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Endogenous ligands of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulate lung

dendritic cell function

Thomas H. Thatcher,1 Marc A. Summary

Williams,1,2,† Stephen J. Pollock,2,3
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a transcription factor that has
Claire E. McCarthy,2 Shannon H.
been extensively studied as a regulator of toxicant metabolism. However,
Lacy,2 Richard P. Phipps2,3 and
recent evidence indicates that the AhR also plays an important role in
Patricia J. Sime1,2,3
immunity. We hypothesized that the AhR is a novel, immune regulator of
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
T helper type 2 (Th2) -mediated allergic airway disease. Here, we report
Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester,
NY, 2Department of Environmental Medicine, that AhR-deficient mice develop increased allergic responses to the model
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 3Lung allergen ovalbumin (OVA), which are driven in part by increased den-
Biology and Disease Program, University of dritic cell (DC) functional activation. AhR knockout (AhR / ) mice sensi-
Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA tized and challenged with OVA develop an increased inflammatory
response in the lung compared with wild-type controls, with greater
numbers of inflammatory eosinophils and neutrophils, greater T-cell
proliferation, greater production of Th2 cytokines, and higher levels of
OVA-specific IgE and IgG1. Lung DCs from AhR / mice stimulated
antigen-specific proliferation and Th2 cytokine production by naive T
doi:10.1111/imm.12540 cells in vitro. Additionally, AhR / DCs produced higher levels of tumour
Received 4 August 2015; revised 28 necrosis factor-a and interleukin-6, which promote Th2 differentiation,
September 2015; accepted 1 October 2015. and expressed higher cell surface levels of stimulatory MHC Class II

Present address: Army Public Health and CD86 molecules. Overall, loss of the AhR was associated with
Center [Provisional], Toxicology Portfolio – enhanced T-cell activation by pulmonary DCs and heightened pro-
Health Effects Research Program, Aberdeen
inflammatory allergic responses. This suggests that endogenous AhR
Proving Ground, Edgewood, MD 21010,
ligands are involved in the normal regulation of Th2-mediated immunity
Correspondence: Dr P. J. Sime, University in the lung via a DC-dependent mechanism. Therefore, the AhR may rep-
of Rochester, Division of Pulmonary and resent an important target for therapeutic intervention in allergic airways
Critical Care Medicine, 601 Elmwood Ave- inflammation.
nue, Box 692, Rochester, NY 14642, USA.
Email: Keywords: allergy; antigen presentation/processing; dendritic cells; lung; T
Senior author: Patricia J. Sime helper type 1/type 2 cells.

In addition to its regulation of xenobiotic responses, it

is increasingly evident that the AhR plays an important
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated role in immune processes. The AhR is widely expressed
transcription factor that has been extensively studied as a in tissues of the immune system.2 Further, AhR signalling
mediator of toxicant metabolism. Dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetra- plays a key role in immunological functions at mucosal
chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, TCDD), a persistent organic pol- surfaces, including the lung.3 Data from our laboratory
lutant and by-product of industrial processes, was the and others suggests that the AhR regulates pulmonary
first AhR ligand identified, and the AhR is an important inflammation. For example, AhR-deficient mice develop
mediator of toxicant metabolism and excretion.1 heightened inflammatory responses to cigarette smoke

Abbreviations: AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; BrDU, bromodeoxyuridine; Con A, concanavalin A; DCs, dendritic cells; DRE,
dioxin response element; FICZ, 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole; IDO, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase; IFN-c, interferon-c; IL-6, in-
terleukin-6; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; OVA, ovalbumin; PE, phycoerythrin; TCDD, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; Th2, T
helper type 2; TNF-a, tumour necrosis factor a

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T. H. Thatcher et al.

