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Drug Education and Vice Control

1. Is a chemical substance that brings about physical, emotional or behavioral change in a

person taking it.
a. Drug c. Food
b. Medicine d. Alcohol
2. Abused drugs which increase alertness and physical disposition.
a. Stimulants c. Narcotics
b. Sedatives d.
3. Drug derives from the 14 century French word, which means a dry substance.
a. Droue c. Ehios
b. Drogue d. Opium
4. Hallucinogens is also known as;
a. Party Drugs c. Pain Reliever
b. Psychedelics d. Stress Reliever
5. Drugs which affects sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion.
a. Stimulants c. Narcotics
b. Sedatives d. Hallucinogens
6. Drugs which may reduce anxiety and excitement.
a. Stimulants c. Narcotics
b. Sedatives d. Hallucinogens
7. Drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep.
a. Stimulants c. Narcotics
b. Sedatives d. Hallucinogens
8. “Gang of Three” is composed of Prostitution, Drugs and Alcoholism. This statement is ;
a. False c. Misleading
b. True d. Bias
9. Tobacco (Cigarettes) and Alcohol are “gateway” drugs. This statement is ;
a. False c. Misleading
b. True d. Bias
10. A cigarette component; also used to clean bathrooms.
a. Cadmium c. Ammonia
b. Nicotine d. Cyanide
11. A cigarette component; also uses as a mixture in insecticide.
a. Cadmium c. Ammonia
b. Nicotine d. Cyanide
12. Tobacco means the curved leaves of the tobacco plant “nicotiana tobacu” which
contains a very potent ingredient called
a. Nicotine c. Poppy
b. Adrenaline d. Ethyl
13. . Alcoholic drinks contain this kind of drug, which is a toxic and poisonous.
a. Methyl c. Ethos
b. Ethanol d. Marijuana
14. Is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a stimulant drug.
a. Ethanol c. Caffeine
b. Methamphetamine d. Marijuana
15. Common reasons why people turn to drug abuse except;
a. Peer Influences c. Active in Church Activities
b. Family problems d. Weak Personality Factors
16. The transmission of physical and mental traits from the parents to the offspring.
a. Education c. Environment
b. Heredity d. Social Skills
17. A form of psychological dependence, characterized by continuous desire for a drug.
a. Tolerance c. Drug Dependence
b. Addiction d. Habituation
18. A form of physical dependence occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a drug as
the drug is repeatedly taken in the same dose.
a. Tolerance c. Drug Dependence
b. Addiction d. Habituation
19. A form of physical dependence, severe craving for the drug even to the point of
interfering with the person’s ability to function normally.
a. Tolerance c. Drug Dependence
b. Addiction d. Habituation
20. Characterized by the compulsion to use a drug to experience psychological or physical
effects despite deterioration in health, work, and social activities.
a. Tolerance c. Drug Dependence
b. Addiction d. Habituation
21. Golden Triangle is composed of
a. Borders of Burma, Bolivia, Iran
b. Thailand, Laos, Borders of Burma
c. Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
d. Peru- Columbia- Bolivia
22. Silver Triangle is composed of
a. Peru, Columbia, Bolivia
b. Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
c. Borders of Burma, Bolivia, Iran
d. Thailand, Laos, Borders of Burma
23. Golden Crescent is composed of
a. Peru, Columbia, Bolivia
b. Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
c. Borders of Burma, Bolivia, Iran
d. Thailand, Laos, Borders of Burma

24. This country is one of largest production of Coca/Cocaine.

a. Thailand c. Laos
b. Philippines d. Columbia
25. This country is one of largest production of Opium.
a. Thailand c. Burma
b. Philippines d. Afghanistan
26. Philippines is known as on e of the largest supplier of this drug.
a. Opium c. Marijuana
b. Shabu d. Cocaine
27. Unhealthy weight loss, haggard appearance, red eyes are signs of
a. Physical Deterioration c. Mental Deterioration
b. Psychological deterioration d. Peer Influences
28. Work output is poor, often sick and show disinterests in job are characteristics of
Addicts in workplace. This statement is ;
a. False c. True
b. Misleading d. Bias
29. Depressants are also known as;
a. Uppers c. Party Drug
b. Downers d. Psychedelics
30. Alcohol is a good example of;
a. Stimulants C. Depressants
b. Hallucinogens d. Narcotics
31. Natural is anything that comes from nature. This statement is;
a. False c. True
b. Misleading d. Bias
32. Synthetic is anything that is produced artificially or processed in the laboratory.
a. False c. True
b. Misleading d. Bias

33. Cigarette/tobacco is a good example of;

a. Stimulants C. Depressants
b. Hallucinogens d. Narcotics
34. Opium, Morphine, Codeine and Heroine are examples of;
a. Stimulants C. Depressants
b. Hallucinogens d. Narcotics
35. It refers to the flowering plant of the species papaver somniferum.
a. Marijuana c. Heroine
b. Shabu d. Opium
36. It is the most commonly abused narcotic in the world.
a. Codeine c. Heroine
b. Shabu d. Opium
37. Also known as Methylmorphine. It is similar to morphine , but its effect is weaker in
a. Codeine c. Heroine
b. Shabu d. Opium
38. In its pure form, is also white and made up of shiny, colorless crystal and understably
called “snow” in the junkie jargon.
a. Codeine c. Heroine
b. Shabu d. Cocaine
39. Causes irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity, anxiety etc. are effects of this drug.
a. Stimulants C. Depressants
b. Hallucinogens d. Narcotics

40. It is popularly known as angel dust.

a. Phencyclidine (PCP) c. Cocaine
b. Codeine d. Heroine

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