalkut
. bifliop and' confeflbr, who gave the facred veil to
S. Brigiae^ and her companions, and was illu'
fti ious for his fanctity, in the fifth century, y
.Fib. 7. At London the paffion of S. Jugulus^
bifhop and martyr, who fuftered under Diocletian.
At Lucca in Italy^ the depofitibn of $. Richard
king and confeflbr, whofe tomb has been illu-
ftrated by many miracles. He was father to the
faints WilUbaldy and Winibaldj and the virda
S. f^alburga.^ In ScoHandtiat feftivity of S, Mo^
mn bifliop. i

M Fcrtme

Fib. 8. in PiWi^t the feftivtty of

S. Mildan an hrijh biftiop and confeflbr,honourei
as patron of that town 5 where his relicks were
depofked by S. Furfey. Alfo in Ir^ltind tht com-
memoration of S. Btan bHhop and confeflbn
Of thefe two faints there is ample mention in
the life and vifions of S.Fur/ey r by whom^ they
were feen in glory ; and to iiribom, they gave
excellent lefTons of life, recorded in his ancient
ads. At Stming m Sujfex the depofition of S«
Cuthman €onfeffi>r ; whofe burying phce h
niark'4 in the ancient Saxon Manufcript^at Sten^
ihgy and whofe church in that borough is mem*
tioned m Tamer's Notitia^ p. 550*

Fek 9. At Lanclaff the feftivity of S. Theliatt,

fecond bi(hop of that fee, and principal patron
of that diocefe; whom the Wkkb for the emi-
nence of his learning and fanftity call the Great
Theliau. He flourimed in the fixth century j
and had many difeiplea iUuftrioii9 for their learn^

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Y. 35 T
ing and &nS&ty amongft whom the Landaff

Fegifter hames S. MifmatU S. Tyfhety OuioCy

ZiUnapeius^ Gurmaet^ Cynmur^ &c. Alfo at KUl^
AttTM^a in the territory of Li^ne la-CoHmfugbt^
tfife fefttvit3r of 'S. Attta^a- virgin, who re-
ceived the facred veil from S. Patrhk^ and lived
and dkd a gr^attpattera.o/ J[andity«

' i^/f^. 10. At Worcefter^ the tranflation of S.

i^^/frwfibe younger, difciple of S. ^ahrio^ Be-
Virufy and his fuccefib^ in •the fe^ of Tori ;
. .

whofe body was on this day tranflat^d by S,


Ofwald from JRJppon to the cathedral of

together with the venerable remains of
^ the holy abbats, Tilbert^ Boruin^ Alberi^ Sigredy
and WiLien. Alfo at Jkmunjier in Bavaria the
fefttvity of S. Alio> zhhzii^^ Siithy nation, who
3fikrleadmg fop fome time am eremitical life of
wonderful faiicStity in that neighbourhood, found-
ed with the help of king Pippin^ the abbey
which t^es name froih him : where he is hq-
Boured to this day with a folcmn office, on the
ninth of February^ as patron of that churclK

, Febr^ II. In Breckmchflnre of Wales the com*-

memoration of S. Qanecus^ confeilbr, fon to ^

Bra^mnt a Mriiijb prince^ who gave name tot

Bnckmck He was the eldeftof four and
twenty children, all faints,, and honoured WMth
churches^ creeled in* their name in that part
ef Bfiktith S. Cmdemf^ with feme others of his
brethren, went over to Ireland^ and there found-
fs4 4pfers i:hurcbe» and monafteries for propa-<
gating the kingdom of Ghrift. He flouriflied in
the fifth- century, AiA) at Cluainfcde^ in the

Hi f(>utKern

Digitized by Google
fouthern parts of Miath
in Inland^ the feftivity
of S. Euhm bifliop)
godibn to &
Brigidei *nA»,
after a moft holy life, departed to our Lord,
full of years and good works, iv^r« ii. anna

577. Alfo at Oxfird the traiiflasian of ^

Fridefwide virgin, patronefv of tim city, ccle^
brated on this day in the Sarum hi^Ymy,

Fek 12. Lindisfarne^ now Holy Ifiand^on

the coaft of Northwnherland^ the depofition of
S« Ethelwold bifilop of that lee, i&stmvly 4\{qU
pie of S. Cuthbert v OUU anmi 74.0* Alfo a«
the monaftery of S. Hilda near Whithy in l^r^^
j2»/r^, the commemoration of holy Cednm monlc^
who being a plain illiterate ruftick, was fuck
dcnly favoured with a miraculous gift of divine
poetry 5 which he wholly employed^ to the
praifeand glory of the giver : to whom alfo' ii0
confecrated his whole flife. BedeyU^. c. 24. -

Feb. 13. At Efy^ the depofition of S. Erme^

mlda queen, third abbefs of th^ monaftery, after
her aunt S. Audry^ and her mother S. Sexburga^ •

who had alfo both of them been gueens. She

was wife to king Wu^stm^ und olteif hi8*id«ath^
confecrated herfelf to God, in the afdrtfaid mo-
naflery, of which her mother-was then abbefs*
Where, both in obcdiencey itid in fdptriofiv^
fhe fiiewed fuch great examples of all -virtues ;
and both lived and died in fo hol^ a manner, as
to be enrolled by bttf (^NMflMs-c^nfimgft^Uh
faints* AMb Glamor.gnhjhm of IVaks ^eh^
commemoration of S. Donat conftflbr; At tfat
abbey of Fifiamp in N^fMtOfy^ ^be^.^ifiif'tf
S.Barfirarhis atUMit : ^^nuA^z <4 Englarid^ ^^4^
Digitized by Google
twlreland the fefttvityiof ^Jhrninji^hiSw^^ di*

'Feh, 14,: At DMrmundcaJier in the neighbour-'

hood of Peterboni^h^ sht cofnoiemoratioa of
& Kymdridi zvA^^^Kjrufwidg: viigiflfSy daughteff
of king Penda^ and fiftcrs of Peoda^ Wuifl:ierej
Ethelred and Merowald kings of tht Mertims:
who from their tender yem
wholly, dedicated
themfelves to divine love, in perfeil continency,
and all other obiervances of religion^ aod kept
their glonmts sefoliltiti^n'ito ittttir age*
Ham of Malmejbury^ I. 4. de pontif. .Who adds
that the younger [S. Kymjwide'^ was alfo fo
happy aa to induce the >yoinig. king Offa^ the
Eaji Smm^ to whom (he had, agaiim her will,
been promifed in marriage, to embrace in like
manner a fingle. iiie\; and even to leave hia ,

kingdom for^ tlvs iove tsF :.Chri& > W-hidi gmce

0ie is faid to have obtained, by the interceffioa
ofthe^ueen'of 'Vilrgins» '
. ' :

' ' •

Feb. 15- At VexQW in the depofl-

lion o£ &.LSige/rid biihop, apoftle of ^£c;^^^/aiii^ '

He TMiian^MMCM of Jfitsi^ aiid ftntcindo&Ao^*

den^ in the days of king Edred; where by his
preaghing and labouri,^faexonv€rted matiy thou-
fands; Md eflabliitbcd 4hv lobrtffi -ife
went tO'dur^Loudi anno 1002. Aifoin tSawtftw
'^and the commeinoration<of the faints^i^;/^?;??^!^,

i^Urib of whiebvi^tbey wepc flain by vccrtain

^«4eki^ ii»«iiel*4ihdt|iftve«^^^ be^lioj^iired
infaoiig4htemil^tyrMr Mi.x .w. V, n iLv. i


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^Feb. lb. At
in Northumberlandi
the commemoration of S. Finan : who. from a

monk of Hy^ was made fecond bi(hop of that

fee; and greatly promoted the kingdom of Chrift,
lAmoRd^^ihC'^ncp^ He repofed in
our Lord.Sept. to. aiina 66i. S. Bede^h 2^ a
17, 2T5 &c. Alfo at Lindiyfarne the comme-
moration of hoiy ^iuday fourth biihop.of that
fee, wh(mi.our:vena:able iiiftoriaa (K c» 26.)
.<:alls a good and' religious man ; and one who diii*

"gsmJj^ taught ail men^.bcth by word and work^ thofe

fbhtgs thai appertain U jaitb. and truth. Qbiit
anno 664« ,\ .

Feb. 1 7. In the monaftery of C/sitzm Mdneth in
JEaft'Adeathi the depoikion of S* Ftntm abbaS
•illuftrious for fanftity and miracles. Alfo the

^commemoration of 'holy ^randubh,.^ hlQiop of

'the .province of Lebijler %. '^\iso refigning bk

fcifhoprick, put himfelf under the difcipline of


S. Fintan i and as the iaint had promifed, was

called to our Lord^ ibon after the deceafe of bis
libly abbat, anno 603; In Ireland alfo the com-
.memoration of S.. Cor^reus bifliop aiul. S.Dymma
<Mk&ui9 mho flouri&ed io
1 Hur feurtk century^

Fek iS. In rfie mohaftery of FeppiJigham

comongft the Midland Englijh the commemora^
•tion of holy Diima iirfl bifltop o^ the Mir^
rdansy (ordained by S. Finan of Lindisfarne)
tWho .after bringing over^ in a great meafuro^

lhat proytoee to. die iaitb: ^1 C)xtyk^ iKif/Qk^.w

;oui Lord anno 650. Alfo the conunenioraiion
the holy, pcie^s Addoi^ and: Betti^ co<-adjiitors
!of. .

of biihop i^/Wim^ iubis apoJlcii^kJaiiou^v^L 'for

* the

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the converfion of the Mercians : as alfo of the
hofy preWtes Keilacb^ TrumheUy and Jaruman \
who fucceededin the biftioprick of the Mercians^
and were all of them urenuoua labourers, in the
vineyard of the Lord, in /rehfulxhe fefthity of
-S. Oiirn bifliop. .

-FsB. ig. In A/br/^ttw^f^r/^y;?^ the commemora-

tion of S« BMer^ prieft^ of the church of Lin^
disfarne^ and anchoret ^ who coticluded a (aintly
lifewith a happy death, arino 756* Our hifto-
rians relate, tHat Jnaiaftb^ Dqney \iiving burnt
the church of this faint, anno 951*, was there-
upon ftruck by God,, and (Carried off by a fud-
^^en death. Alfo the commemoration of S. Bit"
frid goldfmith, afterwarife anchoret of LindfV^
fame; cotempurary with S. Balth^. The bo-
dies of thefe two faints, >fter the Darfijb ^tvz^
Iftations, were tcztiflMsdilib' Burbam^ anita 1040^*

Feb. 20, In the ifle of Thanet^ the depofition

of S« Mildrid % royal virgin, and abbefe "of
JMenJlrey^ highly honoured by our anceftors for
the eminence of her landity as twa churches
in the city Of Lmdm^ and nKin^^ other mbnu-
ments abundantly tefti.fy. She flourifhed in th6
fevcnth century. In Ybrkjhire the commemora-
tton of Rmati ; of whofe parifli, fee- Brmm
& '

Willis^ Mitred abbm^ vdl; 2, p. 295. Tn'/r^-

land the feftivity of S. Olcanus bifhop ; a Britm
by birth ; and a difciple of S, Patrick } illuftrious
« fjbt his fan^^ and miracks, UJher^ p. 4921.

At Hafelborough in DorfctJIyire the

itcinamanoration of* S. Wrick "w^-HhtlJi-ick^ prieft
I and '

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40 A MEM O R I A JU Of
9nd recliife ; who kd a life of wonderful aufte-
rity and ran£lity, in a little cell near adjoining
to the church of xhzt place, where alfo he w.a^
greatly favoured with ipiritual gifts» and ftupen*
dous miracles. Obiit 20, idnno 1154. His
life was faithfully written by John prior of Ford

his cotemporary ; followed by Matthew Paris

and other hiftortsms. At Jtbelinghay the memory
of the holy abbat, John the Saxoriy preceptor
ito king Aiifud^ and aiHftant in reftoring boi^

learning and piety, in ^e^^r^/^/^ nation.

Feb. 22. At the abbey of S. Peter*s in Qben/p

the fefiivity of St Gudwal^, Briti/h biihop^ Ter
nowned for fan£lit]i^ Whofe body was carried
over to France at the time of the Danijh devafta-
tibns$ and at length, pn this day, tranilatedto
Ghent anno 959. In Cornwall \ht commemo-
ration of S. Jllan coxi(tf[oT^ whoiorroerly illu;-
ftrated that province with his fan(3ity ; and has
left 4iis oame to the place, where 4ii8 iody re-
pofe$f in e;^pedatioa oi a happ^ lefurre^tiop. ,

. At Wenhde in Shropjhire the fefiivity

Feb. 23.
of MUburge virgin and.abbefs, marked on this
day in the Roman Martyrology^ She Wiis daugh^
ter of Meroivaid a Mtrdan prmce, by S. £r-
.memh£7'gaj cf the blood royal of Kent ; and was
fifter to S. Mildred ^ad.S. Milwitii. She was
from hier childhood an ardent lover of Chrift |
towhom alfo (he prefented many virgin fpoufeSj
whom file trained up for him^ her inpnaftery
of pyenlocL Her body was found in a vault of
her church, anno rioi ; i. e. above ibur hun«
died y^earii iiker .^er death i and beii^g^rtake^
' ' '

. ' '
. «P»


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^» IT IS H P IE T Y. 41
tip, yielded a moft odoriferous exhalation, which
perfumed the whole church ; and W9S the in^
4ninirat of: GocU for the workmg of many great
miracles; William of Mahncjhurjy whowrotd
about the iame: tifx^^ left lupcuxxecord^ 1,4^


Feb. 24, At Canterbury the dcpofition of

£tfb&rt^> fhe^ffr thriftisifi kiilg cff the
» nationi; renowned for his royal nwinificence, and
love of iriigioa ; ; wh% after a life worthy of a
tndy chriAkiapfiiice^ exSct^H^d hi^ eaftbly dia^
demfora heavmlytrowvi^ anno 6 1 6, and wat ;

'bnried in the church of the monaftcry of S*

Peter and S. Paul^ vulgo S. ylujliris^ which he
bad foanded. The body of his devout queen
Berta was buried in the fame church near her
royal coofort, At Cantirbury alfo the commer
morettion of the holy prelate Lahardui^ fptri*

tual director of queen Berta^ who was buried

in the iame churchy and honoured by our fore*
fathers aoi6t)gft tiie £unts./if^'flm of Mahmfiuff
di PottUf. 1# ; !• . ' ' ' . * -

'Fihi 2%.-kt(Faemowiier in Brie xhn^comnt^

mcyiadoh of ^^Ermngot^ virgin, dam^teriol « £^
rombert religious king fof Kent^ hy Sexr
burga his wifct and After to S. Ermenilda. VVhofip
life was fo eminently holy ; as to have left be«
hind her, in that famous monaftcry, a name
which no length of time can ever obliterate*
She .wasulMftjdeits foriniraofes^' bollt ia r iifeb
^nd at heri djeatki; itriirhidx iime^ a heaifent^
iiai:m(]fiy >uasii^d bji the irdigtoua of that fame


4^ A M £ MO R I A L. Off
ficn defcending from heaven, and conducting-
that holy foui> How fet loofe from the pft&nro^
the body, to the eternal joys <rf hter beavieiifi^
home. S. Bedell. 3. c. 6. At Fefcamp in Nor^*.
fiafufy-. the-/cftivity -of S^-Frothmmd an EnglrJB^
many honoured as a martyr in the abbe^^^ Fefft

Pih. 26. At Eychjhdt in-G/itxwi^ldic feftivk^

of S. IFalburga virgin and abbefs 5 daughterto
the holy prince S. Richard^ and.liflcc to SSi
Wmbaliy and WtnihaUt. ^ She of tttd wasi^
chtefeft of rhofefecred' virgins, which were ferid
over from England^ at the defire of S. Bdnifa^e
apoflle of Germany^ to promote the kingdom of
Chrift amongft thofe of their fex She- was made

abbefs of Heidei-nheim \x\ Bavaria: and after, a
tnoiib fa:int]y life^ ^paH'ed to a happy immoit^ity^
*feh. 24. anno 779. Her^reHchsin^ nqmfe^ra
the cathedral of Eychfiadty to v^hirh city they
were t*anfl<ited eighty ycarsi aftcirv her .death :

Whet^ aiia ;tcertam* owf- Hqi3]ar:ts ^fatdtadifiill

from them, found to be a fovereign remedy for
all difcafes. Many churches have been ereded
in her^horioury both in the-. ^igher find lower

Gk'tnm ; 'and*, licr feftiwlv^ in-tiliveVs places, it «

ordered to be obferved, ias (a holiday of obii-


^tion.* * I*•
: '• ..>/''

' '
Fib. 27. At S. Decombes in Somerfetflnre the
commemoration of S. Dmiman^ who* leading
^herd An ereoemcical icfe^ waof flain by a chilsic^* .

and .honoured after his death, amohgft

the martyrs. Alfa mUlie jfle of Barryr n^
4it« Qkg&'^^^Gkimganfinn^ Urn ^ommcmwa-
- tlon

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H ^ • • • • *
B ft I T I S H' ?•} E T Y. 4t
tfon of S« Baruci a hermit renowmd for faric^'
ttty; from who» that Hbnd 'tooli its narher
Cambden. ' ^ * .

.Prf; 18. At W^reeftiff^ tfle depiifiAdfi of S.

Ofivald bifhop of ;that fee, and archbifhop of
Xork. He was one of the principal reftorers of
ecclefiafticat ani) moiiafttcal- difdpKnj^ in Bng^
landy and of chriftian piety in general ; which
had much, by occafion of the pa-
fuiFercd very
gan* JDm^j. His whole life was dedieated to the
promoting the glory of Go^, and Ae -ftlvattbn-
of his neighbour; and in pronouncing thof^
words on his knees. Glory be to the Father^ &c.
he gave up his fpirtt into the hands of Chrift
{Febr. 29 anno 992) expiring at the feet of the
poor, which-according to his cuftom he had juft
then been wading. He was huried in the
church -of S. Mary at JVorcejIer^ ^\i\chhth\m'^^
felf had builM wlxeie he was illuftrated hy tii<^^
" ^
vers miraclCik • * * ^ - \ . » .

M A R C H.

March I. A' T Menevh, of S; the- felHvitjr

Jr\^ [Da'i/!cl patron Vif
ff^ales 5 who* was ii^^his^ life time a Burning and d.
JJ. wwg light to* Great .SrhaiW.^ BeMe ht was*
bifhop, he is faid tcT have founded twelvemo-'
nafteries; to which he gave an excellent rule,
ag^reeable to the infittutes of the ancient fathers;'
After he was bifl:iop, he purged Brt/ain from all
the relicks of the Pelagian hercfy v^nd greatfy
eontribiiU-d to the 'efl^ltAfHi^ chriftiafn pietyi
tnd all good difeipline^ h» the €llui«Jhes both
. • "of
Digitized by Google
of BriiainyZnd of Ireland '^ as well by himfelfj
as by the many faints of 4}qth Aation$i whom
he had for bis difciples. He went to our Lord an-
no 544. Alfo the feftivity of S. Swibert the Elder^
bifliqp and apofile of the Frifons and Borudlu-
arians} (Biddh S* €».il. *I2»} As iiicewifeol
S0. Swibert the Tounger^ the iirft bilhop cf ff^er-m

deny and one of thole apoftolical preachers of

the EngUfi nd^tim^ wha were the falters and
fbundevs .of the churches of Chrift amongft the
Germans. In N^rth Britain^ the feftivity of S.
M^rtftai biihopf and of S* Minnan archdeacon^^
wW are oommemoirated 00 this day, in the
deen bteviary.

March %. AtLkckfiiid the depoAtion iol S*

Chadhxiho^^ renowned for his extraordinary
fandtity. He was a difciple of the great S. Jidam
^ I^nMrfarmi and partly uxider his difciplinei^.
and paruy in conipaiiy of S. Egbert aiul
other holy folitaries, to whom he afibciated

himfeif in Ireland in the ftudy of true wifdom,
he learnt with great perfe£tion cih.e icience of the '

faints. Returning into England^ he was firft

made abbat of Leflingham ; and then confer
<|rated biihop of tirk : wbUh k6 after ibme
years he humbly refigned to S. Wilfrid but -y

{f^QXi after wa^ obliged by Jheod&re of Canter^

iury (wha was charmed with his bumiiity) to
take upon him the charge of the whole province
of Mercia and Lindfey^ fixing his bifliop's fee at
hitchfield. ^
As foon as he was made biihop^ he
zealoufly devoted himfeif fays B^^y to tii9
ecclcfiaftical truth and purity ; applying himfeif
to hpmility, vf^%yfy^%UQX!^^ aod fB^i^uj»l lectures %
^ vifiting

Digitized by Google
vtdting his diocefe (which was vafUy extended)
after the manner of the apoftles oh foot;
preaching the gofpel, and fteking after fouls,
not only in towns, caftles, and villages, but
even in the meaneft hutts, and in the very fieldr
for he was a true foilowef of S. Jidan^ and en^
deavoured to inftrud his people, with the like
zeal, and by the fame methods and conduct, as
lie had learnt frain bis^ and his brodier Ced^s
example/ He was called to the eternal reward
of his labours March %y anno 673; to which
fte wM invited,* and oonduAed bya comjMUYf of
heavenly fpirits ; as may be feen in our venera-
ble hiftorian, 1. 4. c. 2, 3. Alfo in South
Wales the feftivlty of S. thnna^ mother of S*
David^ and fpiritual nIoiAer of many^religiom
women. There church in the neighbour-
hood of Jb^vldsy wKich flill bears her name %
and is commonly called ^« Nrnm. Likewife in
the lower Germany the feftivity of S. TVUhick
confeflbr; who went over from England to
preach the gofpel in diofe couiltHess and didi
there renowned for fan^ity*

Mihrth 3. In Little Briienn the depoTttion of

S« Wtmoalde abbat of fautactm^ whofe wonder^
fill fan£Kty has made his name illuftrious, not

only in Britain^ Where he was born ; but alfo

in Ffwue and Phnders. His reiicks ar6 kept iA
the chlirch of the famous abbey of Peier in
Lify iconfeflor,
nion ^ S. i^^z^/V.
Alfo in Smih Wales the feftivity of S*

beioired difcipte
and compa«»

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'March 4. In Sc^land the feftivity of S. Jdrian
.bifliop of S.Andretus, and his companions, mar-
tytcd by the. Dana in the iileof anno 874.
AxLitchfiel4 the commemoration of holy Oz(;/W-
.cqnfeflbr, who from Mapr Dorm to the holy
ji|ueen S. Audr^^ bej::;af»e .an humble and labori-
4>us lajA-brpi^er, in the otonaftjery of Le/iinghaw i
•and made fuch progrefs in fanftity, as to be the
favourite diiciple pf S. Chad^ whom iiefoliqwed
to JLUchfieUi wl^ere he was found worthy tp
hear that; beayepjly harmony by which S, Chad
;was. ujvijj^ rfo. Jiig i5t?rn4 ^hojone. S.^B^df ivw

March 5. In CormuaU the feftivity of S /^/V/tw

^heroHt, illuftrioM^ forn^acles. He is fuppoted

jro be the fame as is honoured in Inland^ under
the name of Kiarati^ or Keran the Elder^ efteem*-
ied »the of that nation, and
mcfi: ancient faint
therefore ^callcid l^y'ithff Irijh the father of Jtbe
faults of Ireland. At Sier-keran in Ireland the -

cornmemoratipn of S. Cartbac the elder^ difciple

and fucceiTor of S.. Kiaran^ both as abbat and
btftop. Likewife in Cornwall the commemora*
^ion of divers faints, natives of Ireland, who to
jvithdraw themfelyea further off from t^eir

worldly friends and acquaintance, and to ccinle^

crate the days of their mortality, in a more per-
Jk£t manner, to the exercifes of a religious life ;
icame over into Cornwall i and there lived and
, died in fo great fandity ; as to have left their
i^ames to. the places, where. their bodies lie in
expectation of a glorious refuirediom The(e
were S. Mewan^ S. Erben^ t. Eval^ Z. Wenn^
S. Enedor^ &c. &c. ,


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! A/arch 6. In the monaftery of Weremouth in
the biflicprick of '^Durham the depofition of

Bennet Bifcdp : whofe by hi^

faf>6lity is attefted
fcholar S..^£^ in4iis lives -of the
j^bbau of

Wirmouth and Jarroiw. At Dmrmundc^fter near

Pr/^or^i/^ir the^eftlvity of S. Kynehurge^ queen
and jibbefS) daughter to Penda king of the Mer-i
^iirt *and fometime wif^r to lAkbfrid king of the
NmbmiibrMm4 She foimdeil the fiiffioas mona-

ftery of Dormundcajier^ called from^ \itt Kyne^

imgscajht^^ mbkm -ilfo fhe was^ imde «abbdbf
^md^after 'a;>4noftw.^tIy life, ^e^3rteJ»to*:«W
Lord, in the latter part of the feventh century*
'Ia »&w(i!p;}</' the £eftivi^^<of S. Baldred bifhop
and oanifeffiMr, iioMsred on this day. in the lti^-«'

./(^ calendars. . . . , . : .

Bwitzerland the commemoration of S. F^idolin

^h2iti z ScotSfnan by birth, who founded the
ntimafletf of' that.'pbcd> in the .fixth century ^
and is there htrfibofed amongft the feints. In
the county of Wejlmeath in Ireland^ the com-
memoration of Carpreus biihop ofiCivocn imc^
the monaftery of JVaxorxn the territory of Liege^
the fcftivity of S. Kadroe abbat, companion of S.
Mal6aUmi'i i9i s» went ta dtir Lord in the tenth
tii i

century ; and for his extraordinary virtues, was

enrolled after his death ampng^l the faints. At
-Ajftftim^ in half tbci oMmofy of that veneraUa
fervant of <3>od. Frier William ^mm^^MgU^
tus or the Engltjbman^ one of the firft compa-
niofas a^d difcijplei 9f««&4,J^tfJwi^ who-waa

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4^ A M E MO R I A L O F
fa emment for th^ fm&ity of hi^ Ufe^ and ibr
the miracles, which God wrought by him, both
before, an4 sifffyr death, that he Teemed to
vie vitht or even jto^ smfe-do bist holy fatber faimi*
lelf. .He paired to a better life anno. 1232* - . .
* .

: Mmb Si. At J)mm^ itii^S9^9li^ Ae^)ie^

fition of S. /5f/r;r bifliop, and apoille of xht Eajl^
di^iesj of whom S.Bede L 2. c. 15. writer that
€ with' the help of .king Sigtk&t (whoaiAfae had
converted to Chrift) he founded churches, tnom
nafteries and fchools ; and in ai fhort.time
obangedthe face pf that mtioti : and according
to4ht.ksippy omen bf mmty:(fi>r i^Mx &gpi¥
fies flippy) brought over the whole province
Irom former infelicity and iniquity, to the

true faith, to the works of chriftiao jimicef and

to the rewards of eternal felicity! He entered
antO' the joy of his Lord anl^o 650.
. His body
«fiser the Ikmijh devaAatioiis> rnnH* tcaolhfeed M
the abbey of-. Rainfey xn Httntingtmjhire. In
ireland the feftivity of S. S€nan bifhop^ difciplfi.
•f S. David I and founder of the famous fflona*»
, ftcry of InyS'Cathaighy in the lixth century. In
Scotland the feftivity of S. Duthacus bifiiop of
Bpfs: who was iHuftrioos for miracles^ both
^liveand dead^ . ObHtamio 1249^ -

March 91 At 7erk the commemoratioa of

blefied Bofa bifliop of that fee^ of gnat
fan5iliyy and humUijy^ fays S. Bede 1. 5. c. 3. He
was. the firft of five prelates, all men of ^finguhr
§iurk jOnd fmBity^ that were trained Hip in th^.
aionaflery of Hilda : as we learn fitun the
iaine venej^fab faiftoriaoy 4^ it^* The

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ether four were &
Jabn of Beverley^ HeMa^
OJlfor and Wilfrid the younger. S. Bofa went
to our Lord anno 705*

March fo. In Sc&ilmid tlie depofidon of S.

Keffig or Mackejfog biftop, who flouriflied in the
feventh century ; and. was illuflrious for fandily
and miracles. His relicks formerly repded in
a church dedicated to God in his name at a place
called Lus. At Wijfenaken near TilUmont in the
Naherlands^ the feftivity of S. HemeUn a Scottijh
prieft, who returning from a pilgrimage he had
made to Romy departed this life at the place
above-named ; our Lord manifefting his ian6tity
hy many miracles.

March II. In the monafteryof GovatHj near

'the river Cluyd in Scfftlamij the feftivity of S.
ConJJanttne martyr, a 5r/V/^ prince, who after
the death of his queen^ being tlifgufted with the
world, refigned his his fon^- and
privately withdrew himfelf into Ireland j where
unknown to any he ferved for fome time as a lay-
brother in the monaftery of S« Carthag at Ra^
ihene ; till being difcovered, and fuHy inftru£led
in the Holy Scriptures, he was found worthy to
be promoted to the prieftbood ; and was (ent
over to preach the faith amongft the FiSls:
many of whom he converted to Chrift, efpe-
<:ially in the land of Kentirs f till at length he
met with the crown of martyrdom^ towards
the end of the fixth century j and was burled in
•the monaftery which he himfelf had eftablifhed
at Gffoaiu. In Ireland the feftivity of S. Mngu§
furnamcd Kck Di or the worjhipper of, God^ a
C pre*

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^prelate llluflrious fofihis leaning and fandity in
^ ithe ninth centuiy. >

March 12. The feftivity of S. 'Gregory the

Greats biibop of Rome: whofe charity and zeal
:for the Qonveifion of oar 'anceftoif^ whidi tie
^brought about by the means of the milHonaries
jie lent over into Britain^ has procured htm the
glorious tide of. ^Pfftle of Bt^knd^ AUb in
jLittk Brhain the feftivity of S. Paul bifiic^ and
confeflTor : who
being born in Great Britain of
aioble parentage^ retire^ very early from the
^iivorld, and embraced a moft faint-like life, tn
4iis own country where alfo he was advanced to

holy orders. Afterwards psii&Bgover into Link

Britain^ and leading there an eremitical life,
he was at length drawn oiit ^f his folitude,
and compelled to accept of the bifhoprick of
-Oxifniy nour from him cdled S. P^aut *de Lem.
He departed to our Lord full of days, and vir-
tues, anno 579. In Ireland the feftivity of S.
or Jhheremui abbat of Fathem^ five miles
4rom Derry^ £unou8 for fai^ity^ in tl^ feventll

March 13. At Mayo in Ireland the feftivitf

of Gerald an Englifl) Saxon^ abbat of the rno*
naftery founded there by S. Caiman of Lindif*
fame for the Englijb nationt and afterwards
biftiop of Mayo : where there is to this day a
church dedicated to God in his name. In this
-monaflery of S. Gerald^ our Lord was ferved
with ib ?reat perfefHon, that according to an-
xient Irijh records, quoted by UJher^ there flou-
liihed'here of oldno lipWKr Ibaa one hundred

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y, 51
Englijb Saxon faints.' S. Gerald departed to^our
Lord anno 732. Alfo in Ireland the comrne-
moration of the holy men Ballon^ Biriket^ and
Hubriton^ brothers of «>« Geraldy atid clofe imi-
tators of his virtues : as alfo of holy Segretia
virgin, their fifter, abbefs of a religious com-
munity q( facred virgins founded by S. Gerald ;
and honoured in Ireland amongft the faints. In
Scotland the fcftlvity of S. Kennocha virgin, ho-
noured this day in the Aberdeen breviary. She
went to our Lord anno ,1007 ; and rcpofes as
to her mortal remains in the church at Kyle^
formerly called S. Kinnocks^

March 14. In Ireland the commemoration of

S. Mochoemoc or Pukherius ^bbat, difciple of the
great S. Comgally and very illuftrious for fan£tity«
Obiit anno 655. At Abernethi in Scotland^ tnt
memory of S. Brigide virgin and abbefs whole :

xelicks were honoured of old in the collegiate

church of that place. The Scots fuppofe this
faint to have been the fame as the great S. Brt*
gidiy honoured Feb. i. But the Irijh make them
two diiFercnt faints. See UJber p. 461.

March 15. The feftivity of S. Ariftobulus di-

Iciple of the apoflles \ who as fome writers af«
firm, was , fent by S. Barnabas to preach the
faith of Chrift in Britain. At Canterbury the
commemoration of S* Salvius or Sdvius bilhop,
and of S« JVoolgam confeflbr,! whofe bodies w^re
anciently enflirined in the cathedral of that city
as alfo of the holy virgin Siburgisy who by rea-
ibn of the eminence gf her fandity^ was depo-
C 2 fited

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fitedby S. DuJIan in the fame church; JSee
Dart'J cathedral of Canterbury,

March 1 6. In North IFales the comniemora«-

tion of S. Deifer hermit, ilJuftrious for fandity^
" amongft the ancient Brifm. He was cotcmpo-*

rary with S. Wenefride^ and vifited by her. In

Scatland the feftivity of Kyrinus furnamed 5^-
mfetci bi(bop of Rofs^ who by his preaching and
iniracles propagated the kingdom of Chrift in
North Britain^ in the feventh century. In Ire^
land the feftivity of S. Pinion abbat, furnamed
the Leper : who by a long courfe of fufferings,
endured with an unwearied patience, and a
perfeA conformity* to the will of God, was pre*
pared for the kmgdom of heaven i which he
went to take poiTel^on of, anno 615.

March 17. The

feftivity of S. Patrick bilhop,
and apofile of the Irijh nation ; a great part of
which he converted to the chriftian faith, by his
preaching; and by. the fan£lity of his life; as
well as by the great figns and wonders, which he
wrought amongft them. He went to our Lord
towards th^ latter end of the fifth century. Alio
the commemoration oC many holy prelates, part-
ly Britons^ and partly of other nations, a/fift-
ants of S. Patrick in his apoftolical labours ; men
fullof the Spirit of God, and fathers and found*
ers of the churches of Ireland. Thefe in an an-
cient catalogue of the faints of that illand pu-
blifhed in UJber^s Jntiquities^ p. 473. make up
the firji Clafs of IriJh faints : and are faid to have
been no fewer in number than three hundred
and fifty, all men of extraordinary fan£iity. The

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 55
(aints of the fecondClap came after the death
of S. Patrick ; and were alfo men of eminent
hollnefs j being about three hundred in number,
fome few of them bifhops, the reft priefts.
Tbefe flouriflied in the iixth century, and great-
ly propagated both monaftick dilcipHne, and.
facred learning, amongft the Irijh ; having beea
themfelves inftrudled by Briiijh matters ; parti«
cularly by S. Davidaf Mentma^ S« Gildasy and
S. Docus, The faints of the third Clafs fucceedcd
thefe i and ilourifhed during four reigns, down
to the time of the great peftilence (anno 664)
Thefe were about one hundred in number, for
the moft part prlefts, livingjn defarts, on roots^
and herbs ; and leading moft mortified and ab*
ftra£ted lives. So far £e catalogue.
M^^ch 18. The feflivity of S, Edward king
and martyr, who being killed by the treachery
of his ftep-mother anno 979 was illuftrated by
many miracles. His day was appointed to be
l^ept holy throughoiit England^ in a fynod held
at fFinche/Iery in the reign of king Canuius. la
Ireland the commemoration of S. LaSfin abbat,.
Uluftrious for fan^ty, who, departed to our
Lord anno 622.

March 19. At Derby the feftivity of S. Alch-

found martyr, fon of Aired king of (the Northerit
Englijh\ who was drove into banifliment by
his fubje6ls, anno 774. The young prince foi- ^

lowing bis father, on this occaiion, into the

land of the P//?j, made fuch good ufe of his tem-
poral afHiftions, as to purcJ^aTe an eternal crown.
Ketuniing afterwards into his native country,
e 3

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he was by orders of king Eardulf^ about
the year 800. Many miracles were wrought at
his tomb ; fo that his body was taken up, and
tranflated to Derhy : where a magnificent church
was built in his honour, called to this day the
church of S. Jlch?nund', which was formerly
much reforted to by the people of the N&rth ; and
illuftrious on account of the iniraclcs wrought
there. There is alfo a churchy ere£ied in hi$
name in the town of Shrew/bury.

March 20. At Durham the feftivity of S. Cuth^

hert bifhop of patron or tutelar
i&int of the biihdprick of Durham. He was
divinely called, to a faint-like life, from a child,
by the voice of a child : and was afterwards de*

termined to leave the world, and become a

monk by a vifion, in which he faw the foul of

S. Aldan the firft biihop of Lindisfarne^ at the

time of his death, carried up to heaven by an*
gels. His admirable virtues and ftupendous mi-
racles are recorded by St. Bedcj who has wrote
his life both in profe^ and in verfe.

March 21. In the ifle of Jran the

feftlvity of •

S. £nda abbat, amongft the Iri/h

faints, and father^ or mafter of many faints. He
built divers churches and monafteries in that
jfland ; the chief of which, is from him called
KiU'Enda to this day : he flouriflied in the be-
ginning of the fixth century. Alfo in the fame
Ifland, the commemoration of many holy foli-
taries, difciples and followers of S. Enda i who
by the eminence of their fandity, have given to
that ifland the appellation of Aran of the faints.


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BR l: T I S P I E T Y. ss
Jhfoniuch that in the church-yard of Teghth.*-
JSndai in. which is thafepulchire of that holy ab-*-
bat 5 no fewer than one hundred and twenty,
faints are faid to repofe, in expedation of ^
happy reliirre£Hon. In Ireland the commemo-
ration of S. Fanehea a noble virgin abbefsof
Kill-aine 2X the foot of mount Breghy in the-
confines of Meaib. She was After to S. Enda^. ,

sMid by. her pious exhortations^ firfl reclaimed^

hfm from a worldly to a religious life. See the:
a^ of S. Enda in the coUe&tons of YMolgam.^

March 2X. In the neighbourhood of CarltJIe^

^e commemoration of the mm
of God nc'^
rehi^ pmft^ unified in a moft holy hand of
friendfhip with the great S« Cuthbert % and called-^
on the fame day with him^ as the faint had fore-*
told^ to a happy eternity'*. He led an eremitical:
life a little ifland encomfiaBed by^thelake^
from which the river Darwent flows but fre- :

quently vifited S« Cuthbirt^ to receive from him

die leftons of eternal Ufe ai&d truth, by which he
was more and more inflamed with divine love,
and with a longing defire after a happy union
with his fovereign good: to which be was at^
length admitted (after his fool had been duly
purged, and pre-pared for Jt, by the fufFerings of
a long and painful illnefs) March ^o anno 687.
& jBMf, }. 4. c. ^9. On this 'day is alfo. com-
memorated in Tf^ilfons martyrology Hamundi
biihop of Sherbarn^ ilaia by the Dams anno-

March 23. In the ifle of Farruj on the coaft

of Northumberland^ the happy death of S. Edil-^
. . ^4- tvald

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wald prieft and hermit : who after the death of
the man of God Cuibbert^ fuoceeded hioi in the
cxercifes of a folitary life, in Ws lonefome man*
fion in that defert. To wbofe extraordinary
(siti&ity S. Bede gives ampk teftimony. J. 5. c. i

' March 24. At the monaftery of Barking in
Mjfexy the feftivity of S. Uildetid virgin and
abbefs. She was one of the firfl Englijh virgins,
who going abroad before we had many nunne-
ries here, confecrated herfelf in Frame a fpouie
to Chrift from whence ihe was invited over

by S. Earkomvaldy to inftrud and diredl his

fifter S. Ethelburga (for whom he had founded
the monaftery dr Barking) in the holy dUct-
pHne of a religious life* To. whom me alib -

iiicceeded in quality of abbefs; and for many

years had the fupcrintendency of that faint-like

community. S. Bede 1. 4. c, 10. Amongft other

faints whom fhe trained up to religious perfec-
tion, was S. Cutbburga fifter to .king Ina ^ who
afterwards founded the famous monaftery of
Wtnburn in Dorfctjhirc ^ and there eftabliflied
that excellent discipline, which (he had learnt
from fo great a miftrefs^ and which from thai
family of faints,^ was afterwards propagated
through Germany^ by S/ Lioha and her compa-
nions. At Barking alfo the commemoration of
many holy nuns ilatn by the Damz in. the ninth
century. At Canterbury the depofition of the
holy archbifliop Lanfrank^
. eminent for his
learning and piety. In Ireland the depofttioo of
S. Domangart bifliop^ illuftrious amongft the
ancient /r/^^.faints*


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B R I .T S P I E
I HY. 57 T
March ^^.Th^Amunciation of the blcfled Vir-
gin ; and the Incarnation of the Son of God,
for die redemption of all nations. At N^rwicb
the paflion of S. Wiiliamj a boy of twelve years
old, put to death in that city by the Jews^ on
Good Friday^ 11449 in hatred of Chrift, and'
the chriftian religion ; and illuftrated by divers
miracles* There was alfo another child cruci-
fied by the Jews^ in the fame city> in hatred of
Chrift, anno 1235. At Sherborn the memory
of the holy bifliop Alfwold \ who flouriftied in
the eleventh century* WiUiam of Malmfiury..
De Pontif.
March26. In Inland the feftivity of S. Cam^
min abbat) who has a place in UJher^s AniiquiiUs^
amongft the moft celebrated faints of the Irijh
nation. He retired young from the world into*
the folitude of /the ifle of Inijb-Kialtair^i where:
there is ftill a church that bears his name, called^'
Tipmpul Cammin. Here the fame of his fan£lity;
brought him many difciples ^ for whom he built
a famous monaftery, which was held of oldiir

great veneration by the IriJ})^ by reafon of the.

eminent bolinefs of its inhabitants. S. Cammin
pafied to a better
life^ about the year 653. At
Mimjler the fcftivity of S. Ludger bifhop,,
apofile of the Saxons : educated at Toriy under, .

the famous ^i!c;ii/ii..

, March 27. In the commemora-

tion of S. Hifmael bifhop, illuftrious for fanftity..
He was a dtfciple of the great S.* ThoGau of Lan-^
daffs and was confecrated bifhop by him. Alfo
in South If^kU4.,thQ commemoration of S. Ty/^it^
G 5 another

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another cJifciple of the fame S. Theliau : honour-
ed of old as a martyr, at Pmnalun. Tfaefe faints
rfourifted in tfte fixth century. In the territory
of Kelhck in Ireland the feftivity of S. Kellen
alias Mochelloc confeflbr; who nooriflied with ^

iandtty in the (eventh century.

March 28. At Coventry the commeffloration

of S; OJburga virgin and abbefs, patronefs of
that cliurch whofe day by reafon oihtx frequent

miracles was ordered to be kept feftival there.

See Dugdale's fFartuickJbirt. AJfo in Turk^iri^
the commemoration of S. Athilda^ or Alkilda:
in whofe name the collegiate church of Mid--
dlehamy in that county, was formerly dedicated*
See DugdaUs Mmafticon^ vol. 3. In France the
dcpofition of S. Stephen Harding abbat of C/-
ieauXf anr! principal author of the Cijiercian in-
flitute. 'Tts alfo the day of the tranflation of
S. Frcrntmd martyr, ihucli revered by our Baxon

March 29. In Bouth Wales the feftivity of S.
Gundlem prince of that province, and father of
Cadocus: who retiring from the world, crown*

€A a of admirable cofittnency and ikn6Hty,

M^th a moft holy and happy death, towards the
clofe of the fifth century. In Scotland the com-
memoration ^of the ancient CuUees^ Modoc the
cider, Calan^ Ferran^ Amhian and Carnoc^ who
are faid to have flourifhed in North Britain^ \x\ •

the fourth century. Mi£ior Boeth.

March 30. At Rumfey in Hampjhln the com*

memoration of & M$immna viigin, firjft abbefs

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of the monaftery founded there, by king Edgar^
in honour of the blefl^d Virgin, and eminent for
j^fuSlitjr of life; in which alfo ibe trained up

many holy virgins and among the reft S. El*


Jleda. At Werdt in Germany^ the depofition of

^^Patta ^L Scoii bilbop of diat fee in the eighth
• century. He fucceeded S, Swibert in that bifhopr
rick ; and for bis iandlty was highly eileeaie4 .

