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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q1 Student Number:
Answered: 46 Skipped: 0

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

1 18-023591 2/11/2020 4:01 PM

2 18-023302 2/4/2020 4:47 PM

3 21806 2/4/2020 11:34 AM

4 26719 2/4/2020 8:31 AM

5 10511 2/4/2020 8:11 AM

6 22811 2/4/2020 8:03 AM

7 21806 2/4/2020 2:11 AM

8 18-023744 2/4/2020 1:41 AM

9 25127 2/3/2020 11:05 PM

10 18929 2/3/2020 8:33 PM

11 24503 2/3/2020 8:24 PM

12 24741 2/3/2020 7:23 PM

13 18007 2/3/2020 6:54 PM

14 20001 2/3/2020 6:10 PM

15 19704 2/3/2020 5:35 PM

16 24546 2/3/2020 4:33 PM

17 24643 2/3/2020 4:04 PM

18 18-015768 2/3/2020 3:57 PM

19 16730 2/3/2020 3:43 PM

20 27162 2/3/2020 3:24 PM

21 3948 2/3/2020 3:16 PM

22 25569 2/3/2020 3:16 PM

23 10511 2/3/2020 3:15 PM

24 3841 2/3/2020 3:15 PM

25 3948 2/3/2020 3:13 PM

26 4049 2/3/2020 3:10 PM

27 18-26638 2/3/2020 3:05 PM

28 4049 2/3/2020 3:02 PM

29 25194 2/3/2020 3:01 PM

30 10839 2/3/2020 3:00 PM

31 9946 2/3/2020 2:58 PM

32 18-026166 2/3/2020 2:57 PM

33 26352 2/3/2020 2:57 PM

34 6394 2/3/2020 2:57 PM

35 18-024350 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

36 18-015423 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

37 17-186 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

38 18-023591 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

39 18-24660 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

40 24945 2/3/2020 2:55 PM

41 6521 2/3/2020 2:55 PM

42 4685 2/3/2020 2:55 PM

43 15083 2/3/2020 2:55 PM

44 17-018 2/3/2020 2:30 PM

45 24741 2/3/2020 11:58 AM

46 24759 2/3/2020 11:57 AM

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q2 Ethics is black-and-white, right or wrong. There are no in-betweens.

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 10.00% 4

False 90.00% 36


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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 Because what is ethical in my own terms doesnt mean it is ethical in others 2/4/2020 4:47 PM

2 As much as it would be simple to think that ethics is simply black-and-white or that an act is just 2/4/2020 11:40 AM
either right or wrong, I don't believe that to be the case. If such were true, then our laws which
provide rules would not provide exceptions. For example, although murder is a crime and it is
wrong, there are instances where the act is considered justified and the person who committed
it is not penalized under our laws such as when it is done with a justifying circumstance, i.e.
self-defense. It is so easy to declare such an act of killing as simply wrong but we should
always look at the acts of people together with its surrounding circumstances, in its entirety.
Otherwise, we'd be harsh judges to all, even of ourselves. What if one killed to protect another
from the threat of harm by the would-be killer? Can we really say that it's just wrong since it's
still killing? I personally do not think so.

3 Too many circumstances and nuances that can make what is generally considered as right, 2/4/2020 8:44 AM
wrong and what is generally considered as wrong, right. Times change, and soon what we
consider as ethical may not be considered as such in the future.

4 In life, there can also sometimes be gray situations which can either or neither be the ethical 2/4/2020 8:39 AM
answer; neither answers will bring about output that are considered as ethical. For example, in
business, people will always push the boundaries set before them so that they can earn profit.
But of course, they won't go as far as going over the boundaries of the law. When the person
then pushes boundaries but doesn't actually go over it, he then sets a new margins for himself,
which then becomes the gray situation in the middle of the ethical line.

5 Sometimes there are wrongs which can be right depending on the gravity. 2/4/2020 8:05 AM

6 One should always assess the situation where one finds himself/herself in. To do something in 2/4/2020 1:43 AM
a specific situation might not be applicable to another situation.

7 There is no formula for finding the right and ethical decision as there is no hard and fast rule for 2/3/2020 11:40 PM
life. If it were so, then everything would have been easier and simpler. And unlike textbook
examples and classroom discussions, life doles out situations that are so split between the right
and wrong that there is no correct ethical decision. Thus, as to what ethics is and what it means
to be ethical depends on the situation.

8 Ethics is full of grey areas and complex scenarios that cannot be easily said to have a definite 2/3/2020 11:09 PM
answer. The machinery of life is complex, and at times subjective due to numerous factors such
as culture, environment and different belief systems.

9 Laws and morals clearly provide for the distinction between what is right and wrong. There are 2/3/2020 10:11 PM
no in-betweens.

10 Although moral values exist and that there can be a sense of right or wrong for each person, 2/3/2020 8:33 PM
this is heavily influenced by his or her upbringing and experiences, both of which always
changing as time enriches the life of such person. What may be ethical is different depending
on the person, the situation, the context. Therefore, it cannot be said that ethics is black-and-
white and that there is a universal right or wrong.

11 Some situations may be right for 1 person, and wrong for another. 2/3/2020 7:25 PM

12 Ethics is very relative since I believe that other factors must be considered. Also just because 2/3/2020 6:56 PM
it’s right doesn’t mean it’s ethical.

13 Ethics is always subjective, and that depends on the morals that we developed and prior rules 2/3/2020 6:26 PM
and practices followed. Each person, though taught what is morally acceptable in society, also
has different perceptions and experiences that make them prioritize one thing over another, for
better or for worse. That is why sometimes people are forced to do what is ethically
unacceptable for the nobler outcome- which is not just an "end justifies the means" thing, but
what an individual thinks is morally right at the end. There is always a battle between what
society versus an individual accepts what is ethical or not that most of the time grays the line of

14 I think there are things in ethics that require you to think and act sacrificing a moral belief to 2/3/2020 6:11 PM
make way for another action that is also acceptable but questionably so for others

15 There are always underlying factors to consider in different circumstances. I think that a rigid 2/3/2020 5:39 PM
application of ethical rules may disregard the things that make us human.

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16 I believe that Ethics has a gray area wherein you also have to take into consideration a lot of 2/3/2020 4:55 PM
factors and circumstances and harmonize or balance them with the plain words of law

17 Ethics is subjective and personal. Although there is a standard of what is right and what is 2/3/2020 4:33 PM
wrong, the mind is still powerful and the mind may have its own version or standard of what is
right or wrong.

18 What may be ethical to one culture, may not necessarily be so in another. In short, ethics may 2/3/2020 3:58 PM
be relative.

19 Ethics is neither absolute nor is it relative. Rather, it requires an evaluation of the circumstances 2/3/2020 3:50 PM
of each situation. But, this isn't the same as being as saying that there can never be a true
definition of what is 'right' or 'wrong'. What it simply means is that while we believe in certain
principles now, we should never be hard-stuck on a certain mindset as to disregard
developments in society, which sometimes make it necessary to make adjustments in

20 Legal Ethics, unlike morality which has a gray area, is governed by a certain law— The Code of 2/3/2020 3:41 PM
Professional Responsibility. Any act in compliance with such law is right; while anything against
it is wrong

21 There may be accompanying circumstances that would justify doing something that would 2/3/2020 3:31 PM
normally be considered wrong, e.g., inflicting bodily harm as a valid act of self-defense, lying
about a personal information to protect oneself from a stranger, among others.

22 In ethics, there are a lot of gray areas wherein a certain act or belief has it's pros and cons, 2/3/2020 3:26 PM
depending on the point of view of those who are affected. This is why I believe it's difficult to
see that certain things can only be right or wrong. The world is too complex to simply see things
in black and white.

23 Ethics has to do with humanity and the unique dealings occurring among us humans moving 2/3/2020 3:22 PM
within the realm of “living.” It does not involve mere technicalities to which there are hard and
fast rules to follow. Ethics involves not only one’s mind, but also one’s heart in the context of
different human experiences unique to each person. Thus, it is not black and white. There will
always be in-betweens. There can be no fixed manual when it comes to ethics. However, I
recognize that there are fundamental, universal principles to follow.

24 What is ethical for some might not be for others. It essentially depends on standards set by the 2/3/2020 3:19 PM

25 There are ethical dilemmas that do not only deal with the correctness or the wrongness of a 2/3/2020 3:16 PM
behavior. There are certainly other factors thtat should be considered should such one's belief
system with regard to how to act ethically.

26 There are some situations (for example purchasing counterfeit bags, getting the help of fixers) 2/3/2020 3:14 PM
in which one's sense of right or wrong has a thin line. One may know that the act of
counterfeiting or "fixing" is wrong but there are other things that need to be considered; these
things could outweigh such a vile act. Because of this thinking, one would not be experiencing
any inconvenience and would even go about his or her day without thinking so much of the
consequences of their actions.

27 Although the field of ethics acknowledge opposing theories/frameworks and their middle- 2/3/2020 3:08 PM
grounds, Ethics is black-and-white in at least two aspects: (1) that each theory follows the same
limited set of absolute core values, like the right to life, but merely differ on which means are
consistent in the pursuit of such core values; and (2) that there is a proper methodology in
formulating an ethical theory/framework which would ensure an extent of consistency that
would allow the theory/framework to be recognizable and distinguishable from the complete
non-existence thereof (i.e. unconscious actions).

28 There are no absolutes. Though it may seem like the code is clear for what is ethical. In 2/3/2020 3:02 PM
practice and reality it can not account for all situations and include situations where the code for
ethics is in conflict with your own personal morality.

29 There are gray areas. There are ethical dilemmas that must be properly contextualized and 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
simple adherence to "etiquette" will not be adequate.

30 Ethics is determined by a set of rules that are deemed acceptable by society. It is very rigid and 2/3/2020 3:00 PM
strict so a mistake in your ethic could very well be a question on your reputation. The one that

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can be debated is Morality because we have our own morals we uphold but sometimes,
whether we admit it or not, it goes against generally accepted ethical acts.

31 Situations call for exeptions whether wanted or not due to human nature which strikes upon all 2/3/2020 3:00 PM
humans eventually . No one is truly evil or wrong in thier own eyes at times of stress or extreme
dilema. Thus in betweens exist due to differences of standing and opinions and justifications
due to the everchanging ideals that a person may have at the moment as compared to

32 In ethics there is no absolutely right or wrong because there are other facts to consider. 2/3/2020 3:00 PM
Although one circumstance might be unethical to the others, it might be different from someone
else’s point of view.

33 Ethics are moral principles that govern a person's behavior. Thus, if a person has different 2/3/2020 2:59 PM
moral principles from another, then the former's ethics can't be said to be "right" from the latter's

34 I believe that Ethics is not objective, but subjectove. Being ethical depends on the 2/3/2020 2:58 PM
circumstances surrounding a person.

35 There are a lot of gray areas in Ethics for it not only concerns morality but also practicality. It is 2/3/2020 2:58 PM
similar to the law where some things are on a case to case basis.

36 Personally, i believe that ethics is derived from human experience and collective emotion. Aside 2/3/2020 2:58 PM
from that, Ethics and its myriad of schools of thought also changed and evolved throughout the
history of the world-- changing mostly because of the collective human experience. To reduce
Ethics to a right or wrong is Reductionism at best and ignorant at worst.

37 There are exceptions to the GR rule which can become acceptable. 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

38 There are grey areas or blurred lines in between 2/3/2020 2:56 PM

39 I believe that we should take into consideration the reason behind one's action. 2/3/2020 2:30 PM

40 There can be some situations wherein, for one person it can be morally right, but for another it 2/3/2020 11:58 AM
is morally wrong, especially when such belief of what is moral or immoral is rooted in beliefs of
religion, culture, or how one was raised.

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q3 It is too late to teach ethics in law school. It's either you have it or you
Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 2.50% 1

False 97.50% 39


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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 Ethics can always be thought because it is not a natural thing but a learned skill 2/4/2020 4:48 PM

2 I believe that doing good and being good are things that people should practice everyday. We 2/4/2020 11:42 AM
try our best in our every decision to think of what's good and to do what's good and we get a
chance to improve every single day.

3 Law school is where the students develop how they see the law. It is never too late to teach 2/4/2020 8:39 AM
ethics to aspiring lawyers since the students are still hopeful that they can indeed change the
institutions that has clouded the legal profession.

4 No one is inherently good or bad. All of us are still learning and growing until the day we die. It's 2/4/2020 8:33 AM
a choice to be ethical or not.

5 It's never too late to teach a subject as long as a person is ready to learn 2/4/2020 8:06 AM

6 A person's Ethics changes with the experiences and the environment where he/she is in. Being 2/4/2020 1:49 AM
in law school and seeking to be a lawyer changes this, because being a lawyer entails certain
responsibilities and duties that one must abide, and we can learn this in law school.