and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is associ- Using AhR knockout (AhR / ) mice we have investi-
ated with increased nuclear factor-jB activity.4 Similarly, gated the role of endogenous AhR ligands in allergic
AhR-deficient mouse lung fibroblasts and AhR-deficient airways inflammation. AhR / mice developed increased
human pulmonary endothelial cells produce elevated inflammation and Th2 responses when sensitized and
levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in challenged with OVA. Importantly, we co-cultured T cells
response to inflammatory stimuli.5,6 with wild-type and AhR / DCs and demonstrated that
Several studies have reported that AhR ligands sup- AhR / DCs promoted increased Th2 responses in autol-
press allergic lung inflammation. In rodent models of ogous T cells. Overall, our results suggest that endoge-
asthma-like disease using ovalbumin (OVA) or house nous AhR ligands act via the AhR to regulate immune
dust mite, TCDD reduces eosinophilia, cytokine produc- responses.
tion and IgE levels.7–10 Evidence suggests that the AhR
regulates the balance of immunosuppressive regulatory T
Materials and methods
lymphocytes and effector T helper type 2 (Th2) and
Th17 cells. For example, TCDD promotes the expansion
of regulatory T cells and inhibits activation of helper
and cytotoxic T cells.11,12 Th17 cell differentiation can Aryl hydrocarbon receptor knockout mice (AhR / ,
be enhanced or inhibited by AhR signalling, depending strain B6129-Ahrtm1Bra) were purchased from The Jack-
on the AhR ligand and timing of AhR activation.13,14 In son Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME) and bred at the
the context of allergic hypersensitivity, AhR agonists University of Rochester. This strain carries a targeted
inhibit Th2-mediated cytokine production and allergic deletion of exon 2 of the Ahr gene and was backcrossed
responses in mouse models of atopic dermatitis, food for 12 generations onto C57BL/6.27 Controls were age-
allergy and asthma-like disease.10,15,16 However, when and gender-matched C57BL/6J mice (The Jackson Labo-
using whole animal models, it is difficult to determine ratory), or age- and gender-matched AhR+/ heterozy-
whether the effects of AhR ligands are due to direct gous litter mates. No functional differences were observed
effects on T cells or to effects on T-cell programming by between AhR+/+ wild-type and AhR+/ heterozygous
antigen-presenting cells. Interestingly, wild-type recipients mice. OT-II mice, which carry a transgenic T-cell receptor
of adoptively transferred AhR-deficient T cells displayed gene specific for OVA,28 were also purchased from The
TCDD-induced inhibition of T-cell proliferation in Jackson Laboratory. For some experiments, AhR / mice
response to influenza virus,11,17 suggesting that antigen- were cross-bred with the OT-II mice; offspring that were
presenting cells play a key a role in AhR modulation of OT-II+ and AhR / were identified by PCR of tail snip
T-cell function. DNA. All animal procedures were performed under the
Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent antigen-presenting supervision of the University Committee on Animal
cells. In the lung, DCs reside in the epithelium but extend Research.
cellular processes into the airways to sample the environ-
ment.18 During the pathogenesis of allergic asthma, DCs
Ovalbumin allergy models
take up inhaled allergen and traffic to the local lymph
nodes where they stimulate the induction of Th2- Mice were sensitized to OVA (Fraction V; Sigma, St Louis,
mediated allergic sensitization. The AhR is constitutively MO) with a single intraperitoneal injection of 8 lg OVA
expressed by DCs, and data suggest that the AhR plays a with 4 mg aluminium hydroxide (Sigma) in 05 ml nor-
role in mediating the functions of these antigen-present- mal saline on day 0, followed by a single 1-hr exposure to
ing cells. For example, TCDD increased DC numbers and OVA or saline aerosol on day 5. Ovalbumin aerosol expo-
altered DC phenotypes in a mouse model of peanut sures were performed by placing the mice in individual
allergy.19 TCDD also inhibited DC activation of CD8+ T compartments of a wire cage, which was placed inside a
cells during the Th1-mediated response to influenza closed plastic box connected to a nebulizer (Salter, Arvin,
infection.20 CA) containing OVA (5 mg/ml in normal saline) and
However, these studies may be limited by the use of attached to medical grade compressed air at 6 psi. Control
TCDD as a model AhR ligand.21 TCDD has a higher animals were injected with saline plus aluminium hydrox-
affinity for the AhR and a longer half-life than naturally ide alone and exposed to saline aerosol in an identical
occurring ligands,21 and the signals it delivers are qualita- apparatus. On day 19, all mice were challenged with two
tively as well as quantitatively different from naturally 1-hr exposures to OVA aerosol. Mice were killed on days
occurring and endogenous ligands.22–25 Interestingly, 20, 22 and 26 (i.e. at 1, 3 and 7 days post-challenge) and
three different non-dioxin AhR ligands all failed to sup- tissues and cells were harvested.
press the allergic response in a mouse model of peanut To evaluate mucosal immunity, mice were sensitized
allergy.26 As a result, the role of endogenous AhR ligands with OVA and LPS as described elsewhere.29,30 Briefly,
on immune cell function remains unclear. AHR / and heterozygous (AHR+/ ) litter mate controls

42 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54

AhR ligands regulate dendritic cells

were sensitized to OVA by inhalation of 100 lg OVA Lymph node cell proliferation assays
plus 100 ng LPS (Pseudomonas, 600 000 EU/mg; Sigma)
At harvest, the peribronchial and mediastinal lymph
in 40 ll of saline on days 0 and 7. The mice were chal-
nodes were removed and lymph node mononuclear cells
lenged with OVA aerosol on day 19 and harvested on
were harvested by compressing the nodes between sterile
days 20, 22 and 26 (i.e. at 1, 3 and 7 days post-challenge)
frosted glass slides. Pooled lymph node cells (four mice
as described above.
per group) were plated in a 96-well round bottom plate
at a density of 1 9 105 cells per well and cultured in
Tissue harvest and bronchoalveolar lavage 200 ll of HL-1 serum-free medium (Biowhittaker, Walk-
ersville, MD) as described previously31,32 with the indi-
Mice were anaesthetized with 2,2,2-tribromoethanol
cated concentration of OVA, or with concanavalin A
(Avertin, 250 mg/kg intraperitoneally) and killed by
(Con A, 075 lg/ml, Sigma) as a positive control. After
exsanguination. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture
3 days of culture, 75 ll of medium was removed and
and the serum fraction was stored for later analysis. Total
saved for cytokine analysis, and replaced with 75 ll of
and OVA-specific immunoglobulin in serum was mea-
fresh medium containing bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU).
sured as previously described.31 The heart and lungs were
Proliferation was measured on the fourth day using a
removed en bloc and the lungs were lavaged twice with
BrDU incorporation assay according to the manufac-
05 ml PBS. The lavage fluid was centrifuged and the
turer’s protocol (Roche, Indianapolis, IN).
cell-free supernatants were frozen for later analysis. The
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cell pellet was resuspended
in PBS and the total cell number was determined by DC/T-cell co-culture
counting on a haemocytometer. Differential cell counts
(minimum of 300 cells per slide) were performed on Lung DCs were isolated as previously described.33–35
Cytospin-prepared slides (Thermo Shandon, Pittsburgh, Naive mice were killed and the lungs were perfused with
PA) stained with 3-Step Stain (Richard-Allan Scientific, saline, subsequently removed, and placed in ice-cold
Kalamazoo, MI). The lungs were frozen in liquid nitrogen medium. Lungs from four to six mice were pooled per
for later analysis. Some lungs were inflated and fixed in isolation. After all the lungs were harvested, the lung tis-
10% neutral-buffered formalin without undergoing sue was minced with a sterile scalpel and then digested
lavage. Tissues were embedded in paraffin, sectioned with 25 mg/ml Collagenase Type 2 (Worthington Bio-
(5-lm), and stained with haematoxylin & eosin or with chemical Corporation, Lakewood, NJ) and 5 units/ml
periodic acid–Schiff’s reagent (PAS) (Richard-Allan). To Dispase (BD Biosciences, Bedford, MA) for 45 min at
quantify PAS-stained goblet cells, the left bronchus was 37°. The lung tissue was disrupted by passing five times
photographed using an Olympus BX-51 microscope through a 20-ml syringe, and then passed through a 100-
equipped with an InSight camera (Spot Diagnostic Instru- µm cell strainer. The resulting single-cell suspension was
ments, Sterling Heights, MI). The length of the imaged washed with medium, and plated on tissue-culture-trea-
segment was determined using the software calibration ted dishes in RPMI-1640 medium (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
tool provided and the number of PAS-positive cells per CA) containing 8% fetal bovine serum (Sigma). The cells
100 µm was determined. Two sections per mouse and were incubated overnight to remove macrophages and
three mice per group were counted by a technician who other adherent cells. The following day, the non-adherent
was blinded to the treatment groups. cells were gently washed off, collected by centrifugation,
and CD11c+ cells were isolated by positive selection with
antibody-coupled magnetic beads according to the manu-
Histological scoring facturer’s directions (Miltenyi Biotech, Auburn, CA). DCs
Slides were reviewed by a veterinary pathologist who was were counted and cultured overnight (100 000 DCs per
blinded to the treatment groups. The abundance of well of a 24-well plate) in RPMI-1640 medium and stim-
perivascular aggregates was scored 0–3 as follows: 0, none ulated with 100 ng/ml Pseudomonas aeruginosa LPS
present; 1, perivascular inflammatory cell aggregates (at (Sigma) with or without 20 lg/ml OVA. After 18–20 hr,
least two cells thick) surround ≤ 20% of blood vessels; 2, the DC supernatants were removed and saved for analy-
perivascular inflammatory cell aggregates surround 21– sis, and the DCs were washed with HL-1 medium,
40% of blood vessels; 3, perivascular inflammatory cell counted and co-cultured with T cells as described below.
aggregates surround > 40% of blood vessels. Eosinophilic T cells were harvested by collecting peripheral lymph
inflammation was scored 0–3 as follows: 0, none present; nodes from naive mice. The nodes were compressed
1, inflammatory cell aggregates are composed of ≤ 25% between sterile frosted glass slides to release the T cells,
eosinophils; 2, inflammatory cell aggregates are composed from which CD4+ T cells were isolated by negative selec-
of 26–50% eosinophils; 3, inflammatory cell aggregates tion with antibody-coupled magnetic beads (Miltenyi Bio-
are composed of > 50% eosinophils. tech) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The T