March 31. The tranflation of S.Aldelm abbat

of Malmjburyy and bifhop of Sherborn^ moft

iiluftrioi]« for fand^ity and learning in the feventh •

century. Alfo the commemoration of many

holy inartyrs> who fuftered Mnder the Pagan
P^fuSf about the year 870 ; when laying Englan4

wafte^ they fliewed a particular malice to all

religipus places and perfons. At which time ^
tbey deftrpyed amongd others the famous mo*
nsmeriesof Bardney^ CroilanJy Piterhreugh znd

£fyj putting all the mpi^ks and nuA3 tQ th^


fword. Jnguipbus^ &cq. ^

^^il !•
A iS^m the commemotation of
jtT^ holy Ina^ king of the fVe/l Saxons
who after along and fi^cefsful rei^n, and many
of fe^gjious i^un&cence^ quitting the world
todc a journey to Rme^ and thare put on a reli*
gious habit, in which he made a holy end anno
727. In Shetland the teftivity of bieiled GUbert^
who from archdeacon of Murray was made
bifliop of Cathriefs: which fee he adminiftred,

% WW jf^fc to WQJthjf and faint-li|fe a.


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6o A MEMd R 1 A t O ff
manner, as to be honoured after his death
amongft the faints ; with whom he has a place
. on this day in the Ahadeen breviary, Obiitanno
J 240. .

Jpril 2. At S. Ricquiers \n Picardy com^*

memoration of the faints Catdoc and Adrian two'
holy of Ireland: who going over
priefis, natives
into the Belgick Gaul^ in the reign- of king Da^*
gohertj to advance by their preaching the king*
dom of Chrift> met with very bad treatment
fronn the rude barbarous people of that country;
^cill were rcfcucd out of their hands, by a
noble Lord called Richarius^ 2Lnd were hof-*
pitably entertained by^brm. In Tecompence of '

which charity they preached to him and his, the

word of life by which, and by their faintly

lives, they effeftually perfuaded him to become

a great penitent, and a great faint. They flou-
rifhed in the feventh century, and lye buried in
the abbey of S; Ricquier.
In Ireland the feftivitjr
of S« Cuanusy or Mochua abba€* . u ^ - •

April 3, At Chicheftir 'm Suffix^ the depofitiott
of S. Richard bi0iop of that f^Q $ a prelate of
moft admirable fandity ; and an unbounded cha^
rity to the poor. He died to this world, to
. Jive for ever with his Go^y anno 1^53 ; and by
occafion of his p'eat miracle^^ was cahdiiized*
hy "Pope Urban IV. nine years kfter his death.*
At Faremoutier in Brie^ the feftivity of S. Fara
virgin and abbefs^ foundrefs of that famous mo-
iia&ry (which takes its name from her) in
which many holy virgins of the nation,^
in the earlieft times of ^^uicchriflfaoityy weie'
« • - happily

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Bdppily efpoufed to Chrift; amongft which the
Molt iUuftriotis were S« Setbird^ S. Edilburga
and S. Earcongota.

Aprii 4,. At Wlsrce/l^r the memofy of the-

holy prelate Q)^/ir, fecond Irifliop of that fee, a

man of.Jingular merit and fan^ity. S. Bede 1. 4,*

c. 23. He was fomecime difciple of the faints'
Theodore and Adrian^ and trained up by them in
all good learning, in their excellent fchcol, in
the company of Toiias^ afterwards
biihop of
R^dfefiiTj MA
many other holy and learned men*/
In Cornwall the commemoration of S. Guerlr
confeflbr 5 near to whole church, S. Ntot fome-
time Jed an eremitical iile.

April 5. The feftivity of S. Vincent Ferrerius^-

of the order of Friers preachers i who in the
courfe of bis- aperftdjical 'progreft through the
greateft part of Chrijiendom^ illuftrated alfo our'
Britijb iflands with his preaching and miracles,
^ He ^ouriflied in the fifteenth century, In Ire- '

land the depofition of S. Tigernake^ bifhop of

Glogher^ founder of the church of Clunet : who
went to ottr Lord anno 550. Alfo in finales in-
the monafbry -of S. Davids^ in the vale of Ro/sj
the memory of the holy abbat Alomnniusy by
whom ^S. Tigernake was trained up in religious
Afcipfine. In Scoiland alfo is honoured on this
day in the Aberdeen breviary, a holy Sceitijh
bifliop of the name of Tigernake^ faid to have
0Hiiridini9 the joy of his Lord anno 823,'

April 6« A% Reme the depofition of S. Ce^

lefiine pope i who by the means of S. Germanut

' - delivered

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6ft A Ai E MO R I AL Q f
delivered Britain from the Pekgian herefy, and'
f^nt S. P^Uadius to the Scots^ and S. Patrick t^
the Irijb. In Ireland the feftiyity of 3« C<lfw%
or Kellach^ archbiftiop of Armagh^ predeceffor to
S. Malachi and a Itrenuous labourer in bring-
ing, abwt ^ reformation thii difcipiine of cbft
Qhurch> and et the morals pf the p^ople^ ^iK
that Ula^nd. Obiit anno, 1129^ ^ ,

In Ifaks the depqfition erf*

7. it^r-
«^tZ/ an a'lbat, of admirable
ancient Britijh
fandtity. Iq Scetland the iViiiyity of S. Bercham^
. biflv9ip^ hohourt;d:pn thi« day ia tbei 5^/^^ car>
lendars, wh^re alio his death is marked annoi
839. In Ireland the commemoration of S.,
Congelfusj abbat of Cambas y in the fixth cen-
tury. UJJ)^ $H Jdrnmrnon

Jpril 8. In the monaftery of Sp Cckm-UlU iik . ^

«be iile of Hy^ the comnMmorsitiop of the hoif

^bbat Segenius^ difciple of that fa^nt^ who fent
the great Mdan a(»no 634 for th^ co&vcyK
Sm of the Northern E^glifi* Serins WA|i
the fourth abbat of tha;t famous monaitery \ and
one of thofe faint-like men of whom S. Bedet
^fn^^ \. 3. c. 4. fpeaking of &
tk^t be behind him fucaffm^ renmAfned fof^^
much continency^ or ahfiineme^ for the love of God^
and for regular diJaipUne: mtuy ^ (ignifi^
c. 5*who taught no olherwife tbi^n ibcy lived $.
and who neither loved nor cared for any thing of
this world. In ComwiUy the cominfmoraUQl3k
of church of Lana*
S« Achebrany patron of the
Tehran. See Tann^r\ NoPiti^ M^n^ica^ p* 66«


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BR I T I S H P I E T 6j
ylpril 9. At IVinchefter the commemoration
of S» Frithjiam bilQiop, a man of extraordinai*/
hnG&ty. He voluntarily refigned kla bUhop-^
rick, a year before his death, to give bimfelf
up to divine contemplation in foUtude ^ and fo
paifed to a hapf^ eternitjr anno 933. At Can^
terbury the commemoration of the holy arch-
hiO^o^AiJ^rick^ whofe venerable remains vt^ere en-

ftrined m the cathedral of that city. See Dart.

jlpril 10.In Swedeland the palTion of S#

EJkiil bilhop and martyr. He was an Engltjb^
tnan by birth, a kinfniian and difcipJe of JS. Sige^
ffld the apoftle of Swedela?idy and a zeaious'
preacher of the faith of Chrift. He v^as fioned
to death by the infidels on Go^d Friday^ anno
1016: and by the miracles wrought at hia
tomb, converted many more than he had dono
in his iife time. He was much honoured ((^ old

by the N^tii^rn nations ; where his feftivity wa9^

wont to be kept on the 12th of June. At
derborn in Germany the memory of the man o£
God PaUmus^ a Sect by nation ; who ihut \fSLak^
felf up between four walls in that city, and led^
lliere a life of great abftra(^oii> and mortifica^
lion^ in the eleventh century.

Jpril II. In theifle of Croyhnd the feftivity

of SCGutbhke prieft and hermit, renowned for

ilui£lity and miracles. He firft inhabited thaf>
defert; where in his honour was afterwards^
founded a famous monaftery anno 719, by Ethel--
bM }e\ng of the Mercians^ to whoni he bad
foretold the kingdom. S. Guthlake went to out
JLord anno 714* Alfo in Creyknd the isomme-

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moration of divers other faints; whofe fepul*
cbres were placed round the tomb of S. Gutb-^
lake^ in the church of that monaftery, before
amongft whom were
the Daiiijh devaftations :

S. Bittelm his difciple, S. Cija piieft and her-

mit, S« Egbert prieft, and S. Tatwin conk&>T^ ,

See Ingul^huSy &::c.

jlprii 1 2.* The commemoration of S* Pega

virgin, fifter of S. Guthlaksj who
by reafon of
her eminent virtues, was alfo after her death jen-
rolled amongft the faints. In France the com*
memoration of holy AiecbthiMs a ScottiJbMt^'
gin of royal blood, who privately withdrawing
berfelf) at the age of twenty, from her father's
houfe, together with her younger brother Jlex-^
ander^ went beyond the feas ; where Alexander
became a Jay brother^ amongft the Cifiercians in
|})e diocefe of Laon { wbilft his fifter made her*
felf a little hut, in a village called Lopiony where
fhe led a life of mofl admirable fanitity, main-
lining herfelf by the labour of her bands;
without aiking or receiving alms from any one ;
and praying night and day. She went to our
Lord about the year 1 200, and was illuftriou^
for miracles both alive and dead. Scie 7hma$,
Cantlpratenfis^ of the miracles of his own time.

Jpril 13. In PenArokifliiri the depoHtion of

Ae ver-.erable fervant of God Caradec prieft
and hernnt, who died in the fweet odour
of fan£tity anno 1124, after a moft faintly
life, and was buried in the cathedral ef
David: where his body was found many
years after his death euitire and uncorrupt. Int
ScHiand the feftivity of S« Guinodm bi^op, who

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flouriihed in the ninth century ; and is eomme^
morated on this day in the Aberdeen breviary.
At Hereford the depofition of the holy bifhop
Robert de Beiun ; whoie life full of great ex-
amples of all virtues, was written by his qo-
temporary PPliliam prior of Larithony ; abridged
hy Harpsfieidy p. 37 9* Obiit anno 1

• Jpril 14. At Glajienhury the commemora-

tion of holy Ethelfieda^ a lady of the blood
" royal, who choofing for herfelf a dwelling-place
in the neighbourhood of that church, there lived
the life of a faint, under the conduiSt of S. Dun-
Jlemi ^nd there died the.death of a faint, about
the middle of Che tenth century. On this daf
is alfo commemorated the holy king Ethelwolfy
renowned for bis godlineis, and religious mu«
ni&cence $ who repofed in our Lord anno 857.

April 1$. InJVales the commeaK>ration of S^.

Batemus bifliop and confefibr; who with the:
bright rays of£lity illuftrated both Britain
and France in the fixth century. The place of
his bifhop's fee 'in Cardiganjhtre was from him
^ called S. Patern^r\ in Welchy Llan-Paderwoaur^'
or the church of the great Pat§rnus, In Scotland the
of S. Mundus abbat in Argilejbire anno
962. In hrland the f^ivity of S. R^dan abbat of
Lothra in the county of "liperaryy annp 584^,

. Jpril 16. The feftivity of S. Magnus martyr,

* who fufFered in the ifles of Orkney aniio ito6^ ^

He was greatly honoured of old, both in Eng^

land and Scotland^ as appears fcom the S^rum^^i.

Tori and Aberdeen breviaries : and his feaft^ was


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k^'with foiemiririr in the ifles of Orkney^ as

' the patron or tutelar laiiit of thofe iflands. In.
Ireland the commemoration of S. Ercus fiift
btfliop of Slaniy who wcAt to our Lord aiuia^
5-r4^» See UJhir p. 41s. •

April 17. The fe&ivity of %,Stitibin Harding

"abbaty founder of the religious order of the
JterciaHs I who
firft received S. Bernard to the

habit, flying from the contagion the worlds,

with thirty other young gentlemen j and through
him quickly became the father of innumerable
faints. This order within 150 years, by reafoil-
of the fervour and fan<%ty <tf' itspr^c^rs^ {wbos
odferved durmg all that time much tlie fame ^1--
fcipline as is now obferved at the famous ab*
bey of La Trappe) was fo greatly multiplied*
^Fough BllCbrijfigndmi as to counl^ no fewer*
than eighteen hundred monafteries In Scotland
the feftiv^ity of S. Donan ^bat ; celebrated on *

this d^y in th^ S^MiJA calmAirs.} whew is-

faid to bavte departed to our Lord anno 840.

yfpril 18. In the monaftery of CIuain^Finchoii
in ikftgr the cmiimemoration of S. Lugad abbat,
brother to S. Fintan Munnu ; a man of admir-
able fandity : who, as S. Adamnan relates in his
life of S. C9lum*kUl$^ faw the foul of this faint,
at the time of his departure {June 9 anno 597)^-
carried up to heaven in great glory ; attended by
innuimerable angels, and a celeftial melody. In
the monafterf of Ltghbn^ in Lnnftir the depofi*
tion of S. Laifrean biihop, abbat over I^OO
monkd> and eminent for his fam^^*

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BRITISH piety; 67-

Jpril 19. At Greenwich the martyrdom of S#

j4lphege^ or Elphege^ archbifliop of Canterbury^ il-
luftrious for his paftoral zea)^ and chanty : who
was put to death by the Danes znnp 1012; and
both in his life, and after his death was honour*
ed with great miracles. His body was found en*
tire and incorrupt, eleven years after .his death
and was tranflated from S. PauTs^ where he was
firft buried, to the cathedral of Canterbury^ and'
there enihiined near the high altar.

April 20. At Erford in Franconia^ the tran-

flation of an Mnglijh prieft, and apo-^
fiolick preacher ; was martyred, with
Boniface apoftle of Germany^ anno 754 ; hi*
body on this day was tranflated to Erford
where it is fitU kept with great veneration. At
Rome the depofitton* of king Ceadwattxhe Weft^
Saxon who upon his converfion to the chri *

was baptized
ftjan faith, .quitting all for Chrift,
at Romey by pope Sergins ; and died before h^
had put off the white garments of his baptifm^
anno 689.

Jpril 21. The of

feftivlty Jnfelm arch-
bifliop of Canterbury^and do£lor of the church
greatly renowned through the chriftian world,*
for his fan^ty, learning and miracles* He died .

anno 1109, and lies buried in the cathedral of

Canterbury^ in a chapel bearing, his name, near
theakarof S» Peter.

April 22. The commemoration of blefled

Ethelred the firfl of that name, king of iTt^
land^ a moil religious prince ; who was flain
* in

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68 A M E MO R I A L O F
in battle by the Pagan Danes^ anno 872
honoured as a martyr, at the place of burial^
which was at Winborn in Dorfetjhire.

. Jpril 23. The feftivity of S. Georgia a moft

tlluftrious martyr of Chrift, under Diocletian^
who for his piety, fortitude, and conftancy in
iis fufferings, has been greatly revered by all the
churches, both of the EaJisinA Weft: more ef*
pecially by our Englijh anceftors j who chofe.
him for their tutelar faint, in their wars \ and
have afcribed great victories to bis intereeilion..
In Ireland^ the feaft of S. Ibar bifliop, cotem-^
porary with S. Patrick^ and his fellow labourer
in the conyerfion of tb^t tiland. He went to
our Lord about the year 500, and was interred
in his monaftcry, in the ifleof Beckerin ; where
he had opened a famous fchool both for divine
and human learning.

Jpril 24. At Canterbury the depofition of S*.-

Meliitus^ difciple of S. Gtegwy the Great, and

lent by him into England^ to the affiftance of S.
Auguflme our apoftle: he was foon after ordaia-
ed biihop of London i where he converted king
Seiert and his people to the faith of Chrifl : then
upon the death of S. Laurence^ he was made
^rchbiihop of Canterbury: which fee when he
liad governed, with great wifdom and fan£tity^
for the fpace of five years, he happily repofed in
our Lord anno 624. S. Bede^ 1. i. c. 29, 30.
1. 2. c. 3. &c. Alfo the traiiflation of the body
of S. Wilfrid the elder (rom Rippon to Canter^

bury anno 957 ; where it now repofes, as it h


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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 69
believed^ near the monument of Cardinal PqqU

April 25. The commemoration of S. Egheri

prieft, a man of admirable fanftity \ who fent
S. Willihrord and his companions, to preach the
faith in Lower Germanj ; and brought over the
monks of S. Columh in the ifle of Hy to the right
obfervation of Eajier\ amongft whom he alfo
laid down the load of his mortal flefli in the
90th year of his age, and with his fplrit took his
flight to our Lord, on Ea/ier day, anno 739. S.
Bide* Alfo the commemoration of holy Edil-^
hun companion of S. Egbert ; of whofe happy
death, in the monaftery of Rathmelfigi in Ire^
iandj at the time of the great mortsdity^ anno
664 3 fee S. Bfde, h 4. c. zj.

April 26. At 'Ives in Huntingtonjhire the

commemoration of S« Ive bifhop and confeflbr
whofe body was there difcov^red, anno 100
{four hundred years after his death) being found
whole and intire in his epifcopal habit, as if he
|iad been juft then buried ; his fah£lity alio being
attefted by manymiracles* His body was tran-
flated to the abbey of Ramjey ; where alfo the-
bodies of his companions Sttbius and Intbius were
at the fame time depofited.

April 27. In the abbey of Jf^azor in the ter-

ritory of Liege the commemoration of S. Fo*
rannan^ an Irijh prelate of the tenth century,
eminent for learning and virtue; who going
over, with twelve companions, into the JV>-
therlandsy for the advancing the kingdom of
Chrifi^ was received by count Eilbirt founder
. of

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the abbey pf fVazor^ and deiired to take up^
on him the charge of that monaftery ; of which
'he was the third abbat, after S, Maccallan^ and
S. Cadrae. This office he adminil^red till his
dying day, *anno 9829 with fo much prudence,
piety and fanitity, as to be Judged worthy to be
enrolled, after his death, amongA the faints
God alfo attefting his merit by evident miracles.
April 28, At Rofcree in the county of Tipe^
vary in Ir eland j the teftivity of S. Cronan abb at
honoured of old as patron of that church. He
founded a famous monaftery there, which he
quickly ftockM with moil religious monk$^ many
reforting to himt attracted by the odour of bis
itanflity; and deliring to learn of him to be
faints. He repofed in our Lord anno 640. UJher
p. 502. In Germany the feftivity of S. C&rtill
a ScQi^ iuOiop of fFerJk in'the ninth century.

Jpril 29. At Tork the depofition of S. JVil^

^ri^ the ]i(Ounger, difcipleof ^. John of BiVirley^
and his fucceflbr in the fte of Tork ; a man of
fingular mirit und faulty [Bede] bountiful to
the poor^ u great lover of die beauty of the
houfe of God | and greatly addicted to divine
contemplatbn* Obiit anno 7^*

April 30. At Lond&n the depofition of S. Er^

konwaldy fourth bifliop of that fee; and for the
eminence of his fan<Slity, honoured as patron of
the diocefe ; two feftivals being kept yearly in
his memory, viz. this day, and the 14th of No-
vember^ which was the day of his .tranilation«
He founded out of his own patrimony, before be

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 7.1
^as bifhop) the iaiiious abbeys of Cbirtfeyj and
Marking : and wa$ iliuftrious for miracles both
alive and dead. V. Sede^ 1. 4. c. 6. In Little
JSr-itain the feftivitjp of S. Briacus.hHOiap^ adifci-
, pie of $• GirmamiSy md
a^alous preacher of
the word of life : who flying the fury of the
Saxons; pailed the feas, and founded a monaftcry
*on the coaft of Armorica^ where now ftands
the epifcopal city of S. Brieu^ which takes Us
name from him : where he lived and died a
ereat pattern of (an^ty^ in th^ bediming of tt^

May I- A T Llan Elwy in North tVales^ the
of S. 4^a^ biihop and
confefibr: he was the favourite diiciple of &
^entigern^ and his fucceflbr, both in his mona^
ftery of 995 religious brethren, over whom he
was abbat; and in the bifihoprick of Llan Ebvy,\
which now from his name is called AfapVs. &
He flouriflied in great fenftity in the latter part
t>f the fixth century, and has a^lace on this day
in. the Rnmn Maityrolcgy* Tn. which alfo 4m
this fame day Is commemorated the royal virgin
and abbefs ^whofe principal fem-
S. Waibvirga \

\ity is kept in Bavmria on the firft of Mofy* In

Ireland the feftivity of S. Kellach bifhpp, who

^ouriihed about the year 6oo.

May a. In the Mbnaflery of Foffes in the

territory of Liege^ the commemoration of blef^
fed l/if^n-abbat brother of the great S. Furjey :

who stfter having iiluftrated with the rays of


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iiis iandtty the province of the Eaji Angles^ go-
ing over into the Belgic Gaul^ there founded,
with the help of S. Gertrude of Niveikj that
famous abbey ; where alfo he happily repoied in
our Lord' anno 68 o. At Lindisfame the com-

memoration of another great fervant of God,

t>f the name of UUan^ who was a monk of the
fflonaftery there, and noted for his learning and '

holinefs of life. In the Netherlands the feftivity

t)f S.Germanus a Britijh prelate, who preach-
ed the faith of Chrift in thofe parts ; and was
there crowned with martyrdom. Rofweidusy in
fajiis Saniiorum.

May 3. In Lincohjhlre the commemoration of "

S. Ethelwin bifhop of Lindfeyy and of S. Alde^

txr/ff' abbat of Peartney: both of them illuftri^

*ous for fan£tity, in our primifive Engltjh church*

"S. Bede^ 1. 3. c. II. In Scotland the commernora-
tion of S. Marnoc the black ; whofe fan^ty is
celebrated by the ScMiJb hifiorians.

May 4. In TVales the commemoration of S.

Docus and abbat, one of the moft illu-
ftrtous for fanftity and learning amongft the
dodors of the ancient Britijh church ; who
jointly with S, David and S. Gildas greatly pro-
moted piety, and religious difcipline
both and Ireland. Sec the ancient
in Britain
catalogue of faints, in UJher^s Antiquities. In the
monaftery of S. IJilda at Hakenefs in Terkjhire^
the commemoration of holy Begu virgin, to
whom God was pleafed to ihew, in a vifion^
Che foul of S« mida^ at the very hour fhe de-

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BR I T I S H P I E T Y. 75
parted this her monafiery of Whitby)
life- (in
afceiiding up to heaven in great glory. S« Bede^ I.
4» 23.

May 5* At Bardney in Ltncelnflnn^ the com*

memoration of S. Ethelred^ king of the Mer^
cians, who after a glorious reign of thirty years,
refigning his earthly kingdom, for the gaining of
z heavenly one, became a monk in the mona*
fiery of bardney 3 and there made a holy end,
anno 710. S« Bidey 1« 5. c* 20. His fucceHbr
king Coenndj after five years reign followed his
example; and in like manner exchanged his
crown and fcepter for the habit and life of a
nfionk, anno 709. In Scotland the commemora- .

tion of holy Scandalius^ difciple of S. Colum-kille^

and one of thofe twelve apoftolical men, that
came over with him from Irelandy to preach the
faith of Chrift to the nation of the PiSls.

'May 6. At Undhfarm^ now Holy IJland^ on

the coaft of Northumberland^ the depofition of
$• Eadbert bifhop, renowned for his learning
and fan£tity. He was fucceflbr co S. Cuthbert in
diat fee, and diligently walked in his blefied foot*
fieps \ and as his body was laid with him in the
fame fepulchre here on earth, fo was his foul aCr
ibciated with him on this day in glory anno 697.
S. Bede^ I, 4. c. 29, 30. At Landaff the tranfla-
tion of the body of S. Dubritms^ the firft bifliop
of that fee, from bis fepulchre in the ifle of
Enhly or Bardfey to the cathedral of Landaff.

May 7. At Beverley in Torkjhtre the feftivity of

S» JAn fome time bilhop of Tarky eminent for
D his

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his fanflity, learning, and miracles ; attefted by
S. Bede cotemporary (L. 5, c. 2, 3. Sec.)
who received his holy orders both of deacon,
and of prieft at his hands. Obtit anno 721. At
Tinmouth the memory of the holy abbat Herebald^
difciple of S. John of Beverley* S. Bede,

May i. In the monaflery of S. Oditia near

Jturemond^ the depofition of IFlro bifhop ;
who going out of Britain preached the faith of
Chrift in the Loiw Countries^ about the begin-
ning of the eighth century ; and after reaping
great fruits of his labours, there happily repofed
in our Lord. In Scotland the feflivity of St.
Gibrian^ confeflbr, marked on this day in the
ScotsCalendar ; where he is faid to have gone to-
our Lordy anno 532,

May 9. In Switzerland the feilivity of S. B/-

otus confeflbr, faid to have been a Briton hy
birth, and the firft that preached the word of
life to the Switzers* Amongft the ancient 5ri-
tons^ the commemoration of S. Nennio^ a holy
prelate, who held his fee in a place called tie
great monajlery-y and was fpiritual father to the
famous S. Winnin, He flourifhed in the fixth •

century* See the A6b of S*^ WUmn*

May TO. At Benchor

Inland th^ feftivity of
who gave a rule to
S. Comgall or Congellus abbat,
the great monaftery there, the moft renowned
for religious difcipline of any 4n Ireland: of
whidi, and of its holy founder, thus writes the
great S. Bernard^ in his life of S. Malachi.
^ This mouaftery of Benchor^ fays he> bad been

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moft famous before, under its firft father Con^
gellusj bringing forth many thoufands of religi-
ous I and being the head of many monafteries*
A place truly li^ly, and fruitful in faints,
inibmuch that one of the fons of that holy con-
gregation, by name Luanus^ is reported alone
to have been the founder of a hundred monafte^
rles, &c. In fliort its ofFspring filled in Ajch man-
ner Ireland and Scotland^ that thofe verfes of*
Ffalm 64;feem'to have foretold thefe days : Thou
hoft vifitud thi ^fftb^ and thdu haji plentifully wa^
tered it : thou ha/i multiplied the enriching of if* *

The river ofGoa hath beenfilled with water : thou

hajl prepared tbeit food, &c» Fitt up plentifully
the ftreams thereof-, multiply its fruits it Jhall
Spring up and rejoiee in its Jhowers, &ۥ Neither
did thofe iWarms of fiiintd mly (pread tbeoifelves
through the aforefaid countries; but alfo, like*
overflowing waters, they poured themfelves out
into'foreignlands* Of Wiii<^timnberS»(2^iii£iim^
coming through our parts of France, built the
monafiery of Luxeuil ; and grew up there into a
great nation : lb great, as it is faid, the ib^-
femnity of Ae divine office was there continued
by choirs fucceeding one another, fo that not a
mosieat of the day, or night, pailed without the
praifes of .God/ So fiir & Bernard. S. ComgaB
came alfo over into Britain^ to vifit the faints
who then flourijQxed amongft the Britons : and
founded here a monaftery in a territory then
called Heth : -^wd afcer a life full of years and of
good works, he was called to the rewards of a
happy eternitjT) anno 601 • Alio in the fame
monaftery of Benchor, the commemoration of

many holy monka^ to- the number^ as it is faid,

J> z of

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iof nine hundred^ who were there martyred ia
one day by the Dams. S* Bernard. At Taren^
^itim in Italy the feftivity of S. Cataldus bifhop
and honoured on this day in the Ro^
martyrology ; and faid^ in bis a^^ to have
been a native oi Ireland.

May u. The feftivity of S. Frmund mzrtyr^

"Who retiring from the worlds in the flower of bis
^ge^ led a life of extraordinary devotion and pe*

nance 4n a lonefome folitude in the confines *

Waks i where he wa$ at length flain by the

Da7iesj anno 862 5 and held in very great ve-
neration by our anceftors« At Canterbury the
depofition of archbiihop Aibelard anno 806 { to
* whom our hiftorians give the character, of a
See Dugdale^4
'Very learned^ ^UuS'and,£o^d^relaUw

May 12. At Thorney in Camlridgejhtre^ the

commemoration of S. Huna confelior, whofe
mortal remains repofed in the church of the
abbey there
; as did alfo the bodies of S, Here^

Scotland the femvity of S. ComgaU abbat of Ha^^

ikuoedy in the ^eleventh century 5 who is honour*
ed on this day in, the Scotti/h Calendars.

May I3« In Wales the commemoration of S.

Cathmael confefibr, cotemporary with the great
S. David ; and renowned for the fandity of his
life : of whom we read in the Ads of S. Finian
of Clonard^ (called the mafter^ or teacher of the
ffaints of Ireland) that during his Hay in Britain^
hfi was converfant with three eminent Briti/b
a faints^

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BRITISH piety: tT
feints^ viz. David^ S. Gildas^ and S. Gi/A*
niaeL In Ireland the commemoration of the
faints Bitheus and Genocus i religious men of the
Britijb nationy who accompanied the fame &
Finiaity in his return from Britain to Ireland^
and for their extraordinary fandity, were held
after ' their death in great veneration in the
cliurches of Ireland. AUb in Ireland the depo**
fition of S. MoeWod alias Maldod abbat.

May 14.. At Lifmore in Ireland the feftivity

of S.Carihac juniorj called alfo Mochuda^ founder
and firfi bifhop of the church of Ufjuore i
father and teacher of many faints, 'whom he
trained up in hts celebrated (chool» and mona-^
fiery of Raihenin. Alfo the commemoration -of
his twelve principal dilciples; who were re-
nowned above all the reft for the eminence <^
their fandity : whofe names may be feen in
Vfter^s Jnttquiiies^ p, 503. In Ireland the com-
memoration of S* Dunnim abbat, difciple of S»

Mareb 15* At P^lefworth in Wanmthjhin^

the commemoration of o. Editha virgin, daughter
to king Egbert^ (or as others fay to king EiheU
Ufolf) and recommended by him to the care of
S, Madwenna of Ireland; by whom (he was
educated in all fandiity, in the company of S. O-
and S. Line. She was the iiril abbefs
of PoUefmrtb^ and patronefs of that holy
community. See Dugdales IVarwickJhire. At
Gele in Brabant the feftivity of S. Dympna
virgin and martyr, daughter to an Irijh prince
who flying from the unnatural luft erf* her own
D 3 father^.

Digitizejll^ Google
father, crofled the feas, under the condwSl of m
holy Gtnberni and chofefprher
prieft called
•dwelling a lonefome folitude, where now ftandf
the town of Gele : till her father, having got in-*
telligence of the place of her retreat^ comrng
« thither, and finding her conftant in herrefoliH*
tion, flew her with his own hands having firft

murthered S. Gerebirn^ her fpiritual director, Th^

body of S. Dympna repoles ina cpli^tate churchy
dedicated to God in her name in the town of
GiU^ where it has beea illu&ated with manj
iniracles. The body of
. &
Gtrekum was traivr
ilated from Gele to the ciiurch ^r^fii^k^ in the
jlukedon; of.ij^x* - -

' May 16. At Clonferi in Irelandy the feftivity of

.S. Brendan the elder, abbat and founder of manjf
fnonafteries and fchools piety, as well in i2ri>p
iffiriy as in Ireland: ia which he had m
than three thoufand religious of his inftitute 1
to whom he gave ^n ejccellent rule, faid to hav4
been digitated to him by an angel. He went
our Lord in the 93d year of his age anno 5781.
In Ireii^nd alfa.the feflivity of S. Qatantacy a
Bruljb j^bJemao^ who was called from leading

. an eremitical life in his own country, to go

^ind join his .labours with ^* Patrick y in preach-
ing tbef. faith of Ghrift to ^^ Irljh. hi Bour^
deaux m France the happy death of S.* Simon
lurijamed Stock ; an Englijh Carmelite, General
of his Older, and renowned for the wonderful
iancStity of his life. Alfo on the fame day at S«
the tranflation of the
relic ics of Alban^ the moH Uluii4:low amongft
Briiijb sMxiyxu

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Mitf' 17* In QmrnwaU^ not far from the Lan^s
Endy the commemoration of S.Madern or M^cl^
dren confeflbr : where <here is a chapel, and a
^ well called from his name, which by a remain
of ancient deyotion ufcd to be particularly fre-
quented on the Thurfdays in May^ and more ef-
pecially nn Corpus Chrtjii day. Here in the year
1640, John TreRlle^ who had been an abfolute
cripple for fixteen years, and wad obliged to
crawl upon his hands, by reafon of the clofe
contra^ton of the finews of his legs ; upon three
feveral admonitions, in his dream, wafhing in S.
Mxiderns well, and fleeping afterwards on what
was called S. Mnderris bed, was fuddenly and
perfect ly cured fo that / Jaw him^ fays bifhop

Mall (in Ms ^reatife of the invijible Worlds 1. !•

ie6t. 8.) ^hh to tMli^ and get his mm maintendncf.
This prmeftant prelate, who was at that time
the biCbop of the diocefe, in his vifitation, as he
tells min the ftme fdace, beftdts the attejiatton of
numy hundi^di (f ih& iteighhourry took aJlriSl and
ferfonal ^xaminaiion of tfhe cafe, and found the
whole to be unquellionable-: here Was neither
arty nor collujion^ fays he, the thing was done^ thi
author invijible.

May \%. In Scotland, the feftivity of S* Con^^

vdlluiy faid by the Scotti/h breviary to have been
a of S. Keniigerny and to have greatly
. promoted, by word 2nd Work, the kingdom of
Ghrift fn that part of Britain. His happy death
is marked anno 612. At Shaft/bury the feftivity
of S# j^lgyve queen, mother to king Edgar^ a
Udy moft eminent for. her piety and charity.
Obiil anno 971.
D4 May

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May ig. The feftivity of S» Dun/ian arch-
biihop of Canterbury^ who from his childhood
taking up the fweet yolce of Chrift, by wfiolly
addicting himfelf to devotion and divine love
became one of the brighteft lights of the Englifo
church ; a zcalous'reforrher of monafticic difci*
pline J and a reftorer of chriftian piety and pu-
rity« He was alfo illuftrious for the gift of pro*
phecy and of itoiracles : and was called to the
reward of his labours, anno 988. At Tours ia
France the depofition of venerable Alcutn^ dil^
cipie of holy Egbert arcbbiihop cS Tori, and
his fucceflbx in the charge of the famous fchoo],
which that prelate had opened in that city.
From whence he was Frame by
invited over to
the emperor Charlemagne^ who honoured him
with the title of his Majieri and by his ailifi;-
ance and advice founded the univerfity of Paris.
He was the moft learned man of his age, as his
works teftify. In the latter part of his life he
withdrew from courts to the abbey of S* Mar**
tin^s at Tours f where he died in the odour of
fzn^ity^ anno 804,

May 20. At Hereford^ the feftivity of S.

thelbertking of the Eajl Anglesey a moft religious
and godly prince j who going to the court of
Offa king of the Merehans^ to demand his daugh*
tcr Alfreda in marriage, was trcacheroufly mur-^
thered at Sutton Wallis'^ and privately buried at
Marden. But a pillar of light, which was feen
in the n^ght over his fepulchre, occafioned his
body to be taken up, and tranflated to Hereford^
where it was illuftrated by many great miracles :

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y.
infomuch that the cathedral of Herefordviz:^ af^-
terwards dedicated to God in bis name.

May At Fynchalxn the biflioprick of Dur*

ham^ the depofition of S. Godrick hermite, re-
nowned for fanflity and miracles. Obi it anno
1 170. At Lucca m Itoly^ thefeaftof S. Sllaus an

/r//2r prelate, eminent for holinefs of life, who

died there in his return from lUm^ anno 1094.

Maf 22. At Beverley in Torkjhtre^ the com-

memoration of S. Berethun abbat, difciple of S«
y^bn of Beverley^ and appointed by him the firfi:
fuperior of his monaftery in Deirwood\ who
living and dying with fuch holinefs as became
the difciple of fo great a mafter, went to join his
company in glory anno 733, Alfo the comme-
moration of S. PPinewaldy fucceiTor to S. Bin^ -

tbun^ and imitator of his virtues ; who went to


our Lord anno 751. this day alfo is marked

in the Sarum calendar, and in the Englijh Mar^
of holy king Hifoj VI. whofe
tyralogy^ tlie deceafe
life was fo eminently godly, and his deaths
though violent, fo precious in the fight of our
Lord, that he was pleafed to iUuftrate him with
manjr miracles; to which, fays Dr. Harpsfieldy
in his hiftory^ all England yiz,% witnefs. UbiiC
anno 147 k

May 23. At Knarefborough in Yorkjhirty ihd

commemoration of S, Robert hermit* At i2^-.'
ihefier the depofition of S. WtlHam of Fifib^ a
holy pilgrim murthered in that neighbourhood,. .

by a youth, whom he had brought up out of

cbariQr : whofe body being buried the cathe- m
s u dral ,

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dral of that city, was honoured with div€S8 ttii-*^

fades* Capgrave.

May 24^ At Barking in Ejffhcy the.commemo*

ration of holy Ethelburga queen, wife to king
Jna\ who after inducing her hufband to quit the
world, retired to the monaftery of Barking i
iand there made a holy end about the year 740*
There is a church in London dedicated in her
name. On this day alfo is commemorated in
ibme martyrologies the great king Edgar ; who
after repairing, by feven years penance, enjoined
him by S. Dunjian^ the fcandal given by the fms
of his youth \ ,and like another David^ promot«»
7ng with all his power, the beauty of the houie
of God, and the general good of religion, went
to receive his reward^^ anno 975. He was bur .

ried at Ghfienbttry ; where his body ivas found

incorrupt fourfcore years after his death ; and
being enfhrined, was placed over the high^
altar of the abbey church. «

Maya.$. At Sherborn \n Dsrfetjhire^ the dc-

pofition of ^Aidbelm firfi bifhop of that fee, moft
illuttrious, both for his learning:, and for hia
/aridity. 5^ c. ig. fie was the firft
S, Bedey !•

of th^ Ett^ijb nation, who far his godly and",

learned writings, both in profe and yeri^ has .

deferved to be ranked amongft the fathers, and

of the church. Obiit anno 709.
d.ocflors At
Malmjbury the cominefAoration of holy Mm^
dvJfy founder of the abbey there, and as feme
2/11 ai, m after
of S. Aldh$lm^ He is called
MaiUun Sexm manufcript, of tho
in the old
burying places gf thp EngUJh biXfiU.

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May 26. At Canterbury the feftivity of S.
gti/iin the monk^ firft archbiftiop of that fee, and
apofile of the Englijh \ who being fent into Eng^
land^ by the holy pope S. Gregory the Greats and
upheld by God by the working of miracles,
joined with an extraordinary fan^tity of life,
brought over king Etbelbert and his people, from
the worfhip of idols to the faith and law of
Chrift. Obiit anno 6o8, At Rome the deppfitioa
of S. Eleutherius pope; who fent over into i?r/<- *

iai7i the faints Fugacius and Damianus^ for the

injftrudion of king Lucius and his Britons j in
the fecond century*

^May 2y. In the monaftery of jfarrow^ in

the biihpprick of Durham, the depofitton of ve-
naratbie' Bede prieft, and doAor of the church
who at the age of feven years being happily and
holily offered and dedicated to God under the
. care of S* Bemtet Bifcop ; fpent his whole life in
the exercifes of religion, in finging the divine
praifes, and in meditating on God's holy word;
in fach manner as to make it his greateft de-
light to employ all the leifure time he could
have from other necefTary duties, in either
learning, or teaching, or writing fomething for
the greater glorv of his God. And as he lived,
fo he happily died in thefe holy exercifes, on
Afcenfion £veantio 735. His body was a^r«
wards tranflated to Durham.

May 2S* In the famous monaflery of Fan^

niMtir in Brie^ the commemoration of S. ^
thryd 7i noble Englijh virgin, who, for her fin-
guiar virtue aqd LiM^ity^ after the death of S.
, Fara

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fara was cbof^n, though a ftranger^ abbeis of
that community of faints, and there died the
death of the faints. S. Bede^ 1. 3. c. 6. At
Fiefoil in Tufcany^ the commemoration of S.
Brigidi a Scottijh or Irijh virgint who for the
love of Chrift, leaving her worldly friends and
country^ and going into Italy^ led a mo|l faintly
Jife in a wood near that town^ and dying in the

fweet odour of fan£tity, (bme time in the ninth

century, is honoured there to this day among the

May 29. In Cornwall the commemoration of

S. Burieniy a moft holy virgin : the place of
whofe earthly dwelling retatna- her name to this
day, The great opinion our anceftors had of
the eminent fandity of this illullrious virgin,
appears from king Jbbelfian^s granting to her
church the privilege of a fanftuary, anno 936,
On this day alfo is marked in the Scots calen«
dar the happy death of David king of Scots^ a
moft religious and munificent prince, and ion
to the blelled queen S, Margarets He died at
CarliJU Mayjz^f in great fentimcnt^ pf piety^
anno 1153.

Mtyf 30* At Baber near N^rwub^ the com-

'snemoration of S. Walfim confefibr, whofe vene*
ration is very ancient in that neighbourhood*
His ads are recorded in Capgravis colle<^on of
the lives of Brhtjh faints*

May 31. At S« Edmunds Bury in Suffolk ^ the
commemoration of S. Jumdn confefibr) fon to
the holy king Anna i and brother to the faints

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 85^
Audry^ Sexburge^ Edilburge^ and IValburge, His
body was tranflated^ from his firft burying place,
to the church of S. Edmund^ and there kept with
great honour, in the time of William of Malmef^
burj^ who wrote not long after the conqueft.
In the fame place, the commemoration alfo of
S. Bofulph bifliop, whofe body, as the fame au«
thor relates, repofed in the fame church* In the
JJk of Man^ the commemoration of the holy
j^velsLtePatricianus^ who flying from the fwords of
the Saxonsj and retiring into that ifland, made
there a holy end. Hi£tor Boetk

June 1. A T the abbey of EveJJmm^ the fe-
ftivity of S. Wijian king of the
Alfrciansj martyred anno 849. «Of whom it in
recorded, that in token of his fandlity, the place
where he fuftered was for thirty nights illuftrated
with a heavenly li^ht, where afterwards a cha*
pel was built in his honour : bis body was bu*
ried in the royal abbey of Rependcriy the burying
place of the Mercian kings ^ from whence it
was tranflated to the famous monafiery of Eve-^
Jham. In Scotland the commemoration of holy
king Malcolm IlL a devout and religious prince^
who was huiband to the Uefled queen S. Mar-*
garet^ an imitator of her virtues, and a partner
in her charities. He was interred at the abbey
of DsmfermUn^ in the fame church with his
holy confort, anno 1093: from whence, upon
the change of religion, their relicks were car-
ried abroad, and given to PbiUp IL of Spain
who depoiited them in the new church . of his

palace of the Efcurlaly with this inlcription on the
ihriney S« M^Ualm king^ and S. Margant queen»

2. In a little ifland unon the coafi: of

South TVales^ the commemoration of S. Piro
abbat, illuftrious for fan^tity in the fifib centary •*
to whofe monaftery S 5^;/2yJ/^ retired from the
c;pntinent^ and for fome lime directed th&idi««
gi )us there* In the North of England^ the com*-
TtiitmorMion oi Herefrid the man of Gcd: whofe
happy death is marked in the appendix to ^«
£ed€*s chronological table^ annp 747.

June 3. In the abbey of Milton^ or Middleionj

in Dorfetjhire the commemoration of S« Branwa*-
/^^6?r bifhop, patron of that church and monafte**

ry. See Tanner^ s Notitia. p. 104. At GUandeloch in

Ireland^ the depofition of S. Coiwgen alias Ktivin
^ abbat, illuflrious for faniSlity and miracles, who
went to our JLord anno 615* Aifo in Ireland^
the commemoration of S« CroMn-. a holy prieft^
who fiouriflied In the fifth century, by whom S.
Coemgen was baptized as alfo of another S#

C$emgen abbat of Gkanujfen in the fixth centtnry.

. June 4. At Padjiow (dim P

etrocki^Jimj) in
C^nwaUy the feftivity of S. Petrock an abbatt
eminent for faniEtity; who founded a college or
monailery there in the fixth century, in which
amongft others, he had three dioA holy men for
his difclples, Credan^ Medan^ and Dachan. His
tomb and {hrine, xnLeland's txxnf'y wasi. in the eaft
part of the church of Padffm^ i^Ma at Bddmin
in Cornwall the feflivity of another S. Petrock
b^op of CornwaUx in (he nintix cgitury i whofa.

