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Answer the following questions:

Comprehension Questions Answer

1. What is Johnsy’s illness? Pneumonia

The cause of Johnsy’s illness is caused by the epidemic of

pneumonia in Greenwhich Village in New York City. It is
2. What is the cause of her illness? a lung diseased caused by infection of both lungs. It is
characterized by coughing, chills, chest pain, fever,
nausea, and in extreme cases coughing of blood.

Johnsy was very pessimistic person. She was dying from

pneumonia and she saw a vine outside her window. The
vine kept losing its leaves everyday and Johnsy compares
3. What do you think made Johnsy consider that her her life to the life of the vine. She kept on thinking that as
possible death would be simultaneous with the she grows weaker day by day, the, she will probably die
last leaf to fall? What is its connection with her when the last leaf of the vine falls.
Johnsy consider her possible death would be simultaneous
with the last leaf to fall because just like our life, tree
grows and need a support. When the leaves started to fall,
it means the body of the vine is weak. Just like her illness,
it made her weak.

Johnsy was very sick and living was difficult despite the
sickness however she is a fighter. Her willingness to live
made her recover from her illness. Therefore, the way she
4. What help Johnsy recover from her illness? Do recovered from her illness is psychological in nature
you think it is psychological in nature? Why? because it comes from within, from her will to live and not
from medecines created by science.
Behrman’s painting rekindled the willingness to survive in
Johnsy’s heart and she was able to recover from her

Johnsy’s analogy of the death of the vine happened to Mr.

Behrman. Johnsy had rested her faith on the last leaf of the
5. To whom does Johnsy’s analogy of the death of vine. She wants to die when the last leaf of that vine falls
the vine happen? Is it really connected to how down however, it was Mr. Behrman who died due to
people endure life and face the most difficult pneumonia. Mr. Behrman painted a leaf outside Johnsy’s
challenge of one’s surpassing death? Explain. room to keep her hoping and wanting to live sacrificing
his own life. Yes, it is connected because someone’s
personal will is stronger than any other medication.

6. How does Mr. Behrman emphasize the connection Mr. Behrman believes that Johnsy’s faith to be healed
of Johnsy’s faith to be healed with the vine’s relying on the vine’s ability to hold to the leaf is very
ability to hold the leaf (based on Johnsy’s point of weak. In order to strengthen Johnsy’s faith, on the night of
view)? the storm, he painted the same leaf and attached it to the
vine so it won’t fall.

Johnsy has a choice of living or They are both on
succumbing to her sickness. the verge of dying The vine has no choice on the
and that they are length of its life whether it will
She was just very pessimistic and
fighting the continue to live or die. It is
she equates her life on the life of
hardest battle that subject/dependent on the
the vine.
they could ever elemental factors it encounters
Johnsy has a choice of fighting have in their lives. outside.
back against her sickness and She is fighting for
living life or wallow in depression pneumonia and The vine has to face the harsh
and give up on life. the vine for the weather conditions that are
rage of the storm. beyond its control.
Name: __________________________________________________
Speech Grade:
Grade & Section: _________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
Time: ______________

Speech Requirements:
EULOGY: (50 pts.)
Relate to the audience the significant meaning in that person’s life
 Choose between biographical or a topical approach:
 Topical- you focus on personal qualities or achievements from which the audience can gain
inspiration or understanding
 Bio- whole life recap
 Focus on great sensitivity and care
Non-Verbal Delivery (25 pts.) Verbal Delivery (25 pts.)
___________ Eye Contact (7 pts.) ___________ Articulation (5 pts.)
___________ Gestures (7 pts.) ___________ Paralingusitic (volume, rate, pitch, pause, framing,
intensity, and emphasis. Communicating, not just
___________ Facial Expressions (5 pts.) giving data orally.)
___________ Posture/Stance (3 pts.) ___________ Verbal Pauses (10 pts.)
___________ Movement (3 pts.) Total: 50 pts.


Name: __________________________________________________
Speech Grade:
Grade & Section: _________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
Time: ______________

Speech Requirements:
EULOGY: (50 pts.)
Relate to the audience the significant meaning in that person’s life
 Choose between biographical or a topical approach:
 Topical- you focus on personal qualities or achievements from which the audience can gain
inspiration or understanding
 Bio- whole life recap
 Focus on great sensitivity and care
Non-Verbal Delivery (25 pts.) Verbal Delivery (25 pts.)
___________ Eye Contact (7 pts.) ___________ Articulation (5 pts.)
___________ Gestures (7 pts.) ___________ Paralingusitic (volume, rate, pitch, pause, framing,
intensity, and emphasis. Communicating, not just
___________ Facial Expressions (5 pts.) giving data orally.)
___________ Posture/Stance (3 pts.) ___________ Verbal Pauses (10 pts.)
___________ Movement (3 pts.) Total: 50 pts.

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