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Choosing the Right Herbs to Further Your Intention


Herbs can be a wonderful addition to any spell or magickal working. By nature, most
herbs have certain properties that will help enhance the outcome of your intention.
While it isn’t always necessary to use
specific herbs in your witchcraft spells, sprinkling a small pinch of corresponding
herbs into the candle flame can lend more power to your spell.
You can also leave small dishes of herbs around your home to neutralize negative
influences, promote peace and tranquility, and encourage beneficial energy. Or
consider making small charm bags with special combinations of herbs to further your
spells after you close your circle.
Following are some common household herbs that can be easily obtained and used in
your spells or magickal workings:
Basil – basil is wonderful for neutralizing and repelling negative energy. Use it
in your healing spells or sprinkle it at the threshold to your home to keep away
unwanted influences. Basil can also be used in prosperity spells to encourage
abundance and positive outcomes.
Fennel seed – fennel seed is even more powerful at repelling negativity in all
forms. Use it in your banishing spells or leave small dishes of it in the main
areas of your home to neutralize negativity.
Sage – sage is wonderful for clearing away negativity also. It has cleansing
properties that can be helpful in house-clearing rituals. You can purchase sage
“sticks,” which are small bundles of dried sage leaves tied together, which you can
light and allow the smoke to “smudge” away any negativity in your home, or any
other location.
Sesame seeds – sesame seeds attract success and abundance. Place them anywhere you
wish to attract more prosperity, whether at home or work. You can also carry a
small pouch of them when going to a job interview, or starting your own business.
Peppermint – peppermint is great for neutralizing negativity, and encouraging
healing, love, and serenity in the home.
Bay leaves – bay leaves can help you to strengthen your psychic abilities, repel
negativity, and increase your personal power. Use it in spells to open your psychic
awareness, promote prophetic dreams, and increase your courage in any undertaking.
Lavender – lavender flowers are wonderful for calling in positive energy and
repelling negative energy. They have a calming scent that can instantly make you
feel more relaxed and lighthearted, which makes them great for healing spells, love
spells, and fertility spells. You can also use them to call in positive energy in
any kind of magickal working.
Cinnamon – cinnamon is a multi-purpose herb that can be used in nearly any type of
spell or magickal work. Typically, it is known for its prosperity-attracting
properties, but you can also use it for protection, enhancing spiritual awareness,
and encouraging healing.
These are just a few of the most common herbs you may already have in your home,
and the many ways you can use them in your witchcraft spells, magickal workings, or
even your daily life. Feel free to get creative with them and allow their natural
properties to enhance your intentions in any situation.

