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 Abreast (a) Appositional, side by side

 Accommodate Pacify, pleasing

 Affluent developed, wealthy

 Aforementioned Above cited, above mentioned

 Amenities Facility, conveniences

 Anticipate get ahead, do ahead, forestall

 Aptly Timely, appropriately

 Apparent clear, evident

 Apprehension worry, fear, concern

 Astray Misguided, amiss

 Arcades galleries, walkways

 Arrays Formalise, phalanx

 Astronomically Mathematics manner, multiply

 Augment Increase, enlarge

 Autocrat dictator, despot

 Calamities Affliction, environmental trouble

 Catastrophic tragic, terrible, devastating

 Conspicuous Main, specific, evident

1 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Congenial friendly, amiable, agreeable

 Conventional Traditional, Lineal

 Convenience Facility, comforts

 Contention Argument, debate

 Corroborate Confirm, affirm

 Colossal Outstanding, eminent

 Counteract Going against, oppose, cross

 Counterpart Ditto, two of a kind, look alike

 Courtesy Civility, manners

 Concur Be in harmony, unite

 Curriculum Syllabus, programme

 Deferential showing respect, admiring

 Delinquents wrongdoers, crooks, criminals

 Deluge Overflow, flood

 Deteriorate Worsen, decline

 Diligent attentive, thorough, consciences

 Dire Horrible, Awful

 Efficacy Value, effectiveness

 Efficacious Efficient, worthwhile

 Elated Overjoyed, thrilled

2 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Eloquent articulate, expressive, fluent

 Embarrass Shame, Humiliate

 Embezzle commit fraud, cheat, steal

 Empathy compassion, responsiveness

 Engender Create, Stimulate, Provoke

 Enmity ill will, hostility, hatred

 Enrich Augment, Enhance, Improve

 Enhance Boost, develop

 Entail Involve, need, necessitate, demand

 Entrepreneur path breaker,

 Entwined connected, interconnected

 Enormous Huge, massive, Mammoth, gigantic

 Eradicating Eliminating, removing

 Erroneous Invalid, wrong

 Erudite learned, perfect, intelligent

 Elaborate Extravagant, ornate, Intricate

 Excel Best, shine, top

 Exposure Revelation, publicity, coverage

 Extraordinary Amazing, Surprising

 Extravagant Wasteful, excessive

3 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Fabricate to make up, invent, formulate

 Facet Aspect, feature

 Feeble weak, frail, pathetic

 Feral wild, savage, uncontrolled

 Flawed Faulty, defective

 Furtive secretive, sly, sneaky, shifty

 Gauging Evaluating, measuring

 Grasp (grip) hold, grab

 Harassed Hassled, Worried

 Haul Drag, tug

 Hamper Hinder, obstruct

 Hinder thwart, hamper

 Horizon Vista, Limits, possibility

 Honing Polishing, Enhancing

 Hypocrisy pertaining to believe what one does not, duplicity

 Impeccable exemplary, flawless, perfect, immaculate

 Impeded Muffled, Hindered, Slow

 Impertinent rude, insolent, impudent

 Imitate replicate, reproduce, duplicate

 Impoverished Underdevelop, poor, underprivileged

4 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Immensely Enormously, Vastly

 Incur Gain, occur

 Inculcate instil, install
 Indolent Lazy, idle, sluggish
 Inept not suitable, unqualified, incompetent, useless
 Influx Inflow, flood
 Innate native, inborn, inherent
 Insular narrow-minded, limited
 Intuitive spontaneous, consistent

 Inquisitive forward, intrusive, very much interested

 Interfere Affect, impede

 Intervened Interrupt, mediate, reconcile

 Inexorably unavoidably, cruel

 Indispensable Central, crucial

 Intellectual Logical, scholar

 Inevitable certain, without doubt

 Leeway Freedom, latitude

 Longevity Long life, durability

 Lurid sensational, ghastly

 Mammoth Vast, huge, enormous

 Manifold various, many, multiple

 Maverick an independent, nonconformist person, rebel

 Mediocre Ordinary, Average

 Merely Just, only, simply

5 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Miscreant offenders, Villain, criminal

 Misnomer inaccuracy, poor description

 Meticulous extremely careful, scrupulous, fussy

 Modicum a small amount, ounce, bit, little

 Myriad Countless, numerous, many

 Nadir the lowest point of something, base

 Nimble quick, lively, lithe

 Nominal trifling, insignificant

 Novice a beginner, without training or experience

 Numerous several, plentiful

 Obituary written Tribute, Memorial article

 Oblivious unawareness, ignorant

 Outdo Outstanding, exceed

 Obtuse Lacking quickness of sensibility, dull, slow

 Overt Obvious, blatant, Evident

 Overwhelm Engulf, good feeling

 Peer Earl, aristocrat, noble

 Pioneering Innovative, ground-breaking

 Pitfall Snag, Hazard, Difficult

 Pivotal Essential, evident, basic

6 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Phenomenon Occurrence, miracle, marvel, wonder

 Plethora excess, an abundance, surplus, overabundance

 Pragmatic Practical, realistic

 Perilous Extreme, risky

 Preponderant Ahead, first, pre-eminent, more important

 Prerequisite precondition,

 Prevalent frequent, common, predominant

 Privileged Fortunate, lucky, blessed

 Prodigies Stars, wonders, geniuses, genii

 Proliferation rise, spread, creation (dead to alive)

 Rational balanced, coherent

 Remedied improved, relieved, fixed

 Renders Solidity, reduces, condenses

 Refurbish to restore, clean up

 Repudiate to reject, refuse

 Resilient strong, tough, hardy

 Retrieved regained, recovered, rescued

 Rigorous Hard, difficult

 Spontaneously naturally, freely

 Stem Branch, curtail

7 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Stringent Severe, Strict

 Stead shape, position, state

 Salient Main, evident

 Serendipity luck, chance, fate, destiny, coincidence, karma

 Segregate Separate, isolate

 Significant Important, major

 Staid sedate, position, settled.

 State-of-the-art High-tech, modern, advanced, contemporary

 Suffrage right to vote, testimony

 Sycophant minion, bootlicker, crony, slave

 Temptation attraction, inducement, offer, persuasion

 Thrive Prosper, boom

 Tremendous Great, fantastic

 Truculent cruel, hostile, aggressive, confrontational

 Ubiquity everywhere-ness, universality, all-presence

 Unanimous united, undivided

 Upsurge Surge, gain

 Venerable restful, honoured, admires, esteemed

 Vulnerable Exposed, helpless, susceptible, at risk

 Virtually effectively, almost

8 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

 Vociferous loud, boisterous, strident, raucous

 Wanton undisciplined, lustful, malicious, nasty

 Whimsical Unusual, Impulsive

 Workaholic overachiever, work-horse

 Zenith the highest point, culminating point, peak, to

A. Speaking and its effect on other modules-

1 Read aloud- (6 to 7 tasks)

a. Read aloud doesn’t mean loud, so your reading volume and speed should be
b. Read it aloud during preparation time too, and find hard or unusual words which
have different or hard pronunciation, try it pronounce correctly if not skip it
rather than pronouncing wrong.
c. Find pa, ta, ka/ca/qa sound words and do use it.
d. Don’t take extra pause even on full stop, take quick breath, and, but, commas.
e. Press next once you finish reading, don’t wait for recording to finish.
f. Most important, it contributes at least 20-30 marks in speaking and reading
section. Carry 50 marks.

Should work on following words’ pronunciation- session, pupil, participants,

relatively, aspects, disastrous, auxiliary, challenge, committee, enthusiasm
(en-thoo-zee-az-uh-m), exaggerating, exhausted, genius, genuine, grammar,
guarantee, hygiene, jealous, laboratory, leisurely, lieutenant, liveliest, luxuries,
vinegar, weird, conscious, possession, privilege, proprietor, questionnaire,
reference, nutrition, renowned, repetition, rhythm, secretary, siege, sovereignty
(sov-rin-tee), miscellaneous, ridiculous, synonymous, thirtieth, archaeology,
statistics (st-uh-tis-tiks), inherently, scenario, plagiarism,

9 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

2 Repeat sentences- (10-13 tasks)

a. Take note- write first alphabet of each sentence and do practice it a lot.
b. If don’t feel confrontable in note taking, at-least write first word and do listen rest
of the sentences carefully.
c. Try to speak as much as possible in a sequential order, even two or three words
also carry marks.
d. Speak fluently.
e. Score goes toward speaking and listening nearly 20.

Repeat sentences- (real)

1. The main concepts in this thesis were not new.

2. There is no correlation between drug use and cure rates.

3. The history of the movement is recorded by several writers.

4. Students’ identification cards will be issued today and tomorrow.

5. Our group is meeting tomorrow in the library conference room.

6. You come with me, the others stay here.

7. Our class will be divided into three groups.

8. Conferences will always be scheduled two weeks in advance.

9. Those events are not fully understood.

10. The solar department is highly regarded worldwide.

11. All writers consciously and unconsciously respect their own culture.

12. Reference of material is held on library reference desk.

13. Teaching assistants will receive monthly fees for housing.

14. The most important process of farming is weeding.

15. Review all resources before drawing your conclusion.

10 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

16. Your thesis should have fairly large scopes.

17. The leading companies changed their policies after their reports were releases.

18. The campus tour runs daily during summer for perspective students.

19. Today’s lecture material will be used in next assessment.

3 Describe an image- (4-6 images)

a. Have to speak about 25 seconds and click next while you speaking, don’t stop .
b. Only fluency does matter,
c. Grammar and content doesn’t matter at all.
d. Use image to build any story, it is always easy to speak fluently if have
information in front of us, so do use it.
e. Read contents in the given image if any, to become familiar for better fluency.

I have been given a beautiful image and my job is to explain in 25 seconds as much
as I can. Let’s have a closer look at the picture, by looking closely I can say that this
picture is very beautiful with different colours, brown, black and white.

It is about…

Now look at the graph below. In 25 seconds, please speak in the microphone and
describe in detail what the graph is showing. Yow will have 40 seconds to give your

(For graph)- There are two different axis, X and Y. X axis tells us about ……… Y axis
tells us about ……

(End Lines)

There has been a popular debate about this phenomenon whether it is true or there is
no proof to support its existence.

11 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

So what we can see in the end that the trend is popular one among different
categories no matter what the situation is.

There are, however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of
the topic. Steps to deal with this problem are many. But the most effective one is not
remote or complicated, but accessible and practicable.

About Customer Service “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises.
He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our
work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider of our business. He is part of it.
We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us
the opportunity to do so.

4 Retell lecture (3-4 tasks)

a. Listen lecture carefully and take notes with clear handwriting.

b. Write down words/ phrases vertically, write at least 15-25 words.
c. Start speaking these words using some connectors. Like- The talk is about (use
first for five words smoothly), she/ he also mentioned (4-5 words), and it about
(4-5 words), in the end (remaining words), repeat them if required.
d. Pronounce these words clearly with fluency.
e. Only speak about 25 second, press next while speaking.
f. Use emergency line if 25 seconds are not over up to yet.
g. 20% goes toward listening.

