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Complete the text using the past verb

forms (past simple and past continuous)

This morning I__________(wake) up and ___________(look) at the clock.
It______(be) 9 a.m, I_____________(be) late for school.
I_____________(jump) out of bed and ____________(run) into the
bathroom. Then I __________________(have) a shower. I__________(get)
dressed, ___________(clean) my teeth,____________ (brush) my hair and
__________(go) downstairs. I______(have) a cup of milk and some toast
for breakfast. After that, I ___________(go) to school. While I
was________________(walk) to school, I________________(trip) and fell
on the pavement. When l______________(arrive) at school, the
teacher__________________(is) angry because I was late. I ________(eat)
an apple and a sandwich for lunch, but I___________________very
hungry (be). At 3pm, I____________________(finish) my classes and
__________________(home). I___________________(wash) my face and
________________(eat) some delicious chicken for dinner. I
_____________________________(read) my book when the
telephone______________(ring). It___________________(be) my best
friend. We__________________(have) a good chat and I
__________________(go) to bed at 8 p.m. What a day!!
Answer key
This morning I woke (wake) up and looked(look) at the clock.
It was (be) 9 a.m, I was (be) late for school. I jumped (jump)
out of bed and ran (run) into the bathroom. Then I had (have)
a shower. I got (get) dressed, cleaned (clean) my teeth,
brushed(brush) my hair and went (go) downstairs. I had
(have) a cup of milk and some toast for breakfast. After that, I
went (go) to school. While I was walking (walk) to school, I
tripped (trip) and fell on the pavement. When l arrived
(arrive) at school, the teacher was (is) angry because I was
late. I ate (eat) an apple and a sandwich for lunch, but I
wasn’t very hungry (be). At 3pm, I finished (finish) my classes
and went (home). I washed (wash) my face and ate (eat)
some delicious chicken for dinner. I was reading (read) my
book when the telephone rang (ring). It was (be) my best
friend. We had (have) a good chat and I went (go) to bed at 8
p.m. What a day!!
Put the words in the correct order.
The full-stop shows the end of the sentence.
1. I at 7 am. woke up ________________________________________________
2. I shower had a and my teeth. brushed_________________________________
3. I delicious breakfast. had a _______________________________________
4. I to school walked my best friend. with________________________________
5. ate chicken I rice and lunch. for______________________________________
6. home I walked school from 3pm. at___________________________________
7. played I Minecraft 1 hour for and was fun it__________________________
8. read a book I then and I to bed. went_______________________________
Answer key
1. I woke up at 7am.
2. I had a shower and brushed my teeth.
3. I had a delicious breakfast.
4. I walked to school with my best friend.
5. I ate chicken and rice for lunch.
6. I walked home from school at 3pm.
7. I played Minecraft for 1 hour and it was fun.
8. I read a book and then I went to bed.
Name:__________________________ Date:______________________________
Write a short diary entry about your daily routine. Remember to include:

• First person (I, me, we, us)

• Past tense (past simple and past continuous)
• Feelings
• Events in chronological order (time order)
• Time order words (in the morning, after that, at 3 o’ clock)

Dear diary,

Yesterday, I woke up at…

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