Color Correspondences
Below is a list and discussion of colors and their correspondences/meanings.
Passion, fire, courage, strength, power, joy, renewal, energy, health, motivation,
desire, ambition, leadership, self-esteem, business deals, combat, confrontation,
buying & selling, mechanical things, repairs, hunting.
Personal success, self-love, personal harmony, friendship, calming, romance,
harmony, passion, partnerships, getting a move on, physical energy, sex, action,
exercise, surgery, buying, selling & adopting animals, gardening, woodworking, new
beginnings, honor, morality, emotions, femininity, breast cancer, homosexuality,
compassion, relaxation, infants.
Relieving depression, feelings of abandonment, increasing opportunities, happiness,
mental alertness, breaking down barriers, material gain, kindness, sealing a spell,
harvest, strength, dominance, legal matters.
Healing, friendship, increase productivity, remove negative thinking, increase
creativity, inventiveness, prosperity, self-esteem, beauty, life, humility,
Money, inspiration, prosperity, wealth, power.
Increasing love and trust, faeries, general healing, wellness, transformation, new
beginnings, prosperity, money, career, employment, hope, immortality, rebirth,
garden magic, herbal magic, fertility, luck, courage, change, peace, harmony,
relationship success, beauty, soul mates, artistic ability, affection,
partnerships, alliances, grace, luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating,
cosmetics, gifts, income, gardening, gardeners, architects, artists,
cosmetologists, chiropractors, dancers, engineers, entertainers, fashion, models,
designers, music, painting, poetry, courtship, dating, household improvements,
planning events, shopping.
Increase wisdom, wealth, joy, opportunity, patience, peace, truth, loyalty,
meditation, introspection, insight, happiness, fidelity, remove confusion, the
ocean, elevation, calming, long distance travel, higher education, political power,
social standing, dealing with foreign cultures/countries, religion,
philosophy,forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sports,
horses, legal matters, doctors, guardians, merchants, police officers,
psychologists, charity, self-improvement, research, studying, reading.
Clairvoyance, relief of emotional hurt, spiritual protection, heal wounded pride,
spirituality, wisdom, increasing psychic powers, meditation, justice, forgiveness,
humility, the occult, hidden forces, secret dealings, memory, intelligence,
communication, intelligence, education, correspondences, messages, students,
merchants, editing, writing, advertising, contracts, kinship, ambition, progress,
visiting friends, astrology.
Safety, protection, transformation, enlightenment, connection to higher self,
becoming more outgoing, relieving shyness, the cycle of life, freedom, health,
Use in combination with white to represent balance, opposites, union of opposing
forces. Divination, beginning, creation, rebirth, absorbing energies, patience,
binding, stability, neutralizing forces, material gain, protection, karma, death,
manifestation, law, understanding one's limits, overcoming obstacles, challenges,
tests, real estate matters, farming, sacrifice, separation, criminals, civil
servants, plumbing, justice, wills, debts, discoveries, elders, truth.
Divination, secrets, psychic awareness
Security, friendship, animal magic, nature magic, generosity, fruitfulness, new
beginnings, harvest, health of pets & livestock, endurance, grounding,
strengthening, solidifying, sound decision making, improved concentration, focus,
telepathy, finding lost things, anything to do with animals.
Moon Phases
Moon Phases
Moon phases and learning and working with their correspondences is completely
optional. It isn't a requirement for your spells to work, if you simply just don't
work with them, all will be OK.
Full Moon
The full moon is the point at which we can see an entire side of the moon. For
magical purposes, many modern Pagans consider the full moon to include the day
before and the day after a full moon, for a total of three days. If your tradition
requires you to follow the phases of the moon for your magical workings, this is a
good time to do rituals focused on personal growth and spiritual development. Some
examples would include:
Spells related to increasing your intuitive awareness
Healing magic
Rituals that connect you closely with deity, such as Drawing Down the Moon
Any magic related to developing your magical skills
Waning Moon
The waning moon is the period during which the moon goes from full to dark once
again. Like the waxing moon phase, it lasts approximately two weeks. In many
traditions of Wicca and Paganism, this time of the month is used to do "baneful"
magic -- that which sends away, gets rid of or destroys things you no longer wish
to be burdened by. Some examples would include:
Magic to eliminate negative people or toxic relationships from your life
Workings to smoothly end a relationship or job
Rituals that banish bad habits
Any magic related to reducing things, such as debt, illness, etc.
New Moon
The new moon is sometimes tricky to work with because you can't always see it
during this phase - it will appear as a very faint crescent of silver low on the
horizon if you can see it at all. For approximately three days during each lunar
cycle, after the moon has waned, it goes dark before waxing again. In many magical
traditions, this is considered a fallow time, in which one rests and rejuvenates
before beginning more intense magical workings again. In other traditions, it's a
time to do magic related to wish fulfillment. Some examples might include:
Cleansing and purifying of the body and mind
Rituals that designate sacred space
Any magic related to inner harmony and peace
Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is the period during which the moon grows from dark to full. It
takes approximately fourteen days for this to happen. In many magical traditions,
people use this time of the moon to perform "positive" magic -- in other words,
magic that draws things to you, or increases things. Some examples would include:
A money spell
A working to get a new job or home
Bringing love into one's life
Any magic related to increasing material items
Just as the moon pushes and pulls the tides of the ocean, so can it push and pull
the happenings of your life and your magic.
The typical order of the Moon Phases
The cycle generally starts with the New Moon (Dark Moon), followed by;
Waxing Crescent - a small part of the right side of the moon is lit while the rest
is dark.
First Quarter - the right half is lit while the left half is dark.
Waxing Gibbous - almost all of the moon is lit, while a small portion of the left
side is still dark.
Full Moon - the entire moon is lit.
Waning Gibbous - almost all of the moon is lit, while a small portion of the right
side is still dark.
Third Quarter - left half of the moon is lit, while the right is dark.
Waning Crescent - small part of the left side is lit, while the rest is dark.
New Moon - we are back to being completely dark, and the cycle repeats.

