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REQUEST (permintaan)

Request Acceptance Refusal

Would it be possible I should be delighted to I regret to say that we find
for you comeBy all meansI have no ourselves unable to goI’m
toWould you be so kind as toWould objection afraid it’s not possibleI’m
you…,please? I’d be happy to afraid not
Would you mind …? Sure Sorry
Any chance of… Yeah No, I won’t
Can you…? OK Not likely
No problem You must be joking

Requesting/ Permintaan

Coba bacalah dialog dibawah ini mengenai Requesting :


Could you tell me the way to the police station ?

Can you direct me to the fruit shop ?
How do I get to the zoo ?
Can you tell me where the hospital is please ?
Do you know how to get to the nearest hotel ?
I would like to go to the petrol station. Can you tell me how to get there ?

Go straight (go down/ go up) this road until you get to a one-way street
Keep going until you see a traffic light
Walk along this street until you get to the round about
Turn left or right
Take the first left turn on the T-junction
Make a left turn on the crossroad
2. Cara memberi tawaran seperti menawarkan makanan atau minuman dalam bahasa Inggris
lazimnya dengan menggunakan ungkapan Would you like…?, Would you care for …?, why
don’t you have…?, How about having …? May I offer you …?

Asking for and Giving Information/ Meminta dan memberi informasi

Bacalah contoh teks mengenai asking for and giving information berikut ini :

Ada beberapa macam jenis informasi dalam bertanya :

1. Nama [ name ] : What is your name?

2. Tempat lahir [ place of birth ] : Where are you from?
3. Tempat tinggal [ place of residence ] : Where do you live?
4. Alamat [ Address ] : What's your address?
5. Nomor telepone [ Phone number ] : What is your phone number?
6. Ulang tahun [ Birthday ] : When were you born?
7. Petunjuk [ direction ] : Could you tell me where the public library?
8. Dan lain-lain
Kita bisa memulai sebuah permintaan requesting dengan menggunakan :

I wonder whether I could . . .

Is there any chance of . . .
Could you . . .

Merespon permintaan [ bisa negatif atau positif ]:

Yes. i think that would be alright

Sorry, I'm using it.
OK, then
I'm sorry . . .

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