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TRENDS 12 HUMSS (2nd Quiz - Midterm)

Elements of Trends
1) Number of Participants – A trend may be started by an individual but the number of people who
follow it becomes bigger as time goes by.
2) Pattern of Behaviour – A trend is formed from repetitive actions of people.
3) Long Period of Time – A trend has a long time frame, sometimes running for decades.
4) Cause – A trend has a starting point which can be an idea, technology, event or person.
5) Consequence – A trend makes considerable influence or impact.

 Microtrends – These are little things that happen all around us all the time, the tiny shifts that occur
in everything from clothes we wear and the snacks we eat to the way we work, play, and love.
 Macrotrends – They are aggregated microtrends or more sweeping changes that are affecting
 Megatrends – They are big and bold, and affect the lives of great swatches of the human race.
 Gigatrends – These are trends that are so general that they affect most areas of human life and
usually identified to define an era.
 Pattern – It is a design, shape, form of configuration that emerges from repetitious appearance of
lines, curves, and behaviour.

Four (4) Tools That a Trendspotter Should Have

1) Documentation – This means being able to record your observations which you consider related
to any trend.
2) Archive or Memory – This means being able to easily retrieve any documentation have kept.
3) Analysis – This is the stage where examination and combination happens.
4) Presentation – This is representing your findings for easy understanding as a way of analysis.

 Cause – It refers to an agent that brings about a result or a consequence.

 Consequence – It is always traceable to a cause which can be a person, thing, principle, motive, act,
or event.
 Network – It is a particular type of relation that links certain sets of people, events, or objects.
 Local Network – It refers to interconnected processes internal to the individual person’s mind,
mental faculty, or thoughts such as strategic analysis and intuitive thinking that are ultimately
demonstrated in decision-making.
 Strategic Analysis – It is the process of examining, using one’s rationality or reason, the
organization’s surroundings and resources, and how they relate with each other to formulate a
strategy to meet objectives and improve performance.
 Intuitive Thinking – It is sensing or knowing without using rational processes such as reading facts
and instructions.
 Intuition – It is something that is known or understood without proof or evidence.
 Good Intuition – It is the results from long years of knowledge and experience which enable you to
comprehend how people think, act and react, perceive and interpret, and interact with one another.
 Strategy – It will be used to solve problems, utilize human and material resources, and attain
objectives of the organization in accordance with its mission and vision.
 Mission – It refers to the organization’s main task that it wants to perform.
 Vision – It refers to what the organization foresees itself to be.


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