7 Ethics, much like any science or discipline, can be taught to persons of all ages. As all people 2/3/2020 11:46 PM
are inclined to do good and be good, all people are also inherently inclined to be ethical and,
thus, to be taught the same. In the end, however, it all depends on the student's desire to learn.

8 Ethics is not something that one is born with, rather in my opinion it is something that evolves 2/3/2020 11:11 PM
with a person over the span of their life. It is never too late to subscribe to a more ethical way of

9 I really think that a person is shaped in accordance with his upbringing as a child by his family 2/3/2020 10:16 PM
and friends. So even if ethics is taught in law school, it cannot really change the character of
the person. It's possible that he/she can ace legal ethics in law school by answering the right
words that the teacher wants to hear but in reality, once that person is in practice, he/she will
eventually forget all those values he/she learned in legal ethics.

10 As mentioned earlier, I believe one's moral values are heavily influenced by his or her 2/3/2020 8:36 PM
experiences, culture, upbringing, etc. Hence, it is something developed over time and taught by
others. It is not something one is born with.

11 It's never too late to learn what is moral and immoral! 2/3/2020 7:25 PM

12 It’s never too late since the field of law involves a different animal. Furthermore, I think this also 2/3/2020 7:05 PM
humanizes the field of law. Ethics should be the very heart and foundation of the law because
everything we do involves the life of people which could have repercussions.

13 Rather, it is of most importance to teach ethics in law school. The practice of law comes with 2/3/2020 6:30 PM
great responsibility in order to protect the client's interest while balancing it with the interest of
justice. What may seem like common sense may not be perceived as such by others. That is
why it is important to learn ethics as to how we discern what is good or not, which is always
debatable. Being such, it is not moot to discuss ethics for always being debatable but is rather
made more important to put the reason behind the actions which we consider ethical.

14 People, if willing, can always learn and/or change. 2/3/2020 6:12 PM

15 It is actually of utmost importance that ethics be integrated in everything taught in law school. 2/3/2020 5:46 PM
Law students should not only concern themselves with mastery of the law but also should also
learn how to be ethical in practice.

16 Ethics may still be taught even in the law school level. The legal profession holds its members 2/3/2020 4:35 PM
to a certain ethical standard as codified by the Code of Professional Responsibility. As future
lawyers, we ought to learn what it takes to be a member of the legal profession on the ethical
point of view.

17 I believe that it is never too late to learn something as long as you take the opportunity and put 2/3/2020 4:08 PM
your heart into it.

18 The first teacher of ethics is our parents, then our schools, then society. Legal Ethics as a 2/3/2020 4:00 PM
subject tries to teach ethics the way lawyers view it as in the CPR. So the ethics we grew up
learning, coupled with the ethics under the CPR, will form a big part of who we will be as

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19 Being ethical is not some biological trait which is innate in people as soon as they are born; nor 2/3/2020 3:52 PM
is it something that can be obtained only on certain stages of life. The beauty of ethics is that it
is a development of character and a progression of principles. It is determining what is right or
wrong having been presented facts and circumstances. As such, it is never too late to develop
the skills to think ethically.

20 As aspiring lawyers, there are lessons on ethics that we still need to learn to be worthy of the 2/3/2020 3:49 PM
profession. It is also foreseeable that there are difficult choices that we would have to navigate
in the future. We have to learn about these situations and the ethical dilemma that lawyers
often experience, and develop a solid decision-making process founded on legal knowledge as
well as ethics. I believe ethics is something that can be learned and honed no matter where we
are in life. Incidentally, we cannot hastily judge others and decide that they are a lost cause.

21 It's not too late because we are always learning. Values can always be instilled depending on 2/3/2020 3:28 PM
the experiences and environments that an individual is in. People always have the chance and
the choice to change themselves.

22 Humans are endowed with minds capable of gaining knowledge based on our inherent wisdom 2/3/2020 3:28 PM
—we have these endowments not only to acquire new knowledge or skills; but with our minds,
hearts, and souls that work together, we are able gain new perspectives. Humans may form
and adhere to new paradigms according to a set of fundamentals developed from human
interaction. We are capable of reform. We recognize natural laws and we are able to discern on
right and wrong. Utilizing these endowments will most likely lead to progression rather than
degression. Thus, learning ethics should never be too late nor can it become too much.

23 As long as we live, there’s always hope for change. If we learn ethics in law school, and 2/3/2020 3:22 PM
distinguish between what is ethical from what is not, we might still have the paradigm shift to
being ethical.

24 It is never too late to learn about ethics. Man is an evolving being. Man can change and can be 2/3/2020 3:20 PM
taught more about life. What is important though is that man is willing to do so. It is even more
apt to know about ethics in law school because it is here where one can meet people with
various takes on ethics. It is from there where one can decide for himself or herself what to
believe in or what ideas to adhere to.

25 A human mind is naturally multifaceted. We can still learn the things we choose to learn, 2/3/2020 3:19 PM
regardless of the non-linear process of it.

26 Despite the psychological limitations imposed by the stages of our brain development, our 2/3/2020 3:16 PM
independent human agency allows us to choose to depart from whichever set of values or
course of action that we have followed so far. And so long as one can "change his ethics" then
any time would be an appropriate time to teach ethics to someone who is uneducated about it.

27 With an open mind and a willingness to learn, nothing is too late to teach. 2/3/2020 3:09 PM

28 Everything can be learned. What's important is understanding each persons fundamental 2/3/2020 3:04 PM
foundation and breaking those foundations to create an open mind for teachings of ethics. I
dont believe just out right teaching it will change peoples minds or morality

29 I believe that ethics is something that can be further honed in law school. As students still, we 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
are subject to learn how to discern our acts. At this age, one would think that a person knows
what should and should not be done, however that is not the case. Ethics is an important
aspect in a person's future and being ethical is integral in going forward in our lives. It is never
too late to change.

30 Ethics is like one’s personality or character; it is capable of improving. A person who is 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
unethical in the past can still have the opportunity to change his or her outlook in life.

31 Humans are capable of growth at any stage of their life. Teaching ethics and larger moral 2/3/2020 3:02 PM
values should always be welcome.

32 ethics can always be learned, it is a matter of the person being willing to change thier 2/3/2020 3:02 PM
viewpoints and not of their inability to learn it as a whole.

33 Ethics are simply knowledge that any person can learn. It is up to the person whether he/she 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
would want to adopt that knowledge.

34 The expression "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" doesn't even apply to dogs-- much more 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
a human. Law school is not a "late" time to learn ethics rather it is a critical time. It is where

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your ethics is challenged by the rigours of the profession; how the student responds to it most
likely informs how they will respond to dilemmas the rest of their career.

35 False, ethics is a process. You’re not born with ethics, you learn it. Hence it is not too late to 2/3/2020 2:59 PM
teach ethics in law school

36 It’s never too late. Change of heart happens regularly. I think what should be taught in ethics is 2/3/2020 2:59 PM
how to break the systems in place now or at least resist it.

37 Everyone can still be teachable. It is never too late. 2/3/2020 2:57 PM

38 Ethics can be learned as long as the person learning has the will and the discipline to apply it 2/3/2020 2:57 PM
into his or her life.

39 I do believe that aside from death and taxes, change is a permanent thing in this world. People 2/3/2020 2:32 PM
do change so long as factors within and outside their circle influence them in a positive manner.

40 There is always time to be a better human being. It is never too late to be an ethical person. 2/3/2020 11:59 AM

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q4 To be an ethical lawyer, it is enough to know and master the rules of

legal ethics and professional responsibility.
Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 5.00% 2

False 95.00% 38


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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 Since being an ethical lawyer also entails you to know the basic rules in order to practice what 2/4/2020 4:49 PM
you preach

2 Knowledge of the rules are not enough to be an ethical lawyer. It also important to understand 2/4/2020 11:43 AM
the people and environment surrounding each situation or dilemma

3 It is not enough for a person to know all the text in the Code since even that is created by 2/4/2020 8:42 AM
humans who are imperfect. The law will not be able to cover up all situations, and with the
study Ethics, I hope that the heart and mind of a lawyer can help supplement the law in a good
way. Not saying that lawyers aren't supposed to know the Code, but it is helpful to know the text
to know where the boundaries of a lawyer are.

4 Though important to know those things, being an ethical person plays as much a part in being 2/4/2020 8:35 AM
an ethical lawyer, or else you'd simply be a robot.

5 because to be an ethical lawyer one must also believe in what he knows and actually wants to 2/4/2020 8:07 AM
practice it

6 One must also have a deep sense of compassion for other people, mastering the rules of ethics 2/4/2020 1:50 AM
and professional responsibility is not enough.

7 It is also necessary to have conviction and be persistent in remaining to be an ethical lawyer. 2/3/2020 11:49 PM
The values that make up a good human being will also be essential for an ethical lawyer for he
will need it to practice a profession that has a lot of gray areas.

8 It is not enough to know and master such rules but also to apply it in day to day situations, not 2/3/2020 11:15 PM
just on paper. Ethics is not confined to theory, but in my opinion, it is a practice and a way of

9 To be an ethical lawyer, one must also know and understand the point of view of his/her clients 2/3/2020 10:20 PM
to know where they are coming from and to truly comprehend why his/her client did such a
thing to be able to provide a more good and efficient legal service that his/her client deserves
while still keeping in tack of his/her moral views in life.

10 I think being an ethical lawyer would require going beyond rules and codes, such as living out 2/3/2020 8:39 PM
the basic principles that founded such rules and understanding how to apply them in other
areas of the law practice; not simply memorizing them.

11 There are other things that make one an ethical lawyer, like cultural and religious beliefs and 2/3/2020 7:26 PM

12 Knowing is not enough. We should know how to appreciate and truly understand what these 2/3/2020 7:08 PM
words mean. A lot of people know what is wrong but still do it anyways. Ethical knowledge
should be practiced and not just memorized or remembered.

13 Learning and mastering the rules are different from actually practicing it. Wherein in practice, 2/3/2020 6:32 PM
the rules become too broad, that it will be the lawyer's innate moral and ethical compass that
will guide the lawyer to the ultimate ethical decision that he/she has reasoned to be such.

14 One should also be able to apply it or practice it in real life 2/3/2020 6:12 PM

15 What is more important is understanding why the rules of legal ethics and professional 2/3/2020 5:48 PM
responsibility exist in the first place. And how these rules play a role in nation building.

16 I believe that it is not enough to simply master the rules of legal ethics and professional 2/3/2020 4:55 PM
responsibility but it must be mastered with the heart so that it is not plain memorization of the
rules but also its applicability in every aspect of a lawyer's life.

17 A lawyer should go beyond the rules codified by our laws. More than learning and mastering 2/3/2020 4:36 PM
the rules of ethics, a lawyer should apply it to his or her day-to-day dealings in the profession as
well as his or her personal life.

18 Not everything can be learned through a book. While learning the CPR is crucial, it is still the 2/3/2020 4:00 PM
uprbinging and character of the lawyer that will be his beacon and conscience while in practice.

19 In the objective sense of being an 'Ethical lawyer', it is enough for one to simply memorize the 2/3/2020 3:55 PM
rules if he or she abides by it religiously. The practical result is the same as someone who truly

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believes in being being ethical as a lawyer. But if we are to develop the lawyer code of ethics
itself, being a lawyer who believes in being ethical is necessary.

20 No, to be an ethical lawyer, one must be an ethical person. Learning the rules on legal ethics 2/3/2020 3:30 PM
and professional responsibility alone is inadequate. Ethics encompasses all areas of one’s life,
whether public or private, in thought or in action. To learn and to do ethics is a lifetime

21 A lawyer must also understand and instill in their hearts the values behind these rules. 2/3/2020 3:29 PM

22 Mastery is not enough. It must be whole-heartedly appreciated, enthusiastically developed, 2/3/2020 3:26 PM
strictly followed, and empathetically promoted to other lawyers. (Personally, I think that the term
"ethical lawyer" is redundant because being ethical is a pre-requisite to be truly considered a
lawyer in the first place.)

23 I believe ethics is not only contained in a certain set of rules i.e. the rules of legal ethics and 2/3/2020 3:23 PM
professional responsibility. What is ethical may be gleaned upon the experience of other

24 To become an ethical lawyer, one must practice what he or she knows about the rules of legal 2/3/2020 3:23 PM
ethics and professional responsibility. As a lawyer, one needs to be an observer and advocate
of the law.

25 It is not enough to know and master the rules of legal ethics. To be human is to err. Rather, we 2/3/2020 3:21 PM
need to understand its importance and effortfully work on including it with our daily grind as
humans and legal practitioners.

26 While it is essential to know the technical rules on these matters, I believe that to be an ethical 2/3/2020 3:14 PM
lawyer, one must also be self-aware and disciplined in order to breathe life into these rules. An
ethical lawyer introspects and translates his knowledge and mastery into action, decisively and

27 Knowledge and mastery is not enough; one must put into his own actions and apply in practice 2/3/2020 3:11 PM
what he has learned in legal ethics.

