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Name of the Candidate > SAU Entrance Test for M.Sc. (Biotechnology) 2017 [ PROGRAMME Cope : 30001 ] Question Paper Series Code : A QUESTION PAPER Time + 3 hours Maximum Maris : 100 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES Candidates must read. carefully the following instructions before attempting the Question Paper : (J Write your Name and Roll Number in the space provided for the purpose on the top of this Question. Paper and in the OMR Sheet. (i) This Question Paper has Two Parts. ii} Part—A has 30 questions. of 1 mark each. Please attempt ail the questions of Part-A. (iv) Part—B'has 120 questions out of which please attempt 70 questions only. Each question carries 1 mark. (v) A.wrong answer will lead to the deduction of one-fourth (75). of the marks assigned to that question. (i), DO NOT ATTEMPT MORE THAN 70 QUESTIONS IN PART—B, IF YOU ATTEMPT MORE THAN 70 QUESTIONS, ONLY the first 70 WILL BB EVALUATED, (vii) Please darken the appropriate circle of Question Paper Series Code.on the OMR Sheet in the space provided. (viii) Answers written by candidates on thie Question Paper will NOT be evaluated. tix) Pages at the end of the Question Paper have been provided for Rough Work. (=) Simple calculators are allowed, Mobile Phones are NOT allowed, (si) Return the Question Paper and the OMR Sheet to the Invigilator at the end of the Test. (xii) DO NOT FOLD THE OMR SHEET. A INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKING ANSWERS ON THE ‘OMR SHEET’ Use BLUE/BLACK Ballpoint Pen Only 1. Please ensure that you have darkened the appropriate circle of ‘Question Pager Series Code’ and ‘Programme Code’ on the OMR Sheet in the space provided. Question Paper Series Code ‘Write Question Paper Series Code A or B in the box and darken the appropriate. circle, AorB @ ® 2. Use only Blue/Black Ballpoint Pen to darken the circle. Do not usc Pencil to darken the circle for Final Answer. 3. Please darken the whole circle. @ 4, Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each question as shown below in the example : Example + Wrong ‘Wrong | Wrong Wrong Correct OH O©O|GFHOO|FOOSG|OGHOB|OHOO ‘Once marked, no change in the answer is possible. Picase do not make any stray marks on the OMR Sheet. Please do sot do any rough work on the OMR Sheet, Mark your answer only in the appropriate circle against the number corresponding to the question, A-wrong answer will lead to the deduction of one-fourth of the marks assigned to that question. 10. Write-your six-digit Roll Number in smalll boxes provided for the purpose; and also darken the appropriate circle corresponding id respective digits of your Roll Number as shown in the example Delow. Example : ROLL NUMBER s[s[7 ta] aD ex ae » 2) S) @) @) @) © %) @) S) © 7A 2 PART—A 4. ‘The surh total of all chemical reactions occurring in the body is called 8 anabolism b, catabolism © metabotism a. carboxylation 2. Insects have a. 2 pairs of legs ». 3 pairs of legs ©, 4 pairs of legs 4.” 1 pair of legs 3. lysosomes are reservoirs of a. hydrolytic enzymes b. secretory glycoproteins ©. RNA and protein a, fats. 4. Mitotic spindle fibers are composed of a. microtubules b. contromeres ©. centrosomes d. kinetochores 5. Maximum energy per unit mass is produced by oxidation of a carbohydrates proteins c. fats. 4. minerats AA 3 {P.T.O, 10. LA Which of the following metabolites links glycolytic and Krebs cycle pathways? a. Pyruvie acid b. Glucose ce. Acetyl CoA dATP. ‘An antidiuretic substance 2. increases free water reabsorption b. increases water release ©. increases Na* reabsorption d. decreases urea synthesis ‘The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is a. glucose b. ATP, c+ nucleic acid 4. sunlight Which one of the following is not a pyrimidine nucleotide? a: UTP b. CTP «ADP a. TMP In(x) +Inly) is equal to a. Inby) bd Inge/y) ce Ineety) a. inte!) aL. 12. 13. 14. 15. (LA I A-exp(oi) represents a wave, then A is the @ amplitude b. phase c. wavelength ¢. frequency ‘An equation of the form f =k-x!/* can be linearized as 1 & logy slog k' + Slog db. log f =log k + Biogx c. log f = 3k-logx ad tog f = kF-logx A cross-product Ax Hf of two vectors A and Bis a a scalar b. vector perpendicular to both A and B ©. vector parallel to either A or d. vector perpendicular to either A or B If i fand k are unit vectors, which one of the following is generally not correct? a ixjek b. ixk=—kxE ce ixk=-j do jxkast Ax (Bx C) is equal to a BIA-C)~C(A-B) b. BIAC)~A{B:C} BIC: A)+A(Ax B) a (Ax B)xC 5 [P.T.O. