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‘High Notes’ newsletter for Parents & Students

Edition 1, Summer 2019


This free newsletter helps professional music teachers and learning studios engage with their
students and parents, sharing valuable hints and tips relating to learning and enjoying music. Our,, MusicTeachers.Academy and
solutions reach a combined audience in excess of 200,000 individuals (each month), and we’re
proud to be helping teachers, students and parents create the next generation of musicians!

Musical Mindbender:

This edition we’ve a musical maze to solve!

• Instructions: enter the maze (on the left) and try to exit (on the right) as fast as you can!
This edition’s article for Parents:

Whether or not a parent’s interest in music is as strong as his/her child, it’s important to
remember that supporting the passion for art, in this case, music, it makes everything a more
pleasant and enjoyable experience. At the same time, it could also happen that a parent’s wishes
surrounding the direction of music are not the same as his/her child. The idea is to reach a certain
harmony between the two, in order to find a common goal, which is learning and making the most
of new skills whether it is for a career, a need for a side activity or just plain fun.

Many times, children start to listen a band or an artist and becomes obsessed, from there a
natural wish for imitation arises whether it is singing or playing an instrument; sometimes this first
natural push stops as a temporal side activity, but when it becomes a passion, there is no stopping
that impulse.

In this case the best thing to do is to encourage that passion by helping with tools and skills
that will make everything easier for the inspired child. At an early age a parent’s help is crucial in
order to develop these musical talents due to the lack of independence when thinking of acquiring
an instrument and these sorts of musical equipment.

Last but not least, musical education, this is a very important part because if not handled
correctly the child may even lose interest in music as a fun thing, this can happen because of many
reasons. One can be a very strict schedule of class and practice, which will make music just another
class, transforming the whole experience into a school extension. The other is to force the music
education which obviously won’t go well. The idea should be to maintain a balance between fun
and education, which is actually easier with online classes. A lesson doesn’t have to be at some
school-like environment, it can be something different, which helps with confidence and with being
comfortable around the hard parts of learning about music.

It has never been easier to support the passion for music than in today’s world, thanks to
the way online education works, there is no need to worry about the safety of the children or even
worry about who’s going to take them to class or pick them up, every tool to help them flourish will
be right at home.

Fantastic Freebie:

Music is about passion, emotion, exploration, inspiration and – above all – it’s about being
creative. ‘Compose Yourself!’ is a free PDF e-book is designed to give teachers, parents and students
unique insight into the art and science of creative music composition.
This edition’s article for Students:

Music is not another boring school class, it’s not a chore or an important meeting to which
no one wants to go, music is not something you need it’s something you choose to welcome into
your life as important part of your happiness, creativity and imagination.

There is however an important part of the process of learning how to play or sing that
sometimes gets overlooked. Even though it is part of the class environment and academic music
spaces, this should always be present when trying to commit to music rather than just looking at it
as a hobby.

Fun needs to be tempered, because if this is not a hobby, but a passion, there are other
feelings that scream to come out such as excitement, satisfaction, and happiness which is different
than fun. The thing is that, to be fulfilled by the musical experiences we create, sometimes the fun
part has to be in a lower volume, not shut down or out of the room just a different volume. Just like
a musical piece of any genre, some instruments take the lead at certain moments while others sound
in the background, as rhythm or as gentle strokes in a painting.

Picture something simple, a rock band where they’re playing the chorus of a song, the singer
has the lead, it’s a sweet melodic sound that’s carried by the vocals and then comes the guitar solo,
where the sound becomes more aggressive, because that it’s what is needed. Now what if we
exchange the vocals with precise disciplined thoughts and the guitar with feelings of fun, and no
regards for perfection whatsoever.

This has been the formula for the success of Rock as we know it today, a balance between
suppression of feelings and careful placing of notes, and letting go with a feeling of explosion as the
only goal.

That being said, even the most “carefree” rockers need that self-discipline and control in
order to achieve the best version of themselves as musicians, so it’s time to start focusing to learn
how not to think at the right moment.

Special Offers:

• Back to School sale on Sheet Music

• End of Summer sale on Music Books, Gear and Accessories
• Back to School sale on Musical Instruments

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