28 An ethical lawyer must also learn and respect the moral principles of other persons so that 2/3/2020 3:10 PM
he/she can produce harmony with his/her work. Furthermore, the lawyer must remain to be
convicted and fully-resolved in his/her decisions by understanding the basis of the ethics he/she
is following and why it should prevail over the values of other persons.

29 Yes we must be knowledgeable of these rules and procedure, but it takes heart to actually do it 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
fully. A person may just know these rules and act accordingly, however, behind closed doors,
they shed their persona as a lawyer and act unethically. It takes a voluntary and willful action to
actually be an ethical lawyer.

30 An ethical lawyer is not restricted to the rules. There are still other factors to consider when 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
there is an ethical dilemma. Although the rules would be a good basic point in deciding when a
situation is ethical or not, the environment and other personal factors should still be considered.

31 Going back to my answer to an earlier question, ethics is not black and white. Our lives rarely 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
transpire at the ends of the spectrum of black and white-- we live and grow in a society
absolutely shaded in gray.

32 One must follow these rules and balance it as well with your own morality 2/3/2020 3:04 PM

33 An ethical lawyer should be a humane lawyer. Humans are not just bound of a set of rules; 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
otherwise, nothing departs us from robots. Instead, an ethical lawyers knows morality and
integrity and upholds it even when the rules of legal ethics and professional responsibility do
not mandate it.

34 Life is full of circumstances that we may never be able to learn through a book or even 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
intrapersonal meetings. there will always be something new to understand or learn which will
never or will hardly be encompassed in books or classes. we must learn as we practice the
profession/ act out our lives.

35 No, it is not enough to know and master the rules of legal ethics. To be an ethical lawyer, the 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
rules of legal ethics must be practiced be seen in his actions.

36 Those are just words and phrases. There’s more to actual thinking and practicing. 2/3/2020 3:00 PM

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37 Knowing the rules is one thing but understanding them to their very core until it becomes a 2/3/2020 2:58 PM
natural part of you is another thing. I believe that the latter is needed to become an ethical

38 Being an ethical lawyer does not depend on memorization, but rather the application of one’s 2/3/2020 2:57 PM

39 One can easily memorize what the law/rules says but it is another thing to apply them to real- 2/3/2020 2:33 PM
life situations especially if faced if a decision between practicality/safety/convenience vis-a-vis
what is ethical/moral.

40 Knowledge is different from being ethical and actually practicing professional responsibility. 2/3/2020 11:59 AM

15 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q5 To be a good lawyer, you must separate your professional life from

your personal life.
Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 45.00% 18

False 55.00% 22


16 / 51
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1 Lawyering is a no other profession where you can separate one's personal life with professional 2/4/2020 4:51 PM
life. Hence, a lawyer is always responsible for himself in and out of court

2 What a client needs is a lawyer that can do what is best for them and it is important that a 2/4/2020 11:46 AM
lawyer does not let his or her personal life get in the way of being able to provide that for his or
her client. However, I don't think a total separation is necessary but only a balance of both.

3 The professional and personal life of a lawyer shouldn't totally be separated since being a good 2/4/2020 8:48 AM
lawyer is a 25/8 job. There will be times where a lawyer should know when to separate it and
when not to since being a lawyer entails a person being good both personally and
professionally. If a lawyer then does something against the law in his personal life, his
professional life gets affected. He can't set as a defense for himself that it's not in line with his
work which is why he shouldn't be prosecuted as a lawyer for it.

4 To let personal feelings or vindications get in the way of your profession is to not be impartial 2/4/2020 8:36 AM
and fair.

5 I believe that you can mix both and still be a good lawyer 2/4/2020 8:07 AM

6 I believe that these two are intertwined that one cannot be separated from the other. Decisions 2/4/2020 1:58 AM
in your professional life will inevitably affect your personal life, and vice-versa. For one to be a
good lawyer, one must be a good person to start with. An example that came to mind relates to
financial security -- if a lawyer's family is having financial difficulties should he be handling
cases pro-bono for farmers who do not have the resources to pay the said lawyer, to the
detriment of his family?

7 Distance between one's work and personal life is always important. But I think these two 2/3/2020 11:53 PM
aspects of one's life should also mingle in order for all the good things on one side flow to the
other, and vice-versa.

8 I agree to this to the extent that one should not let situations in one’s personal life affect one’s 2/3/2020 11:21 PM
work as to affect professionalism, but one can bring certain beliefs to their work such as if one
is passionate about the environment or if they do not want to perpetuate a corrupt system.

9 To be a good lawyer, it is important to be able to balance your career and personal life and at 2/3/2020 10:23 PM
the same time, you should also be able to delineate a clear line between your professional life
and your personal life. By doing such, a situation wherein your professional life may affect your
personal life in a negative or bad way can be avoided. One must learn to balance both and not
to mix it up in order to avoid unwanted circumstances.

10 A client goes to a lawyer to seek advice from an objective professional. Separating professional 2/3/2020 8:42 PM
life from personal life enables one to compartmentalize and stay focused on the case of a
client. A good lawyer knows how to compartmentalize.

11 That way you can do your job well without thinking about your personal problems. 2/3/2020 7:26 PM

12 False. Although we must set aside our personal feelings and bias, we must still practice the 2/3/2020 7:10 PM
values we have. Since I believe that ethics is what makes lawyers human, it wouldn’t make
sense to have a dual life. Further the law provides that you should practice good ethics and
values even in you personal life and not just in your profession since being a lawyer attaches
such responsibility.

13 A lawyer should uphold the standards and values he/she holds so high whether in or out of the 2/3/2020 6:34 PM

14 There is no dichotomy between the two 2/3/2020 6:12 PM

15 Generally, I believe this statement is true. In any work setting, being professional means 2/3/2020 5:58 PM
maintaining a good work ethic despite whatever one is experiencing in his personal life. Also,
one's personal interests should never get in the way of the interest of a client particularly when
his life or liberty is on the line. However, a well-rounded person should always learn how to
balance both and part of balancing is learning how to take care of both.

16 Being a good lawyer entails a pre-requisite that one's personal life is stable and such lawyer is 2/3/2020 4:38 PM
able to deal with his personal life in a manner not prejudicial to his or her family members and
friends. Although a lawyer may be a master in the rules, he or she should be a master in his or

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her everyday dealings in life. That is what the legal profession stands for: a lawyer who fights
for the rule of law because he or she follows the rule of law.

17 I believe that sometimes the law profession can dehumanize lawyers, in the sense that it is not 2/3/2020 4:17 PM
always that what is legal or professional is moral. Nonetheless, lawyers need to obey the law.
Thus, when the profession tend to dehumanize, lawyers must look into their personal life and
find that light that makes them feel human.

18 Although the lines may be easily blurred, I believe one must always separate the professional 2/3/2020 4:02 PM
from the personal, so as to retain the privacy of his/ her personal and family life.

19 The legal profession is not academic; it draws more on the experiences of people rather than 2/3/2020 3:56 PM
from books. To say that a professional and a personal life are mutually exclusive is to say that
the legal profession does not deal with people -- which is just not true.

20 A lawyer must make sound decisions based on unbiased logic. Hence, a lawyer must learn how 2/3/2020 3:51 PM
to separate professional life from personal life to arrive at objective choices. However, I must
qualify that a lawyer must avoid being cold and robotic; he should still be human and have
compassion for his or her clients — which to certain degree, entails personal leanings or

21 An "integrated" sense-of-self is essential to the decisions of the person-behind-the-lawyer. By 2/3/2020 3:42 PM

that I mean, an absolute compartmentalization of aspects of our lives detracts the lawyer from
fully accepting responsibility over his course of action. Always keeping in mind that we cannot
completely detach ourselves from certain aspects of our lives allows the lawyer to take into
account how his decisions affect himself and those around him even though they might not be
the direct stakeholders of a particular transaction/case. With this the lawyer can confidently say
that the decision he makes is "his own" and not merely "the one forced by circumstances".
Otherwise, it would be far too easy for the lawyer to say, "don't blame me, the one who damned
you is the person doing his job," as if the two were different in their responsibility towards

22 If I understood the question correctly, a good lawyer is one who does not allow her personal 2/3/2020 3:34 PM
circumstances or problems to interfere with her professional life, and vice versa.

23 These must be separated in order to have better focus and to have richer memories in your 2/3/2020 3:30 PM
personal life and more productivity in your professional life.

24 Although it can’t be done easily, I believe it is necessary to exercise Legal professionalism to be 2/3/2020 3:27 PM
a good lawyer. There would be times that we will be made to choose what is in the interest of
our client vs. our personal interest.

25 To maintain professionalism, one must separate his or her private life from work. This is done to 2/3/2020 3:27 PM
maintain focus and serve clients efficiently. It would not be that of a good decision to put one's
feelings on a pedestal.

26 There is no clear division between professional and personal life. Some aspects of one's 2/3/2020 3:23 PM
personal life may be beneficial to her professional life, some may be not. One just needs to be
conscious about the choices that she makes whenever faced with the occasional contradictions
of her professional and personal lives.

27 A lawyer serves to work in representation of his/her client and to protect the latter's interest. 2/3/2020 3:14 PM
Thus, this service must be done without the influence of the lawyer's self-interest.

28 The relation of a lawyer’s professional life with his personal life has nothing to do in being a 2/3/2020 3:13 PM
good lawyer.

29 It is the union of both, as long as one does not fully merge with the other, that makes a laywer 2/3/2020 3:08 PM
great. The law is harsh, but it is the law may be practiced but law is based on justice and equity
that may be used to properly apply justice in the world. this won't be possible with the complete
separation of work and personal life as it is our personal life that breaths humanity within the
cold walls of the law that hopes to improve and modify laws as time passes by. Strict separation
will lead to automation of law, removing the humanistic aspect of the field of law.

30 Separation of personal life and professional life is not a condition to be a good lawyer. One can 2/3/2020 3:08 PM
still be a good lawyer even if there’s fusion of the two as long as one can manage it.
Sometimes, circumstances in your personal life can help in making a decision in your
professional life and vice versa.

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31 Although some may argue otherwise, I believe that there are times that we cannot disassociate 2/3/2020 3:07 PM
ourselves from our work. Yes there must be a line between personal and professional but there
is also a need for a personal and human touch in the professional workplace. This especially
true in law since it means dealing with various people ftom all walks of life. To be a good lawyer
is to be able to defend yoyr client well and to do that, you must know who you are defending
and having a personal touch could help very well in your relationship with the client and the

32 Personally, i do not believe this as true. Maybe a professional distance is required but not an 2/3/2020 3:06 PM
absolute separation. Our advocacies and ideals inform how we will be as lawyers (in training),
to separate both would be tantamount to losing oneself.

33 True in a sense that it must be separate when giving the best legal advice to remain as 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
objective as possible but false in a sense of social interaction

34 Not at all times. A good lawyer is more than just doing the job. There are advocacies that a 2/3/2020 3:04 PM
lawyer can fight and a good number of these advocacies are rooted in personal considerations.

35 True, to be a good lawyer, one must know that there is a line between professional and 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
personal life. During work, one must focus and not be distracted by his personal life (ex.
distracted because of a personal problem)

36 Both go hand in hand. You can’t be a good father or mother but be a heartless lawyer. 2/3/2020 3:01 PM

37 A good lawyer treats everyone equally in the eyes of the law so that justice will be served to 2/3/2020 3:00 PM
those who deserve it, even if they are not his family or friends.

38 One can still be a good lawyer even if there is a fusion of both. However, there must be a 2/3/2020 2:58 PM

39 Not necessarily. I believe that one should never lose sight of what they personally believe in in 2/3/2020 2:33 PM
order to attain professional success and happiness.

40 The separation is not necessary if you can still act responsibly. 2/3/2020 12:01 PM

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q6 To be a good lawyer, you must be able to suppress your feelings.

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 30.00% 12

False 70.00% 28


20 / 51
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1 Being a good lawyer allows you to know what is not only logically right but also morally right 2/4/2020 4:51 PM

2 To suppress all emotions would also hinder a lawyer from being a good one. For an instance as 2/4/2020 11:49 AM
an example, it would may hinder a lawyer from feeling empathetic for his or her clients which is
an emotion important in understanding how you can help your client. What's important is to
make sure that your feelings are under your control and that you do not let such feelings cloud
your judgement.

3 This is sometimes true. But to be a great lawyer, you must also learn how to be able to let your 2/4/2020 8:52 AM
feelings out and being able to control it when the situation comes. The legal profession isn't all
about metal and steel, sometimes, you should also approach a situation with empathy.

