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Stimulation of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in

Lake Water from a Former Open-Pit Mine

Through Addition of Organic Wastes
James M. Castro, Bruce W. Wielinga, James E. Gannon, Johnnie N. Moore

ABSTRACT: A method to improve water quality in a lake occupying Furthermore, ferric Iron (Fe3+) generates acid by hydrolysis
a former open-pit mine was evaluated in a laboratory-scale study. (Mills, 1985)
Untreated pit lake water contained high levels of sulfate, iron, and
arsenic (I 200, 100, and 5 mg/L, respectively) and was mildly acidic
(-pH 6). Varying amounts of two locally available organic waste
products (waste from a potato-processing plant and composted steer
Sulfides of elements other than iron are also subject to oxidation,
manure) were added to pit water and maintained in microcosms under
which can release toxic levels of those elements. In the presence of
anoxic conditions. In selected microcosms, populations of sulfate-
reducing bacteria increased with time; sulfide was generated by sulfate carbonate host rock, some or all of the acid may be neutralized, but
reduction; sulfate, iron, and arsenic concentrations approached zero; and most of the sulfate and significant amounts of the dissolved metals
pH approached neutrality. Best results were obtained with intermediate and metalloids typically remain in solution. Moreover, because
amounts of waste potato skin. Water Environ. Res., 71,218 (1999). most pit lakes connect with aquifers and can be attractive to
animals in search of drinking water and migratory birds, they
KEYWORDS: open-pit, mine, lake, acid, sulfate, reduction, remedia-
tion, bacteria. present potential hazards for both public health and wildlife con-
servation. Sulfate concentrations alone can violate state and federal
water-quality regulations. When commonly high metal-metalloid
Abandoned or discontinued open-pit, metal-mining operations
concentrations and acidity are considered, it is evident that cor-
have resulted in the creation of pit lakes. Depending on the mineral
rective action is necessary to improve such lakes' water quality.
composition of rocks surrounding a pit, particularly the presence or
No practical remediation method for water quality of large pit
absence of carbonates, water in the resulting lake may be mildly to
lakes has yet been developed. Neutralization of acidic lake water
severely acidic, near-neutral, or even alkaline (Plumlee et aI.,
by addition of limestone or other bases has been proposed, but
1992). Depending on amounts and types of associated minerals,
such treatment is not enough. Neutralizing acidic, high-sulfate
the lake may contain varying dissolved concentrations of metals,
water with high concentrations of dissolved metals typically pro-
metalloids, and sulfate (Macdonald et aI., 1994, and Miller et aI.,
duces neutral, high-sulfate water with high dissolved metal con-
1996). Under current economic conditions, mining of relatively
centrations, which still does not meet environmental standards for
low-grade gold deposits is profitable, and more than 100 such
domestic or agricultural use.
deposits are mined throughout the world (Mining Journal Group,
1997). These mining activities will result in the creation of nu- However, past studies of acidic drainage from coal mines (Tuttle
merous new pit lakes during the next 50 years (Macdonald et aI., et aI., 1968; Tuttle, Dugan, Macmillan, and Randles, 1969; and
1994). In the state of Nevada alone, more than 30 new pit lakes are Tuttle, Dugan, and Randles, 1969) and pit lakes at abandoned coal
expected to be formed in the next 20 years that, when filled, will mines (Campbell and Lind, 1969) have suggested an approach that
contain more than 1.2 X 109 m3 (I X 106 ac-ft) of water (Miller may remediate conditions in metal-mine pit lakes. Stimulation of
et aI., 1996). Thus, an increased need for pit lake remediation is dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) by addition of or-
foreseen. ganic nutrients would be a cost-effective means of dealing with
Although water in pit lakes may vary greatly in pH and metal- these contaminated waters.
metalloid content, they typically have high to very high sulfate Sulfate-reducing bacteria gain energy for growth by coupling
concentrations (up to several thousand parts per million) produced oxidation of organic compounds or hydrogen with the reduction of
by oxidation of sulfides. Mechanisms of sulfate formation arc well sulfate to sulfide (Barton and Tomei, 1995; Perry, 1995; and
known. Using pyrite (FeS2) as an example, oxidation produces Widdell, 1988). Sulfate reduction has the added benefit of precip-
sulfuric acid (H2S04) by the following reactions (Stevenson, itating metals and metalloids by reactions of the typc
SO~- + M2+ +2C (org) ~ MS! + 2 CO2 (6)
where M is a dissolved metal and C (org) is organic carbon.
12 FeS04 + 3 O2 + 6 H20 ~ 4 Fe2(S04)3 + 4 Fe(OH)3 (2) Moreover, gradual conversion of amorphous iron sulfides to pyrite
(Berner, 1970) consumes acid
Fez(S04h + FeS2 ~ 3FeS04 + 2 SO (3)

(4) (7)

218 Water Environment Research, Volume 71, Number 2

Castro et al.