The talk is about (topic), there are important aspects mentioned about this topic, but
what speaker has said that (mention all possible given point)

(End Lines)

There (Th-air) has been a popular (pop-yuh-ler) debate about this phenomenon
(fi-nom-uh-non,nuh n) whether it is true or there is no proof to support its existence.

So what we can see in the end that the trend is very common one among different
categories no matter what the situation is.

12 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Re-tell lecture- (real)

The lecture is about the changes that have taken place in coffee production. Coffee
production has increased from 6 billion to 30 billion. The huge demand of Europe and
America has made Vietnam the second biggest producer which has greatly affected
Columbia’s production. The output of central America is witnessing dramatic
decrease. People’s drinking habit is also undergoing changes.

The lecture is about population growth and resource consumption from 1990 to 2000.
In 1900, the population was about 1.5 billion and it increased to 6 billion in 2000. The
increase of energy consumption was much more significant which is increased by 16
folds. Due to the urbanisation, cities, which only account for 2% of the land, have
50% of the total population and consumes 75% of the resources. At the end, the
lecturer emphasizes that people not only use every resource on the planet but also
produce tons of wastes.

The lecture is about a kind of remote technology - underwater Antares detectors.

These detectors can be used to observe the environment change and water
temperature change. More importantly, these detectors are installed under water to
monitor fishes’ reaction to the feeding. This makes it possible for people to change
their feeding strategy quickly when fish do not react to the feeding.

5 Short answer question (10-12 tasks)

a. Listen it carefully.
b. Speak it in one to three words anything possible.
c. There is nothing wrong or right here, so don’t be quite.
d. Press next once you finish.
e. Score goes towards your listening section about 5%

(Note- From Speaking module about 40 plus score goes towards Listening, 30 plus
towards reading and 10% towards writing. So most important module in terms of
achieving aggregate score, be focused)

13 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Writing and its effect on other modules-

1 Summarise written text (2-3 tasks)

a. Use copy and paste method (proven strategy- don’t doubt)

b. Read passage carefully and close your eye to find main theme or title.
c. Now find two sentences which describe this theme comprehensively.
d. Connect these two sentences with a connector/ linker- for similar meaning use-
and, and so or for contrasting statements use – but, whereas.
e. Make two possible changes, one in each sentence. Change position if possible
like A and B given, make it B and A. Second- use synonymous, only if 100 %
sure or just leave it, don’t guess.
f. Most important, it should be one sentence, 5-75 words and 10 minutes.
g. Score goes toward reading section about 20%.

Summarise written text- (real)

Al Gore, a renowned minister of US as well as Nobel peace prize winner, plays a key
role when it comes to unravelling the mysteries behind the global climate change, and
thanks to his contribution, not only has he predicted the harmful effects on the
atmosphere, but also discussed about the potential benefits of global warming.

When considering why and to what extent parents should control their children’s TV
watching, we should take 3 factors into consideration and the first one is the amount
of time spent on TV and the second one is the effects of TV watching, while the
second factor has much to do with the impact of violence, sex and the influence of
commercials and third one is from the family that their habits would gradually
influence their children.

14 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Parents should think how much television a child watches and what effect there might
be, as research has shown more time spent on watching TV, the less time they have
allocated to other activities, they also need to consider the content and time spent
weekly on TV, by pondering various aspects like the role of TV in family.

Pascolena Florry, whose job was herding goats in Namibia when it gained
independence, because of her job she treated wildlife as an enemies and so, did
other in that community, but she changed her view later at her 30s, then built her
career in tourism and along with other member of the village benefited from efforts of

Armed police have been brought in to NSW schools not only to reduce crime rate and
educate students but also to build positive relationship between police and students,
however, there were mixed emotions from both sides that is police department and
the society.

The relationship between a cow and the cellulose digesting bacteria is a symbiotic
one, meaning both parties benefit, the cow provides the bacteria a warm as well as
moist environment with a constant supply of food, whereas the bacteria enable the
cow to access the nutrients in their cellulose-rich diet and provide a protein source.

Cows are ruminant’s animals with a unique digestive system that allows them to live
on otherwise unpalatable foods by repeatedly regurgitating and re-chewing them as
"cud." The cud is then swallowed again and further digested by specialized bacterial,
protozoal, and fungal microbes that live in the rumen, one of the four compartments
of a cow's stomach.

Australia has played a pivotal role to curb child beauty contests by promoting inner
beauty as compared to outer, the beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true
beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul, it creates negative physical and mental
health impact on girls such as eating disorders, self-harm, depression, anxiety, low
self-esteem and poor academic performance.

Nobel Peace prize winner Al Gore has predicted that in 2050 there will be deaths due
to global warming, it will increase environmental temperature at which glacier ice will
melt, which will result in catastrophic disaster.

15 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Birdsong has generally been seen as a characteristic of male birds, but data shows
that female birds do the same in order to compete for the resources necessary for
survival and reproduction.

Water, one of the important natural resources plays an integral part as far as
providing nourishment to humanity is concerned, and in order to purify water from
various harmful contaminants, experts have not only contended to preserve water for
future usage, but also initiated several awareness campaigns in an effort to educate
people regarding the numerous ways to conserve water.

Dendrochronology, a scientific method of dating growth rings on trees, plays an

indispensable role when it comes to determining the exact growth of trees, and
thanks to this unique field of study, not only did researchers study stages involved in
the development process, but they also drafted a clear conclusion regarding the
actual time frame of tree’s growth.

2 Write an essay (1-2 tasks), score goes only in writing.

a. Essay should be 4 paragraphs, with introduction, body and conclusion

(academic writing format) and yes there are points for structure.
b. Read question carefully, possibly twice or three times and spend at least two
minutes for planning.
c. Only have 20 minutes for each essay, so make sure cross 200 words,
favourably 205 words.
d. Write introduction first, just after conclusion and later add two paragraphs of
bodies in between. This strategy will reduce excessive pressure of completing
the task. Sometime if word limit is under, still going to get point for structure.
e. Finish it within 15-17 minutes and use remaining time for proof-reading.

16 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Below find essay structures, style and topic with detailed explanations.

Essay Writing ( Style 1)

4 Paragraphs 200-250 Words 30 Minutes

(problem and solution )

These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in (global
warming). There are a wide range of factors that account for why this is
happening. I am of the opinion that this situation can be dealt with provided
some effective measures are taken.
(Myriads) there are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance/viewpoint.

(Conspicuous) The most conspicuous one is that…………………

Not only (AV) (sub) (V1) but (sub+AV) also (V2) (inverse/ advance structure)

Needless to say all these demerits have far reaching impact on (something).

Needless to say, all these merits stand ………(subject)… in good stead, as far as…
(V+ing or noun)…… concerned.

Steps to deal with this problem are many, but the most significant one are not remote
or complicated but accessible and practicable.

1 Primarily…

2 Besides

3 Last but not least…..

17 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that the situation that stemmed
from (topic) can be easily remedied, provided that the aforementioned measures are
taken. Its harmful effects are indeed too great to ignore

Essay Writing (Style 2) Debateable ( both sided)

These days, it has become to a growing to see countries opting compulsory

voting. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am
of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

Myriads) there are a myriad of reasons in favour of my viewpoint. (Conspicuous) The

most conspicuous one is that………………… Not only +(AV) + Sub + Verb……but +
sub also (main verb). Needless to say all these merits stand in (somebody good stead
(Demerits-far reaching impact on something) as far as…(V+ing)(noun)……

There are however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of
(the topic).

The Primary one stems from the fact that……



In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despites some
drawbacks, the benefits of the topic are indeed too great to ignore.

18 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE


The idea of (topic) is widely debated, with many people claiming that doing so
would give birth to greater concerns than the upside it has to offer. (Agree with
people’s claim) My view coincides with this notion as there are several strong
elements that lie within it or In my opinion, this notion merits serious
consideration, which will be explored with pertinent arguments and examples.

(Disagree) However I do not entirely accept this and will be explored with
pertinent arguments and examples.

Myriads) there are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance/viewpoint.

(Conspicuous) The most conspicuous one is that………………… Not only +(AV) +
Sub + Verb……but + (sub) also (main verb). Needless to say all these
merits/demerits stand in (somebody good stead (far reaching impact on something)
as far as…(ing)…… concerned.

Another overt facet/pivotal aspect of……topic…….is

that…………………………………………… Unlike sub A,(WH), (quality, negative one
first there is any) and so effects, sub B (wh) opportunity/quality+ effect. Hence it is
apparent …………………. why in favour of /against the topic.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits
(drawbacks) of ……. are indeed too great (dire) to ignore.

19 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

1. The environment we are living in, is in danger due to various problems. So
who do you think should be responsible to solve it? Is it the governments,
organizations or each individual?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see colossal upsurge in the amount of
pollution in almost all parts of the world, be it impoverished or affluent nations. There
are many factors which account for why this is happening. I am of the opinion this
situation can be remedied provided some effective measures are taken.

There are a myriad of consequences of pollution in the world. The most conspicuous
one is that pollutants from industries and other sources contribute to deteriorating the
environment. Not only do they have an adverse impact on the ecology/ecosystem but
they also cause people to suffer from a range of diseases. It hardly needs mention;
environmental pollutions have far reaching impact on ecosystem.

Steps to deal with this problem are many, but the most significant ones are not
remote or complicated, but accessible and practicable. Primarily, the governments
should introduce stringent laws and regulations to ensure that factories and
manufacturers use ecofriendly measures in producing goods. Besides, the
international organizations can raise funds and thus help underprivileged nation to
fight off pollution in every sphere. Last but not least, an awareness program to
educate people of the harmful effects of pollution can also be initiated.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that the situation that has
stemmed from pollution can be successfully remedied, provided that the
aforementioned measures are taken.

20 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

2.Climate change is huge concern in today’s world. Discuss about the roles that
Government, corporates and individuals can play to improve it.

In recent years, there has been a colossal upsurge in environmental concerns, with
climate change being a pivotal one. Although convergent efforts from all, be it
companies, individuals or governments are required to alleviate this concern, I think it
is the government, which has the most important role to pay in this regard.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. On the one hand, by

implementing stringent rules and regulations the government can ensure that
factories and individuals apply environmentally friendly measures in manufacturing
goods. On the other hand with strict policies and financial penalties in place,
manufacturers are more likely to take numerous measures to curb pollution, from
applying a range of recycling procedures to disposing of hazardous chemical
appropriately. In other words, the more lenience and leeway the government shows,
the greater amount of pollution is. Apparently all these merits stand the government in
good stead, when it comes to shaking off this soaring.

Another conspicuous argument is that unlike other bodies, with a deluge of resources
and legitimate power to fight off climate change the government is the strongest of all
to do everything it takes to address the concern, such as raising awareness through a
varieties of campaigns’ how a little change in our day to day life can make a positive
change to this end. Hence, it is apparent why instead of others, I am focusing on the

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that the role played by the
government in escalating, the concerns in climate change is instrumental indeed.

21 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

3. Nowadays TV has become an essential part of life. Medium to spread news
and for some it acts like a companion. What is your opinion about this?