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fi R I I S H T P I E Y. 87 T
body repofed in a church dedicated to God in
bis name in Budmin: the ancient name of which
Bofmanay that is the manftm ofMonksyio
called from S. Petrock's monaftery, DugdaU.
Alfo in Cornwall the commemoration of S. Gu^.
rcnus hermtty who led a.iblitary life in great
fanitity, in a fiTiall cottage, which he gave up.
to S. Petrock^ when he^ came into that neigh*

5.. In the famous abbey of Fulda la

Gernun^y the feftivity of S. Winfridy alias Bo-^
mface^ archbifliop of MentXj and apoftle of
Germany who hniihed the courfe of, his apo«

iiolical life, and labours, by a elorious martyr*

dom at Dockum in Eafi Frlfeland anno^755. His
body .was tranflated to his monaftery of Fulda^.
w^ifre it has been illuftrated with innumerable
miracles, Alfo the commemoration of the faints
JFfoban biibop, fVinirungy WaiUr and Adiiherg
priefis ; H^nund^ Strithald and Bofa deacons $
pyaccafy GunderhaTylViiliker and Hadulph monks;
with others of the laity to the number of about,
^ty in ail ; them of the Englijh
a great part of
nation, who were
martyred at the fame time
wi^b S. Boniface by the barbarous infidels. At -

abbey of S» VamrdUh in Normandy the fe» ^

fiivity of S. Bagna or Baga an EngliJJj monlc of,
that monaitery. Qbiit anno jzo.

yune 6. tn Scotland the feftivity of S. Colm or

Colmac biOiop, apoftle pf the ifles of Orifuy. He .

fiouriibed in learning and fan£tity about the year

Ipoa, in the days of king Kenneth III ; and has ,
In Germany the commemoration of holv Agatha
virgin and abbefs ; who was one of thole EngUJh
nuns, whom S. Boniface invited over from the
nionaftery of Winborn in Dorfetjhire^ for the
eftablifhing religious difcipline amongft his Ger^
man converts. She went to our Lord fome time
after the middle of the eighth century.

June 7. In the monaftery of l^ewmnjier^ of

the Ci/ierctan order, near Morpeth in Northum*
herlandy the depofition of &
Rober t abbat> re*
nowned for fan£lity and miracles. He went to
our Lord June anno 1159: at which time
S. Godrick^ who was then praying in his hermi-
tage at Finchal^ faw his foul, in the fhape of a
globe of fire, carried up by angels into the
heavenly paradife, in fpite of a troop of in-
fernal fpirits^who fought to obftrud his way. He
alfo faw, at the fame time, the foul of a holy
woman of Hajlings in Suffix^ whofe name was
Bditha^ takethe fame happy road. ktWrnefier
the tranflation of the body of S. Wolftan bimop •

of that fee; which being taken up above an

hundred years after his* death, was* found, in all
his pontifical attire, as whole and incorrupt, as
when it was firil laid in the grave. In Inland
the feAivity of S. C9bn§c fiift ^fliop of Dnnwi^
celebrated for faniSlity.

Jum 8. At Y9rk^ the feftivity of S. Wimam

archbifliop, honoured of old as one of the prin-
cipal patrons of that church. He died anno
1 154, and was illuflrious for many great mira-
cles. On the fame day is honoured in the ^Ms
calendm^i St Syra or Qjra virg^n^ iifier to the

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 89
great faint Ftaker^ in whofe name divers
churches have been anciently dedicated to God*

June g. In the famous monaftery of the ifle

of Hy (now called Tcombkille) the depofition of
S. Cobimi abbat ;who from the number of the
cells^or monafteries by him eftabli(bed, and to
which he gave a peculiar rule, is commonly cal-
led S. C^lumkiUi. He was bom in Ireland of the
noble race of Neily anno 521 5 and was brought
up in the company of many great faints, in the
fehool of S* Finian of Cknard. From his youth
he devoted himfelf, with his whole foul, to the
love and fervice of his God ; continually beg*
ing three kinds of graces, of his Divine Majefty %
which were all plentifully beftowed upon him,
viz. JPuriiy of foul and body; the heaveniv
light of true wifdm^ for his direi^on in all
things ; and a dijengagement of his heart, from
all earthly afFe£lions, that it might freely fly up
toGod* Being ordained prieft, aft^r having
made many holy foundations in Ireland^ follow-
ing a divine call, he paiTed over into the North
of Britain^ with twelve apoftolical men» out of
the number of his difciples, and there he preach-
ed the faith to the Northern Pi£is \ whom he
converted to Chrift, together with their power«-
ful king JBridiuSy by his dodlrine and miracles :
from whom alfo he received the ifle of Hy^
for the place of his refidence; and eflabliflied
there that congregation of faints ; to whom un-
der God
not only the churches of the Piils and
Se&ts^ but thofe of the Northern Englijh alfo are
greatly indebted for their inftru£lion and fanftifi-
cation. S. Colmb happily repofed in our Ix)rd

anno 597. His life and miracles are recorded itl

three books by S. Jdamnan abbat of Hy^ in the

following century* On
this day is alfo cele-
brated in the Sarum calendar, the tranflation of
3* Edmund archbilbop of Canterbury^ illuftrious
iot innumerable miracles: wbofe body being
taken up on this day, (even years after his death,
was found entire and uncorrupt^ with all the
joints as flexible as when the faint was alive
aiid was folemnly tranflaLcd to a more honour*
able fepulchre, in prefence of S. Lewis king of
France^ .and a great nombar of prelaws and nc-.

: Jum 10. The fefiivity of Afargaret K[nttn

of Scots : whofe life written by her Confejfa^
rim . Durham^ is full of
Theodorick^ a nu)nk of
aklmirable leflbra and great namplei of all chri«
ftian virtues j bnt m6rc efpecially of an extraor-
dinary, piety, felf'denial, humility and, charity;
(Ued death of the fasnts, aAno io93i«
At Rocbe/ler the depofition of S. lihamar hxiho^j
celebrated for the fancSity of bis life, and his eru-
ditiom S^Bide^ 1. 3* 14. Obiit anno 671.

June r T. In the monaftery of S. Columb in the

ifle of Hyy the commemoration of S. BakbiA
abbat ; trained up from his youth in Ae difci-
. pltne of that great faint, a clofe imitator of all
his virtncSi, and^ bis immediate fucdefibr in- tht
charge of that monaftery, and of the many
others both in Britain and Ireland^ which de-
pended on it. He followed bis holy father to
heaven, anno 6oi* In the monaftery of
^io in L$mbar4yi th$ copotm^oratioo of S* Cu-^

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an /r/}^ prelate 5 who following an extra-
Pfduiary a^l, Idit his bi(hoprick and iiative
coumry ; and going into /te^ embraced a &tiSk
monaftick life, at the age of feventy-five, in the
monaftery of S« Colmnbanus at Bobbio ; and there^
for tMcenty yeara, livedt in che clofe obfervance
of regular difcipline, a perfcft model of all vir-
tue;, to his c^ing day i wlaich waa ioine time ia
the eighth eentuiy*

June 12. In Scotland the feliivity of S. T^^r-

fiffirbiihep, who haaa j^aoe this day in the
jib cr (ken breviary.He is fatd to have been a
difciple of PoUafl^us^ aad by. him to* have
ordained biihop of the fiUs^ anno43i* Ac
Pebtis in the fa rue kingdom the memory of S#
i^lkolaus biihop ar^d n^artyr^ who is fuppofed to
l»xm fufiered under JOini^an. His relkkft were
difcovered in that neighbourhood anao xa6i. ScA
yjlm's JntiquUiih P>» 334*

- June13. In North /i^/fj^ the commemoration

of EUrius abbaty trained up in piety and

learnings in the monaftery of S. Jfaph ; from
Whence he retired into the wlldernefs; and there
fed an. eremitical life i till preferring the bene-«
fit of naany before his own private iatisfa&toii

which he took in folitude, he founded a mona*^

fiery of religious men in the vale of Cluyd of
which he was abbat : and amiher for iiucred vir^
gins ; in Wenefride ; whom
which he received S.
a^o he contiiiued to direct in the ways of the
mofl fiibliine perfeAton till her happy death*

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92 A M E MO R I A L dF

June li^. In Smtb Waki tht f^vxty of
Dogmael abbat, who flourifhed in the fixth cen-
tury* There was an
ancient church dedicated in
his the land of Kemsnn PtnArokeJhtre^
name in
which was given after the conqueft to a priorjr
of monks, which fubfifted under the name of S.
Bdgmad till the days of king Hinrj VIII* At
Oxford the commemoration of S. Aldate^ of
whofe church and monafiery tbere^ fee Tan*
nerU N$iitia Monafiica^ P*4I9«

June 15. At Winchejier^ the feftivity of S.

Eihurge virgin, daughter to king Edward the

Elder^ who from a child defpifcd the world, and

all its empty toys ; and when ihe was grown
tip, devoted herfelf to be a fpoufe of Chrift, in
the nunnery of Winchejler : Her fanility, fays our
freat hiitorian IVilliam ef Malme/buryy grew with
er age^ f and her humility ripened with her
years . • . . • becaufe all her works were begun
by charity ; and finiO^ed by humility. In fhort
tiie devotion of her breaft, and the virginal pu-
rity of her body, were both in her life, and after
her death, demonftrated by very many miracles/ ,

]« 2t de Regibus. Obiit anno 960. In lAuk Bri^

tain the feftivity of S. Vouga or Vio^ an Irijh
prelate, in the futh century, who palling over
the feas,' became an hermitj and lived and died
in fo great reputation of fanftity, as to have di*
^ vers churches dedicated to God in his name.

June 16. In Little Britain the commemora-

tion of Mainj a Briujh prelate of extraordi*
nary fan£tity, fome time difciple of the great S.
JSr^;z^;ri honoured to this day in that pro-

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B R I T I S ri PIETY. 93
vince, by an abbey and church bearing his name-
At Chichefttr the tranflation of S. RiAard bifiiop
of that lee, renowned for many miracles. A-

mongft the Lady of Mercy (infti-
religious of our
tuted for the redemption of captives) tbe'com* ^

memoration of S. Serapton an Englijhmarty ^\(cU

pie of S. Piter Nolafco ; who was marQ^red in
JfricM by the Moors anno 1240*

June 1 7. The of S. Boiulph abbat,.

honoured on day this m
the Tori calendar $
whofe name has been very illuftrioUSy on ac- •

count of his extraordinary faniiity^ throughout

^all England i at lead from the ninth century and
downwards. In Inland the depofition of S.
Moling^ alias DairchiUa bifhop of Femes ; great-
ly renowned among^ the Irifi faints. He died
in a good old age^ anno 687.

yune i8. In the ^if/^^r/0iM& the commemo*

ration of S. Adulpb bifhop, brother of S. Bo*
iulpi'y who going over from England^ when
young, into the Belgkk Gaulj embraced a mo-
naftick life, and became ib great a proficient in
aU virtue, as to be advanced, though a ftranger>
to the biihoprick of Traji£lum^ which he ad-
miniftered in lb faint-iike a manner, as to be

honoured after his death amongft the faints. In

Scotland, the commemoration of holy MalcoJmlV.
king of the Scots^ furnamed the Maiden^ grand-
fan to the blcfled king David^ and great grand-
fon to S. Margaret : whole admirable virtues,
and unblemiAied purity, are highly extolled by
our hiftorian3# William of Niwbrid^e.
June 19. At Hexham in Northumberland^ the
commemoration of S. Akhmmi^covii^nxxA bi-
fliop of that fee, anno 767, a prelate exceed-
ingly religious, and renowned for bia holinels
of life* Hoveden. At Efyj the commemoration
of the holy bifliop yohn^ who being firft a
monk, and afterwards abbal: of Fountains vol
Terkjhirij of the Gfierdan order, then floa«
rifhing in its ; was made
primitive fervour bi-
ihpp of Ely : which di^nt^ Jiis exti;aordinary
humility^ charity and fanflity, recommended him^
to the higheft efteem and veneration of all triw.
lovers of virtue and religion* He went to our .

Lord anno 122$,

June 20. At Rome the commemoration of the

holy priefts Timothem and Nemtus^ fons of S«
Pudem and fuppofed to have had fome particu*
; ^

lar connections with the Britijh nation j and the

former of them to have .for fome tane preached
in Britain. See XJjher^s Antiquities^ p. 17. At
Shaftjhury the tranflation of the body of S. Ed^
ward king and martyr, which being t^en up
three years after his death was found as frefti and
entire as if it had been buried the fame day. At
, Ifinocjbergen in Fland€r$y die tranflatton of \ the
relinks .of S. OJwald kiag and martyr*

June 21* At Harlem in HoBandy the fdHvit^

of S. Ejtgehnnnd abbat, who went over from
England to the ailiftance of S. WH&brord^ in his
apoftolick labours, iii the converfion of the Ne^
t}nrlands\ where after bringing many fouls to God
by his preaching, be went to receive the reward
of his labours, fome time in the eighth centurf»

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On this dzy Leu/red abbat is honoured
alfo S.
in the AAcieat Mijal ol the church of T$rk.

Juni 22. At Verulam the paffion of S. Jlban^

the moft illuftrious amongft our Britijh martvrs^
who after lufierin g cruet tDrments for the faitn of
Chrift, was beheaded anno 286, under the em^
peror DiocUftan^ With him alfo fuiFered the fol-
dier^ who was have been his cfxecutioiier 3
but being converted upon the fpot, by the fight
qf the wQoderiul works of God, and confeifiqg
CbrUlv became the oompanioa of his martyr^-' .

dom, being baptized in his own blood. It is alfo

the day of the pafiton of that eminent fervant o£
God, Jcim FiJbiT^ casdmal and bifliop of J^-^
cbe/1et\ beheaded on Tower Hill by orders of
1^. H^nry VUL for denying his eccleTiailical fu*-
premacy, anno 1 535,

June 23. At Ely the fefUvify of S* Ethelreda

or M^krmk^vuXfp S. Audry qiieen^ virgin and ab*'
befs ; renowned for her love of purity and fenc-
tity ; and the perpetual incorruption of her body
sutler death* Obiit anno 680^ Bidi^ 1, 4* &
c, 19.

yzmt 24. At Guitbirin in DinUgbfluni^ikt A^'

position of S. Wenefride virginand martyr, illu-
iirious for fandity and miracles. At Mechlin
in Br&bmt the paffion of S« JRumwM biihop
and martyr, principal patron of that church, who
gpixig out from Britain^ laboured in propagating
the kingdom of Chrift in • thofe. countries {
where at length he*mct with the crown of roar-
vyxdom^ .anno 77.5. In th^ ille of Fame the

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happy death of holy Barthohmew hermit, who
ferved our Lord in that folitude, above two and
forty years, with extraordinary fani^ity, about
middle of the twelfth century. Qapgravim

yune 24. At Egmond in Holland the feftivitjr

of S.Addbert confeifor, of the blood royal of
the Nttrthumbrian kings ; a difciple and compa-
movLoi^.Willibrordj who converted many thou«
(ands to the fiuth qf Chrift : he flouFifhed in the
eighth century 5 and was honoured after death in
a great church and monafiery dedicated to God
in his name, at the town of Egmond. In Scot^
the feftivity of ^. MdomcbhiSlxo^y difciple
of S« Brendan^ Obiit anno 629. Aberdeen bre-
viary. In Irelandj the feftivity S. NeJ/an dea*
con of S. Patrick^ honoured as patron in the
monaflery of Mungamt. .

yune 26* At Redbum in Hertfttrdjhirej the

martyrdom of the holy clergyman, the fpiritual
father of S. Albany commonly known by the
name of S. Jmphtbalus. His relicks were found
in the church of Redbum (which is dedicated in
his name) and iblemnly tianflated to the abbey
S. Alham \ not without many illuflrious mira-
desy annoii78«

yune 27. At Calon in the diocefe of ^ours in

France^ the depofition of S. yohn a Britijb
prieft of admirable fandity. Of whom writes
S. Gregory of TourSj 1. de Gloria Confejforumy
c. 23. At S. Omers the commemoration of &
Or^rifti^.yirgin, whofe body at the time of the
Danijh devailations^ was tranllated from Eng^

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 95^
hnd to the church of the abbey of S. Bertin'iy
and is there kept with great veneratioiu

June 28. In North IVaUs^ the commemora-

tion of the faints Cbibius and Senan illuftrious
confeflbrs of Chrift : whofe bodies were found ia
the church of Guithmriy near the fepulchreof S»
Wemfridi^ at the time of her tranflation* At
Pontoife in France^ the commemoration of holy
JVilliam an Englijh prieft, who died there in the
odour of (mBAVf^ anno if^a : whofe tomb was
iilufirated with many miracks. S. Anioninus^Ti^
taU xyiu

"June ig. The feaft of the glorious apoflles S.

Peier and Paul; to whofe preaching and labours
(either by tJiemfelves* or by their focceflbrs) all
the churches of the Pf^e/fj and efpecially thofe of
Great Britain, ftand indebted for their faith ia
Chrift. In Ireland^ the commemoration of divers
holy bifliops, abbats, and other religious men of
the name of Colman^ to the number, fays UJher^
p« 501, of two hundred and thirty; all ho-
noured of old amongft the faints, in that ijland
of faints.

yum 30. At Canterhttry^ the depofhion of S.

Deusdedit or God^s gift, the fixih archbifliop of
that fee, and not inferior in merit to the five il-
luftrious fiunts> who went before him. Obiit
anno 664. In Britain^ S. Leonorius bifliop, com-
memorated in fome ancient martyrologies, on
the firft of the following month. In the ifle of
Hy^ the commemoration of holy Dtermit^ di-
fcipte and individual companion of the i;reat S.

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98 A M

Cokmha^ who alfo- at his death faw the place>

where that faint lay, encooipafTed with heavenly
light. S. Adamnan.

*July I. /i T
the city of the Legion {CaerVwi)-
^"\^formerly the metropolis of iJr/-.
tannia Sicunda^ the feftivity of the faints Julius
and Aarcuy who by a glorious martyrdom, in
the perfecution of Dkcleftan^ anno 286, waflied
their robes id the blood of the Lamb ; and are
now before the throne of God, in the happy fo-
ciety of all the faithful witnefles of his truth,
who are led by the Lamb to the living fountains
of the waters of Paradife, Jpoc. vii. They had
formerly each of them a church in the city of
Caerliott. At Mechlin the tranflation of S. Rum-
woldy or Rumoldus bifliop and martyr. Amongft
the Northern Britonsy the feftivity of S. Serva^
nus biChop, iliufirious for fan&ity ; who baptized
S. Keniigern \ and educated him from a child in
that faint-like difcipline, which made him after-
wards fo eminent in the houfe of God. In Little
Britain^ the feftivity of S. Golven third bifhop of
Leon^ renowned for fan£lity.

July 2. At Winchejier^ the depofition of S,

Switbin bifnop who after a life of extraordinary

i'andlity, entered into the joy of his Lord, July

51, anno 862. At Landaffy the feftivity of
OuaocBus hiftiop and confcflbr; who fuccecded S.
TheliaUy in that fee j and no ways degenerated
from the <yi;rtue$ of that excellent prelate ; whofe

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B R I TJ S H P I E T Y. 99
memory willalways be in benedlflion amoa^ft
the ancient Britons of South IVcUes.

July 3. In the ifle of Man^ the feftivity of S.

Germanus^ a Briton y a wile and holy man difci-
pie of S. Patricia and,£rft biifaop of that ifland.
{UJher p. 335.) Alfo the commemoration of the
faints Romulus and Conindriusy difciples of the
fame faint^ who after the death of S. G/r-
manus^ were by him confecrated, and fent to
be bifliops of Man and the iflands, Thefe two
holy prelates coticluding a faintly life wfth a
faintly death, had for their fucceflbr S. Maguil
or Macaldus^ 2l prelate eminent for faniiity and
miracles ; and honoured with many churches
after his death* Thefe four faints were the fa^
thers and founders of the church of Man. In
the fame ifland, the commemoration alfo of the
faints Conan^ CmieniuSy Biadus and Malcbus^
who were all fuccefllvely bifhops of Man and
the iflands ; and were all found worthy to be
ranked, after death, among the faints. On the
fame day, at Oojikerk near Bruges in Flanders^
the feftivity of S. Guthagon confeiibr, patron of
the church there, faid to have been of royal &cot^
tijh blood ; who defpifmg this world and its
cheating vanities, went over into Flanders^ and
led a folitary life at Oojikerk^ in great fandity ;
infomuch that his burying-place was nuich fre-
quented after his death, on occafion of the great
miracles, wrought by his interceffion. He is
believed to have flouiifiied in th^s eiglith century.

July 4. At Canierhury^ the depofition of S.

Odo arciibi£hop of that fee, furnamed ihc gooJi
E 2 ^ a pre-

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a prelate of extraordinary ha&ity. He went to
our Lord anno 958 At Battle in Sujpx the coni-^

jnemoratioa of another eminent fervant of God,

wfaofe name alTo was Odo: wha flouriflied in the
eleventh century ; and was lirft a monk of C^in*

terhuryy and afterwards abbat of Battle: whofe

Ufe and death was lb remarkably holy, that he
was alio honoured by our ancellors amongft the
• •

July At Burton upon Trent^ the feflivity of

S. Modwenna virgin and abbefe, who firft found-
ed the famous nunnery of PoUefworth in fVati-
wickjhire^ where fhe trained up S. Edithay
OJitha and other faints ; and eftabliihed a holy
difcipUne, which was kept up in that commu*
nity, till the days of Henry VIII. Then after
other religious foundations,; ihe retired into a
little ifland^ in the river Treni^ where (he em«»
ployed the latter part of her life in a more clofe
and uninterrupted application to God, and pre*
paration for eternity. She was illuftrious
for miracles both alive and dead. At Canter^
hury^ the tranflation of S. Jnfeim archbifhop of
that fee, and doilor of the cathoHc church. At
£>urkam the fcftivity of S. Boi/d prieft, fpiritual
father and matter of the great S.CutUert: to

whom S. B^de gives he was

this charaiSier, that
a man of wonderful fanfiity, of fuhlhne virtues^
and of a prophetick fpirit^ tewhofi Mre^ion Cuth-
bert humbly fuhjeaing bimfelfj received from htm^
" lays he, fefli the knowledge of the holy fcriptures^

and the examples of all good works. He departed

tq our Lord jn the time of the 'great peflilence
('anno .664) irfiich be had foretold three years
before i

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B R I T I S H P loi I E T Y.
before j was interred in his monaftery of
Mailrofs ; his body was tranflated to Durham
anno 1030; and depofited near that of his dif-
ciple S. CuthberU

July 6. In 5r^A7»(/the feftivity of S. Palladtus

bimop, apoftle of the Scots^ to whom he was
font by the holy pope S. Celejiine about the year
430. He IS called by the Scots S. Padie\ and
his feftival is matked on this day in the Aber^^
dun calendar. At Elyy the depofttion of S. &€x--
hurge queen and abbefe, who fucceeded her fifter
S* Audryy in the government of that holy com-
•siunity ; and w»s fucceeded by her daughter
Ermenilda^ who had atfe been a queen : fo that
the three firft abbeffes of Ely were all queens.For
fucb was the faith and fervour of that goldeti
age of the Englijh Saxm church ; that the
greateft princelfes in thofe days thought them-
felves happy, when they could exchange the
«f ^orhlty 'honours, riches, and pleafures
for the fweet yoke of religion and devotion, and
the fecuring to their fouls a happy eternity. On
this ftlfo that great and good man Sir Thoma$

Morey fometime Lord High Chancellor of Eng*

landy fufiered iieatb for the catholick Veligiony
anno 1535*

" 7' Canterbury i the tranflation of the

body of S.Thomas archbi(hep and martyr, whofe
flirine was illuftrated with innumerable mini-
cles. At Winchejier the depofttion of S. Hedda
b>&o{y, renowned 'for ills wifdom and hoiinefs of
life. He tranflated the fee of the bifhoprick of
the Weji Saxom from Darchefiir to Wiruhejier y
E ? and

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and after moft worthily adminiftring his epifco*
pal office for thirty years, repofed in our Lord
anno 705 5 his fandlity being evidenced alfo after
h!^ death by many miracles. S.Bede^ L 5, c. 19.
In Ireland^ the of S, Medran and §•
Odhrain brothers, illuftrious for fan£);ity in the
fixth cenury.

July 8. At EyJIadt in Germany y the depofition

.of S. IVilUbald biihop^ fon to the holy prince S«
Richard \ kinfman of S. Boniface apoftle of the
Germans i and his affiflant in his apoftolick la-
bours. He went to reft anno 786. At Wurtzburg^
the feftivity of S. Kilian a Scoitijh or Irtjh bifliop,
apoftle of Franconia^ and of his companions, S»
Colman and S« Toiman^ who after bringing over
many thoufands to the faith of Chriji^ were
martyred in that neighbourhood, anno 689. At
IVincbeJier the fefiivity of S. GrimbaU abbat,
principal alliftant of king Mlfred the Great, in
the reformation of his kingdom. Obiit anna

July 9. At York the feftivity of S. EverildU

a noble virgin, who with two other faint-like
companions, ferved our Lord with great per-
fection, at a place afterwards called from her
Everildejham\ and by reafon of her eminent
fanflity, was bighiy honoured after her death :
efpecially in the church of York ; in the breviary
of which (be has an office of nine leflbns.
Alfo the commemoration of holy Mlgar her-
mit, whofe life is q^Qted in JJJbir's Anti^uuUs^
p. 275.

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 103
"Jj^b famous abbey of L/V^ in

Jiainault the feftivity of S. an Irijh pre-

Jate, who with fix other companions, went
over into the Low Countries feme time in the
feventh century, to carry the* light of Chrift
to them that as yet fat in darkncfs and in
the JJjadoiu of death: where at length in a
good old age, iiluftrious for fancStity and mira-
cles, be departed to our Lord at the monaftery
of Fefcau: from which his body was tranflated
to that of where it is now kept with great
veneration. This monaftery of Lieffy was re-
formed by the venerable abbat Lewis Blojlus^
about the middle of the fixteenth century.

July II. In divers parts of the Netherlands^

the commemoration of many apoftolical men^
•who being ftrongly moved with a zeal for the
glory of God and the falvation of fouls, about
the fame time with S. Etto^ going out of our
Britijh iflands, dedicated their labours and their
lives to the propagating both the faith and the
life of the gofpel amongft infidels and finners.
Amongft thefe, fome of the moft eminent were
S. Bertuin bifhop, whofe body waits for a liappy
refurred:ion at the abbey of Ma,ioigrie upon
the Samhre. S. Ekqtdus^ who repofes in the
monaftery of Wa%or. S. Adalgifm^ who rcfls
in the monaftery of S. Michael in ^ierarche.
Mmbul abbat, employed by S« Eligius^ in
preaching through his whole diocefc of Touniay '

and Noion^ &c. &c» Miraus in Fajiis Belgids^

July 10.

E4 >b

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'July 12. In themonaftery of S. Fara^ in the
foreft of Briiy the commemoration of & EdtU
burgi virgin, daughter to king Anna^ and third
abbeis after S.Fara^ and S. Sethrid^ of that il*
luftrious congregation. She was renowned for
her extraordinary fantSlity, and moft perfe£l pu«-
rity both of foul and body ; evidenced by the ia-
corruption of her body after death. S. Btde^ J. 3.
c. 6.She is honoured in the Roman Martyrology
on the feventh of July ; which was the day on
which £he died \ or rather on which ihe began to
live in that region where ihe ihall .ncv^ilie<:
^auo 66 o«

July 1 3, At
Canterhury^ the tranflation of the
body of Mildred virgin and abbef?, from
Menflrey in Jthe iile jof Tharut^ to the ahhey of
& Aujlin^ anno 3033. Alio a commemoraliaii
t)f thofe holy fpoufes of Chrift, who were flain

i>y the Duml^ when they burnt the chujcch and

monaftcry of Mmftr^^ anno aiora % and kitt
Ibe whole ifland wafte with &e and £Mford«

July 14. At I^amnw^ in the proviMe «f

Omryjfel^ the feftivity of S. Afarchelrmn Etiglifl?
prieii, and apoilolical preacher, in the eighth

century. ^
He was a difciple of Wttiibr$rd^ and
fent by him, in the company of S. Lehvuiuy to
preach the faith of Chrilt in Overyjjd i where
rbcy converted many thoufands ; and have been
honoured ever fince as apoflles and tutelar faints
of the city and diocefe of Da'Benter. S. Mar*-
^ chelm is coomiemorated on this day in the Ronum,
Martyrology, under the name of Mamllinus.

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B R I TrSH P I E T Y. 105
Jdy 15. At Wimhejier the tranflation of S.
S%vithin bifliop, fo renowned amongft our an-
ceftors for his fanftity zvA miracles, that the ca*
thedral of that city for fome time bore his name* ^
In Swedcland^ the feftivity of S. David abbat,
an Englijhman by birth, eminent tov faniStity, itk
the eleventh century ; and honoured with a pro«
per office in the Szucdifn breviary.On the fame
day, the depofition of S. queen, daughter

t6 Edward t\it elder, and married to Siibricke the

DaniJ}) king of NorthumherlaJid ^ who after the
death of her hufband,^ entered into a monaftery^
which flie had begun at T^tmaorthi and there
died in the odour of fanclity, anno 926. In Scot^
liandjthe commemoration of S. Domvald^ and
his nine virgin daughters, honoured on this dajr
ia the Scotiijh calendars. See VJJjer^ p. 372.

July 16. At Salifhury^ the tranflation of S.

OJmund bifhop of that fee, in the time of the
Conqueror^ the firft compiler of the Sarum office.
His body ftill lies in the cathedral of that city,^
where it has been honoured with many miracles.

Obiit anno 1089. htTVilton^ the commemora-

tion of Ivy biihop ; whofe relicks formerly
repofed in that church. Saxon Manufcript.

July 17. At the abbey of WtncheUonA in

Gloucejierfiyirey the feftivity of S. Keneltn king of
the Mercians^ treacheroufly murdered anno 819,
and honoured with great miracles after his death.
He has a place this ^ay in the Sarum calendar.
In the Netherlands^ the feaft of S. Fredegand an
apoAolical preacher^ and companion of S. FoiU
£ 5 hn:

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Ian: whofe relicks are now kept in tfae collegiate
church of S. Peter at Menftier upon the Sombre.
In the territory of Ruremond^ the commemora-
tion of S. Odlliaf a Britijb virgin and martya

yuly iS. At Ailejhury in Buckingham/hire^ the.

feftivity of S. Eadgithe^ or Editha^ virgiw and
abbefs, daughter of Frithwald a Mercian lord,
by IViltiburge daughter to king P^W^i? ; who re-
jeding the marriage of higher king of the Eajt
Saxons^ confecrated her whole foul and body to
God I and became an eminent faint. Alio the
commemoration of her fitter Eadburge or
Edhurge^ who made the like confecration of
herfclf to God ; accompanied her fifter in her re-
tirement, and an her religious exercifes, and at
Itngth was aflbciateJ with her in glory. Thefe
iaifus fiouriflied in the feventh century. See Ma^
lew's T rophaa. At Glafgow^ the feftivity of S-
Thenaiv a BriUjl) matron, mother of S. Kentt*
gem ; and honoured oa thiis day in the Scottijb

yuty ig. At Derham in Norfolk^ the comme-

moration of S. Withburge virgin, daughtef to
king Anna^ and the youngeil of four fillers all
eminent faints. She was very young, when after
the death of her father, flain by king Penda^ j(he
confecrated herfelf wholly to divine love ; and
chooling for herfelf the folitude of Derham^ *

there continued to ferve God with wonderful de-

votion^ till her dying day anno 743. Her body
was tranflated to Ely\ and in the year 11 06, de-
ipofited near her fifter S. Atidry : at which time
(;wbich was above three hundred and fixty years

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jBR I T I S H PIETY, 107
after her death) (he was found not only entire
and uncorrupt ; but with her limbs as flexibl-e
as if (he were living, her cheeks beautifully red^
and her very garments entire and frefh, Cardi*
Jial Baronius in his church annals, on the year

725, commemorates alfo another noble EngUJb
Jady of the name of Wtthburge^ who for the love
of God, (hut herftlf up for life in a fmallcell, in
Peter s church at Rome; where fhe wholly
devoted herfelf to divine contemplation*

yuiy 20. In the diocefe of RurcTrimdy the com«

memoration^ of S. PUchelm a Britijh prelate of
admirable fanility ; who preached the faith of
Chrift with great fruit in GueUierh^id, and the
neighbouring provinces, in the eighth century :
and is honoured to this day with a proper otlite
in the diocefe of Rurmond*

July 21. At Sirnfhurgh in Germany^ the clcpo-

fition of S.Arbogq/i a Scot^ or hitman by birth,
who leading a hermit's life in Mfatia^ was by
reafon of his great fan£lity, drawn out of his fo-
litude, and made bilhop of Stra/burgh^ He de-
parted to our Lord anno 6589 illuftrious for mi«
racles; amongft which 'tis recorded, that he
recalled to life, by h;s prayers, prince Sigebert
fon to king Dagobert^ who in hunting had been
flain by a wild boar.

jfuly 22. In Ireland^ the commemoration of

S. Luman bilhop, nephew and coadjutor to S.
Patrick^ and founder, of the church of T7'im :
alfo the commemoration of the holy biiliops
Brtfcbadius^ Brcchanus and Mogenocbus brothers

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of S. Luman^ all Briiom by btrtb> nephews S« ^
Patrick by his fifter Tigridta^ and employed by
their uncle in propagating the kingdom of Chrift
in Ireland. See C^^r, p. 824* Alfo the com««
memoration of S. Darerca fifter to S. Patiicky
"Sind AO ways unworthy of fuch a brother.

July 23. In the territory of Nandefi in the

county of Waierford^ the feftivity of S. Declan
biihop, one of the firft preachers of the fakh of
Chrilt in Ireland, He founded the church of
Jrdmore ; and opened a fchool for piety and
learnings rn vi^icb he had many illuftrious dif-
ciples. Seven of thefe are honoured amongft
the faints, viz. MocheUoc^ Bean^ Colman^ Lach'
ftiny Mobiusj Findlug and Caminan\ who built
the /even famous cells^ in the plain called the field
rf the Jhield^ near Lifmore. Thefe faints flou-
xifiied in the ^th century*

July 24. At Sione^ in Siaffordjlme^ the fefti-

vity of the faints Ulfhad and fLuffin mar^s }
who having been privately inftru£led in the faith
of Chrift, and baptized by S. Chadj were upon
that account ilain by thek pagan father^ in the
neighbourhood of Stmei where a church wais
not long after built in their honour.

July 25. At Berg S. Wimc in FlanderSy the

tranflation of S. Lewine a Britijh virgin and
martyr, from a monafterv at Seaford near Lewes
i(t Sujfex^ to the abbey ot anno 1058. God
was pleafed to honour this tranflation with many
evidejit miracles, recorded bv a cotemporary hif-
torian^ an eye-witnefs^ and acknowle^d by

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the century writers- of Magdeburg^ in thefe
words :
' When
the body of Lewitu the virgia-
was carried anno 1058^ through the villages and
MWns on the fea coaft of FbnulerSj the paralytkrks,
the deaf, the lame, and fuch as were other-
wife difeafed. were fuddenly cured/ Centur% xi»
foi. 274. In the iamc abbey of Berg^ the com-
nxemoration of S. Idaherga virgin, vvhofe reJicJ^
were tranilated at the fame time*

July^d. At Dendermond \n Flanders the fefti-

vity of S. Chrijiiana an Englijh virgin, honoured'
as patronefi, or tutelar faint of that town : where
her relfcks arc kept in the collegiate church ; ta
which they were tranflated, in the ninth century,
from her burying place at I)/i^/z;i» a village upoa
the Scheldt where £he had crowned a faintly life
with a happy death in the foregoing century^

Jtih 27, At Gbjtefjluryy the feftivity of S.

yofeph ot Arimatheay the noble counfellor who
buried our Lord : who, according to the tradt-
^ tion of that place, agreeable to fome ancient re-
Cords, came over into Britain with eleven other
companions, and fettled himfelf in the ifle of
AvaUmia (now Glaftenlury) where he built the
firft chriftian church, in honour of the blefled
Virgin j and after a mofl: faintly life, repofcd in
our JLord, leaving behind him a fucccflion of
faints In that holy folitude. At
Lincoln^ the paf».
fion of S. Hugh a child of ten years, crucified by
the ^ews^ in hatred of Chrift, anno 1 255*

July 28, At DqU in UttU Briitanyy the feaft

of S. ^amfm bilbop \ honoured on this day in

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the SaruTTiy Tork and Furls breviaries ; who with
the bright rays of his extraordinary fan(Stity,
very much illuflrated both Britain and Franci.
Obiit anno 565. Alabillon, In Swedeland^ the
feftivity of S. Botuid martyr, who being baptized
by a holy prieft in England^ aad taught to be a
faint, returning into Swedelandj by his doflrine
and miracles converted great nunxbers to ChriA^
in the twelfth century.

July 29. At Troyes m France^ the feftivity of

S. Lupus bifliop, a man of moft fublime virtues
and apoftolick fpirit, who coming over into Br/-
tain with S. Germanus of Auxerre^ by his fanc-
tity and miracles greatly contributed to the ex-
tirpation of the relagian herefy ; which had
taken deep root amongft the Briians. Obiit anno
472. In Narwayy the feftivity of i^. Olave king
and martyr, who having learnt the faith of
Chrlft in England^ or by the miniftry of the
Englijh ; embraced it with all the afte<^ions of
his foul; and zealoully labouring td propagate it
through his dominions, was at length flain by the
enemies of it 3 and fo received the crown of .

martyrdom anno 1630. He was greatly ho-

noured by our anceflori* four parifties in Loidon^

and many others throughout England^ being de«*

dicated to God in bis name. . .

July 30. At Canterbury^ the depofition of S.

Taiwynej the ninth archbiftop of that fee, and
no ways unworthy of his predecefiors ^ who
' were all of them faints. Obiit anno 734. In the
ifte of Uhanety the commemoration of S. £r«
menghhe virgin ^ who confccrated hcrfcii to God,

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BR I T I S H P I E T Y. in
together with her niece S. Mildred^ in the mo-
naftery of Menjirey \ and was illuitrious for mi<*
rades. Saxm MS.

yuly Q^i. At Auxerre in Burgundy ^ the fefti-

vity of S, Germams bilhop of that fee, one of
the greateft prelates that ever illuftrated the GaU
Ucan church. He twice came over into Britain
to oppofe the Pelagian\itTtiy^ and enlightened the
whole ifland with the rays of his fandlity ; work-
ing alfo wonderful miracles amongft us. S. Bede^
I. I. c* 17^ &c. He died Ravuma anno 448.
Many churches in Britain have been dedicated in
his name. In Cornwall^ the depofition of S. Neot
prieft ; renowned for fanftity in the days of king
Mlfred. Qbiit anno 8^90.

A U G U S T»

Augufl A IVincheJler^ the feaft of S.

Xj^ Etkelwald bifliop, coteniporary

with S. Dun/Ian \ a zealous reformer both of
the clergy and relio;ious, and an ardent lover and
promoter of the beauty* of the houfe of God :
whom he went to enfoy, anno 948. In South
Wales^ the feaft of S. Kined or Klnedvait hermit,
cotemporary with and an intimate friend oi S.
Davidoi Menevta ; whofe name was very illuflri^
ous of old amongft the Britons of South IVales.

Auguji 2* In Breckmckjhir L\ the feftivity of

S. Almedha virgin and martyr, daughter to Br(P-
gan^ who gave name to that county, and fitter
to the faints CanocuT and Keyna. At Canterbury^
liie demolition of the holy aicabifnop Plegmund.

Digiti^ by Coogle
He was called fromliis hermitage, to the pafto--
ral charge i and made archbifljop of Canterbury
in the days of king Ml/red i and was highly in*
ftromental in the reftoration of learning and
piety under that reign ; after the confufion and
pn^anatfon of all that was holy 9 which had been
occafioned by the t)ane5 : in which he was alfo
afliiled by Werefrid^ the holy bifliop of Worujitr.
Obiit anno 923.

Augufi 1. In the abbey of Mallrofs in the

Marches of Scotland^ the feftivity of S. Waithe&f
abbat^ of the Cijlerdan or Bernardin inftitute ;
who de^ifmg his high birth (being allied both
to the kings of England^ and of Scotland) and
all that this world could give or promife hnn
embraced the ilri6l difcipline, poverty and ab-
f!:ra(Siion of that holy order: in which he lived, and

died a moft perfeiS; pattern of aU chriftian -and re«

Ugious perfedion. Obiit anno ii6o.

- Juguji 4. In Jnlandj the fcftivity of S. Luan

or Molua abbat, difciple of S. Comgall of Benchory
and founder of a hundred monaderies ; to whom
he gave a particular rule, faid to have been
highly applauded by S.Gregory the Great. He is
numbered amongft the chiefeft fathers of the
'Churches of Ireknd^ by abbat Cummmn in his-
epiftle to Segenius abbat of Hy. He departed to
<^uv Lord anno 622. He is alfo called Lt^gidusy
or Lugius.

Angu/i 5. The feftivity of S. O/waldking and

martyr, a moft zealous and religious prince, flatn
by the Pagan Penda anno 642, azid glorified after

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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 115
his death by many miracles. S« Bedi^ 1. 3. c.
6 J 99 1O9 II. He is banoiired on this day, both
in the Sarum and York mtflals \ as well as in the
Roman Martyrology. At Bardney in Lincoln/hire^
the burying place of S. OJirytha queen of the
Mercians^ fitter to S. OJwald. 5axm MB.

Auguji 6. At Dmr^ the paiffion of Thorns %

holy monk ; flain by the French y when ihey
plundered thaf town^ anno 12959 becaufe he
^ttU net diicom to them the^facred veflels^
&c. and honoured by miracles after his death,
Capgrave. In the monaftery of Bredan in Lei-
4i^^JRri^ &e eommenunratioa of S« Hardulf
confeiibr, honoured as patron or tutelar faint of
that abbey. See DugdaWs Mmajiicon.

Jnguji ^. kt WtJbnmJhr Jtbheyj the memory

^ h^y Matildes or Maude^ tqueen of £nglana^
mnpoft' religious prin^fs, ^ife locking Hmry 1.
cbughter to &. M^rgmit^sX Bcmland ; md a rlofe
follower of all her virtues 5 efpecially of her ex-
^nMvdinftry obajcky and humility. She repofed in
our Lord anno 11 18. In Dian Fof^JI^ the
mory of S, Briavel confeflbr, of whofe hermit-
age thei:e9 lee DugdaHs Abridgment^ p, 107.

Auguji 8. The commemoration of S. Col^

man^ who from a monk of S. ColwnVs mona-
ilery in the iile of My^ was made thh'd biihof^
of L'mdhfarne. He was a prf late of a molt
amiable character in regard to his perfe^ diiin--
teceftodnefe, his tnodi^-aticii and humility ^ a&
well as his fervour in the fervlce of God, and
lus Sical for the faJvatioo of fouls, lb. Uide^ 1- 3^

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114 A M EM O R I AL OF
c. 2 6. He refi2;ned his bifhoprick anno 664, atid
retired into Ireland y where he founded the mo-
Jiaftery of Inys-bo-finde for the Scots ; and that of
Mayo for the Englijh \ whjch was fo ie;:owncd
of old for piety and religion, as to count at
once no fewer than one hundred faints ; all Uv^
ing in great conthiency and ftmplicity by the lahour of
their hands^ under a rule and canonical abbat^ by
the example of the wnerable fathers. S. Bede^ ibi-
•dem. S. Colman went to owr Lord anno 676:
and is honoured in the Aberdeen calendar, on the

18th oiFehruaryl

Augujl 9» In, the ifle of Croylandj in Lincoln^

Jhire^ the commemoration of holy Alfreda alias
Eiheldritha virgin, daughter to Offa king of the
Jiderciansi who after the bafe murder ot S. Ethel-
lert king of the Eaji Angles \ who came to her
father's court, to feek her in marriage ; deteft-
ing the world, and its wicked ways, withdrew
herfelf into the .folitude of Croylandy and there
Jived a reclufe, and moft holy life, for about forty
years, in a cell, in the fouth part of the churcb*
Obiit anno 934.

-^^i^i/l At Duniblain in Scotland^ the fe-

ftivity of S. Blaine bilhop. He was renowned for
faith and the tenth century ; and had
fan£i:ity in
for his bifliop's fee a college or convent of ihe
Culdees^ or ancient Scottijb canons, in the place
\i^here Dumblain now ftands ; the cathedral of
which is dedicated to God in his name. He is

honoured on this day in the Aberdeen breviary.