The result of these processes is water of near-neutral pH with low 0

levels of dissolved metals, metalloids, and sulfate, which may ''\1
approach or meet environmental standards.
2 <;7
Added organics have two effects: (I) reducing oxygen and other
highly oxidizing species (NOx, Fe(III), etc.) in water and sedi-
4 '9
ments, thus establishing suitable redox conditions for dissimilatory
sulfate reduction, and (2) providing, either directly or indirectly, <;7

the low-molecular-weight organic compounds required by SRB. •...


Examples of organic amendments that stimulate SRB are decom- Q)

posed sawdust (Tuttle, Dugan, Macmillan, and Randle, 1969), E 8 -.. ' -...... '\1
g ...
substances present in drainage from cultivated fields (Campbell ..•...
.c:. '\1
and Lind, 1969), spent mushroom compost (Dvorak et aI., 1992), a.
hay and straw (Bechard et aI., 1993), and slurried cattle waste
Q) 10 !v
(Ueki et aI., 199]).
This paper reports a laboratory-scale investigation of the feasi- 12
bility of remediating water from a pit lake at a gold mine in
northern Nevada. Two organic amendments are readily available --- Temperature
14 .... 'V ... Dissolved oxygen
to the mine: waste from a local potato-processing plant and com-
posted cattle manure from a feed lot.
o 2 4 6 8 10 12
Materials and Methods
Site Description. The Summer Camp Pit is located at Temperature (OC) and D.O. (mg/L)
the Getchell Mine in Humboldt County, Nevada (41 °13' N,
117 ° 16' W). A former open-pit mine, the Summer Camp Pit is
Figure 1-Dissolved oxygen concentration and temper-
now filled with water to a depth of approximately 18 m and
ature profile as a function of depth in Summer Camp Pit
receives precipitation, surface drainage, and, primarily, water
Lake, Humboldt County, Nevada (November 1996).
pumped from an underground gold mine. Water in this lake is high
in sulfates and mildly acidic; the acidity is partly moderated by
laboratory. Samples were kept on ice during transportation (22
carbonate rock in contact with the lake (Silberman et aI., 1974). hours).
The ore body is high in orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (AS4S4) but Microcosm Set Up. Microcosms were contained in 5-L Nal-
low in metal sulfides other than pyrite. As a result, lake water is gene polyethylene bottles. To reduce variation between micro-
low in metals other than iron, sodium, calcium, and magnesium but cosms, each microcosm was established with water and sediment
uncommonly high in arsenic, typically containing several milli- from each of the three carboys. Initially, 750 mL of sediment
grams per liter. The drainage water pumped from the underground slurry from carboy no. ] was added to each microcosm, followed
mine contains small amounts of nitrate and nitrite, residue from by addition of I 000 mL of water from carboy no. 2. The appro-
explosives used in the mine. Water temperature measured in June priate quantity of each amendment was added and each microcosm
1996 ranged from 9 °C at the bottom to 20°C at the surface; was then brought to a final volume of 3 250 mL with water from
measurements in November 1996 ranged from 10°C at the bottom carboy no. 3. Each of the 20-L carboys was continuously mixed
to 7 °C at the surface. Dissolved oxygen levels measured in while water was being transferred. All transfers were made under
November ]996 decreased sharply from 7 to 9 mglL near the a constant stream of N2 gas to maintain anoxic conditions. Micro-
surface to < 1 mg/L below 8 m (Figure ]). cosms were numbered I through II, with microcosm I I (MCll)
Sample Collection. Sediment samples and depth-integrated wa- having no added amendments. Each of the other microcosms
ter samples were collected from the anoxic zone of the lake, received 0.5 gIL sodium nitrate (NaN03), 0.025 giL monobasic
between depths of 9 and] 6 m, on November 5, ] 996. Three 20-L potassium phosphate (KH2P04), and 0.025 giL dibasic potassium
carboys (Nalgene) were purged with N2 gas for 5 minutes before phosphate (K2HP04) as bacterial nutrients. Microcosms 2 through
being filled with a sample. Carboys were fitted with caps contain- 6 received, respectively, 365, I 825, 3 650, 7 300, and 3 650 mglL
ing three ports that allowed continuous N2 purging during sample organic carbon as waste potato peel. Microcosms 7 through 10
collection. Water and sediment were retrieved through sterile received 500,2500,5000, and 10 000 mglL, respectively, organic
silicone tubing (6 mm i.d.) connected to a peristaltic pump. The carbon as composted manure. To study bacterial activity in the
tubing was taped to the cable of an oxygen-temperature probe absence of sulfate reduction, excess sodium molybdate (4.7 gIL)
(YSI Corporation. Yellow Springs, Ohio) that had been marked at was added to MC6 as a competitive inhibitor of sulfate metabo-
0.5-m intervals and connected to a YSI model 58 Dissolved lism.
Oxygen Meter. The probe provided sufficient weight to get the Microcosms were passed into an anaerobic glove box (Coy
tubing to the lake bottom and allowed simultaneous collection of Laboratories, Grass Lake, Michigan) containing an atmosphere of
Iimnological data. Carboy no. 1 contained bottom sediments and 88% N2, 5% carbon dioxide, and 7% hydrogen. The glove box was
water, whereas carboys nos. 2 and 3 contained depth-integrated equipped with an alarm to indicate oxygen contamination. All
water samples. Once the carboys were filled, the pump was shut sampling and microbiological processing were conducted under
off and the inlet port capped. Each sample was purged for an this atmosphere, with the exceptions of the sampling at 150 and
additional 5 minutes with N2 and the vessels were sealed with 2] 0 days. A methylene blue anaerobic indicator strip was placed in
slight positive nitrogen pressure for transportation back to the the cap of each microcosm to indicate redox state. Between sam-