4 Feelings get in the way of logic. Lack of logic is the downfall of the legal profession. What 2/4/2020 8:38 AM
should be governed by logic is then governed by dangerous passion when feelings get in the

5 At times suppressing your feelings can help but for me, a good lawyer still must have feelings 2/4/2020 8:08 AM

6 I think the more applicable word would be to "manage" your emotions/feelings. To suppress 2/4/2020 2:03 AM
feelings one would be detrimental to that lawyer's own self and the others around him since
doing this would one would be treating himself as a mere robot. Feelings should be used in
making decisions, but not the over-exaggerated feelings.

7 One's feelings can be a great tool in becoming a good, if not great, lawyer. It allows you to 2/3/2020 11:55 PM
connect to and represent your client better. It also allows you to have a positive impact on
society as a lawyer.

8 Emotions are what brings passion to your work in my opinion. Of course, there must be 2/3/2020 11:23 PM
boundaries such as when you can’t cry in a court proceeding or when negotiating, but in my
opinion, emotion when properly projected in a professional manner can be beneficial to one’s

9 Ever since I was a kid, I really had a bad habit of not being able to suppress my emotions. 2/3/2020 10:27 PM
Whenever I feel sad, angry, happy or excited, it really shows which is why my dad would always
tell me that I should learn how to control my emotions if I want to be a lawyer because I cannot
show the opposing party that they are getting under my skin. Also, by being able to suppress or
control my feelings and emotions, I would not end up acting irrationally and would not let my
emotions get the best of me which would result for me, being able to think more clearly and

10 A good lawyer must make decisions based on facts and the applicable law, and not based on 2/3/2020 8:45 PM
one's feelings. Therefore, a good lawyer would know how to separate his or her feelings from
work. This, however, does not mean that a good lawyer cannot be compassionate. One can be
compassionate but at the same time remain wise and analytical.

11 Feelings can hamper decision-making. 2/3/2020 7:27 PM

12 We should be able to set aside our own feelings and bias because this could sometimes blind 2/3/2020 7:12 PM
us. Regardless of one’s stand, as lawyers we have the duty to provide the best and suitable
defense for everyone.

13 Agreed, but with qualifications. Not suppress per se, but being able to calmly see everything 2/3/2020 6:37 PM
objectively and be able to decipher what aligns with the values and principles the lawyer holds
dear. This "suppression" merely means that the lawyer is calm and critical, while still having
his/her feelings and values.

14 It’s okay to feel just make sure not to let it drive you to act irrationally 2/3/2020 6:13 PM

15 Generally, I believe this statement is true. A lawyer's feelings for the particular situation his 2/3/2020 6:04 PM
client is in should not get in the way of his job of representation. Also, as early as in law school,
students are taught not to get too high nor too low. During examination week, after every exam,
students are learning to move on to study for the next exam rather than dwell on the possible
mistakes from the previous exam. However, I also believe that lawyers are not robots and
should learn how to use their feelings to their advantage.

16 A lawyer is only human. Although it is ideal to be level-headed, a lawyer may also be as fiery 2/3/2020 4:39 PM
and passionate as possible, which stems from his or her emotions.

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17 I believe that not in all instances lawyers must suppress their feelings. At the end of the day, we 2/3/2020 4:26 PM
need lawyers who are compassionate and kind as well as lawyer who feel for others. I believe
that being a good lawyer is learning how to listen well to your client and to be able to do that
you must understand what they feel. However, when it comes to situations, where there must
be strict application of the law, lawyers must be able to suppress their emotions and biases.
This is because to be a good lawyer, you must obey the law.

18 Feelings need not be suppressed. If done right, feelings may be optimized and be used for the 2/3/2020 4:03 PM
benefit of the lawyer and the client. The lawyer ought to know how to use feelings, control them
in a mature way, and use them to his advantage.

19 While a lawyer does not need to abstract his personal life to have a professional life, the legal 2/3/2020 3:58 PM
profession needs a level of objectivity. Passionate lawyers are applauded by society, but at the
same time it cannot be to an extent as to ignore the mandate of the law. Lawyers, aside from
being tasked to know the law, are also tasked with dealing with it objectively for others.

20 Personal considerations should not be discounted in the lawyer's decisions. Part of being 2/3/2020 3:51 PM
ethical, includes both (1) being able to live with the decisions you make, and (2) seeing yourself
as the one who makes the decision. Continuing to live humanely (with yourself and as to
others) is essential to the administration of justice, which is the core function of a lawyer. There
is transactional justice (which is the justice demanded by the particular situation), and essential
justice (which is the justice/retribution/orderliness the people ACTUALLY feel in their lives). To
be a good lawyer is finding how to make the former work for the latter.

21 A good lawyer need not suppress her feelings. Feelings are not always a bad thing. The 2/3/2020 3:36 PM
importance lies in how she handles such feelings and when or how she will allow them to
influence her work. Feelings are also indicative of one’s convictions, which are important in the
legal profession.

22 Sometimes you must suppress your feelings when it's not the right time for them like when you 2/3/2020 3:31 PM
have to finish working on important matters. But lawyers are human too and need to have an
outlet to express their emotions at the right time and place.

23 This would, however, not mean that one's sense of humanity should disappear. It is important to 2/3/2020 3:31 PM
still show kindness and compassion to everyone around you. I believe that such a display
would be returned.

24 True. A good lawyer must remain objective in his/her work. 2/3/2020 3:31 PM

25 I think management of emotions is the key to being a good lawyer. I believe honesty to one’s 2/3/2020 3:29 PM
self is necessary to invest the same in others. And by suppressing our feelings would only
mean not being true to ourselves.

26 To suppress your feelings is to deliberately blind yourself from the humanity of the legal 2/3/2020 3:28 PM
profession. You can still feel and rationally decide at the same time. Feelings are not the
negation to one's logical thinking. Feel it, be inspired by it, but just don't appeal to it.

27 A lawyer must appear strong and reliable in front of clients and the judge. Letting feelings get in 2/3/2020 3:21 PM
the way may translate badly. He or she should learn how to suppress personal feelings and
express them in a proper avenue if need be.

28 Overwhelming feelings/emotions cloud the judgment of lawyers. A lawyer must always be able 2/3/2020 3:19 PM
to think straightforward for his client. It is not his duty to relate with the client’s problem but
rather it is his duty to defend his client with all his power however tough the case may be.

29 Feelings afe what makes a lawyer act for a human being and not for just a case. It breathes the 2/3/2020 3:11 PM
conflict and hope within the profession that allows for dissenting opinions to bear fruit to laws or
decisions to cases. How can one strive to help clients if we do not feel for them as fellow
human beings.

30 Suppressing feelings would limit one’s decision. Feelings can help lawyers in deciding what’s 2/3/2020 3:11 PM
right or wrong.

31 I believe it is not good because keeping emotions bottled up too long could least to a sudden 2/3/2020 3:08 PM
and unprofessional outburst. A good lawyer must know how to handle their emotions and a
great lawyer knows when to show it and who to show it to.

32 The answer above also applies to this. We are not robots. Not yet anyway. 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

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33 Your feels are important to continue to the drive to achieve what you want in whatever field it 2/3/2020 3:06 PM
may be

34 A good lawyer does not suppress his feelings; instead, a good lawyer knows how to control 2/3/2020 3:06 PM
reactions to these feelings. That is a huge difference because controlling one's reactions is
pivotal in getting the job done without unnecessarily invalidating own's emotions.

35 I’m a firm believer that our mind and feelings should be equal. Suppressing our feeling won’t 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
make us a good lawyer because suppression can make a lawyer apathethic.

36 To an extent, it is true because your feelings may get in the way of handling your cases fairly. 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
You have to be objective in your work.

37 In the TV show Suits, Harvey Specter is portrayed as heartless and the plot introduces Mike 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
Ross to teach Harvey how to have a heart and care about his clients.

38 Emotions is one of things we humans have which differentiates us from other species. Without 2/3/2020 2:59 PM
it, we can never be good lawyers.

39 Not all the times. It is good to keep emotions in check but that doesn't mean to completely 2/3/2020 2:34 PM
suppress them. The better way is to channel such emotions into positive action in order to help
the cause of the client.

40 I believe that there can still be a way to believe in your convictions, but you should not suppress 2/3/2020 12:01 PM
your feelings. That will just lead to being a robot.

23 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q7 Emotions are irrelevant when making ethical decisions.

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 7.50% 3

False 92.50% 37


24 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 Emotions are always relevant in making decisions since one would always think what is best 2/4/2020 4:52 PM
not only for an individual but for all

2 Emotions are not irrelevant when making ethical decisions. The rational decisions are not 2/4/2020 11:50 AM
always the ethical ones. Emotions allow one to understand others and this is important in
making ethical decisions.

3 Ethical decisions should involve both the mind and the heart. They aren't two different things, 2/4/2020 8:56 AM
they are both needed to make ethical decisions. Not everything can be ethical when it is made
by a rational decision, and it can't always be correct to make decisions based off of emotional
decisions. There should be a balance between them.

4 What you feel is right isn't necessarily what is ethically right. Emotions cause a burst of passion 2/4/2020 8:39 AM
that can cloud one's vision as to seeing the true righteous path.

5 Emotions can actually help in making ethical decisions 2/4/2020 8:08 AM

6 This is false to an extent, one should use feelings as long as these feelings do not completely 2/4/2020 2:06 AM
cloud one's judgement. It should be the perfect balance of being reasonable and emotional.

7 Emotions are important when making ethical decisions for it allows you to tap into your values, 2/3/2020 11:58 PM
which play a key part in deciding which decision is ethical or not. Without emotions, a decision
can hardly be ethical.

8 False, emotions are a driving factor that leads one to make certain decisions in the first place 2/3/2020 11:25 PM
because it signals you to what is important to you. However, it must be balanced out with
rationality as well, as completely relying on one’s emotions can cause one to be blind to other
external factors.

9 I'm not saying that emotions should decide whether or not such action is ethical or not but that 2/3/2020 10:29 PM
emotions play an important role in helping us discern if what we're about to do is ethical or not.

10 There is some level of emotion required when making ethical decisions, because I believe 2/3/2020 8:46 PM
ethical decisions require a lot of empathy.

11 Ethics should be rational and emotional at the same time. There must be a balance for both. I 2/3/2020 7:30 PM
believe that there is still some emotions that are beautifully rational. Hence I strongly believe
being good requires both thinking and feeling.

12 Emotions should be irrelevant, but it is human nature to feel. 2/3/2020 7:27 PM

13 Though to be careful not to be overcome with emotions, they are still important in showing what 2/3/2020 6:38 PM
the lawyer's values and principles are.

14 Not so much because our conscience affects how we feel at times and I think feeling emotions 2/3/2020 6:14 PM
about making decisions leads you to where your conscience should take you

15 Emotions are relevant since they control how one decides in a particular situation. Emotions 2/3/2020 6:05 PM
should always be taken into account.

16 A lawyer is human; therefore, he or she experiences emotions. Thus, emotions are definitely 2/3/2020 4:40 PM
relevant in making ethical decisions.

17 I believe that in making ethical decisions, it is not only the application of the rules of legal ethics 2/3/2020 4:32 PM
and professional responsibility but also other factors such as emotions, beliefs and religion of a
person. I think that there is no rigid rule on how to make ethical decisions as long as it is not
against your moral principles and of other people's.

18 What one feels is a gut feeling that is grounded on instinct. It cannot be discounted because gut 2/3/2020 4:04 PM
feel is not shallow, but is an indication that something is wrong or right based on past

19 This is false with others as it is with lawyers. The difference being that when lawyers tap into 2/3/2020 4:00 PM
their emotions to make ethical decisions concerning their job, they take into account what it
means to be a lawyer.

20 Although we should not be purely driven by emotions (especially those in quick reaction to 2/3/2020 3:57 PM
situations), our emotions and of those from others affected need to be considered since: (1) our

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emotions are determinative of the quality of our lives; and (2) our emotions allows us to fully
identify ourselves as the author of the decisions we make (and as author, the one with the
agency to have chosen a different course of action). This allows the decision-maker to feel
more liberated/empowered than imprisoned by his decisions and moral obligations. After all, it
is this feeling of imprisonment (that "I have no choice") that drives people into depression.

21 As mentioned above, feelings and emotions are indicative of one’s personal convictions, which 2/3/2020 3:40 PM
play an important role in the legal practice. Lawyers need not disregard emotions, but should
know how to handle them properly. One who becomes a lawyer need not cease to be human. A
distinguishing feature of humans is our capability to feel emotions. Emotions should not be
disregarded. Emotional intelligence is significant in the legal profession. I believe it’s also
crucial in dealing with clients, the authorities, and even keeping grounded in our fundamental

22 Ethics may always change as long as the public sentiment disagrees with it. 2/3/2020 3:33 PM

23 Empathy is needed to see how certain decisions would affect the people involved. Hence, we 2/3/2020 3:32 PM
need to channel the emotions those people would feel given that we decide on the certain

24 Emotions are what makes us human. It is needed to make wise decisions that would be 2/3/2020 3:32 PM
beneficial to one's self since it can make one grow more into a more better person.