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B R I T I S H P I E T Y. 115
Auguji II. At Canterbury^ the depofition of
the holy archbilhop yanbercbt, or Lambert y who
went to our Lord anno 701. At ChUheJier^ the
commemoration of holy Gilbert de 5. Lifard
bifiiop of that fee 5 whofe fandtity is highly ex-
tolled by our hiftori^ns ; who alfo record divers
miracles to have been wrought at his lepulchre.
Obiit aimo 1305* Matthew Faris^ &c«

Auguji 12. At IVtnhorn in DorfetJJjire^ the

commemoration of holy Tetta^ abbefs oi a double
community there ; renowned for her own fane-
tity ; and a mother to many great faints. She
was cotemporary with Bomface^ z^^'^ of
Germany ; and at his requeft) fent over divers of
her children to his affiftance ; by whom the work
of God was carried on, with great benedi(Sion
In thofe countries. She flouriihed in the eighth

AuguJl 13*In Gimany^ the feftivity of S«

T^igbert prieft and abbat, one of the chiefeft of
thofe apoftolical men, who went over from
Engiand to the affiftance of S« Boniface^ in the
.work of the gofpeh He was made by that faint,
abbot of FritsJafj and afterwards of Ortdorff^
and %fter labouring with great fruit for many
years, for the glory of God, and the ian£tiiica<-
tion of fouls, he was called to the reward of his
labours, anno 747 \ and has a place on this day
*in the Roman Martyrology. In Normandy^ the
feftivity of S. Walter an Englijhmany abbat of

FontanelUy who departed to our Lord anno


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Augtiji 14. In Helland^ the depofition df
Werenfrid^ an apoftolical prieft and miflionary
of the Engiyh nation \ and one of thofe to whom
the Hollanders^ under God, ftand principally in-
debted for their chriftianity. He converted the
ifle of Batavia^ and divers 6ther territories to
Chrift, and went in a good old age to receive
the reward of his labours, fome time in the
eighth century* His mortal remains were interred
amongft his coni^rn at the town of Elfl \ where
a collegiate church was eredled over them j and
dedicated to God in his name.

Jum/i 15, Ax Clogherxn Ireland^ the fefiivity

efS* MBfimius orJi^^^rf/^^;?, difcfpleandinfe-
imrable compmton of S. Patrick ; and made
him the firft bifliop of Clogher : where his me-
mofj IB in great veneration to this day. He
went to our Lord anno 506. UJhir^ p* 445,

Auguft i6< in the ouma&ery of Gatehyln Nor*

^hmr^fmfiin^ the comnusmoration of <che holy
fpoufes of Chrift Margaret^ and Alice^ fitters to
S. Edmund^ archdDiffiop of CanUrbury^ and fuc-
ceiffively prtoFe:fieB of the afc»^aid community:
in which they lived and died in the fweet odour
of faniSity, (in the thirteenth century,) *a6 be*
came the fifters of fuch a brother*

Augujl 17, At Hertford, the depofition of the

venerable fervant of God Thomas the awhdcacon,
difciple of S. Edmund^ archbifhop of Canterbury i
celebrated by our -hiftorians for the eoHnent ho*
Itnefs of his life, and for the many miracles,,
wrought by his interceffioa after his death. Obiit

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B R I T I S H P I E T 117
anno 1253. Matt. Weji. Paris, anno I253»
In Holland^ the fcftivily of S. JVm, a native of
Gnat Britain^ and apoftoltck preacher in that
province, where he v^^as martyred by the Danes
in the ninth century.

Auguft 18. At Rome^ the depofitionof S. He-^

Un the emprefs, mother oiConJiaMim the Great,
Uluftrious for her royal munificence, and un«»
bounded charities ; as well as for her fingular
piety, and humility. At Irvine in Scotland^ the
feftivity of S. Evan or Inan confeflbr, renowned
for faniftity. Obiit anno 839. In Ireland^ the
depodtion of S* Dega^ furnamed Mac Caryll^
biiihop and confeflbr, who repofed in our Lord
anno 586.

Ju^Jl 19. In Smtb ff^aUs^ the commemora*

tion of S. Clitanc^ king of that province^ a
prince moft amiable for his great virtue, and his
admirable endowments both of body and mind,
joined with a fingular love of purity who be- :

ing flain by a wicked courtier in hunting, was

for the innocence of his life, and the prodigies
that accompanied his death, honoured amongft
the faints and martyrs, a church being cre6lcd
over his grave, by the bi(hopof Landaff^ and de-
dicated in his name. Dugdale's Monajiicon^ vol*
3. In Scotland^ the memory of that faint-like
prelate John an Engl{ftman^ bifhop of Dun^
keUl: who after a moft worthy adminUh*atioA
of that fee, retired to the Cijtercian abbey of
NiwbottUy and there died the death of the faints
anno 1203. See Fwdun^ 1. 4« c. 35, 36, &c. ,


nS A M E MO R r A L O F •

Augujl 'xo. At Ttnmoutb^ the feftivity of S, '

Ofwin king of the Deiri^ a prince of exceeding

great piety and religion^ fays S. Bede^ 1. 3, c. 14.
beloved by all men^ for the r^al dignity of his mindy
of his perfon^ and of his merits but amon^fi
the other glories of hi$ virtue j and his extraor-'
dinary benedi£iions, his humility was moft parti--
cularly remarkable. He was bafely murdered,*
after (even years reign, by his rival king Ofwin
the Bernician ; and after hts death was illuftrated
by many miracles infomuch that the church

and priory of Tinmouth^ to which his body was

tranflatedy was dedicated to God^ in bis name«

Augufl 21. At Andria^ in the kingdom of

Naples^ the commemoration of S. Richard^ an
EngHJhman^ biftiop of that fee, in the twelfth
century; a zealous preacher of all holineis^ both
by word and work* He departed to our Lord,
about the clofe of that century ; and was fo-
lemnly canonized by pope Boniface VIIL after a
juridical exanoinationand proof of no fewer than
one hundred miracles, wrought by his intcrcef-
il'on. See the BoUandiJis.

Augufl 22. At Louth in Ireland., the comme-

moration of S. JlAochteus a Briton ; the firft
biOiop of that fee, in the days of S. Patrick ;
with whom he was united in the bands of a
moft holy friendfhip. He was renowned for
fan<Sitys and for the fpirit of prophecy; and
opened^ a great fchool of chriftian piety ; in
which he is fald to have trained up no fewer ^

than one hundred biihops, and three hundred

priefis : who afterwards wonderfully propagated

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thekingdom of Chrift amongft the Irijh. Obiit
anno 535. K% farrow in the bUhoprick of Dtar^
ham^ the depofition of holy Sigfrid abbat, coad-
jutor of S. Bennet Btfcap: whofe faint-like life
and death is defcribed by his dtfciple S« Bedi^ in
his hiftory of the abbats of JVeremouth and

Auguji 23. In the Jfle of Ramfey^ the pallion

of S. JuJIinian-j who led a foUtary life in that
iiland, in the days of S. David of Menevia^ in
great fandity ; always employed, either in treat-

ing with God by prayer, or in bringing others

to God, by bis preaching and inftrudions : for
many being ilrawn by the fwcet odour of his
fan(Slity relortcd to him^ to learn of him the
ways of irutb and life* He was at length flain in
his hermitage, by fome children of Belial in ha-
tred of his virtue j and was honoured by the Bri-
tijh church, as a martyr. His body was tranflated
from the Uland to the oppofite fliore ; to a port
which fometime bore his name, and a church
was there built under his invocation. In the
fame ifland, the commemoration of the man of
God Homrius^ Ton of Trefriauc a Britijh prince,
who firft confecrated that folitude to Chrift, and

received S. Jujlinian at his coming thither. In

Ireland^ thefeltivity of S. Eogainh\{ho\^ of Ardf--
raihen (which fee is now tranflated to Lond$n^^
^rry) iiluftrious for fan^Mty, in the fixth century,

^HgHj^ 24.The feftivity of S. Audoems or

Owen archbifhop of Rouen^ a prelate of extra-
ordinary fandlity; whofe relicks were formerly
cnihrin^d in the cathedral of Canterbury* In ik^t-
land the feftivity of S. Irchard or Erchad bi£hop
and confeflbr, honoured oh this day in the Scott
calendar^ which marks hi» happy death anno
933, At Jffelbey in Lincolrtjhtre, the commemo*
ration of S* Pondwyne or Pandania virgin^ whofe
i^licks were kept in that church, Obiitanno

jfugu/l 25. At Goludburgh or CoMlngham^ in

the Marches of Scotland^ the feftivity of the royal
virgin & Ebba (vulgo S. Tabbe) abbeis of a
double community in that town. She^ was iifter
to S. Ofwald^ and from her tender years happily
dedicated herfelf to divine love; inlomuch that
reje6ting the iiiit of Mdan king of the Scots ^ who
defired her in nrairiage, (he fled from all the
pomps and vanities of the vi^orld into the Afylum
of religion: and taking along with her divers
other virgins, who were of the fame mind, fhe
founded, with the help of her brother king OJvjt^
iirft the monafiery of Ebchefttr ; and afterwards
that of Coldingha?}} : where flie (hone forth in
fuch manner by the kiftre of her virtues, as to
be moft bonourabU /a a//, na lefs for the reltgiouf-
fiefs of her life than for the nobility of her blood,

S. Eid^y^ vita S. Cuthberitj c. I o. She departed

to our Lord, in a good old age, anno 683. At
Monte Fiafcciie in Tufcany^ the depofitlon of S,
Thomas bilhop of Hereford^ illuftrious for fane-
tity and miracles, Obiit anno 1287.

Augufi 26. At Canterbury y the depofition of

S, EregmtHy the twelfth archbi(hop of that fee :
a man (fays the abridgment of Dugdale) pro--
foimdiy d^voted.tQ religion. He went to our Lord

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anno 762. His rellcks were afterwards enflirtnedy
with thofe of the holy archbifhop Plegmuni and
placed behind the altar of S. Gregory^ in the ca-
thedral of Canterbury. In the diocefe of Landaff\
the commemoration of S. Budguahn ; whofe
church is mentioned iu the fynods of Landaff.

Auguji 27. In Sctftlandy the feftivity of S.-

Malrube hermit, martyred by Danes^ ac-
cording to the Scottijh calendars anno 1024. On
this day alfo is honoured in the miflals and bre--
-viarids of Sarum and Tork^ S. Ruffus martyr. In
Cornwall^ the commemoration of S. Kewi^ ho*
-noured of old in that province*

At Winborn in Dorfetjljire^ ilie

Auguji 28.
commemoration of S. ^uenburge virgin, fifter
to king Ina: who with the help of her fifter S.
"Cuthburge^ founded the famous monaftery of
Winborn^ the uurfery of many faints. At Bracks
ley in Northamptonjhirey the commemoration of
S. Rutnhald confefibr.

Augt^ 29. At S. PauTs in London^ the fcftf-

•vity of S. Bebbi king and confefibr
; a man mudi

devoUd to God^ and greatly addiHed to religiom ^at--

ircifes: who after a moft chriftian reign of thirty
years, happily ended his days in the habit of re-
ligion, towards the clofe of the fevemh century.
S. Bede^ 1. 4. c. 11. At the abbey of Cerne in
Dorfetjhire^ the tranfiation of S, E^ku^ld brother
to S« Edmund king and martyr; who retiring in^
to the province of the Weji Sa^ons^ led there an
eremitical life, in prayer and contemplation
i>ear Shaft/bury^ feeding upon aotbing but bread
F and

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and water ^ till he war called from his lone*
feme cell, to an eternal kingdom, imno 871.

Auguji 30. In the diocefe of Meaux in Fr4in£€^

the feftivity of S. Fiaierj faid to have been bora
of royal ScotttJI) blood : who leaving his native
country, and worldly friends, and all things that
lie feemed to poflefs, in order to fecure to his
foul the hidden treafure of the kingdom of
/heaven; ,going into France^ addreiied himfelf to
S. Farm bifhop of Miaux^ for his dire^on
who appointed him a folitary place in his
diocefe, for an hermitage, in which he continu-^
ed to his dying day a life of great auilerity, and
admirable fanSity. He was alfo moft illuftri-
ous for miracles : infomuch, that to this day
itbere is fcarce any faint held in greater veneration
by the people of France or for whom they hav^
more devotion, than S. Fiaker. He went to our
Lord about the year 670.

Auguji 31. At Lindisfar.nCf the depoiltion of

S. Aidan nrft bifhop of that fee, and apoftle of
.the Northern Englijh. He was fent at the requeft
of the holy king S. Ofwaldy from the famous
monaftery of the Ule of Hy^ for the inilru^oa
of the Englljh^ in the faith of Chrift; for which
God gave him very great graces $ and in which
he blefled his labours with admirable fruits
Whofe doilrine, fayS S. Bede^ 1, 3, c, 5. nothing
fo much recommended to all men, as his teach-
ing no otherwife than he and his lived* For
nothing of this world did he either feek or love.
Whatfoever was given him by th-e rich, he pre-
.fently gave to the firft poor he met/ He tra^

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BR I T I S H P I T y. nj
Tclled over his vaft diocefe^ (which was ex*
tended from the Humber to the Frith) generally
.on foot, em{doyed all the way in prayer and
meditations or in fpiritual conferences, with
thofe that accompanied hini) or in reck-
ing the pfalms* He was ever ready to run to
the afliftance of fouls ; not only in the towns and
villages, and even in the pooren cottages ; but alio
ill the highways, and the very fields : for where-

foever he faw any perfons, he went up to them ;

that if he found they were infidels, he might in*
vite them to the faith ofChrift i or if they already
believed, he might confirm them in their faith,
and exhort them to a life worthy of their faiths
In thefe apoftolical labours,' and in the exercifes
of all the evangelical virtues, in their greateft
perfection, as well as in the eftabliQiing of many
churches, fchools and monafteries, and in train*
ing up many faints^ he employed feventeen years.
At the end of which he was called to eternal reft,
anno 651. 6. Vulhbirt^ then a (hepberd in the
mountains, faw his departing foul, in exceeding
great glory, can icd up by angels to her ever*
iafting home ; which, vifion determined him to
quit the world, and to become a monk. S,
in vita Cutbbirti.

^timber u A T Winchejier^ the cbmmemo--
jr\^ ration of S. Elphegus^ or Al^
phege the elder^ bifhop of that fee ; illuflrious tor
the holineis of his life, and for his fpirit of pro*
phecy. He went to our Lord anno 95 ^f"//-
-li^m of Malmdlury^ 1. 2. de Pontif. S^lknd^
r a ^

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Murdoc bifhop and confelToc
•the depolJtion of S.
In the monaftery of Mailrofs upon the river
'TttfW, the memory of holy Drithebn the fervant
of 'God, who having feen in a trance many ex«
traordinary things with relation to the other
iirtfrld, retiring into diat religious community,
-followed there a of admirable aufterity, and

fandity. S. Bede^ U 5. c. 13. It is alfothefeaft

of S. Giks a holy abbat, in whoie name innu^
imerabk churches have been ereftcd in Britain.

September n. At Rofchtld in Denmark^ the

'Commemoration of "S. IViUiam an EngHJhman^
biihop of that fee, in the beginning of the
eleventh century ; celebrated for his paftond -

zeal, and the holinefs of his life. Saxo Gram^

^naitcusy c. II. In Inland^ the commemoratioa
of S. Senacb archbiihop of Armagh \ who went
•to our Lord anno 610.

StpitfribiT 3. Tti the ifland of Uy^ the com*

-menioratlon of blefled Adamnan^ ahbat of the
monaftery of S. Columhn whofe wonderful adls

and miracles he pubiiflied in three books. He

was ^'^vife and holy man^ who by conferring with
S. Cioifrid abbat of IVeremouth^ being himfelf.
convinced of the canonical time of celebrating
- E^jTtTy brought over a great part of the Scots and
Iri/h to the obfervance of the fame. Obiit annp
698. S. Bede^ I. 5. c. i6. In Inland the com«>
jnemoiation of the holy bifhops S. Colman
foundcc of the church of Cbne^ S. Murgeusy S>
Loman LachigiUy and S. Lonuin Lachavoiry who
all flourifhed in fanility in the feventh century*
5ee UJb^r^ p. 473.

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September 4. At Durham^ the tranflation of
tJie body of S. Cuihbert bifliop of Llndisfarnej
(he great Thaurnaturgus^ or wonder worker of
Engknd : whofe body, after divers removals oc-
cafioned by the Daniflj devaftations, was at.

length (together with the biihoprick) tranflated'

tb Durham : where alfo it was found whole and
^ incorrupt, above 800 years after his death,
when his flirine was demolilhed by the vifiters-
under K. Henry VIIL See Jhdeni Rites^ &c,
cf Church of Durha?n^ p. 1 6c. \t\ Scoildndy
the -

the depofition of S. Mirinm^ biihop and confef-

fon In Ireland^ the feftivity of S. Vhan bifliop .

of Ardbraan^ of the kindred and family of S.

Brigide ; who was in his days very illuftrious for
fenaity, and is named in the fecond place
amongft the faints of the third order ox ckfs^ in
the famous manufcript catalogue publiflied by
Vfier in his Jntiquities^ p. 473. Obiit anno 657.
At Triers in Germany^ the feftivity of S. MarceU
lus bifliop and martyr j fai^d to have been of the
Britijb nation.

Sept. 5. At Burton upon Trent^ the comme-

moration of St Atl^ virgin, companion of S.
. Modwenna^ who flourlflicd in fanftity in the
ninth century. In Ireland^ the commeaioration
of S. Petranm biftiop of Lujke ; whofe name .

ftands the in the ihitd clafs of Irijh faints, in


the ancient manufcript catalogue. Alfo in Ire^

land, the commemoration of the holy abbats Ji-
redan and Faillan^ illuftrious for fandtity.

In Cumberland^ the commemoration

Sept. 6.
of S. Bega. vulgo S. Bee virgin and abbefs^
F 2 whoft

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whofe relicks were anciently kept, with great vc<-
neration^ in a church called from her S. Bees^ in
the territory of Couplandy near CarliJIe, In Corn*^
wnll^ the commemoration of S. Etha^ alias S^^
Teaih^ or Thehoy in whofe name there Sands a'
church dedicated to God irt that province. See
X^mer^s Notitia monajiica^ in Cornwall.
Septemher 7. At Canterbury^ the tranllation of
S. DunJiaHy archbifhop and^ confeflbr, who for
the eminence of his fan(Sltty has been greatly ho-
noured by oUr aiicfeftors % as appears from th&
many churches dedicated to G6d, in his name«
At Yorky the commemoration of S. Euurcim^ bi-
ihop, celebrated on this day in the Xork Miflal*
At Winhmi in Dorfetjhtre^ the commen^oration
of S. Ctdhburga^ virgin and abbefs, fifter to the
glorious king Ina ; virho, being efpoufed to Jld^
fndf king of the Norfhttmbrtani^ preferred the
title of the humble hand-niaid of Jefus Chrift be-

fore that of a queen ; and having obtained the

confeht of king Aldfred^ fo pYefervc her virginity^
and enter into religion, (he betook herfelf to the
famous monaftery of Barking in EJfex y where^
under the h6]y abb^is S. HUdeM^ ihe lesurnt ta
. be a faint ; and going thence, fhe founded, with
the help of her fifter ^uenburga^ the double mo-
naftery of men and women at Wihb&m in Dor^^
pijhire^ dedicated to the Queen of virgins, where
ihe taught many others to be faints. She went
to our Lord in the 8th century, and is comme-^
nioratcd in the Sarwn calendar^ on the 3ifi of


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Septemhr At Difmburg^ in the diocefe of
Mentz^ the feftivity of "6, Dijcn or Dtftbode^ bi-
. fhop, by nation an Irijh Scot^ a zealous preacher
erf the gpfpel^ both at home and abroad 1 and

founder of that famous, monaftery, which takes

its name from him. He repofed in our Lord^
being very illuftrtous for fandlity and miracles,
about the year 700. His life was written by S.
Hildigardesn At the monailery of Menjirey in the
ifle of Tiamt^ the commemoration of S. Ead'^

lurge^ virgin and abbefs, who fucceeded S. Mll^

Arid in the charge of fuperior of that hoiy com-*
munify ; wbofe body alio Ihe' tranflated to the
new church which flie built in honour of P/-
ter and S. Paul. She was of the blood royal of
KmU but nwre renowned for the lio!ine(s of her
life, than for the nobility of her extraction. Obiit
anno 75 1 • Her relicks were tranflated to Canter^
hmji anno 1055, and depoiited in the church of
S* Grggsry.

Siptmlir 9* At Quain-micnoij^ in the coun*

ty of Hf^ejimeath^ the feftivity of S. ^erams^ or
Kleran the younger, abbot, and firft bifliop of
Clmm^ He was difciple of S. Finian of Cknard r
and in the ails of this faint has the firft place
amongft the twelve, who for their extraordinary
hnOky were called the twelve apoflles of Ire^
land^ and were all trained up in the fame fchooK
He was the author of a monaftick rule; and
i^ned, in his monaftery of Ckain-micn^h^ a
fehool'y which for divers ages was renowned for
iacred letters. He went to our Lord anno 549
F 4 and

Di giliyi by Coogle
and was honoured of old as patroA^ or tutelar

faiiu, of the whole proviace of Connaught.

SiptmhiT I0« At Kill'Winmn in Cuningham of

Si'Giland^ the felKvity of S. Finian blfliop ; whom
the Britons call S. Winnin. He was of noble Irijh

bjood^ and trained up in- piety and learning firft

at hon:ie, by a holy bifhop called Cohmn ; after-
wards in iJr;W;2, hyS* Nennioj ^ Briiijh prchtc^
in^^his Great Monaftiry^ He illuftrated both \fir/«
tain and Ireland with the rays of-his extraordina-
ry iai dlity, and the glory of his miracles ; for he-
even raifed four per&ns from death to life, as his.
afts atteft. He departed to our Lord fome time
in. the fixth century, and has the firft place in the

fecond dafs of Irijb faints in the ancient cata**

logue. He was honoured of old as tutelar faint
of the whole province of liyier%


September In the diocefe of Ruremmd, the*

1 1.
commemoration of S. Otger^ a holy deacon, of
the Engtijh nation ; who afTbciated himfelf with
the faints Wiro and Pkchelm^ in preaching the-*
faith of Chrift in the Netherlands ; where he is
honoured to this day in the dipcefes of Ruremtut
and Grmingen as one of their apoftles. In Ire*
land the commemoration of S. Coelan, abbat of
Noendrum^ who flouriihed in faniStity in the iixtht

' ' September 12. In Ireland the feflivity of S»

Ailheus^ firft biOlop of Emefyy apoftle^ and fpe-*

cial patron of the province of jMunJler. He was.

infttuded from a child and baptised by a Br-itijlj

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B R I T I S H P 1 E T 129
prieft, whom divine provicknce conducted into
Inland for that purpofe, before S. Patrick came
thither and going abroad, as far as Romey after

having made a great progrefs there in the ftudy

pf the holy fcriptures, and in all virtue and fane*
tity, he was ordained bifhop, and fent by the
pope to preach the gofpel in his own country :
which Jie did with great fruit, efpeciaJly in his .

native province of Mwifter ; confirming his doc-

trine with many miracles, and contijiuing his
apoftolick labours till his happy death, anno 527.
See his-a^ in XJJber% Antiquities* He is nanoed
by the holy abbat Cummian^ in his epiftle to Se^
gemus^ fourth abbat of Hy^ about the obfervance
of £after^ the firft amongd the moft eminent fa«
thers of the churches of the fouth of Ireland \ in
Xjjher^s Sylloge Epiji. Hibernic. p. 33. and was the
founder of a religious congregation, for which
hecompofed a monailkkrule, ilill extant*. «

September 13, In the famous Hionaftery of

Daimh'Inys^ of iir;/^, \n Ireland j the
in the lake
feftivity oi'^x Laifrean the elder, commonly called
S. Molaijfms^ abbat; who going out of thefchool*
of S. Finian of Clonard^ being one of the twelve
called the apofUes of Ireland ; by his do<Strine
and ianftiky (hone forth as a bright lamp, en-
lightening the whole kingdom, and directing; in-
numerable fouls ill' the ways of' truth and lit^*.

Obiit anno 570.

September 14. At Folk/Ion^ in Kent^ the com*

memoration of S, Eanfwide^ virgin and abbefs,
daughter to Eadbald king of Kenty who from her
E 5. infancy

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infancy defpifed all worldly toys, and ccnfecrate<f^
her whole heart and foul to the love of God*.
Her father buiit for her a monaftcry by the fea-
fliore near Folkjion^ where flie prefidad over a>
congregation of holy virgins ; and after a moft
innocent and faint-like life gave up her^ foul to*
kA, fome time in the feventh century* Her bo«
dy v^^as buried in her own monaftery ;. where \t
remained till, by the fea's encroaching and de«
ftroying the buildings, the inhabitants were*
cbljp-ed to tranflate her relicks to the church of
Folkjioriy which had been dedicated by king
iaWm honour of S. PeHr \ but, by the devotioiit
©f the people to S. EanJ[wi(ky was afterwards
called by her name..

Septemheri^. In Scotland iht commemora-

tion of many faints, honoured of old by the Scot^
iijhnation ; whofe names are ftill retained by-
the places where their cells, or monafteries and^
churches anciently ilood : fuch as S. Cuminy ho*
Boured at Kikhimen in htvirnefs ^ S. Linchin^ ho--
noured at KUltnchan in jirgUe ; S. Barchan^ ho-
noured at Kilbarchan in h enfretvi S.Ruvius^,
lionoured *at KOi-ru in the ifle of JJla ;- and many
others i as mav be fcen in the tabic of the pa-
rifhes in Scotland^ publiflied by Mr. Robert
Keitby anno '75s • where alfo mention of the

churches, of S. Bojxuall in Roxburgh ; of S.

tbans in Merfe^ and E. Lothian y of S. Madots^
in Perth ; Monan^h in Fife ; of S.. Kibuts in
ol S«
iT/A'; and of other fainlSv whofe 2c5ls are written
in the book of life, though very little known at
prefent upon earth*

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Sept, 1 6. At Withern in Gallowayy the fefti-
vity of S. Ninian (whom the Scots call S. kingen
billiop, and apoflic of the fduthern Pii^s, He
was a mo/I holy man of the Britifti nation^ regular^
ly tnftruSedat Rome in the faiths and in the myJJe^
ries of the truths fays S Bede^ 1. T^e
3« c. 4.
feat of his bijhoprick ( where his hody with
thofe of
many other faints repofeih ) was called Candida cata
cr the white houfe, hecaufe the faint built there a
church of white fione^ which was at that time an-
Mnufual thing among the Britons. He repoied in*
our Lord anno 432 : and his fepulcher was illu-
ilrated with miracles. Alfo the commemoratioa'
of S. Plebeias^ brother of S. Ninian and imitator
of his virtues ; as likewife of thofe many other
faints, who, according to our venerable hiftorian,
xepofed of old in S. Martin-^ church at IVitherm^
At Wilton in Wiltjhire^ the deppfition of S. Edi^
tha^ daughter to kiiig Edgar^ who being from
her tender years dedicated to God in the mona-
-flery there, may be faid rather never to have-'
known the world, than to have forfaken it. Obiit
. anno 984* At PoUefwortb in Warwickjbire.^ the
commemoration of another S. Ediiha^ virgin,,
lifter of king Edgar^ who confeciaced her virgi-
nitvtoGod in the nunnery of Pollefworth^ fhe
U different from the S. Editha difciple of S. Mod*^
wenna^ and Bsfk abbeis of that community.

September 17. The feftivtty of the glorious-

martyr? S. SouattS' and S. Stephen^ who fufFered
under the perfecution of Diocletian^ Alio in di*
vers places of Great Britain^ the memory of ma-
ny other holy mm^f^y who about the fame time

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^ood in thi field
(f battU^ with invindhli courage^
fzys S. Gildasy and aftir baviug bim t9rturidwith
ynheard of cruelty^ fixed their glorious trophies ott
thi gates of the heavenly JerufaUnu

September 18. In the ifle of Thorney in Cam^

hridgejbire^ the comoieaioration of the two holy*
anchorets & T
Thancred and S« irthred^ the firft
habitants of that folitude ; one of whom died a*
martyr, the other a qonfeflbr : as alfo of blefled
Teua their fifter, famed for the fan6lity of her«
life. See king Edgar s charter, in Dugdale^ Mo-
jiafticon \ and the &axm MSS* of the burial places
of the Eriglijb i^nts.

September jg. At Canterbury the depofition of

S* Tbeodare^ the feventh. archbifliop of that fee, ^
man of profound erudition and Irreproachable life,

and who, as §• Bede informs us^ brought fuch

bright days amongfl us, as never ihone before in
ETigland\ as well by opening fchools of divine let-
ters, and gathering together a numerous cpngrega--
tion of difciples, to whom he plentifully impart**
cd the waters of faving knowledge ^ as by dili-
gently teaching all men the.right way of living,
fn order to live for ever ; and by fetting over sdl
our churches excellent bilhops, and moft emi-
nent faints : infomuch that the time of bis ad*
miniftration might be juftly ftiled the golden age
of the EngUJh church* He departed to our Lord
anno 690, being 88 years old. S. Bede^ 1. 4.
c.i,2, &c. ic L 5« c. 8. where he applies to him,
and to the fix archbifiiops that went before him,
that faying of Ecdefiafiicus xliVt I4« Jhdr bodii$

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Wihmiidinfeacfy and their fumes jballilipe for
all generationf%

Septembir'20^ In Lincolnfiirei the


Ntion of S. Hygbald'i abbat, a mojl holy and mojf

mrtijkd man } L 4.
S. Bede^ 3. At Hulm w
Nmrfolky the commemoration of holy Suneman^
hermit, who led a nioft faintly life, in amarfhy
place in that neighbourhcod, for above iiftj^
years \ where adfo fome difciples reforting to hioi^
who were life under
deflrous to lead a penitential
his direi^ion, formed themfelves into a kind of
religious community ; but when the Daims under
Jngnar and wafte the province of the
ii/z/jJZ'/z laid
Eaft Angles^ they put them
all to the fword. See

Dugdali^ account of the abbey of Huhny which*

was afterwards founded upon the faaie /jpot.

SiptmbiT 2f . In the monaftery of (S>iUis iir

France^ the commemoration of blefled Herefwidg
queen, fiiier to S. Hilday and widow to the holy*
king Anna\ who after the death of her hufband^
going abroad, confecratcd her widowhood to di-
vine iove ; choofing for her place of abode, dur-
ing the remainder of her tranlitory life, that holy*
monaftery, in which fhe lived a great pattern of
fandlity ttli flie was called from this temporal
baniihment to an eternal crawn^ S> Bediy K ^
SiptiffAer 22. In Scotland^, the £aftiyity of S^
Lotan^ bifhop of li^jitern^ honoured on this day
in the Scots caiendisir ; where he is faid to have
departed to our I^rd^ anno 1034. laS^Columb*^

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nj^ A M E MO R I A L O F
monaftery, in the iik of Hy>^ the conimemora<»
lion of holy Cobthack or Cybthakiy ktitfiiiBn and
difciple of S. Coiumb \ and holding the firft place
after his brolber S. Baithetiy in the lift of the
fvrelvc fairtW who were alTochiled with S. CoknA
in preachiflg the faith of Chrift to the Pi^s^

September 23. In SeHlonek the feftivity of &

^ennan abbat, honoured on this day in the
Jiberdeen breviary« His happy death is marked
in the ScbU calendar, anno 684. In die lAe of
Inys Cathaighy in Ireland^ the commemoration of
holy Kfnmra'^itgxn^^ho led a folitanr life in great
£in£lity, in the fottth of MAiii^; till intderfland*
ing, by divine revelation, with how great per*
fe^ion our Lord was ferved by S* Sermn- and bis
difciples in the monaftery of Inyp-Caihaigb^ (he
went thither, defiring to live ^nd die in their
neighbouthood. Biit« as S«.&i»if's rule would i:ot
allow any woman to come near his monaftery ;
ihe requefted of him,, that (he might once at leaft
receive the blelTed Sacmment at bis hands,. 9nd
that if then flie died, (he might be buried there.
The faint granted her petition, and fhe, after re-
ceiving the heavenly viaticum, prefendy fell a-^
ileep inthe Lardy and was buried in the ifland.
At tiexham^ the commemoration of blclTed Aif^
waldi king of the NwtbumbrianSy ereacheroufly
flain by his fubjefis, anno 789, whofe fepulchres*
^was iiluftrated by miracles, ff^iliam oi Mal^
mefiuTf^ \. I. de Regibus.

Sepimdfer 24. At Arpine^ in the kingdom of

M^leSf the toamcmgmigg ol. & B^rnard^ ant

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BR I T I S H I^ I E T y.
Mngli/h ptFgrint, who in his return from Jitufa^
Bfn died mthat ifeidibodrboad ; whofe fepulthdf
has been honoured With many rth^eles. At
Canterbur the depofitlon of the venerable arth-
bifiiop Cutbbert i a man tffeverimtaUt^ d^mdt^
up of goodnefs itfelfy fays Dugdak^i abridgment.
Obiit anno 758. At PVmeJier the memory of
holy Bofel^ the firft biflidp of tlkt fee wbettf^
according tcr the ancient ^axm manufcrlpt, is th^

September 25. At Langns in ^rancty thedepofi-^

lion of S« Ceolfrtdi abbat of Wif'ifnouth atid
roWy who departed this life, in his journey towards
Rome^ anno7o6. He was illuftrious for his learn-^
ing and pi^ty, and was matter to oW p&x $«.
Bide* At Corky ih Ireland^ the feftivity of S.
Barrusy otherwife
that city a prelate eminent for fandtity, lirid
who had divers great faints for his difciples. See
VJher's AnticjuitieSy p. 503* In Sicotlaftdy. the;
fefttvity of another S. B^rus^. nrft biibop of^
Caithmfs ; whbfe happy death is marked in tht

Scots calendar^ anno lO'jJ^^

Sepimher 26. Iri the nrbvihce of tKd tlajf^

Angles^ the commemoration of S. Sigeberty king-,
and mtu'tyi \ who, being a fervent coimUr him*-

felf, sRealoufly c6ntrib&ted to the converfion of

his with the concurrence of S. Pelix
biihop9 and the holy abbat S.. Furfey \ till laying
down his royalty he became a monk, and v^as
at length ^in by Pinda^ the p^gan king of the

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%36 A M E MOR I A OF
Mercians, anno 652. S. Bede, I. 3. c. 18. In
Jr€land^ the depofition of S. Cobnaml^ zhhat ^o£ .

Linalliy in King*s county j whofc name has former-

ly been illullrious amon^ the /r/J/Z^ faints. Obiit .

anno 6io. At Wjtjimnfterf ..the depoikioniof

Boly Wtdfy^ who upon the reftoration of the mo-
naftery there, under king Edgar y was for the
eminence of his virtues appointed by S. Dunjlan
firft abban. Obiit anno 9^0. Matthew of
. Wefiminfier^ .

September In the ifle of Hy^ the comme*
moration of the venerable fervants of God, Ru$
and FetbnOf brothers, difciples of the boly abbat
S, Columhy and apoftolick preachers amongft the
Piits% "In Ireland^ the commemoration of S.
BarrindetiSy abbaf of Druim^cuilliny in the iixth

century, celebrated amongft the faints of the fe*

cond clafs in the ancieat catalogue of the fainU >

of Inland. #

September tS. At Fulden Germany^ the fefti-

vity of S. JJihOy virgin and cotemporary.
, with the great. S« Boniface ; by whom ihe was in«»
vitcd over from the monaftery of IVinborny for
the direi^on of his German converts of the fe«
male fex, in the ways of religious perfedion«
She was called to our Lord, anno 757. In Scot^
land^ the depofition of S. Machan^ biihop, cele-
brated on this day in the Scoits, calendar^ who
. departed to our Lord, anno 856«.

Septemher 29. The feftivity of S. Michael the

^rchangel^.^the Gu^jcdiaa general of the church

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of God $ and of all the Angels Guardians of the
Br iiijh churches. At Harnpokj four miles from*
Doncajler in Yarkjhlrej the depofition of the ve-
nerable fervant of God Richard RoUcy hermit^
commonly called Richard of Hampole^ renowned?
for the fan6lity of his iife^ and the heavenly
un£tioD, which is found in all his writings*.
Obiit anno 1349. At Tinningham^ in the
Marches of Scotland^ the memory, of the holy
ajbbefs Verca^ highly efteemed' by the great S..
Cutbbert. Bede^ vita Cutbbertiy c. 351 3^.

Sepiewher 30, At Caniirbwj^ the depofition

of S. HomriiiSy dlfciple of S. Gregory the Great),
^e fifth archbiihop of that fee, and no ways de«
generating from die great faints that went befoK
him, Obiit anno 653. In Scotlandy the com-
memoration of the man of God Thmmm
ToimMita) one of the 'tweke coadjutors of S»
Cglumba^ in the converHon of the Pi^s.

Ckiobir I- A T Jmbresbury in Wtbjbirij the
xV feftlvi^ of S« Mihrus martyr^
honoured on this day in the Sarum breviary. At^
London^ the depofition of the holy biihop Roger^
celebrated by our hiftorians for his fan£lity and
miracles. Obiit anno 1 241. See Matthew. Parisy^
ad annum 1248. At Conde ia the Nethsrlands^
the feaft of &
Wafnulf z Britijh bifliop, and
apoftoliclc preacher in the feventh century whofe. :

body repofes in the collegiate church, of Condi^

which lus been rendeied tUufidous by his mir

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racks. See Bald^icus in Chronico Cameraunfi^ !«.

OSfober 2. At Hereford^ the feftivity of Si

TBomas de Cantilupe^ bimop of that fee, and fomc
time Lord High Chancellor of England r who-
went to our Lord anao 1282, and for his cxtra-
ordinaiy fan£Uty, and die innumerable miracles^
wrought by his inteit^ffion^ was not long^ after
folemnly canonized. See bifhop Godwin^s cata-
loguc of the- Ufliops of Henford*

Oaober 3. In WeflphaKa^ the martyrdom of
t}i« two faintSy of the name of Ewafds or He^

tion flain by the infidels, to whom they went


to preach the foith of Chrift. T heir bodies, be-

irig; by the nftirtherefe into the RMmy were
carried up againft the flream, for about forty
miles, to th^ neigbbouthod of the {dace where .

tiieyhad left their companions and were found*

by them, by the means of an exceeding great .

%bt9 fhiningover theqi from hieaven; and be-

ing takeif up were^ fir^^ted to Cidkn, and
there buried wub great honour* Bide^ ^* 5*.

O£loher ^. the memory of blefTed Ed^

At Torl^y
win^ firft king of the Northern Englijh \,
who was caliied in a wonderful manner to the faith
©f Chrift, and baptized by S. Paulinus arch-
bifhop ^of York \ and after a glorious reign, in
which he joined a diligent care of the pea<ie,.
and welfare of his people, and the maintaining
e£ the law^», with, an extraordiaary piety and

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zcdl for religion he was at length flain in bat-

tle hyPifida the Pagan\ who had jsebelled againft!

him, anno 633. S. Bede, !• 2. c. 9, 10, Sec. At
Rome J the memory of holy Coinred or Kenred
Ymg of the MiTcfanSj who foY the love of Chriii:
exchanged his earthly kingdoni for tke fervice of
God in religious folitude*

O£fober 5. At Coldingham in the kin^om of

the Northumbriam^ the commemoration of S.
Ebba the younger9 virgin and aTDbefs^ % and of all
her fillers, the nuns of the monaftery of that
town ; who wl^en the Pagan Danes walled the
Hhrthmk provinces, under Inguar and HMd
(anno 868, or 870) fearing their Brutal luff^

teVi^i by ccittfh^ off tb^ijf dwA nofes, and upper

lips I (hat they might' ht rio d£c&fion of tempta-
tion to the inEdels ; who l^eihg them thus enw
brded m their bloocf, fee fife to their monaftery^
and confomed theoi alL Matthew W^eHmnfier^
<d annum $70.. t

* O^ohir 6. In trilani^ the comihemoratron o^

B. Wlgberiy an Mtiglijh prieft, eminent for the
holihefs of bis lif^, who for the promoting the
greater gfory of Gorf, and the' (alvation of louk^
went over into the Lower Germany^ aiid there
preached the fdth of Chrift, for the fpace of two^
years : bwt fiot rtf^^g wiCh a correlporidence.
from the part of the infidels ; he went back to Ire^
landf to his beloved foKtude s and there hwpilf
ended his days, towards' the Tatter endT of dw.
feventh century. S.iede I.5. c. lO. In JVales^ the
6>mi&iem0tatioa of Mnd^c €0Jifeflor>. patron

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of the priory of Pille in Femhrokefi)ire. At Cul^
hn^ the feftiW^ of S. Elphius who fufFered mar-^
tyrdom under jullan the apoftate and who ac- :

cordiog to his a^^ was fon to a king of the

Sants. Alio the commemoration of S. Eucbariup
bi(hop and martyr, brother to S. Eliphius ; and.
of his virgin Mers, S» Minm^ S# Libaria^ andl
S. Sujanna.

OSiober *j. At C^;Vi (now near Cai^-

ditjler hi .E]^*', the feftivityof S» virgiA
and martyr who was trained up to all fan£lity^

with other holy virgins, by S. Modwmna^ at.

FoUeJwortBj near the foreft of Jrdin in f^ar*
fvickjhirei and afterwards, with the help of her
parents, built herfelf a nunnerv at Chub^ wherO;
ierving her divine fpoufe in all purUy and reli--
glous perfection, fhe was at length martyred bj^
the Danes^ when they ly^fted England in the.
AmtK century. A
fountain is laid to have broke
out, in the place where (he was beheaded, and
divers miracles to, have been wroutSht at her fe-
pulchre i over which was built in ner honour a
famous church and monaftery of canpn regulars,
which contmued' till the diflblution of abbeys un»
der Henry VIII. At Linc^ln^
Jthe tranffation of
. S. Hugh^ bifliop ; whole
oif body being
that fee
taken up, eighty years after his death, was found
incorrupt, and his very habit with which he was
tfuried, in the fkme condition as when it was fifOL
puton. ,
' , . ,

Oa^beri. In Breckmckjhire of Wahs^ thcfefti-

y^ty of S.- Keyna^ daughter of Braghan lord of

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Mrecinockj who for her admirable piety and
by the ancient Britonsy KeyU'^
<an£):ity is called,
*vaire^ or Keyna the virgin* She Jed a fo]itar5r
life for many years, in a wood, on the banks of

'the river Avonj (where now ftands the town of

Cain/ham) where al(b (he is faid to have changed
•by her prayers the fwarms of fnakes, which in-
fefted that place, into (lones ; many of wliich
were to be feen there for divers ages, perfeiSUy
reprefenting ferpents. The other wonders of her
•life Had death may be feen in her a£b, publiflied

4>y John of Tinmouihj and Capgrofue. In 5^^/-

iandy the fefttvity of S. Triduana^ virgin ; affign-
cd to this day in the Scottijh calendar j w^ho de-»
parted to our Lord anno 532.

OStober 9. In Cornwall^ the commemoration

of S. JVmdrove^ confeflbr^ in whoTe name there
ftill ftands a church, dedicated to God, in that

province. At Pollekuorthy in TVarwickJhin^ the

commemoration or S. Lim^ virgin^ brought up
there under S Modivenna^ ( in the company of
Edithdy and S. Ofttha) in all pjurity and fanili^
ty. At Lincoln^ the depofition of Robert fur-
named Grofsifjfy biOiop of that fee, a prelate of
great learning, zead and piety.

October 10. At Rochejler^ the depofition of

^.Paulinm^ difcipie of S. Gregory the Great,
who was the firft that preached the faith of
Chrifl: to the Eng/i/h heyond the Number^ and to
thofe of i^incoinjbire and Noiiinghamjlnre. \ con-
certing many thoufands ; and, amongft the reft«
iting EdwlHy with his ngblcii : buc this pood

Digitized by
lip A M EMO HIA L -O F
^tng being ilain^ he was obliged to return
into Kmij where he had care of the*church of
'ftoche/fcr^ till he was called to the reward of his
.labours in a happy eternity, anno 644. S. Bede^
a* 2. c. 9, I2y Sec. At JSifrlington in Tmrkjhire^
;the feftivity of S. JoJm^ prior of the canon regu-
lars of that town ; renowned for his fan^lity and
miracles. Obiit .anno 1379.