The invention of Television around two decades back opened wide frontiers for
transmission of visual communication and awareness. Since then the research and
development on this has never paused, and today we have 3D and curved televisions
available as well. In fact, it will be hard to find any domestic family without watching
TV as a part of their daily life. It has helped in making the world a smaller place to live
in by making all sorts of shows, latest news update and information in all areas via a
wide range of channels. Television provides a wide range to channels to choose from
on tourism, travel, foods, lifestyle, news, general knowledge, movies, music, reality
show and many more. In fact, the information is so useful that many people plan their
holiday based on a show on tourism, they try to cook new items by following the
recipe shown, become aware of all sorts of happenings in the world and least to
mention the craze about sports event. For many, TV is almost indispensable as they

Nowadays, TV is available with video games, quizzes, and other interactive functions.
It can be a good way to spend time with it, which is often necessary when alone.
Television has influenced our lives so much that people watching daily soaps
specially, have a hangover of the show throughout the day. But, it is our duty to limit
anything in too excess. The benefits, which TV has brought into our daily lives are
indeed too great to ignore.

22 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

4. Is sky-diving or deep sea-diving good for enjoyment or more dangerous?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see people indulging in dangerous
activities such as adventure sports. As such there are both merits and demerits to this
trend, although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my viewpoint. One of the most

conspicuous drawbacks of these activities is that they are likely to pose life
threatening dangers, thanks to the nature of these sports with peril being an integral
part. Although they are filled with excitement, rapture and tremendous pleasure, they
are only transient and so cannot be supported and encouraged at the expense of
one’s invaluable life, which is of immense importance as far as contributing to
humanity is concerned. For example, mankind benefits from prodigies astronomically,
be it in the field of science, arts, music and literature. Hence, putting life into danger
by indulging in deleterious activities is of little significance.

Another pivotal aspect stems from the fact besides, injuries or death from these
sports also mean that the family associated will be equally affected as they will either
have to spend astronomical sums of money for their treatment or live their lives
without the sweet presence of their beloved near and dear ones. Hence, it is apparent
that unlike other conventional sports with little danger but full of entertainment, these
perilous sports give birth to a number of concerns and so cannot be accepted as a
pure source of pleasure at all.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of
extreme sports are indeed too great to ignore.

23 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

5. Formal written examination is an effective way to assess students, discuss

These days, it has become a growing trend to see educational institutions gauging
student’s capabilities through formal written examinations. As such there are both
merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. One of the most

conspicuous drawbacks is that in order to attain good grades in these stereotypes
exams, students are not required to possess an in-depth knowledge in a specific
subject. This is because it is through a number of test-taking skills, strategies and
techniques that even mediocre student can perform as well as a prodigy. There is no
doubt that the core objective of education is not only to prepare learner for exam, but
also to instil knowledge in them in an effort to broaden their horizons. Needless to
say, the intellectual ability of students is impeded as they do not need to explore
things with inquisitive attitude to learning and discovering new limits.

Another pivotal aspect of good assessment system is that will not require a learner to
memorise answers, but demand thorough understanding of the subject matter. Unlike,
conventional testing system, which are based on rote learning and so the intellectual
abilities of the students are impeded, modern comprehensive testing systems help to
thrive and excel in all sphere of life. Hence, it is apparent, this faulty testing system
does not help serve the purpose of education at all.

In view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that the drawbacks of formal
written test, are indeed too dire to ignore.

24 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

6. “The information revolution brought about by modern mass communications
has both advantages and disadvantages for individuals and for society.” To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see modern mass communication
revolutionising the world at great extent. As such there are both merits and demerits
to this trend, although I am of the opinion the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my viewpoint. The most conspicuous one
is that there has been a revolutionary change in the way mass communication occurs,
thanks to the advent of state-of-the-art technologies, by utilising such advanced
communication tools as Facebook, Twitter and the like, the media can reach a much
broader range of consumers today as they no longer have to rely on conventional
newspapers, magazines or TV. With the propensity of the Internet and Internet
enabled portable devices like notebooks and smartphones, not only can people stay
connected with friends and family, but individual also keeps himself in a preponderant
position in terms of current affairs. Needless to say, thanks to the upside of mass
communication system merits stand people in good stead, when it comes to
enhancing connectivity, efficiency and what not, both in an individual’s life and in

Another pivotal aspect of the modern communication system is that employers can
also keep in touch with their employees even when they are on the move, thus
improving productivity manifold. Unlike in the past, when things were done manually
resulting in many mistakes, now most of the work is performed by computer which
has improved efficiency at work. Hence it is apparent, why so many prodigies are
advocating for the widespread of these tools both in affluent as well as impoverished

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the upsides of today’s
information revolution, are indeed too great to ignore.

25 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

7. Communication has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Discuss the
positive and negative impacts of this change. OR

Positive and negative effects of today’s Communication system.

These days, it has become a growing trend to see the way people communicating
with each other, thanks to the advent of modern technology. As such, there are both
merits and demerits to this trend, which although I am of the opinion the former outdo
the latter

There are a myriad benefits of modern communication methods. The most

conspicuous one is that with the ubiquity of the Internet, now the world is connected
more closely than ever before. Not only has the Internet allowed people to easily keep
in touch with their friends and family, but it has also enabled businesses to conduct
numerous operations in almost all parts of the globe. There is no doubt that all these
merits stand people in good stead, when it comes to increasing ease, convenience,
comfort and efficacy in everything they do, be it in their personal life or their
professional life.

However, there are some pitfalls that can overwhelm the potential benefits of modern
ways of communicating with people. The primary one stems from the fact that by
remaining dependent on technologies, people now no longer feel the need to meet
people face-to-face, which has greatly reduced one’s social interaction. This has
undoubtedly created an unwelcome gap between people, even in the family
members. Hence, it is apparent why many are against modern ways of

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that there are both
benefits and drawbacks of modern communication methods, both of which are indeed
too great to ignore

26 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

8.Nowadays children prefer computer games to outdoor sports. IS IT A

These years, it has become a growing trend for children to indulge in electronic
games instead of participating in outdoor sports, with many experts claiming that it
has more disadvantages than benefits. As such there are both merits and demerits to
this trend, although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my viewpoint. One of the most

conspicuous drawbacks of computer games is that they are enticing and fascinating,
thanks to their alluring audio visual effects. Not only do these addictive games
deteriorate a child's eyesight and their overall health, but they also adversely affect an
adolescent's academic performance. Needless to say, these introvert children are
often detached from the outside world and fail to learn other essential social skills.

Another pivotal aspect of outdoor games is that those taking parts in these sports can
usually keep fit and also attain a large array of attributes by interacting with others.
Unlike, those are addict to electronic games, are less physically and mentally fit than
those who plays in playground and broadening their horizons. Hence it is apparent,
these latter children are more likely to remain in a preponderant position and survive
in this competitive era

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some
upsides, the drawbacks of indulging in electronic games instead of outdoor activities
are indeed too dire to ignore.

27 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

9. Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is
your opinion? Support it with personal examples.

Parents' intervention can heavily influence a child's personality and behaviour

development. It is an interesting subject of discussion whether parents should be
liable for their five-year-old child's law-offending behaviour or even subject to
punishment. In my viewpoint, parents must be held responsible.

Unlike adults, children break the law in the absence of either incentive or motive.
Their acts are accidental and intuitive, signalling the accumulative effect of the
environment where they grow up. Children informative years are particularly
susceptible to whom they meet and what they see in their daily lives. For example,
their violent acts are very likely to reflect a mixed effect of their repeated exposure to
violence. Parents should therefore act as gatekeepers to prevent their children from
watching TV and playing video games, thereby negating the influence of media. Once
a child uses violence, it reveals that their parents have habitually failed to fulfil those
duties. For this reason, parents should be accountable for their child's wrongdoing.

Another example to show parents' effect on their child's behaviour is that many
parents fail to set a positive role model. More often than not, parents have their own
behaviour problems (such as using violence in the face of their children). As children
have a natural ability to imitate others, their violent or unlawful behaviour is potentially
a replica of their parents'. That's why children with fine upbringing normally show their
courtesy and professional etiquettes in coping with real-life problems, such as
conflicts with others, while those children with poor upbringing are more likely to act
violently. People are thus not surprised to see that many young delinquents had
unhappy lives and felt discontented with their life circumstances in which they grew

In general, 18 is the age when an individual starts to be legally responsible for his or
her acts. This is an age from which a child is ready to explore their life and assumes
life responsibilities. For the most part they are allowed to vote, drive, drink and
smoke. They have sufficient experience, knowledge and competence for decision
making and reaching moral conclusions.

In conclusion, parents should be subject to punishment when their children violate the
law, in view of their tremendous influence on their child's behaviour. It is their
inescapable responsibility until their child comes of age.

28 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

10. Some people say that law can change human behaviour. Do you agree or

These days, it has become a growing trend to see strict laws bringing a positive
change in human behaviour. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend,
although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one in
favour of rule setting can be seen in childhood, when a child learns to do things
following a proper order set either by their parents or by their teachers. By sticking
these rules and regulations, not only do children learn essential attributes like
discipline and punctuality, but they also excel in academic studies. Needless to say,
thanks wide range of regulations in place, as far as discipline is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of law and order is that rigorous rules can engender fear
among miscreants, who mostly commit crimes because of the leeway they enjoy in
breaking the law. If people are aware that their illegal or unlawful activities will result
in severe punishment such as financial penalty, jail term or even death sentence, the
likelihood that they will indulge in criminal activities is bound to decline. Unlike, in
impoverished nations, where there is little or no punishment for littering or driving
offences and so a deluge of such incidents occur, in affluent nations, the number of
such offences is insignificant. Hence, it is apparent that why human behaviour is
immensely shaped by law and order.

In view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that the benefits of law and
order in place indeed are too great to ignore.

29 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

11. Which one is the most significant invention in the last century? Aeroplane,
antibiotics or computer?

These days, it has become a growing to see an upsurge in technological

advancement is such areas as computers, aeroplanes, antibiotic and the like, in my
opinion, the most successful and effective of them all is nothing but computer. As
such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion
that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one
is that by using computer, the Internet, numerous software and other such
equipment’s, not only can teachers make lesson plans effectively, but students can
also enhance their knowledge and broaden their horizons with much ease,
convenience and efficacy. Needless to say, thanks to all these upsides of computer, it
keeps us abreast with others, as far as social life is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of computer is that it has replaced manual system from office,
library, transport, weather forecast, scientific research and the like. Unlike in the past
when things were done manually resulting in many mistakes, now most of the work is
performed by computer which has improved efficiency at work. Hence it is apparent,
nothing is comparable to computer because never has single invention of science
benefited mankind in so many ways as computer has.

In views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
computer are indeed too great to ignore.

30 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

12. Nowadays millions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Some
people argue that the money should be spent on other essential areas such as
healthcare and education. What is your opinion?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in spending

astronomical sums of money on space research all around the world, be it
impoverished or affluent. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend,
although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one
stems from the fact that space research entails colossal amounts of expenditure,
where as we have got millions of people starving all over the world. Should we not
feed these underprivileged people first before indulging in ambitious adventures in
space? As such, affluent nations are also equally responsible for shaking of the
poverty of the impoverished ones, as the latter have limited budget and resources. In
addition, wealthy nations can best use their resources by improving the
infrastructures in an array of sectors such as healthcare, education, transport and so
on, instead of sending robots to find water in the Mars, costing taxpayers billions of

Another pivotal aspect of my argument is that there is no doubt that the way people
communicate with each other in today's fast-paced era can largely be attributed to the
developments made in space technologies. On the one hand, studies on space
research can pave the way to finding life to other planets and benefiting from the
natural resources out there, on the other there are other priorities in the world at
present, from eradicating poverty to setting up new infrastructures to improving the
standard of living, which should be looked after first, before investing such mammoth
sums of money on space research programmes. Hence it is apparent, why many are
against extravagant ventures to space.