25 Emotions play big role in making ethical decisions. Sometimes it is our emotions that push us to 2/3/2020 3:31 PM
do the right thing. However, emotions can sometimes trick us that we are doing the right thing;
hence it should carefully be evaluated.

26 Nothing is irrelevant in making ethical decisions. Emotion is a factor in making one for it is the 2/3/2020 3:30 PM
root of not only the strength of your stance, but also the root of the your ill-concealed prejudices
to the problems you are currently facing.

27 Sometimes its emotions that propel a person in making an ethical decision 2/3/2020 3:26 PM

28 There are ethical decisions that are more eagerly resolved when our emotions such as 2/3/2020 3:24 PM
compassion and longing for justice are listened to. Some ethical decision “just feels right” —
which may be because the voice of our conscience is not emotionless.

29 it is such emotions that push us to make ethical decisions, i see it as necessary to use said 2/3/2020 3:13 PM
feelings to find my view point in the situations to be had. for one must feel for both sides, to
understand both sides, in order to come close to a truly ethical decision

30 Emotions are relevant because it tells us or gives us hint on what we believe is right or wrong. 2/3/2020 3:12 PM

31 Emotions play a part in making decisions and to make an ethical one, a person must look within 2/3/2020 3:11 PM
themselves to do it. It may not be as big as being logical and calculating in the right defense,
but important nonetheless because it would really show what kind of lawyer you are.

32 As I previously said, ethics is not just about being bound by a set of rules. This gives ethics a 2/3/2020 3:09 PM
subjective view and a subjective view inevitably involves emotions. Although as to how these
emotions can affect ethical decisions is another matter altogether. On top of one's mind is
ensuring that emotions do not hamper the objectivity in making ethical decisions. Others might
offer balancing these two things. I guess this what makes ethics an infinite area of study; it
cannot be exactly the same all the time.

33 I wouldn't say relevant. I'd say its an even split between rationality and emotion 2/3/2020 3:08 PM

34 When we remove emotions from our decisions we lose a very important part of our humanity. 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

35 Emotion are relevant because in making ethical decision, we should take into consideration our 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
emotions and the emotions of other people.

36 Emotions are relevant because it is inevitable that as human beings, we feel a sudden rush of 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
emotions when it comes to morality, relationships, and dealing with other people, especially if
your actions will greatly affect their lives.

37 When making decisions, there are a lot of factors. What if you are only given a minute to 2/3/2020 3:02 PM
decide? Sometimes its better to go with your gut.

38 It is relevant because without emotions and thinking, no proper discernment can be made 2/3/2020 3:00 PM
regarding a choice.

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39 As I said before, I believe that no people is evil and that everyone is acting on a certain manner 2/3/2020 2:35 PM
influenced by a variety of factors-- including emotions.

40 Emotions dictate these decisions. 2/3/2020 12:02 PM

27 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q8 There is a strong link between ethics and culture.

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 97.50% 39

False 2.50% 1


28 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 Ethics and culture are bounded by each other because culture dictates what is ethical and what 2/4/2020 4:53 PM
is not

2 What may be ethical in one culture can be unethical in another and this is okay. Although it 2/4/2020 11:53 AM
would be much easier if there's a universal guide on being ethical that all can follow, this cannot
be true in our reality as there are diverse cultures with different beliefs and people. Our culture,
of course, heavily influences what we believe to be good and bad, right and wrong. We grew up
learning them and others who learn different things from you would feel the same about their
own beliefs.

3 There are different cultures everywhere. What might not be ethical for some can be ethical for 2/4/2020 8:58 AM
others. This is because different cultural backgrounds reflects what the people believe in, which
can be different for most.

4 What is considered ethical is nuanced with slight differences everywhere around the world due 2/4/2020 8:40 AM
to the circumstances particular to that region.

5 For me this is true because culture helps mold a person as he grows up 2/4/2020 8:09 AM

6 People strive to be good, but there isn't a hard and fast rule to achieve this good. Ethcis is 2/4/2020 2:11 AM
influenced by culture, the atmosphere of where one is raised, and one's relationship to other
people. For me, ethics is a means of achieving the common good, and the common good
differs from place to place because of the difference in culture

7 Ethics and culture will always be intertwined since each society and culture have their own set 2/4/2020 12:00 AM
of ideals and values that shape their perception of what is right and wrong. What might be
ethical in one culture may not be ethical in another. Thus, there is a strong link between ethics
and culture.

8 Culture shapes one’s thinking from an early age and influences one’s world view and could 2/3/2020 11:29 PM
cause persons to regard one thing as more important than the other. In that sense, I believe
one’s ethical sense is influenced by their environment and draws parts from their immediate

9 As I have mentioned earlier, being an ethical person really depends on the upbringing of a 2/3/2020 10:31 PM
person and such upbringing is greatly affected by the culture in which such person was
exposed to. As such, ethics and culture are intertwined with each other as it affects the other

10 As mentioned earlier, I believe one's moral values are heavily influenced by his or her 2/3/2020 8:47 PM
experiences and upbringing. This includes one's culture. Therefore, what is right in the context
of one culture can be wrong in the context of another culture.

11 Yes because one’s ethical foundation is greatly influenced and shaped by one’s environment. 2/3/2020 7:34 PM
Also since ethics is relative, one should also understand the context of the culture since in one
culture it could be considered ethical while in the other it isn’t.

12 Culture, among others, can be the foundation of what is ethical or unethical for one person. 2/3/2020 7:27 PM

13 The development of one's ethical compass emanates from his/her background and 2/3/2020 6:40 PM
environment. His/her culture will surely show what the lawyer holds of utmost importance.
Though there is a constant fight in which the lawyer has to decide what part of his/her culture is
unethical and to stop it.

14 Some of our ethics come from our upbringing which is also affected by our culture 2/3/2020 6:14 PM

15 I believe in the statement since during our family leisure trips abroad, I learn that there are 2/3/2020 6:07 PM
things that are considered respectful and disrespectful in another country, while such is not the
case in the PH.

16 A person's culture may be ethically wrong in other cultures. However, we cannot judge 2/3/2020 4:40 PM
someone's culture as long as it is legally permissible.

17 I believe that ethics involves moral principles of a person or of the society. In both cases, I think 2/3/2020 4:35 PM
that culture, as one of the aspects of a society, have an impact in the field of ethics.

18 It cannot be denied that society helps shape our worldview on what is ethical and not. Ethics 2/3/2020 4:06 PM
may be relative among cultures and societies.

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19 The link between ethics and just about anything has consistently been progressive, especially 2/3/2020 4:02 PM
in today's modern world. Ethics is sometimes dictated by culture, and culture is sometimes
dictated by ethics. Respect, for example, is born out of ethics but is incorporated into culture.

20 In so far as there is an independence between what we intend to happen and what is actually 2/3/2020 4:02 PM
caused by our actions, then the values and socio-economic realities built by each culture must
be taken into account when examining the propriety of the actions an ethnic group has made,
and the ones that we will make. Although the culture helps dictate which means are
appropriated in pursuing certain values, the core fundamental humanistic values remain

21 Ethics is not only based on universal principles, it is highly contextual as the family and cultural 2/3/2020 3:42 PM
background is what shapes a person from her tender years onwards.

22 Culture is an amalgamation of historical struggles and victories, eternal yearning for growth and 2/3/2020 3:35 PM
development, and the ethics we incorporate to our daily lives as we pursue the ultimate
odyssey towards the unknown we long to see.

23 Ethics and culture go hand in hand with each other for they influence our actions. If we believe 2/3/2020 3:35 PM
this and that, we would essentially believe that this would be the right thing to do. It would then
be difficult to stray away from what we have been accustomed to

24 Ethics are based on moral principles by persons of a particular culture. 2/3/2020 3:35 PM

25 A person's ethical beliefs are shaped and strongly influenced by the culture and environment 2/3/2020 3:33 PM
that he/she grew up in.

26 It is morality not ethics which has a strong link with culture 2/3/2020 3:33 PM

27 In a lot of countries, it is their culture and traditions which determine what is ethical and 2/3/2020 3:32 PM

28 Culture is somewhat formed by community standards, which relates to ethics or the 2/3/2020 3:26 PM
community’s sense of right and wrong. Ethical rules are more easily accepted and practiced
when they are in line with the community’s culture.

29 Ethics is based on the mindset of the person to understamd things in his and others point of 2/3/2020 3:15 PM
view. Culture paves the way for one's mind to think and operate. thus I see a huge influence
that culture may bring to ones ethical point of view as ethics is something that can never truly
be consistent with all persons

30 I believe this is very true. What is very accepted in the States is not the same in India. What is 2/3/2020 3:14 PM
ethical can be determined by what has been accepted in society to the point that it could be
called traditional in a sense. Our laws, and rules in ethics, are built upon the culturally
accepted/customary practices of our country.

31 one of the basis of ethical rules is the culture. Our professional responsibility is based on our 2/3/2020 3:13 PM

32 Again, shared human experience. Eastern views on Ethics differ greatly compared to the 2/3/2020 3:11 PM
Western views. I cannot further elaborate since i've been 2 years removed from my philo

33 Ethics is largely affected by culture. Cultural differences spell what makes an action ethical or 2/3/2020 3:09 PM
unethical to a person or group of persons.

34 What determines ethics is consideration based on social cultural norms 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

35 Yes, there is a strong link between ethics and culture. Our culture is how we do things, hence it 2/3/2020 3:07 PM
shapes ethics.

36 Culture is an external factor that influences our decisions and shapes our values/principles. 2/3/2020 3:04 PM

37 True. Ethics and culture are influenced by the systems and institutions in place. 2/3/2020 3:03 PM

38 There is a link because one may be considered good and proper in one’s culture and may be 2/3/2020 3:01 PM
not on the other.

39 What can be ethical for one person may be unethical for another because culture is deeply 2/3/2020 12:02 PM
rooted in one's mind and heart.

30 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q9 Unethical behavior is something that other people do. It can't/won't

happen to me.
Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 2.50% 1

False 97.50% 39


31 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 I think no matter how good or ethical you are, no one is perfect and we are bound to make 2/4/2020 4:53 PM
mistakes. What we can do is learn from them and be able to cope with it in the future

2 Everyone can make unethical choices. It is something that we face everyday, something that is 2/4/2020 11:55 AM
possible for us to do everyday as well and something that we must always work on. It is
possible for us to decide differently every time but we must keep ethics in mind as we should
always aspire to choose good every single time.

3 By the grace of God, I hope I don't become a person who has unethical behaviour. People 2/4/2020 9:00 AM
innately are evil in nature, so I guess there is a possibility so it's not always true. I don't know
what'll happen to me in the future, but I hope I make ethical decisions.

4 It is human nature to err. I have made, and will continue to make, just as many unethical 2/4/2020 8:42 AM
decisions as other have, maybe even more.

5 We'll never know but of course as much as possible I hope it won't happen to me 2/4/2020 8:10 AM

6 There are certain rules to be followed when it comes to Ethics, and it is applicable to everyone, 2/4/2020 2:12 AM
even me. If I break the rules, then it is considered unethical

7 Unethical behavior is a trait shared by everyone. To say that it won't happen to me is to say that 2/4/2020 12:05 AM
I don't make bad decisions in life, which I do. Since nobody's perfect, we all share the common
habit, albeit in varying levels of frequency, of making unethical decisions.

8 Unethical behavior is something that each human being in my opinion is drawn to as we all 2/3/2020 11:33 PM
have tendencies to err and sin, since there are a lot of structures in this world that perpetuate
and even reward unethical behavior. It is truly very unlikely that I as an erring, imperfect human
would be the outlier in this world.

9 It's a cliche line but I think it's really true that nobody is perfect and I know for a fact that in the 2/3/2020 10:35 PM
future, there may be a circumstance that I would behave unethically especially if the life of a
person which is my client is on the line.

10 No one is immune from unethical behavior. It would be difficult for me to guarantee that I'll 2/3/2020 8:49 PM
always make the most ethical decision in every given situation in the future.

11 Although Ideally I would like to say False, I still can’t say absolutely because I myself is just 2/3/2020 8:00 PM
human and not utterly perfect.

12 I admit that I can do wrong things in the future. 2/3/2020 7:28 PM

13 There is no 100% guarantee in this world. What may seem ethical to me may not be in the eyes 2/3/2020 6:42 PM
of others. It is my duty to keep on learning and developing my moral compass and to think long
and hard to conclude what, in the end, is ultimately ethical.