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, (eA 2 The determinant of the max | | 65 a ay b 3 ce d 30 If tq masses of 1 g and 4 g are moving with equal kinetic energies, the ratio of magnitudes of their momenta is a 4:1 b © 1:2 a 1:16 Tn an electric circuit, current is a. inversely proportional to voltage b. directly proportional to resistance a product resistance and voltage d. voltage divided by resistance How much ofa 2 sedium hydroxide solution should be added to 500 ml water to get a pil of 11-07 a 250ul b, 500 nt 1000 4 4. 2500 ja In KMnO4, the oxidation number of Mu is a 5 BAT © 45 a 47 21, 22, 23. 24, 25. AA Gamma rays a. have no charge b, have zero cnerey ©. are positively charged 4. represent fast-moving nuclei of hydrogen Burning one gram of eyclohexene produces 100 calorie energy. How much energy will be produced by burning half a mole of cyclohexene? a 50 cal b. 2100 cal 6 4200 cal d. 3900 cal Which one of the following bonds is uncommon in biomolecules? a, Hydrogen bond Covalent bond c. — lonie bond Metallic bond Complete reduction of acetic acid will yield a. ethanol b, ethane © propane a, methane Ff a bitd of mass $0 g flies from the ground to a branch 10 m above, the work it has to do against gravity is a 49g m2s2 .. 49 gm m2s% ©, Cannot be determined from the above information 4. 049 kg man! 7 . [P-ro. 26. am. 29. 30, (LA ‘Tae potential onergy of an object kept at a certain height from the suiface ofearth is inversely proportional to its mass », directly proportional to its mass ¢. proportional to the square of its height from the earth’s surface d. proportional to the under-root of its height from. the earth’s surface If under the influence of a uniform magnetic field, a charged-particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant speed ¥, then the. time period of the motion will a, depend on R and not on V b, depend on V and not on R ©. depend on both & and V 4. be independent of both Rand V ‘A beam, of electrons passes undeflected through mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields. If the electric field is switched off, and the same magnetic field is maintained, the electrons move a. along a straight line b. in ant elliptical orbit cima circular orbit d. along a parabolic path A transformer is used to light a 100 W and 110 V lamp from a 220 V mains, If the main current is 0°5 A, the efficiency of the transformer is approximately a 10% bd. 30% c. 50% & 90% {fa hollow metal sphere of radius’5 cm is charged such that the potential on its surface is 10 V, then the potential at the centre of the sphere is a. zero BBY « 10V 4. 200 aL. 32. a3. 34, TA PART—B Answer any sevemty questions Which one of the following is a mucopolysaccharide? a bd, Glycogen Starca Heparin Chitin ‘The only Ketogenic amino acid is Giyeine and succinic acid are biosynthetic precursors of a wb, ce a Leleveine irisoleucine Lelysine L-cysteine rubber proteins haem . Blucose: Urea can arise in many ways. Which one of the following processes does not produce urea? a, Degradation of purine ring b. Action of arginase c. Urea oycle in ureotelic organisms 4, Degradation of pyrimidine ring [P-7.0. 38. | | | | 37. a8. ILA How many mg of polyethylene glytol are there in one microliter of a 40% solution? a 40 mg 4 mg c. O-4-mg 004 mg Ia mg/mL solution of DNA gives an absorbance of 20 at 260 nm, the concentration of DNA in a solution giving 0-5 OD in pg/mL would be. 2500. b. 250 25 25 50 ml. of a 0-15 M solution of NaCl has a. 015 mole b. 0015 mole c. 00015 mole d. 0-075 mole Leserine has a, two amino groups b, two carboxyl groups & two hydronyl groups 4. one hydroxyl group BU) 39. a1 eA ‘The chemical bond linking nucleotides in DNA/RNA is called a, phosphodiester bond b. Neglycosidic bond c. O-glycosidic bond @. peptide bond Which one of the following is not a hydrophobic amino acid? a, Leucine b. Valine c. Phenylalanine Cysteine ‘The difference between alpha amylase and beta amylase is that a, . alpha amylase cleaves alpha 1,4-glycosidic bonds while bota amylase cleaves beta 1,A-glycosidie