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Learning objective


1. Hepar @ dela


Associated ligaments The liver is attached to the anterior abdominal wall by the falciform ligament
and, except for a small area of the liver against the diaphragm (the bare area), the liver is almost
completely surrounded by visceral peritoneum. Additional folds of peritoneum connect the liver to the
stomach (hepatogastric ligament), the duodenum (hepatoduodenal ligament), and the diaphragm (right
and left triangular ligaments and anterior and posterior coronary ligaments).


The liver is divided into right and left lobes by fossae for the gallbladder and the inferior vena
cava. The right lobe of liver is the largest lobe, whereas the left lobe of liver is smaller. The quadrate and
caudate lobes are described as arising from the right lobe of liver, but functionally are distinct. n The
quadrate lobe is visible on the anterior part of the visceral surface of the liver and is bounded on the left
by the fissure for ligamentum teres and on the right by the fossa for the gallbladder. Functionally it is
related to the left lobe of the liver. The caudate lobe is visible on the posterior part of the visceral surface
of the liver. It is bounded on the left by the fissure for the ligamentum venosum and on the right by the
groove for the inferior vena cava. Functionally, it is separate from the right and the left lobes of the liver.

The arterial supply to the liver includes :

 the right hepatic artery from the hepatic artery proper (a branch of the common hepatic
artery from the celiac trunk),
 the left hepatic artery from the hepatic artery proper (a branch of the common hepatic
artery from the celiac trunk).

2. Pankreas @Misaki fk

3. Empedu @Kevin Mario


4. Hepar @Yusufa Dika

5. Pankreas @Safira Rahmaningtyas

6. Empedu @Alya~


7. Hepar @Radiv

8. Pankreas @aurell

9. Empedu @Yusi

10. Metabolisme porfirin @Dave


11. Hepatitis a @ dela

Hepatitis A Virus

2.1.1 Definisi Hepatitis A Virus

Hepatitis adalah proses peradangan difus pada sel hati. Hepatitis A adalah hepatitis yang
disebabkan oleh infeksi Hepatitis A Virus.15 Infeksi virus hepatitis A dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam
komplikasi, diantaranya adalah hepatitis fulminant, autoimun hepatitis, kolestatik hepatitis, hepatitis
relaps, dan sindroma pasca hepatitis (sindroma kelelahan kronik). Hepatitis A tidak pernah menyebabkan
penyakit hati kronik.16, 17

2.1.2 Etiologi Hepatitis A

Virus Hepatitis A disebabkan oleh hepatitis A virus. Virus ini termasuk virus RNA, serat tunggal,
dengan berat molekul 2,25-2,28 x 106 dalton, simetri ikosahedral, diameter 27-32 nm dan tidak
mempunyai selubung. Mempunyai protein terminal VPg pada ujung 5’nya dan poli(A) pada ujung 3’nya.
Panjang genom HAV: 7500-8000 pasang basa. Hepatitis A virus dapat diklasifikasikan dalam famili
picornavirus dan genus hepatovirus. 1, 18,

2.1.3 Transmisi Hepatitis A Virus

Penyakit ini ditularkan secara fekal-oral dari makanan dan minuman yang terinfeksi. Dapat juga
ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Penyakit ini terutama menyerang golongan sosial ekonomi rendah
yang sanitasi dan higienenya kurang baik.1 Masa inkubasi penyakit ini adalah 14-50 hari, dengan rata-rata
28 hari. Penularan berlangsung cepat. Pada KLB di suatu SMA di Semarang, penularan melalui kantin
sekolah diperburuk dengan sanitasi kantin dan WC yang kurang bersih.

12. Hepatitis b @Misaki fk

13. Hepatitis c @Kevin Mario

14. Hepatitis d @Yusufa Dika

15. Hepatitis e @Safira Rahmaningtyas

16. Sirosis hepatis @Alya~

17. Cholestasis @Radiv

18. Kolesistisis @aurell

19. Koledokolitiasis @Yusi

20. Pankreatitis @Dave

21. Fatty liver @ dela

22. Abses hepar amoeba @Misaki fk

23. Gagal hepar @Kevin Mario

24. Neoplasma hepar @Yusufa Dika

25. Empyema dan hidrops kantung empedu @Safira Rahmaningtyas

27. Ca pankreas @Alya~

28. Hepatoenselopati @Radiv

29. Hepato renal syndrome @aurell

30. Wilson desease @Yusi

31. Dubbin johnson syndrome @Dave

32. Gilbert syndrome @ dela

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