In the view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that drawbacks of
expenditures on space research are indeed too dire to ignore.

31 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

13. Do you think English will remain to be a global language despite
globalization? OR

Do you think the significance of English language as an international language

will be lost with globalisation or its significance will increase with
globalisation? What is your opinion?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see English language thriving due to
globalisation. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am
of the opinion the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons why English will gain more popularity. The
conspicuous one is that thanks to globalisation, the interaction between people from
different languages and diverse cultural background will inevitably increase. As
English is already the most widely used language throughout the world, not only will it
help people to communicate effectively with each other, but it will also be embraced
more and more people. This is because lack of knowledge in English is likely to leave
them segregate from the ever changing world. Needless to say, this universal appeal
of English will keep it in a preponderant position, as far as of it is concerned.

Another pivotal argument in favour of English language is that now English is the
language of Science, Commerce, trade, arts, history, literature, media, entertainment
and what not. Unlike in the past, when the world was not much connected without a
common language. Hence, the likelihood that English will thrive, flourish and spread
rapidly is very high.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the apprehension
that English language will lose its value because of globalisation is ungrounded

14. Some people feel that success lies in achieving professional and economic
targets, while others say that success lies in spending quality time with family
and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

32 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days it has become a growing trend to see people determining one’s success
according to their professional and economic achievement. As such there are both
merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion the latter outdo the

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one
is that succeeding in one’s career and having a solvent life only means one’s
materialistic achievement, which has little connection with happiness. As human
beings are a social animal, having a happy family life and congenial friends not only
ensures satisfaction, pleasure and entertainment in one’s life, but also helps one to
find the true meaning of life. Needless to say, all these attributes stand people in good
stead, as far as providing food for their soul is concerned.

Besides, there is a great likelihood that focusing excessively on work instead of

spending time with family members and friends will contribute a great deal to causing
an array of concerns like loneliness, depression and dejection. Unlike those
workaholic people, who hardly have any social life and so suffer enormously in the
long run, people with a proper balance between life and work are bestowed with a
sense of completeness and contentment in life.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
choosing family and friends over work in terms of achieving success are indeed too
great to ignore.

15. Learning a new language at an early age is helpful for children. Is it more
positive for their future aspect or have some adverse effects? Do you agree or
disagree? Give examples from your experience.

33 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend for people to teach children a second
language at an early age. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this trend,
although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

Learning a second language in early childhood is of myriad benefits. The most

conspicuous one is that when it comes to picking up a language, a child is nimble,
adept, competent and what not, thanks to an extraordinary capability their brains
possess. Not only do children grasp the vocabulary, pronunciation, accent and other
aspects of the language more spontaneously, but they also use it widely worrying little
about making any mistake unlike their older counterparts, who rather feel shy to
practise it in the fear of making mistakes and feeling embarrassed. Needless to say,
all these merits stand a child in good stead, in terms of having a strong command of a
second language, thus benefiting them enormously.

However, there are some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits of
learning second languages in childhood. The primary one is that pushing children to
learn more than one language in such a tender age can contribute to slowing down
their overall learning process. As a consequence, their social and communication
skills can suffer, so can other relevant skills. Hence, it is apparent why many
academics are against a child’s exposure to more than one language in early

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite some
drawbacks, the benefits of learning a second language by children in early childhood
are indeed too great to ignore.

16. Is travel a necessary component of education? Will scholars sitting at home

have more knowledge than the one who travels?

34 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see student travelling to gain better
education. As such, there are merits to both sides of this debate although I am of the
opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of travelling as a source of education. The

most conspicuous one is that it enriches one’s experience by offering invaluable
lessons about numerous facets of the world. Not only does it augment one’s
knowledge about the outside world and the harsh reality it entails, but it also
contributes to broadening one’s horizons. Needless to say, thanks to all these
upsides, a learner will stand in good stead, when it comes to attaining numerous skills
required to successfully interact with society.

Besides, sitting at home does not ensure one’s successful acquisition of education.
While this is true that studying at home from books can undoubtedly increase one’s
knowledge about certain subjects, it is only with the help of knowledge one gains
socialising with others that can serve the real purpose of education.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the significance of
travelling in learning is indeed too great to ignore.

17.Some people say that increased travels between countries bring more
disadvantages than advantage. Agree or disagree?

35 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in travels between
countries. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of
the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one
is that it will augment the number of tourists, who will spend money on food,
accommodation, shopping and other amenities. An upsurge in the number of
travellers would also mean an influx of foreign entrepreneur, which not only can
collaborate with their local counterparts in investing a range of projects but also
inevitably open up a wealth of employment opportunities for unemployed. Needless to
say, all these merits of tourism will keep country in good stead, as far as contributing
to economy is concerned.

Another pivotal role of increased travels is instrumental in terms of helping the local
economy to thrive and providing with an exposure to diverse cultural values and
ideologies. Unlike, it giving birth to conflicts between diverse beliefs, this trend rather
renders an opportunity to learn from each other, contributing a great deal to enriching
one's experience and broadening one's horizons. Hence it is apparent, why many
countries are in favour of tourism.

In the view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that the benefits of tourism
for a particular country are indeed too great to ignore.

18. The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they shouldn’t
waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media

36 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

such as computer softwares, videos and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see Library offering student’s ample
opportunity to augment their knowledge in numerous fields from arts and science to
trade and commerce by providing hi-tech media such as computer’s software, videos
and DVDs, along with collection of books. As such there are both merits and
demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of investing money by libraries on electronic

media storage. The most predominant one is that the way people now read books
and attain knowledge is no longer the same as was even a decade or two earlier,
prior to the advent of hi-tech media. For instance, e-books are soft electronic copies
of the same paper-book printed in a press, the hard copy as it is called. E-books are
to be perused on a digital media like computer, notebook, e- book reader or any tablet
device. Thanks to the proliferation of these devices, students can study books more
conveniently than ever before, as they are no more required to carry those bulky
books. Besides, e-book readers allow hundreds of books to be stored in a single
device and retrieved for later study. Needless to say, it is high time libraries also
utilised this technological advancement and offered both the hard as well as the soft
copies to readers.

Another pivotal aspect of CDs and DVDs is that they can help elaborate something
more clearly and effectively with the audio-visual effects they have. For example, by
using computer software instead of a heavy encyclopaedias or dictionary, learners
can grasp things promptly, augment their knowledge successfully and broaden their
horizons efficiently.

In view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that an immense change in
people's reading habit stemming from the advent of technological media sources
demands that libraries allocate significant amount of money on keeping CDs, DVDs
and software as well as on maintaining a rich collection of books, its benefits are
indeed too great to ignore.

19. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

37 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a common trend to see an upsurge in students opting
conventional ways of acquiring. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this
trend, although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is
that not every learner possesses extraordinary talent as prodigies like Albert Einstein
or William Shakespeare, who did not require a proper learning environment, however
this not something usual or normal. Children need to go through a certain syllabus
according to their age, not only do the contents in the syllabus ensure the pupils learn
what they need to learn at a specific age, but they also contribute to a great deal to
broadening their horizons step by step. Needless to say, all these merits will stand
learners in good stead, as far as effective learning is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of traditional education is that the curriculum is set in such a
way that by the time they finish their academic studies, students learn a variety of
subjects. Apparently, learning a wide range of subjects will help youths in a variety of
ways, from extending their horizons to instilling essential values in them to honing
their skills in numerous fields. There is no denying that without a fixed guideline to
follow; learners are bound to go astray, ruining their promising future.

In the view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
conventional ways of acquiring education are indeed too great to ignore.

20. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

38 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend for people to determine one’s literacy
based on the capability to learn, unlearn and relearn rather than merely read and
write. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the
opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my viewpoint. The most conspicuous one
is that gaining academic qualification does not necessarily mean that one will be able
to learn naturally. Far from learning for the sake of learning, these days’ students
study only to acquire good marks. Not only do students today consider education as a
way of getting employment opportunities in future, but they also acquire it to gain
name and fame. However, as such, the purpose of education is not to be able to
merely read and write, but to enlighten one’s life. There is no denying that only when
learners attain knowledge through experience, past mistakes and self-analysis, can
they successfully educate themselves. Academic excellence without the ability to
learn and relearn is only likely to make them crippled, dependent and ineffective when
it comes to facing the real world.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that in this globalised era, where
information about anything is so readily available thanks to the ubiquity of the
Internet, people can learn numerous skills, enhance their knowledge about other
cultures and above all broaden their horizons. Unlike those who do not consider
acquiring knowledge limited to schools and colleges, with an open mind, people can
thrive and excel in their career. A deluge of examples of this scenario can be seen
both in affluent as well as impoverished nations. Hence it is apparent, why learning is
a lifelong process with a requirement to ameliorate one’s status in every step.

In the view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that gaining knowledge
thorough-out life the real mean of learning.

21. It is argued that university students should study a full range of subjects,
instead of some specific subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

39 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing to see universities opting a full range of
subjects for students to study. As such there are both merits to this trend, although I
am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my viewpoint. The most conspicuous

aspect of studying a variety of subjects at university is that it can instil in youngsters a
wealth of cognisance and expertise in numerous fields. Not only will this vast
knowledge make the young more capable to cope with any challenge their work is
likely to entail, but it can also help them excel in their career, thus making them ahead
in this competitive job market. Needless to say, thanks to all upsides of studying wide
variety of subjects, keep reader in preponderant position as far as knowledge is

Another pivotal aspect of studying in variety of areas play in making a youth

consummate as well as in helping them match the needs of a fast-changing and
competitive society is instrumental indeed. Unlike, studying a single subject for an in-
depth knowledge on a particular stream will specialise in their own field, however
having colossal knowledge in multiple fields are more likely to thrive and remain
ahead of their counterparts. Hence it is apparent, why so many academics are in
favour of studying a full range of subjects at university level.

In the view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that the benefits of
studying variety of subjects are indeed too great to ignore.

22. Education is not a luxury, but a basic human right and as such should be
free for everyone, irrespective of personal wealth. To what extend do you agree
or disagree?

40 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

There is no denying that education is of pivotal importance, in preparing a youth for
future challenges. Many academics, however, contend that it is the government’s duty
to provide free education for all, regardless of their financial status. In my opinion, this
proposition merits little consideration and should be rejected as one can see several
strong elements against it.

There are a myriad of reasons why offering free education to all is not practicable.
First, this will involve astronomical expenditures on teachers, staff, books and other
logistics. Few governments, be it wealthy or poor can successfully afford these
colossal expenses without charging any fees. Apparently, the overall standard of
education is likely to deteriorate. What seems more pragmatic in this scenario is that
only the students from underprivileged backgrounds should be entitled to government
support. Not only will this step help impoverished families become solvent and self-
reliant, but it will also contribute a great deal to the development of a nation. This is
because the higher the literacy rate is, the more skilled the workforce is.