bonds b. alpha amylase hydrolyses starch while beta amylase hydrolyses glycogen alpha amylase was discovered first in history while beta amylase was found later 4. alpha amylase cleaves 1,6-glycosidic bonds elso but beta amylase does riot One tum of B-DNA rises by a 34nm b. 34 angstroms co stom 4 0:34 meter rT iP.7.0 45, AA Insulin is a a. heterodimer but has single mRNA ‘b. heterodimer with two separate mRNAs c. homodimer with one mRNA 4d, single polypeptide Mair a. is a polysaccharide ». is a polynucleotide c. is a polypeptide 4. has no disulphide bond Which one of the following terms is used to designate the number of bacteria or viruses required to Kill 0% of an experimental group of hosts? a. IDSO b. LDSO c. CFUSO d.” Standard infective dose Various populations of species in their habitats or environment are best described as a. aniche an ecosystem a biosphere 4. a biomass 12 a7. 49, 50, ALA ‘The first person to visualize individual microbes was, a. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek b. Robert Hooke c, Lowis Pasteur a. Edward Jenner ‘The use of agar as the gelling agent in solid media was first suggested by a. Robert Koch b. Ignaz Semmelweis c.” Angelina Hesse d. Richard Petri What is the basis for the smallpox vaccine? a, Chickenpox virus b. Cowpox virus Rabies virus 4, A mixture of chickenpox and cowpox viruses ‘The theory of the RNA world’ resulted from the discovery of a. archaca ». prions sibozymes d,endosymbionts 13 [P-r.0. 51. PLA A useful application of darkficld optics is the study of bacterial a. motility b. surfaces c interiors a. shape, Which one of the following forms of microscopy is based on the difference in rettactive index between cell components and the surrounding medium? a. Fluorescence b. Darkfietd Phase contrast 4. Confocal Which one of the following neiirotransmitters is not derived from an amino acid? a. Serotonin b. Adrenaline ©. Adenosine d. Histamine Which one of these structures is unique to neurons? a. Plasmelemma b. Synaptic vesicles ©. Voltage-gated sodium channels. a. Nise! granules, 14 85. Which one of the following is an allergic reaction? a. Hay fever b. Malaria sc, AIDS d. Elephantiasis 56. Ili is secreted by 2. Tlymphocytes b, B-lymphocytes cc. mast cells basophils 57. Which one of the following ceils is not involved in natural immunity? a NK cells Neutrophils ” Macrophages d, Cytotoxic T-cells 88. J-chain is associated with a IgGl bd IgM e ige a ges LA 15, [P.7.0. 59. 60. 61. ALA Ifa serum has circulating anti-A blood group antibodies, the blood group of the person would be aA db B ce AB AB, Rh+ Which one of the following pairs is not’correctly matched? IAA—Cell wall elongation b.° Abscisic acid—Stomatal closure Gibberellic acid—Leaf fall d. Cytokinin—Cell division If the atmospheric pressure is low, the rate of transpiration will increase b, decrease rapidly ©. decrease slowly @. remain unaffected Guard ceils help-in 2. transpiration ». protection against grazing fighting against infection @. guttation 16 63. 64, 65. 66, A Steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion because they a ~ enter through pores b, contain carbon and hydrogen c. are water soluble d. are lipid soluble Living cells of animals placed in isotonic solution (0-9% saline) retain their size and shape due to a, facilitated diffusion diffusion 6. osmosis. 4, transpiration ‘transport of food material in higher plants takes place through a. tracheids b. transfusion tissue companion cells a. sieve elements ‘The word ‘vaccination’ is derived from the Latin word ‘vacca” which means a inject ». smallpox & immunize a. cow 17 . [P.T.0. 67. 69, 70. f1-A An example of an epimerization reaction is the a. conversion of glucose to galactose conversion of glucase to gluconic acid conversion of gulonic acid to gulonic acid lactone 4. conversion of L-erythrose to D-erythrose Which one of the following is not a monoterpene? 8. Cainphor b, Menthol c. Geraniol a. Cedrot Which one of the following is a non-cyclic chemical? a. Squalene b. Progesterone ©. Cholesterol 4. Androst-4-ene-3,17-dione An o¢1,6-glycosidic bond is found in a. amylose b. cellulose chitin glycogen 18 mm 73. 