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T. H. Thatcher et al.

cells were then washed and resuspended in HL-1 medium (405 nm laser; 450/50 nm), Red C (633 nm laser; 660/
and co-cultured with DCs (quadruplicate cultures for 20 nm), Blue D (488 nm laser; 585/42 nm), Blue A
each condition) for 4 days in round-bottom 96-well cul- (780/60 nm) and Red A (780/60 nm) channels for
ture plates (4000 DCs and 40 000 T cells per well for a detection of Live/Dead stain, CD11c, MHC class II,
DC : T-cell ratio of 1 : 10). Ovalbumin (20 lg/ml) was CD205 and CD86, respectively. Subsequent analysis was
added to wells containing OVA-pulsed DCs but addi- performed using FLOWJO software (Ashland, OR). Only
tional LPS was not added. After 3 days of culture, 75 ll live cells, excluding cells positive for Live/Dead cell stain,
of medium was removed and saved for cytokine analysis, were included for analysis of surface marker expressions.
and replaced with 75 ll of fresh medium containing Because the three experiments used different instruments
1 lCi/well [methyl-3H]thymidine (Dupont NEN Prod- and antibodies, geometric mean fluorescence intensity
ucts, Boston, MA). After 18 hr, the cells were harvested (GMFI) for each condition was normalized to resting
onto glass fibre filters using a Packard Micromate 96 cell control cells.
harvester (Packard Co., Meriden, CT) and 3H incorpora-
tion was counted with a Packard TopCount Liquid Scin-
Statistical analysis
tillation Counter. Background proliferation was measured
in wells without added antigen. Con A (Sigma) was Statistical significance was assessed by one-way or two-
added to some wells at a final concentration of 15 lg/ml way analysis of variance as described in the figure legends,
as a positive control. using PRISM version 5 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA).
A P-value < 005 was considered significant.
Cytokine analysis
Cytokines were measured in BAL fluid and cell culture
supernatants by cytokine multiplex analysis (Milliplex
AhR / mice develop an exaggerated allergic airway
MAP, Millipore, Temecula, CA) and were read on a
Luminex 100 System (Luminex, Austin, TX), except for
interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF- To investigate the role of the AhR in the allergic immune
a), which were measured by ELISA (R&D Systems, Min- response, AhR / mice and C57BL/6 control mice were
neapolis, MN) according to the manufacturer’s protocols. sensitized to the model allergen OVA as previously
described.31 The mice were harvested 1, 3 and 7 days fol-
lowing a challenge with inhaled OVA aerosol. Mice sensi-
Flow cytometry
tized and challenged with OVA exhibited an increase in
Lung DCs were harvested as described and cultured for total BAL cells, with increased numbers of macrophages,
48 hr with 100 ng/ml LPS. The DCs were harvested and eosinophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes (Fig. 1).
washed with PBS, then stained with Live/Dead Fixable Although the peak response at day 3 was not significantly
Violet cell stain (Invitrogen) as per the manufacturer’s different between AhR / and wild-type mice, the AhR /
instructions. Non-specific antibody binding was blocked mice exhibited significantly increased numbers of macro-
with PBS containing 1% BSA and 10% Mouse Fc Block phages, eosinophils and neutrophils at day 1, and signifi-
(BD Biosciences) for 15 min. Three independent experi- cantly increased macrophages and eosinophils at day 7.
ments were performed using different antibodies and This suggested that the inflammatory response in AhR /
instruments. For the first experiment, the DCs were mice was more rapid and more prolonged.
stained with anti-CD11c (clone N418, Miltenyi Biotech)
and either anti-class II MHC-phycoerythrin (PE) or
AhR / mice develop increased lung inflammation
anti-CD86-PE (BD Pharmingen, San Jose, CA) and
and goblet cell hyperplasia
analysed on a FACSCalibur flow cytometer using CELL-
QUEST 31 software (BD Biosciences). For the second The OVA sensitization protocol used in this study results
and third experiments, DCs were stained with anti- in perivascular accumulation of infiltrating lymphocytes
CD11c-allophycocyanin (BD Biosciences), anti-MHC and eosinophils (Fig. 2). AhR / mice exhibited signifi-
class II-PE (eBioscience, San Diego, CA), anti-CD205- cantly increased perivascular aggregates compared with
PE-Cy7 (eBioscience), and anti-CD86-biotin (eBio- wild-type controls, and these aggregates contained
science) antibodies for 30 min. Cells were then washed increased numbers of eosinophils. AhR / mice also
with PBS containing 1% BSA followed by staining with exhibited increased parenchymal involvement, with
streptavidin-allophycocyanin-eFL780 (eBioscience) for increased presence of alveolar macrophages, neutrophils
20 min to label the anti-CD86-biotin antibodies. Cells and eosinophils (Fig. 2c,d and Table 1). Another impor-
were analysed by flow cytometry using a FACS Canto II tant hallmark of allergic airways inflammation is
flow cytometer (BD Biosciences) using the Violet B increased mucus production, which was detected by PAS

