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STUDENT ID : 016201800008






The case study chosen for further analysis is only the convergence of policies occurred
between Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore. This selection is based on geographical
characteristics and the ability level of each country in managing infrastructure and services good
air freight. Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore as a whole geographically separated from
the mainland continent of Asia. Countries ASEAN Indochina such as Cambodia, Laos,
Myanmar, and Thailand Vietnam can be interconnected using land transportation because of its
integrated land. While Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore will be very dependent on air
transportation because of this travel time via air is shorter than by sea and there is absolutely no
land route. In addition three countries were chosen this is also quite good in describing the ability
of transport services air in ASEAN from various levels. Singapore as a country that is most
advanced, Indonesia represented the country with medium air transport service capabilities, and
the Philippines represented the ASEAN countries with worst infrastructure1

Based on the 2016 World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report, Laos, Vietnam and the Philippines are the ASEAN
countries with the worst transportation infrastructure

When it was first formed in 1967, ASEAN was dominated by powerful leaders from each
country and some of them are authoritarian leaders or have been in power for decades: Mahathir
Mohamad, Lee Kuan Yew, Ferdinand Marcos, Suharto, and Prem Tinsulanond. Some of the
characters this is a leader who is responsible for the independence of his people, so it is less
likely to share the power they have with a supra-national institution. ASEAN cooperation was
formed to reduce tension and intra-ASEAN competition. By encouraging socio-economic
development domestically together, the integration of ASEAN countries is also in hoping to 'fend
off' attacks from outside their region. Focus their main concern is to maintain sovereignty their
respective countries after independence from colonialism while maintaining that these countries
which are located close to each other remain peaceful. These leaders created ASEAN as an
institution strong enough to prevent a return to war, but also ensures that the ASEAN secretariat
will not have power to 'dictate' a decision to a member state individually or overshadowing the
national leadership. This characteristic of ASEAN regionalism also influences the pattern of
policy adoption from the regional level into the domestic sphere of each country its members.
Organizing Open Skies in ASEAN is very different from Open Skies in the European Union.
One of the most differences obviously, Open Skies in ASEAN is not controlled by any
supranational institution. Landing permits and air traffic management still controlled by ten
different aviation authorities that are on each ASEAN country.

The characteristics of regionalism of the countries involved also determine the process of
policy convergence. Simply put, regionalism can be defined as cooperation in regional scope and
regional integration. This collaboration involves delegation authority in a regional institution.
Based on the amount of autonomy given from the state to regional institutions in context
decision making, regional institutions can be categorized into two, namely intergovernmental
institutions (institutions with minimal autonomy) and supranationalists (institutions with
maximum autonomy). Institution intergovernmental regional groups tend to maintain the
integrity of their sovereignty by limiting the delegation of authority only in making certain
decisions. Different from institutions regional supranationalist, this type of institution receives
maximum delegation of authority so that it has full internal authority decision-making.
Supranationalist institutions can also force all countries that are members to obey even if not in
accordance with the wishes of the country itself. ASEAN can be classified as an
intergovernmentalist regional institution. The authority delegated by member states is partial and
there is no compulsion to obey. Taking the highest decision is still in each head of state or head
of government. The head of state or head of government may alone does not approve an
agreement if the agreement is considered detrimental or not in accordance with its national
interests. With the intergovernmental character, it is very unlikely that a cooperative agreement
will be established in ASEAN for imposition. Convergence of policies between ASEAN member
countries more directed at international harmonization, regulatory competition, transnational
communication, or independent problem solving. The conditions of the aviation sector in each
country are not the same considering.

some are far more advanced than other countries and some must trying hard to catch up.
This can be influenced by several factors, the overall global condition, there are specific
problems in certain areas, as a result of the priority arrangements set by the country itself.
Inequality has raised concerns among governments and business people in several countries that
Open Skies will only benefit large countries whose aviation industry is superior in terms of
technology as well have high quality airlines. This concern is in line with Eugene Sochor who in
his book argues that developing countries will certainly be in trouble to be able to be fully
sovereign economically over civil aviation in his country. These countries are in a system that is
greater considering they can not utilize the resources they have solely to benefit themselves.
There are norms and procedures that benefit certain parties so market competition will never be
completely 'healthy' and perfect


As an intergovernmentalist regional institution, the highest decision-making authority

remains in each of them head of state or head of government. ASEAN cooperation is formed to
reduce tension and intra-ASEAN competition. By downloading encourage domestic socio-
economic development together, the integration of ASEAN countries is also expected to be able
to 'fend off' attacks from outside their regional (self-help mechanism). In the case of ASEAN
Open Skies, the convergence of inter-air transportation services policies member countries occur
because of international harmonization and transnational communication (problem solving).

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