74, ILA Careful hydrolysis of diketopiperazines results in the formation of a pyridine b, pepper c. dipeptide a pyrrole : All Leamino acids possess S-configuration at the a-carbon, exeept a, Ieleucine », Teisoleucine c. Lecysteine d. Lelysine Which one of the following statements is tre? a, Cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. ». Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts and cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria. ©. Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. Neither cellular respiration nor photosynthesis occurs. in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. ‘The function of the Calvin eycle is to @ absorb light energy b. synthesize RUBP © fix carbon d. convert glucose into COp-yvielding energy 19 (PTO. 75. Arachidonic acid Has a.” 2 double bonds bv. 3 double bonds c. 4 double bonds d. no double bond 76. At which one of the following stages, does crossing-over occur? a, Pachytene b. Zygotene cc. Leptotene 4. Diplotene TT. Agrobacterium naturally infects a, monocots b. dicots c. both monocots and dicots d. none of the above 78. The primary cell wall of plaints is primarily composed of a. starch b.» glycogen ©. cellulose. a. pectin 7A 20 79. 80, 81. 82. LA In C4 plants, the step catalyzed by RuBisCO occurs in a. bundle sbeath cells >, mesophyll cells stomata 4d, epidermal cells Photolysis of water occurs at a PSI vu PSH c. dark reaction a Krebs. eyele Which one of the following enzymes is usually not possessed by autotrophic plants but possessed by insectivorous plants? a. Celinlase b. Amylase © Xylanase a. Chitinase Cari Woese’s discovery réplaced the classification scheme of five kingdoms with which of the following scheme of three? a, Phyla b. Domains ce. Classes <. Orders at (PTO. 85, 86. AA Which of these two arc believed to be the product of ancestral engulfment of prokaryotic calls followed by evolution of endosymbiosis? a, Nucleus and Mitochondria b. Chloroplasts and Golgi apparatus ©. Nucleglus and Nucleus d. Mitochondria and Chloroplasis Directed movements towards or away from a chemical or physical signal are known as a gliding b. flagellation, ce. taxis 4. locomotion Which one of the following features is associated with gram-positive bacteria? a. Having a two lipid bilayer cell membranes as a part of the cell wall b, Having a thick peptidoglycan layer in cell wall ¢. Having lipopolysaccharide in cell. wail d.° Having @ periplasmic space ‘The bacteria killed in Alexander Fleming's experiment during his discovery of peniciflin were 4. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, d. Escherichia coli c. Staphylococcus aureus d. Streptococcus pyogenes 22 87. 88, 90. LA When the population doubles during each given unit of time, the growth is a, linear b. _ settilogarithmic c. exponential d. geometric Which one of these is typically evolved to survive multiple extreme environments? a. Psychrophites b. Extremophiles © Halophiles d,Thermophiles Antibiotic treatment is not typically prescrived for staphylococcal food poisoning because a. the bacterium is a multidrug-resistant pathogen b. no antibiotic is useful as it is a mixed infection ‘no vegetative cells are involved in the disease d. the causative agent is an MRSA Hf the heat capacity of water is 0S KU K™? and temperature of water changes by 4 K, the neat transferred to the water is a 2k bak c 20kd do 02 23 [P.T.0. 1. 93. nA Which one of the following is @ longitudinal wave? Sound Xray wave Visible ligt Infrared wave ‘The Coulomb energy between two opposite charges placed in water as compared to being placed in vacuum is a b. ©. 4. increased. reduced unaltered all of the above, depending upon the chemical nature of the ions ‘The oxidation numbers of chlorine atoms in CaQCly are a b. +and -1 42 and -2 +1 for both, +42 for both ‘The rate of forward reaction decreases when concentration of products is increased concentration of reactants is incteased concentration of products is decreased * both b: and c. above 24 9a, fA Which one of the following is related to phosphorescence? @ Internal conversion b. Inter-system crossing Solvent relaxation d. None of the above Circular dichroism can help to detect change in handedness change in mass ¢. change in color change in viscosity ‘The resolution of a light microscope can be increased by a, reducing the wavelength b, increasing the wavelength ¢.