March/April 1999 219

Castro et al.

piing intervals the microcosms were sealed, removed from the filters, acidified with 200 fLL nitric acid each, and stored in clean
anaerobe chamber, and stored in an incubator at 15°C; this polyethylene bottles for later analysis.
temperature was used because it approximated the average tem- Organic Amendments. Potato waste and composted cattle ma-
perature in the lake. nure were obtained locally by Getchell Mining Corporation. The
Bacterial Enumeration. Sulfate-reducing bacteria were enu- amendments contained 50.4 and 24.0% organic carbon (dry basis),
merated using a five-tube most probable number (MPN) method. A respectively.
l-mL aliquot from each thoroughly mixed microcosm was serially
diluted 10-fold in prereduced phosphate buffered saline solution Results and Discussion
(pH 6.8). Diluted sample was used to inoculate the quantitative In microcosms with added organic amendments, nitrate concen-
enrichments. The Desulfomonile tiedjei medium used, ATCC me- trations dropped from initial values near 90 mg NIL to near 0
dium 1690 (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Virginia), within 31 days. At the same time, nitrite concentrations increased
was modified as follows: the concentration of sodium bicarbonate from 0 to maxima near 30 mg NIL and then decreased to near 0
(NaHCO) was increased from 3 to 4.2 gIL (-50 mM); pyruvate within 60 days. This pattern is consistent with either denitrification
(40 mM) was replaced as the sole carbon source with a combina- or dissimilatory nitrate reduction by bacteria (Tate, 1995).
tion of pyruvate, acetate, and lactate (13.3 mM each); iron ammo- The concentration of ammonia-nitrogen gradually increased in
nium sulfate (Fe(NH4MS04h . 6H20) (0.087 mM) was added to MC5 and MCl 0 from approximately 20 mglL to approximately 50
enhance detection of sulfate reduction; and a reductant solution mglL. In MC2, MC4, MC6, MC8, and MC I I it remained approx-
consisting of 42.6 mM ascorbic acid and 65.7 mM sodium thio- imately constant at 5 to 10 mglL. In MC I it dropped within 5 days
glycolate replaced 50 mM sodium dithionite. Enrichments were from 7 mglL to O. In MC7, it remained constant at approximately
incubated at 20°C in an atmosphere of N2:C02 (80:20) and 5 mglL for the first 2 months, then decreased to I mg!L thereafter.
counted after 30 days. Sulfate reduction was indicated by black- Ammonium-nitrogen concentrations in MC9 fluctuated throughout
ening of the media as a result of precipitation of ferrous sulfide. the study between 15 and 40 mglL. There were at least three
Analytical Methods. All reagents used were American Chem- sources and one sink of ammonia-nitrogen in the systems. Likely
ical Society analytical reagent grade except as noted. Hydrochloric sources included dissolution of soluble ammonia from organic
and nitric acids were trace metal grade. All water samples were amendments (especially the composted manure), ammonification
filtered through O.20-J,1m membrane filters. Samples for metal and of organic nitrogen, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction; the most
metalloid determination were acidified to <pH 2 with nitric acid. likely sink was nitrogen immobilization by bacteria (Tate, 1995).
After sulfide was found to affect arsenic solubility, dissolved These multiple ammonia pathways probably explain the lack of
arsenic was determined in unacidified samples. Solution pH was any readily apparent trend in ammonia-nitrogen concentrations in
measured using a glass combination electrode. Metals and metal- the microcosms.
loids were determined by inductively coupled argon-plasma emis- Lake water initially had low dissolved oxygen concentrations