Another key facet of free education for all lies in the fact that thanks to the
government’s enormous budget on education, infrastructure development in other
vital sectors such as health care, accommodation, transport and the like will suffer
immensely. As such, it will not benefit people as expected because people will enjoy
advanced facilities in one field but will be famished or deprived in the other, due to the
government’s lack of a balanced approach in its expenditures.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that ensuring education for all is a
prerequisite to the development of a nation. Nevertheless, offering it free to all, be it
haves or have-nots, is not a valid and pragmatic approach to achieving this goal, as it
engenders greater drawbacks than upsides.

23. Some people think placing advertisements in schools are a great resource
for public schools that need additional funding, but others think it exploits
children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors.
Choose which positions you most agree with and discuss why you chose that

41 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

position. Support your point of view with details from your own experiences,
observations or reading.

These days, it has become a growing trend to see schools placing advertisements in
its premises. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am
of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

My view coincides with this notion for a number of reasons. The most conspicuous
argument in favour of my viewpoint is that schools are the first institutions that
children learn the most important lessons of life from. During this period, not only are
they innocent, immature and naive, but they also have things imprinted on their minds
throughout their lives. Needless to say, their primary focus during this stage is to gain
knowledge, be it academic studies or moral and ethical values. Exploiting these
children to raise money for the school cannot be justified at all. There is no doubt that
the existence of billboards, placards and the like in school premises will distract them
from studies, ruin the learning environment and above all go against the didactic
purpose a school and all its activities should serve.

Besides, if a school requires additional funding for its maintenance and operation, it
could search for other alternatives that will not happen at the expense of a child’s
learning environment.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of
placing advertisements in school premise are indeed too great to ignore.

24. Today youngsters follow celebrities in sports or in entertainment. Is it good

or bad?

42 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see youngsters following celebrities, be
it in sports or entertainment. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend,
although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is
that these famous personalities often show the brighter side of their lifestyle but most
of the inner aspects of their characteristics are hidden from the public. They are
involved in a race against each other to gain name, fame and money. Attaining
worldly desires seems to be their sole objective. No matter how positive their
appearance might look, they are unhappy in their family life. They suffer from other
mental complications like depression, frustration, loneliness and the like. Out of
despair, many of them resort to drugs and some even commit suicide. There is no
denying that with all these concerns, no one would recommend that a teenager
should pursue an artificial life like this.

Another pivotal aspect about celebrities is that rarely they possess such essential
attributes as moral and ethical values that are deemed vital in becoming a good
human being. As such, they are often seen brawling over insignificant things, verbally
assaulting their counterparts and what not. Because of the widespread use of the
Internet, the teenagers who are both sensitive and vulnerable are exposed to these
verbal fights. Needless to say, these immature, shallow, artificial and greedy people
cannot be the role model of youths. Teenagers should rather imitate their parents or
teachers, who possess a range of qualities such as sincerity, honesty, perseverance
and the like.

In the view of arguments outlined above one can conclude that the drawbacks of
following celebrities by youths are indeed too dire to ignore

25. Nowadays age discrimination in any company has become a common trend.
Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

43 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in age discrimination in
any company, be it impoverished or affluent nations. As such, there are both merits
and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the latter outdo the

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my viewpoint. The most conspicuous one
is that young people are often immature and cannot handle too much pressure at
work . Not only do they fail to cope with tremendous work pressure, but they also
neglect to take appropriate decisions, which can be sometimes harmful for a
company. There is no doubt that a company needs those employees who have plenty
of knowledge and experience in their own field. Needless to say, thanks to all these
upside of senior employees who can keep the company in a preponderant position as
far as productivity is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of age discrimination is that it will not be an easy task for
employers to train the younger employees; it will cost time and money. For instance,
unlike young employees, who lack experience and expertise and so require
companies in terms of time as well as money, senior employees just need to update
themselves with latest advancements. Hence it is apparent why many are against
favouring young employees in a company.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude the drawbacks of age
discrimination are indeed too dire to ignore.

26. Employers/Authorities of a company should take suggestions or ideas from

employees in decision making process. To what extent do you agree or

44 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see employers taking suggestions from
their employees, be it small or important decisions. As such, there are both merits and
demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one is
that thanks to the input from employers will have diverse ideas and concepts to work
on. Not only can the company come to a much wiser decision based on the data, but
they can also make the staff feel privileged by considering their opinion important.
Needless to say, all these merits stand a business in good stead as far as productivity
is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of involving the employees in the strategic planning of an

organisation is that they will not feel they are merely following orders, they will rather
feel that they are an indispensable part of the organisation, which will motivate them
to put in more effort and later. Unlike, those companies which impose orders on their
employees and so, fail to generate spontaneity among them, companies that value
their employee’s opinions succeed in motivating them to work spontaneously.
Apparently, the latter benefit more when it comes to productivity.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
considering the employee’s suggestions and offers in a company are indeed too great
to ignore.

27. Should voting be compulsory for all citizens or people should have freedom
to choose not to vote. What is your opinion?

45 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see countries opting compulsory
voting, be it affluent or impoverished. As such there are both merits and demerits to
this trend, although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.

There are a myriad of reasons in favour of compulsory voting. The most conspicuous
one is that in order to get an authentic reflection of people’s perception in election,
each and every adult has to exercise their suffrage. Not only does it enable the
citizens of a country to choose the right leaders they want to see in the government,
but it also ensures that the country does not select the leaders who are not honest,
sincere, dedicated and accountable. This is because the majority of population cannot
be unanimous in choosing wrong leaders. Needless to say, thanks to all these
upsides, the country stands in good stead, when it comes to good governance and
effective- management.

Another pivotal aspect of compulsory voting is that if people have freedom not to vote,
many people will not feel any pressure to exercise this democratic right. For example,
unlike countries such as India and Pakistan which do not force people to vote and so,
the turnout of voters is very low, countries with stringent penalties for not voting such
as Australia usually have higher turnouts, thus making the election a fairer one.
Hence, it is apparent why many are against offering any leeway to voters for the sake
of democracy.

From what has been discussed, one can observe that the benefits of compulsory
voting are indeed too great to ignore

28. It is arguing that getting married before finishing school or before getting a
job is not a good choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

46 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

The idea of starting one’s married life prior to completing their academic studies or
building their career is widely debated, with many people claiming that doing so would
give birth to a greater concern. My view coincides with this notion as there are several
strong elements that lie within it.

There are a myriad of drawbacks of stepping into married life before one’s career
development. The most conspicuous one is that thanks to their young age, couple will
be feeble and vulnerable when it comes to taking serious decision about life. Not only
will they struggle to cope with different situations their married life will entail, but they
will also suffer from financial hardship without an established career. Needless to say,
with so many problems to deal with in such an early age, the relationship between
each other will only deteriorate, contributing to an unhappy conjugal life.

Another overt facet of this argument is that getting married earlier would mean an
uncertain future for a youth, both in terms of higher studies and career. This is
because with arduous responsibilities in life such as raising children and the like, they
will not succeed in career building. Neither will they be able raise their children
properly, fulfilling their basic requirements, be it financial or psychological.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can observe that the concerns which
getting married earlier without completing one’s studies and developing their career
are indeed too great to ignore.

29. Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offer and
discounts, and in what ways this impact on their reputation. OR

Should the marketing department of a company emphasize on giving discount

and offers to their customers or should they focus more on maintaining their
brand? What is your opinion?

47 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

These days, it has become a growing trend to see an upsurge in companies offering
short-term promotions to augment their profits, be it small or large. As such there are
both merits and demerits to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the former
outdo the latter.

There are a myriad drawback of attracting customers with frequent discounts. The
most conspicuous one is that the impression it creates among customers that the
company is enticing them into purchasing products in an effort to augment its profit at
the expense of quality, but they also apprehend that the company has started losing
credibility and reliability. This is because big brands such as Apple, Samsung and the
like hardly offer discounts; they rather focus more on their brand name keeping prices
high at all times. Needless to say, there are very few consumers who would agree to
compromise with the quality of products by paying less. Instead, they will pay more
and choose the better products.

Another pivotal aspect of price cuts is that although companies will have short-term
financial benefits, they will lose that premium tag they used to enjoy in the past. As a
result, unlike other competitors, who are more into image building, these companies
will lose recurring customers, thanks to the fall in their reputation, thus suffering in the
long run astronomically.

From what has been discussed, one can conclude that the pitfalls of offering
discounts to increase the number of customers are indeed too great to ignore.

30. The claim that animals have rights has been the subject of much debate
since 1970. Are zoos helping or hurting our animals? Should zoos be banned?
Do you agree or disagree?

These days, it has become a growing trend to see zoos conserving animals in every
part of the world. As such there are both merits and demerits to this trend, although I
am of the opinion that the latter outdo the former.

48 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

There are a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous one
is that zoos usually have limited space for animals, which are rather accustomed to
an open environment under the sky. Not only does this congested space that they are
forced to live in hamper their normal movement, but it also keeps them from
interacting with other animals in their natural habitat in the forest. Needless to say, no
matter how many facilities animals enjoy in captivity, this unnatural life in the cage
cannot contribute to their effective nourishment whatsoever.

Besides, being superior to and more powerful than other animals, humans have no
right to keep them captive, deteriorating the ecological balance enormously. Unlike
those animals which live in the jungle without any restriction and so enjoy a
spontaneous life over there, animals in captivity are sadly deprived of their basic
rights, freedom being a pivotal one. Hence, it is apparent why many are against
keeping animals in the zoo.

In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the drawbacks of the
zoo are indeed too great to ignore.

31. Do you think consumer should avoid over packed products or it is

responsibility of producer to avoid extra packaging of products? Give your
views or any relevant example with your own experiences.

Over packaging of products has become a common trend in today's competitive

world. Producers are trying to attract consumers with attractive packaging of their

49 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

products, not bothered about its negative impact not only on our environment but the
users as well. It should be the responsibility of the producers to limit the wastage of
the resources in the form of un-necessary packaging.

The cost of over packaging is actually added to the product sold. In fact, at times it is
seen the packing cost and durability is more that the product itself. The type of
packaging found in pharmaceutical industries can be taken as an example here. Pills
and tablets are found to be packed in much bigger and colourful strips than needed.
Does this increase the sale of medicine? No. Such packaging is of no concern to the
consumers. But, the cost of medicine would have definitely been lesser if sold in a
simple outlook.

Further, the material used is mostly non-disposable which adds to the environmental
pollution to a great extent. Snacks and other food items packaged in eye-catchy
shimmering coloured packets are consumed in a large scale by everybody. These
packets are really difficult to dispose as they emit poisonous gas if burnt and if not
can be seen to contaminate water somewhere. Producers should realize the
importance of using materials like paper and stick to simple packaging. Packaging as
seen increases the cost of the product and also makes our environment unhealthy.
So, this packaging boom should be checked on a serious note by the producers.

