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A Woman and the Wolves

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few
villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass through
wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother.
She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “ it is getting
dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby. When
they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the
danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him. The
young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son
on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away.

Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had
offered her own son’s life to save her nephew.

They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick sticks
and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very strange.
Instead of eating the woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.

Read the text, then choose the best choice to each questions.

1. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ?
a. Another village
b. Mountains
c. Forests
d. Hills ve. Towers and logs

2. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?

a. He was afraid
b. He was stumbled by a stone
c. He ran slowly
d. The woman cried
e. The wolves were good runners

3. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ?

a. Ah Tm
b. The woman
c. The woman’s son
d. Her brother’s nephew
e. The baby and his mother
2. Soal rumpang

So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her
baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They
began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down .

How to Make Spaghetti in a Couple Easy Steps

Introduction: How to Make Spaghetti in a Couple Easy


It's really easy to make spaghetti at home! Using jarred tomato sauce means you can have dinner
on the table in under a half hour, too. Keep on reading to find out how to make a basic spaghetti
with meat sauce!

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Step 1: Get Your Supplie

Before you can start making your spaghetti you will need to first get the proper supplies and
materials. To make this spaghetti you will need:

 a box of spaghetti
 a jar of marinara sauce
 1-2 pounds of ground beef or Italian sausage
 two large pots, one for boiling the pasta and the other for making the sauce
 serving untensils
 salt
 water
You can use as much meat as you want, really - but anywhere from 1-2 pounds per large jar of
sauce should work out best. I tend to use 1 pound of meat nearly every time.

Step 2: Cooking the Meat + Get the Water Boiling

Before you start, fill up a large pot with water and add a handful of salt. Put it on the stove and
turn it to high so it'll start boiling!

Next you will need to cook the of meat. Take all of the meat out of its container and set it all in a
large pan, then put the pan on the stove and set the stove to medium.

After that you will need to break the meat into smaller pieces. When the meat is in small pieces
you will then need to start flipping the meat and make sure it gets brown all-around and cooked
thoroughly. The cooking should take approximately 10-15 minutes. When all of the meat is
brown and cooked you can add in the sauce.

Step 3: Mixing in the Sauce

Next you will need to mix your marinara sauce with your cooked meat. Take your jar of
marinara sauce and pour all of it on the cooked meat and then stir it all around until it is all
blended together. Then turn the heat down to low and let it simmer while you cook the pasta.

Step 4: Cooking the Spaghetti

Once the water has come up to a boil, you can throw the spaghetti in. Typically it should cook
within 7-11 minutes - just follow the time on the box!

Make sure to stir every couple minutes to keep it from sticking.

Depending on your timing, you can either strain the spaghetti and set it aside, or you can put it
right into the sauce.

Step 5: Serving Your Spaghetti

You can do this in a lot of ways but I prefer mixing the noodles in the pan with the sauce. I use
tongs to drain the noodles and place them in the sauce, and then put in a couple spoons of pasta
water. Stir it all together really well - the pasta water coats all the noodles and lets the sauce stick

You can also put plain spaghetti on individual plates and spoon the sauce over top. Whatever
works for you.
Top with cheese and enjoy!

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