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Motivation Letter

I am Gohar , a 21 year old Armenian living in Armenia. With this letter I would like to apply for
the participation as a volunteer in the Alternativi International.

First of all I need frankly confess that I always wanted to take part in some kind of EVS program
to have my little participation in that huge work and I am very interested in the volunteer position
that is currently available with the Alternativi International. With the help of this program I’ll
be able to realize one of the principal aim of my life.

Due to my various international experiences, deep interest in other cultures and strong abilities
to foreign languages I have chosen to study international affairs in the university. International
relations is all about building and maintaining good relationships – ultimately between nations,
but starting with individuals and smaller groups. And after graduating from the university I feel
the need to grow as a person enriching my culture, language and learning from people that are
working right in what I am interested in. Moreover, the opportunity of a EVS project in Europe
will provide me a huge opportunity of having international exposure and multicultural
perspective. This project is also a unique chance for me to obtain experience for my future
planes. I want to get a TEFL certificate and teach English abroad so I think taking part in
activities such as helping to prepare social, cultural, educational events, trying to engage
more young people with activities such as promoting reading ,civic activism and volunteering. I
do need such experience for my future goal. I can't hide also that my attention caught the
phrase "promoting reading". As a typical bookworm I couldn't find any better activity for me than
to encourage people to read. As they say If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right
book. I'd love to help people to find their book.

But I know EVS is not only about taking, it is also about giving. This part I would like to call
being “cultural attaché” in the host country as a volunteer. I work at a hotel as a receptionist so I
have a little chance to tell tourists about Armenia, but taking part in this project will provide me
bigger opportunity to fulfill my responsibility of a “cultural attaché” in Bulgaria as a volunteer. I
am pretty sure that Armenia is a country that will interest many people with its variety of
culture, people, traditions and nature. Teaching people about your country is one of the
interesting parts of being a volunteer and I am eager to do that.

As a receptionist I also obtained communication, organizing and problem-solving skills. I think

this is the experience that I need to help organize activities mentioned on the task list.

I have never been involved in such volunteering project and EVS can give me an opportunity to
do my first steps in this area. I believe that volunteering is a very vital part of today’s society and
also I would like to meet and work with other volunteers, who might have more experience and
knowledge to share. I think that by taking part in EVS I can do more as a volunteer, as a citizen,
as a person. As an ordinary person I’d be happy to acquire a new look on the things, meet new
people and make a change in my life.

I’m happy and it’s just pleasure to me to be in Bulgaria which has always attracted me with its
varying landscape: beautiful mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers. I'd love to taste unique bulgarian
cuisine as well. So this is also an opportunity for me to enjoy natural wonders of Bulgaria, to
explore a world that has one of the oldest histories.

Thanks for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you!


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