14 I think to some extent, ethical behavior is subjective. Like I said, it isn’t black and white there 2/3/2020 6:15 PM
will be things that seems ethical to me but not to others

15 Unethical behavior is something that we are ALL capable of depending on the circumstances. 2/3/2020 6:07 PM

16 As much as I want to strive to be the most ethical person in this world, I am only human and I 2/3/2020 4:41 PM
will make mistakes. However, I will strive my best to make 100% ethical decisions in my life.

17 I believe that people commit mistakes and other unethical behavior. What is important is how 2/3/2020 4:37 PM
you address such behavior and commit on not doing it again.

18 I am only human and hence I may be crossing lines sometimes. That is why knowing and 2/3/2020 4:07 PM
referring to the CPR is crucial so as to remind lawyers of the aspirations and benchmark of
what a lawyer should be.

19 It is illogical to say that. An ethical decision presupposes that the person had the agency to 2/3/2020 4:07 PM
have chosen (or preferred) otherwise.

20 Unethical behavior is a fact of life. It is simply the failure of humans to act in a humane manner. 2/3/2020 4:05 PM
Everyone is susceptible of this failure. To say that it can never happen to me is the same as
saying that I know I will act ethically all the time. In this regard, no body is perfect, and that
statement is only available to someone who is perfect.

21 While I do think and hope that I will not be unethical, I am not a perfect being. I am capable of 2/3/2020 3:51 PM

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making mistakes, so I cannot conclusively say that I will never commit an unethical behavior —
no matter how strongly principled I am.

22 I acknowledge my vulnerability as a human. To think this way would be dangerous as I wouldn’t 2/3/2020 3:44 PM
actively seek what is ethical in making decisions and acting in tricky situations. I do believe that
I am firm with my convictions. But to be confined in my own view which may be erratic would
prevent me from seeing better views.

23 It can happen to anyone no matter how sure we are that we would not to do it. Man is easily 2/3/2020 3:40 PM
manipulated into action. It is also possible that man has (since the beginning) a wrong idea or
notion of what behavior is expected of him or her as a member of a civilized society. In this
instance, a person cannot blame that other person entirely.

24 It can happen to me if I am unaware of the rules of ethics. 2/3/2020 3:39 PM

25 I am a human. I am capable of doing any kind of behavior, including unethical ones, when a 2/3/2020 3:37 PM
particular stimulus triggered me to do such.

26 It can happen to any person if such person is ignorant of the consequences of his action and 2/3/2020 3:36 PM
being mindful only of the benefits accruing to him by his actions.

27 We all, as humans, have or have to capacity to do something that may be unethical in the eyes 2/3/2020 3:34 PM
of another. An example would be, for some people who are vegan, eating meat would be

28 We all make mistakes in life. And making unethical decisions is part of it. 2/3/2020 3:33 PM

29 I will and eventually have to do something unethical. be it from my own view or others. I can not 2/3/2020 3:17 PM
stop others from claiming what i may do or what i have done to be ethical/unethical. It is
because i view ethics to be very subjective to the people or society involved. Thus no one
univeraal ethical code may exist due to human nature

30 As an adult, we should be mindful of what we do. However, we are human, we make mistakes, 2/3/2020 3:15 PM
and sometimes choose to be more moral than ethical. I cannot assure myself that I cannot
make a mistake but I will try my best to uphold myself to the values of a good lawyer.

31 I think the first step in corruption is thinking yourself to be better than or above corruption. Even 2/3/2020 3:15 PM
Jesus was tempted by the Devil. Not acknowledging that we are merely human is to be
arrogant. Arrogance is one's downfall after all.

32 Unconsciously, I might be doing an unethical behavior. Further, what is ethical to me might be 2/3/2020 3:14 PM
unethical to others.

33 There are two cases. First, it is a lie to say I have not made a single unethical act. There are 2/3/2020 3:11 PM
cases that my instinct probably required it or my fragility as a human led me to it. Second, it is
also based on perspective because for me, a thing might not be problematic but for others with
a different culture or perspective might see it otherwise.

34 False. Unethical behavior can be prevented however i can’t say that it won’t happen to me. I 2/3/2020 3:09 PM
can’t say that it won’t happen to me because i will be handling more serious problems when I
become a lawyer and might be in a situation of ethical dilemma.

35 I am in no position to judge when i have never been put in such a position 2/3/2020 3:08 PM

36 It may happen to me that's why learning ethics is important so that I can deploy preventive 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
measures before the day comes when I do something unethical.

37 Humans are susceptible to temptation and their interests. 2/3/2020 3:03 PM

38 Humans are not perfect. We can still make mistakes. However, we can choose the good and be 2/3/2020 3:02 PM
the good.

39 When confronted with a life-death situation especially when it involves the safety and well-being 2/3/2020 2:36 PM
of a loved one, I cannot guarantee to be choose what is ethical.

40 I do not believe that I am perfect. I know that I will make mistakes, but I will do my best to 2/3/2020 12:03 PM
mitigate them.

33 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q10 It is possible to be ethical on your own without anyone's help.

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 47.50% 19

False 52.50% 21


34 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 Being ethical on my own entails making a decision that is good not only for myself but for 2/4/2020 4:54 PM
everyone that will be affected by my decision

2 I think that the question of being ethical begins early on, even from when we were children. You 2/4/2020 11:58 AM
learn from it from other people even before you realized you can make your own choices.
Because of this, I think the idea of being ethical always begins with the help of other people.

3 If a person thinks that he can be ethical on his own, he's wrong. A person needs another 2/4/2020 9:02 AM
person's guidance so that the former knows if he's doing good or not. The law was made for the
benefit of people, so if a person thinks he's being ethical on his own, then he will set laws for
himself because he thinks they are ethical, which is wrong.

4 Yes and no. Being ethical is subjective to what you were brought up to believe what being 2/4/2020 8:43 AM
ethical is. My version of being ethical can be different from that of another.

5 I believe in a good support system wherein a person will always need help from others 2/4/2020 8:10 AM

6 It is possible but extremely difficult because it is only in his point of view, another might offer 2/4/2020 2:20 AM
his/her point of view and enlighten the this person on what is ethical.

7 Although it is possible to be ethical on your own without anyone's help, one still needs the "the 2/4/2020 12:08 AM
other" to be truly ethical. Even with all the training and and knowledge that one could have,
one's perception of what is ethical could potentially be unethical. One would need another
person to help the former realize this and become a better person.

8 We live in a world where we learn from one another, a social world. Even if one wanted to be on 2/3/2020 11:35 PM
their own, social interaction is an inevitable part of life and contributes to our knowledge on
ethics from from the very moment we are born.

9 If you are a disciplined and a responsible person, you can be ethical without the help of anyone. 2/3/2020 10:38 PM
Just by having the right mindset can and will make you an ethical person.

10 Ethics can be driven by empathy. I think understanding how to empathetic would help since 2/3/2020 8:51 PM
making ethical decisions would involve making decisions that would affect other people.

11 Yes since that’s precisely why there is such a thing as personal ethics. Personal ethics as 2/3/2020 8:15 PM
defined in, personal ethics refers to the ethics that a person identifies with in respect
to people and situations they deal with in everyday life.

12 If you are exposed to the right things, then one can be ethical without being taught. 2/3/2020 7:28 PM

13 Ethics in itself is a study of how one behaves with his/her moral principles in relation to a 2/3/2020 6:44 PM
situation given including other people. Other people are always necessary to see other
perspectives and not be trapped inside our own box of thinking.

14 The system where we are part of affects us and being relational beings we need others’ 2/3/2020 6:16 PM

15 True because I believe humans are naturally good people and it is our circumstances that 2/3/2020 6:11 PM
influence how we behave. However, one can also argue that being ethical is measured by how
one interacts with another. Hence, human interaction/help is needed in being ethical.

16 Ethics is subjective and personal to a person. 2/3/2020 4:41 PM

17 I believe that this depends on one's perspective. It can be that what is ethical to one person can 2/3/2020 4:40 PM
be unethical to another person. That being said, I believe that you need the perspective of other
people to evaluate whether your decision and behavior is ethical. It is best to see things
sometimes in other's perspective as well.

18 Choosing to be ethical is an independent undertaking. Learning how to be ethical necessitates 2/3/2020 4:11 PM
dealing with others so that one can see the blind-spots in his understanding.

19 One's concept of ethical or unethical is shaped by the interaction of the self with society. Hence, 2/3/2020 4:09 PM
society helps shape ethics.

20 I am Catholic, so I believe that everyone is born under the image and likeness of God. While it 2/3/2020 4:08 PM
is true that ethics is often dictated by the surrounding environment, it cannot be said that a
person on his or her own cannot be ethical without it.

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21 I think our habits, e.g., being ethical, is not just a personal choice but also attributable to what 2/3/2020 3:47 PM
we have learned from our religion, parents, and educational institutions. These, to me,
constitute help to be ethical.

22 Humans are relational. Whatever ethical views and ways I have are shaped not solely 2/3/2020 3:46 PM
internally. They are the outcome of external influences as well as the cumulative of my human
experiences and interactions.

23 No. We gain experience not only from our selves but from others as well. It cannot be that a 2/3/2020 3:41 PM
person who has a warped sense of right or wrong be the same person who will make one be
more ethical.

24 If the ethics align with my own moral principles, then it is possible. 2/3/2020 3:39 PM

25 Ethics will not exist without a society creating it. 2/3/2020 3:38 PM

26 Ethical standards are not something a person inherently knows from birth. 2/3/2020 3:38 PM

27 It's possible by doing research about what is truly ethical and unethical. 2/3/2020 3:35 PM

28 I think it is through communication with others and learning about their experience to help us in 2/3/2020 3:35 PM
evaluating ourselves whether what we do in life is ethical or not.

29 Ethics is something to be agreed and done with others, one who is said to know ethics alone 2/3/2020 3:19 PM
may not know ethical points of view of others which may be completely different due to culture
and ways of life. it is through multitudes of human interaction that one can develop a sense of

30 I think this is false in a sense that sometimes what we think is right could be different from how 2/3/2020 3:17 PM
others perceive it. We need peers to correct us and teachers to educate us. We need all these
people to ensure that we stay on right path and keep staying there.

31 Yes, it’s possible. 2/3/2020 3:15 PM

32 We need to be aware of other people's experience to strengthen our own ideals be it through 2/3/2020 3:15 PM
agreement or conflict.

33 Humans rarely act without affecting anyone the same way that humans rarely act without 2/3/2020 3:13 PM
considering others. Personally, I seek my most-trusted friends to help me shed some light on
certain decisions. Those people help me be ethical (or not, if ever I make the wrong decision).

34 Yes, being ethical is personal. One need not the help of another to be ethical. I think, being 2/3/2020 3:10 PM
ethical is in one’s personality and not dependent to others.

35 Its possible but highly improbable 2/3/2020 3:08 PM

36 It is possible as long as you have self-discipline and as long as you have the eagerness to learn 2/3/2020 3:06 PM
and research about it on your own.

37 Who you surround yourself with greatly affects your perception of life. They influence you to 2/3/2020 3:04 PM
either make good or bad choices.

38 We can never be ethical without guidance. Morality is something which is not innate in us. It 2/3/2020 3:03 PM
must be taught and guided through our life models such are our parents.

39 At the end of the day, believing in what is ethical and practicing this is all up to yourself. 2/3/2020 12:03 PM

36 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

Q11 Ethical behavior is something like this: "once you've gone black,
there's no going back."
Answered: 40 Skipped: 6




True 2.50% 1

False 97.50% 39


37 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey


1 We can always come back and start again because we are human being who are capable to 2/4/2020 4:55 PM
adapt in any circumstance

2 We always have a chance to do good and to choose good. Choosing to be unethical once or a 2/4/2020 11:59 AM
lot of times does not bar us from being able to choose differently in the future.

3 Ethical behavior comes from humans. I believe that humans can change even if they've done 2/4/2020 9:05 AM
something or believe in something wrong. Though there will be difficult moments where it's
difficult to do so, it's possible.

4 No. Being ethical is always an active choice, every step of the way. 2/4/2020 8:45 AM

5 You can always go back as long as you have the right mindset 2/4/2020 8:11 AM

6 One can always change one's way. There is always a possiblity of a change in one's behavior, 2/4/2020 2:23 AM
whether for better or for worse because a person is so fragile and that there are a huge number
of things which can affect or trigger this behavior.

7 Although ethical behavior could be seen as something one would always do once he's done it 2/4/2020 12:10 AM
once, there are always temptations that drive a person to be unethical since to be unethical
oftentimes means to be selfish and have one's way with the world. Thus, sometimes people
can tend to take a step back and start becoming unethical again. It may be for a number of
selfish reasons, but the fact remains that it is possible.

8 False, I think we are ever evolving and we are never stuck in a permanent state. In fact I think 2/3/2020 11:39 PM
that it is more likely that humans will shift through different kinds of behavior, constantly
evolving, constantly learning til the day we die.

