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Name Saloomi Tufail

Student ID : mc190403028
Registration # : 019-VU-021708
Business Communication ( ENG 301 )
Assignment NO 1
Total Marks : 20
Lectures: 1-12

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Q1. Courtesy is one of the basic traits of communication. Courtesy does not mean the use of
old-fashioned expressions such as ‘your kind enquiry’, ‘thank you’ and ‘please’. Rather, it
is politeness that grows out of respect and concern for others. It is a quality that enables a
request to be refused without killing all hope of future business. Courtesy also requires the
use of non-discriminatory expressions that refer to any particular gender, race, and ethnic
origin, etc. Keeping this in mind read the given paragraphs and name the type of biasness
used in each paragraph.
Note: There might be any bias-free paragraph also in the below given paragraphs.
(5*2=10 Marks)

1. Documenting the American South shows that, despite the hardships of both slavery and
segregation, African Americans have long been a part of the White House: both in its day-to-
day operations and in exerting influence on presidential decision-making but Barack Obama
is the first African American to ever enter the White House.

Type: Biasness due to ethnic origin

2. Very often many elders in the society are not being treated well. Especially the young
generation nowadays don’t respect these elderlies. We must take care of these old people of
our society.

Type: Biasness due to specific age group

3. Azam has had the physical handicap since he was seven. Due to this handicap, he has had to
face many challenges in his life from not being able to run to do sports to climb in his bed.

Type: Biasness due to physical condition

4. Mr. Ahmad told me that almost no one is interested in attending Saima’s party so I decided to
talk with the staff members myself. So far, every person I talked to said he or she intends to
attend Saima’s party. I guess that Mr. Ahmad is nurturing some grudge against her.

Type: Biasness due to particular gender

5. Our organization is one of the top organizations of the country. The reason I see for this
progress is that every member of our team gives his very best effort.

Type: No Biasness

Q2. People in the world are not exactly alike. Cultures or countries are not the same. These
differences, however, can cause problems in conveying your meanings. Each person’s mind
is different from others. As a result, message sender’s meanings and the receiver’s response
are affected by many factors. Keeping this in mind read the given descriptions and identify
the correct type of barrier from the given choices. (5*2=10 Marks)

1. The meaning of words, signs and symbols might be different from one person to another and
the same word might have hundreds of meanings. So, when a message is sent by a sender to a
receiver, it might be interpreted wrongly in a communication process causing misunderstandings
between them.
✔ 1 Semantic barrier

2. Psychological barrier
3. Emotional barrier
4. Perception barrier

2. This is the type of barrier in which environmental and natural conditions act as a hindrance in
communication in sending message from sender to receiver. Organizational environment and
interior workspace design problems, technological problems and noise are the parts of these
1. Attitude barrier
2. Emotional barrier
✔ 3 Physical barrier

4. Perception barrier

3. The influence of mental state of the communicators creates an obstacle for effective
communication. Communication is highly influenced by the mental condition that the
communicators are in and is disturbed by mental disturbance. If the people involved in
communication are not emotionally well, they won’t be able to communicate properly.
1. Psychological barrier
✔ 2. Emotional barrier

3. Attitude barrier
4. Perception barrier

4. These types of barriers are mental walls that keep you away from openly communicating your
thoughts and feelings to others. They prevent you from being yourself and living your life to the
fullest. Individuals with such barriers tend to be extremely reserved, cautious, and insecure.
1. Emotional barrier
2. Psychological barrier
✔ 3 Attitude barrier

4. Perception barrier

5. One of the most obvious barriers in communication would be the ethnic, religious and social
differences that may exist in trying to communicate. If one doesn’t know much about a person’s
society with whom one is trying to communicate, it will create a barrier because one does not know
how to start or end a conversation.
1. Perception barrier
✔ 2. Cultural barrier

3. Attitude barrier
4. Experiential barrier

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