Sun Phases
“Tell me the story about how the Sun loved the Moon so much, he died every night to
let her breathe.”
Just as we cherish the moon and watch it’s phases, so does the sun. It’s phases
throughout the day have an effect on us just as the phases of the moon.
This is the first phase of the day, and the best time to do things regarding energy
and centering. It’s also a great time to:

Enhance charms
Halt addictive or bad habits
Good for any magic involving your business or school.
This is when the sun is at its highest point in the sky.
During this phase it’s a good time to:
Overcome weakness or obstacles
When you need guidance or inspiration
This is the final phase of the day, when the sun is setting and the colors begin
dancing across the sky.
This is also a time when Dusk begins to settle and we are between two worlds.
Perfect for relaxing & giving your willpower that extra boost.
As the sun sets, the transition happening puts us between two worlds. This is a
good time to do things regarding:
Adjusting or transitioning
Divination or Necromancy
Any devotional practices
Uses for the Sun
Make sun water
Place on altar as a symbol of the divine masculine (or feminine)
Use in your bath to “brighten” your mood.
Charge your tools ( particularly useful for items intended for happiness,
creativity and to dispel darkness).

Every witch and practitioner has a tool or tools that they use. One could argue
that the witch herself is the only tool you need to be able to manifest your
desire, but physical tools help tremendously. Tools can be and include any of the
Athame/ceremonial knives
There are a ton more that I could list, but I think you get the idea. Tools are
important as a part of your craft/path because they allow you to tap into their
energies with your own, and channel your desired will into manifestation. Again,
they aren't completely necessary, but will help you more often than not.
Crystals, seashells, candles and water. The water can be self made sea water, moon
water, etc. I will use it in whatever way I deem necessary to what I'm trying to
Shells can be used in place of any crystal, or alongside to amplify its properties.
I like to use both, honestly. I also use candles like crazy, I light them all over
my house and in every room, and use them religiously in my craft.

Close Note
Protection Guides
Learning to protect yourself is probably one of the most important things to learn.
Whether you're a witch, Wiccan, Christian, a normal bystander, it does not matter.
Protection is important. Here are some guides to help you out:
Witches Bells
Hang a string of bells around your doorknob, or on the front of your door for an
added protection to your home.
Salt has many uses, and there are many variants of it as well. Sea salt, Himalayan
salt, black salt, etc. Sprinkle it in your windowsills, doorways, use it in various
other spells and rituals and it aids in protection.
Many cultures have worn jewelry pieces from talismans to amulets, to simple pieces
with crystals and gems in them to help ward off evil. Jewelry can be enchanted and
glamoured as well to carry out whatever it is you desire.
Sigil's are used for many, many purposes. If you're not sure what a sigil is, check
out this post:
There are other symbols that can be used as well, such as; runes, pentagrams, one
of your own creation, etc.
Now, this tool comes mentally. This is one that, if you aren't used to doing it, I
would advise you to practice doing visualization before trying to cast a shield
around you for protection. I suggest this method for empaths, and those that are
emotionally unstable or connected to others. All I suggest, is that they visualize
a shield all around them or their home/wherever, and that's it.
This can take a lot of energy, and time if again, you're not familiar with this
There are of course, many, many other forms of protection. This was just a small
example to get you started!