44 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54

AhR ligands regulate dendritic cells

(a) 16 Total cells (b) 7 Macrophages

Cell number x 105

Cell number x 105

12 *
** 5

0 0
Saline Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Saline Day 1 Day 3 Day 7

(c) 8 Eosinophils (d) Neutrophils


Cell number x 105

Cell number x 105

6 AhR–/– 3

4 2
Figure 1. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient
(AhR / ) mice develop increased allergic air- *
2 1
way inflammation. C57BL/6 mice (grey bars)
or AhR / mice (black bars) were sensitized
and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA) as 0 0
Saline Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Saline Day 1 Day 3 Day 7
described, and harvested 1, 3 and 7 days after
challenge, or were sensitized to saline alone (e)
1·4 Lymphocytes
and harvested 3 days after challenge. Differen-
tial counts were performed on bronchoalveolar
Cell number x 105

lavage (BAL) cells and the total cell number 1·0

(a), number of macrophages (b), eosinophils
(c), neutrophils (d) and lymphocytes (e) are
reported. Results shown are the means  stan-
dard error for n = 6 mice per group and are
representative of two independent experiments. 0·2
*P ≤ 005, **P ≤ 001 by two-way analysis of 0
variance with Bonferroni post-test. Saline Day 1 Day 3 Day 7

staining for goblet cells. The allergic response to OVA AhR / mice develop increased OVA-specific
provokes goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus production in antibodies
the large airways, as indicated by increased PAS-positive
The allergic response to inhaled OVA includes high titre
staining of airway epithelial cells. Comparison of airways
OVA-specific IgG1 and IgE antibodies. Interestingly,
of similar calibre revealed that AhR / mice have a dra-
OVA-sensitized and -challenged AhR / mice developed
matic increase in the number and density of PAS-positive
a dramatic IgE response, with significant increases in both
cells (Figs 2e and f, Table 1).
total serum IgE and OVA-specific IgE that were not seen
in C57BL/6 controls (Fig. 4). Both strains exhibited
AhR mice have an increased Th2 cytokine profile increased total serum IgG1 following immunization but
only the AhR / mice developed high titre OVA-specific
The allergic response to OVA includes transient expres-
IgG1 antibodies.
sion of Th2 cytokines in the lungs immediately after chal-
lenge.31 AhR / mice exhibited increased Th2 cytokines
AHR deficiency also promotes mucosal immune
in BAL fluid compared with C57BL/6 controls, including
IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 and monocyte chemoattractant protein
1 (Fig. 3). However, IL-4 levels were similar in both Although the OVA/aluminium hydroxide/intraperitoneal
strains. Levels of the Th1 cytokine IL-12 were also similar, injection model is widely used, most airway allergens are
but interferon-c (IFN-c) was significantly reduced in the typically encountered by inhalation. To determine
AhR / mice. TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-17 were elevated on whether AhR deficiency also promoted direct airway sen-
day 1 following aerosol challenge but were not signifi- sitization, we tested a model of mucosal immunity in
cantly different between AhR / and C57BL/6 control which OVA is given by inhalation in combination with
mice. LPS.29 As previously reported in this model, sensitization

ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54 45

T. H. Thatcher et al.

C57BL/6 AhR–/–

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient

(AhR / ) mice develop increased lung inflam-
mation and goblet cell hyperplasia. Mice were
sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA) or saline as
described and were killed 7 days after OVA
(c) (d)
V aerosol challenge. Lungs were inflated and
fixed with formalin, and sections were stained
with haematoxylin & eosin. (a, b) Saline-
exposed mice have normal alveoli and airways.

(c) OVA-challenged wild-type mice develop

extensive lymphocytic inflammation around
blood vessels after OVA challenge. (d) OVA-
challenged AhR-deficient mice develop larger
perivascular infiltrates, as well as inflammation
(e) (f) of the parenchymal space, with increased num-
bers of alveolar macrophages, neutrophils and
eosinophils (arrows). V, vascular lumen. (e, f)
Periodic acid–Schiff’s (PAS) stain reveals a dra-
matic increase in PAS+ cells in the airways of

