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Depression. It’s a very heavy word, and one that we are all too familiar with in our day and
age. You probably know someone close to you that struggles with it, or maybe you do yourself.
For a lot of people who have never had depression though, it’s hard to put into words what it
feels like. Surely, we all know the consequences of depression, and sure we all know it means
that someone is sad, but unfortunately, it is so much more than that. It’s not just an emotional
state, but a physical and mental one as well.
We have asked at least 5 respondents regarding this topic and some were heedful and
considerate with their words since this is too sensitive and a controversial matter. In my opinion,
depression is a choice. It is not just a feeling of sadness but a disorder which, left untreated, can
manifest itself in serious physical and psychological symptoms causing profound distress to the
individual and his/her loved ones, increasing his/her predisposition for developing co-morbid
disorders, and unfortunately all too often, precipitating self-mutilator behavior and/or suicidality.
Some cases of depression are the result of "environmental" factors, that is, the stresses and
circumstances in a person's life, other cases result from an identifiable and measurable
chemical imbalance in the brain. Some people with depression are made to feel like it is their
fault for feeling the way they do and are told to simply ‘get out more’ and ‘snap out of it’.
Similarly, those who have anxiety or OCD are told to ‘pull themselves together’ and to ‘stop
worrying over little things’.
Somehow, society views depression as something that is easy to snap out of, when it is a
nightmare to go through every day. Someone who doesn't suffer from this illness usually will not
understand the pain and traumatizing effects it takes on a person living with depression every
moment of the day. Lack of energy and loss of ambition are seen as being "lazy", when it is not
as controllable as people think it is. There are too many misunderstandings concerning this
illness that no one wants to educate themselves on it. Due to this, a majority of sufferers do not
open up to family or friends.
I also think depression should be a more educated topic in society. I think that there is a lot
of confusion around depression, and it is often used as a semi slang term for having a bad day,
when in fact it is a very serious life-threatening disease. As we are educated in school about
many various topics, I think there should be more wellbeing and mental health education,
throughout schools, as not just depression but all mental health is something that seems to be
passed off as not that big of a deal, when in fact people are coping with so much, and may not
know that it could be better, as they don't know what is wrong with them. I think society passes
off depression and mental health as not life threatening and supports physical health more
immediately. Seeing an equal between physical and mental health, throughout all aspects of
medicine and health would really make a change to our society.
For teenagers, they experience depression in a manner very similar to adults, but they may
experience their emotions more intensely and with greater volatility. Feeling down about a
relationship issue or an upcoming exam is normal. Feeling down for months at a time for no
particular reason, however, may be a sign of undiagnosed depression. Teen depression is a
serious issue, but can be helped when you know the symptoms. Though the term “depression”
can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a mental disorder. Depressive illness
in teenagers is defined when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with the teen’s
ability to function.
It’s no wonder a person with depression can’t see overcoming it. It seems hopeless. You talk
negatively all the time, not just about yourself, but about others too. It’s not just the blues — it
feels like someone has grayed out the world altogether. Once again, not every case of
depression is related to a chemical disorder in the brain. It also is worth noting that many anti-
depression medications have side effects that must be taken into account.
It might turn out that the best treatment for a neurochemical imbalance and the resulting
depression is a combination of medication, "talking" therapy, and the development of life skills to
manage and overcome future episodes of depression. Some people suffer depression as a
result of circumstances in their lives. Yet for others, their depression doesn't match their reality,
in general their life seems "good. Depression can be the result of a neurochemical disease or
imbalance, which causes the sufferer to experience a significant personality deregulation.
In all cases, decisions about treatment should be made in the most thorough and open
manner, with full participation by the patient, the patient's family, the patient's doctor and the
mental health experts involved – as well as input from patient advocacy groups and others as

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