Not to be confused with someone who is clairsenient.
Tendency to absorb and take on or become the emotions that surround you.
Ability to relate to a wide range of people and have an unusual emotional depth or
ties to others
Difficulty in discerning your emotions from others
Being everyone’s ‘go-to’ person meaning people are drawn to you, and can tell you
anything and everything.
The ability to see past the obvious and beyond peoples facades, thus seeing the
true value in everyone.
Clairsentience is intuitively feeling energies or receiving messages pertaining to
the past, present or future. it is a psychic and intuitive ability, more so than
being empathic. you have the ability to sense what others are feeling, and can take
on those emotions but also receive information instinctively about why those
emotions are present. The word clairsentience means ‘clear feeling’ or ‘clear
You can be both an empath and clairsentient, or any of the clairs really. This was
just a minor explanation of the differences between the two, though they are very

Some of these techniques can be considered ''advanced'' if you don't understand how
to use the steps prior. For example, if you don't know how to visualize, please
practice that first before attempting the other steps. As with all things in this
life, practice makes perfect. But, so does patience. Please be patient with
yourself, you are taking the first steps towards learning something completely new,
and it may take some time before its perfect to your specific standards. Below are
some pieces of advice and techniques for Empaths, and how to protect yourself from
unwanted or negative energies in both magic practices and in daily life.
Shielding is a quick way to protect yourself. Many empaths and sensitive people
rely on it to block out toxic energy while allowing the free flow of positivity.
Call on it regularly. The minute you're uncomfortable with a person, place, or
situation, put up your shield. Use it in a train station, at a party, or in a
packed doctor’s waiting room. Begin by taking a few, deep, long breaths. Then
visualize a beautiful shield of white or pink light completely surrounding your
body and extending a few inches beyond it. This shield protects you from anything
negative, stressful, toxic, or intrusive. Within the protection of this shield,
feel yourself centered, happy, and energized. This shield blocks out negativity,
but at the same time, you can still feel what’s positive and loving. Of course, one
must also understand that not ALL negativity can be ignored or filtered. Some will
slip in, but not nearly as much as being an open target and the exercise above
should help tremendously.
It is also incredibly important to set boundaries in and outside of relationships.
With family, friends, or a romantic partner. This piece of advice isn't
particularly magic related but IS just as important to understand and practice.
Knowing your needs and being able to assert them is a strong form of self-
protection for empaths. Then you can be in your full power in a relationship. If
something doesn't feel right, raise the issue with your partner rather than
suffering silently. Finding your voice is equivalent to finding your power
otherwise you may become exhausted, anxious, or feel like a doormat in
relationships where your basic needs are unmet. Your partner isn't a mind reader.
Speak up to safeguard your well-being. Knowing where you stand with relationships
and knowing your needs and seeing that they are met can also aid in your magic
practices as well, because you'll know what, when, and how you need something done.
Empaths often suffer in their environment when they absorb the stress in their
surroundings. The workplace especially can be noisy and over-stimulating. To
protect your energy level in an emotionally demanding or crowded environment
surround the outer edge of your space with plants or family or pet photos to create
a small psychological barrier. Sacred objects such as a statue of your deity, the
Buddha, sacred beads, crystals, or protective stones can set an energetic boundary.
Noise canceling ear buds or headphones are also useful to muffle conversations and
sound. This is also where that first step comes in hand: shielding. Shield. Shield.
Shield. I am not joking either.
The last part I want to talk about is something that I like to call Overly Empathic
Sensitivity. It's something that happens to me while I'm reading a really good
book, you know the kind. The one where it sucks you right in and the whole thing
plays like a movie inside your mind? It also happens during tv shows and movies. I
involuntarily connect myself to the characters and the situation. It's almost as if
I become them, and can physically and emotionally feel what they feel, even though
they are fiction. They themselves are not real, but the actions and emotions are,
and it can be so extremely overwhelming. their pain and anger hurt and even when
they're happy. The jovial euphoria when they receive their first kiss, etc. The
reason this happens is because I am not properly protected, and I let my guard
down. This is why learning to protect yourself is so important, and not just for
empaths. Beginners and those that have been practicing for years still need to
protect themselves.
Crystals, sigils/symbols, shielding and visualization, these are all fantastic
methods to learn and not just for empaths as I have mentioned. For beginners and
novices as well! Whether its from toxic entities or humans, or just simply a
cautionary step you are taking, protecting yourself is important.