Moreover, the producers should be restricted with predefined rules and parameters
set by the government. It is also recommended that an awareness among the users
that quality of the product is important rather than the attractive packaging. Packaging
ensures that people can buy and use products when they want them, in good
condition and with little wastage. However, many people think some goods have too
much packaging. Snacks intended to be eaten on the move are an example of
products where the consumer could easily assemble the components him/herself
without the need for packaging. The packaged goods industry is highly competitive,
and packaging manufacturers, packaged goods producers and retailers are all under
pressure to come up with new and better packaging solutions. No business wants to
spend more on packaging than it has to and the fewer resources the packaging
needs, the lower its cost. Also, companies see to have gone overboard on packaging
– they put food in trays, inside a box, inside a plastic container with cardboard wrap
around to explain what it is. For instance, MacDonald is the first to over-package their
food and encourage people to eat while walking – hence they throw it on the street.

32. Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion
about this? Discuss with appropriate examples.

50 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Mall culture has become big business, as shopping malls have evolved into multi-
storied structures housing a large number of stores that sell diverse products and
services. Shopping malls house a collection of retail stores and restaurants.

Parking is one of the major hassles for people who go into the city to shop. Shopping
at malls eliminates this problem, because parking is provided either free of charge or
for a nominal fee. This makes it advantageous for people to choose to shop at a mall
rather than a single store. Families who choose to visit a mall on the weekend or
holiday for a family outing find it to be a more convenient option mainly because
parking is provided. Visiting a mall is advantageous because of the numerous stores
housed in one complex. Groceries, clothes, shoes, reading material, food courts,
cinemas and entertainment arcades are available in one place. Malls make great
meeting places for friends to catch up over coffee at a café or a meal at the food

One of the major disadvantages - These include excessive crowding, especially on

weekends and holidays. Crowded aisles and stores make shopping very difficult;
people often end up forgetting items they needed to buy. Parking can also be a
problem when the mall is very crowded. The temptation to browse is always present,
and browsing often leads to buying things that are not needed. Keeping to a monthly
budget becomes increasingly difficult every time you visit the mall. With all the sales
and special offers intended to tempt buyers, saying "no" becomes very hard

33. Talk about the pros/cons of this era as is full of daily inventions.

In today's world, where just about everything is more convenient and accessible due
to advances in technology across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it's a
misnomer to even mention any disadvantages of technological advances. However,
despite how far technology has taken humans and no matter how convenient it may
make things, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of access.

51 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these
processes get results. For example, education has been greatly advanced by the
technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale
without ever leaving their classrooms. Agricultural processes that once required
dozens upon dozens of human workers can now be automated, thanks to advances
in technology, which means cost-efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a
much more rapid rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research
process and allow for more intense educational research into medical matters. These
results in cost savings for business owners, allowing them to invest in growth in other
areas of the business, which contributes on a positive level to the economy as a

Besides, the more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin
to depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This
means that when a machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost
disabled until the problem is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts
people at a distinct disadvantage, because they become less self-reliant. At the same
time, human workers retain less value, which is a disadvantage of technological
advances. Because machines automate processes and do the work of 10 people with
one computer, companies find they don't need to employ as many people to get the
job done.

As machines and computers become even more advanced and efficient, this will
continue to be a growing disadvantage of technology and an issue that has a global

B Reading and its effect on other modules.

1 Multiple choice and choose single answer (2 tasks)

a. Read question first.

b. Read passage carefully and try to find general idea.

52 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

c. Now read options and use elimination strategy.
d. If information match 100% doubt it and read it again.
e. Go with answer which have generalisation than ditto answer.
f. Don’t spend more than 2 minutes. Be quick tick it and go ahead.

2 Multiple choice and multiple answers (2 tasks)

a. This question has negative marking, for example if there are two options,
chances are one right and one wrong, so end up with zero marks, so better not
waste time on it, and use these 10 minutes in further reading questions.
b. Rather leaving it blank, choose 2 options, best way either select longest or
smallest choices.
c. Do it even without looking at it say in 2 seconds.

3 Re-order paragraph (2-3 tasks) most important reading question.

a. First task is to find first sentence; it should be general or overview of the topic or
independent where no prior information required.
b. It will not start with pronoun like, he, you, these, those etc.
c. If noun start with ‘the’ think twice, cannot be first sentence, generally first noun
starts with a/an.
d. It will not start with so, however, whereas, in other words, hence, besides etc.
e. Once find first sentence, try to make pairs linking with context, adverbs, day,
time or other information.
f. Follow logical manners and conclusive sentence should be in end.
g. Marks will be allotted according to pairs.
h. Common sense is important, make it handy.

4 Fill in the blanks, drag and drop (4-5 tasks)

a. Don’t spend more than 2 minutes, very critical!!

b. Read passage and then options, understand context language tone.
c. Try to fit first on which 100% confidence.
d. Whatever make sense go for it without thinking twice.
e. Follow logical manner, grammar rules and collocations.

5 Fill in the blanks, drop down (5-6 tasks)

53 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

a. Don’t spend more than 2 minutes, very critical!!
b. Understand context /language tone, select word appropriately.
c. Whatever make sense go for it without thinking twice.
d. Follow logical manner, grammar rules and collocations.

Grammar- I before E except C

Get someone to cut your hair, car get fix, make, get, have, let and help

Never use ‘to’ after make and get. (I made the machine work) He made me write a
letter for his girlfriend.

I got my phone repaired. Contribute to, lead to. Result in same meaning.
Personification means dead to alive. Melbourne has changed. Island has evolved
over two decades. Same never comes without the, the same.

Little means nothing but a little means something.

Reasons for, . Reasons for, Resulting in. Blamed for, for example requires a clause,
without clause use such as, means just the name.

(Da) the consonant, (Di) the vowel, a small/ a large number equal to small/ large
numbers. Only comes with (a). article a or an is must before countable things. Any
singular countable noun comes with determiner-a, an, the, my, our, your, his, her, their
and its.

Despite must be followed by V+ing or noun.

But ,whereas is contrasting two different things.

If starting is with not only, then auxiliary verb is must like Not only was she sleepy but
she was also bored. Same rule applies on never, hardly, scarcely, badly, only then,
rarely, only if.

Permanent dependent(adj), dependant(noun) important spontaneously fulfilled

respectively respectfully careful carefully conspicuous continuous astronomically
deceive belief believe decisions sceptical discipline definitely convinced entrepreneur
architecture success business socially programme accommodation decisions access
assess harass embarrass abreast preponderant propensity inclination decrease

54 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

increase demise deceased obituary conferral sophisticated referral reference interest
sincerely delivery constituents consequences inquisitive introvert extrovert enquiry
inquire delineates aforementioned augment contention whether weather numerously
myriads indispensable disbursement indiscipline hierarchy anarchy definitely
bureaucracy underprivileged impoverished affluent overwhelming whimsical genuine,
etiquette, misnomer, Proliferation, Inevitably, Apprehension, Ubiquity, Retrieved,
Grasp, Rational, Suffrage, Unanimous, Catastrophic, Remedied, Feeble, Conjugal,
Alluring, Accustomed. Nourishment, Deprived, Famished, Congenial, Workaholic,
Prevalent, Nimble, Resilient, Imitate, Delinquents, Temptation, bureaucrat


I before E except C

Get someone to cut your hair, car get fix, make, get, have, let and help

Never use to with make and get. (I made the machine work) He made me write a
letter for his girlfriend.

Over 500 of the Most Frequently Misspelled Words in the English Language

A absence academic accept access accompanying accomplishment according

accurate ache accuse acquaint across activities actual adjacent adolescent
advantageous advertisement advice advise affect aggravate aisle allot all right almost
alphabet already alter alter all together altogether amateur among analysis analyse
answer antidote antiseptic anxiety apology

apparently appearance applied approach appropriate artic argue aroused article

ascend athletic attack attendance attitude audience author autumn auxiliary awkward

B bachelor basically basis beautiful becoming beginning believing beneficial breath

breathe business

C cafeteria calendar campaign capital carrying celebrate cemetery challenge

changeable characteristic chauffeur cheerfulness choose chose chosen coincidence
column comfortably committee companies compel competence compliment
comprehension concede conceive concern condemn congratulations connoisseur
conscience conscious considerable consistent contemporary contempt continuous
controlled convenience correspondence councillor counsellor courageous criticism
curiosity curriculum cylinder

55 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

D dangerous deceive decidedly deficient delinquent democracy dependent
descendant descent describe desert dessert detriment devices difference dilemma
diminish dining room disastrous disciple discoveries discuss disease dissatisfied
distinguished doctor doesn’t dominant dormitories drunkenness

E ecstasy edition effect efficient eighth either eligible eloquently embarrass emigrate
emphasize emptiness enemies enormous enough enthusiasm environment equally
equipped escape especially eventually everybody exaggerating exceed except
excess exercise exhausted exhibit exhilarate existence extravagant

F facilities faithfulness familiar families fascinating feasible February fictitious

financially foreign foreword formally formerly forward fourteen fourth fulfil funeral

G gaiety gauge genuine goggles government grammar grandeur grievous guarantee

H handicapped handkerchief happening harass haughtiness healthy heavier height

helpful hindrance hoping huge humiliate hurriedly hygiene hypocrite

I ignorance imaginary immediately immense important inadequate inauguration

increase incredible indictment indispensable individual influence ingenious initiative
innocence insistence instructor intellectual intelligent interest interpretation
intolerance introductory invariable irrelevant irresistible island its it’s

J January jealousy jewellery K kindergarten knowledge L labelled laboratory

language leisurely lengthening license lieutenant lightening lightning liveliest
loneliness loyalty luxuries M magnificent maintenance manoeuvre manufacturing
marriage mathematics meant mechanics medicine metropolitan miniature
miscellaneous mischief misspelled monotonous moral morale mosquitoes
multiplication muscle mysterious N naturally necessary Negro Negroes neighbour
neither niece ninth noticeable noticing numerous

O obstacle occasion occurrence o’clock omit omitted opinion opportunities oppose

optimistic origin overwhelming P pamphlet pandemonium pantomime parallel
paralyse particularly passed past peace peculiarities perceive permanent permit
persistent personal personnel perspiration persuade phase phenomenon philosophy
physical picnicking piece planned playwright politician portrayed possessions possible
practically prairie precedent prefer preferred prejudice prepare prescription presence
previous primitive principal principle privilege probably procedure proceed pronounce
proprietor psychology punctuation Q qualities quarter questionnaire quiet R realize
really receive recognize recommend reference referred regrettable relieve religion

56 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

reminisce renowned repetition representative research resources restaurant reverend
rhythm ridiculous righteous rivalry S safety sandwich satisfaction saucer scarcity
scene schedule scheme scholarship scientific secretary seize sentence separate
several shepherd shining shoulder shriek siege significance similar sophomore
sorrowful sovereignty specifically specimen sponsor stationary stationery
stenographer stopping straighten strength strenuous stubborn studying substantiate
subtle succeeding successful suddenness sufficient summary supersede supervisor
suppose surprise susceptible suspense suspicious syllable symmetrical synonymous

T technical technique temperature temporarily tenant tenement theories therefore

thirtieth thoroughly thought together tomorrow tragedy transferred tremendous
trespass twelfth typical tyranny

U unbelievable unconscious undesirable undoubtedly uneasiness unforgettable

unmanageable unnecessary until useful usual V vacuum valleys valuable varieties
vaudeville vegetable vengeance ventilate veteran vicinity victim view village villain
vinegar visible vitamin volume W waive wave wealthiest weather Wednesday weird
whenever wherever whether whole wholly whose witnessed wonderful wrench writing
Y yacht yield yours you’re Z zenith zigzag zinc

The 1200 most commonly repeated words in PTE Test -

Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

Sunday, weekdays, weekend

Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December.

