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To the Admissions Committee:

I have always visualized myself contributing to my country through science, as it is a channel to address
social and environmental challenges. Therefore, I pursued a BSc in Genomic Biotechnology at the College
of Biological Sciences of the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon.
As part of my molecular biology courses, we reviewed methods to fingerprint foodborne pathogens to
prevent spreading. Since there, I developed a strong interest in food safety, especially how is regulated.

Mexico’s global exportation rate is increasing, and we as a country do not have a great culture of hygiene
and food safety, so we are endangering our health and that of other countries. It is for this reason that I
started working in the public sector. Currently, I’m working as a public Food Safety Consultant at___, an
auxiliary agency of The National Service of Health, Safety and Food Quality (SENASICA) which regulates
how food is produced, processed and commercialized at a national level. I have been guiding fresh
vegetables farms and packers since March 2017 to obtain a certificate. My main responsibilities are to
evaluate, develop and implement their food safety programs to meet the government requirements of
safe food production. Since I have been experiencing how fresh produce industry work and how is
regulated in my country, I decided to take action to improve our food safety programs. But, to achieve
this I have to specialize my knowledge and direct it to a higher level.

I will be so honored if you consider me as a candidate to study at Queen’s University Belfast. Due to my
academic background and job experience I’m confident that I can succeed in this program. To have the
opportunity to experience a world-class education will change my academic and professional
perspective. The MSc in Advanced Food Safety is focused on bioanalytical techniques to monitor and
regulate food safety. As a genomic biotechnologist, I have the molecular understanding to apply this
approach that will be extremely useful to prevent national and international food safety issues in trade.
This will permit me to develop an extensive and expert knowledge that I will be able to employ in my

On my return to Mexico, I plan to improve our food safety regulations working directly with our
government dependencies, at the same time I will work with my university to strengthen the food safety
approach in the academic programs, and with the food companies to improve their hygiene and control
practices. All of these, with the objective, that society and government recognize the impact that food
safety has to maintain and protect public health, to achieve social and economic development and to
build a more reliable international trade.

Thanks for your attention and time,

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