OSfober T r. At Barring in Mffhc^ the feftivi-

ty of S, Edilburge^ virgin, fifter to the great &
£arconwaId^ fourth bifhop of London^ and made
\>y him the firft abbefs of Barking ; to wbofe ad-
mirable fandity, as well as to that of her religl.
ous fifters, and the wonders of God wrought ia
that holy community, S. Bide giv es ample tefti-
mony, 1. 4. c,6, 7, itc. At Kilkenny^ in Irt^
land^ the feftivity of S. Canicus^ abbat and pa-
tron of that church : he was firA a difciple of the
*iioIy abbat Dvcus^ in ff^les^ and afterwards was
trained up under the difcipHne of S. Finian of Clo^
nard'j being one of the twelve, who, coming
out of his fchool, were for their extraordinary
ian(5tity called the twelve apoflles of Ireland. He
founded the famous monaflery of ^chad-bbo^
formerly the feat of thebifliopsof Ojferyi and
there repofed in Qur Lord, anno 599.

0£iifber 1%. Tn the monaflery of t/nii?/^, the

depofition of S. Wilfrid the elder, bifhop of 3^r^,
one of the brigbteft lights of the ancient EngUJh
church ; who after innumerable labours for the
glory of God, and the falvation of fouls, ac-
companied with many grievous afflidions and

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BRITISH P I E T ¥• 143
^perfecutions, pafling through £re gnd water,
went anno 709.
to everlafting^ reft, HenUi^ &
BeJe^ kc. In Ireland^ the feftivity of S. Jl^^
iyusy furnamed Ciairimach^ an abbat^ iUufirious
for (anility. Obiit anno 544.

O^iober 13. hX^WeJimnJierj ^he tranflatlon of

Edward the confeflbr, whofe body was tadcen
up on this day, anno 1163, folemnly tranf-
archbifhop of Canter^ -

hiry^ in prefence of Henry II. and many biihops»

-abbats, and other perfons of diftindion, who
were all eye-witnefles of its being entire and
without the leaft blemiih of corruption ; and his .

very garments frefli atid found, though it was

now n^ar one hundred years llnce his death. In
Auftria^ tlie feftivity of S. Golnum^ a holy piU
grim of the Scotttjh nation, who returning from
the Holy Land was taken up upon fufpicion of
being a fpy, and put to moft cruel torments,
which he bore with invincible patience and cou«
tage, ftill maintaining his innocence, and offer-
ing ,up all his fufferings to .God.' He was at laft
flanged between two thieves, Offober 1$^ anna
1012 : God bearing teftimony to his innocence
and fandity, by many miracles ; by ocpafion of
which bis body was, not long after, tranflated to
the town of Merckj where it is kept with great
veneration to this day. In Scotland^ the feftivity
of S. ConwaUan^ abbat, who flourifhed in the
fixth century : Alfo of S. Cogan, abbat, in the
^eighth century*


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144 A ME MO R I A L OP
Oiiober i^. Pkt Wurtzbmtrg in Francmia^ tlie
Yeftivity of S. Burihard^ an Enghjlmian^ difciple
of S. Boniface of Meni%^ and coniccrated by him
Ifirft bifhop of WuriTAourg. He was eminent ifi
all pafioral virtue?^, and pafled to a better life
^nno 752. In Scotland^ thefeftivity of S. Finta^
Tia^ and S. Findocha^ illuftrioug virgins^ ancient^
iionoured in the Scots calendar. ^

Oaohir 15.At Wwcefter^ flie trariflation of

'S.Ofwald^ bilhop and confeflbn In the abbey
of Kitxingeny in Germany^ the feftivity of S. 7>*
virgin and a'bbefi; who was one of the

chiefcft of thofe fpoufes of Chrifl-, who were in-
vited out of England^ by S. Boniface^ apoftle^of
'Germany^ in order to propagate Chrift's king-
dom amongft thofe of their ownfex; by training
.them up in religious difcipline. She went to the
embraces of her heavenly fpoafej about <the midr
' t]le of the eighth century.

OBobiT 1 6. At Mern% in Germany^ the feftn

vlty of S. Liillui^ archbifhop of that lee, a wor-
thy difciple and fucceffor of S. Boniface \ in whofe
ileps he conftantly walked, by an imitation of all
his virtues. In his old age he retired to his mo-
naftery which he had founded at Heresfeldy to
prepare bimfelf for eternity ; where he alfo hap-
pily repofcd In our Lord, anno 787 j and where
his tomb was illuftrated with innumerable mira*
ties. At S. GaU^ in the diocefe of Con/lance^ the
feftivity of S. Gallus^ abbat, apoftle of the iS^:f//z-

'irs he was the favourite difciple of the great


Sf Celumbanusy whom he followed from the mo-


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naftery of Bencbot- into JBritain and from Bri'
im ia^ frattct, Burgutufy^ and SwihurlatuU
ilewaiiielmkhd. hodi in word a/ad work ; and
having conftandy ferved our Lord with the utmoft
fervour and pofe^on, Jcom bis vcijf dnldhooi
to.tlie 95th year of hi«. age, he happily
into his kingdom of never ending joys,
640. In Ireland, the fefiivtty of S. Cyre, virgin,
flbbeis nf the famous monaftery of
Kikbere, in
ttat paft of Mm/ler inliich was Mtf-
aagieu '
. .
• >
t •

. Ol^otr 17. At S. Andrews in Scotktuli the

feftiviQr of S. Regulm, whom the
An^r ; of. whom they relate, that by divine ad^
monition he brought away from Greece fome
of the relicks of b. Jndrew the apoflle, and
pofitedthem in a cfamcfa, which he built in the
place where now Hands the city of S.
(which to this day is called, by the HtghkmlSettt
Kiii-ruUt or the church of Rtgubis) : here
in common, in a monaftick way, with his
ciples, he is fuppofed to have given
orian (0 di«
ancient GtfZdSMr, or woiftippers of God,
a kind
<tf canon regulars of whom there is
frequent men*
tion in the Scottijb hiftories. S. Reptlm has a
i^ace on this day in the Jheriten breviary. In
Ktntj &e commemoration of the faints Ethelrtdm
and Ethelbrighty two royal youths, who for the
innocence of their lives, the violence of
death, and the prodigies that followed
it, were
honoured by our forefathers among ;he
Thpy Mered about the year 668. At CatUer-
tttryy die depofition of holy Nothelmus^
the tenth
archbiihop o( that fee : He had been a prieft
G the
146 A MEM'OatlAC OF
the chweh oSi^ondrnf and afl^ed S. Bidi iirAe*
compiling of his church hiftory . He went (o our
Locd j|ono 735, M^Efyj the tranftfttion of the
inoomipted body ot ^
SvMdrsda or- ^Akuky^
queen, virgin and abbe& ; celebrated on this day
' with an offiae^ of 9 lefibns^ in the S^mm bie^

CS^ber iS. At Tor%^ the commemoratimi of

the ^encraUa femuit ^
<7od y^iiwr/^^tftcea of
JS. PauUrm archbiihop of Yorij whom he left be-

ixind him when he was obliged to return to Kent ;

. iirlio m9ii %i
S» iBrtfry i« t«-4^ 26. an ecde-
iiaftical and holy man, wholmng in that church
for a long lime after, hy teaching and bap«
tktqg fdcHod great iii»nber« ef fouls horn the
power of the old enemy. On this ^ay is alfb '

marked in the Scats calendar, the feftivi^ of S«

Mntfiih laid there to bavetiMii wmfteA^Uk Ar^

duenUi^ anno 404. '


OShAer^f^ At
Oif^rd^ the ^ftivitf of
Friidefiviile;^ virgin, cekbmed
fdf her extraohfr-
nary ran(^ity, and upon ichiy account honoured of
4M as patrooefe or melar^ (lkn\ of that city. See'
DugimlAh MomJHcon^ voX. iJ- p. 173, 174.* Sk¥
iiourilhed in the eighth century, and has an of*
£ce of^ JeAbns m
the Sarum breviary. Alfe the
^conliimmMiQfi of holy Jlgha virgin, who
:taught S. Frideftvide to be a faint. In Ireland^
Ifaedeppfition of &.Eihbin abbat, a noble Br/-^

- fhop of Dili \ who following a divine call, and

ieavincrail that he feemed to^pdlefs in this worM^'
AUed ovef isle Jbrdand^ add thtee4efi A IcrMlary'

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147- T
(mt mod faintly life^ in a wilderneis called NeSim
Wood: till he was invited to the happy manfion^
of die heavenly paradUe^ fome time in dto otnth

Oiiohfp jio* T^iiyt^ in the confines x>fFranc§]

aiid Gmmtf^, the depoittion of S* tUmUlyn abbat,*
of royal extraction i who going abroad, became
firft a monk) and afterwfirds abbat of a monafte*
ly there, now firom him calkd S« WifuUfynsjwhere
famous for fandUty and miracles, he repofed ia
o^r Lord about the yqar 7 a^*
; martyr^ ^j^s
gy. In the ffie of Man^ the oooimemoration of
^» JBradan znA S. Orvr^, honoured heretofore
with churcbesy whkh ftUl bear dieijr nanies^ ta

.OifohriJ. At Cdk^ in Girmaf^.H&t fcfti*

vity of S« Urjida a noble Briiifi virgin, with her
companions (whom their ads make to amount
to the number of eleven thoufaud) who goin^ a<^
broad, either as Ame
audiors affirm, to join ^

their countiymen in Little Bntanyj or as others

ilippofey to %4From the rage of the pagan Saxom^
were drove upon the coam of the Lmer Gima*
wf^ i from whence going up the country, they fell
ia^with an armvjof ^^uriiitf, who at that very
timer wafted diow parts, and were all flatn by
tf)em, in hatred of their faith and purity ; and
on this account have been ever iince honour^ aa^
glorious martyrs, by the CathoKck church. In
Jr'elani^ the fcftiyity of Fintan^ furnamed
A^kumfif abbat, much renowned by reafon qf h|a
faodit^ and'fiiiraclesi through all the diiwohea
^ 4be S^U and Jrjjfi* [u. ^gmnfn in the
. • 1
• ^

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n9 A M E MO R I At Of
life of S. Olumba] He went to our Lord,
anno 634^. ^

OStoher 22. AtHouifiy the depofition of S.

£imi^j or Milkn% faid to have been a noble Bri^
tXf^ converted at Rme^ aild fix>m thence' feht by
S. St€phe7i the pope, to preach the faith at }
of which church tie is accounted the firft biihop.
AtCuiUk^ the fefttvitjr of 'S.€0r^iifo vu^
mzrtyxj one of the companions of S. TJrfula : of
whom it is related in the Roman martyrology^
that bein^ terrified withrfte ilaiightel' df the other
^irginsi Ine hid herfelf; bat repenting of her co-
wardice, (he came forth the next diy, and re*
ceiled, the laft of them all, the'cmwn of mar-
tyrdom. At Fiefoli in Tufcany^ the feftlvity of
S. Dohatus^ a Scot^ biihop of that city in the 9tii
century ; and honoured there tathiif day, as
principal patron. ' •

Offober At Tmejhck in DeK^onJhirej the

commemoration of S. Ru?non biihop ; whofe bo-
dy in former times repofed in the church of the
abbey there, where he was honoured as patron.
Malmefbury. In Cornwall^ the cohimemora*
tibn of S; Cohmb^ virgin and martyr : of whole ^

a&, fee Oibfifts OmAdm^

in C^rmualL lit
Northumberland^ the commemoration of S. Twy^
deacon and difciple of S. Cutbiert. HerebertRof'

» « «

O£tober 24- In the IJk of J^rfeyj the depo/t-
S. Mdgloir bifliop, fiicteror to S. San^m
tioin erf
in the fee of Dole ; which he afterwards ex-
changed for the folitude of "J^rfej^ where, many

Digitized by
him^ to put Aemfelves under bis 4iif«
lelbrting to
-cipllne, he built a monaftery for them ; and led
with them a mod heavenly lifef till he was called
to a. better worlds anno 575; His body wa$^
tranflated to Paris^ in the time of the invafions
of the Narmans ; where it ftill waits for a happy
itfiuTcaioii^ in St €fauidx dcdialtdi,ti» God iikhis

Oaahir %$. At Beuerley in IVv^^ thecoma

memoration of S, y^^i/z bifliop of yir>f, common*
iy known by .the ijame of S. John of Bevirley^ a
prelate of m
9r£nary enuHiim ^ md of eMm&rJB&m
nary fan£ltiyy fays Mr. JVlmrton. {Ariglia facra^
,vol« I. p. 694«J Hs is folemnly commemorated
on this day both in the Tori and Sartm mifl^s.
:In Scotland^ the feflivity of S. Marnock bifbop,
patim of KiUmamocky honoured on this day in
,the<^fii<f .tcilendar» At£7q^pr ia the kingdom

of Napksj the coifamemoration of S. Jrdwyne 2^

'Mn^Jb priefty whofe ieiHikbre there has been
gkm&d wsdLninjdcis.'
Oilober 26. At Hexham in Northumberland^
the depofitioD of S« £17/^9 who was made bifiiop
that feet upo" refigning the fee of Lindif*
fame to his difciple S. Cuthhert. He was trained

iqi from ft 'b6y:'Unddr the difGJpliae.iif the |i eat

. .

S. Aidan ; ami wa^' afierwaids alibat, firfl of

Mailrofiy and then alfo of Lindhfame. His cha-
|ra£ler in Bedi (1. 4:* €• 27.) is, that he excelled
men Uving inmHknefsymdintbrifiianJimplicityy
or candour and uprightnefi. He departed to our
Iiiordy anna 685. In the monaikry of Uet ^^
Jkli is QirmanyJiM 'depAiikm^ S ^mttai^H^
5P G ^ Albuinui.

Digitized by
Jlbuinm^ an EngUjhman^ a difcqnlt and fellow^
labourer of S. B$nifaci ef Ment% 5 and confecrat-
<cd by Mm
firft hifkop id Bmrnhtrp^ iwhtcb' fee is

4ince tranflated to Faderhorn, He died in great

OSioher 27. In Irekmi^ the fefliyity of 9,

^ inn abbatf iounder of divers churches an44no-
nafteries ; and one of the chiefeft propagators of
monafllck difcipline in that ifland. At o. Ives in
-d^ntmU^ the commemoration of $.Iia or Jviaj
of fingular fandi^^ h6iic(iirctf there 4f
old as virgin and martyr.

. . &
Oadmr a8; Thefeaft of Si^m the Apoftie,
furnamcd Cananeus or Zelotes\- whom fome writ-
ers have preached the faith of Chrift in
^Britain. At Wimhefter^ ,thflr happy death, of tkie
rgreat and good Icing ^^^^/y who weitt to oltr
u^ord >anno 901/ Tn^ iMland^ ^e
rtioit of .Ueibd Motlfar .or Mmipi^^ ope 4if

twelve apoftolica] men, who joined their labours

with the great Cobmb^ in the converfion of

The day afligned for the feftivity

O£iober 29.
ViHmAU Bide^ pricft, monk, and Ao&oi of
the diiirch of God ; who for his fanf^ity and
Jearning accounted the Angular glory of
is juflly
England. At JLindi^amn or the H0ly
IJkmd% the
'Commemoration of S. Ceolulphy fome time king of
th^ Northumbrians^ a learned and religious prince,
to whom^S. J8f^ dedicated |)is hiftory; who for
the lov^ of die kingdom of hes^en, quitting his
carthlj^ kingdom^ became amool^aa the oionaf*
. tcrjr

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. B^R I TJ5H F
151 I E,T Y.
Tteiy of Lin£$Jmmg ; «nd tlieie happily coded his
days in the exercifes of religion, about the mid-
.die of the ei^tb century : and as IV. Malmef-
hnrf wSQtn» us, wa$ illuftriops for miracles aftn
his death ; lib. i. de Regihusi la ,Scotlandj the
lefii vlty of S< Kemeir^ virgin. At Canterbtfry^
tTie depoiition of ^he holy arichU(bo|r JEad/in^sLtk^

. OaobiT %o. In Cmwttj the commemoratiofi

of thefaints Jrvan and Illogan^ confeflbrs, who
have left their ijames to the places.which they
fbroierly illufirated with their fan£lity« In Scot^"
hndj the feftivity of S. Tarkirij bifliop ; honour**
ed ia the^^^r^^ breviary on this day: who
wont to our Lord anno wq. At Canferbwy^
the depoiition of die holy arcbblibop Egelnoth
anno lo^&i
• .

OpibfT I In .Hainauhj^ the feftivity of

foilip^y^i^^ martj[r» He was brother to

J^e fidnts and XJlian ; hx hvfst tatk
abbat of the famous monaftery of Burghcajile in
^uffUk : aftervirards going to Rme^ he was con*
&crated bifliop by S. Martin pope, and connmiil
iioned by him to preach the faith of Chrift in
the Nitberlmds ; wiiere at length he met^ with
the ciowiii of niartyrdom» anno (A<^


; *K 6y£ MB E It .
' .

Novimh.s.f'T^^^ general commemoration of

X all the Saints of our Britijh If-
kmdi.i and more <:fpecia)ly of thofe ^reat n^un-.

h^5^whofc. funics, .though recorded m th^-book

- G.4 ' ^

Digitized by Google
of life, arc now unknown on earth } by Vcaifon ^?
the deftruftion of a great piart of our ancient re-*
cords, together with the monafteries^ which were
the depoutaries of them* In Norway^ the com-
fnemoration^9f the holy hiihop Q^UtaUj an Engr
Ufimtan^ ati^apoftolick preacher Norway
Sxvsderiy in the eleventh ctnturjc^

NwimbiT %p In the mojiiAery of CJarevah^

the depofition of S. Mafachi^ archbifliop of At'*
mdgh: whofe extraordinary fanftity^ and worx^
lierful miracles, are attefted by the gredt S. Ber^
mardy his intimate acquaintance, in the boolc he
has written of his life. Obiit anno 1 148. Ih
irikmdy the memory of the m^n of txod Intariui^
. 'vho led a rcclufe and m oft mortified life in a
cell, near the great church Armagh \ where
he received S. Mabcbi under his^ ^Ufciplmes

J nd taught him to be a faint. At Tork^ the me-

mory of the holy pried 5i;^r^7r, to whofe fanftity and
propbetick fpirit (of which S. Makcii had manV
proofs) S. Bernard alfo gives teftimony. At
Lens in the diocefe of Arras^ the. feftivity of S.
Vulgofttus confefibr, in whofe name the colle-
giate church of that town is dedicated : their
records bearing teftimony that he was of the mofi
thrifitan natim rftbiEngUJh.Mirau5y Belgick ca-
lendar, p. 647. In Scotland the feftivity of S. Mawra
virgin, honoured on this day in the Aberdeen bre-
viaiy J whofe happy death is there aftigned to
the year 899 : her name is ftill retained in the
town called from her KiVmaun. '

' Nffvemher 3. ' At HoUwitt fn FUntJhin^ the

feftivity of S. Wenefride virgui and martyr, ho- •

• ^ noured

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B R I f I S rt'^P I E't ^ Hi
tMirfi^ on dits day with/ari. office brpiAe teffi>ns
in the Saru/n breviary. At Gutthertit in Denbigh-'
ftdre^ the cominemoratio;i of jthe holy, abbefs :

^Theoma (to whom S. fFenrfriAvnxikix^^

by S. EUrius) and of divers other faints, whofe
bodies anciently rcpofed ip th^ church of Qui^
itmtf. Atfo the' cotiimetnoratioh ;of the hbly
' .

hermit Saturnhtusy who ferved Godtn a folitary

eel] at Henihlant. In Sc^tland^ the feftivity of
S* Englate biiliop^ who went to our Lord anna
|66. See the Calendar of ScoU iwits^ publifhed
>yMx» Robert Keitbk,
• •

Nevemher 4. At S. Clair^ in the territory of
Mouen in Normandy^ the martyrdom of S. Clorus^
a Briiijh pri^, eminent for fan£lity : who re*
tiring into a wiFdernefs, to avoid the follicita-
tions of an ui^iappy woman^. who was inflamed^
inth an imimre lovp* iqr his peHbn, ikiur-: w^
dered by two ruffians, at her faggeftion ; and fo
fell amartyr of purity. At Wihchi/ler^ the de-

Grimbaldy and eminent in all virtues j but more

efpecially excelling in cbaftitj, and humility;
Ol^iit anno 93^2.

NavembiT 5^ Th Gbm$rganJhtriy i}XQ comme<^

aioration of S. Pmriiftf abbat, othefWife calledf
Ctingarus*y who firft led an eremitical fife in 5^*
merletjhtrey then built an oratory in honour of this;
Uefied .Trinity, at a pTace from hfnv caned Cun,^
grejbury ; and there appointed twelve regular la^
nonsr, to attend always on the divine fervice af-"^ :.

ter which going ihto Gbmmganfhiriy he^tindedr

Acre a monaSery,; not far ^om the fS^' cba^,;

Digitized by
vh<erj5j i^eJived and died in gf e^t fanSity* Of
moiiaftqfy of Docunos^ and its abbatSy
there is frequent mention in the ancient Synods,
of ^fO^ff^ j^ublUbed by Sir H^ Spilmm^ .

• t * f

Uov^mber 6^ The feffivity of S. Leonard^

thQugknp native oi.Britain^ was
c,on^lif)fy ij^ho,
in a pacticular* manner bpnbured. by our lore*
fathers, as appears by the many churches and
Hionafteries dedicated in bis name, in all parts of
Englan4.^ Aoiongft thjs reft ther^ jwas at JVrox'-
haU in Warwickpiire^ an ancieni^ chiircb ereded
in his honour; vi^hcre Hugh Lord of Wroxhall
^pqrward;s jfoufid^d a nopnery wbo.b^ine fuf*-
fibred raucn by (even years cap^vity the amon^
mf}delfi» imploring in bis diftref^ the prayers and
intercefiion. of & f^onard^ was miraculouflj^
brought a^way in bis chains, in die night, and
found the next morning in. a wood near his qwq
^oufe.. Sc^ Dugdale^ At 2)^/< in Little Britany^

the depofition of $\ I^tuti firil abbat of 'the fa.^

' mous monaftery and fchool of Llan I/tut in Gla^
i(^organJlnrey7\h4 tn^&tT of many. eminent jBrc*
/{^ faint8% He flouriflied m
the fixtb century^
"JPhe commemoration alfo of his holy difciplc
Jfamy whom he appointed his fucceilor in his
uhool and monaftery of Mhn Wtufj when in the
latter part of his life he retired into a lonefome
Ove. to attend wholly to diving contemplation*
At S. Pf^tnocs^Bergen in- Flanders^ tbe feftivity
S,TVinoc abbat, illuftrious for fanility and mira-
cles i w^Q with bis brother S. Judocus, is .by ma*
jiy reckoned amor^gft our 5rzV//^ fMpt^, as being
at the leaft of Britijh extraitipn. In Ireland^

Digitized by Google
•B?il I T I S » P I E T ¥• tss
of eminent iandity^^ in tbe fifth century,

coadjutor oi ^. Patrick in his apoftolical labours,

in that ifland. As alfo at T^urs^ the memory oi
a third lyime^'^ Britm^ mentionod with greats
honour by S. Gregorj q{ iQurs^ h Hift^ Fmm^

^ » • « * •

7. At
the monaftcry of Efiernac in -

the dutchy of Luxembourg^ the depofttion of S.

WiBbrmri aichbtihop of Utreckt^ and apoftle df
the Netherlands j who being fent, with eleven ^

iKMnpanions, all of thepi E^gUfi Saxom^ to

pri^ch the faith ofChrift to the Efifom^ and
other infidel nations of die Lower Germany^ after,
fifty years labours^ and -the converfion of innu'«
merMle fouls,, by his pr€a€faing and his miracles,
was called to eternal reft anno 739. AJfo the
commemoration of (be other eleven eminent fer-
vants of Godj vfho were afibdated with S.
lih'&rd in the work of the Lord. At Strajbourg
in Germany xht feftivity of S. Florentiue^ a ScotJ!^
man^,hi£t^^ of tbttfte,.iUiKftrioiis forian£tity«^
Obiit amio 675.

November 8. At Bremefpi3» iMKfity^ S*

lekad an Englijhman^ firft^biflxop of Bremen^ and;^
apoftle of the SaxonSy in the time of Charlemagne*^.
who laboured in thai fO|^ ^ld,..iA Aenmidft of .

difficulties and perfecutions, with great diligence,

tillhe had the happinefs t0 fc^ dufce
ecnbrace th^Jattl^i^. whofe coovfffi^n was faUr
I^wed by that of his people ; after which S. PTtl^y
lebad m^%]oyi\x\\y with thftt^^eatb, whtch^vi^a«^IOv
<lpeAttQ bim the gat^s of evari^fti^.Iife, aimOt
ift tt^*^^^.ofe^/c^> /thti^
»\ feftivity

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fe&Mty of S. Kthius^ difciple of the great & /S-
lary^ and btfhop and apoftle of Angkfey

where there remained in Ldamfs time a cofieee

of canons, fuppofed t& have been« fdrmerly the
monaftery of this faint. In Scotkyid^ the feltivity
of the faints Gervad biihop, and Morok confefTor^
who flpuriflied in the banning of the ninth jcen«*»
tury, and have a place on this day in the Scots ca-
lendar. .

Novembit 9. At Glajlenhury^ the feftivity of

S. Bentgnm or Beneriy difciple of S. Patrick^ and
of Jhrmagh ; 'who, ac-

Q ^— '

over into Brttam^ embraced an eremitical Uf6 in

that neighbourhood^ at a place called l^irrmirt^
where ifiuftrious for fanftity and miracles he fin-
ally repofed in our Lord. Hie relicks were tranf-'
Jated to the abbev of Glaftgnburji anilo to9r,*
where innumersfible V miSractilous cures were
Wrou gh t at h is tomb. William of Malrmjhurjy
A|itiqttif« Glaft* At Glqftenbury aHb^ the com^*
memoration of Patrick the younger^ nephew of
the great S. Patrick \ whofe body was found
there in the old churdi^ on the ri^t fide of the
« '

altar, aniK) 1184* *



.1 " ^ .t

NovmUr 10. At Cmtefhury^ the depofition

trf 8- ;^rt/?«f, dilbipteof S. Grig^ the Greatj
firft bimop of Roche^er ; and tranflated from
thence, after the death of MeUkus^ to be the
fourtfi Ibxrhbifhop of Cafi§erhtry : which lee wheit
hehadadminiftered in a moftfaintlike manner for
fome years, he was^ as S. Sede exprefles it, taken
wp u the tm^ly Mn^ioiti^ (ftail&^^7. > At^

Digitized by
MnkhAmirg Germany^ the feftivity of S. Jahf^
bifliop and martyr, an Irijhnmn by birth, who
preached the faith of Chrift in the north of G/r-
maf^% and was there put to a cruel death, by
the infidels, anno 1066.
In Ireland^ the fefti-
vity of S. Mdus bifhop in Meathy who has a place
amongft the moft c^brated faints of the JriJB
nation, in the ancient cataloguepubFifhed by
Ufi^r^ p»498* Obiit anno 589. Alfo ,a com-
fliemoration of S. JAiud abbat, under Whofe di(^
cipline S. ^dus was from his youth tfained up^
and taught to be a faint. Ufii^r^ ibidm. .

Novemher In Hddernefs of York/hire^ the

commemoration of S. confefibr, father tQ
fyHlibnrd'i who after leading, with his whdc
^iami}/) a very religious life in the world, be**
came a monk, and at length an hermit, pafling
die remainder of the days of bis mortality in ve^
ry great {ahStity, in a Httfe onltory which he had
made for himfetf, in a neck of lanid, running put
between the and thtHumhrJ Akmn^ in
vita JFiUibror£i In Irebmd^ the feftivity of
Sinellus abbat, who founded the monattery of
Chtain^Inysj in the lake of Fermanagh \ where,
he received S. QAumhan^ when very young ; ztA
trained up S. Murmu^ whofe name, in fucceeding,
times, wa^ fo famous amongil all the churchea
of the ffdff and /r/}&'

Nov. At Daventer in the Netherlands^ the

I ?•

lefthrtty of $• Lebwin^ an EngUJh prieft, and a-^'
Lower Germany^ who
poftolicar preacher in xh^
; whoie body re-'
flouriihed in the eighth century
pofes in Wchurch dedkaled ki his nam^ wbich'

Digitized by
A M 3. M 9 R ; A If OrF
is now
the cathedral of DaventeTn At C^^itt-iil
Flandersy the feftlvity of S« Livinus biOlop and'
martyr, a 5^:^/ or Irijhman by birth j who going
over to, the Lm Countries to preach the .faith, of
Chrift) ther& martyred by the unbelievers^. at
a'place called J/chef between Ghent and BruJ/el^
les^anno 6313. He is held in great veneratipn.ia
all that country } and this day kept holy» oil

his account) in the city of Ghent. In Scot/ant/^


the feiUvity qi S« Macban bifhop of Moraji^.

ani]io$87* / . , -

November In the diocefe of Jrras^ the


f^fiivity of. &

Kilim^ or Killnh iconfeflbr and.

apofioUcal preacher in Artois^ to which he was

fent by S. Faro bifhop of Meaux. He was a near
relation of S« Fiacre^ and a clofe imitator of bia
virtues ; and after many labours repoied in our
Lord, in the feventh century, at ^ubignyy wheire^
there iy .a church and monaftery pf cano^ regu»
larSy whiph Bears his name«. ^Scofkndy the^ m
depoAtioa of 3* Z^^Wi^j bifhop in tlv?^i4ath.
. .

' '
century*' . •

Noveinher 14, At London^ the tranflation of

the body of SriomvaU^ biihop and tiftelar
iaint of that city and diocefe ; wbojfe relicks^ere^
tranflated on this day to a more honourable place
in the church of Paiily and being laid in
coffin of great price, were buried in the eaft part
of the church, above the high altar, where they
remained till the change of religion* ,pf this
Dugdale vrfitr^f That nehier ibe cmrfe of.
a thoufand ycars^ nor. the voracious Jlc^es^ yuhich.^
aUen^t^d it . in vain^ nor ^WrL(f,t^

Digitized by Google
tt&m fivth t/um quite €$rtlnguijhedy could ever effau
the mi$mry of Erkonwald. In the ifle of Mnify or
Bardfey^ the depofition of S. Dubricius archbifliop
ofCaerGon^ one the moft ce^br^ted of -the
,of ,

Britifllf faints y and. the fathrr.apd^n^fteir of mi^

ny faints. In his old age he refign^d his arch-
biflxoprick to S. Davidj and xetir^o to thq iflax^
9bove named; where he happily fepo&fl in our

Lord» fome time in the ninth century. At Eu

in Normandy^ the depoQtion of S# l^a^unu
O TuaihatI, archbifliop of Dublin ;',»who wfth hi$
admirable fanftity illuftrated, not only our J5r/-
iflaods^ but f^Uo the whole church of God.
Ub£t anno ii8i. /In ^^(^iW^ the feflivity of St
Afedan or Middamj^yxOciQ^ in the iixth ccpimy.

Novnabir 1$. In I^iuk Britain^ the feftivity

of St. Macbutus or M^cloviusy vulgo S. Malo^
bilhop of Aletbi nearly related to o. Sam/on 2in^
to S« Maghir ; wA
trained up fropi his iqlFaiWjr
under the difcipline of S. Brendan^ in the inona-*'
ftery of Lkncaryan m
Glamorganfitn. He was a
iatnt from his cliildhopdvcarefully.avoidinjg everjr
tiing in which he apprehended fin ; ana conti-^
nually thirfting after true wifdom, and the foun-^
tain of i^ which ta God bioiris^f H^n he Iqyed
with his whole foul, when as yet a boy ; and WM
even then fo ftrpng in Jaith, as to be already far
voured with, mir^cl^s^ ^ A? he advanced in agCj;
he advanced in (an'^ity ; and ihuch more after
he was made prieft, and then bifliop ; flill going
m^frm virtue te virtue^ in the midft of labours
and perfpcutions^ ti]I l^e Ws
happily called froin
his earthly banjflv^^ent, to fee the God of gods m
^ t«
heayenljf^ Sion^ ahno.t^o. He has^a, ^lacc

« «

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i6o A M MO E: R I A n Of
ibis day in the Sarum^ Tirip amd MnJUm mIciu
darsy as well as in the Roman M^yrology.
Nwmkr i6. At Panft^ny
in France^ the de-^
pofition of S. E^und^archbiihop of Canterbury ^
renowned through all Chriftendoni, for the pu-'
fttf of hi$ bearty and fan£ti^ of his
departed to our Lord, anno 1 240 ^ and by reafon
of the many evident jniracles wrought at. hi&
tomb^ was folqnnly qanonized withiiiKven ysar^
after his deatihl ,
' s m , . « at*

NffomAif ij. At. Lim^ the depDfition of
5. Mugh^ who frpni a Carthufian mbiik) and
^ prior of their firft eftablilhment at Wtthamy irr
iS^iK;^^foreft, was made biihop ctf jUffr^iv 3 which
fee he adminiftered, for many years, with that
faith, zeal and lanflity, which might have beea
admired, even io a, prelate of theapoftolick agei

tillhe happily excbanged this dying life below,

for the true and evcrlafting Kfe above ; anna
1200* In tcothni^ the feftivity of S. Fifgus^ bi*
(hop, and of S^Msdima^ virgin; who have «
plaqe on this day ia the Scots breviaries*

Nwemtir iB. In theraonafteiycrf^SMr^m^f^;

now Whitby in Torkjhirey the depontion of S. i//7-
da virgin and abbeis | ihe was trained up to all*
fendity by AtdoHy and otiief Ibrvante of God
and founded, or directed, divers religious houfes^
m which fhe became the fpiritual mother and
miftref^ of many great fatnts* S. Bidt^ h 4.
ij. S^he pafled from death to life eternal, anno.
6H0; and her departing fbul was f^n.afcending,.
iitb ait immiienft lights tti M nuofioiir tver^

Digitized by Google
B R1 T 1 ^H P 1 E T Y. tfc
lafting light, by Begu virgin, in the mo-
na&cry of Haienefsj which was 13 miles diftant
from &ac of fVhitby. At Lucm in Tufcawf^ the
feftivity of S. Frigdianus bifliop, illuftrious for
ian£tity and mirages ; who, as his a^ affirm
was a native of our Britifi Ulands. At Sam
Padre in the kingdom of Naplet^ the commcmo-
ration of S. Pulk an EngUjh pilgrim ; whofe body
repofes In the church of tiiat place9 and has been
ill unrated with many miracles.

Nmember 19. In Kent^ the fefltvity of S; Er^

memburge queen, (whom feme have called Domp^
neva) wife to Merozudld fpn 6f kmg Pertdoy and
mother^ the faints Adi^nir^r, &c» who
with the confent of herliuftand, retiring from
this ftormy fea of the world into the quiet haven
of religion, there lived in a moft fatnt^ltke man-
ner^ and died happily fome tim<f in the feyentfc
century. AtGlaJienbuiy^ the commemorattbn df
H^enta vixQti I whofe relicks were formerly
kept in the aobey of Glajiinhury. See Dugdaln
Monafticon^ voLi. fol.4.

NwiffAertO. At^. Edmnds^Bury \n SuffM^

the feftivi^ of S. £^1912^11^ king of the Eaji AngUfy
martyred by the DanHj anno 870* His lx>dy
Was found without the ie<ft1>Iem^ of oorruptioli
57 years after his death, and tranflated to Bury^
where a noble church and nnonaftery was after4»
wards btiriilt in bis honour* Onthe fame day,
the martyrdom of S. Humhrf hifhop of Helmham^
who fufFered with S. Edmund. See Matthiw of
WiftnAnJttt. [aff«i6870, aiid855.] AtLmdmi^
tt&e Commemoration of the holy biihop ^hiodred^
:i fur*

Digitized by
A M-'Et*^ R I A L 6'F
.fv^ tranflatet^ t)ie body of Sw
Mmtmdy and ^uUt, (;^pr 4t .tiw gjPcat church of

. av<M7#«i^.2i. In Lombardyy tbedepofition of

,3* C|0/^m^^;7«rx abbat ; who all his life long was
jag^pEcnowfic^ for fanc^ty^ and ini^aclesu J^e
^juras ^iiciple. of! Si Comgally in fais monaftery of
Benchor \ from whence he pafTed over, with
twelve other comganionsj (ampngft whom were
the faints Gallus and DeUola) into Britain^ and
from thence ipto. where he foiJ^nded the
France :

fi^m^^Sijof^oag^&cqf of Luxeuilj &c. t0 which he ^

Igayejw esi^GidJejil^rule, followed by many fainta.

^t length going into ItaJj/y he founded the. mona-*

^whlEfncehe pafled tQ ^e mountain of an happy

anno 615. In the territory, of Arrafy
ghc jpeigpfy. p£ .s. OMr'i^ iiieimitt /ri^w»
. . V :

yhjrjth rihftBftiHrf d V}1M^#

Nhveinber 22. " At 5. Mam^A^i^ Ifrancf^

the commemoration of S. Maxencia a Scottijh.'
-tirpBe zm^-m^Vfjfi^ .^iMoiiied as tiiteUc- 4aio( of

Ibat town, t0 vhkh fbe-gfvies the iianae.

1 Sh«
was, according to. her :a^9 daughter to a king .of
tk^ knlilN ^piFef^vation 9f ^Q(i)Hr^iur
ly» privately retired beyond the fea9^ ^eh^^fing
ifor hier abode a foliiudq, where now ftands the
town of PmI* To
this place i)er lover ^Uowed
her, and not being able to prevail upon- her
confent to his luft, flew her upon thefpot. Thus
flie fell a .martyr to pyiiity ; ia bAHour^
Ihe 2otb of Mmmtn:. vojk ^^^SUi^^

Digitized by Google
the i'woik ^f S^am;ais In France^ atid in the Scl^if

breviary. • v

November 2 3. At Banger in Cairnarvwjhin^

the feftivity of S. jXanUl tht firft bifliop of that
fas^abautihe^ivar 516$ bev^^'ccmre^ated by ^.
Dubridus^ and was fo rcnowied- ^ftioftgft the aii-
cientASri/Wi for his fanftky, that the catbedril
of ^M^^ was' dedicated in his namei. Obiit
anno 545.

r 'ifyv0ii^ 24* At Lifrnore in Irelmdf the coixp-

<fnemoratioh ofS.(^/^^, fomefttme'inafter to
the great S. Malacbi ; who from a monk of ff^>i^

cheJliT was made bi&op of Lifmon^ and by rea-

fon of his lanaity. ms.reftMftcdtts an ^i^ilele^ »
boat all parts ^both of Irekrid^ and Scotland. He
-ms €o«tefnporary whh S« £^rmn/^ who (in his
life of S. MakM\ l»»>teftiiiMiiy^ botUr't^r his

of the holy archbifliop Egbert^ illuftrious for his

birth} being brother to a king } but more illu-
ftrious for hia piety, and i^tioiti. He enriched
his church with a famous library, wrote himfclf
feveral learned and sodiy traiSb j and opened a
*£dbooK at l^i for in which atnon^ft

others he had for his difciple the great Jlcmn^

4)ieceptor to •the emperor Charlemagm. This ho-
ly prdate depiirfeed 40* cur Lojd^ anno 766* At^
fo the memory of holy Eadbricht^ brother to
archbifliop Egbert^ to whom his kinfman S. Ceo^
wfimod the kingdom btiSMNmr^mnM»nf^
anno 73^$ which ^fter a ^lorlpus reign of twen^
- ty
. tv yemf he egrchang^d ht a rdi^ous fiditiide^ in
the fervice of the King of kings ; to whom he
went} anno 768.

November 26. In Scotland^ the happy deceale

of Margara% que^n^ or to fpeak more proper*
the day in whidb iOie began truly to live; by
dying here, to live for ever with God. In tlue
monaftery of Rumfey in Hampfinrc^ the comme-*
moration of holy Cbriftina virgin and abbeis^ fif*
ter to S. Margor^ty who enterine into that reK-
gious commimi tv, together with ner holy mother
Jgf^t concfuood thete a fiuBtly life with (be
.de^ o( th0 Aums) aimo io8o. . .

Hmnmlm ay. At Gl^fknkwry^ the comme*

Ealfwhhir virgin 1 the plirky
^HioratiGtp^of S.
whoic foul and body was evidenced by her incor-
ruption aftier .her deatl^. See Dugdak. At Radi
. in Mrfkmt^ ihe fedivtty of 5/<Mr » StotHfim
gin, of royal blood 5 who having miraculoully
recovered l}er fight» t>y. oiaking, a pilgrimage to'
.the tomb of S. LanAerty at Liegi^ todc a im>li»»
tion, upoii the fpot, to confecrate her virginity
by vow to and loAcad x>f retuniin^ homey
God :

/embraced and fdUowed a moft leKgiouiilifey in a

folitude of T^xandria (now called Brabant) and
jihere finally repofed in our Lord anno 713* Her
relicks are kept: in the colilegiatie duiecb of ^RadB^
which is dedicated to God in her name ; and flup
has a place on this day iip the calendar^

November 28. At
Cerne in Dorfetjhiriy the
(ifommenioration of MduM
confefibr, bfodier
W &.fi4mi4 king and mMtyri. Jtfiio rflce'mg the

Digitized by Google
dangers of the world, chafe for himfelf a lone*
fomecell, in the neighbourhood of Shafi/bury*
wbere^ hearing in mind tbs^ rtirnal year^ he polled
the days cy^his'moitality miuch'WOiiderful fane*
tit^9 as to deferve to be enrolled amongft the
{zxaXB^ and to be en(hrined in the church of. the
abbey of drne. See Wil&um of Makn^kury^ p.

Nwmhir aqi At AiheUngay in Smerfetjhiri^

the commemoration of S. Egilwin confeifor, ho-
noured of old as patnon of the abbey of Jihelin^
gay^ and iihiflrZoiis finrtnanf nriradeai; He was
brother to Kmnewakh^ king of the Weft Saxons ;
but more ennobled by his virtue than by his
Uo6d« He vm
conlifimlljr afflidked with Tick«
Defies but thefe hindered him not from a fervent

application of bis foul to the love and fervice of

^ffiSciKL He concluded a holy life by >a happy

death ; aild now fliews himfelf ever ready to fuc-

cour (b^ his prayers) fuch as call for his affiftance^
f2ys Uiitiam of Aialmjburyy P-^SS*

Novmhr 30, The feftivity of S. Andrew the

apofUe, tutelar^at of the kingdom of S€»ilmid\
and not much lefs honoured by the ancient
iifi J ar appears from the divers cathedrals, and
oiber churches dedicated to Gdd in his name :

which devotion feems to have been originally de-

rived from our firft preachers, who came from
the monaftery of &
Andrew in Rami and were
difciples of S. Gregory the Greats the founder of
that monaftery, who was particularly devoted to
& Amhrem^ In Irdemdy the*fefttvtty> of S. Sren'^
dm abbot of ^rra^ moil illuftrioas for his wif-
dom and f8ii^^9 in theiltnth century. He was'
joined in the band of a moft ftri<£i friendlhip with
tkc great S. (klumkUk^ who ulA), as we Iwn
from 8. Jdemrumy Lf$m 1$. at the time cf S. r
Brendan s death, faw heaven open, and a muUi* '

iiide of angels ^oing tomtet his foul, with forth' '

fo great light, and fiMdl imtompsuaUe brightnefi^

as to illuminate the whole earth.