sion spectroscopy (ICAPES) using a Thermo-Jarrell-Ash (Frank- (Figure I), and care was taken to avoid oxygen uptake during
lin, Massachusetts) IRIS system according to U.S. Environmental transfer to the microcosms. Based on the appearance of methylene
Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) method 200.7. Arsenic (UI) was blue indicator strips, all microcosms except 4, 5, and 6 remained
determined by hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy anoxic during processing. Addition of higher amounts of potato
(HG-AAS) using a Varian Model 875 spectrophotometer (Varian wastes had the effect of slightly oxidizing these microcosms and
Techtron Pty., Ltd., Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia) equipped with retarding the onset of sulfate reduction. Addition of nitrate as a
a VGA-76 hydride generator. Anions were determined by ion bacterial nutrient had the effect of elevating the redox potentials of
chromatography according to U.S. EPA method 300.0, using a the microcosms and preventing sulfate reduction for several weeks
Dionex system (Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, California) equipped until the nitrate and nitrite were reduced. Many heterotrophic
with an AS4A-SC column and an ASRS-I cation suppressor. bacteria can use nitrate and/or nitrite as a terminal electron accep-
Nonpurgeable organic carbon was determined using a Shimadzu tor when oxygen becomes limited. In environments where both
TOC-5000A analyzer (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., Co- nitrate and sulfate are available, nitrate reduction is the predomi-
lumbia, Maryland) calibrated against a potassium hydrogen nant terminal electron-accepting process (Lovley, 1991). In pit
phthalate primary standard. Soluble sulfides and ammonia nitrogen lake remediation, where promotion of bacterial sulfate reduction is
were determined immediately upon sampling. Sulfides were deter- the objective, a better choice of nitrogen source would be an
mined by the methylene blue method using a Hach DREL/2000 ammonium salt, which would provide reduced nitrogen rather than
field kit (Hach Co., Loveland. Colorado) according to U.S. EPA nitrate.
method 376.2. Ammonia nitrogen was determined by the Nessler The water obtained from the lake was at pH 6.1. In most cases,
method using a Hach DREL/2000 kit according to U.S. EPA pH values increased to approximately 7, but in MC4 and MC5 the
method 350.2. Total organic carbon in the composted manure was pH decreased to values below 6. Microcosm 4 eventually recov-
detennined using a Coulometrics CO2 Coulometer system (UIC, ered to approximately pH 6, but the pH in MC5 remained low (5.2
Inc., Joliet, Jllinois), and in the potato waste it was determined at 210 days). The decrease in pH may have been caused by the
using a Fisons Carlo Erba EA I L 10 (CE InstrumentslElantech, release of organic acids from the potato waste in these micro-
Beverly, Massachusetts) calibrated against a 2,5-bis-(5-tert-butyl- cosms. In MC] I, the control, after 150 days the pH fell sharply and
benzoxazol-2-yl)-thiophene standard. was at pH 4.95 after 210 days. This seems to have been caused by
For ICAPES analysis, solid organic amendments were digested oxygen diffusing into the microcosm, with resultant iron oxidation
as follows: samples (0.5 g) of dried, ground material were sealed and acid generation (see discussion below).
in polytetraftuoroethylene vessels with 5-mL aliquots of aqua regia Concentrations of SRB, sulfate, and sulfide in all microcosms at
and heated in a microwave oven. Digests were then cooled, diluted the start of the experiment were approximately equal (I X 102
to 50-mL volumes, centrifuged, filtered through 0.2-I.Lnl membrane bacterialmL, MPN estimated; I 200 mglL; and < I IJ.g!L, respec-

