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Whereas, it doesn’t mention the word student…

Resolution to Request Aid from the Delaware Department of Education (DEDOE)

in the Establishment of a Transition Team
Whereas, the Christina School District Board of Education is charged with but
refuses to accept responsibility of oversight and governance of the school
district; and…
Whereas, the Christina School District Board of Education is also now enegaged
in developing the process for the search and hiring of its next superintendent
very slowly and secretively; and…
This is not new. It is a pattern. The BOE historically and repeatedly hires the
social climber superintendent who lauds him or herself over his or her
accomplishments in one term and then bounces to their next employment gig.
CSD is the frog hoppin’ lily pad of East Coast education.
Whereas, the possibility exists that several key members of the district
administration team may find other employment prior to June 30, 2020, leaving
significant vacancies that we caused with our non-renewal vote; and…
Whereas…shut the front door! It is unprecedented that “several key member of
… adminstration” would suddenly decide collectively to leave the district and
the public teet all within six months of each other. They just kicked four
adminsitrative level employees out the back. Who gives up those perks and
that amazing state-issued health insurance? This situation was one of the board
instigated when in December, it accepted the resignation of the superintendent
active upon the end of his contract. Board members then proceeded to non-
renew the contracts of four senior level, excuse me, “district adminstrative
team” members. If you subscribe to the gossip, one such employee was out-of-
state and was informed via a phone call of the board’s decision. That’s just
insult to injury. Or maybe arbitrary and capricious. We’ll let the courts decide
that one.
Whereas, the Delaware Department of Education stands as a ready resource to
aid local school districts in the fulfillment of their responsibilities; and…
Whereas, the Delaware Department of Education has consistently, repeatedly,
oppressively imposed, bullied, assailed, and defiled the sanctity of education
through assault mechanisms such as: including untested, unproven programs
lacking peer-reviewed emprical evidence of efficacy, destabilizing classrooms
throughout the Christina School District and others in the name of Education
Reform; and
Whereas, the Delaware Department of Education not only stands ready, but has
steadily thrust a political agenda designed to undermine, erode, and compress
local control to prevent school districts from fulfilling their responsibilities as
described in Title 14
Whereas, the Department of Education has already shown its willingness to aid
the Christina School District via the Wilmington Schools Partnership.
Whereas, the Department of Education has already participated in secret
meetings with select, “entitled” members of the Christina School District Board
of Education, obfuscating transparency and denying knowledge to certain board
members and the public they serve who consistently do not support the
misguided direction of the quorum. Also by doing so, the DEDOE abets the CSD
BOE by preventing said members from making thoroughly knowledgeable
decisions by editing them from board/staff communications, and by conducting
unnoticed serial board meetings to achieve a greater influence over the
disenfranchised members, while actively supporting the Department of
Education’s geographical demands resulting in the public extolling of racist
remarks made by an “entitled” board member during an open public meeting
and in his capicty as elected board member,
Resolved, that the Christina School District Board of Education recognizes the
benefit of engaging knowledgeable and willing partners to aid in this period of
transition; and…
Resolved, that the Christina School District Board of Education recognizes it has
entrapped itself in a snare of self-absorbtion to the extent that the quorum of
the board lacks the required knowledge and training to engage knowledgeable
and willing partners or simply placing a help wanted ad and conduct interviews;
lacking the intellectual curiosity to carry out its required, elected duties,
chooses to yield its local authority to the Department during this period of
transition, a period lacking any sunset or end-date.
Resolved, that the Christina School District Board of Education recognizes that
the Delaware Department of Education possesses the technical knowledge
needed during this period of transition; and…
Resolved that the quorum of the board will not even seek to learn from the
experience 40 year member, George Evans who has attended almost every
School Board Association Conference since the beginning of time and thus ought
to possess tremendous knowledge and experience he could impart to guide the
board during this period of transition into upward momentum by attracting the
best and brightest educational administrators to the district through his
network of School Board Associates technical and otherwise (Yep, George, this
is your time to shine)
Resolved, that the Christina Board of Education fails to recognize the frequent
turnover at the Department of Education or learn from its recent, well-
documented past regarding its forced implementation of multiple, consistent,
and historical failures in the name of school districts. This proves the DEDOE
lacks the technical knowledge needed during this time period of transition;
Resolved, that the Christina School District Board of Education requests, via the
Delaware Secretary of Education, that the Delaware Department of Education
provide assistance in the development of a Transition Team; and
Resolved, that the Christina School Board of Education requests, via confirmed
secret meetings with the Delaware Secretary of Education, that the Delaware
Department of Education, provide the promised assistance in the development
of Transition Team yielding local control and providing in its stead a rubber
stamp of the “DOE-chosen” to be presented to the now token Christina Board of
Resolved, that the Transition Team report to the Christina Board of Education
regarding areas vital to the continued function of the Christina School District in
educating its students, as well as sharing information that may be helpful to the
Board during this period of transition.
Resolved, that the Transition Team report to the “entitled” board members
regarding areas deemed vital to the continued function of the Christina School
District in educating its STUDENTS (Yah, they finally inserted student), as well as
sharing information with the “entitled” board members that may be helpful to
the quorum during this unlimited period of transition and rubber stamping,
concluding at such time as this board has been deemed illegitimate and the
district seized and put into receivorship to further the purpose of the
consolidation of all New Castle County school districts.

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