^ •
C£ »
£ iU
" • « . ,

i)rain^U. T^'^tiiie'>iilei,of EnUjoK Bardfeyy the

ctent Brttiji m^iiyrs and c6nfeffi)r8^ whoTe bodies

Ibece waitfo^a gtoiious te(ui:reSidn ;from whom
that itk ytm matki^fif ^MmtA- by ik^Srii^fiSy Tit .

ijland of twenty thoufand faints* In the monafte-

ry of OundU in li^tim^t^f/biref the bufyiog;
placeof S» colnmentorat^ tn the andentl
Saxon manufcript of the fepulchrea of Bngli/b »
f^inla*. '

December 2. In Ireland^ the commemoration

of the holy bifhopSt and apoftolick preachers,
jfujntimt^ SMmdHms^ and JJmAmi all Britms
by birth ; and the firft and principal affiftants of
S. Patrickf bringing over the Irijb to the faith
ixk .

of Cfarift.S«e tbe «da?ef the toanctls held by

Sr Patrick i and l^^r, p. 430, 438. In WaUsy
the memory of S. Publicus^ confeflbr} of whofe *

December 3. At Dorchejier m Oxfardjhiriy the

feftt^i^ of 8* ' Mimnus firft biflio^ and apoftlef of
the /j^^ Saxons^ fent inca ^ritfin h^ pops

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B R I T I s H P I trr. 167
rhi^ in the (itwmh C0ntui7; S. B^de^ K 3. c.
At Coire or Chur in the land of Grijhis^ the fefti-
yntf of Sr Lmim^ faid to have been a Britifo
prince; who through the seal ef" the glory of
God, and of the converfion and falvation of
ieuli^ Soing abroad^ preached' the faith of Cbrift
among the SutfiMts and Grifmi where he wa$*
made bilhop of Ca/r^ ; and at length ended his
days by martyidom.
whh an odate^ in ^
His feaft is folemnly kept^
diocefe of Ckite : vriiere
therein, not far from the city, an ancient mo*
Aafteryt which beafs hii name*

December 4. At Saltjbury^ the feftivity of

Ofamnd of that fee, foon after the con*
iqueft^ tUuftriom for «hia wlfilbm and fanftcy.
He built the cathedral there ; and compiled the
Sarum office, adopted afterwards by moft of the
dmrebea in Englaikl ami ff^ales. He departed to
our Lord anno 1099* At Coirei^ the feftivity of
& Emerita virgin and martyr, fifter to S. Luciusm
In Irekmd^ the feaft of S* BenhOHf an abbat of
eminent fan£Hty in the fixth century j who having
loft the fig^t of his bodily eyes, was wonderfully
fiwoured tvilh prophctiek light in bis ibul**

December At Solenhoff in Germany^ the

ccMnmenH>rati«m*frf S.'89/d^ an EngltJbmaHy dff«
ciple of S. Boniface^ archbifliop and martyr ; who
was firft an apoftolick preacher, and afterwards
an hermit at a place in the dtocefe of Eycb/iadf^
which now from him is called Solinhoff \ where
he lived and died in great fanStit;^, about the
year 768, In Ireland^ tiMfeommem^rMionof dib
iioly abbat Cumnujan^ author of an excellent letter.

Digitized by Google
(pubii0ied by Vfinr) in which he endeavoured feo
bnng aver the monks of S. C§lu$nia to the catho*
lick, oblervance of £aftet« He, fioudihed la ihe
fevemb ceaturjr* .

/ • •

December 6. At Leminjier in HirefQrdJhire^

tile burying place of S. Ethelndy coai^ox^ com-
memorated in the ancient Saxm manufcript of
the fepulchres of the EngUJh faints. In Se&tland^
the commemoiation of Confiantine IXI^ king of
the Se^Sf w^o leaving all for the love of Chrift^
made a happy end among the Culdee^^ or regular
clerks of S. Andrews^ anno 94 In Ireland^ the
lieftivity of S*N^^ abbat; earned amongft the
moft illuftrious faints of that ifland, as weU as in
tjhe ancient catalogue, publiihed in UJber's Anti--
ftdtiis^ as in the epiftl^ of abbat to ab«- Omnum
bat Segenius. Alfo in Ireland^ the commemora*
tion of another S. Neffan^^ bi0iop» failed for
ftn^tjTy in th^ ifxtb or ijsventh centuiy.

% !

December 7. Int the territory of CarliU in Cbt/h-

ierland, the commemoration) of bl€^ Aki€if
alias Godwin^ who led for many years a moft
faintly life in a ^pnefomQ cf/i^ in that neighbour-
hood* He was vifited two years before his bap<»
py death by S. Godriek^ who put himfelf under
bis difcipline 1 and faw his departic^ foul, in the
fliape of a moft beautiful fphore, as it were, of
refplendent cryftal,taking her journey towards
the heavenly manfions* At Charlebury^ in Ox^
fir4finr$^ the burying place of S» Dimta^ com*
memorated in the Saxon manufcript of the fepid*
chres of the iaintit


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B R I T I S H P 1 E T Y. 169
Duimber 8. The Conception of the blefled Vir«»
a fieaft which fome fay, firft began to be ce«
ebrated in the kingdom of England^ in the days
.of S. Anfelm. At London^ the commemoration of
the holy biihop Vodinus ; flain by Htngiji the
Saxon ; becaufe he had reprehended king VortU
geruy for putting away his lawful wife, and mar*
rying the daughter olHengift. Alfo a commemo-
ration of many other jBri/^wj of all degrees, who
fufFered martyrdom for the faith of Chrift, under
tiie. Pagan Saxons.

Deamier 9. In the kingdom of the £q/l*

jfnglesy the commemoration of holy king Jnna^
an excellent and moji religious man^ fays S. Bede^
and happy in a moft holy 4nd faint-like oiFsp^ing.
He was flain by the Pagan Penda anno 654. At
Barring in EJeXj the of S. JVulflAlde
abbefs^ greatly renowned for her fan<^ity and
miracles* She departed to our Lord anno 985.
Her body was taken up thirty years after her
death; and was found whole and found, asif it had

been but juft then buried. In Cornwall^ tlie com*-

mcmoration of the faints Mofcea and Veepe^ ho-
noured of old amongft the Cornijb faints.

December 10 At Clonard in Wejlmeath^ the

commemoration of S. Finian biOiop ; who after
be had for thirty years illuftrated Great Britain
with the rays of his fan^ty, returning into Ire-
land^ his native country, in order to raife up re-
ligion there, which had fuiFered fome decay after
the death of S. Patricks opened for this purpofe
his famoiis fchool of Clonard ; out of which, in-
numerable great men came forth^ mpft eminent
H both

hyo A ME^MOmiAL OF
both for their learning^and piety; andamongft
the reft, the twelve, who for their cxtraofdmary
. randlity were called the twelve apoftles of /r^-
*Jafid. J^lnian SouriOicd in the fixth. centunr $
and was the -fisither of hoYewef than 3:000 monks.
'1t\ Ireland alfo the commemoration of ^. Fort*
chern bifliop, and S.. Cayman abbat, under whole
difcipline ' S. Fintan received his fiift education
in chrifllan piety,

^ December 11. At Streimjhaiij now ff^hby^ In

Torkjhire^ the commemoration of the holy virgin
Elficday or Elfreda^ daughter to king Ofwi ; and
•by him confecrate'd to God
her infancy,
under the difcipline of S. Hilda to- whom '^he \

afterwards fuccecded in the government of that
illUftrious congregation. S. B^de ^4. Alio
. the commemoration of the holy t\a^tn Eanflede
mother of the royal virgin ;owho after
her hufband's death, became a nun in the fame

. mcnaflery ; and there lived, and died in the

odour of fandlity,

December I?. In the monaftery of S. Cchun-

Jtilky in the of Hy^ the commemoration of

the man of Xixod Grillaan. 01 Gallan i one of the

^ twelve apoflolick preachers, whom S. Columkille
allociated to himfelf in preaching the word t)f
life to the Northern Pidts. In Irelandj the fe^ *

fllvity of Cormac abbat; whbfe name is fet

down in the aacient catalogue, amongft themoft
celebrated faints of that kingdom. He is alfo
numbered by B, Adamnan in the life of S, Co^
lumkilUy 1. 3. c. 117, amongft the holy founders
of religious communicies j -whoTifited that fame

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^ ,R I :T I S H PIETY. 171
in his monaftery of T-CombkilU : and as the fame
^father informs us, through adefire of being more
.retired from the world he three times attempt-

.ed to find in the Northern

ocean a folitude^where'
he might fix his abode for the remainder of his
life ; but could not effe<^ it. He flourifhed in
the fixth centuiy*

December 13. In Ireland^ the feftlvity of S.

'Cklumha^ abbat of Tyrdaglas in Munfier^ who
was one of thofe eminent faints, who werecaU
led the twelve apoftles of Ireland ; and was him-
felf the mailer and teacher of many faints. At
C€iJier two miles from Petirhoreugh^ the feflivily
of S. Ttbba virgin and anchorefs ; kinfwoman to
the faints Kintjdred^ and Kinifwidij and joined -

in burial with them. Their relicks were after-

wards tranflated to the abbey of Peterborough^
where alfo according to the ancient Saxm Ma-
nufcript was die burying place of many other

picmber 14. In the monaftery df Lyming in

Kent^ the depofition of S. Ethelhurge^ daughter to
S. Ethelbert^ and widow to S. Edwin j two moil
chriftian kings : who after the -death of her
Jhufband, confecrated her widowhood to God,
in the monaftery of Lyming^ of which flie was
abbefs; and departed to our Lord, in the fweet
odour of fan<ftity, towards the clofe of the
^ leventh century. At Lyming alfo the burying
place of'S. EaUmrgt virgin. Saxm MS. In &€0t^
land^ the feftivity of S, Drojian abbat, whofe re-
licks were honoured^ of old at Aberdeen. In Corn^
W^//, the martyrdom of S. Fingar ajias Gwnger^
Ha ?nd

Digitized by

and his companions: who being fome of the

firft convert oi S* Patrick in Jreland^ failed
.over to Cornwall^ in queft of a proper place of
retirement) in which they might attend to God
aione : but u|>on their landing tfaere^ they were

all mafiacred, in hatred of their religion^ by

Teudrtck^ a Pagan prince of the Danmonians i
about the year 455* They iffe honoured on this
day in the cathedral of Vannes^ in LiitU Britain ;
to which, Ws probable, fome part of their re-
licks was tranflated. AI(o the feftivity of
Piala virgin, fiftcJ: of S. Fingar and manyred
with hia:u

December 15. At Whitbyy in thrl^/hire^ the

tranflation of the body of S. Hilda virgin and
abbefs, illuftrious for fandkity. On this day is
alfo commemorated S. PaUadius or Padie, or*
dained by Cele/iine pope, bifhop for the Scots r
to whom the Mt^rtb Briim are greatly indebted
for the propagating amongft them the kingdom
of Ghrift ; and the South Britons for being par-
ticularly inftrumental in banilhing from among
them the Pelagian lierefy* See S« Projper in
Chronica Sc U Contra Coliatorem.

Dmmher J 6. In Scotland^ the feftivityof S«

Be^in bifhop of Murthlac i honoured on this day
both in the Jberdeen breviary, and in the Roman
Martyr oloey< He flouriihed under king Med^
colm the fecond, in the former part of the
eleventh century. At Litchfield^ the comme«
moration of the holy biihop Sexulfy who was the
firll: abbat of Aiedehamjiedy now called Petey^lo-*
rough I and was afterwards by S« Theodore tranf-

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IB ft I T I S H P I E T Y. 173
lated to the biihoprick of Litchfield. He flouriHi^ .

ed in the feventh century. Aifo in the nergh«-


tourhood of the ifle of Ely-, the commeaioraiian*

#f S« AInotb hermit and martyr»

• Deamher \ At Wtmhejlery the commemo-

ration of the holy btihop Daniil^ who fucceeded
& Hidda in that lee^ anno 703 ; which be moft
worthily adminiftered for 42 years, and then re-
tired to the monaftery of Malnu/buryy where he
happily repofed in our Lord, anno 745. At ;

Winchejler alfo the commemoration of the royal

virgins Eljiede and Ethelhild^ daughters to king
Edward the elder, ^nd fifters to S. Edburge^ and*
the holy queen S. Edit ha who for the love of" *

God defpifed the world, and confccrated their

virgin!^ to Jefus Chrift $ and being faithful to his -

love till death, received from him the crown of

life, about the middle of the tenth centuryv.

December 18, In the moriT^ fiery of Heidem

beim in Bavaria^ the fcfiivity of S. fVinibald ah-
bat, fon to S* Richard^ and brother to S. Willie
bald and to S. iyalburge\ and no lefs allyed to»
them in fanflity than in blood. He departed to
our Lord, anno 706. In Scatlandy the feftivity
of Manes or Manere^ biihop 3 honoured on
this day in the Aberdeen breviary, where he is
faid to have departed to cur Lord^ anno 834. In
the neigbourhood of Bxitir^ the burying place of
S« Sitbejfulla virgin. Saxm MSS*

Dicmbir 19. At Shaftfiury in D&rfetjbire^ the

commemoration of blefled Ethelgive virgin andv
abbefs^ daughter to the great king Mlfred ; and

3 H celebrated

Digitized by Google
174 A M E Mp R I AL OF
life. Obiit anno
celebrated for the holinefs of her
$96. Germany^
Al^lVurtvsJHiurg in the com me*
moration of holy MtHharim abbac of the 8m$,
monaftery in that city ; who flouriftied in fan£li-
ty^of life iftvtWtw^lfthr c^iu^ ^^>^^^tar•

S^ttmhtr 20.' At Hexham in Ndrthumberland^

. the commemoration, of holy ^a*btihop5 difdple
and individual companion to the great S. Wil"
fridi to whom he alio fucceeded in the bi(hop«.
fick of Hi^chmn. He was cotemporaty to S» Bedi^
who aflures us, 1. 5. c. 21. * that he was a mart
• moft learned in the fcriptures
5 nio(l pure ia
* the confeffidn of the catbolicitr faith \ moft Ikil^
• fill in
the rules of ecclefiaftical difcipJin^j moft*
^.ftrcnuous and induftrious in all ggod:^ and a;
* doer of great things both before Gdd-and'main^

He. held his biOioprick i^years^ and departed to

oitf Lord anno 740»' -

December 21. In JValeSy the commemoration

of S. Juihwaray virgin and martyr ; and of her
holy fitters Edtmriy ff^tUgitb and Siiiiwitt^ 9M
celebrated for fan£llty. At Gallinaro^ a village
in the kingdom of Naples^ the commemoration-
of S. Gerard an Englifli pilgrim^ whofe fepulchra
is renowned for the miracles there wrought. On
this day alfo are commemorated in the Englijb
martyrolcgy two royal virgin faints of tb^ name of
Edhurge the one a daughter of king P^/z^^tz, ab-

befs of Dormuncafier ; the other of king^ MtM^

%mlfy %\>htb irimbifiirM
I *


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BrR I TlTS'^lr P I E T 175
Deamb^r 22.In Scotland^^ ih^ feftivity of S.»
ElhimM^ kinfinan and companion of S.Cahsm*^
htie^ in hisi apoftolical expedition for winning;
over the nation of the PiSfs toChrift. His name
has been very il]uftrious>.of old both in the Scoi^'
f^ anA -irifii churches. He has a place on this
day in the i^i^r^/f^/r breviary, where he is filled
a bifliop I and is faid to have gone home to ourt
Lord, anno 592* In Ireland^ the commemora-*
tion of S. Mugemcus KillecumuUy one of the moft
dDioent amongft the difciples of SmFinian of.

Cknard^ Sw- ^^'s Antiquities, p. 498.

Diumher2'^' la Scotland^ the feftivity of S,.

Garamttis^ bt(hop ; and of $• Majotay virgin ; who.
have a place on this day in the ^coU breviary.
I« the dioccfc of Landoff^ the commemoration of
t|te>faintaiF#^i> and 7^r4»#f/f wbofe-c^ arei
mentioned in the a<3s of the fynods of Landa^.
In Cai^nwaUj the comiiieraoraiiion of Colon or
(MUm^ :iiif;wkofi» name^a cbunab waSianctentljT;
dediaatAd to G^nianrthat {)rovince..

Dmtabm^A^. Aii/SmIi .th^xommemoratioiii

of holy king Off^i who in the flovner of his age^
aodr^in fth^ midft :of the^Aattisriea of^ the wor^d^
h^k^\^(i»iA\Tt%\pii^^ leaving htifr kinsiri
dom, {oi iYifd EaJ} Saxons ) his virgin fpoufe S;
Kymfwid^^ (by whofe pwkydrs and addrcfles ta the-
Queen of virgins this •happy .chang^ .was-cffeited)!
and all his u^orldly hopes and pofleffions, for the
love of God ; went to Rome in the Gomp^a^iy of

Go$nredi Icing of Mir^h j and- th^r^ becomings

monk, confecrated the remainder of* his days* to?
leligktfi} ia order toiecure to hiooieU a better an4
H4 ' cteinal

Digitized by
eternal kingdom. An example which was after*
wards followed by many others of the EngUJh na*
tion, of all conditions : as oiir venerable hifto*
rian informs li^ towards the clofe of his hiftory«
In CornwalL the commemoration of S. LiVM
and S. MeBn^ who have left there their names
to the places where their bodies repofe in expec-
tation of a glorious refurredion.

DicenAer 25. The temporal birth-day of our

eternal King, Jefus Chrijf the Son of God, the
King of all nations. At Gk/ienburw^ the com«
jnemoration of many faints, as well externs as
natives, whofe relicks were formerly honoured in
that ancient monaftery, the catalogue of which
may be feen in the iirft volume of DugdaliiMo^
nafticon. Alfo in many other places, the com-
memoration of divers other foreign faints, whofe
facred remains have been depoficed in tbefe
iflands ; and who fhall one day arife from hence
in glory 9 to meet the Son of^ God, and to be
taken up to hi» heavenly kingdom. At XFWm-
bourg^ in the monaftery of S. Megtngard^ the-
commemoration of S. Gregory priefi and monk of
royal Englijb bloody celebrated on this day m
Trilfon's Englijh martyrology : who
departed to
our Lord about the middle of the tenth centurv.
At Wihmy the commemoration of S. AJburgha
fifter to king Egbert^ foundrefs of the monaftery
of Wilton. Tamer % Notitia^ P«'592*

December 26, In Monmmdhjhtre^ the feftlvlty

of S. Taibai confefibr, who from bis hermitage
in the mountains of ff^aUs^ was invited by king
Caradi^e to the city of Gwint^ where he opened sl

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famous Ichool, in which he trained up S« Cadocus

ami many other excellent men. He was an Irijb^
man by birth, and fioupiflied in the fifth century.
At Tuam in Ireland^ the feftivity ot S. Jarlaithej
the founder and firft bi&op of the church of
TWtfm 5 the cathedral of which is dedicated in his
name* He is celebrated in the ancient catalogue
as one of the chiefeft of the Irijb faints of the fe*.
cond clafs. He flourifhed in the beginning of the
fixth century. In Ireland ^\(o the commemora*
lion of anotner S. Jarlaitb§' a difciple of S. Pa^
tricky who fuccecded S. Bmtgnus in the foe of
Armagh anno* 465 i and departed to our Lord
anno 482.

J}i€emhir 2y. In Ireland, the commemora^

* tion of S. Coman or C^mmem, founder of the
church of Rofscommon in the fixth century ; in
which he had many difciples, and fucceflbrs^ il*
luftrious for fan£tity» In Ireland alio the com-
memoration of divers other faints, of the name of •
Coman or Coeman r of which number were S.
Caiman difciple of S. Columia of Tjrdaglafs ; ab-
bat of Bnaehifuimy S. Coeman brother to S.
Coemgen ; S. Cotmanoi KtlUChoemain^ in the third
iile of Arans &c. In Cornwall the commemora*
don of S. Aujlel and* S. Kevem^ formerly honour*
ed in that province, as appears by the places call*
cd to this day by theii^ names* In Bed/ord/hin
the commemoration o£ & Amtdpb hermit, who
is fuppofed to haye given name to At nulphfiury^
in that county^.

December 28, At Canterbury the tranflation of
Ac uncoiPipted body of S. Alpbege ardibifli' p,*
H5 mar«^

Digitized by Google
martyred by the Danes anno 1012. In Waktf
the commeixioradoQ of divers ancient Briiijb'
faints^ whbfe flamed are retained by the places,
where they were formerly honoured : fuch as S.
Athafty S. AylveWy S. BreuHe^ S» Gwm^ & ISm* ,

terus^ S. Mtlarts S. Mongan^ &Ci &C. who were*

all renowned in their days for the-fanftity of
their lives i and iiowever little thought on at'
prefeiit upon earth, ihkie moft ^orioufly in-
hcavcn. In Ireland the commemoration of S.
Ludeus and S. Moditem^ celebrated amongft the
faints of the feoond dafi in the anetent cata*
logue. Alfo the commemoration of S. Ernaart
9bbat, illuftrious for fanClity, On
the fame day
the feftival^f S. Ujm^tf vir^n^ markt on this day

in our ancient caleudars,

Dicmierig. At 6a$atrlury the {olemnit^ oS

S. Thomas Beckett archbifliop of that fee^ who for
his conitancy in maintaining the liberties of the
church, was fkin in his own cathedra), anndk >

1 17c ; and by reafon of the innumerable niira-»

cles wrought at his tomb was, three years after^
canonized for a faint, by pope AhtmtderHl. At
Lnnthony in Monmouthjlhe^ the memory of the
holy hermits Hu^b and Erniftus^ who lirft in-^
habited that folitude. In Stajjlrdfnirje^ the mt^
mory of the religious matron fFulfrum^ ioundrefi
of JVolverhamptm.

December 30. At Dormimdcafer near Peterlo^

Toughy the commemoration of S. Weede or Eve
Virgin and abbefs, celebrated-£lhy. She
is faid in JVilfon\ Martyrology {Dec, 2.) to have
beca daughter of kmg Penda^ and the ycungefl

Digitized by
B R I T I S H P I ET Y. jp
' of have been the third
five fifters, all faints ; to
abbefs of Dormtmdcajiirs^ttx her fitters S. Kym^
burge^ and S« Edburge | and to have pafled to a
better life, anno 692. Alfo a commemoratian
of S. Giiutrude virgin, whofe name occurs in an .*

ancient manufcript litany5 amongft our Englijh

virgin faints. Alfo the memory of holy IVidft^ a
recTufe, illuHrious for fandity in the days ot S«
Edward the confeflbr.

DicemhiT 31* At Chert fey in Surrey^ the com-

memoration of the faints Bmca abbat, and Eihor
prieft whofe bodies formerly repofed in the mo-

naftery of Cbertfeyy with fourfcore monks who

were flatn with them (by the Danes) and ho-
noured amongft the martyrs. Saxon MSS. Alfo
a commemoration of S* JJun^ confeflbr j and of
S. Kunurici^ confeflbr ; of whofe priory fee Dug-
dale^ abridgment, p. 1 24. In the IJle of U^tghi^
the commemoration of the man of God, Pauii*
difciple of S* Girmanus : who opened in that

ifland a fchool of chriftian piety and divine learn*

ing) Jn which he trained up amongft other emi-
nent difciples^ the great S. David of Menevia.
And in other places of many other holy martyrs,
confeflbrs, and virgins, Britons^ Englijhy Scots^
and Irijhj whofe names are in the book of life. ^

Soli DEO honor 93 gloria.

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C i8i 3

Tranflatcd from

Two ancient SAXON Manuscripts,

in Biwut Libraiy, Cambrid^i^ Volume 284%
p. 147, and 149.

The First Manuscript.

Chiefly relating to the S a 1 NTs of Kem.

A Narration of the Saints who repofe in

the Land of *tbe £ngli(h, in the Name of

our Lord Jesus Christ.

SAU6U3TIN haptixedij^l^/^ifl king of Kitit^

« with all his people*

/BtbMeri*s queen tismtd BiTtia T his Ibn

was Eadbald ; and daughter was Mthelburgai
furnanied Tata. This lady was given in mar*
riage to Eadwin king of the Nmrtlmmbriam : and
was accompanied by S. PaulinuSj who baptized
that king and all iiis people* After the death of

Digitized by
Eadwifty Mthelburga returned to Kent\ where

( Liming) where (he built a church : and there

iherepofes, togethei; wi^'S^.^^^^iyr^a^

Eadhahl had for wife ^'mwrz^daughter- of the


king of the Frenckt ofnthir marriage was bora

S^JEan/taitbey who jrepofes at Folkftwi^ and twa
fons, J^arcsTnjkerfht /(whd^fuoceeded^ iii thd king?-
dom) and Earmenred Clito {t. e. prince of the
blood.) tiM.ibns, Mtbihed
and S. MibdbPtgbty and.tveo daag^jecs JE^r/jaf«*


King Earcombercbt had tw6 (bns by h% qu^eii

^e^yfeif*^^- kiflg-^^^i^^r/ and ki n gJL^thaKius^ and
two daughtersji S. Emmmlda and S* Emm^

S; otWerwift? cdMeA-Ddmpmvti^
married to Merwald -the
fan of king Penda To
thefe were' born ^
Milburg;^ S: Mildredy S. ARl-
gitb^' and S. Mervin ( M&eftn). All thefe for .

the love of God difpoied- of theiir whole eftate,^

in their life-time, for pious ufesa

iimpfUva afterwards went kiita JSW, to jw^
ceive from king Ecgberi the weregeld (6r *fihe)

which* to pa^ .her, on occafion of the

two .brocher$9 ilain by bis ord^^^ in
deatbi'vof Jher
the of 73^^777^/, and privately buried in the

Toyal paJace.of jF/?r<!y, where -they were miracu-


loufly diicavere^ byi a bright pillar of light^

fining at midnight over the place of their bu-
iali which the king feeing was greatly terrified

Digitized by Google
the Engllfli Saints.
md 'beuigi made thereby, fenfible of -hk cnme^/
fent for their' fiftcrDompneva^ and gave her.
eftgjbty carucats of land; where fhe built a mo«;
nafiery^ iaiWhi^ prayers mig^ be faki for their,
fouls I the king affifting her in this work. She
aifo fent hfer daughter Mitdred beyond the feas,
to^be'^inftnuSed in^ nionarlVtck difcipiines ; whic)^
Ibe learnt 'in (b perfed' a manner,* as^^ta^nnike ^
gieat progrefs in all fanility ; the proofs of whkhf
are ftUl to be ieeow^ Tk> her care her mojibtE^
committed the monaAery which (he h^ «r<*6kd^
And thus Mildred received fr6mr archbilliot)^
The^doTi the facred veil, iiirCi^m^ny with feveih*
ty other rvii^»'; with* whom ^c6otin«iifig. to ad*^

vanee, according to the will of God, in all vir-?

tues,.ihe meiiilieii etertia} iiU.i .and. was <^t€£S'
wards illuftrious for frequent miracles^

pa(&d thed^ys: oft her mortal

S. Eormengitha^i
life (ime- mibnaftery withrtb^ niece (8^
inr this
Mildred)^ and after her death was bufled, as fhe
had' defired, at the .diitance ofr oittrnnk tathd
eaft of S. Mildreds monaftery ; wherei wonder^
ful works were heretofore frequent and famous ;
yea and are celebrated to^thia^d^

S. MildndrknA fe^fux?ceffi>^ in theigovcrnment
of her monafiery S. Eadburga^ wha built th^
cbtirch;there; In: Which alia flie liea^bottcd.*

Sexburga queen of Kent founded the monafte-

ry of S. ^tfrj^ in the iile.of and placed
nuna thereto-— S* £«dkrrg^, Miheldryda', >Md
^ J4^ithburga werr dau!»hters of A}i?ia king of thf
Ei^ Angles. S« £tbeldryda was married ta Ecg^

Digitized by
i94 T'^^ Burial Places
frith king of the Northumbrians ; which notwith^
ftanding ftie always preferved her virginity. She
was buried in the great church of Ely^ where (he
has been illuftrated with miracles. In the fame
church alfo repofes her fifter Witbburga.

S Eormenilda daughter of Earcombercht and

Sixburga^ was married to king Wytfen the foh
of Penda ktng of the Merdansi ufider whofe
Feign the nation of the Mercians received bap-
tifm. Of this marriage was born ffiirhurg^ a
liicred virgin,who was buried in the monafterf
of Heanburh (Hanbury), She was afterwards
taken up, and now repofes at Legtcefter (Chejter)^
But & Emnmkh repofes at the borbugh of
together with her mother, and her aunt S. Mtbel--
dryda: where ihe ihine^ with many nuracles*.

Her S.E^cong&ta was (ent beyond the

feas, tobe trained up by her aunt S. Mtbtlburgay
the abbeft of the place : and there by the will of
God (he made great progrefi in virtue; and
having fini(hed her days, was quickly illi^ioua
for miradest.

King Wttbredy fon of king Ecghert^ built a

monaftery at Dover^ in honour of S. Martini the
fiunt himfelf marking the place where he would
have this monaftery ere<Sled : which was accord-
ingly executed. He alfo placed monks here^
and appointed them lands for their mamtenance
to this day. This king repofes near S, AuguJIine^
within the porch, on (he fouth fide of the church
of Mary; which bis great-grand-fiither, king
EaOaU^ had buik in honour of God^ and S.
Marjt. ^
Digitized by Google
uf' the Engliih Sainxs« 185^

Ti&e Second Manuscript*

Here begins a Narration of the Saints
who repofe in England.

C ALBAN9 the firft martyr of Britain^ repofei'

^* near PFatlingcbeJler^ by the water called
S. Colwnkille repofes in the place called Dm--
caban^ by the river Tuu.
Durham. The head of St. 0/1
S. Cuthbert at
wldis with the body of S. Cuthbert; his right
arm is at Biibanbyrig ( Bamb^aw) : The reft of
his body in the new monaftery of Gkiuijlir.

8. John the bifliop repofes at Beverley^ by the

Uttle river HuU.
S.Ecbirt^ and S.^^Mbifhop, and S.With^
burgay repofe at Rippon^ on the river Earwi.
S. Ci^^i, S. and S« Ceatta^ lie in the
church o^ Liuhfi^ldy near the water called
S.Mthelred king, and S. OJlryihe fifter of S.
OJwald king, reft in the monaftery of Bardney^
\^ the river fflghtam (fyitbam).
S^Eadburge repofes at SouibwiU upon Tnnt*
S. Guthlaki at Crowlandy which monaftery is
lituated in the midft of the fenns of Gynme.
S. Alkmund at NiTthtmtbig {Derbj)^ on the
fiver Dirmnt$

Digitized by
1 86- The BvKiAL Flacb^s
S. Botul/ lies buried at Medejhamjlid^ on the
riyer N$n.
S. Mthelbert repofes in the cathedral of Heri^
ford^ by the nver Wy^

S. Cett in the monailery called Undola (OundU}^

WirAurga ( MHburgi)^ ia the monaftery of

Wmbck upon the Severn.
S« Winfian^ in the monaftery ol Repeium upon'
the 2r^«/.

S; Dimiih in the- placie caHed Ce^Kngiurgth

(Charlebury)^ by the little river if^«r^ (If^n;^
S. Eadgith ( EMa) repofi» ati PaiUJw^^ii^
n»t th€ ffiwr Oiriiyf i

S. Rumhld Bi/kingbam upon the Oi^«

S« £tbelrcd at Leominjier upcm the

Su Eadrmmd the king^ zi BedrAckfworth (Bury)y

amongfi the £^ :^;nr^//Jr,

& O/^j'/i^ (OJitb^i At d&/Vi?'yin\the.chiircKo£vS.

«^^/^r by the fea. ^.

& JEthelbuKgcig^ in the Qionaiiery. of^Rgriing

lipon t he Thamesm
S.Er£onwaId the-biifaopTepp&s^t£ai»^(7/i.:

S. Morientrus martyr^ 5. Kyne/withk znAB^^Kyke-'

iurge reft at Feterboreugby with .many votlieia^

Digitized by Google
of' the EhgUflj SAiifTs: \Zf
tbdugli now unknown : for miracles are not
wrought by all that are iaims*'
At Thorney Ttpo(e S» B^ttilf^ and Jthulf. and
S« Huna^ zhA Thancredr aiwtiS, TbWA^

(Bifcop)y and S.Toua.


At Jbbandufu ( Abington)^ S. Vinceni martyf*

At Canterbury^ S4Dun/km^ znA^&*Jugtifiinii\
Witfi very nrtany other faints.

At RadHjiet^ S.Piidinufi*
At fytttche/iir^ in the old miiifter repofe5. 5/-
r/lnr^ the Rmm biAlclp, and S» HsMb^ and
• '

$wkhun<i and S. Mthelwold^ and S, Mlfeage^ and

S. Birnjlan^f and S« Fritbejiane^ and S. J^ius^
mzxtyvy with many other' faints. In the new.
minlter ^^Judacus and S* Grimbahl lye buried j
and in the chlirch of the nuns, S. Eadburga. y

jR«iw/gr repofes S. Merwinnay the firft ab-
befsof that place; as al(o S. Balthild the queen^^
and 3* £tbeijUdal with a number of othier laihts*
At JVilton^ S« biibop^ and S« Eadgythe

At Shaftjburyi S; Edviin' ( Edmrd;)'kmgt atid^
S.-Mlfgyva. . .

At Glajlenbury^ ^. Aidan^ zndS. Fairici^ and

many other faints.
At Congnjbury^ S« Congar.
S. Sitbefulla the virgin, near Exeter^

S. Ruman bifhop, at Tavejtock.

S. Petrock in ^Tg/? /F^/^x (Corfmafl), at the

bay of the fea called Hailmouth^

Digiii/od by
iBS Burial Places
In Adilmfbury (Mabmjbury) reft S.MailAm%
S* Aidelm^ and S, yohn the Sage.
At Wmrafiiry S. Ofitmld the archbifliop j and
with him a great many biihops^ faint$#^ .

At Evejham upon the yfw;?, S. Ecgwin bifliop.

At Ifincbekmb^ S. Kenelm the royal child*
In ff^miorn minfter repofe S. Cuihburga^ and
& ^enburga : the former of which inftituted
that way of life and difciph'ne, which is' to thit
day in vigour there among the nuns.
- S. FrithefuuQed ( Frithefwide) repofes at Oxford.
At A^ddlitm (Mikm abbey in Derfetjhire)^
are the head of S. Brangwallador bifliop ; and
the arm of S* Samjm bi&op j as alfo the crofier
of the fame. .

^ At Sianing on the river Bramber^ among the

Sntth Saxms^ repofes S. Cuthman.
S.Biocca abbat, and S. Ether prieff, reft in the
monaftery of Cbertfey : Where alfo fourfcore others
W^re flain with them. ^

Praife and glory be to our Lord Jefus Chrift»

for his goodneisj to all agesi and to all eteroity«>

I (hill

Digitized by
9j the Engli(h Saints. 189

I ihallhere fubjoin the teftimony given by Mr«

Cambdc fij in his Britannia ( publiflied anno
1605, col.cxxxii) to the great multitude^ as
well as to the fervour, zeal, and unfeigned
piety of our ancient £;s!^/r^Saints^ in tbefe

"IVT^ fooner (fays he) was the Name of

r\ Chrift preached in the EngUJb nation^
but with a moft fervent zeal they coniecratc4
themfelves to it, and laid out their utmoft en-
deavours to promote it^ by difcharging all the
M duties of chriftian piety, by ereding churches
* and endowing them ; fo that no part of the
chriftian world could Ihew either more or
richer monafieries. Nay even (bme kings
preferreda religious life before their very
crowns. So many holy men did it produce^
who for their firm profeiSon of the chriftian
religion, their refolute perftverance in it, and
their unfeigned piety, were fainted that in
4his point it is equal to any country in the
«* whole chriftian world. So England might
Juftly be called an illand fruitful in faints/'

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Names of the Saints, .€^ir.

Commemorated in tlxii


AB. ftands for archbifliop ; . MAot^ abW ; )Mb^

for abbefs B. for bifhop ;
; for confeflbr ; C
Z>. for do£lor ; i/» for hermit ; JiT. for. king |
M. for martyr j P. for prieft j -^••for qae^Jir;

V. for virgin ; for widow ; co. fignifies, ^

that there are divers other &ints» *compaiuoas
or difciples of the faint theare named.

AArctn M. July r.
Abban Ab. Oftober 27.
Acca December 20,
Achebran C
April 8.
Adalbert C. June 25. -

Adamnan -z?^.Septemberj.
Adamnan C. January aS.
Adelhare M. April 20. .

Adrian Ah. Jatiuary 10.

Adrian B^ M. &H0..h/im^J^
Adrian P. April 2 ^ . .

^ ' Adulph

igi A Table of tbt
Adulph B. June i8«
^dan 5. January 31.
^dus 5. November lO.
mfridt AB. April 9.
Alfred K. Oaobcr 28. •

Aclgar H. July g. \

Aelgiva ^ May 12* ^

Aelred Ab. January 12%

/Engufs 5. March ii»
<£thelred C December 6«
Agatha June 6.
^ November
Augiift 31*
26t * ^

Ailbeus B. September i2.


Airedan Ah. September 6. '


Alban M. June 22,

Albinus Ab, January lo» . v r; .

Albuinus B. Odober 26,

Alburgha December 25; •

Alcfailda V. March 28.

Alcmund^. March 19%
Alcmund 5. June 19.
Akuin May 19% .

Aldate C. June 14,

Aldevi^in Ab. May 3. • ' ' ^

Aldhelm 5, May 25.


Alexander April 12»

Alfreda/^. Auguft 8.
Alfwald K. September 23*
Alfwold 5. March 25^
Algiva Odober 19.
Alice V. Auguft lO.

Allan C. February 22.

Almedha Auguft 2. ^ .

Alnoth Mm December i6« |


Digitized by Google
Names of the Saints, Csftf.
Alphcge 4B. M. April 19,
Alrick /f. December ./, , ; .

Alto^Z'. Februa^ lo. i .

Alun C. December ji,

Amnichade C. January 30.
Amphibalus June 26. :

htAitV9 Apojiky November 30.

Anna ^. December g»
Anfelm^?. D. April 21. ..July ^
Aran ifle (SS. of) March 21/ ^

Arbogaft^. July 21. . ^

r\ \ .

Ardwyne C. padber^j. .

Ariftobulus C. March 15, V qr

Arnulph H, December 27^ ..if r/l
ArvanC. Oaobw^jo*! -J
Afaph B. May 1. .
Athelard Mayi^. .o.n'O^^^l
AthyF. Septembers. /r?vl
Athilda^; March 28. ir;A !

Attrada February - vWn^-3}-D:j


Audoenus Auguft 24* f A »

Aiidry^, ^j*. June 23. r orr.^v.

Angulus ^. Af. February *7.Yiv-dV'I
Auguftine Ab. May 26..V r.-^lW^^ooQ .

Auftel C. December 27.

Auxilius jB. December 2.

BAGNA C. June 5,

Baithen June 1 1.
Baldrcdjff. March 6*^ :j
BaJther C. February 18. r n; >

Bardfey Saints 20000, Dtisentol^

Barrindeus Ab. Septerhbcr 25. ij

Barrus -B. €sf September .27. r -

194 '
A Table oJ tbt
fiarforaritts Ab. Febniarji fj;-
Bartholomew June 24.
Baruch //. February 27,
Bathildis January 27
Bean 5. February 8.
Bean B. December i6« .

Status C. 'May 9«
Bede C. D. May 27, Odlober 29.
Bega September -

Beguf". May 4.
Benchor MM. May 10.
Benen or Benignus B. November
Bennet Bifcop Ab. January 1 9*
Bennow w Beuno C. January 14.
Beocca Ab. f^ MM. December 3

Bercham B. Apcil
Berchan December 4.
Berdhun Ab. May 22.
Beniach Ab. Apru 7. ,

Bernard September 24.

£7. -

Bertelin H. Auguft i2»

Beyc F. November j.
Bilfirid H. February io»
Birinus JB. Decembers.. - ^

Birnftan B. November 4. •

Bithtus C. May 13.

Blaine 5. Auguft 10.
Blafius B. M. February 3*
Biathmake (s^ co. MM.January 20»
Boifil C. July 5.
Boniface AB. co. MM. June j;^* ^

Bofa B. March 9. . ^ .

Bofel B. September 24r

Botuid M. July 28* .

Botulph Ab. June.i7«


Names of the SwntJ^

Botulpb B. May 31.
Bradan C. Odober 20.
Brandubh B. February 17..
Braiiwaliacjor B. June 3«
Bregwin AB* Auguft 26^
Brendan Jb. May 16.
Brendan junior M. Novembo' ^#
Briavel C. Auguft 7.
Brigide F. ab. February !•
Brigide March 14. .

Brigide F. May 28.

Briocus B. April 30.
Britiih Prelates, January i«
firithwaldJB. January 9*
Brfihwald B. January 22*
Budgualan C. Auguft 26«
Budoc C. O&ohetb:'
Burchard B. 0<Sober 14.
Buriene F May 29. «

Caidoc P. April- 2w . •
' *

Camin «r Cammin Jb. March 22*

Canicus Ji. Odober 11. /

Canoe C. February 11. ^ ftj^j'

Caradoc P. H. Aprils. [ «

Carannus A DccembcM^- .{

Carantac C. May 16. , . .

Carthac yib. March 5. -

Carthac junior Jb. iS^mrMv/ 14*

Cataldus B. May lO,

Cathmael Ab. Mzj i^^. 1 l

Cayman Ab. December ioIt - .

1 2 Gcadda

Dk Google
A Taslz of the
Ceadda (Chad) B. March 2» •

Ceadwall K. April 20« : .

Cedda B. January 7..


.^Cedmon monky February 12t

Celeftine pope^ April 6.
Celiti C January 8.
Celfus April 6.
<!^eoIfrid September 25r
Ceolulph JS:. OaoberaS.
Cett C. December i.
Chebeus C. June 28.
Chrifliana ^. July 26.
Chriftina ^. November 26.
Ciffa C, May 12.
Clarus November 4,
CI itanc K. Auguft 19.

Coelan -/f^. September II,

Coenred Oflober 4.
Cogan Ddlober 13.
Colan or Colon December 2 j
Colm 5. June f>.
Colrn May g.
Colmafi B. Auguft 8. * »

Colman B. September 3.
Col man M. Odobec J3«
Colman's SS. 230. June 29^
Colmoc B. June 7. ' .

Colmonel September 26.

Columb Af. Odober23/
Columba or Columkille Jb. June
Cglumba December 13, *
Names '/'/'/ii^iSAiiNxs^ ^c. 19
Columban Ab, November 21.
Coman or Comman Ab. December 27.
Comgall Ab. May lO. -

Congellus Ab. April 7. '

' .

Coniaetl^ FebrMary 2.
Contlantine K. M. March ir. . .

Conftantinc III. K. December * ^ -

Conwall C. May 18.

Conwallan Ab. 0£lober 13. •

Cordula V. M. October 22.

Gormac Ab. December ti,
Cornilh Saints, March 5, is?c»\ . :

CorpreusJB. February 17. . 1

Corpreusjun. B. March 7; * i

Cortill B. April 28. .. .. I


Cronan Ab. April 28. -

Cronan C. June 3.
Croniack CJanuary^ * .*

Guanus C. April 2. ' ' *

. /

Culan j8. February 18;. « r


Culdees, March 29, .


Gullan C. December 23[^ ' - ^' •

Cumian B^ June 11;

Gummian December 5#
^iJ. .
' '
Gungar Ab. November 5; . -

CuthbertjS. March 20. September 44-

Guthbert AB. September 24. v •

Guthburge September 7. : w *

Guthman February 8«
Gybthak C
September 22. •

Gynibil P. January 8.
Gyra F. Oaobcr i6.
Cy riol January 2.

I 3; Daniel

Oigitizea|^ Google
^gS A TA^hE .cf the

DANIEL B. of Bangor, November 23.
Daniel 5. of Wuicbeftcr, Deceidbcri;.
Darerca W. July 22.
DarJugdacha V. ab. February .

David AB. March it

David j^*. July I J.
David K. May 29*
, ....
Daye, January i5,
Declan £ff c^. Jul. 2 J.

Decuman if. February 27;

Deicola if^* Januarv iS**
Dega B. Auguft i8.
Deifer if. March i^.
Deruvian C. January 3.
Devinike B. November 43.,
Deufdedit Ab. June 30.

Dionia, December 7« .

Diormit &June 30.

Difen B, September 8.
Diuma J?. &
February 4 8«
D0CU8 C. May 4.
Docuinus November 1 5t
Dogmael Ak. June 1 4#
Domangart B. Mardi ^4*
Dominic J5. February 13.
Dompneva Noveoiber 4}9*
Donan Ab* April 7..

Donatus -ff. Oilober 22.

Donatus C February 1 3*
Donewald C to. July 15, - . • - .

Drithelm September u

Digitized by
Names of the Saints, 199
Droftan C. December 14* .

Dubritius JB, November 14,

Dunnius Jb. May 14*
Dunibn JB. May £9. September j..

Duthake B. March 8.
Dwywan C. Janiiaiy j# 7^
Dymma C. Februaiy . 17. r : '
; ,

Dympna M. Md^y 1 5.