220 Water Environment Research, Volume 71, Number 2

Castro at al.

was oxidized by nitrate to Fe(III), which would precipitate as
oxyhydroxides at the prevailing pH. Iron then increased again at 30
to 60 days, as nitrates and nitrites became depleted and the Fe(Ill)

io~j .~.~ -. - tto

was reduced again to Fe(II). Finally, as sulfides appeared in
solution, Fe(II) precipitated as sulfides and the dissolved iron
concentration dropped again. Microcosms 5 and I I were notable
exceptions to this general rule.
o.~C3 1 en
As in most other microcosms, the iron in MC5 was resolubilized
between 31 and 60 days, apparently by reduction to Fe(Il). How-


ever, at 210 days the iron concentration was still more than 100
mglL, although it appeared to be dropping at this point. The deLay
in precipitation of iron sulfides in MC5 was likely caused by
a:l 5 C4 :::::J slower sulfate reduction in this microcosm compared to several
4 ~
(/) others (see Figure 2). Iron and sulfide concentrations reflect a slow

z 23 _ _ . .0 2
approach to equilibrium that may be related to the low pH and high
1 ~.- 3 level of organic matter in the microcosm.
C) o 0 to Between 60 and 150 days, the dissolved iron concentration in
5 MC5
.c MC]] dropped from 156 to less than 1 mg/L (data not shown).
:::l During the same period, an orange-brown precipitate appeared on
3 .0 2 (j)
the sides of the bottle containing the microcosm. A nitrogen-

l r; _~__
2 ••.. ----- II-:-':':':':"~. c:: carbon dioxide-hydrogen atmosphere was maintained in the mi-

1 ···0·
o .... • 0 a. crocosm, and nothing had been added to the water and sediment.
The position of the precipitate suggests that oxygen had diffused

:MC'C .c-.
1 ~....
.. ~
~ ~
, ~~


-----J. MC1 6

4 0·····
MC9 6
160o -----0 , 0

3 .... .... 4
..••... ....-----_ MC3

•• r~--------o_-_-O
2 c;' '. 120
1 .' _--- - .'W 2
o 0
o 50 100 150 200 250

Time (days) o
Figure 2-Changes in SRB,sulfate, and sulfide concentra- »
tions over time in selected microcosms. Symbols: • = (1)
sulfate-reducing bacteria, • = sulfate, and 0 = sulfide. c o'
tively), In MCI, to which no organic nutrient was added, these
Q) »
> ~
concentrations remained essentially constant over the 210 days of "0
the experiment (Figure 2). In MC6, which was amended with both
i:5 3'
a carbon source and molybdate to inhibit SRB, there was no
change in sulfate or sulfide concentrations, and SRB numbers 160 Mca
6 --
120 riA
dropped to <2/mL (data not shown). Following a variable lag
period, densities of SRB in microcosms 3, 4, 8, and 9 increased to
/?~ __-----
concentrations that varied between 2 X 104 and 3 X 105/mL 40 I ~ -0 _
(Figure 2). The rise in SRB concentrations was followed by a
decrease in sulfate and an increase in sulfide (Figure 2). 160o -
Iron (Figure 3) behaved as expected in an anoxic system sub- 120
jected to an initial addition of nitrate followed by a gradual drop in 80
redox potential. The redox potential for the Fe(III)-Fe(II) couple is
higher than that for the nitrate-nitrite couple under standard con-
ditions, that is, 1 m of all reactants. However, at pH 6 the nitrate 50 100 150 200 250

couple's potential (0.408 V) is considerably higher than that of the Time (days)
iron couple (0.173 V for L mM Fe2+).
The dissolved iron concentration in lake water was initially Figure 3-Concentrations of dissolved iron, total ar-
greater than 100 mglL because of Fe(II) in solution. Within 3 senic, and As(lII) as a function of time. Symbols: • =
weeks the dissolved iron concentration dropped to near 0 as Fe(II) dissolved iron, • = total arsenic, and 0 = As(III).