Money matters: cash, debit, credit card, cheque, in advance, annual fee, monthly
membership, interest rate, deposit, tuition fees, poverty, bank statement, money
management, current account, student account, withdraw, low-risk investment,
mortgage, grace period, budget deficit, retail voucher, coupon، counterfeit money,

57 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

public money, taxpayers’ money, debt, interest-free credit, purchase, partial refund,
annuity, non-refundable, MasterCard, VISA, distribution costs, income, finance
department, family finances, duty-free store.

Subjects: science, politics, history, biology, architecture, law, geography,

archaeology, literature, business management, agriculture, statistics, mathematics,
logic, physics, psychology, anthropology, economics, philosophy, performing arts,
visual arts, chemistry, humanities.

Studying at college/university: course outline, group discussion, handout, written

work, report writing, research, Proofreading, experiment, experience, reference,
textbook, dictionary, laptop, printer, student advisor, teamwork, module, topic,
assessment, library, department, computer centre, classroom, lecture, tutor, main hall,
attendance, deadline, give a talk, speech, computer laboratory, certificate, diploma,
placement test, overseas students, full-time, facilities, college, dining room, specialist,
knowledge, international, accommodation, home stay, primary, secondary,
intermediate, media room, resources room, staff, commencement, dissertation,
leaflet, faculty, pupils, pencil, feedback, tasks, outcomes, advanced, introductory,
extra background, higher education, guidelines, post-secondary, supervisor,
bachelor's degree, compound, vocabulary, student support services, student
retention, publication, foreign students, schedule, school reunion, registrar’s office,

Marketing: catalogue, interview, newsletter, competition, TV program, strategies,

research method, entertainment industry, leadership, management, display, products,
customer, special offer, collecting data, questionnaire, survey, mass media, statistic,
profit margin, poll, business card, training, trainee, merchandise, manufacture,

Health: yoga, tai-chi, keep-fit, salad bar, vegetarian, outdoor activities, leisure time,
disease, meal, protein, balanced diet, food pyramid, vitamin, carbohydrates, rice,
pasta, potatoes, pizza, tomatoes, bread, cereals, minerals, zinc, meat, seafood, eggs,
beans, milk, cheese, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables, citrus fruits, green pepper,
blackcurrant, nuts, egg yolk, liver, medicine، treatment, remedy, nursing care, nursery,
regular exercise.

Nature: field, footbridge, environment, waterfall, river, mountain, forest, village, coast,
reef, lake, valley, hill, cliff, island, peninsula, earthquake, avalanche, tornado,
typhoon, desertification, volcano, disaster, catastrophe, erosion, landslides, storm,
flood, hurricane, pond, jungle, oasis, dam, canyon

58 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

The environment: greenhouse effect, acid rain, global warming, carbon dioxide,
burning fossil, exhaust fumes, deforestation, nitrogen oxide, smog, climate, pollution,
temperature, power plants, landfill, cattle, wind turbine, soar power, hydroelectric
power, renewable, source of energy, reliable, solar panels, environmentally friendly,
oxygen, chemical-free, desert, degradation, vegetation, sea level, ocean currents, soil
conditioner, coal, fossil fuels, firewood, drought, contaminated.

The animal kingdom: birds of prey, seabirds, poultry, mammals, cetacean, whale,
primates, rodents, fish, amphibian, reptile, insects, octopus, phylum, class, order,
family, genus, species, livestock, creature, lion, penguin, plants: mushroom, fungus,
leaves, seed, core, bark, trunk, twig, branch, flower, stem, roots, cluster, fertilizer

Continents: South America, North America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and

Countries: Egypt, Mexico, France, Indonesia, Turkey, England, Germany, China,

Greece, Brazil, India, North Korea, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy, the Dominican Republic, the
Philippines، Denmark.

Languages: linguistics, bilingual, trilingual, polyglot, Portuguese, Mandarin, Bengali,

Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Japanese, German, Punjabi, Thai, Persian, Filipino, French,
Italian, Greek, French

Architecture and buildings: dome, palace, fort, castle, glasshouse, pyramid, log
cabin, lighthouse, hut, skyscraper, sculpture, Homes: semi-detached house, duplex,
terraced house, town house, row house, bungalow, thatched cottage, mobile home,
houseboat, block of flats, apartment building, condominium, chimney, bedroom,
basement, landlord, tenant, rent, lease, neighbourhood, suburb, sofa, coffee table,
dormitory, storey, kitchen, refrigerator, microwave, ground floor, oven, hallway,
insurance In the city: cities, street, lane, city centre, central station, car park,
department store, bridge, temple, embassy, road system, hospital, garden, avenue,
Workplaces: clinic, dentist, reception, appointment, staff selection, colleague,
workshop, showroom, information desk, employer, employment, unemployed,
technical cooperation, team leaders, stress, ability, vision, confidence, employee,

Rating and qualities: reasonable, satisfactory, dangerous, safe, strongly

recommended, poor quality, satisfied, disappointed, efficient, luxurious, coloured,
spotted, striped, expensive, cheap.

59 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Touring: tourist guided tour, ticket office, souvenir, trip, guest, reservation, view,
culture, memorable, single double bedded room, picnic, tourist attraction, hostel,
suite, aquarium,

Verbs: train, develop, collect, supervise, mark, edit, revise, exhibit, donate, surpass,
register, support, hunt, persuade, concentrate, discuss, suggest, arrange, borrow,
immigrate, review, learn, touch.

Adjectives: energetic, social, ancient, necessary, fantastic, exciting, fabulous, dull,

comfortable, convenient, suitable, affordable, voluntary، mandatory, compulsory,
temporary, permanent, Immense, vast, salty, extinct, vulnerable, pessimistic,
optimistic, realistic, practical, knowledgeable, flexible, confident, Western, intensive,
tranquil, spectacular, intact, various

hobbies: orienteering, caving, spelunking, archery, ice skating, scuba-diving,

snorkelling, skateboarding, bowls, darts, golf, billiards, photography, painting, pottery,
woodcarving, gardening, stamp collection, embroidery, climbing, chess, parachute

sports: cricket, baseball, basketball, rugby, soccer, American football, hockey,

swimming, tennis, squash, badminton, ping-pong, field, court, pitch, stadium, team,
the discus, the javelin, the hammer, the high jump, horse racing, show jumping, polo,
cycling, gymnasium, athlete, gym,

Extreme sports, paragliding, hang-gliding, skydiving, abseiling, snowboarding,

bungee jumping, surfing, windsurfing, jet-skiing, bodyboarding, white-water rafting,
kitesurfing, mountain biking, jogging, press-up, push-up, barbell, treadmill, judo,
recreation, snooker, walking, championship, canoeing, refreshment

Shapes: Square, rectangular, triangular, polygon, Oval, spherical, spiral, circular,

curved, cylindrical, Measurement width, length, altitude, imperial system, metric
system, Mass, depth, breadth, height, three dimensions, frequency

Transportations: cargo plane, shipment, container ship, boat, lifeboat, ferry,

hovercraft, hydrofoil, liner, canal boat, narrowboat, dinghy sailing, sailboat, paddle
steamer, cabin cruiser, rowing boat, rowboat, kayak, canoe, punt, gondola, aircraft,
helicopter, seaplane, airship, hot-air balloon, airport, crew, passenger, platform, hire a

Automobile Vehicles: double-decker bus, single-decker, minibus, school bus, coach,

truck, tanker, van, lorry, transporter, forklift truck, tow truck, breakdown truck, pickup,

60 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

jeep, caravan, camper, tractor, taxi, cab, tram, underground, subway, stream train,
freight train, goods train,

Weather: humid, hot, sticky, breeze, chilly, cold, cool, dry, dusty, freezing, hot, warm,
wet, weather forecast, antenna, moisture,

Places: local library, swimming pool, cafeteria, cottage, parliament, accommodation,

restaurant, canteen, cafe, bookshop, sports centre, city council, dance studio, park,
conversation club, kindergarten

Equipment and tools: helmet, light, musical instrument, cassette, silicon chip, digital
monitor, gadget, device, screen, breaks, wheels, mechanical pencil, disk, backpack,

The arts and media: Opera, Orchestra, concert, symphony, the press, conductor,
vocalist, audience, festival, carnival, exhibition, classical music, theatre, cinemas, art
gallery, museum, ballet, television, radio, graphics, newspaper.

Materials: fur, metal, steel, aluminium, copper, rubber, plastic, ceramics, glass,
cement, stone, textile, cotton, fabric, wool, leather, bone, paper, lumber/wood, glue,
composite, fiberglass, concrete, wax, paper, wood, silver, gold, feather

Works and jobs: occupation, profession, designer, decorator, architect, engineer,

manager, waitress, waiter, teacher, vacancy, professor, specialist, psychologist،
volunteer, freelance, secretary, craftsman, work experience, curriculum vitae, mail
address, receptionist, pilot, guard, flight attendant, lecturer, office assistant, clerk,
accountant, cashier, captain

Colour: blue, white, orange, green, grey, black, red, yellow, purple, brown, pink

Expressions and time: three times, three times per week, a gap year, fulltime, part-
time, midday, midnight, millennium, century, decade, fortnight.

Other: passport photo, state, government, individual, variety, private sector,, practice,
gender, creativity, original inhabitant, indigenous, demonstration, strike, entrance,
circuit, guarantee, dialogue , commerce, carriage, narrative, chocolate, satellite,
decision, prototype, attitude, daily routine, personal fulfillment, activity, recipient,
ultrasound, pedestrian safety, traffic jams, procedures, creation, prize, junior, senior,
opportunity, driving license, process, literary, man-made, republicans, umbrella,
frequently updated, waiting list, sewer systems, liberal democracy, democrats, lunar
calendar, libertarian, burger, videos, nature conservation, life expectancy, fund-raising

61 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

event, magnet, dialect, ramification, straight, farewell, welfare, encyclopedia,
evolution, revolution, illiteracy, robot, proficiency, sufficient,

Logical Collocations-

As you would, listen/ listening/ listened to, Took part, appeal to, Cut off, beneficial
effects, raise money, to support, gasping for, straggler at, arrived at, suffering from,
personal record, surpassed the course, on duty, drink stations, catch up, spectator
sports, governing bodies, such practices, branch of, elite performer, aspiring
champions, stationary vehicles, permanently congested, free flow, rush hour, brought
to a standstill, exhaust fumes, sheer volume, public transport, ahead of, single ticket,
opposition to, skidded off, enormous goods, speed limit, flying visit, ski-resort, far-cry,
rely on, remotely resembling, hordes of, snow drift, stranded in, controversial plans,
volume of, foreseeable future, widely regarded, better prospect, suffers from, made