EADBERT B. May 6. ' *

Eadbert ^. November 25.

£aclburge or Edburge V. of AMefbury, July^8#
gburge V. of Lyming, > September 8.
Edburge or Menltrey, 1 ;

Edburge ofWinton, Jii|ie 15. '

Edburge f-of Cafter,

j j^ecember^i.
Edburge tfA* of Wmton, J
Eadgithc Editha K
ah. May 15.
Editha V. of Wilton, Septembrr 16.
Editha V. of Ailefbury, July !«•
Editha of PoUei^Kb^ September
Editha ^ July 15.
Editha of Hafting, June 7.

^ ^

Eadfin JB. Oaober^a^*


Ealfwitha V. November 2f.

Eanfleda ^ December 11.
EanfwideT^. September 14.
Earcongota February 25*
Eafterwin jib. March 6.
E^ta jB* 0£lober %b.
Ebba F. ab. O6lober 25.
Ebba jun. co. MM. Oaober 5.

i oaober II.
^ ab.
J _

2O0 A Table of the - :

Edelburge nb. of Brie^ July 12.

Edgar K. May 24.
Edilhun C. April 25. .

Edilwald P, H. March 23.

Ediltrudis* Audry.
Edmund K. M
November 20*
Sdmund JB. November 16.

Edward^. C. January. 5. Qaaber.13

Edward K. M. March 18*
Edwin K. Oaober 4.
Edwold/f. November 28, Auguftag
Egbert P. April 25, .

Egbert P. April I r.
Egbert Jb. November
Egelnoth JB. Oaobergo. . /
Egelwm C. November 29. .
, . ,

Egwin ^. January n. >

Elerius June 13.

Eleutherius Mayfi6. .
Elfleda F. ab. January 2^« •

Elfleda V. December ^7. -

. \

Elfreda.1; iAi INci^aber ij. \,

Eliphius M. iff CO. Oaober 6* .

Ellenius J^. January 24.


Elphage Jb. M. April 19/

Elphage B. Septenxber h
Elvan B. January 2^ , , '

Emerita/^. December > 'V
Enda Jb. Csf CO. March
Eneon Bhrenin K. January 14*
Engelmund M. June 21.
Englate B. November 4*
Eoban 5. 4f. June 5. .

Eochoid C. January 26.

Eogain -ff. Aoguft 2^.
Names of the Saints^ %^\
Erchod B. Auguft 24.
Erconwald B. April 30. l^ovember I4«»
Ercus B. April 16.
Ermemburga ^ November r^, '

Ermengithe V. July 30.

^ ^

Ermenilda tf^. February 13,

Ernaan yfb. December 28. - • -

Ernifius H. December 29.

EfkillB. M. April 10.
Etchen B. February 11^.
Etha F. September 6.* . .
m .

Etbbin Jb. Oftobcr 19/

Ethelbert K. C. February 24^ "
, .

Ethelbert X. ikf. May20* -

Rhelbright }
Oaober 17;.

Ethelburga May
24. \ \ '-J ~.:^.:iti
Etheldreda^. ^. a*. J^net 23., , ] •
. a ijt»;:'^
Ethelfleda /F. April. 14. .
,, :n.cM ..-i ri.ljii''X

Ethelgive r. December. 19.;. ; -J ntmil

Etbelred C. December 6. ••\ .mt r;,vMi'T
Ethelred April 22... . v -

X .uhrt- Mt'
Ethelred C. May 5.,. >r o \5, .Vl'n^ll. /,r

Ethelwin^. May 3. ^.fi , fn^-r.^-i ^

Elthelwold i5. of Wincheftcr, Aiiguft i^ ,;->}. -f

Ethelwold B. of Lindisfarne,- J'ebr.u?r|f-t5U!n'i'''f

£thelwolph K. April i4,.s\ -
..-m :> fj:!, o vT
Ethernan 5» December _22^, , \;. ., .vl
Ethor P. M. December 31^ , ; >\ )bi >/l
Etto CO. July.lOi- II*.' . : ,
" r\

Evan 'B. Auguft 18. ;

/ ;a ,,ui..,;iri
Everildis F. July ,9.; .,1-; .':
. AJv l*niimc\ Wl
Etiurcius^. Septenibei'Ti ^«(^;^._,^:3T/ .-^ ^j:^-^

Ewalds JMM. Oibber IJ.; . •7 -:

if , I

> I ;« Fagan

i02 .A Table th

AN C. January
6. db. S^ptembe):
Fanchea V. ab. March 21 •
Fara F. ab. April 3.
Febric C. December 23.
Fechin Jh, January 20,
Felix B. March 8.
Fergus M. November 17,
Felhno C. September 27.
Fiaker H. Auguft 3c.
Filan Jb. Januauy^.
Finan B. February 16.
Fiobarrus B. September 25*
Findoche V. O^ober 14*
Fingar £sf co. MM.
December. 15
Finian -B. December 10.
Ftnian 6. March i6.
Fintan Ab. February 17.
Fintanjun* Ab, 0^ober2i%
FloVentius B. Noveoiber 7.
Foillan JBt M. 0£lober 31 •
Forannan B. April 27.
Forichem B* December to.
Fredegand G. July 17.
Fredoiin C. March 6.
Fremund M. May n: '

Fridefwide F. Oftober 19,

Frigdianus B. November i8«
Frithftane B. April 9.
Frothmund M. February 25.
Fulk C November i8,
Furfey Jb. Januaiy 1*6*
Names of tU Saints, Sf. 203
GALLUS Ah. Oflober i6.
Genetrude V. December 30#
Genocus C. May 13.
George M. April 23.
Gerald B. £ff March 13*'
Gerard C. December 2i«
Gerebern M. May 15. ^

Germanus B. July 31*

Germanus B. of Man, July 3.
Germanus B. M. May 2.
Gervad B. November 8«
Gibrian C. May 8.
Gilbert C, February 4.
Gilbert -B. April i.
Gilbert B. Auguft ii.
Gildas jun.
... \
/j^^ ^^
Glaftenbury Saints, December 25*
Godrick H. May 21.
Godwin H. December 7,
Golven July i. '

Gotebald B, Odober 31, •

Gregory popi^ March 12.

Gregory CDecember 25. ,
' .

Grillaan C. December 12.

Grimbald C July?.

Gudwall B. February 12» ;*

Guerir C. April 4. ,

Guinocus B. April 13. '

Guithdin JB. JznxiAty 8.

Gundleus C March '29*
Guronus H. January 4.
Guthagon C. July 3.
Guthlake H. co. April it.
I ' *

Digitized by Google
2<>4 ' A Table of ihr

HAMUKD 5. M. March 22>
Hardulf C. Auguft 6.
Hedda 5. July 7.
Heiu ah. January 23. .

Helen emprefs^ Auguft lE^i!

Hemelin C, March 1^ '\ :
Henry 5. January ig/
Henry January i6>
Henry VI. J^. w^. May 22_.
Herebald May 7. ;

Hcrebert P. March 2J2^

Hereferth C. Mayi 12.
Herefrid C- June 2, '

Herefwide September 21.. *

Hilda K ab. November iS.

Hildelid V. alu March 24.
Hifmael B. March 27.
Honorius jIB. September 30.
Honorius H± Auguft 23.
Hugh B. OftoberT.' Ndvember
Hugh M. July 27.
Hugh IL December 23;
Humbert B. JM. November 20*
Huna C. May l2*
Hygbald -^fA. September tsL

J £sf L .

JAMts C. October 18.

Janbercbt y^^. Ayguft iiv:

Jarmen G. December 23.

Jaruman -ff. February: iS» '

Ibar ^^. April 23^

Names of tbeSAinT^^ ^^c.
Habcrge J^. July 25. .
•> - »

leroa M. Auguft 17. ' •


lia or Ivia f\ ' \.

Slogan Oilober 30. * :


litut November 6. * -

Uund Jb. November to. ' '

' ,

Imarius P. November 2. '

Ina K. April f .
- *

Inan Auguft 18. .

itidra£lu8 6f r^. ilfyi/. February 5^.


John B. May 7. * •

John June 19^ . : ^ ,u

John Scot B. Augufl 19.-
John B. M, Noveqiber 10* "

John P. June 27,

John C, OAober 10.
John Ab. February 21.
Tofeph of Arimathea^ July 27;
Irchard B. Auguft 24. V ^

Irifh SS. in three cbfles, March jy;

Ifam Ab. November d; '
: •

Iflerninus B. December 2./' -


Ea ^r Mid a V. January 15. .,

Ithamar B. June id*.

Julius Af.^ Auguft I.. ' .

Ivo B. April 26:

Jurmin C. May 31,,
Juftinian H. M.
Auguft 23/ "
Juft C. January 22. •
• is .

^ uftu$ November 10. : ^ • i

jmhwara ^. December 23r

Ivy July ij^ ^ -

AfiKO^ Jb, March- T",- - .-3

£1 Kebius .S.^Novembor 8.-.

fto6 ^ A«.X49L£ ff tbe
Keivin Jb. June 3.
Kellach B. May i.

Kellen C March 27. .

Kenan C. January 17.

Kcnelm K. M. July i7# .

Kenneire ^. O^ber 2^.^

Kennoche V. March 13. *

Kcnrcd iT. Oftobcr 4.

Kcntigern B. January 1.3.
Kcntigerna W. January 9.
Kertcnnus B. Auguft 15.
Kevem C. December 27*
Kewe^ Auguft 27.
Kcyna Oaober 8.
Ktaran ^ Keran March A 5.
Kiaran jun. 5. September 9.
Kilian ^s" «. Ji/il/. July ?. .

Kilian C November 13.

Kined or Kinedvau Jib. Auguft i,
Kumericlc C. December 31.

Kyneburge IWEarch 6.

Kynnera V. Septeiriber 23.

%rinus 5. March 17.

LACTiN j^ft. March 18. ^ ..

Laifrean September i.3» •

Laifrean B, April 18.

Lanfrank JB^ March 24. . , .

Laudatus Ab. January 14.

Lawrence AB. of Canterbury, February 2.
Lawrence AB. of Dublin, November 14.
Lebwin C, Noyember xa. ; ... . .

Digitized by Google
Names of4bt Saikta^ i^c.
Leonard C November 6.
Leonorius B. June 30.
Lcthardus B. rebruary 24,
Levan C. December 24. *

j/ift. June
Leufired* ?K
Lewine ^. -/Wl July 25.
Lily C. March 3.
Line V. O&ober 9..
Lioba V. ab. September 2S.
Livinus B. M. November i%:
Lolan B. September 22.

Ltian or Molua Auguft 4.


Lucius K. C. December 3«
Ludeus C. December 2?.
Ludger B. March 26.
Lugadius Ab. April 18..
Lugeus ^Lugidus Ab. Auguil4«
Luitphard B. M. February 4, . ,

Lullus i/& Ofiober i6. .

Luman C. co. July a2«

Lupus J?.. JuTy %%.

Febtu«ry 6«
^ aftian B. January 30.
Machan B% November 22.
Machutus er Maclou B. Novemtrer 15
Mackeflbg March 10.
Madern er Maddren C Mmjf 17^ .

Maglotr B. Odober 24.

Magnus M. April 16. » . »

Maidoc B. January 3x» . ..

2o8 A* Tabli of tbi '\

Maidulf Maildun Ab, M^y ^S\-


Mailoc ^
January jow-.
Main B. June i6« • -

Majota V. December-23. "^ .

Makwolock B. January 29^ ^ '


Malacht AB. November 2% i. . . .

Malcallan Ab. January 2i.

Malchus B. November 24»%
Malcolm III. K. J^ne i
Malcolm IV. June 18/ .

Maldod A^b. Mayig. /• . . . .

Malrubc H. M. AugnftM, . ,

ManlfleSS. Julys. ' ;

Manere B* December |8» . '

' -

Marcellus B.M. Septemiier 4. -

Marchelm C. July 14.

Margaret ^
June io» November
Margaret/^. Auguft i6.- * :

Marnan B. March i*
Marnok B. Oiloher 25^
Marnok C May 3. :

Many Martyrs, January 4. September
Martyrs by the Saxons, December 8.^
Martyrs by the Danes, March 3i«.
Matildes ^November
Augufty. •

Maura V* 2* . . -

Maxencia Vi- Nox^mber 22c. -


Mecthildis V* April 12. '

^ . ; :

Medan B. November 14*^ '

. .

McdrantC.^ July 7. . .
. •

Mel 5. February 6. . -

Melchi B. Fel^ruairy 6. . .1
Meldan B. February
Mellin C* December 24* i .

JJflffUitus ^April 24..^^ \^ J :

Narrt» of tbi SiiiNTS, ^c. 209
Mellon B. Oaober 22. .
Melorus M. Oftobcr i:

Merefm C, January 17. . '

Merwenna F. ab. March 30. '

Mida V. January 15.

Midan 6. February 4, • '

Midana F. Novemljfr, jr7» y1 \


Midwyn C. January 2.
Milburge p\ ah. February ij, '

Mildred ^. n^. February 20 *' 1 -


Milwide ¥• January ^7. ' .

Minnan C. March i. *

Mirinus ^. September 4. - *

Mobyus Ah. oaober kl. " " - •

ochoemoc Ah. March 14, .

• -

Mochteus A Auguft 22^^

Mochua Ab. April '
Modan Ah. April 4.
Moditeus C. December 25t
Modoch January 31, •
Modwenna V. ah. J\^y
Molacus C
January 20* ' -

Moling B. June 17. '

Molonach B. June 25. '

Monennius April 5, - . - > -


Monon il/. Oaober iS. .


Moroc C. Novembers. * \- - " ' '

Mofcea, December 9.
" '

Motifer C. Oaobcr 2«i^' *

\ \ /
Muganocus C. December 22. ^ ,

Mundus -///J. April 15-. • * ^

Mungo 5. January 13,

Mums J?. February 6. :
M unnu Ab. October 2I»
Muran March 12^' - { • ^

Murgeus B. Sept 3. NaCTAii

Digitized by GoOglc
N. .
N£CTAN C* January aa«
Nennidhius JL januaiy i4
Nerniio B. May 9.
Neot C. July 31,

Nefikn C Junea^.
Nethalen B. January 17.
Nicolas B. M. June la.
Nintan B. &
». September 16.
Nonna TK March 2,
Nothelm AB. Odoberij, ,
. »

Novatus P. JuneA9»< .

O.' ,

- • •

OBODius November M« ,

Ode V. November 27.

Odhrain C. July 7* .

Om^V. July 17. , • « «

Odo ^5- ) r^j .

Offa JST. December 24.

Olave K. M. July 29.
Olcan B. February 20,
Orore C, Odoberao.
Ortrude V. June 27.
Ofburga F. ab. March 28.
Ofithe V. M. Oaobery-
Ofmund B. July 16. December 4.
Oftfor B. April 4-
Oftrythe ^ Auguft 5.
Ofwald K. M. Auguft 5.
Ofwald AB. February 28, Oaober 15.
Q(Win.J^ Auguft 20«
- Otgcr
Digitized by Google
Names ^
/Ir^SAiNTSt (^c. «2i
Otgcr C. September II,
Oudoceus B. July 2«
Owen JS. Auguft 24.
Owini March 4.
a ' «

PADiE Palladius B. July 6» Deoembor^j;.

Pandwyne F. Auguft 24* :

I'aternus B. April 15. .

Paternus C. April 10.

Patrick B. March 17,
Patrick junior, November 9«
Patricianus B. May 31, . -

Patto B. March 30.

. Paul apo/ilfj January 2$. Jumt f/t^
Paul B. March X2.
Paulinus ./f^. Oftoberio.
Paulinus CL December 31 •
Pega V. April 12.
Peter apo^Uj June 29.
Peter if^. & jHniMiryt6« '

Pctranus B. September'6*.
Pctrock Jb. ^ ? T.;^ .
Petrock B. S J "'^
Piala F. M. Dccembcris*
Piran B. March 5,
Piro Jb: June %.
Plebeias C. September
Piechelm B. July ao. « *

Plegmund JB. Auguft a.

Piobu3 C February 5,


Q UENBURGE F. AugUft 28.

Queranus Jb. September 9* - • • *


REGULUS Rule y/^. October 17. .

Richard April 3..;

Richard B. of Andr. Au^uft 2U
Richard iC. February 7.
Richa^d.jf/^: September 29*. " 7
I ..^^
Ringen J?. September 16* % tj.

Rioch j4b. February 6* .

Robert Jb. June 7, »


Robert H. May 23. ' ; - . .


Robert 5. April ^, \/' .

Robert J. Oftober g.
Rodan Jb, April 15. r' .

Roger B. Odobdj*. , . 5 ^ >

Ronald C. February'aa. .

Ronan i>. February 7.-

Ruffin M. July 24. '

Ruffus M. Auguft 27.

Rumon B. October 23.
Rumwold B. June 24. July i*. ,

Rum wold C. Auguft.28« '. .

Ru3 C. September 27. -


SALVius £. March 15. *

Sampfon B. July 28. .


Saturnkius H. November 3;*

Saxon Saints 100. March Z3.V

Scandalius C. May 5..
Scotttfli Saints,March 29. September'15;
Sebbi K, Auguft 29.
Sebert K. January 5.
Secundinus Detembo: 2.
. , .

Segenius j/^^. April &• ,


Digitized by Google
Nam^i 'pf ihe Saints^ ^c.
15enach ASeptember 2. .

Senan /?• March 8. .

i .i

Senan C. June 28. . ;

Serapion ij!/. June 16, t \ \

* '

Servanus j8. July i.

Scthryd K
ab. May 28.
Sexburga ^
ab. jily 6-
Sexulf JS. December 16. . .
Siburgis March 15, . ^,

Sigcbert K. S?pteidber26.'
Sigefrid J?. &f r^?. February 15, . ,

Sigfrid Ab. Auguft 22..

Silaus iff. May 21.
•Simon Stock C. May 16. ,

Sinellus Ab. November 11^ -

Sithefulla V. December 19. . ,


^crates M. September 1.7. .

Sola H. December 5. , \ ^

Stephen September jy* '

» . .

Stephen Ab. March 28. April 17. .

Swibert ^. I Ayr t
SwibertA jun. i .1.

Swithin A July 2, & 15.

Suneman //. September 20.
Sycar P. November 2. . ;
i .

Syra A". June 8. , * -


TARKiK B. Oaober 36,,

Tarnan 5. June ^^WM^
Tathai C December 26.
^^^^^^ ft


Tatwinc July 30. • .

Tecia 17^. Odober 15. . . i

Tetta ab* Auguft 12. -

Thancred ilA Se^mber 1%,

214. ATablb^/^^
Tfaean B» January u •

Theliau J?. February 9,

Thenaw ff^. July 18.
Theiuian Ji. Sq>tember zjk
Theodore jfB. September iq.
Theodred B. November oo,
Theonia ab. Noyemfeer 31
Thocannu C. September 30*
Thomas JB. M. July 7. December 29-
Thomas B. Auguft 20» QQaAm a* ,

Thomas archdeac$n^ Auguft 17. -

Thomas monk^ Auguft 6«< .

Tibba V. December 13.

Tigernake J?. April 5. -

Timothcus P. June ao^

Torcbgyth Januai^a6*
Torthred C. September 18.
Tova V. September 18. .

TrLduana y. Odober &

Trumwine B. January 25.
Tuda B. February i6.
Tyfhei M. March 27.

U. v.:
VB£PB» December 9, <

Verca ab. September 29.

Vfmm B. January 21.
Vincent C. April 5.
Ulfiid M. July 24.

Ulfrid M. January at.'

Ulfrick P. February 21.
Ultan B* September 4.
Ultan Jb.
Ultan a
Vodinus AB. M. D&emlier.ft
Vouga B. June I5»

Digitized by Google
Names of th SAmrs, ^c.
Urfula fcf CO. VV. MM. Odlober 21.
Vulgan C. November 2. •

Umba F. December 28.


Walter Auguft i?. *

Waltheof ^iJ. Auguft 24. •-it- '
.* ^'
. ;

Wafnulf B, Oaober if i=; '

Weede r. ab. December 3o» ' "^*^ .

Welch Saints, December 28. ^ • •

Wendelyn Ab. Oaober 20.

Wendrove C. Oftoberg.
Wenefride r il/. November
Jane 24.
Wenta F. November 19. -

Wereburge V. ab. 1 ^ ,

Wereburge^. fF. J ^'ebruary^.

Werenfrid C. Auguft
Wigbert Ab. Auguft ,3, . .

Wigbert P. oaober 6.
Wilfrid B. oaober 12.
Wilfrid jun. B, April 20.
Wilgis CNovember 11.
Willehad B. November 8.
Willeik C. March 2.
William AB. June 8. '

William B. September 2'. .

William M. March 2 c. '

William M. May 23. '

William /V. March 7,

William P. June 28.
Willibald B. July 8.
Willibrord B. fff f^. November
Willibald -B. December 18.

2i6 Names of tbf SaiHts^ 6fr*
Wincwald Ma^ycatA*' r .

Winfrid JB. M. Junes, - ,/ ^ ' .

Winnin B. September <pj .j.'. .

Winoc iS. ^
Winoc yft. > Novembct 6«
Winoc P. 3 •

Winwaloc Jb. March 2-' - .1!

Wiro B. May 8/ ' i

Wiftan K. M. June i,, •


Withburge ^. July 19. , J

Witta S. Oaober;i6. : ,/l .

Woolgam C. March 15. - '

. :

Wulfhilde F. ab. Deccipber 9. .

Wulftan B. January 19. : .


W\x\^y^M. September 6.
WulfyV^Ji/y^f Decembcf y^s.^rh rl
Wulfruna matrcny Deqeqiber 99^ :\

YWY Oaober:i34 W.lx .

» •

TH N, I?;
. (

Additions and Amendmenu
TO T H £

British Martyrology.

Jen. \. A T Uamfaelrhys in Carnarvanfiln^

ancient Britilh Salnty honoured in the church of

that plaoey as long as the old religion niaintain-
ed its ground. In like manner at Llanwynnodl^
in the fame county, the feaft of St. Gwynnoydyl^
and Mirhmth/hiri^ die feaft
at Llanfacbntb in
of Machreth^ or Macaritus^ in whofe names
the churches of thofe pariflies were dedicated^
ISec-Brmm Survey of Bangor.'} In In-
Mind the feilivity of S. Muncbin^ iirfl bifliop of
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X/Wr/V^, illuftrious for his wifdom and fanfiity,

[Ware.] As or Modma^ of
alfo of S. Cuaftf
v hich name there were two holy abbots in that
kingdom* {Colgan*] •

^an, 2. At Ahor in CarnarvanJJnre^ the fefti-

vity of S. Boduan^ ConfeiTor, honoured of old
in the church of that parifli. \Bu Willis.l

Jcin. 3, At Llaimenog in Cardiganjhtre^ the

feaft of S. Gwinogy Confeilbr^ in whole name
the church there is dedicated. [Willis.l

Jan. 4« At Tavejlock in Divonfiire^ the feafl

of B. Rumon, an ancient Britifti bi(hop ; in whofe
honour divers churches have been eredted in the
diocefe of ExeUr. He was tutelar Saint of the
abbey of Tave/iock^ where his body waited for
a happy refurredion. In Scotland^ the memory
of that venerable Servant of God Figiatiy a monk
of Cltfgny^ who for his great merits and virtues,
was raifed to the dignity of a bi(hop in that
kingdom. Obiit Anno looi* [Cbatelain'% UnU
yerfal Martyrology.]

Jan* 6. In the diocefe of Bang&r^ the me«

inory of the Saints Howyn^ Meryn^ Ttchedy and
Eigrad^ all of them honoured heretofore with

churches amongfl: the ancient Britons,

/fVs Survey of Bangor.]

Sunday within the odave of the Epiphany.

At Tark^ the tranflation of the body of S.
IVilllaui^ archbifhop of that See ; the memory
of which was folemnly kept on this day. He
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the British MARTYaoLocY. 3
Vfzs canonized by pope Honorius III. and bi$
name was inferted in the new Romiin Martyro*
logy by BenediSf XIV, of glorious memory
{June 8.) with this elogium, that amongft the
reft of \he miracles wrQUght at his tomb^ he ha4
raifed three dead perfons to life,

Jan. 7. At LlangwiiUc in the Ifle of Anglefe^^

the feaft of S. Gwllloc^ an ancient Britifli Cuii-
felTor. Alfo in the di*)cefe of S, Da^
viiTSf the memory
of St, Synin^ honoured on
this day at Cap:ll Llangain in Carmarthenjhlre.

yan, 8. At Sherlorn in Dcrfefjhire^ the me-

mory of S. Wulfin^ wlio was appointed by S.
Dmjian fird: abbot of Wejiminjier^ and after-
wards was made biftiop of Sherborn: To the
fan(Slity of whofe life and death our hiftorians
bear teftimony. As they do aifo to that of his
fucceflbr Alfwold. [See W, Malmejbury de Pon^
tiff.^ At Kome^ the memory of S. P^ga^ ati
Englijh virgin, illuftrious for fanftity. [Cbate-'
ktin.] In Ire/andy the feftrvity of S. Ergnate.
[Idem.] In Ire/and alfo, the deceafe of li. Jf/?-
llbba^ bifliop of Glendalochy and of S. Erard^
h\fho^ oi Ardagh. [ff^are.] \ti South fVales^ the
feaft of S. Kinwlll (or Conwill^) honoured at
Conwilgaio in Carmarthen/hire. IfP^i/iis.}

Jan, 10. At Armagh in Ireland^ the deceafe

of the venerable fervant of God T})omtany fif-
teenth arcbbiihop of that Sec from S* Patrick,
A a Jan. 12*

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Jan. 12. At jR/di?/^ in Torkjhire^ the feftivity
of S. Miredy dJbhot^ of the order of the Cijl^r--
tiansf or BirnarSns^ whofe name is inferted on
the fecond of March in the Ctjiertian Martyro^
logy, (publiftied with the Koman by BinediSI
XiV.) with this ample eloghim} that he was'
illujhious fir his knowledge in the facred letters^
fjor the integrity of his manners j for his contempt^
of himfelf\ /orchis winderftd patieneei f&r bit
prophetical fpirit 5 for his heavenly converfation \
and for his exceeding great miracles. In North
iVaksj the feaft of S. Llwychaiarny honoured of
old, by reafon of his eminent fan^lity, whh twa
pax iHi churches, fiill {landing in the hioceie of
S« Afaph. IWillis^l In the monaftery of Cluain^
Ferta-Molua in Ireland^ the happy deceafe of
S. Laidgen^ monk. At Druin-Druith^ in the
fame iAand, the memory of S. Cumein^ Con«
kiTon [Chatikin Martyrologe UniverfeU

yan^ 1^. At Arm£^h^ the deceafe of that

holy prelate Ailild I the fixth archbifhop of that
fee, \fVareJ] At Landygwyd in Cardiganjhire^
the feafi of Dyg%vyd^ Confeflbr^

Jan. 14. In thelfle of Bardfey^ the memory

of Sv Laudato or Lo/wdbad^ iirft abbot of the
monaftery there. He was nearly allied to S.
iigern and S. Beuno : And his abbey fubfifted un-
cier a peculiar rtrle till the change of religion.

[Mr. Vaugbare^ M$S.

Jan, 15. In the monaftery of Lindtsfarne^ of

thQ Holy IJlandy the feftiWty of S. Ceoluiph^ king
• of the N$rthumbriau5^ or Northern Mnglijh who
^ for

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for the love of Chrlft exchanged his crown and
fcepter for the habit of a monk, in that -holy foli^
tude; and there happily ended his days in rcligi«
ous exercifes, in the eighth century. In North
tf^alesj the memory of S* Saeran^ Confeilbr,
whofe feaft wad formerly celebrated there on the
Sunday after St. Hilary. [IVi/iis.] At Kiidarey
the deceafe of the holy bi^op Forannan. [fVare.]

Jm. i6. In North Wales^ the feftivity of S.

Maurice^ (Murog) ConfefTor, honoured of old
on this day in the church of Llanfwrog in Den^
highjhire^ and in a chapel of the fame name in
Anghfey. \lVillisJ\ In Sduth PFales^ the memory
of S. Lawdog^ Confeifor^ who has four churches
dedicated in his name in the diocefe of S. Da-
vid. [^fVillis.'] Quere, whether this Saint be not
the fame as S. Laudato abbot of Bardfey.

yan. 23. At Mombeliard in Franchicounie^ the

feftivity of S. Maymbod^ zn Irijhman^ flain by
robbers in the neighbourhood of Dcunpierre^
who by reafon of the fandity of his Jjfe, and
the violence of his death is honoured there
amongft the martyrs, [Chaielain,'\ In South
Walesy the feaft of S. EMUw^ who is honoured
with churches in the diocefe of S. Ihvid: As
is alfo S. Elidere^ or EUere^ as may be fecn ia

Mr. Echftis Thelaurus, and Mr. Willis.

yan. ^5. In the Ifle of Angliftj^ the fefiivity

of S. Dw)mven^ honoured of old on this day in
the ohurch of Llandwyme. [IPHlis.] At Pen^
dermis in Cornwall^ the fealt of S. Ithia^ vho
joined with u uiarrled life the cxercifcs of all
A 3 chfiftian

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chriftian virtues ia fuch |ierfe4SUon, as to liel
faononred after her death amongft the Saints in
ft church* ercdcd in her name. [Chaulain.'] Ia
Galloway J the feftivity of S. Eoglodius^ Confeflbfj,
difcipie of S* ColumkiUi^ ami affoctated with \Mk
ia pleaching Chrift to the Pi£tu [Idm.'l

Jan. 27. In Inland^ the memory of S. NaaU

or Natalisy abbot of Killnamanacb in Offiry 5 and
fometime mailer of the great S. S:Man. [CbaU^

Jan, 29. In Ireland^ the commemoration of

S. Dalian^ honoured there as a mar^r^ in ibme
churches dedicated in his name.
In PValeSy the feftivity of S. Tybie^ honoured at

Jan. In Carnarvan^ire^ the fcflivlty of
S. Gu/imhgy titular Saint of the parifli of Dwf--
gyfylche. [fFillis.'} At Llandijil in Cardigan^
jhir^y the feafl of S. Tyjfill ; in whofe name that
church i$ dedicated, [idbi.]


Fd, 1 . TN Ireland^ the eommemoration of S.
JL Khmiay virgin. [Ch^ielainJ^ At La^
cock [n Wfltfiire^ the mcmorv of that venerable
*£ of God Eh^ counteft of ISaliflntry^ who
was To devoted to religion^ that fhe founded two
mcnafteries in one day, vi%. that of the Cat-

thunans at Hentm in fVihJhirey and that of the
CancneiVes cf S.* Aujiin^ at Lamk* In this lat-
ter leaving the worl^ and ail its vanitits, fhe

Digitized by Google
iiie BuitisH MartyroloCV. f
took the habit of religion. Anno 1236, W9$
made abbefs Anno 1240 ^ refigned her office An-
1101257 i and went to our Lord in a good old
age. Anno ti6u [pugdale.] A% Llanhm in

Cardiganjhire^ the feaft of 5^ Inay titular fa^nt

of that chiuch. iiVillis.\

happy deceafe of the holy

Feb.^^ In Ireland^ the
prelate S. Cotman Mac
Duach^ firft bifliop of
Kibnaehough^ in the feventh century. [Ware*^
In the ifle of Angkfeyy the feftivity of S. Mei^
tian^ ConfeiTor, honoured in the parilh of Lion-
fnmn. \mm.l
Feb. 4. In Inland^ the memory of S. Cuannach^
kbbot^ in the feventh century. [Cbatiiain.]

Feb. 8. In Ireland^ the deceafe of the holy pre*

btes Fiackri and Cphnan, bi(hop8 bf Chnari^ ill
the feventh century. [Ware.}

F§k» 9. At Uan^ Emm Frenm in. Narib fFaleSi

the fefiivity of S. Amariy or Bhreniny king
ol Cumbria^ who about tHe beginning of thts
ieventh century, leaving his xoy^Xty^ retired to
that fbTitude, and built there a church, which
was afterwards called by his name, where be de-
dicated the remainder of bis days to divine Love^
[Mr. Vaugban^ and TVtttiS^'] In Inland^ the fefti-*
vity of S. Crmarij bifhop of Lipnore^ who depart*
cd to our Lotd Anno 717. \IV0ri.}

Fib* 10. In the diocefe ol Lmdaffy the fefti-

vity of S. Fagan^ whofe name is ftilfretained by

Ui^ church in Glamorgan/hin, \JFtllis.1

Oigitizetf by Google
In Inland^ the commemoration of S. GolmAiy
virgin, abbefs in Munftir^ in tho feventh cen*^
tury. [ChatelainJ]

Fib. 1 1. At Armagh^
the feilivitv of S. y^r*
/^/V^9 of S. Patrick^ third 'archbifhop
of that See ; who went to our Lord Anno 432
and was illuftrious amongft the Irtjh faints of
the firft daft* In a little ifland on the eaft
fide of AngUfey^ the feftivity of S. Cyrioi^ or
Seiriclf of whofe church and mopaftery there*
See Tanner^s Notitia Mmiftica^ p. 699.

Fih. 1 2. In Irelmdy the memory of S. Sedu-^

Kus^ abboti in the neighbourhood of Dubtin.

Feb* 1 3. At Llanrbaidar in Dinbighjbtre^ the

feftivity of 8. Dyfmg^ Confeflbr, of whofe
church there, and his famous weiii fee tyillis*%
Survey of Bangor y p. 329.

Fib. 15. At Gbeni^

the feftivity of Colum-
tarty Confefibr, who coming
out of Ireland^ led
a reclufe and penitential Life) in a cell near the
church of S. ^avon, and died iiappiiy Anno 859.

Fib. 17. In Ireland^ the feftivity of S. C$r-

mMC^ fourth Bifbop of Armagh ^ illuftrious for
fanftity ; who went to our Lord, Anno 497.
[H^anJ] Aifo in Ireland^ the feaft of S. Lurocb^
biftlop of Ardfraibenj the See of which is now
at Derry^ [Chaulain.}

Fab. i8«

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Fib. r9. In Ireland^, the feftivity of S. CuUn^
cr CuUtmuty bifliop^ difcipld of Patricks

Fib.Ai.^ In Ir^kndy the feflivity of S« FintMf

bifhop of Clonfert^ in the ninth century • As
alfo the memory of S. Senach Garbby and of
CalnMtty the fon of Cmgel^ fucce&n of S. Fin-^
tatty in that Sec. [fp^are.]

Ftb: a8. In the Ifle of AngUftyy tli» feftivityp
of S< Libio^ Confeflbr, honoured in the church
01 Llanlibio. IWiUis.}


Marib x. T N
South Walts, the feaii of S. Tf-
" *and of S. Caffetiaky both of

them honoured with churches in the diocefe of

S. Daoid. [Willis.} In Irelami^ the feftivitf oi
S. Meenay or Monmniusy the firft bifhop of CVivn-
/rr/, who departed to our Lord Anno 57 1<

March 2. In Ireland^ the deceafe of S. Lugady

abbot, brother of S. Munnuy who was called
to our Lord on this day. In WaUsy the feaA
cf the holy Confeilbrs of Chrifly S. Cmrmy and

March 3. In Inland^ the feaft of S« Foilenna^

virgin^ in whofe name a church was eii&ed in
the province of Cennaught. [Chatetain.} In L/l*
fie Britain^ the feaft of S. Jacutusy abbot, ho-

noured with dtven chitrchea in that oioviace*

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He was a native of Great were moil

Britain^ as
of the other faints, of the Lefer Britany^ in
the fixth century. [Dom. Lobimau Saints de

Ajf4rLh 7. In the iflc of Anglefey^ the fcftivity

of Cyngar^ Confeffor. \mUis.}

March 8. At Llanrhyian in Pemkrokejhire^ the

feaft of S. Rheanusy ConfeiTor, in whofe Name
the church of that pari& is dedicated. IPFiltis.}

March g. In Ireland^ the feaft of S. Mella^

widow and abbefs* IChatelain.'] In Ireland alfo,
ihe memory of the holy abbot CaJJidus^ mafter
of the great S. Senan.

March The depofition of S. Elphegus^

furnamed the Baldy bifliop of Wimhejier^ in the
tenth century, in Little Britain^ the memory
of S. Joavauy dlfciple of S. Paul of Leon^ and
ordained bifliop by him as alfo ofhistwofuc-

ceflbrs Ttermnml and CeUmerin^, difcipiea of

the fame faint. [Lobmeau,}

March 13. In Ireland^ thefeftivity of S. Con-

chennay fifter to the holy abbots S. Lt4gad^ and
S» Munnuy and not unworthy of two fuch bro-
thers. [Chatelain.'l

March1 6. In Cornwall^ the memory of S.

Cdumheiy vir^n, and martyr. [Chatclam.] In
Ireland^ the feaft of S. Neffan^ bilhop of Cark^
in the feventh century. [IP^are*^ At Langronog
in Cardigmjbire^ the feftivity of S. Granog^

Digitized by Google
the British Martyrology. ii
Confeflbr, in whofe name the church of that
place is dedicated, [IVillis^}

March 27. In Ireland^ the deceafe of S. Suar^

lack^ the firft biftiop of Four§y who exchanged
this mortal lifC) for ahappy immortality, Anno
745. [ff^are.] In Inland zl(o^ the deceafe of
the holy archbifliop Gelafius^ fucceflbr of S*
Malacbi^ in the See of Jrmagb*

March 29. In Ireland^ the memory of S.

Ftdartach^ biihop of Cknard^ who went to our
Lord Anno 774. \Waart.']

March 30. In Ireland^ the fefiivity of S. Fer*

guSf bi(hop of Dmme^ wKo was called to a
happy eternity Anno 583. [JVan.}


April I-
^A T
Lewes in ^ujfex^ the memory of
venerable Laimny prior of the
m^ci monks, of the abbey of S. Pancrace^ in
that town, who is commemorated on this day
in the Univerfal Martyrology of Chatelain.

April 3- At Llandyrnog in DenhighjUre^ the

feaft of S. Tymog^ Confefibn [WiUu.}

-<45^ri/ 4. In Anjou^ the feftivity of S. Alman^

honoured as an EngUJb biihop^ in a village bear*

ing his name near Angers. ICbatilain.}

April 5. At Llandervell in Meri&mthjbire^ the

feaft of S.Derfel Gadern^ to whofe memory the
church Oi that plac^ is dedicated, llFiilis.']
April 6«

12 d SUPPl^eMENT u
Apirl 6. At BmtiuU^ in the diocefe of yBoH*
.mis^ ihe feftivity cf ^.-Lifold^ z£fiti^.con^
fefFor, honoured there in the church of the ab«

9. In the north of England^ the memo-


^ ot the holy virgins Gijla and Hi^udis^ iUuf-

trious for piety and 'i:«iigio% in 4he ^^ighth cen-

. Jfpril 12. fa iVii<fi^ WaUfi the f^vity of S.

ye/iyn^ or jfu/Hn^ honoured with two churches
bearing his name ia ibe diocefe of Bmgor^

^/irs/ 13. In Waks, the feaft of S.

^^^/, or Hiftnaih bi{hop>aad «GQpifeflbr» amch
revered by the ancient Britons. There remains
to this day a .parifli Mihich bears his name ia
the diocefe of imUh.^

Jpril 21* At Qjfmm Vm»fr m

die feftivity of Biun9 or Bttmwy ai>bot»
iionoured with fnany chtirdies in Horth if^itU$i
and himfelf tairndf^ of many churches* His
laft foundation was that of the famous mo*
iuftery of Gfytmoc Vawri from whence he was
called to ihe Jajad. of the Jiving, Anno 623.
He lyes buried in the old church or chapel there,
<tf wiiich Mr# WiUis has pi^Uibed an accurate

< jddbripiiQii ia :his liikvef «f Bangm-^ ^. 29^1

300, where alfo may be km
the -great vene*
ration the people have ftill for bis memory ; and
that to tUs day they attsibiiic nkades to his

Digitized by Google
April 22. At LlandgfhM in
of AngUfey^ the ifle
thefeaftof S. Dyfnan^ confefTor^ honoured of
old on this day ia the church of that place.


April 24. At Armagh in Inknd^
the deaeaie of
S. FLmnm^ or Fhrencty abbot» to our who went
LmA miio 704* In IrdandzMo^ the feftivity of
S. Hubrighiy or Hubriion^ hermit, brother of ^
Gerald oi Mayo. [Chatilain.} At ITir^muA m
the biflioprick of Durbam^ the memory of the
venerable abbot Huahberckt^ who fucceeded .S.
Ciolfrid in the admioiftration of the united nio<*
nafteiies of Wermm^ and Gyrwy. S. B4de^
deabbaiibu$^ &c«

April Itl Inland^ the feftivity of S. M^ifa!-*

dtiiy or Msuallius^ bifliop, who gave the veil to
& Mri^^ in the fifth cenmry. [Cbaulmn.1^

April 27. In Ireland, the feaft of S.

difciple of & Patrick^ and Qonfecrated by him
fifft bifliop Qi &pbin. Ware.}

^r// 28. In the neighbourhood <tf Tuam vol

J^dandy the Feaft of S. Luiiigimui^ abbot, re-
nowned in the fixth century for faA<^ty« IChatir

April 30* At Firden in the lower Saxony^ thf

depofition of S. Swiberi^ qi Smdbirchty the young-
er, firft bilhop of Ferdm^ wlio
paflfcd to a happy
eternity anno 807. Ho
counted by Ven.

Akuin^ jointly with S« /Vr#, atnongft the Saint#

B of

Oigltiz edj^ GoogU

«f Ytrk, [Carmine it Smffis, Mbtraut^uSy pub*
lifljed by GoAf.J

Biay I. T N North WaUs^ the feftivity of S. T^-
^ iacifdauj confefibr. [ff^i/Iiu] In the
€iocefe of Landaff^ the feaft of S. Tocho^ con-
feflbr, honoured of old in the church of Lan^
d9gh imUis.] Alfo in IfaUs^ iht feftivity of
S. Tyfredoc^ who has divers churchy dedicated
in bis name, \ldim j

^tfj? 3, In Ireland^ the feftivity of S. Conlaethy

firft bi(hop of Kildarcy iliuftrious for his fandity
and miracles ; whom S. Brigidi invited out
his folitude, to be the direSor and father of all
the religious men who embraced
her inftitute*
He was called to the reward of his labours anno

May 4* In Ireland^ the feftivity of S. Briand^

Bifhop of Clonfrrty honoured in a particular man*
ner at the town of Dally m
Rilly^ where there is
tt well called by his name^ the water of which

is in great repute for the curing of various di&

leafes. ICbaUlaitt.} ^

May 7 . In Ireland^ the memory of S. Brocan^

V>r Brwariy confefTor, anciently honoured at
Mchdrmm. {Cbatikin.l

May 8. Theof S. Wiroy bifliop.

feaft He
is called Fhm^ or Vira^^yy Ven^AUuin^ an^ jointly
with S. Suidhirtj is numbered by him amongft
the faints of TorJt^ whg carried the gofpel of
Digitized by Google
the British MAittYROLOGY. 15
Ghrift amongft the Infidels^ [Carmine de San^iis

May 9» In WaliSy the feftivity of S, Tyddwg^

honoured on this day in the diocefe of Landajf\

May 10. At Pontoifey memory

the of
fFilliam^ an Englijh piieH-, who went to our
Lord anno 1193. [Chat/Iain] His tomb H^as
illuflrious for many miracles, [S. Jntcntn,'] la
Ireland^ the feillvicy of S. ^dus^ bi^hop^of
KildoKh oi>^it AHAo 638. [^r/.J

May II. At Canteriiury^ the paiUon of many

holy ecdefiafticks^ and religious men, wha
were flain by the Dams^ when they took that
city, anno^ ioii|. and are commemorated on^
this day in the martyrolpgy of the Carnn Regu*
Jarsy publifhed by authority of Betiidiii XIV*

May I4» In ^aUs^ the feftivity of S. Da^


fnian^ or Dwywan^ honour^ed in the church oi

Llamndwyn in the diocefe of Bangor. [fFillis.'}

Ma) 1%. At CUnard in Inlaniy the feftivity of

S. Branusy confeffor, who flourifhed in lanctitjj^
in the iixth century. [Chatilam.]

May 19. At ^ffrr, the deccafe of the vene-

rable J^/»iVi, preceptor to the emperor Charier
magnij by wlM)m be was invited over f'rom Yorlt^
vvhere he was mafter^of that great fchool fa-
mous for divine and human learning, .which had
beeo^ brought to perfe^ioo by bis predeceilbr

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archhifhop JEUbert^ whom he fo much extolt
in his poem di Sandlis Eboraar^/ibrnk Obik
anno 804.