9 I think that one person can change if he/she really wants to and would really put in the effort 2/3/2020 10:41 PM
and work to change for the better. I don't believe in the saying that old habits die hard because
all it takes is for you to be responsible and disciplined enough to do the right thing one day at a
time to change such bad habits into a good one. With the right mindset and discipline, anything
is possible.

10 People are always changing and people always have their reasons for doing so depending on 2/3/2020 8:53 PM
the time/place. It is difficult to say that one will remain ethical or unethical for the rest of
someone's life.

11 There’s always room for change and learning from the experience. Just because in one 2/3/2020 8:17 PM
circumstance one failed, doesn’t mean s/he has to live his or her whole life unethically.

12 An unethical person is not permanently an unethical person. 2/3/2020 7:29 PM

13 Ethics is a constant choice to comply with what we have judged as "morally good" or 2/3/2020 6:45 PM
acceptable. There is always room for improvement and change.

14 You can always revert back to the right path 2/3/2020 6:16 PM

15 Ethical behavior is influenced by the particular situation/stage a person is in, in his life. 2/3/2020 6:12 PM

16 I believe that people make mistakes and that does not mean that such person is forever 2/3/2020 4:46 PM
unethical. It is because I think that being ethical is not always about making the right and ethical
decision but also committing a mistake and addressing the same being reminded of one's
moral principles.

17 I believe that people can change and thus, their mindset and ethics may change. 2/3/2020 4:42 PM

18 We are not the sum of all our decisions, much less are we defined by one act. But the 2/3/2020 4:14 PM
propensity that builds up from our habitual actions would help determine who we WILL be.

19 There are always corrective measures to ensure that when lawyers violate rules, they will be at 2/3/2020 4:10 PM
least reprimanded or suspended. These should give the lawyer a chance to reform himself
according to the CPR.

20 As I said awhile ago, ethics is progressive. It is always in the development stage. Besides, to 2/3/2020 4:10 PM
subject people to an action they have done ages ago and confine them to only that action is to
render ethics itself hopeless.

21 One can revert to having a warped sense of right and wrong. The human person is influenced 2/3/2020 3:51 PM

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by a number of factors- family, friends, workmates, religion, tradition and the like. It is not
surprising that one can change that fast.

22 As said above, humans are capable of reform. We are able discern, to learn from our mistakes, 2/3/2020 3:48 PM
to be influenced by others and to lead better lives. We lean towards progression and not

23 Whenever a person commits a mistake, she is given a chance to rectify the situation. She is 2/3/2020 3:41 PM
given the chance to change. One sin does not make a person automatically a resident of Hell.

24 A small/inconsequential unethical behavior does not make a person’s behavior entirely 2/3/2020 3:41 PM

25 Ethical behaviour can always change if a person adopts different moral principles. 2/3/2020 3:41 PM

26 There’s always a chance for change. When we make mistakes such as unethical decisions, it is 2/3/2020 3:36 PM
for us to remedy them with what we can change and accept what we cannot.

27 People always have the choice and the chance to change. 2/3/2020 3:35 PM

28 Being ethical is a continuing commitment, one formed my habit and everyday decisions. I do 2/3/2020 3:34 PM
not think a single moment can define your behavior forever.

29 (HAHA). Although this is a highly used phrase in another...topic, I believe it may be true in a 2/3/2020 3:22 PM
sense. Once a person has committed something wrong, they may be forgiven but there is the
fear of them doing it again. The amount of trust or belief in them goes down and even if they try
hard to redeem themselves, they may be forgiven but what they have done is never forgotten.
Especially in the world of the internet where everything is everywhere. It is like comparing it to
paper. Once you crumple a paper, no matter how hard you straighten it out, it will never go

30 ethics is fluid, it may chanfe as long as the society or people are willing to change. one may 2/3/2020 3:20 PM
learn repent or change for good or bad at any time. It is ultimately a choice on thier part. be it
one they made willingly or due to circumstances we can not understand

31 i believe in the redeemable nature of man. 2/3/2020 3:17 PM

32 There is still opportunity to change one’s behavior. 2/3/2020 3:16 PM

33 This statement negates the concept of growth. Humans can outgrow their bad behavior. It is 2/3/2020 3:14 PM
important to recognize this capability because that allows others to see hope that they can
change their ways.

34 I disagree. I don’t believe that once you have become unethical, you can never be ethical. 2/3/2020 3:13 PM
People are not perfect, but we can repent and try to rectify it.

35 Morality changes the more mature a person becomes 2/3/2020 3:08 PM

36 One constant thing in life is change. People can change for the worse but people can also 2/3/2020 3:06 PM
change for the better. It's a matter of mindset and perspective.

37 Change of heart can happen to anybody. Again, it’s influenced by several factors. 2/3/2020 3:05 PM

38 One can choose the good anytime. It is never hopeless even the worst of sinners. 2/3/2020 3:04 PM

39 No. People act and decide on a certain way given the circumstances surrounding them. 2/3/2020 2:37 PM

40 There is always hope to change unethical behavior. One does not stay as unethical because 2/3/2020 12:04 PM
ethics can be learned and put to heart.

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Q12 A successful lawyer is ...

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6

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1 Someone who is able to socially contribute to the world in whatever field he wishes and 2/4/2020 4:56 PM
someone who makes a lasting impact for future generation to come

2 a lawyer that is able to defend his client's interest consistently. 2/4/2020 12:03 PM

3 someone who is able to mend the law in his own hands and is able to heed to his client's 2/4/2020 9:28 AM
wishes. But being a great lawyer entails someone who knows how to be ethical. I read a quote
from somewhere that ethics is the sea where the law floats in. For me, if a lawyer is able to
integrate ethics into the law, then he'll be successful in his own way since he doesn't
compromise his ethical views in life.

4 one who chooses his battles, and wins them. One who gives good legal advice. One who 2/4/2020 8:49 AM
doesn't deal under the table.

5 A successful lawyer is a lawyer who does what he believes in regardless of monetary interests 2/4/2020 8:11 AM

6 One that provides food, shelter and clothing for his/her family and at the same time helping 2/4/2020 2:25 AM
other people through the law, and that at the end of the day he would be able to sleep soundly.

7 A successful lawyer is someone who is capable of serving society, the legal community, and his 2/4/2020 12:13 AM
own interests without sacrificing his values and dignity in the entirety of his practice of the

8 one that achieves his/her personal goal on the type of lawyer they want to be. 2/3/2020 11:48 PM

9 someone who can balance his/her work life and personal life and at the same time, can act 2/3/2020 10:42 PM
rationally and with dignity.

10 resilient, assertive, efficient, and intelligent. 2/3/2020 9:15 PM

11 A successful lawyer is someone who is truly an advocate. To me being an advocate means not 2/3/2020 8:22 PM
just having high intelligence, good communication skills, and strong strong analytical skills, but
also someone who upholds his or her integrity at all times. Being a successful lawyer isn’t about
winning all the cases, but it’s being able to sleep at night knowing you have served the best
interest of the law and justice.

12 one who wins cases. 2/3/2020 7:30 PM

13 one who is a master of the law and can always think of a way to win a case. 2/3/2020 6:47 PM

14 Someone who doesn’t lose his humanity in practicing the law 2/3/2020 6:16 PM

15 a DYNAMIC lawyer 2/3/2020 6:14 PM

16 a person who is well-rounded. A lawyer who is not also good in his profession, but also a good 2/3/2020 4:48 PM
member of his family and a good follower of God.

17 An ethical lawyer who fights for the rule of law in and out of the courtroom/office. 2/3/2020 4:42 PM

18 irrelevant. It is when the legal profession (with each lawyer's collaborative effort) in establishing 2/3/2020 4:29 PM
the rule of law and facilitating the administration of justice that determines "success". I say this
in the same way it is pointless to call a soldier "successful" in a war that is lost. A true
lawyer/soldier does not pursue to be the best for its own sake, but to achieve a goal that he
alone cannot reach.

19 A successful lawyer is one who performs his role as a lawyer in society and in the legal 2/3/2020 4:16 PM
profession. It is understanding that the legal profession is necessary for the orderly functioning
of society. A prosecutor ensures that the criminal laws of the State are not violated, while the
attorney defending the accused ensures that the latter's rights is equally protected. Both are
integral to the well-functioning of society.

20 One who maximizes his talents by using it in a field most optimal for his success, maintaining 2/3/2020 4:11 PM
his other interests while being a responsible family man.

21 Someone who does not lose himself or herself. He or she holds principles and his or her sense 2/3/2020 4:00 PM
of wrong and right are intact. This person takes the side of justice and does her best to defend
and aid his or her clients. A successful lawyer is someone who wants to be of service to others.

22 one who upholds justice, is compassionate, seeks the truth, and one who displays and 2/3/2020 3:48 PM

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practices integrity.

23 A lawyer who has made an impact not only in the legal profession but also in the whole country. 2/3/2020 3:46 PM
Impact in a sense that the lawyer is able to make a reform/change, small or big, in a chaotic

24 one who excels in his field and makes a living from being professionally competent and ethical. 2/3/2020 3:46 PM

25 not only a strength of his own, but a fortress to others. 2/3/2020 3:44 PM

26 A lawyer who excels in producing results while maintaining fidelity in his/her principles. 2/3/2020 3:44 PM

27 A successful lawyer is one who never stops learning, while having the knowledge of what is 2/3/2020 3:38 PM
right or wrong, and using these tools to uplift the lives not only himself and his family but others
too. He also maintains his ideals despite the cruel and rather tainted legal profession.

28 someone who upholds the truth and his beliefs and helps others without putting others in peril. 2/3/2020 3:37 PM
Someone who is employed and has more than enough money to support his/her own needs
and family.

29 Someone who can understand their client in the very best way and defend them in an ethical 2/3/2020 3:23 PM
and wholehearted manner.

30 one who upholds the law to the word, but strives to use it for the ideals of justice and equity 2/3/2020 3:21 PM
despite such codal nature of law

31 Someone who is fondly remembered by others for doing the "right thing" 2/3/2020 3:18 PM

32 Someone who’s able to help even just one person by using his or her knowledge with the law. 2/3/2020 3:17 PM
Further, someone who doesn’t stop learning in order to contribute for the improvement of the

33 someone who knows how to accomplish the job well and do it, for the lack of the better term, 2/3/2020 3:16 PM
morally. Success, in general, invites for temptations and avoiding these while getting the work
done is highly commendable.

34 A successful lawyer is a lawyer who can stick with his principles and cannot be swayed when 2/3/2020 3:16 PM
there’s an ethical dilemma.

35 happy 2/3/2020 3:08 PM

36 one who is knowledgeable about the law and at the same time upholds the basic core 2/3/2020 3:07 PM
principles and values that will guide him into serving others for the betterment of the society.

37 One who is able to find the common ground amongst the law and the right thing to do and is 2/3/2020 3:06 PM
able to balance his interest and that of his client’s

38 A successful lawyer is one who is God fearing and knows when and how to do good in 2/3/2020 3:05 PM
everyday decisions.

39 one who is not just competent and well-versed on what the law says but is one who takes time 2/3/2020 2:38 PM
to understand matters of the heart and who is willing to fight for what he/she believes is right.

40 one who who does his job in society by protecting those who cannot defend themselves. 2/3/2020 12:05 PM

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Q13 A good lawyer is ...

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6

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1 A good lawyer is someone who knows what is morally right and wrong 2/4/2020 4:57 PM

2 a lawyer that considers the best of his clients. 2/4/2020 12:01 PM

3 To reiterate, someone who knows how to be ethical. I read a quote from somewhere that ethics 2/4/2020 9:31 AM
is the sea where the law floats in. For me, if a lawyer is able to integrate ethics into the law,
then he'll know how to be successful in his own way.

4 one who actually defends and enforces justice, not just in the court room, but in his everyday 2/4/2020 8:49 AM
life as well.

5 A good lawyer is a lawyer who continues to fight for what is right 2/4/2020 8:12 AM

6 A lawyer which excels in his profession and that he knows that he is helping other people for 2/4/2020 2:27 AM
the greater good.

7 A good lawyer is someone who is assertive and knowledgeable of the law. He is also someone 2/4/2020 12:15 AM
who is able to represent his client's interests well while also satisfying his inner desire to be a
decent human being.

8 Well-versed in all aspects of the law, and applies it well. 2/3/2020 11:48 PM

9 someone who can differentiate if such action is good or bad and someone who can discern the 2/3/2020 10:44 PM
right thing to do for his/her client without sacrificing his/her moral values.

10 hardworking, empathetic, kind, and compassionate. 2/3/2020 9:15 PM

11 Ideally to me being good and successful mean the same thing in such a way that it’s A 2/3/2020 8:24 PM
combination of what I previously stated specifically being a true advocate and upholding
integrity at all times.

