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Daven Genesis Encabo Feb.

Grade VII-Titanium Score:
AE#21 corrected by:

Should Students be Given Monitorial Assignments?

We already have rot our brains, stressed ourselves due to many

assignments, homework, projects and even reports. Cleaning may be one of
our responsibility but it should not be given all the time. Everytime we get to
school we clean but some students complain saying “I’m so tired, I can’t
even move my legs” or “I’m done cleaning record me”,This is because of
overloaded work. Overloaded work can cause stress and exhaustion and this
can even affect our attitude and behaviour when we are in school. Did you
know that 70% people in the world who are studying is facing stress. This
rate gets higher everyday according to CBC. Yes, we are given points when
we clean but is it the right way to motivate us? This way of motivation is one
of the reasons why Students should not be given monitorial assignments.

The problem here is we shouldn’t be given monitorial assignments

just because of the grades that we receive but the concerns for the
environment. Students nowadays think that they are already responsible by
cleaning but there is still more to learn than that because cleaning is not the
main focus of the school it is only a part of it. The solution for this is that
students can be given monitorial assignments but not every day because
this can cause even more stress. What is even the point of giving us
monitorial assignments when we are just hungry for high grades. Is that the
system that we want? The want to improve ourselves but not the
environment? This is just selfish. The benefits that we can receive from this
is we have more time for ourselves. The time to relax and forget the rough
times that we’ve been through in our lives. We are too young to experience
any of these stressful activities. We can even be more responsible in the
future because when we get to adulthood we will be out of school and there
is no one to give you grades to keep you moving that’s why we need to
move and clean by ourselves.

All in all, we can start motivating ourselves by cleaning for the

environment not for the grades received starting today. We are very
stressed and exhausted that monitorial assignments should not be given
every day. The right way to teach us and the next generation is to be more
selfless. Remember, “Motivate yourself in cleaning the environment, not for
the points.”

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