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From video arcades games to computer games to mobile phone game the video gaming industry has

seen a gradually change .When the first video game came out in the 1970s it was impossible for us to
predict that the gaming industry would to take us to where we are now, it has gone so far in the short
span of time. With new advancement of technology there are many developers who are truing it into
something more fun.

In 1980s video arcade games where introduced and it became a popular means of entertainment and
modern culture all around the world. Then later many other consoles were introduced, like the NSE in
1985, SONY PLAY STATION, XBOX 360 in 2005 and WII U by NINTENDO in 2012. The gaming has seen a
lot of changes gradually and the most recent one stellar motion, voice control and video connect. Since
2016, we have artificial intelligence, 3D gaming, Google glasses, virtual reality and high tech Google
glasses for its mini games.

Mobile gaming has also come a long way from games like snake and computer games have evolved
since Atari breakout. Most popular games are still simple one like which are along the line of candy
crush, angry birds, and temple run, POKEMON GO and PUPG.

How did the love for video games turn into career?

Initially the gaming industry was only was considered only as an entertainment but now many people
have considered taking up jobs in the gaming industry.

We all know that the video game industry is one of the most lucrative and video games themselves are
rapidly becoming the fast grossing entertainment in the world. There is shift that has taken place in the
last few years where many people have started to play games and have live stream their game play.

In India there are 253.2 million gamers and of which 81% of them are of the age group of 16- 30. There
are professional teams who compete globally against other teams and many people have taken up live
streaming as their jobs. Rather that perusing a regular career many have taken up a job in the gaming

The fact that the gaming industry, with the industry size of $100 billion globally is the largest segment
within the entertainment industry – far exceeding movies, music and animation,” says Manavendra
Shukul, CEO of Lakshya Digital , a leading name in game art outsourcing business.

Gaming is not only the fast growing market globally but it also becoming career choice for many
youngsters. The game art professionals are of a big demand globally, thus resulting in huge employment
potential for many youngsters around the world.


What will be the future of the gaming industry in another 10 years? Will it be more powerful processing
power with better and bigger displays? yes. With more and better tools the gaming industry can create a
total immersion into gaming. Keeping in fact gaming doesn’t not depend upon the type of console we
use. It’s has reached this point through number of various platforms and it’s obvious that it will sustain.
The sustainability of the gaming industry totally depends upon the trends and innovation. Maybe in the
coming years there might be more changes and innovations in the gaming industry as we have seen it in
the past decades. Mobile games are like to

More than five decades the gaming community has grown and has become a lot bigger and is now a part
of every house hold which is giving rise to a new generation. This community is no longer restricted to a
single room that is just filled with a few numbers of cabinets, but it’s now global with millions of people
being connected with all the players for every continent.

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