12 one who helps advance society. 2/3/2020 7:30 PM

13 one who knows is laws and can find the balance for his/her client's interest and justice 2/3/2020 6:48 PM

14 One that can sleep at night 2/3/2020 6:16 PM

15 a PASSIONATE lawyer 2/3/2020 6:15 PM

16 the same as my definition of being a successful lawyer. This is because for me a good lawyer is 2/3/2020 4:53 PM
already a successful lawyer.

17 A master of the rule of law. 2/3/2020 4:43 PM

18 is one who helps (in whatever way he could) the entire profession in establishing the rule of law 2/3/2020 4:24 PM
and the facilitating the administration of justice.

19 A good lawyer is a lawyer who is able to navigate through the thick and complex system of laws 2/3/2020 4:20 PM
to arrive at the goal of protecting or pursuing a right or action. This does not mean contravening
the very purpose of the law, but rather understanding that the law is a maze where sometimes it
is hard not to get lost.

20 One who uses his talents the best way he can within the bounds of the law for the benefit of his 2/3/2020 4:11 PM

21 Someone who is knowledgeable, wise, generous and kind. People from all walks of life would 2/3/2020 4:03 PM
not be afraid to approach him or her not just because she understands how the law works but
because she extends help to those who need it the most without expecting something else in

22 one who upholds justice, is compassionate, seeks the truth, and one who displays and 2/3/2020 3:49 PM
practices integrity

23 One who abides by the laws and uses his knowledge of the law for the benefit of society. 2/3/2020 3:48 PM

24 A lawyer who is able to produce what is needed from his/her profession. 2/3/2020 3:46 PM

25 one who forms sound opinions depending on the facts of the case, as guided by law and 2/3/2020 3:45 PM

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26 a person who seeks justice through rules of law and equity. 2/3/2020 3:44 PM

27 A good lawyer bases his decisions mainly on ethical considerations. 2/3/2020 3:39 PM

28 someone who upholds the truth and his beliefs and helps others without putting others in peril. 2/3/2020 3:37 PM

29 Someone who can follow the rule of law and do them well. 2/3/2020 3:23 PM

30 one who is never tired to learn, be it in tough or rough times, in order to uohold the law. one 2/3/2020 3:22 PM
must also do his best to uphold said law or defend peoples right2to the fullest he can

31 A good lawyer is empathetic and at the same time ethical. 2/3/2020 3:18 PM

32 Someone who helps his client with his knowledge in law. 2/3/2020 3:18 PM

33 Who can adapt, improvise, and overcome. without compromising their ideals 2/3/2020 3:18 PM

34 a lawyer that is more than what the law requires. There are extra-legal considerations a lawyer 2/3/2020 3:17 PM
who aspires to be good must take into account. Some include empathy, humanity, contentment,
among others.

35 driven 2/3/2020 3:09 PM

36 my answer would be the same as the one above. 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

37 Ethical, moral, and obedient 2/3/2020 3:06 PM

38 A good lawyer is a person who is morally good and chooses what is morally right. 2/3/2020 3:05 PM

39 one who takes some time to use his/her knowledge to help other people and be of service to 2/3/2020 2:39 PM
this nation.

40 one who stands by his own convictions, but still does his job of protecting people. 2/3/2020 12:06 PM

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Q14 An ethical lawyer is ...

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6

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Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

1 An ethical lawyer is someone who understands the situation first before making an act or 2/4/2020 4:57 PM

2 a lawyer that always chooses the best decision for the good of all. 2/4/2020 12:02 PM

3 someone who believes in the law and what it stands for. 2/4/2020 9:31 AM

4 one who's sense of justice is strong enough that it becomes a sense of duty stronger than that 2/4/2020 8:50 AM
of passion and of malevolent forces.

5 An ethical lawyer is a lawyer who listens to his conscience 2/4/2020 8:12 AM

6 One that provides for his family and abides on what he thinks is good, and in doing so helps 2/4/2020 2:30 AM
society for the greater good.

7 An ethical lawyer is someone who believes that the means is just as important as the ends. 2/4/2020 12:17 AM
They detest the quality of hypocrites and they wish to be successful while also remaining to be
a competent lawyer.

8 Constantly learning and constantly making conscious decisions. 2/3/2020 11:48 PM

9 someone who can defend his client to the best ability that he/she can without sacrificing his/her 2/3/2020 10:44 PM
dignity and moral values in life.

10 wise, responsible, understanding, and empathetic; is also a person of integrity. 2/3/2020 9:16 PM

11 Someone who uphold moral justice and internalize the ethical values imbued in us. Further as 2/3/2020 8:28 PM
an ethical lawyer, it’s not just enough to be legally compliant because the law enforced such or
because there is a corresponding consequence, rather one must do the right thing at all times
regardless if there is enforcement on such.

12 one who is always in the pursuit of justice. 2/3/2020 7:30 PM

13 one who is morally grounded and can always find the outcome that favors justice, not 2/3/2020 6:50 PM
necessarily for oneself.

14 a strong lawyer 2/3/2020 6:17 PM

15 a WELL-ROUNDED lawyer 2/3/2020 6:17 PM

16 a lawyer who knows how to make ethical decisions based on rules of legal ethics and 2/3/2020 4:49 PM
professional responsibility but without compromising his or her moral principles and beliefs.

17 Someone who upholds the ethical standards set forth in the Code of Professional 2/3/2020 4:43 PM

18 a lawyer. One who acts in the best of his capacity, towards the values he continually strives to 2/3/2020 4:28 PM
understand as a lover would to what he desires, and who commits to and takes responsibility
for his decisions.

19 An ethical lawyer is someone who navigates through the maze but does not lose himself in the 2/3/2020 4:21 PM
process. He or she is someone who is able to ground themselves on certain principles while
navigating the law.

20 One who acts not necessarily with restraint, but with grace and professionalism expected of a 2/3/2020 4:12 PM
profession imbued with such a high responsibility to society.

21 Someone who continues to adhere to the law without shortcuts. Others may present an easy, 2/3/2020 4:05 PM
convenient way of approaching things, but an ethical lawyer would do it through honest means
even if it means more time and effort spent.

22 one who upholds justice, is compassionate, seeks the truth, and one who displays and 2/3/2020 3:49 PM
practices integrity.

23 One who abides by the Code of Professional Responsibility and does not circumvent it in any 2/3/2020 3:48 PM

24 A lawyer who strictly adheres to the rules of legal ethics. 2/3/2020 3:47 PM

25 diligent in finding the reasons for the correctness and wrongness of a certain circumstance 2/3/2020 3:46 PM

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involving her case.

26 An ethical lawyer sticks to what is right and rarely resorts to being carried away by the corrupt 2/3/2020 3:40 PM

27 one who follows the ethical and professional standards as dictated by the rules, and 2/3/2020 3:39 PM
consistently does so for the good of others.

28 an empathetic person who sees the repercussions of his/her decisions and upholds the truth 2/3/2020 3:38 PM
while helping other without putting others in peril.

29 Someone who can uphold the rules and always do what is right for themselves, the client, and 2/3/2020 3:24 PM
the rule of law.

30 one who uses and tries to under stand both sides in order to understand the case at bar. never 2/3/2020 3:23 PM
shunning or barring out others from his comorehension of the truth

31 someone who might be confined to the walls of ethics and professionalism. One might be 2/3/2020 3:19 PM
ethical but not necessarily good. I believe that kindness is not necessarily justice. Abidance is
not enough.

32 An ethical lawyer is a lawyer who embodies the rules of legal ethics. 2/3/2020 3:19 PM

33 Someone who fights for what he or she believes is right. Someone who considers other factors, 2/3/2020 3:19 PM
not just the rules.

34 One who can properly blend logic and emotion together in making decisions 2/3/2020 3:19 PM

35 empathetic 2/3/2020 3:10 PM

36 An ethical lawyer is one who proactively reflects about his morality, principles, and his behavior 2/3/2020 3:08 PM
and how these can positively or negatively affect the lives of others.

37 An ethical lawyer is a good and successful lawyer. 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

38 Follows morality and the law 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

39 one who strives to do his/her best to follow what the rule says according to the circumstances 2/3/2020 2:39 PM
of each case.

40 one who can separate right from wrong instantly. 2/3/2020 12:06 PM

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Q15 I will know I am successful as a lawyer when ...

Answered: 40 Skipped: 6

49 / 51
Legal Ethics Beliefs Survey (2020, 2C) SurveyMonkey

1 I was able to change someone's life no matter how small or big it is 2/4/2020 4:58 PM

2 I have people look up to my work and I am able to inspire others to do good as well. 2/4/2020 12:02 PM

3 I know how to integrate legal ethics decisions into my own personal life. 2/4/2020 9:32 AM

4 I myself am convinced that in everything I do, as a lawyer and in my personal life, I do with 2/4/2020 8:52 AM
justice as end in view.

5 I am able to make a change in people's lives 2/4/2020 8:13 AM

6 I provide for my family and I sleep soundly at night 2/4/2020 2:31 AM

7 I will know I am successful as a lawyer when I can provide for my own family and also be happy 2/4/2020 12:19 AM
and fulfilled with my work and, most especially, with the way I work in the legal profession.

8 I’m proud of myself. 2/3/2020 11:49 PM

9 I can already comfortably provide for my family. 2/3/2020 10:45 PM

10 I strive to be a successful, good, and ethical lawyer every day. 2/3/2020 9:14 PM

11 I am able to sleep at night knowing I did my best to serve the best interest of not just my client, 2/3/2020 8:28 PM
but also of the law and justice.

12 when there is no more corruption. 2/3/2020 7:32 PM

13 I am satisfied with my way of life and that I have left a mark in the world (be it academic, social 2/3/2020 6:51 PM
impact, or just have been satisfied that I have never cheated the law, system, or anyone else)

14 I feel fulfilled and that I go beyond my reasons for wanting to become a lawyer. 2/3/2020 6:20 PM

15 I am able to make a change and being ethical while being financially stable 2/3/2020 6:17 PM

16 I can finally say to myself and feel it in my heart that I am a good lawyer who has a well- 2/3/2020 4:52 PM
rounded life. This is because I believe that being a successful lawyer is not defined only by your
financial capability but also of other factors.

17 I am able to help others using my mastery in the law, upholding the ethical standards of the 2/3/2020 4:45 PM
legal profession.

18 I see that every lawyer already is -- That is when the legal profession (with each lawyer's 2/3/2020 4:30 PM
collaborative effort) has established the rule of law and administered of justice

19 For me, I'll know I'm successful as soon as I set out to uphold the law and have made 2/3/2020 4:24 PM
contributions to this effect.

20 I am able to use my talents to the best benefit of my country, my firm, my family and myself. 2/3/2020 4:13 PM

21 I see all my hard work pay off. This would be the day when I am of service to my countrymen. 2/3/2020 4:08 PM

22 I am able to significantly fulfill my obligation of imparting a meaningful contribution to the society 2/3/2020 3:52 PM
and I am able to earn a living to support myself and my family.

23 I remain faithful to my morals. An when my work is recognized by a competent authority or 2/3/2020 3:50 PM
when I achieve a comfortable status in life.

24 When I have made a desirable impact on the legal system of the country. 2/3/2020 3:49 PM

25 I stop looking for reasons to fear that I am not capable of helping others. 2/3/2020 3:46 PM

26 I finally get to help other people using my knowledge of the law and to practice what I have 2/3/2020 3:43 PM
learned from my vast experience — all while maintaining a comfortable lifestyle for me and my

27 When through my own efforts I am able to maintain if not improve the comfortable life I live in, 2/3/2020 3:41 PM
and uplift the lives of my employees.

28 I can earn enough money to support myself from taking on cases and doing work that help 2/3/2020 3:39 PM
others as well.

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29 I am able to be ethical but without disassociating myself from humanity. 2/3/2020 3:25 PM

30 i am able to help my clients to the best of my ability as an atenean lawyer 2/3/2020 3:24 PM

31 the bills are paid, my money can pay for more than I need, my knowledge and wisdom are 2/3/2020 3:21 PM
more than what the law says and I make good use of these benefits. As to what is good is up to
the future. One thing is for sure, though, I know I am successful when I do not abuse these

32 When i have learned how to make the best decision in times of ethical dilemma. 2/3/2020 3:20 PM

33 I am helping other people’s lives. 2/3/2020 3:19 PM

34 I still don't know 2/3/2020 3:19 PM

35 i can provide for my family 2/3/2020 3:11 PM

36 I am able to defend innocent people with good knowledge of the law backed up with good moral 2/3/2020 3:10 PM
values and principles.

37 I am able to help a lot of people by protecting their rights in an ethical manner. 2/3/2020 3:08 PM

38 I do what is right and money is just incidental thereto. 2/3/2020 3:07 PM

39 I am able to help those in need while providing for my family. 2/3/2020 2:40 PM

40 I am able to defend my loved ones. 2/3/2020 12:07 PM

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