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Air Law

Parallel Runways:


When flying a holding pattern, all turns are to be made at a bank angle of:

25* bank or 3*/sec, whichever requires less bank

Two aircraft one cleared for descent questions:

• No turbulence = When reported leaving current level

• With turbulence = When passing a level of the required minimum (eg 2000ft separation)
1. Work out outbound course

2. Draw aircraft heading at TOP of compass rose (DI)

3. 90* to heading then move 20* up (so 60* right of

heading) draw straight line across rose

4. Now you have 3 join sectors. Draw in the outbound

and the sector in which this lies gives you the join
Standard Holds:

- Right turns
- 1min outbound when below FL140
- 1.5mins when above FL140


Used by survivors: Used by rescuers:
VAT = The IAS at the threshold

VAT = Vso x 1.3 or Vs1g x1.23

(if both values available, the higher

of them will be used)

Vs1g = Stall with 1g applied

IAF is at the END of a STAR

Flight Plans:

- 60 mins delay in an UNCONTROLLED flight (amend or re-submit)

- 30 mins delay in a CONTROLLED flight (amend or re-submit)
• Controller will not instruct an aircraft to change speed when 4nm from threshold and only speed
adjustments of +/-20kts when on intermediate and final approach

• Irregular flashing of all lights from an intercepted aircraft = IN DISTRESS

• “Cross Country Flight” = Departure → Arrival following pre-planned route following standard nav procedures
(No minimum Distance stated)

• Special procedures (Doc 7030) if UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE

• Class 1 Medical:
• - 1 Year validity unless:
• - 6 Months if pilot is involved in single pilot commercial operations and over the age of 40
• - Over 60 years of age (again 6 months)

• IFR over non-mountainous terrain with no other limits shall be flown: 1000ft above highest obstacle within
8km of the aircraft

• Seperation of aircraft at the same FL travelling in the same direction:

• -10min if it does not state the speed they are travelling.
• -If aircraft in front is 20kt faster this can be reduced to 5mins
• -If 40 kts faster then it can be 3mins

• Altimeter is rounded DOWN to the nearest hectopascal (as this will mean you indicate lower which is safer
than indicating higher and crashing)

• Minimum obstacle clearance at the departure end of the runway is 0ft

(the requirement is actually 0.8 x distance from the departure end of the runway but 0.8 x 0 = 0ft at the end
of the runway)
If it states climbing or descending through the transition layer it will be when passing a boundary in that direction

If it does not state climb or descend then it will be AT OR ABOVE transition level or AT OR BELOW transition altitude

Question states you are 100*

relative on converging course, what
lights will you see?


A road holding position sign

(as you are about to pay in the

region of £100,000 to drive a tug
around the airport apparently)
AIP (AD/ENR/GEN) questions:



CAO (COW) = Steak = stakeholders

Threshold Lighting:

Phrases used by Intercepting/ Intercepted Aircraft:

Unusable by aircraft:

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