62 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

up, going back, no intention, to stand by, quoted as, disguised as, sole survivor,
extensively damaged, as critical, detained for questioning, findings of, tackled at,
sensitive issues, baffled by, comment on, verge of, concrete evidence, claimed
responsibilities, permanent residence, to call, came across, patches of, looked out,
apartment block, parking space, fully furnished, quite neighbourhood, overgrown
hedge, room to park, to let, crammed in to, storage space, furnished room, tenancy
agreement, household rubbish, squatter’s rights, private property, ten-storey, side
entrance, sharp rise, barely adequate, sheer drop, instruction manual,
autobiographical novel, weather forecast, political forecast, news bulletin, sports
coverage, first edition, mass media, advertising campaign, holiday brochure,
subliminal message, to counteract, glued to, sensationalising the news, stuffing our
living rooms, dumbing down, national average, easily outnumber, hours of protest,
serve no purpose, taken a stand, compete fiction, gist of, outline of, channel 4’s
coverage, out of print, political correspondent, highest circulation of, new edition, to
censorship, target customer, advert projects, members of the public, staring blankly,
imminent destruction, so far as, prophets of doom, over the centuries, endless cycles
of, global scale, bit of a draught, caught in a downpour, stalking its prey, become
extinct, peel an apple, quite tame, natural resources, environmental issues, off-shore
oil, what breed, satisfaction of a job, sense of achievement, clinching of, interaction
with, either attained, leadership qualities, top executive, talk to foreman, producer of,
trainee chef, agent for, rich industrialist, unskilled labour, car dealer, every client,
come as, as you know, probably cease to, according to, credit card fraud, strongly
attached, dig deep, pocket money, spending power, sheer pleasure, fallen in value,
come in to fortune, made redundant, early retirement, business is booming, declared
bankrupt, wise investment, on the market, account in credit, free of charge, spoilt
child, domineering father, live up to, to follow, too pushy, too much pressure, best
interests, rebelled against, stuck out, sheltered upbringing, hit it off, plucked up
courage, afraid of commitment, bad patch, had a trial, being scolded, deeply
offended, adopted by, quarrelled with, retired on, utterly humiliated, on the list, carried
out, in fact, easier matter, turned upside down, to accept, most cases, luck
recovering, don’t seem, come up with, burglar’s loot, evacuated by, sustained
damage, failed to, held out, spread to, sealed off, distinction between, mass
entertainment, split away, incompatible with, some respects, new breed, status of,
associated with, simply be, raised on, settling into, rock concert, string section,
woodwind instrument, brass band, most percussion, at least, refer to, to complete, to
make up, general public, overall impression, bluntly parliament, behind the times, to
be filled, resisted for, to broadcast, political asylum, out of retirement, as a candidate,

63 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

party line, smear campaign, opinion poll, increased majority, election manifesto,
introduced a bill, conducting a survey, elected council, long reign, motion of no
confidence, members of cabinet, growth industry, medical treatment, keep fit fanatic,
very particular, bed sprained, wide-awake, feel drowsy, feel worm out, run down, lot of
stress, necessary to, related field, comes up, large objects, grains of, fertile land, over
the surface of, pension scheme, avoid discrimination, unequal treatment, frightening
thoughts, feel ashamed, claim to, caused by, make fun, put forward, effective way,
global trends, indicators of, population growth, crucial to, rare habitants, relatively
stable, runs in, brain function, significant number, searching for, fact of life, distinct
types, strictly speaking, unsuspecting operator, considerable skill, the essentials of
life, harmony with, to exploit, admit to, best deal, getting away, equally for, aim of,
serve the purpose, key centre, dominant trends, critical role, the input of, faster rate,
means of, begin to appear, added by, entirely from, permanent form, basic plots,
public performance, most useful, higher levels, mistaken for, liable to, slight as,
blends in with, put aside, benefit of, courses of action, described as, travel in,
characteristics of, responsible for, make the mistake, rate of change, dying out,
trained in, lie the islands of, discovered by, notable for, military system, reason for,
establish the cause of, medical knowledge, bring/ brought to fame, interest in, by
accident, made public, grasp concept, consisted of, subtle approach, wrapped in, way
to, make/ made a comeback, mash up, known as, pointed towards, controlled by, final
rounds, take place, dead end, behave in, come to a conclusion, go to waste, throw
away, dispose of, respond to, known as, labelled as, take responsibility, first appear,
life at risk, brilliantly engineered, in the number of, quit a variety of, made my day,

(Break time) 10 Minutes break, so use it and come back within 8 minutes.

C. Listening and its effect on other modules.

1 Summarise Spoken text (2-3 tasks)

64 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

a. Listen and take notes carefully, and don’t write more than 8 words/phrases.
b. Total time for each summary is 10 minutes including audio, do use 10
minutes on it as this time cannot be used on other task.
c. 3 sentences and 50-75 words.
d. Use provided structure and with3 sentences to form one passage. Writing 30

1 The talk delineates (how, why, wh words, whether, about).

2 It is by (doing something, v+ing) that (somebody, sub can do something,
verb). OR (It is (noun) connector (which, that etc.) From A to B to C if pairs
then A and B to C and D.
3 Hence, it is apparent from the aforementioned discussion that the role of
(something) in (doing something is instrumental indeed.

The talk delineates how success of a business can largely be attributed to trust.
It is trust as well as ethics that is deemed to a prerequisite to success in any
business from a variety of perspectives, from consumers’ purchasing a product
to employees’ working for a company to making an entrepreneur effective and
successful. Hence, the aforementioned discussion reveals how trust is deep
entwined in a business.

Summarise spoken text- (Real)

The talk delineates a detailed picture regarding whether the citizen’s views should be
considered prior to the amendment of existing laws. It is by being influenced by the
acts of liberal party that not only has the people realised their basic rights, but they
also stood forward to seek for additional information from the government in an effort
to contribute their part towards the nation’s wellbeing.

The talk is about the significance and impact of biological science. It is by looking into
the various aspects of this field of science such as metabolism, bacteria, cells and the
like that scientists have contended regarding the underlying associations behind this

65 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

unique science. Hence, the aforementioned study reveals that all the living organisms
are dependent on their counterparts

The talk delineates a detailed picture regarding how the increasing prices of
pesticides has caused the peasants to suffer indispensably in the long run. It is by
controlling such markets factors as demand, supply and price of the pesticides and
other crop products that the companies could successfully augment its revenue by
imposing additional costs in the form of granting loans, thus making the life of poor
farmers a miserable one.

The talk delineates a detailed picture regarding the introduction of citizenship as a

subject in school’s curriculum. It is by including this subject in an effort to maximize
student’s horizons that school authorities could successfully alter their objectives,
both in terms of the progress of students and the development of nation. Hence, the
aforementioned discussion highlights the significance of including citizenship as a

The talk delineates how laughing can benefit to human, especially in adversity. In the
past, it was by realizing and understanding about humour in different regions that
people used to get over from bleak and boring time, even during the war period.
Hence, the role of laughing in improving people’s self-respect and identity is
instrumental indeed.

The talk delineates about benefits of laughing, especially in adversity. People realized
the importance of laughing a long time ago and there is different understanding about
humour in different regions. Besides that, there were war jokes about the Berlin Wall
spreading among east regions for 30 years during the second World War that could
ease the harm of the war. Moreover, as humour, laughing can help people get through
bleak and boring time. As a therapy, laughing can effectively improve people’s self-
respect and identity.

The talk delineates about environmental law which British government launched in
order to control the impact of humans on environment. It is by enforcing aggressive
regulations through this environmental law to improve environment and people’s
wellbeing locally and globally that the government has made it compulsory for
companies to ensure the health of their employees. So their profit declined and
became less competitive in the market.

The enforcement of environmental law was an aggressive regulation innovation which

aimed to improve environment locally and globally. Companies applied the Adam

66 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

Smith theory to increase their profitability. Managers were unsatisfied about
environmental law because companies would pay more money to ensure the health
of their employees under the environmental law, which made companies less
competitive in the market.

The talk delineates the life of Mary Mellon, who migrated to the United States from
Mexico in the 19th Century and responsible for the contraction of typhoid. Although,
flamboyant by nature, this efficient cook unknowingly became the victim of typhoid
and spread this deadly disease to many people, one whom died later.

The talk delineates the scientific process behind sound receptors. It is by converting
the vibrational signals into the electrical signals that one is able to hear to different
type of noise produced by those receptors. Hence, the role of sound receptors in
converting digital signals into melodious music is instrumental indeed.

The talk delineates about the importance of cocoa during Aztecs era. It was due to
their belief that Aztecs not only used cocoa beans from currency to tribute tax to skin
protection against the sun, but also deemed it to be a bridge between earth and
heaven. Hence, the role of cocoa in Aztecs’ culture was instrumental indeed.

2 Multiple choice chooses multiple answer (2-3 tasks)

a. Read question quickly.

b. Listen audio carefully, concentrate on content rather than note taking.
c. Use elimination strategy. Don’t spend more than 30 seconds.
d. 100% ditto information is usually wrong, do doubt about it.
e. Choose general information option rather specific information

3 Fill in the blanks (2-3 tasks)

a. Read passage and follow audio very carefully.

b. Take notes of missing words without losing concentration in clear handwriting.

67 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

c. Spellings, plural, s`ingular do matters, use UK English pattern.

4 Highlight Correct summary (2-3 tasks)

a. Read question quickly.

b. Listen audio carefully, concentrate on content rather than note taking.
c. Use elimination strategy.
d. 100% ditto information is usually wrong, do doubt about it.
e. Choose general information option rather specific information.

4 Multiple choice choose single answer (2-3 tasks)

a. Read question quickly.

b. Listen audio carefully, concentrate on content rather than note taking.
c. Use elimination strategy.
d. 100% ditto information is usually wrong, do doubt about it.
e. Choose general information option rather specific information.

5. Select missing words (2-3 tasks)

a. Listen audio carefully specially after 10 seconds.

b. Write down few words just before beep.

C. Match missing words with above written words.

d. Whatever logic make sense, select it.

6. Highlight incorrect words (2-3 tasks)

a. Do listen audio very carefully, this will be in faster speed, keep tracking it.

b. Just click incorrect words, different than audio.

7. Write from dictation (3-4 tasks) Most important in listening.

68 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

a. If you are here, lucky enough, just keep tracking time.

b. Do write initial of each word and type it, press next.

c. Keep in mind, spelling does matter.

d. Most scoring section in listening. 40 marks.

Repeat sentences and write from dictation- (real)

1. The main concepts in this thesis were not new.

2. There is no correlation between drug use and cure rates.

3. The history of the movement is recorded by several writers.

4. Students’ identification cards will be issued today and tomorrow.

5. Our group is meeting tomorrow in the library conference room.

6. You come with me, the others stay here.

7. Our class will be divided into three groups.

8. Conferences will always be scheduled two weeks in advance.

9. Those events are not fully understood.

10. The solar department is highly regarded worldwide.

11. All writers consciously and unconsciously respect their own culture.

12. Reference of material is held on library reference desk.

13. Teaching assistants will receive monthly fees for housing.

14. The most important process of farming is weeding.

15. Review all resources before drawing your conclusion.

16. Your thesis should have fairly large scopes.

17. The leading companies changed their policies after their reports were releases.

18. The campus tour runs daily during summer for perspective students.

69 Balinder Nain Emdad PTE

19. Today’s lecture material will be used in next assessment.

It was your last section; exam is finished now. Go home and enjoy without worrying
about exam, as it is a matter of past and cannot be changed.

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