March/April 1999 221

Castro et al.

through the walls of the polyethylene bottle. Polyethylene is 1979). Such favorable conditions require the introduction of small
known to be permeable to gases, and the time interval between 60 amounts of oxygen to generate elemental sulfur by partial oxidation of
and ISO days was the longest time that the microcosms were stored sulfide (Lord and Church, 1983)
without being purged with fresh reducing gases. It is likely that
S2- + 1/2 O2 + H20 ~ SO + 2 OH- (8)
oxygen diffused into MCII, oxidizing the iron. This is consistent
with both the position of the precipitate on the walls of the followed by the reaction
container and with the decrease in pH from 6.4 at 60 days to 5.6
at 150 days and 4.95 at 210 days because oxidation of Fe(II) with
FeS + SO~ FeS2 (9)
precipitation of oxyhydroxides generates acid (equation 5). Oxygen can be introduced to sulfidic sediments by many mech·
Total dissolved arsenic concentrations were initially 1 to 3 anisms, including lake overturn, storm events, and bioturbation. In
mg/L. They increased somewhat during the first 5 days and in- this case, slow diffusion of oxygen through the walls of polyeth-
creased more slowly through the first 21 days (Figure 3). This was ylene containers might have brought about pyritization of sulfides
unexpected because, at the time, iron was precipitating from so- in the microcosms over a period of a few months. Authigenic
lution as oxyhydroxides in MCI through MClO, and arsenates pyrite is known to be a strong arsenic scavenger that can accom-
typically co-precipitate with iron oxyhydroxides. It is possible that modate significant amounts of arsenic in its crystal lattice. Thus,
addition of 25 mM phosphate as a bacterial nutrient caused the formation of pyrite is commonly accompanied by a decrease in
displacement of adsorbed arsenic from mineral or organic surfaces dissolved arsenic (Belzile and Lebel, 1986, and Morse, 1995).
because phosphate and arsenate ions would tend to compete for the Subsequent small increases in arsenic concentrations in MC4
same sites. and MC5 after 210 days are not as easily explained. Sulfide levels
Total arsenic and As(III) in MCll dropped from 5.0 and 1.35 in these microcosms increased steeply during this interval and
mglL, respectively, at 60 days to near 0 at 150 days (data not approximately quadrupled between days 150 and 210. Any arsenic
shown). This behavior is also consistent with inward diffusion of released to solution would be kept in solution as thioarsenites. It is
oxygen because As(III) would be oxidized to arsenates, and ar- possible that arsenic could have been released by slow-reacting
senates tend to co-precipitate with iron oxyhydroxides (Dyck and solid phases in the sediment, such as refractory oxides. Pyrite's
Lieser, 1981, and Moore, 1994). high thermodynamic stability (Berner, 1970) makes it unlikely that
In microcosms where anoxic conditions were established and arsenic would be released from that mineral by reaction with
measurable sulfide appeared in solution, arsenic concentrations sulfide.
fell. Arsenic concentrations then rose with further increases in Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were approximately
dissolved sulfide. This is consistent with the precipitation of ar- proportional to the amount of organic matter added. There was
senic sulfides such as As2S3, followed by re-dissolution of these approximately twice as much readily soluble organic carbon in the
sulfides to form thioarsenite complexes. In water containing 60 compost as in the potato waste. (During the first 21 days of
mglL sulfide at pH 6, the solubility of arsenic is approximately 5 incubation, an average 12.5% of organic carbon added to compost-
mg/L (Webster, 1990). treated microcosms dissolved, while dissolution rates for carbon in
Determinations of total arsenic in water samples from micro- microcosms treated with potato waste averaged 6.3%.) Water
cosms were performed by ICAPES, using solutions acidified to samples taken later than 12 days after the start of the experiment
<pH 2 with nitric acid, according to U.S. EPA method 200.7. from MC8, MC9, and MClO, which contained large amounts of
Arsenic(III) was determined in unacidified samples using HG- compost, showed an intense dark brown color; these samples also
AAS. At 31 days, for some of the more sulfidic microcosms, produced a precipitate upon acidification with hydrochloric acid.
measured As(III) concentrations were larger than total arsenic The only metals besides iron that were present at significant
measurements. This anomaly seems to have been the result of concentrations in the pit water were calcium, sodium, and magne-
sample handling. In highly sulfidic microcosms, As(III) solubility sium. Concentrations of these metals remained fairly constant,
was increased by sulfide through the formation of thioarsenite except for increases in magnesium and sodium in samples from
complexes (Webster, 1990). In samples analyzed by ICAPES, microcosms containing large amounts of potato waste or compost
added nitric acid oxidized some of the sulfide and thus destabilized (data not shown).
the thioarsenite complexes, precipitating dissolved arsenic. By This experiment has demonstrated the possibility, in principle,
contrast, samples analyzed for As(III) by HG-AAS were not acid- of remediating water quality in a mildly acidic pit lake containing
ified. Sulfide concentrations in those samples were undisturbed, high levels of sulfate, iron, and arsenic by addition of inexpensive
and dissolved arsenic levels remained higher. Once this potential organic matter. In some of the microcosms, bacterial reduction of
nitric acid interference was noted, further ICAPES determinations sulfate produced sulfide and, after a period of months, the bulk of
of arsenic in sulfidic solutions were performed on unacidified the sulfate, iron, and arsenic in the microcosms was removed from
samples (ICAPES determinations of iron and other metals were solution as precipitated sulfides. However, it is also evident that
still performed on acidified samples according to the U.S. EPA there are multiple poorly understood variables that affect the rates
method). of sulfate reduction, sulfide precipitation, and the eventual forma-
Between day 60 and 150, arsenic levels in MC4 and MC5 dropped tion of stable mineral phases. The amount and type of organic
to near 0, although conditions in these microcosms (i.e., increasing additive had unexpected effects on the above processes and on
sulfide concentration and moderate pH) were still conducive to the solution pH. Removal of sulfate, iron, and arsenic and neutraliza-
formation of thioarsenite complexes. This drop in dissolved arsenic is tion of acids did not improve uniformly with increased organic
possibly a result of conversion of amorphous ferrous sulfides in the matter; rather, there appears to be an optimum amount of organic
sediments (with the approximate composition FeS) to pyrite (FeS~. matter that affords the fastest remediation. Moderate amounts of
Pyrite typically forms on a time scale of weeks to years (Berner, 1970) waste potato peel seemed to deliver the best combination of
but can form more quickly under favorable conditions (Howarth, sulfate, iron, and arsenic removal.

