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Cabay, Tiaong, Quezon

SY 2018-2019
NAME__________________________________ GRADE/SECTION_________________
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank
provided before each number.
______ 1. A variety of life forms in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
a. Ecosystem b. biodiversity c. habitat d. genetic
_____ 2. The genetic information that organisms contain.
a. Species diversity c. genetic diversity
b. Ecosystem diversity d. biodiversity
_____ 3. It consists of the large number and different kinds of organisms.
a. Genetic diversity c. ecosystem diversity
b. Species diversity d. biodiversity
_____ 4. What is the largest category in the classification of organisms?
a. Species b. phylum c. domain d. order
_____ 5. A group of similar organisms and capable of reproducing their own kind.
a. Kingdom b. domain c. species d. order
_____ 6. What is Lampunaya?
a. Hibiscus b. Periwinkle c. Coleus d. Bird
_____ 7. Caulerpa Lentillifera has a local name _____.
a. Luyang Dilaw b. Sambong c. Gozo d. Lato
_____ 8. What is the scientific name of bird?
a. Selachimorpha b. Columbidae c. Aves d. Vitex Negundo
_____ 9. Sambong has a scientific name ________.
a. Blumea Campor c. Corcoma Longa
b. Blumea Balsamifera d. Hibiscus Rosasinensis
Refer to the table below for your answer on Questions number 10 and 11.
Category Dog Bangus Wolf Lion
Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia
Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata
Class Mammalia Mammalia Actinopterygii Mammalia Mammalia
Order Carnivora Carnivora Gonorychiformis Carnivora Carnivora
Family Felidae Canidae Chanidae Canidae Felidae
Genus Felis Canis Chanos Canis Panthera
Species catus familiaris Chanos Lupus Leo
_____10. Which organisms are similar up to the order category?
a. Cat, dog, bangus and wolf c. Lion, wolf, dog and cat
b. Dog, bangus, wolf and lion d. bangus, dog, cat and wolf
_____ 11. Which organisms are most closely related?
a. Lion, wolf, cat and bangus c. cat, dog, bangus and lion
b. Dog, cat, bangus and wolf d. lion, wolf, dog and cat
_____ 12. Which of the following are examples of archaebacteria?
a. Leptospirosis, anthrax, tuberculosis c. methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles
b. Phototrophs, heterotrophs, sporozoan d. algae, dinoflagellates, euglenoids
_____ 13. Tuberculosis, one of the common disease in the Philippines is caused by bacterium ______.
a. Leptospira interrogans c. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
b. Bacillus anthracis d. Escherichia coli
_____ 14. A bacterium Bacillus anthracis is responsible for what disease?
a. Leptospirosis b. anthrax c. tuberculosis d. pneumonia
_____ 15. Which of the following is belong to the Kingdom Protista?
a. Methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles c. leptospirosis, anthrax, tuberculosis
b. Phototrophs, heterotropohs, sporozoan d. vascular and nonvascular
_____ 16. Which of the following is an example of brown algae?

_____ 17. An example of fungi that used as food, an oyster mushroom, is called ______.
a. Volvariella sp. B. Aspergillus oryzae c. Pleurotus sajor-caju d. Saccharomyces rouxi
_____ 18. It is a parasitic fungi that cause athlete’s foot.
a. Aspergillus flavus c. Tricophyton mentagrophytes
b. T-rubrum d. T-rubrum and Tricophyton mentagrophytesto
_____ 19. What are the two big groups of Plant Kingdom?
a. Vascular and nonvascular c. liverworts and mosses
b. Vertebrates and invertebrates d. angiosperms and gymnosperms
_____ 20. A plant which do not have tissues used to transport water and food.
a. Vascular b. nonvascular c. gymnosperms d. angiosperms
_____ 21. Which of the following are NOT nonvascular plants?

_____ 22. What do you call to a plants whose seeds are borne in cones?
a. Angiosperms b. gymnosperms c. vascular d. nonvascular
_____ 23. It classified according to their lifespan, as annuals, biennials and perennials.
a. Vascular b. gymnosperms c. nonvascular d. angiosperms
_____ 24. One of the major groups of Animal Kingdom which do not have backbone.
a. Vertebrates b. invertebrates c. amphibians d. reptiles
_____ 25. Which of the following is belong to the vertebrates group?
a. Mollusks b. tapeworms c. fishes d. sponges
_____ 26. It is a sequence of energy transfer among organisms to obtain energy and nutrients.
a. Food web b. food chain c. flow of energy d. consumers
_____ 27. Refer to the diagram below. What is the producer in the diagram?
a. Hawk b. grass c. grasshopper d. snake

_____ 28. Which pair of organisms are first- order consumers?

a. Mouse, rabbit and grasshopper c. snake and mouse
b. Rabbit, lizard and hawk d. hawk, lizard and mouse
_____ 29. The process by which food is changed into a form that the body can use.
a. Digestion b. emulsification c. chemical d. mechanical
_____ 30. A process wherein food is broken down into simpler molecules and absorbed by the body.
a. Mechanical b. chemical c. digestion d. emulsification
_____ 31. The process wherein food undergoes physical change by tearing, grinding and chewing.
a. Emulsification b. mechanical c. chemical d. digestion
_____ 32. A long, coiled, muscular tube stretching from the mouth to the anus.
a. Esophagus b. stomach c. digestive tract d. large intestine
_____ 33. It delivers digestive juices to the small intestine through several ducts.
a. Pancreas b. liver c. gallbladder d. rectum
_____ 34. In which part of the digestive system is the complete chemical digestion occur?
a. Mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. large intestine
_____ 35. Where does the digestive process start?
a. Large intestine b. mouth c. small intestine d. stomach
_____ 36. It is one of the accessory organs responsible for producing bile that helps in breaking down fats.
a. Liver b. pancreas c. gallbladder d. appendix
_____ 37. Bile is responsible for the breaking down of _____.
a. Cellulose b. sugar c. fats d. protein
_____ 38. Where do undigested food stored before leaving the body?
a. Anus b. rectum c. stomach d. large intestine
_____ 39. Which of the statements below is NOT TRUE about the digestive system?
a. Absorbs nutrient molecules. c. eliminates indigestible waste products
b. Transport nutrients to other organs d. digests food to small molecules
_____ 40. What happens when food reaches the stomach?
a. The food moves quickly into the small intestine.
b. The food stays unchanged in the stomach.
c. Juices mix with the food and muscles churn it.
d. Food is completely digested and absorbed.

TEST II: DIGESTION OF FOOD: DIRECTIONS: Arrange the stages of digestion in their proper order using
numbers 41 -50.
_____ A. Undigested food is being pushed out of the system by voluntary and involuntary muscles.
_____ B. Food moves along the esophagus to the stomach.
_____ C. Food waste leaves the small intestine and enters the large intestine.
_____ D. Pepsin and hydrochloric acid digest food in the stomach and the latter mixes it.
_____ E. Water is absorbed from the food wastes back to the body.
_____ F. Food is broken down in the mouth with the help of saliva.
_____ G. Food is ground in the mouth.
_____ H. The food is pushed to the back of the mouth for it to be swallowed.
_____ I. Bile produced by the liver and stored by the gallbladder before it enters the small intestine.
_____ J. Nutrients are absorbed into the blood by villi in the small intestine.

Prepared by:

Science Teacher

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