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Informative Speech on Automotive Industry Advancement

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Informative Speech on Automotive Industry Advancement

The automotive industry is the most high-tech as technology advances. The past decade

has witnessed the congestion of humans and roads on roads. Car manufacturing companies have

decided to come up with advancements that could solve the challenges of congestion on the road.

The advancement of technology has facilitated the incorporation of Artificial intelligence

concepts in the automotive industry. Recently, car manufacturers have opted to follow the trend

by designing a driverless car to replace human drivers. The use of AI in vehicles shall be the

most beneficial discoveries in the history of humanity. The dream is becoming a reality as the car

manufacturers such as BMW, Audi, and Google are investing in the new developments. The

installation of artificial intelligence features in cars is one of the technological revolutions that

may ease transport.

Trends in Transport

The past ten years was break-even for developments on-road vehicles. Car

manufacturers have noticed a gap in the transport industry that could be filled via innovation and

creativity. As a result, the manufacturers introduced AI features such as the Electronic Control

Unit(ECU). The current mid-sized cars on the road contain at least 50 pieces of ECUs. The

functions have enabled the medium-sized cars to have perfect basic functioning while on the

way. The vehicle has excellent security features and has become environmentally friendly due to

less pollution. However, car manufacturers are considering the incorporation of other unique

elements that can improve the safety of commuters by reducing instances of accidents and

congestion on the road (Tian, Chin & Karg,2016). In this case, the companies are adding more

features to the ECU to ensure that the car can work effectively. For instance, the new

developments consider communication between vehicles through the standardization of

V2V/V2I technology into contemporary vehicles. The pedestrian phones can transmit signals to

vehicles through local networks and WIFI to reduce cases of accidents.

Global commuters have a long quest for self-driven vehicles. Statistics from the Institute

of Electrical and Electronic Engineering(IEEE) reveals that 75% of the cars on the road shall be

self-driven in the next three decades(Read, 2012). The accelerating number of vehicles shall be

attributed to the high rate of human civilization in the world. As a result, humans shall have

more top affection for robots rather than fellow humans in various engineering perspectives.

Since safety is the most significant concern in the current age of the transport industry, replacing

conventional cars with autonomous cars shall solve transport challenges. Also, studies reveal that

human error is the causative agent for most car accidents on the road. The autonomous vehicles

shall offer a solution by revamping the traffick system. In addition to a web of complex

communication networks, the independent car hall can predict their position while saving space.

Therefore, it shall serve to reduce cases of congestion on different roads in major towns and


The AI Driving Features

The driver fewer cars shall have the most sophisticated technologies to aid the reduction

of congestion on the road. The autonomous car shall possess features such as the driver

assistance system and the cloud AI services. The driver assistance technology has features

related to the co-pilot. In this case, the AI has the power to monitor dozens of sensors to identify

and correct various dangerous situations(Brynjolfsson, Rock & Syverson,2017). The driver

assists alert the driver to be keen on the looming dangers. The AI driver-assist has an emergency

braking system, cross traffick detectors as well as a blind spot monitoring system. Then driver

adaptive light controls enable the driver to have an excellent visual while navigating through the

dark streets. Also, the technology facilitates the rotation of headlights to illuminate the car

through sharp corners. A pre-crash technology enhances the automatic braking system when the

vehicle encounters an emergency.

Cloud AI services save and avail data to the right users. Cra generates a large amount of

data during their navigation process. As a result, car manufacturers shall incorporate cloud

services to store the generated data for future analytics. The manufacturers run the risks of dark

information if they do not consider applying the current non-critical data for future analysis. The

car manufacturers consider sophisticated data storage tools such as data lakes to facilitate the

availability of the data in the future. The data lakes enhance the storage of data into a different

format and integrate some data platforms for schemaless data (Whaiduzzaman et al., 2014). In

particular, the concept of big data in autonomous cars shall save the industry time and space in

significant towns. Also, the concept hall offers an excellent opportunity for further research to

look for various ways of dealing with congestion in major towns and cities.

Congestion and accidents are among the challenges facing the transport industry in the

world. As a result of the increased population of pedestrians and cars, car manufacturers have

opted to include Artificial intelligence in vehicles as compared to the conventional ones. Some

of the sophisticated features that future cars shall incorporate include the cloud AI services as

well as the driver assistance system. The driver assistance system shall assist the driver in

maneuvering through risky situations as well as an instant braking system during an emergency.

In particular, car manufacturers shall have the capability to handle big data. Therefore, the future

of cars shall be exciting.


Brynjolfsson, E., Rock, D., & Syverson, C. (2017). Artificial intelligence and the modern

productivity paradox: A clash of expectations and statistics (No. w24001). National

Bureau of Economic Research.

Read, R.(2012). IEEE Says That 75% Of Vehicles Will Be Autonomous By 2040. The Car

Connection Retrieved from


Tian, J., Chan, A., & Karg, M. (2016). Digital services in the automotive industry. IT

Professional, 18(5), 4-6.

Whaiduzzaman, M., Sookhak, M., Gani, A., & Buyya, R. (2014). A survey on vehicular cloud

computing. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 40, 325-344.

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