AhR-deficient mice challenged with OVA (ar-

rows). Bar = 100 lm. The results shown are
representative of two independent experiments
with four to six mice per group in each experi-

with OVA plus LPS via inhalation leads to an inflamma- (Fig. 6b). The difference in recall proliferation between
tory response involving both neutrophils and eosino- wild-type and AhR / lymph node cells was more pro-
phils.29,30 Here, AhR / mice developed significantly nounced at lower OVA concentrations, but the effect on
higher eosinophilia than controls, with significantly cytokine production was seen at all concentrations tested.
higher levels of total and OVA-specific IgE (Fig. 5).
AhR / T cells respond better to priming by wild-
AhR lymph node cells have stronger antigen recall type DCs
The increased T-cell proliferation and cytokine produc-
To more closely examine the role of the AhR in the aller- tion in AhR / mice could be the result of a defect in
gic response to OVA, lymph node cells were harvested T-cell function or to an alteration in T-cell programming
from the peribronchial lymph nodes of OVA-sensitized by antigen-presenting cells. To determine whether AhR
and challenged C57BL/6 and AhR / mice at 3 and deficiency has a direct effect on antigen responses by T
7 days after challenge. After stimulation with OVA cells, we cross-bred the AhR / mice to the OT-II strain
in vitro, proliferation was measured by BrDU incorpora- that carries a transgenic T-cell receptor specific for a class
tion assay, and cytokine production was measured by II epitope of OVA.28 Co-cultures were established using
multiplex assay as described. Lymph node cells from AhR+/+:OT-II and AhR / :OT-II T cells as responders
AhR / mice harvested 3 days (data not shown) and and lung DCs from C57BL/6 (AhR+/+) mice as stimula-
7 days after challenge exhibited significantly greater pro- tors. AhR / T cells had a stronger proliferative response
liferation in vitro, in response both to OVA and to the to OVA with resting or LPS-treated DCs (Fig. 7a). Addi-
non-specific stimulus Con A (Fig. 6a). Similar to the tionally, AhR / T cells had a significantly stronger pro-
cytokine results from BAL fluid, increased proliferation liferative response to the non-specific stimulus Con A
was accompanied by increased production of the Th2 than control T cells (Fig. 7a). The OVA-stimulated T cells
cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL-13 and decreased did not produce detectable levels of cytokines, but
production of the Th1-associated cytokine IFN-c Con A-stimulated T cells produced detectable levels of

46 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54

AhR ligands regulate dendritic cells

Table 1. Lung histology scoring

C57BL/6 AhR–/–

300 IL-4 8000 IL-5

C57BL/6 AhR knockout
Abundance of 125 (n = 4) 2533 (n = 4) 200


perivascular aggregates 4000
(0–3)1 100
Eosinophilic 10 (n = 4) 253 (n = 4)
inflammation (0–3)2 0 0
Saline Day 1 Day 3 Saline Day 1 Day 3
PAS-positive cells (per 78  11 (n = 3) 112  164 (n = 3)
100 lM of bronchial IL-6 IL-10
800 120
wall, mean  SEM) *

Perivascular inflammatory cell aggregates (at least two cells thick) 400
were scored as; 0, none present; 1, surrounding ≤ 20% of blood ves- 40
sels; 2, 21–40% of blood vessels; 3, > 40% of blood vessels.
Eosinic inflammation was scored as; 0, none present; 1, Inflamma- 0 0
Saline Day 1 Day 3 Saline Day 1 Day 3
tory cell aggregates are composed of ≤ 25% eosinophils; 2, 26–50%
eosinophils; 3, > 50% eosinophils. IL-12p70 IL-13
25 300
P < 005 by Mann–Whitney non-parametric test. *
P < 005 by Student’s t-test. 200


the Th2-associated cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 and the Th1- 5
associated cytokine IFN-c, with AhR / T cells producing 0 0
significantly more IL-4 and less IFN-c (Fig. 7b). Saline Day 1 Day 3 Saline Day 1 Day 3

25 IL-17 250 MCP-1

/ *
Antigen priming by AhR DCs alters T-cell 20 200
behaviour 15 150

10 100
To investigate whether AhR deficiency alters T-cell prim- 5 50
ing by lung DCs, we harvested conventional CD11c+ DCs 0 0
from lung tissue of C57BL/6 and AhR / mice by enzy- Saline Day 1 Day 3 Saline Day 1 Day 3
matic tissue digestion and magnetic bead purification.
IFN-γ 12 TNF-α
The purified DCs were stimulated overnight with LPS 40 ** **
and subsequently pulsed with OVA. These DCs were used 30 8

as stimulators in co-cultures with wild-type (AhR+/+) 20

OT-II T cells. Proliferation was measured by thymidine 4
incorporation and cytokines were measured by multiplex
0 0
assay as described. DCs from AhR / mice promoted sig- Saline Day 1 Day 3 Saline Day 1 Day 3
nificantly more OVA-specific proliferation in OT-II T
cells than C57BL/6 DCs, whether resting or stimulated Figure 3. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient (AhR / ) mice exhi-
with LPS (Fig. 8a). AhR / DCs also promoted the bit increased T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokines following ovalbumin
(OVA) challenge. C57BL/6 mice (grey bars) or AhR / mice (black
release of higher levels of cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and
bars) were sensitized and challenged with OVA as described, and
IL-17 than did wild-type DCs. (Fig. 8b).
cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid were measured by
multiplex assay or ELISA as described in the Materials and methods.
AhR /
lung DCs are more highly activated Results shown are mean  standard error for four (saline) or six
(OVA) mice per group, and are representative of two independent
One route by which DCs can promote a Th2 response is experiments. *P ≤ 005, **P ≤ 001 by two-way analysis of variance
through production of the cytokines TNF-a and IL-6.34 with Bonferroni post-test.
After stimulating DCs overnight with LPS, the culture
supernatants were saved for analysis while the DCs were
washed with fresh media and co-cultured with T cells. cytometry. There were no differences between wild-type
Resting DCs produce very little TNF-a or IL-6, but LPS and AhR / CD11c+ DCs in the per cent expressing
strongly promotes the production of TNF-a and IL-6 by MHC class II or CD86; however, AhR / DCs exhibited
lung DCs, and cytokine production was significantly significantly higher fluorescence intensity after LPS
higher in AhR / DCs (Fig. 9a,b). We also examined stimulation (Fig. 9c and d). Interestingly, fewer AhR /
expression of activation markers on lung DCs by flow DCs express CD205, a surface marker associated with

ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54 47

T. H. Thatcher et al.

Total IgE (b)
20 000
OVA-specific IgE phase I and phase II detoxification pathways. However, it
C57BL/6 has become increasingly evident that the AhR is also an

