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Steering Gear Test အမနကယလညလ

O fficer ေေတတ Pre deperture န Pre arrival steering gear test လO ပOေတလO ပOေနျကပတယ
ကယOေကProcedure န ရ တညယOကသO ရေO ုမနနOျကလတဆနနကညO ပမယO

ကကOနOေတRudder Angle က Oဆ O အ တ ေOမကဆပကနOသတတ တအယတ အဆကOOလတေOဝဆနOကOငတ

တယO Requirement မထကcapable of putting the rudder over from 35° on one side to
35° on the other side လO O ဆOOထRudder
ပတယO hard over ကOO 30 အထO ပေေပတCapt တစOေယကO ဟ
Reg ဆနOကOငယOR ုယတ ဆမO ပတယORudder ကပဟ Equipment failure ျေ ဖစOျပP စO O ရPerformance
O မOPတOဟ
limitation ေ ျဖစOေစပတယO

Astern န Rudder

ကကOနOေတPSA မ Pratical pilotage တက

O ေတCaptain
ဆရက ေေတတ Astern ကဆရငOMidship Midship ပ
O သတ တOO ေအနန Midship ေေပခO ေင 1 ပမဖစO ေေျကငO ပဖတ ပတယO

Administration requires a rudder stock of over 120 mm diameter in way of the tiller,
excluding strengthening for navigation in ice;

so designed that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed

Timing of the rudder movement from hard over to hard over is ……………………

မO မO တO O ဘယOR ုစမOပလဘယOR ုစမOပလေေေျဖျကညO ေေပပ

Hard over to hard over ဆO O တဘယODegree ေကနပလ

SOLAS requirement not more than 28sec ဆOOတ

ဘေယ နယတ တပလ

Midship ေကန Port 35 Port 35 ေကန Stbd 35 အထO ပလ

Port 35 ေကန Stbd 30 အထO ပလ

ဘန အခOOန1တပလ

(PSC FLAG Inspector OမကO ယ O တ ုငရP နတO O ငOတလတ ေOဝလက1 ခတပ ကO

Stopwatch O သတေOရပမယO
Hard over ေေရကငO
10sec ေေစငO ေျပP မစအခOOန1တORudder ေစရရရပမယO)

Steeing gear test ကOO Within 12hrs before deperture ပ

မလO ပမယOသO ထရမကေသဘ
ETD ေေေ ျပငO
လO O Steeing test 12 နရP ေ ေကOတသရ င တ ပOုလOပပမယO

Short voyage တသနတ ေသဘတတအတတကOSteeing gear test ကO O minimum 1 week လO O သတ1 တတ ပတယO

ပငR ယOေတေကမငO လရငO ေကgear test ဘယO

Steeing R ု လO ပ1 လလO O အပတ လ ေေေျဖရရငO
FLAG Rုအပတ တယO
RECOMMANDATION အရ Track control system(Auto steering န)Prolong period န ေေမငO နတ
ေသဘဟ Daily manual steeing ကOO Changover လO ပOျပP Test လO ပပမယO


Changover ရ Maximum period ကOO 30sec သတ1 တOျပP 30sec အတတငO Auto mode ေ ျပန1တငO ုငတ က
Manual.မပကOOငပမယO(ie weather effect)

Visual check of the steering gear carried out by ……………………..

Steering gear test လO ပကOOLeakage Visual check လO ပတကOOသOပလ

တ ဘယOR ု Test လO ပကOORef ယတ ထပ ပ တ ယငORဖတုေေလလပP စနစကOနအတO O ငOTeat လO ပO ုငO ျက

Thank you


The operation of the means of communication between the bridge and steering

• All officers who are concerned with the operation test or maintenance of the
steering gear should acquaint themselves with the changeover procedure.

• It is a requirement to have log entries to record that emergency steering gear

drills have been carried out every 3 months.

1. The Main Steering Gear (which includes testing power supply from the bridge
and the steering gear room, to steering motors 1, 2 and 1+2 together to be done on
main power supply, including visual inspection of the steering gear and its
connecting linkages to be carried out in the steering gear compartment.)

2. The Auxiliary Steering Gear – (Solas Part-C, Reg: 29-6.1 on page-115)

(Quote-29-6.1-Where the main steering gear comprises two or more identical power
units, an auxiliary steering gear need not be fitted provided that : 29-6.1.2-in cargo
ships, the main steering gear is capable of operating the rudder as required by
paragraph 3.2 while operating with all power units.

Reg 29-3.2-The steering gear and rudder stock shall be-Capable of putting the
rudder over from 35 deg: on one side to 35 deg: on the other side with the ship at
its deepest draught and running ahead at maximum service speed and, under the
same conditions, from 35 deg on either side to 30 deg on the other side in not more
than 28 seconds.)

GEAR MAY NOT BE FITTED-check for your vessel).

3. The Remote Steering Control System- (which includes testing from the bridge
wings or other locations where steering controls are located (other than the main
steering position on the bridge) using steering motors 1, 2 and 1+2 together, main

4. The Main Steering Position On The Bridge- (which includes testing from the
bridge using steering motors 1, 2 and 1+2 together, telemotors 1 and 2, the main
follow up steering and the non follow up steering, all to be done on main power.)

5. The Emergency Power Supply- (which includes identifying which steering gear
motor is supplied by the emergency power supply followed by testing steering from
the bridge on emergency supply. On many ships this is possible without actually
making back-out)

6. The Rudder Angle Indicator In Relation To The Actual Rudder Position-( The
engineer in the steering gear compartment will check and report to the bridge the
position of the rudder in the steering gear room which is compared with the position
shown on the rudder angle indicator.

At this time communications can also be checked by used the main and standby
communication systems)

7. The Remote Steering Gear Control System Power Failure Alarms-(Alarms fitted on
the steering consol or on the bridge consol indicating failure of remote steering etc:)

8. The Steering Gear Power Unit Failure Alarms-(Solas part-C reg:30-page 119)
(Audible and visual alarms on the bridge/engine control room as fitted)

9. Automatic Isolating Arrangements- (Solas part c- 29.16—page-117)

Quote-Reg-16--Every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000gross tonnage

and upwards shall, subject to paragraph 17, comply with the following:-2.2……Loss
of hydraulic fluid from one system shall be capable of being detected and the
defective system automatically isolated so that the other actuating system or
systems shall remain fully operational. NOT NORMALLY FITTED ON CARGO SHIPS-
check for your vessel.

Time Hard over to Hard over must not exceed 28 Sec:


Regulation 29.3

29.3 The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be:

.1 of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at maximum ahead service

which shall be demonstrated;

.2 capable of putting the rudder over from 35° on one side to 35° on the other side
with the

ship at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at maximum ahead service

speed and under the same conditions, from 35° on either side to 30° on the other

in not more than 28 s.

.3 operated by power where necessary to meet the requirements of paragraph 3.2

and in

any case when the Administration requires a rudder stock of over 120 mm diameter

way of the tiller, excluding strengthening for navigation in ice;

.4 so designed that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed; however,

design requirement need not be proved by trials at maximum astern speed and

maximum rudder angle.

Regulation 29.4

29.4 The auxiliary steering shall be:

.1 of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at navigable speed and of

brought speedily into action in an emergency;

.2 capable of putting the rudder over from 15° on one side to 15° on the other side
in not

more than 60 s with the ship at its deepest sea-going draught and running ahead at

half of the maximum ahead service speed or 7 knots, whichever is the greater; and

.3 operated by power where necessary to meet the requirements of paragraph 4.2

and in

any case when the Administration requires a rudder stock of over 230 mm diameter

way of the tiller, excluding strengthening for navigation in ice.

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