* decreasing the refractive index d. changing the aperture of the lens Flux is the amount of material passing through a. a unit area per unit time fa unit volume per unit time c. a unit volume a a unitarea 28 PTO. 100, 101. 102. nA ‘The number of times the DNA helix crosses itself on a’ planar projection is called, a twist b. writhe 6. linking number d.— supercoiling number Diffusion constant is Pp inversely temperature b. inversely proportional to particle radius, c. direetly proportional to viscosity d. directly (proportional to the: square of température, To test a categorical vs. categorical variable, which one of the following tests is used? a. Paired test b. Unpaired t-test ©. Chi-square test a. ANOVA test Which one of the following teste is a non-parametric’ test? a, Student's test ‘b. Mann-Whitney U-test s. MeNemar's test d. ANOVA wst 26 103. 104, 105. 106. LA In which one of the following statistical study designs is the outcome not known? a b Mow many different sequences may be generated for a natural tetrapeptide? a, b, The cross AaBsbx2abb is called a b, « 4. Cross-sectional study Case control study Case report Cobert study 160000 80000 dihybrid’ cross backcross tesicross reciprocal cross Full pod shape (C) is dominant to constricted pod shape (c), and yellow pod color (G) is. dominant to green pod color (g) in pea plants, What is the genotype of a yellow plant with a constricted pod? CCgg ccog ceGg ceGG 27 [P1O. 107. 108. 109. 110. 1A How many chromosomes and chromatids are there in metaphase I of meiosis in human. beings? a.” 46, 46 bd. 23, 92 c. 28, 46 a. . 96, 92 Ifa fruit fly is a normal diploid for its autosomés but has one X and no ¥ chromosome to which sex does it belong? a. Male b, Female ©. Intersex d. Metafemale In an interrupted mating experiment, gene (a) first appears at 12 minutes, gene (b) first appears at 7 minutes end gene (c} first appears at 5 minutes, What is the order in which these genes are present in the bacterial genome? a. abe b. cba : © cab a. bea ‘Segmental genes in Drosophila are tured on by a. factors b. autoregulation ©. morphogens 4. bomeotic genes 28 1. 112, 113. 14, A ‘The largest molecule in a cell is Zinc DNA. lipid protein RNA finger nucleases are used in DNA teptication in vitro transcription gene targeting cheinical processing of zinc ‘The electron-releasing ability of the methyl group attached to the benzene ring is due to Which of the following is not a colligative property? inductive effect byperconjugation Jone pair of electrons none of the above Freezing point Boiling point Vapour pressure Molecular weight 29 [P:T.O. 118. | 116. 17, 118. A A qualitative test for the presence of unsaturation is a, Bacyer’s reagent test b. bromine test c. doth a, and b, 4. Schiffs reaction ‘The dicarboxylic acid used as a precursor for nylon synthesis is a, picric acia >. adipic acid citric acid @. benzoic acid How many different compounds have the formula Cgtigo? a One b. Two ce Three d. Four Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen that contains @. one proton and one neutron in the nucleus B,” one proton and two neutrons in the nucleus ©. one proton and three neutrons in the mucleus 4. one proton and zero neutron in the nucleus 30 119, 120. 121. 122, ib ‘The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation essentially describes a. engyme kinetics b, the affinity of @ ligand for a receptor cc. the titration eurve of buffer d. the rate of formation of catalytic intermediates AGB N force causes a 1 kg mass to have an acceleration of 9-8 m/s”. This follows from Newton's first law of motion b. second law of motion ¢. third Jaw of motion d, law of universal gravitation ‘The earth is about 18x10! m from the sun and takes a year {about 3-1x 107s) to make one revolution around the sun. The earth's orbital speed around the sun will be a. 4.8x108 m/s bv, 23x10'5 m/s ce 3-0x10% m/s a 7:3x10!4 m/s Can an object have increasing speed while its acceleration is decreasing? a No, this is impossible because of the way in which acceleration is defined b, No, because if acceleration is decreasing the object will be slowing down c. Yes, a8 in an object falling in the absence of air friction d. Yes, as in an object released from reat in the presence of air friction 31 [PTO. 123. 124, 125. 