222 Water Environment Research, Volume 71, Number 2

Castro et al.

Judging by these laboratory results, the best results in the field Dyck, W., and Lieser, K.H. (1981) Coprecipitation of Copper, Zinc,
might be anticipated using approximately 0.2 gIL (200 glm3) Arsenic, Silver, Cadmium, and Lead with Iron Hydroxide and Iron
organic carbon in the form of potato waste. This waste, which is Phosphate. Vom Wasser (Ger.), 56, 183.
Herlihy, A.T.; Mills, A.I.; Hornberger, G.M.; and Bruckner, A.E. (1987)
approximately 92% water, contains approximately 50% carbon on
The Importance of Sediment Sulfate Reduction to the Sulfate Budget
a dry basis, or approximately 4% carbon as received from the
of an Impoundment Receiving Acid Mine Drainage. Water Resour.
plant. As the lake volume is approximately 2 X 105 m3, it would
Res., 23, 287.
require 4 X 104 kg carbon, or approximately 900 Mg (I 000 ton) Howarth, R.W. (1979) Pyrite: Its Rapid Fonnation in a Salt Marsh and Its
of wet potato waste. This amount of material, delivered over a Importance in Ecosystem Metabolism. Science, 203, 49.
period of months, is well within the capacity of the potato-pro- Lord, C.l.I., and Church, T.M. (1983) The Geochemistry of Salt Marshes:
cessing plant. It would require approximately 50 trips by dump Sedimentary Ion Diffusion, Sulfate Reduction, and Pyritization.
trucks with a standard 18-Mg (20-ton) capacity, or correspond- Ceochim. Cosmochim. Acta (G.B.), 47, 1381.
ingly fewer trips by larger trucks. Lovley, D.R. (1991) Dissimilatory Fe(llI) and Mn(IY) Reduction. Micro-
After the initial treatment, it might be necessary to continue bioI. Rev., 55, 259.
Macdonald, M.S.; Miller, G.C.; and Lyons, W.B. (1994) Water Quality in
adding small amounts of potato waste to the lake as long as
Open Pit Precious Metal Mines, Reno, NY. Dep. Environ. Resour.
oxidizing waters from the underground mine are discharged to the
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March/April 1999 223

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