Titre units/ml
15 15 000 important mediator of immunological functions. The

10 *** 10 000
*** * AhR plays an important role in the immune defence and
allergic sensitization of mucosal tissues, especially the
5 5000 lung. We have previously reported that AhR / mice dis-
0 0 play exaggerated lung inflammation when challenged by
Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 cigarette smoke or LPS.4 Similarly, AhR / lung cells pro-
duce greater levels of pro-inflammatory mediators when
(c) Total IgG1 (d) OVA-specific IgG1
2000 70 * stimulated with injurious stimuli.5,6 This suggests that the
Tiiter units/ml x 105 60 AhR plays an important role in regulating pulmonary
1500 50
inflammatory responses. Therefore, we hypothesized that

endogenous activation of the AhR protects the lung dur-
20 ing immune responses against inhaled allergens, and that
10 AhR / mice would develop exaggerated allergic airway
0 0 inflammation.
Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 7
To test this hypothesis, we sensitized and challenged
Figure 4. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient (AhR / ) mice exhi- wild-type and AhR / mice to inhaled OVA in a model
bit higher antibody levels following ovalbumin (OVA) challenge. of asthma-like disease. AhR / mice challenged with
C57BL/6 (grey bars) or AhR / (black bars) mice were sensitized OVA developed a more pronounced inflammatory
and challenged with OVA as described, and total and OVA-specific response with higher levels of BAL neutrophils and eosi-
IgE and IgG1 was measured in serum as described.31 (a) Total IgE, nophils, as well as greater tissue inflammation. Interest-
(b) OVA-specific IgE. (c) Total IgG1, (d) OVA-specific IgG1. Results
ingly, there were significantly more BAL cells in the
shown are mean  standard error for n = 4 to n = 10 mice per
AhR / mice at day 1 and day 7 (Fig. 1), suggesting that
group. The data were non-normally distributed and were analysed
by one-way analysis of variance using the Kruskal–Wallis non-para-
the allergic response to aerosol challenge occurs faster
metric test with Dunn’s multiple comparison test. *P ≤ 005, and does not resolve as quickly in AhR / mice. The
***P ≤ 0001. results also suggest a hyper-reactive Th2 response in
AhR / mice. We found increased BAL levels of Th2
cytokines, such as IL-5, IL-13, monocyte chemoattractant
regulatory DCs, after LPS stimulation, compared with protein 1 and IL-10, and a decrease in the Th1 cytokine
wild-type DCs (Fig. 9e). IFN-c in AhR / mice (Fig. 3). As mucus production by
airway epithelial cells is dependent on Th2 cytokines,37,38
the increase in goblet cell metaplasia in the AhR / mice
The AhR ligand FICZ inhibits DC priming of T cells
is another indication of an enhanced Th2 response
Since AhR / DCs promote greater T-cell activation, we (Fig. 2e,f). Further, AhR / mice developed high titres of
hypothesized that one function of the AhR is to down- OVA-specific IgE and lymph node cells exhibited antigen-
regulate antigen priming by DCs in concert with endoge- dependent production of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. This phe-
nous AhR ligands. To test this hypothesis, we isolated notype is similar to the stereotypical Th2 response of
wild-type DCs and co-stimulated them with LPS and BALB/c mice to OVA, and contrasts with the low levels
OVA plus the AhR ligand 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole of IgE and lymph node cell production of Th2 cytokines
(FICZ). The DCs were washed extensively and then used detected in wild-type C57BL/6 mice. AhR / mice also
to stimulate AhR / OT-II T cells. As it has been previ- developed exaggerated inflammation and IgE antibodies
ously reported that AhR ligands can suppress activation when challenged with LPS and OVA in a pure inhalation
of T cells,11,14,17,36 we used AhR / T cells that would be model (Fig. 5), suggesting that the AhR and AhR ligands
incapable of responding independently to any trace regulate the immune response to inhaled antigens under
amounts of AhR ligands remaining after washing the conditions that may be more representative of natural
DCs. As shown in Fig. 10, 100 nM and 200 nM FICZ allergic responses than the OVA/alum model.29,30 Overall,
markedly inhibited T-cell priming by treated DCs. Prim- these results are consistent with our hypothesis that the
ing by AhR / DCs was not inhibited by FICZ (not AhR is an important negative regulator that acts as a
shown). brake on pulmonary allergic responses.
Previous studies found that the treatment of rodents
with potential endogenous AhR ligands, such as FICZ,
indole-3-carbinole and quercetin, attenuated OVA-
The AhR is well known for its ability to respond to envi- induced allergic inflammation.10,39,40 In these models,
ronmental pollutants like dioxins by up-regulating the AhR activation led to reduced eosinophilia, inhibited Th2

48 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54

AhR ligands regulate dendritic cells

(a) Total cells (b) Macrophages

10 8
* C57BL/6 *

Cell number x 105

Cell number x 105
6 AhR–/–
6 *

0 0
Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 7

(c) Eosinophils (d) Eosinophil percent

2.0 50

Cell number x 105

40 ***

Cell percent

0 0
Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 7

Figure 5. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient (e) Neutrophils (f) Neutrophil percent

1·5 25
(AhR / ) mice exhibit increased allergic air- * *
Cell number x 105

way inflammation after inhalation challenge. 20

AhR / mice or AhR+/ litter mate controls 1·0

Cell (%)
were sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA) by inhala-
tion of OVA plus lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as 10
described in the Materials and methods, and 5
harvested 1, 3 or 7 days after challenge. Differ-
0 0
ential counts were performed on bronchoalve-
Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 7
olar lavage (BAL) cells and the total cell
number (a), number of macrophages (b), neu-
(g) Total IgE (h) OVA-specific IgE
trophils (c), percentage of neutrophils (d), 8 100 000
number of eosinophils (e) and percentage of **
eosinophils (f) are reported. Serum levels of 6 10 000
Titre units/ml