126, LA A ball dropped from rest is falling vertically under the influence of gravity. ‘The ratio of the distance it falls in a 1's interval after 4 s to the distance it falls in the next 1s interval after 5 s is a 9/11 b. 36/25 e. 25/16 a 36/16 Which one of the following processes takes place in smooth endoplasmic reticulum? a. Lipid synthesis b, Carbohydrate metabolism €. Detoxification of drags All of the above Puromycin is commonly used for the inhibition of a. DNA replication transcription c. trarislation a. topoisomerases. Which one of the following plant hormones is responsible for cell division and shoot formation? a. Ausin b. Gibbereltin © Cytokinin d. Ethylene 32 127, 128. 129. 130, nA ‘A complete digestive system is present in b. platyhelminthes nemateda coclenterata both a. and b. Which of the following amino acids does not contribute to the fluorescence of a protein? ‘Tyrosine Phenylalanine Cysteine ‘Tryptophan | Pemicious anemia is due to blockage of vitamin Byp absorption blockage of vitamin A absorption deficiency of vitamin C deficiency of vitamin By ‘The advantage of hemoglobin having high histidine content is that histidine binds to oxygen histidine carries oxygen to the tissues histidine imparts buffering capacity to hemoglobin R group of histidine has low pK, 33 [PT.0. qi. | ' 132. 133. 134, TA ‘The pH at which the number of positive and negative charges onan amino acid. are equal is referred to as the a. isoelectric point b. saturation point neutral point @, common point Embryonic cleavage in most teleost fishes is a. holoblastic b, — semni-holoblastic c. meroblastie 4, all of the: above Placental connection is typical of a. viviparous reproduction ovoviviparous reproduction c. oviparous reproduction d. all of the above ‘The optic lobe is also referred, to as a. cerebellum b. tegmentum tectum 4.> pons 135. _Larvec of the crab genus Carcinus swim towards the water surface when pressure increases, This is an example of a photokinesis b. thigmokinesis c, — barokinesis a. orthokinesis 186, The ciliary wheel organ used for locomotion is typical of a. molluscs b. sponges e. rotifers 4. none of the above 187. Retting is biodegradation of a. cellufose Senin c.. pectin a retinol 198. The value of which one of the following parameters is zero when the cell is fully turgid? a, ‘Turgor pressure Wall pressure Osmotic pressure: ¢. Diffusion pressure deficit /LA 35 [P-To. 139. 140. 141. 142, nea ‘The edible part of black pepper is the a. aril b. perisperm: embryo d. cotyledon ‘The advanced character in cucurbitaceae is its a. inferior ovary b.pepo fruit ce. tendril 4. parietal placentation Kranz anatomy is seen in a. all monocots b, monocots: with C4 pathway c. monocots and dicots with Cq pathway a. legumes ‘The number of pyrrole ririgs included in a porphyrin is a. three four five a. six 36 143, 144, 145. 146, ILA A tiatomic molecule will have ___. degrees. of freedarn, a 3 b 6 ae 9 ao ‘The pressure exerted by 1:22 gm of carbon dioxide confined to a volume of 500 ml at 87°C is a 143 kPa b. 128 kPa e139 kPa d, 225 kPa Which of the following statements about the radii of atoms and their ions is correct? @. Cations are smaller than their atoms, but anions are larger. b, Cations and anions are both smaller than their atoms, © Cations and anions are both larger than their atoms. 4. Cations are larger than their ators, but anions are smaller. ‘The process by which fine particles clump together to form flakes is called a, precipitation . —_peptization © * flocculation d. extraction 37. P20, 147. Which one of the following’ properties of a liquid docs not increase. with increasing. strengths of intermolecular forces? a. Boiling point b. _Sinthalpy of vaporization Vapor pressure d. Viscosity 148, Which of the following techniques can be used to determine the number of components in @ plant pigment? a. Calorimetry b. Chromatography ¢. Colorimetry @ Gravimetry 149. ‘The TUPAC name of adipic acid is a. hepatanedioic acid b. propanedioie acid c. + hexanedioic acid d. butanedioic acid 180. Which one of the following functional groups'is not commonly found in proteins? a. Alcohol b. Aldehyde ec Amide a. Amine ake LA 38 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK DA 39 [RT0. | | 1A SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 40

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