May 20. Amongft the

ancient Britons^ the
feftivityof S. C$lUnj or CuUan^ hondured of
old with churches both in Wales and Corrrwall^
as may be feen in Mr» ff^ii/is's Parochial*

May At Kriar ^/borough in Tor^/hin^ the

memory of S* Robert Flowery hermit j M^bo
fmfaking hit lands and worldy goodsy for the
love and fervicc of God, embraced a foHtary
life, amongft the rocks near the river Nidd :
where others reforting to him^ upon the opt«
nion of his faniliiy, he eftabliibed a religious
community of Trinitarians^ for the redemption
ti captives out of the bands of infidels^ See
Leland\ Itinerariumi vol* L p. 96* and DugdaW%
vol. 2. . - '

Meiy zy. At Pennant in Montgomery/hin^ the

itail of S. Milangel^ coofelfor. imBu}
May 30. In Carnarvanjhirey the feftivity of
S. Tyd^iudy tutelar faint of the church of P§n^
machno. [}fiUis.'\

yum i.T N Little Britany^ the
feaft of S. Ronarty
or RgnatSy an /r;^ biftiop j who leav«
ing his native country to flee from the honour
and cftccm which the eminence of his virtues
had there acquired him^ bid himfcif in a^Ji*

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the British Mahtyrology. .
tudc of Armorica : but the luftre of his fanaiuri
«nd the glory of his miracles, would not fuller
him to lie long concealed ; but have procured
him an e3[traordinary veneration in that pro-
vince, amongft the moft illuftrious* of theic'
fainta. He flouriihed in the &^ih century.

' • • • « ^ * ii

June 2. In Norti fValeSj the feaft of S. Gijuy*

fer^ confel{(>r, in whbfe' name Ihe church of
Dijfirt in Flintjbircj is dedicated. [^//rV.] "

»• • - •.

June 2* In North WaUs^ the feftivity of S«

Gwyvena^ virgin. iPf^il/is.'}

June 4* In UttU Briiany^ the feaft of S. Niflf

iioc^^ a Britijh virgin and abbefs. \Lohineau,']

yune 5: At Llandudn6 Carwrvanjhin^ the


feftivity of S. TuJnd^ honoured of

old on this day in the church of that places

June 6. At
Llangurnock in Montgomryjhiri^
the feftivity of S.
.C$tHo Gurnock^ confeiTor.
[IFillis.'} In Ireland in the province of Meath^
(be oiemory of ChQca^ virgin. [Cbau/ain*}

June 8. In Ireland^ the (lepofinon of the holy
bi(hop BronuSf one of thofe who were ordained
by S. Putrkky and are ranked in the iirlt cla&
of the Irijh faints. [Tirechanus.^

June 9. In WaUs^ the Nmb feftivity of Si^

^ladryn^ confcflbr. UVilUs^l

' B * ' June 10.

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JuM to. laCamarvanJhlre^ the memory of
S. Rhochwyn^ honoured on this day in the
chapel of Llanrhochwyn. {tyUUs.}

June 12. In Ireland^ the memory of S. Afir-

chulieusy confcfibr* At the abbey
of LuTi in Burgundy^ the memory of holy
lumbin, abbotj difciple an4 fuccelTor of S. Dei^

June 1 3. In Wales ^ the fcftivity of S,

Sannamy honoured with churches among the
ancient Britons. imUis.}

June i6# In Wales^ the feftivity of S. Trygan^

and of S. BUdaUf eadi of them ho-
alias Trilh^
noured with divers churches by the ancient
Britons. [Willis.'] AKoTLiFortbierigiaGlai/m'''
ganjbire^ the feafi of S« Ktrig. [Idm*^

June17. Among the ancient Britons, the

of S. Myllin^ or MiUan^ honoured of old
with churches, both in Wales and Cornwali%
£See Willis's Dedications* j

June 21. At
the abbey of S. Meert^ in ZJttb
Britain 9 the feftival of S. Meen^ or Mevennim^
a Britijh abboty and difciple of S* BnttdMp
jlluftrious for his fandity^ and the miracles
which iiill continue to be wrought at his fcpul*
chre. ICbatilain.}

June 25. In WaliS^ the fcftivity of S. Dcv^

^Sk Divodugy ConfeiTor^ in whofe iiam«

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divers churches have anciently, been dedicatied.

26. In North tf^ales^ the fcfKrit)r of Si

Tauriausy or Ttc/ri^^, confeiibr^. difciple of S«
J?/aw. [ff^/Ss.] In the Lower Germany^ the
memorjr of S. Corhhany an /r^ prieft^ ia the
eighth century. [Qmtilm.^

yune ag. InLittle Brttanyy the depofition of

S. Gwitbiem^ confeflbr, prince of fome part of
Wales s who privatdy withdrawing himfelf from
his earthly principality, for the love of a hear
irenJy kingdom^ embraced an eremitical life to
Jlrfmrua^ fVom whence he pafled to the happy
maniions of eternal glory, fome time in the
iUtb century. [Lobimau.^

Jidf 2* I N Brechtoekfinrt, the feaft (tf S.
Gtwydh, formerly honoured wUh two
churches in that county* {WilUs,1

yuly 4. At Llanhehlig in Camarvanjhire^ the

feafi of S. Publicim^ confeflbr, of whofe church
fee WiM% furvey of Bangor^ p, 27 2«

July 6. In WaUs^ the feftivity of S. ErviU^

confefibr, honoured with a church in the dio*
cefe of S. AJaph. IfTsIlis.}

yuly 11. In the diocefe of S. Jfaphj the

Feftivity of S* GoiuiTy confeiTor, of v^hofe
church fee ffiUis'^ fuivcy*


• • . •

July 1 3. In WaUs^ the feftivity of S. D^^uan^

honoured as a martyr at Mcrtberdivan^ in the

July 16. In LittU Britain^ the feaft of S.


fifudanf or Tmidor^ bifhop and confefibr^ in

the fixth century. ILobineau.J

18. In Zr>//ir ^W/i^m, the feaft of S.

donery^ confeflbr. \Lobiniau,'\

JmIj 22. In Nmb

JFaUsj the fefiivky of S.
SuUariy honoured with churches both in the
diocefe of Bangor^ and ia that of S« JJaph.

July 25* At Langenderin in the diocefe of

Dmnd^ the feaft of Cyndertn^ confeflbr.

July 26* In Inkmd^ the feaft of S. Grtalmur,

Confeflbr. IChatelain.J .
' •

memory of S.
27. In Scotland^ the
virgin. [Cbatelain.^ In Inland^ the com-
memoration of S. Naihinicusy prieft, honoured
as patron in the diocefe of Jchadh^Qmr^ in the
county of Sligo.

A^m/l 4. A T Boduuan in Carnarvanjhire^ the
feftivity of S. Buan^ or Fean^ ho-
Honred of old in that parifli. IfFiUis.} In Link
^ ' 'Britain^

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Brtiidnj Ae fcaft of S. LugidianuSy an Irijh
abbot, renomiexl for ikofiity in tbt^ fi^tb cea*

. 8. In lf^ak$^ tkfi feftivity of lllhg^

cotifcfibn f /iSfiu.] He
utas^ I believe^ the fasM
as was honoured in Cornwall by the name of St
Ilhgan. Alfo, at Llanhychan in Denbigh/hire^ the

In Ireland^ the fcftivity qf S..Fed-

^aff{/f 9«
founder of the ehurcAi of Klnmrt^ in the
fixth century : as alfo the fcaft of Naiiy^ &
bilhop o^ Mbmr^ in the fante century. [tFareJ}

Auguji 1 2. In Ireland^ the feaft of 5. Mundach^

d lfciple of &
Be^uk^ aad&ft biihop of Kiilda^

13- In Lincelnjhire^ the feaft of S. Hy^


Md^ Of Hyghald^ tO whofc &naitv &

Bed£ gives tcftlmony, 1. iv* €• and whofe
ancient veneration is attefted by the dedications
qI difwe ebittdtles in diar eoun^. [WiUif.}

Augufi 14, In Ireland^ the feaft of S. Fachnan^

firftfounder of the church and iehaol of R^fsy
in the fixth century ; in which he had for his
ibcceflbr S. Finchad^ difciple of & Barrus^
iWar^.^ In Wedesy the memory of 8. Oum^
confeffor. [IVillis.'] In Nerthumberland^ the
memory of S. BettOy who preached the gofpel to
the midland EngUflu S^Bed^ K iii. c«.ax;

Augti^ 1 5» la littit BriUUHi tbe feaft of £.

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ii A supplement:/^;
ifmr4 abbot, illuftriou^for fanditjr and nufade^i.
and one of the leaders^ of
in the fixth century \

that colony of faints, who going forth Crooi

Gnat Britain^ peopled Armorita with fo manjr
boly ones, who have left their nanies to a great
part of the pariihe^ of that province* [Doou

Auguft 22» In li^rth WdiSy zt Ddwytbilan m

Carnarvahjhiri^ the memory of 5. Gwfthlan^
confcffor, \}Vlllh:\ > * ' .

Aupiji%i. In thefeftivity of 5. ?>^«

t^ii?, martyr, honomed with churcbet in ChQ
dioccfe of Landaff. [Wilin.l

• Auguft 26. The feftivity of S. Pandwyne, or

Pandioniay a Scottiih virgin, honoured at ElttrJU^
in Cambridgijbiri*^ where retiring from the tyranny
of her father, fhe led a folitary life in great fane-
tity, tUl was called to a happy eternity, anna
904. Rid^ardj parfon of Eiar/Kg in her life# *

Auguji 27. At Llanmdhyd in Denhighjhire^ the

fefiivity of i£ confeifor. [^iV/i;.]

r f
, j

iept. I« T N the diocefe of Landaff^ the feaftof

' * i?. Lythao^ alias ThaWj in whofe name
two churches are there dedicated. [IVtUis.} ,

Sept. 2. In Cornwall^ the feftivity of iff* Maws^

a Britifli bifliop,of whofe chapel» chair, and
tft% fee Xisllflwrf'a Itinerary, voK 31 . In ^^/^x,
• > . the

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Ae memoiy of Julien^ honoured heretofaw
at CajpiU JulUn m Cardiganjbirg. [WUlis^'l

Sipi. 3* In kdand^ the feaft of S. Bail^

^onfeiToij brother to S.] Gerald, of M^y^. iChaU^^
lain.} i

Sept. 4* In Anglefey^ the memory of S. Rbkdd^
Jadf in whofe name th^ church of IdanrhuMldd
i$ dedicated. [WilU$.^ .

Sept. $. At Strat-margel in Ahnti^mirji/bire^

the teftivity af S. MarceUa $ in whofe name the
church and monaftery there is fuppofed to have
been dedicated. Leland alfo in his Itinerary,
vol. 5. fpeaks of a pariih church of S. MmeUeh

Sept. 6, At Uamdlos in MontgonuryJhWe^ the

/eaft of S. Idksy confeflbr. \Chatelain.'\ In lu^
hndy Bacconnay confeflbr. In the
the feaft of *S.

jQorth of England^ the deceafe of S. Btlfridy an-

choret, ivho glorified God by a moft faintly lif^
an the.eighth century. [Idem.}

Sept. 9. In North Walefy the feftivity of the

holy confeflbrs, S, Tanoc^ and S, Eelrhyw.
[mUi$.} In Little Britain^ the feaft of S. Of^
manaj a Bricifli or Irifli virgin ; who fleeing
from the contagion of the world, embraced a
ibUtary life in that province^ in theiixth centuryt
where {he has ever fince been .honoured amon^ft
the fdints. l^Lobimau.}

Sept. 1 1» In Waks^ the qiemory gf Diiniek


K^i:Daniel yoiyi^er, furnam^/ji?^ Carpinter^

honoured with churches both in TVS^/^T^i^ifytnd

5///. 14. At Llandockwyn in Merionithjhkif
the feftivity of 51 Tecktuyn^ confelTor. l^f^tlGs.]

t'r> Sept. i8. In a little ifland near JngUjeq^ i\\e

memory of ^. Dunwrny virgin, whofc church
gives name to the ifland.

ai. In the
^ Iff ^
* •

of NorthumlerUnd^

*'\ht commemoration of the holy queen Ri^rifbj

•who quitting the pomps and pleafures of the
.EWorld) entered into reltgiofr^^^whc2:c ihe? was
madeabbefs: and after many years tending to
religious perfedlion, was called to the embraces
of her heavenly fpoufe, anno 786. ^Hoveden,]

Sept. 24. In Torkjhire^ the- memory of S/Eihu^

anchoret, illuftrious for ianiStity, whofe bleiled
foul took her flight from his hermitage at Crix^
ten miles diftant from the city of York^ to the
happy manfions of the heavenly paradtfe, anno
767» Alcuin de San5l 'ts Ehorac. Hweden.

- Sept. ^2^. At Ruthin \n DenhtghJ))irej the fefti-

Vity of iS. Meugan^ confeflTor. At Croylandy thfe
paffion of the venerable abbot Theodore^ -with
many of his monks flain by the Danes^ anno
810. [Tngulphus.'] On (his day was alfb honoui^
cd in JVales^ S. Caiariy conftflbr. \JVillis^

Sept. 26. In JVales^ the feftivity of S. Barrog^

or Barwg^ confcfforj honour^ji with a church

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Sil^. 27. In Jnkndf the (&& q£ S^Ia^kt^

iMMWMd ill <t»^ of Zi||gpM^p4 iii^

Q C, T O A £ R.

CSlSb&ir X. T N the <]iocere of 5. Dmndf the leaft

* of 5. Milers^ confcflbr, to whofe

OSoher 2.In Inland^ the meraorf of it* Af-

iHfctple £• Pmmi^ md
MdiiMfliop of
Liinffer^y of whom Jccelin writes, c. 117. tiiit
he fiem; to hcwM beiore him no fewor ttuHl iiaB^'

Od^iT 5. At Uamgynhwd in Dinbighjhin^

ORohcr 6. The memoiy of S. ^nd^^ coa-*

feffor, ^leatif honoured amoiifft the Ancient

in his nan^ Leland informs us, that he came

«ttt of kdrni into C$rmmU^ aiul t|M^ ha9|%

He liad iilfe fouiifix^ly ^ ^ui^ in O^^d^

0£i9bir 7. In ^i^^, the fefiivity of &. Ktin-
vjin^ vir&inj boaoured with ivjo chufcbcs in the
c ' m
among the ^Ancient Brttons ; wno affirm, ihat
fc was crowned king, who. being -dif-
(heir laft
bfted with this wretched ^nd^id-eceii^^^^^^

the remainder of his lif* to religious folitude anil

thefeaft of-'5. Sy^A*", cbnfcfTor, Ih whofe 'nafiitf

Si. io aiqisii!} srorn ,b»a^^V' to r.£mattio() s oj

foM^ dilute i^ft^niwjs ei^^^te'i'^

io larf ilJiW MatA
smtl srfJ Juodfi i>B^I Ja tfkjrttV

i&iitUr. 1 tin w^MA^^M^aww-aH^ntlW^all'^^

A^fifiac^) or ^'a^(|»fffeffii*$ii):^e''^ixj«>4^Atui^«

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i^Sbeft, in whofe honour divers churche

\ 0r6then^ honbured iji^thc ^j^intfi^of

ifi^'ftrff^itf of «>'. iJaclmarc

whofe name thac church


Sp' le aft olf


% '^^a^l^'^^uftWl hVii^U
alfowith a church in the liiocefe of 5. DavlcT^,

OSiolir 27- At S. in Cornwall^ the me*

^^^martyp-:,^ She ^
pias,^ according to^,h^-;>a<34;

to '"a nobleman ot Ire/ana, and a difciple of S.

into Cflr;2j«^^^^j,t^c gri«ht^if f^fgffi h^tfe^nt

Jri/h faints. With her, or at leaft about the fame
t\^f%^9^^)g^\4t[^^\^^^\S%i^^ Sin-
xin^ ahboji^. JS.: Alaruarij monk^ together fffr.

with ihe holy virgins, Ct'ewenna^ Helena^ and

Tecia. Ai alfo ^^ Germoky an /r//& prince, ho-
C 2 nourci


nion of
S. J^rilJ'a,
virgin »nf jj^^iu
H«r Body ^as trarrilated from
mgion^ near Thornbury^ (wherej-fhp ^u|[cred
jMh in diefence of her purity) H\f fl^^l^ftj^/^,^^^
QJouceJer. '
[LelancTs Itijtecary vol.' 4, .p. -7^*]

Jhire, IS dedicaled in h^j^e^gr////5.]3^

ijaelt or Dogmat!., aobot j and of a. Howtlt con-

il D)arked on 'this day, by Mr. fVilfttxifi^vt

furvey of their churches } viz,. S. Elhaiarn, o.

c>Jtbis day by Mr. ffitl^ in bit Parochial.

Ntv. 2..

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^ Nov. 3{oj|{|j^/f&3^'}fj/^^ 9f CJ^'^fltd^
^uuP^^QQ^^^l^ been very
^riftnous amo^^^^ ancient Britifh fiaints^^ai
*aJSciW by the many churches dedicated to^his
'hrimof^y^milis.] In Ireland, the .feftjvitjr'of
5. Macniji^ the firft bifhop of Connor, WhD rc*
-pofed in our Lord anno 513. Iff^an.'] At C/i?-

moil o^ir.ilnsi) £cw ^ooa liH .^^bfiitm lot

^Tio'noured in the parifli churqh of Rhofcolyn. [fVlU

In LMe Britain, the feaft of S. CoUedoc^
*ccntfeflor, and of 5. Ktrrian, hermit : As aH»
the memory" 6f 4?. 'Gr////;^;7^r, a holy folitary, fald

<in ^^^^ Ceidio

5^ m
Carnarvanjhirey the me-
mory of Ciidiaw. [fyHlis.] kt Kianwnia !

in Pmbrolki^irj^ the feaft of iR lldm.l

7. In ^or/A fFaleSy the feftivity of ^.

i[5;;^ijH''^oV* hdh6urt<i^ y^\^^ divers

•V^rB/lnTS^/w, the ftftivity • 5; Ai^^i'ri:-

^^U^^im Oo^nmtt ^kiiiktA \k ^e^^i^e of

'^'i^hdfe'i^Uft^iiit' like mittDn k^Weett illutlribus

^' >vy%7

Digitize^y GoogI<
iKNDOCiicd in LiHl0 Bnhm. \^L»himM.'\

^flAfl. [^//m.T Alfo, in the fame ifland, the

hoooured io the church

Alfo, at T regyman in Montgomeryjhire^ theme-

of S. Ekih,'ti&iK{6l^T>"iWmi>.}
of Tyrconml, the mfmory of S»^tU>i»y vfrgiir*

fthe er #/*-^» coiifefioK

* * *

1 i ? ^fn Garnarvakjhhey tfci lefiUj^^ of

of Brnif^r, In Ireland^ rhe feaft 'of^i&'-CWiJiSi

abbot, furnamed the Long ^ and of I>utan^

..nvttMnat O) itwhoif* toc^^o.^'

Digitized by Google
16. At hdmhetby the deceafe of that

two hund<-ed and thirty /rZ/^ faints. [Ujhr.^.isx^

^-^<«t»^«^ In lf^lf^f^^*Wf*ftivtly of
COnf^itorjmi<if Sis 0e]f/!!§U»f vifgin, honourc^
with iivm cllurchcs in that principality. j^^W*^}

'ij. At rir*, (tie me^rr ,#;tl)e

archbifliop Eigberty brother to king EsMert^

commemofauofi flje \yi5n«i;i^W«.^ fa^

ceffor to archbiflaop Eeghert^ wBo brought that

te Ajfcpened al ^ ^n^^ r 4Vii>e ^par ni|% r !ev hfcri?<

4kftiri^ (%k bit IsboUr^ wba was afterwards pre^

• * cep.^of
ci^/. .'iV/l

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6;jh^^ of Pans. Fte wj^^feeej^^^R^^

SanSlis Eboraanfibus. ^^^Ji^tbj djoc^fe of Landaff^

the feaft of i£ Dochty ndnourea at Llandogo in
^Monmouihjhire. [JVillh.l^ He .is prqbably ^hc
tfamc as that famous J. Docus^ or Di^Sy called
the Do£^or of^ihe ^ritonsy and ^^^^m^ftcr
?tcacher of'^thc /r//& faints of the feCohi"^<!!afs»
(At ^V5j5tfc?L lb fnh^dJw irfj rijod md: ,

fcftivity of S. VirgiliHs^ bifhop and confeflbr.

He was a native of /rr/<2ii^, who going abroad to
^propagate the kingdom of Chrift, was toi the
eminence of hia virtues, at the defire of king
'^Peppiriy promoted to |he bilhoprick of Sahzburgh^
'^which he adminiflred worthily of a fuccellbr of
the apoftles ; and after having brought over the
Carinthiam to the faith of Chrift^ went to rejjeivc
from him theVeward of his lia^boufs', anrfo 780.
^,ln the ifle of Anglefey the memory of S. GcUg^
'^cgnfclTon \WillisX''''f '^pi"^'
. •
• ** "

Nsv^ 30. The feftivlty of Tugdual^ firll

Viflipp of Treguire in Little Brifainy who went

"iver from Great Britain ^vith many other faints
' in the fixth century, to propagate the kingdom
of Chrift. Alfo, the memory of S» Pornpeia^
widow, mother of S. Tugdual^ and of holy Setrve,
hit. virgin fifter. [Lobineau.] At Henllan in
• 'Denbigh/hire^ the fcftivity of S^Sadwrn^ ot Sei*

^iurntusy hermit, in the feventh century: to whorh

Digitized by Google
cen ih7^///i s Parochial^

"2),l^ftrQ^^|Sfirft fee, in"!!c

time oF'j/£)^i^/W;"and (b renowned for fanflity,
that both the cathedral of Bangor^ and many
other churches^ have beervdcdica^ted in hi? fiamc: ,

ibatiQbwrch. [JViUis.'] Alio, Edern^ iatbc

fame county, the feaft of iJ. /i^^r;/, confcflbr*

'Oration amonglt the Welch^\^. appears by >ll)C

dedication of divers churches "in iVillii% Pa-

Jgi^ bifhop, mafter of many jj^i^tj.^ At G//;^

tanin 'n\ Scotlandy the memorjr^^of ^J. Lifmn^

^^^ec: II. In North IFales^ the feaft of -PtfnfV»

]^jfurnamed the Ctfr^/W, illuftrious amongft ihc .

^cient B^tilh faints. {If'^illii'^ furvey of Ba7igor^

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.mXft.: I •- . •• « « ^ lit 'J' -4' ' f It

^V'^t/W^r a^w,!^

,Elffto«^"'ffc in the arifcilBt^l

tim litany of tHe^Wmilury publiOied fey"*'

. place of S Tibl>a^ virgin arid anchorcfs''; whol

bt)4"yW^s afterwards tranfiatcd to Peierborati^l
Sfit m^mhmiiiiy m Uit Xevcnth ceiit^V^ •

16. in/r./^i,"^mwtefb?^^.;^?.^
'k(t^ anchoreu brother to & Gerald of iWi?/^. .

'oi-^^tjii 3i3ri} tavTsldo ^lolb^no!^ ^-^siiL^w A

or y^7«, honoured With divers churches^ amojpgft

•ihe ancient Britons: alfo, the fcaft of^. Tydecho^
•honoured with a church in /IngUfey. [fVi/Iis.]
'In Littie Britain^ the fcaftof S. Bri<iCy abbot, ia
the fixth century. Lohineau ] Aflftift

*v Dec- 18. kx ExiUr^ tlie memory of 4? Siihe^

uella^ or Sith$fulla^ (Sat/vola) honquted^s vir-
gin and martyr in a church bearing her name
in the fuburbs of that city ; where alJb her fc-
pulchrc was feen in Lelcind'% time. [Itinerary^
.vol 3 p 49 ] In the ifles of Scilly^ the me-
mory of <y. Lide^ virgin, whofe fepulchre was
.honoured of old in a little illand bearing her
I \ X name.
Digitized by Google
Gee,. ,23 At Hesfham^ .$Iic ,iTjcmp/y of thci ye-

26. In Walts^ the memory of Maeth-

memory' Qf Uie holy bilhops •


tfti Dtubry ; and Piowinij woo irant to our

jD/r^ IJakvoihc Ahglepyy the fcafl^i
of S. M4ekcy confeflbr, cbferved there hereto^^
fore on this day. UViUis.] In CarnaryanJlMu^

[ .iV." W] ni ri aii/ria « H?i«iic l^ioonod


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• « • •

T- '
A \ B' '
OK THE- • • -

•<l '* ?*• » .J

NA E. S of the 3 A I NT SPtfi'

« « «

CommeiMrated lA tins
k *.

S U i> P i E
• 4
M E N T.

Braxmtt C Ifay iS . . ^
Breaca^ OA. ^7
BracctD, Off Bracan, C 11^ 7 ^

Aeir<d, j^h^^J^n* la. '4» .

BViac,. Dec* 17 - - - - *

. AiJild. JJ. Jan. Btl»fl4f ^. May 4

. Alcuin, Maj 19 tronns^ June 8
Alfwold, j9. jan 3 ]lr«thcn, C. 0£t. iS
A4man> ^ April 4
Anian, K, Feb. 9
Btiin, «r
Vean, Aug»
^. Dec. 9.
AriJda, r. JIf. Oft. 36
Armell, Aug. 16
Aficus, JJ. April 27 C.
Ayajij C, Dec, 17 CAdfaFchy O^. 24
Cadwalladbse, 6a. %
Caian, C, Sept. ^5
IJ Allon, C Sept,
3 Caronj CMaich z
Barrog. C. Sept. %6 Ceidiaw, C, Nov. 6 .

Berikct, C. Dec. 16 Celyriin, C. Nov. 22

Betta, P. Aug. 14 Ceolulph, jKT. Jan, 15
Beuno, P. April 21 Ceromarin, March la
Bilfrid, H
Sept. 6 Choca, y, June 6
Bod)iai^ C Jau a CladocuiyC. Nov. 3

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Kwm •/ tit S^4N7«. 31
Colledoc, B» Nov. 5 Dyfnan» C. April 2&
Collin , C. May 20 Dyfnog, C. Feb. X2
Caimans, Nov. * Dygwyd, C Jan* 13
Colman, i7, Frb. 3, S, 21. ,

Columba^ M, -March t.
Columban^ C. Feb. 15 EAnbald, . 5, Nov. 25
Colnmbin, Aif. June 12 Ecgberr, y^. Nov. 2^
Concheona, March Edern, C Dec. 2
Conlacth, B, May 13 Bigrad, C, Jan 6
Conogaa, B* 0£V. 15 Eelrhyw, C, Sept. 9
El a, //: Feb. I. *
Corb-can, C. I»»nf 2 6
Coientin, B* ut^cnih, \% Eieth, C» Nov.
Cormac, B Feb. 17 ' Elidan, C, June 16
Cridital, C. Nov, 13 Eliderc, Elliere, C. Jan. 23
Ctedy w, C, Nov. j i Elpliegu#, 5. March ix
Criftiolias, C. Nov, Eoglodius, C. Jan. 25
Cronin, i?. Feb. 9 Eihaiarn, C
Nov. 1
Coan, /f^, i El win, Oa. 27
Co nn nacb,^^6. Feb.
4 Erard, i?. Jan. 8
Cu!an, ^, Feb. iS. Ergnate, KJan. S
Cumein, C Jan. 12. Erv<?H, C. July 6
Cumin, Novcmb. ||. Etha, H. Sept. 24
Cynderin, C. July 25
Cy nfdr, C. wov. 7 '
Cynfcan^ C. Nov. jj FAchnan, C,
Aug, 14
Cynfill^ C. Nov. 21 Fagan, C, Feb. 10
Cyngar, C March 7
Fcdlimid, ^ Aug,
Cyan aval, C. O^. Fcrgu3, March 30
Cyriol, C Feb. 21
Fiacre, B Feb. 8
Fiechus, /f.i?. Ofl. l
Finchad, B» Aug. 14 ^

DAconna, C. Sept. 6 Finfccha, K

Oa. i|
Dalian/ Af. Jan, 29 Fmtan, J8. F^t. 21 ,
Damjjin, C. Mdj 14 Flannan, J?. Dec. iS
Daniel, M» Dec. 2 ^ . Fiannan, Ah, April 24
PanieJ, C. Sei>t. ii , / Flevryn, C. Dec. n
Vttfcl Gadern, A^ril 5 Foilenna, Masch 3
Forannan, B, Jan. 15
Frithebsrt, B, Dec. 23
Deyniolcn, Nov. ax FuiaiUch, B. March 29
Dockcc, C» Nov. 25
Dcgaan, M. Joly 13 C.
Duban, P. Nov. 11
DogYaci, Oft. 1%
Dwynwcn, Jan. a 5
/jAffaliaJc, C. March 1.
Qallgo, C. Nov. ay
Can, C. Oa. 25
DwywiUy CC May 14 A, B. March 27'
CQTmok, B$ Oct. 27


Gomnf, C. Dec.
Gonory, C. July '

Lil^ Jan. 2.
A. Kerf ian,*
Gordioj Kinnia, ^. 4,vHi,*
GoWCTy 'K;^iWill;^Jtflrf?^#^'
0 tCp^M
Gotal-tius, fT.
i^. j">v J5 ^^^^g
July Z3 2
Kirig. Jun^^ -
Gwbi. B. Nov. 8.
Gtithelan, f. Aug.i2,^^^^2
Gunthic/n, June .29
T AWgeirV
Gwendolma, .Ih. Oa^i"^^,^ Laud?t
Gwcnpg, C. Jan. 3 ^^^^
men. Nov. 5^ ,«fl«8
Gwenvaen,"Nov. Lauzon/WVir, A^tjM^^-^^J^
henoc ,Nor.^.^.,^
pow, Nny, lo^
p Lcfmon, 1/ Dec. 9
fcr, C. June 2
Gwyfcr, ^ Libio, C Fcb^ 28 ^ - ^
)^^{^ ]A

Gwylloc, C. .Jjan, 7 .
Lidc, Dki
GwynfiiJ, .,Nov. a
Gipynnmg, C. Jan. 3 x 4,.
Lugidiamisi 'vi^. A«g?^|-*«
Lupite, Sept 2^
Luroch, B, Hb. 17
LWy Aialh A CP Wjfi
Lvi4bia&b.'%. Wt?^ V-/
Lythao, Sept. x
.•X Hoyyn> C. Jsn. p-^^^
Acfffdus, B. April
Huftbl-ercht, sSgO+ .Macbrcih, C. Jan
Machalleus, C. J^nc iz
Macnifi, -B. t^o^ls^ «
Madryn, Ci}^!^^^ '^"2
JAcutus^ 'jj;^. M^^Jt Maeloc, g?4 3^ «
Maethly, Mr. A^ii^i^WuS
Maimbod, M. i^^^^^^
Marcel]a, Sept. 5
ill hog, or Mancbin, J^. 'Jan.

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Rhochwyn, Jwr
Rhuddlad, Sept
Ri£lrith, X^. :^. pept f:!;;

P;^I}^v.j4 xt "^^^^^'^^
M j^^^^ Robert, //. May
Rhwddrvs. Kn^/ty:*^^^^

Saeran, C. Jan r^^''«^'|^

Sanan, drSahnam, C. Turti^*^^
Sedulius, Feb^ IV*-^ '''^
Scnach, iff. Feb: 21^
Mochua, j^^. Jan. i \- Seuve, V. Nov. 30 -^^-'^^

Moconna, C. Nov. 9 ^ SithefiilJa, y. Dec* j^:^-"'^

Molibba, .^. Jan.. 8 . ul Soglelbia, ^. Nov. 10 '

Monenniufl, JJ, Marcli I. r Suarlcck, March £7

Morhaiarn, C. Nor, 1^ r Suibercht, B: April i# *J
.Murcdach, ^<,Au|. iZ'jri^^j Sulian, C. July 2a '^^'^ •

Suliaii, Ai?. Nor. 8 '

N A til, M.Jzn,27
Nathinaus, P. JuTy '27
TT Anoc, C. ipt. 9*^*t'^^^^
Tauriciue, ' CV'J urii
Ninno?^,^. June *. -'^^.j Tcnedan, '
; iT.July 17
Tcckwyn, C. Sept. 14. '

Tibba, ^. Dec. 13
OWcn, C. Aug. I4
y^j Tiernemail, B, March 11
Ormajvi^ iicpt. Theodore tf/ji Co, M, Sept.
Thorn an, B» Jan. xof.
Tocho, (?,,Miy I ^ .

Abo, C. li^ov. 9 TWH^VTriUo^C-'^uJeiS

Tudiio, ^
June i'- .

Tugdfal, J?,Norl 4 '^'^"^
Tybie, Jan. 36
Pern, C. I)ec,ii s
Tyddwg/MiyV •

Tyddcr, C, <Al; ^
PubJiciui,^. JWy 4-V'ij3-r4 Tydecho, fccc/ iV .
TydviU Af. Au^.' 13 «
Tydyr, ^vOA. -*..^'.'
U -?^

.Tyfadofo'C^MaUh f ^ ^

Tyfriaoc, C Ma/
^ June I ^ 1 '

Tyrooi^ft Aprii^' '-


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Tyffill, Jan. 5

VAlacinitn, C. May x Wndt, K Nov. 6

Vidian, B. Jan 4 .a^rin, Nov. i

Vitalif. C. April 16 ^^V^V^^d IO 9)Ti0lb •

VjrJltygg, Nov. 12 * 3l300ib

\l^'^\'t<lA fll

- Anctjiop. whofe tropit 'DW

S.' jfDEfrELE IS honoured with achufclr

at Aldinghamt in the diocefe of Lincoln
S, has a church at Sudbun}ryGlouceJlrr-r.

^. .Jldwyn has alfo'a, church fn j^
S. Aithan^ Athan^ or Tathan^ has a church^^m ine

S. ^/%;7, or -/y//^»> has a church mTSrKTc;^/^ ^

S. Almund is honoured with i church in //'^r/r

Sr^Alweys has a cnqrcn at LanJinweyimA^ofm

S. 'Arvan has a church in the diocefe of Landaff'*
Jnnon^ ox Harmon^ has a church in Br€c^ '

knockJhiriyVfh^iQ great pilgrimages and offer-

were formerly made. Le/and -^y ^-ry^
Jfudonei is honoured >yitb a church in Glo'u^
, . ceJierJhWi ^
^ S. Ah^I,
Ait APPENDIX, (sfe, 41
S. Jufttly heraM4 gfl^edi&ii* ffi ikbatch aD4'
• wmn mCtttmatt { ,ot\ ,iftR{T-

dioorie of umiaajf i . ^ ,o v

^ -^^^1 5-
& Bm£eid is honoured with a church at G^ffin
XnNmhWalis "
S. BtrtoKru has a church in the dlocefe of Chefltr
S^tfMm^s«<ich'afcH:ih[(^4$<i^/t A

S. BUmu3iihz% a chapel \n AHgUfi^
S. Brmrd has a church xnCormuall

^ Merjonttb/blrt . .

S. Cartdir at Lttwrtmj in ytMhtaki^/htrP'^^^ , .

S. CW/«^%s a'fcKuM dSif^/rt In Wc^^^

Digitized tjj
, Jhifty and another urC^mifdff^^^^ -2 ^«

S. Crewenna^ or Crowenna 2?^^*^H\.t^V^

8i Clyduw i$ honottrM) i^tb. a cburcb: in G^f^'

S„ Cvrxtf^ has a church ac iiofif^Cit in 9f^lijkir0

S» r\ Ever^cx has a church^ in Herefof'djtire^

S. and &. Dhigat^ h4V*^i<r<ifees ia

S. JD;V^ is honoured at Landilpb \nij&^b9U

Dineb§ is honoured with a church in Hen^
S. r^cmifjua ba9 a.chu Wft^^HW^
in .

S. Z>(?;7/7r has a place amongft tte^^^Hfi^ con*

f^iirs^ in a litany of cisc Seventh ceotary^
^ • ^ and

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' si^ ddtud? >?|i/o^oa ir^»A.v\0 3

fame county ^, ^ ^
' churches in /<>^>t/7-'""' ' " -a >
S. hUd a chutch In th«te:^e -Mk^

p. Efperit was honoured with a church in PFar"


wickjhire ' '

S. Erweney or ^''^^W, iS ^n^w^j^ .jj^uJj^^C^uwh

«. J^Elack was, honoured with ^ , .chtij[(db- ^

r county . \. ,v

S. WttwtjoH was honoured at Pt/* ^' £em[en ia

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44 ^« APPENDIX, iSc

S« Ginfji'i or Ginms^ Is honoured in Cornwall

S Genevefi in the didfefe of Norwich ; and

Whaher Jthit be not tUk^NMiu

SU#i&ic<M has a A\kQk iir^^idi^cii^^ S»

8>: Gbmj^X5 (whom^£(ir/Jll4lh8llb^

S <?nuA9
S» Gwick^ S. Gweiihoy S^ lGivythian, S. Gtvrci^

Gwynnis^ S. Gtc^i^^nygriTantcI S <jf4?;^, hflW

» each of them a vc^Tch ia /^ clbkti .c;
%. Gynlo and Gfnahr^ have aifo cl|(gi(j^^ ia

& pjEgid was honoured with ^aic^^i^ri&l^ in

£^Viri7» has a church lAt.JJtvkf^fm m^^^

4. Hydroc^ at Lanhydroc in Cornwall ^^s^s^^x

t,'J4t^ or ^talBib W«*6'&dcfe^iJ^

in CtrnwaU »:\-:>^«V>. ai v ;^ f

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An APPENDIX, Gfr. 45
yijfriy^ at Jeffreyflof^\n Pembroke/hire : amt

this latt^ be not the fiune as S y^^^/

has t ^VwxiV. to iisjfeifr »H| n; iyvnw^O 2

^VS^^^^ g1f«9 hame coril clriHrolK^^ in

each of them a church rn CorntuaM\tX'^

- '
, tiWiV) 8

Ladpca has allb^^a^^cburch at LOiUilm d^ftin^

S* Xmm .
giTcs alfo his name to a chaVc^iMl
^ parrfh of CbrnwaU
S. Lknio has a church i^Uandinam in Mont*

5 Ludgran is honoured at a {^lieiCe called by bit

6 Uwifs church is, at LkmUwyny 4a^ilV4M«r>

d)e faiqj; county V^ftw»^ .'>

MatbtU in Anglefer f^l

Digitized by
^1 MMMPimK^^
v.. tw^
garsf^)A^rIoSy dowdb & asr^ 2 .

S. A^r-v^jny or Marvenn^f.-.rS^ M^rt}f^'>

Mauditm^ S Maugan^ S. ^iWAuav^S. Aftftf«
r • tcijif, Mevan^ <8 . Milian^ or Millyn^
' •

drii to /iofi£DiD3b 3dl ni bsiiion^d si ;iAy5^SL .8

^' Nonmta^ are honoured

with churches mC^ntu;^//, where there

bly the Yame m \%%mm^^^^

U honcHired wU^n.^,jphjffc^^^ the

ceftors amongft the SaintSi^ i^jSfjklfUllif*^^

'jiH bKd .iPfer.js ^'v^nrt.A lo '.wvli .8,
WM honoansd at i^<Wi wrg)ifliQir- i

PauUuSf at Lhagm \a BrtcimJ^0iu»-.> \<i

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'S . Pratt h»s a church at ^^/^wHltoWfi/^;// -


--warn -8 jt^^'j^''^ .B fi ,'MvAs«f»vl\.

t*\«\U ^/ft^if^/^his a ehurcli dWIdk^ fn his

*. Aame^ M m^^d'h
CfirdiganJhire ; S.

^ Rboddrady in Carn/^^^Ht^ ^I'aftd'R'-^^^rAf

•« i frt Ctfr«W*^ ^it a pif^ifc'thtl&ii bearing
'^'^'^'^ /A«n-i^ijW».
that- WtUte""'

° S. i2^0t^ is faonotired the dedication of the

chutch of Hamp^eoi asat London

S^lc i^/wM'Ts Wbnbured with a Church in the

S. Sancred gives name to a church and parlfli in

S. SarHyiti Leland's time, had a church at Sun-

p. 3.) mcmy folks Y^crttd In tiknma^ 'hr

8. f^i?;! had a church in Glamrgiai^^ii an^

another in Anglefey

S. $inar^ or Sennar^ and S. 4SV«;7^fz, had churches

8. 5/V/^;fif;. and St ^flM, <»^^<lMlte^bad tlfo

Hkewife churches of S. Sympt^f)^myXpto-.

Si'^i^^9^ had a churck dedicated in his name in

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A? P EN D ili;

& i-T'i^ilMi » ttmnU im- QimmM:^ fm
^ & Tetbe^ and S. Tid^ or
S. 2««M>, and S. Tsrni^, and & Tn^
•^^^r^FT^^ ^^^^W^^^^ ^^^^P^^^^V ^^W^^^^^^^ ^pi^^V ^^^^^^^•^"^•i^^^^^^^ W

^^Thiodorick is boDoured as a martyr m the

church of Akthm^ '\i^Gim«t!n^ri

fieldsanother in the diocefe of CarUJU^ and

a third in the dkc^fe of f^onml^ Quere«
Wlieiiier Qua. Ii0 a or m Fimcli
« Saint?
5. Tfgm^ and S. Trx^^rn, are hoootti;ed with

Tyraftas has a church in Shnpftare

S. Tmn$ul^ alias ^;M7r) i» bcwffliiri wi^di %

f/JOrimz C^hmmV; Im
^ S..
ciwreli ia
Uniy martyr^ and l/wur
S^ UriMy and S. ITt/o^ bav« ltA]^^Mfidfafr|l^.tiMn
diuffdi in Ci0rascr4iff

S. 27nVi&/ has a church at Ch^Iim^tjm, ia D^t-

%.yiif giv<s naoM to a fiai^ niH dhurcb ia
. Cornwall
S. ^i9r<i ia alfi» bonoHred with a chu^xcb ia Ar»*

& JJTT'^ynard has a chufcb in Mer4f&rJJbin

S* Pfednack is honoured with a church lA
CantumH: wheie ali9.«& Wlpuifa^ i(p4S9» &

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^ona, S. lVennat> S. Widyiock, S. Wilow^

'^ifiindred has a dvurclt i# tbe di<»eei««M^-.^

S. Winlyffo, ot miit# fesmnied ia

4ft^Ji^lA^' and ^ ffymth^. hare

f *
churches in i?W*iw^>tf * ~ •

S.Weolt^ fafas B'charebiwthd^iocefirof £.7»<i7#*

S. Wdfridt has a church at ^tfr/»» in Dorfet-

^. y^Lihedi iuA S. have eadi

-* tbem a chartb in tHe^lfle of

JV. 5. The nanus of almoft all thefe

dwitb-ibe^McatiomofdiBfrcbui^es, are found
in the Pamchial publilhed by the late Mr.

Hci^ foflow file names of diwrs Saints,

cated in an ancient lilanf, ofed'tA i^il^&iyi/ia
^Tevenib oeiittiry ; whieh that learned anti-
quarian Dom. Mahillon has publiiQied in

Amongft the Confeflbrs,

5* Ty Onatus, S. Greg$ry, S. Auguftin^ S, ^^191.

MCMim, S. Patricky S. Brindan^ Camachus^

S. Gildasy S. Paternusj S. Petrmms^S. G»fji-
4iw4««^» S. Cmrmtmus^ S. Citaums. S. Guoidia^

Digitized by
50 ^« APPENDIX, ^c.
nusj Munnasy S.Serwanus^ S. Seracinus^ S«
Guiniawj S. Tutwal^ (Tugdual,)'S. Germanus^
S. Columeilley S. Paul^ (de Leon,) S. Judicail^
S. Mevinnius^ (Meen^) S. Guoidwaly (Gudwally)
S. Dircillusy Backlas, S. Rawcius, S. Racatus^
S. Loutiernusy S. Riacatus^ S. Toninnanusi

Araiongft the Women Saints,


S. 0/«w*^, S. Nimoca^ S. Ttciawa^ S. CSj-

r^m7, S. Benediaa^ S. Seneniinoy S.
S. Matbithiay S, Trifinay and S. Brigida.


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