(g) total IgE and (h) OVA-specific IgE were


determined as described. Results shown are 4 * 1000

mean  standard error of the mean for n = 4
2 100
mice per group. *P ≤ 005, **P ≤ 001,
***P ≤ 0001 by two-way analysis of variance 0 10
with Bonferroni post-test. Day 1 Day 3 Day 7 Day 1 Day 3 Day 7

cytokine and IgE production, increased Th1 cytokine AhR / lung DCs had an increased potential to activate
levels, and decreased expression of the Th2 transcription wild-type T cells.
factor GATA3.10,39,40 However, these studies did not We confirmed the role of antigen-presenting cells in
investigate whether the AhR ligands were acting directly AhR modulation of CD4+ T-cell allergic responsiveness
on T cells or on accessory cells that may programme the by co-culturing conventional CD11c+ DCs that had been
T-cell responses. Our lymph node antigen recall experi- isolated from C57BL/6 and AhR / lung tissue with wild-
ments showed that T-cell activation in AhR / lymph type OT-II T cells and OVA. We found that AhR / lung
node cells was significantly stronger than was seen in con- DCs promoted greater non-specific and OVA-specific
trols, with greater antigen-specific proliferation and cyto- T-cell proliferation, as well as increased production of
kine production (Fig. 6), but likewise did not allow us to IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 (Fig. 8). Interestingly, AhR / DCs
determine the relative contributions of T cells and DCs to also produced higher levels of TNF-a and IL-6 (Fig. 9a,b)
the response. Therefore, we co-cultured AhR / T cells and expressed increased surface levels of MHC Class II
with wild-type lung DCs, and wild-type T cells with and the co-stimulatory molecule CD86 (B7.2) (Fig. 9c
AhR / lung DCs. Our results indicated that AhR / T and d). Finally, the non-dioxin AhR ligand FICZ partially
cells were more prone to activation by lung DCs, and that attenuated the ability of wild-type lung DCs to prime

ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54 49

T. H. Thatcher et al.

(a) 1·200 Proliferation

1·000 * *
OD450 0·600 C57BL/6


50 5 1 ConA
OVA (µg/ml)
40 IL-4 600 IL-5
30 ***
* * 400 ***


20 **

0 0
50 5 1 ConA 50 5 1 ConA
OVA (µg/ml) OVA (µg/ml)
Figure 6. Lymph node cells from aryl hydro-
600 IL-13 200 IFN-γ carbon receptor-deficient (AhR / ) mice have
*** higher antigen recall responses. C57BL/6 mice
*** 150
400 (grey bars) or AhR / mice (black bars) mice
were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin

** 100
(OVA) as described. Seven days after challenge,
200 the mice were killed, the peribronchial lymph
nodes were collected, pooled by group, and
0 0 single cell suspensions were prepared and cul-
50 5 1 ConA 50 5 1 ConA tured in vitro for 4 days with the indicated
OVA (µg/ml) OVA (µg/ml) concentration of OVA, or with 075 lg/ml
concanavalin A (Con A). (a) Proliferation was
150 IL-12p70 measured by bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU)
incorporation and detected by absorbance at
100 450 nm. (b) Cytokines were measured in cul-
ture supernatants by multiplex assay as

described. The lower limit of detection was

15 pg/ml. Results shown are the mean  stan-
dard deviation of quadruplicate wells, and are
0 representative of two independent experiments.
50 5 1 ConA *P ≤ 005, **P ≤ 001, ***P ≤ 0001 by two-
OVA (µg/ml) way analysis of variance.

T cells (Fig. 10). Hence, endogenous AhR ligands appear allergy therapeutics with AhR binding activity suppressed
to play a role in DC activation of Th2 immune responses. T-cell activation by DCs in mouse models of allergic air-
Although previous reports are generally in agreement ways inflammation,36,44,45 but several non-dioxin AhR
that exogenous AhR ligands can attenuate the ability of ligands failed to inhibit peanut-specific responses in a
DCs to prime and activate T cells, the results are some- food allergy model.26 The relative contribution of AhR
what ligand and model specific. Schulz et al. found that ligands to immune regulation via T cells or DCs is also
splenic DCs from mice treated with TCDD suppressed difficult to assess in whole animal models. Herein, we
IL-5 and IL-13 production by T cells in response to pea- have shown that endogenous AhR ligands contributed to
nut extract, a food allergen in susceptible individuals,19 the regulation of lung immune responses via lung DCs,
whereas the AhR ligand 4-n-nonylphenol reduced ear such that AhR / DCs, unable to respond to these
swelling in a mouse model of contact hypersensitivity.41 ligands, exhibited a pro-inflammatory and pro-allergic
However, TCDD was also reported to increase activation phenotype.
of CD8+ T cells by splenic DCs42 and to induce DC The AhR has also been reported to regulate the devel-
maturation and apoptosis.43 Similarly, two novel anti- opment of Th17 responses.13,14 A previous report showed

50 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54

AhR ligands regulate dendritic cells

150 * (a) Proliferation

8 **
(a) Proliferation
* C57BL/6 DCs

Stimulation index
6 AhR–/– DCs
Stimulation index

AhR+/+ T cells
AhR–/– T cells 4
50 2
0 Resting LPS
Resting LPS ConA OVA – + – +
OVA – + – +
(b) IL-4 IL-5
(b) IL-4 IL-13 10 20
100 25
* *
* 20 15

60 15

5 10
40 10
20 5
0 0 0 0
Resting LPS ConA Resting LPS ConA Resting LPS Resting LPS
OVA – + – + OVA – + – + OVA – + – + OVA – + – +
80 IFN- γ
IL-13 IL-17
6 150 *
60 *

