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Current Task Flow for New Business Application

Administrator steps Some of my notes explaining the process Important

Client/advisor sends email request to Approach This request will involve dealing with product
provider, the advisor and the client to complete

Create and assign task From the client request a task is create usually with a Create task and assign to relevant
template of 6 main steps administrator with instructions. These
Use template for new business – remember to 1. Info Gather – Compile the required apps and instructions as mentioned are templated but
check for cancellation or replacements of existing information they may also have secondary instructions for
products 2. Info Check – Once all docs are in check and example if they are stopping one investment
correct and starting a new one then there are two
The email forms part of the first thread of the task 3. Submit to product provider actions cancel premium and the new
4. Additional requirements – request add reqs application.
from client and submit to product provider
5. Follow up until completed The key thing here is whether we should
6. Send confirmation to client create separate tasks for each action or if the
system can work efficiently with them
running together.

Email client and advisor regarding applications and This email will contain details from step 1 – the The timeline at the very least needs to reflect
requirements application forms in pdf and any other requirements each interaction or a note of sorts. Like
“requirements received from provider”,
This email is in the task thread. The docs of this are This part has a status of waiting for client or waiting “requirements received from client”,
less important as they are blank. At present we still for advisor “instruction submitted” etc
save it to the task but not needed.
The documents we submit to product
providers need to be saved to the client.

Client replies with information/documents We receive information usually in PDF – this Save the completed docs in application folder
information is saved in client folder of client
These docs are saved to client folder and the email
with the docs are saved to the task This step can have a few back and forth emails as
the client seldomly completes everything first time.
We then email instruction to product providers This email is usually sent to something like Again, the record of this email is important or
This is also logged in the task as the proof.
They will autoreply with a reference number which is This reference number is important later for
logged and we use it to track. the follow-ups

This action then as a status of waiting for product

Product providers reply, if not feedback after This reply usually contains a list of requirements for
48hours follow up. underwriting in a life policy or other docs for an
This email is also logged in the task as
requirements received
Feedback sent to client Here we either have docs attached or a list of
requirements we send to the client to complete.
This email is logged with status waiting on client
This part has the status again of waiting for client
Client sends us the requirements We would check that it is correct and then forward to
The docs from this are saved in client folder. And a
log is created
Submit requirements to provider

Log this email as additional requirements submitted

Follow up with provider This follow up could generate another round of
requirements but generally it should result in the
We log every follow up with the provider instruction being completed

Task completion Once the whole task has been completed, we then We want this email to be in the task before it
email the client and advisor to say it has been is closed.
Email client proof/statement of completed task this finalised
email is logged and the statement is saved in the
client folder.

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