Magical Circle of Elms Guide to Chatrooms

Chat Guidelines:
1. No extreme profanity
2. Respect for others in the room
3. Keep subject matter to a good public acceptance
4. Please no sexual content, or subject matter that would be considered unsavory
to others
If the Admin finds your content unacceptable, you will get a warning. The second
time you break guidelines will result in a 2 week suspension. Further neglect of
the guidelines will result in banning.
Bullying is under a no tolerance policy and will result in an immediate ban.

Our group has several chatrooms with varying purposes. Please do note which
chatroom you enter and exit as some of these areas will be considered a sacred
space of sorts.
The Magical Circle of Elms Group Chat: A general chat which can be used to speak
about anything following the chat guidelines, all lifestyles and walks of life are
welcome here. This is a public forum.
MCE Book Club: A chat dedicated to the study of magick texts from our growing
library. This is a private chat which is open to anyone who desires to join. The
chat is always open to book club members but is only active during Sundays at 8pm.
MCE Sacred Chamber: This is a sacred space used only for rituals. Open only to
those who accept sabbat invitations and closes after the event with the exception
of admins and moderators.
Council of Circle of Elms: A home to all of our admins, moderators and
occasionally committee members. This is where all of the meetings happen for the
development of the site. This is considered a private chat.
Coming Soon: Titles under development
MCE Classroom: A place for lectures from long standing teachers of the craft.
Topics may vary from session to session.
MCE Healing Center: A place to go for healings and council. This is a private chat
designed for the comfort of those who are in need.

Close Note
Choosing a Deck: A Quick Guide to Cartomancy
A question that typically crosses the mind of those who wish to start divination or
self reflection by means of cards is “What kind of deck do I choose? Tarot? Oracle?
Lenormand? The simple answer is that it depends on the reader and what kind of
structure they would need or prefer. In this guide we will compare the difference
between these three common types of cards used in Cartomancy (Card Reading).
Traditional Tarot decks consist of 78 cards divided up into 5 suits. 4 elemental
suits known as the Minor Arcana: Pentacles or Coins (Earth), Cups (Water), Swords
(Air), and Wands (Fire); as well as a trump suit called the Major Arcana. Tarot
does not have good or bad cards, instead it is designed to add context to a
situation. Tarot has a large amount of symbolism used both in the description of
the cards and in the depiction used on each card. There are also dual meanings to
each card depending on whether the card is placed regularly (right side up) or
reversed (upside down). When placed in certain positions in a reading (The
placement is called a Spread), the cards indicate different meanings depending on
the position they are in. Tarot represents the mental journey we all take from
cradle to grave and is meant to be more reflective of the psychological influences
to the situation it is presented with. Tarot cards are read individually, not
typically paired to add nuance.
Lenormand cards have no division of suits. They consist of 32 cards and typically
have playing card imagery on them. The cards have set meanings attached to the
cards that indicate good bad and neutral outcomes. The cards depictions do not have
any tied symbolism to them that can give you a deeper meaning. Traditional
Lenormand spreads such as the 3-card, 5-card and Grand Tableau do not assign
meaning to the cards as they appear in the spread. Instead the meanings of the
individual cards build upon each other, adding deeper meaning to your readings the
more cards that are involved. Lenormand decks are designed to look at past or
present events much like one would as an outside observer, it is extremely
objective. Single card readings will not work with this system of cards.
Oracle cards have no structure or suit to the cards, there are no set number of
cards and the meanings vary from deck to deck. They are designed to suit the buyer,
in that they are intended to be whatever you want them to be. The deck you get
could be designed for one card individual readings for the day, divination,
affirmations, or self reflection. There is no set system for how these cards are
made as this is a fairly modern system. However if one decides to look into Oracle
cards it is important to research the author of the cards, the artwork and its
symbolism, and what the cards are designed to do, normally it is either listed on
the box or buy page or is obvious by the printing on the cards or lack thereof.
Oracle cards are designed to help you tap into your intuition.

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