* 4
40 100

2 50
Resting LPS ConA
0 0
OVA – + – + Resting LPS Resting LPS
OVA – + – + OVA – + – +
Figure 7. Increased proliferation and altered cytokine production in
aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient (AhR / ) T cells co-cultured Figure 8. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient (AhR / ) dendritic
with AhR wild-type dendritic cells (DCs). Lung DCs were harvested cells (DCs) promote T helper type 2 (Th2) -like responses from
from C57BL/6 (AhR+/+) mice and cultured with lipopolysaccharide naive AhR wild-type T cells. Lung DCs were harvested from
(LPS) and ovalbumin (OVA) as described. T cells were harvested C57BL/6 (AhR+/+) and AhR / mice and stimulated overnight
from the peripheral lymph nodes of OT-II/AhR+/+ and OT-II/AhR / in vitro with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plus or minus ovalbumin
mice and used as responders in a co-culture experiment at a ratio (OVA). T cells were harvested from the peripheral lymph nodes
of 4000 DCs to 40 000 T cells (i.e. a ratio of 1 : 10). (a) Prolifera- of OT-II (AhR+/+) mice and co-cultured with the DCs at a ratio
tion was measured after 4 days by thymidine incorporation assay. of 4000 DCs to 40 000 T cells. (a) Proliferation was measured
The results are reported as stimulation index normalized to OT-II/ after 4 days by thymidine incorporation assay. The results are
AhR+/+ T cells cultured with resting DCs. (b) The indicated cytoki- reported as stimulation index normalized to resting C57BL/6 DCs.
nes were determined in culture supernatants by multiplex assay as (b) Cytokines were determined in culture supernatants by multi-
described. Results shown are the mean  standard deviation of qua- plex assay as described. Results shown are the mean  standard
druplicate wells, and are representative of two independent experi- deviation of quadruplicate wells, and are representative of three
ments. *P ≤ 005 by two-way analysis of variance. independent experiments. *P ≤ 005, **P ≤ 001 by two-way anal-
ysis of variance.

that bone-marrow-derived DCs from AhR / mice

increased T-cell production of IL-17 after stimulation with definitively identified, a strong candidate is a family of
Th1-promoting bacterial ligands.46 Although IL-17 is not a tryptophan metabolites called kyneurins. Kyneurins are
significant factor in our model of allergic lung inflamma- synthesized from tryptophan by the enzyme indoleamine
tion in vivo (Fig. 3), we also observed increased IL-17 pro- 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), previously hypothesized to be an
duction by T cells stimulated with AhR / lung DCs important immune suppressor.47 Kyneurins activate the
(Fig. 8). Therefore, our study agrees with previous observa- AhR, and the AhR is required to up-regulate expression
tions that the anti-Th17 effect of AhR ligands is due at least of IDO. Kyneurins also act on bone-marrow-derived
in part to programming by antigen-presenting cells.13 DCs to suppress Th17 responses and induce regulatory
Whereas the endogenous AhR ligands responsible for T cells.46,48 In the absence of IDO, lung DCs promote
attenuating DC activation of T cells have not been allergic responses.49 Our results support the concept that

ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54 51

T. H. Thatcher et al.

(a) TNF- α (b) IL-6

5000 * 4000 *
4000 AhR–/–




0 0
Resting LPS Resting LPS

(c) MHC class II (d) CD86 (e) CD205

Control resting
Control +LPS
AhR–/– resting
Cell number

Cell number

Cell number
AhR–/– +LPS

Fluorescence intensity Fluorescence intensity Fluorescence intensity

Per cent positive Per cent positive Per cent positive

80 100 15 *


Per cent CD205+

Per cent MHC II+

Per cent CD86+


0 0 0
Resting LPS Resting LPS Resting LPS

MHC class II CD86 CD205

†† ††
3 3 1·5
Normalized GMFI

Normalized GMFI

Normalized GMFI

2 2 1·0

1 1 0·5

0 0 0
Resting LPS Resting LPS Resting LPS

Figure 9. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-deficient (AhR / ) dendritic cells (DCs) express higher levels of cytokines and altered cell surface markers.
Lung DCs were harvested from C57BL/6 (AhR+/+) and AhR / mice and stimulated overnight in vitro with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). (a) Inter-
leukin-6 (IL-6) and (b) tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) were determined in the culture supernatants by ELISA. Results shown are the
mean  standard deviation of quadruplicate wells, and are representative of two independent experiments. *P < 005 by two-way analysis of
variance. (c–e) CD11c+ DCs were analysed by flow cytometry for MHC class II (c), CD86 (d) and CD205 (e). A representative histogram is
shown (top). Graphs show the percentage of CD11c+ DCs also staining positive for the indicated marker (middle), and normalized geometric
mean fluorescence intensity (GMFI), with resting control cells set to 10 (bottom) and represent mean  standard error for three independent
experiments (for MHC and CD86) and mean  standard deviation for two independent experiments for CD205. ††P ≤ 001 by paired t-test.
*P < 005 by repeated measures two-way analysis of variance.

IDO-derived products act on the AhR to dampen activa- Because the role of AhR in regulating T-cell function is
tion of lung DCs and subsequent allergic responses to relatively better studied, we have focused largely on the
inhaled antigens. role of the AhR in regulating lung DC function. However,

52 ª 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Immunology, 147, 41–54

AhR ligands regulate dendritic cells

Proliferation AI071064, HL088325 and HL120908. These funders had no

role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision
to publish, or in the preparation of the manuscript. SHL is
6 funded in part by the U.S. Army Medical Department. The
Stimulation index

*** views expressed herein are those of the author and do not
reflect the official policy or position of the Department of
the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.

Author contributions
THT, MAW, RPP and PJS conceived the study and
designed the experiments. THT, MAW and SJP per-
LPS + + + + + +
formed experiments and collected data. SHL reviewed
OVA – + + + + +
and scored the histology. THT, MAW, SJP, CMM, SHL,
FICZ (nM) 0 0 10 50 100 200 RPP and PJS analysed the data and wrote the manuscript.
Figure 10. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligand 6-formylin-
dolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ) inhibits T-cell priming by DCs. Lung Disclosures
DCs were harvested from wild-type (AhR+/+) mice as described, and
incubated overnight with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), ovalbumin The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
(OVA) and the indicated concentration of FICZ. After washing, the
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