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My coworker chat is more casual and natural and my interactions with them are 
more social than by boss’s interactions 
My boss chat is more formal and serious and my interactions with them are more 
formal and more monotonous since I usually present my work or projects to them 
“the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of 
a particular profession or group.” 
Some different ways we communicate include: speech, writing, sign language, body 
language and gestures. 
The difference between listening and active listening is listening is more passive 
and your brain jumbles up the words, while active listening is more concentrated 
and your brain takes in more of the information 
Abnormally large intestine (state of being) 
A brain infection that forms abscesses 
I think APA is a kind of citation method 
In text citation is where you use different words to cite a paper or a published work. It is 
important for explaining your sources at a moments notice and to potentially avoid any 
confusion on resources 
Also Tuesday 
Effective communication can have an effect on an individual by making the person seem 
A virus is a viral infection, a bacteria is an organism and a fungus is like a plant and a 
different kingdom 
A virus is usually a pathogenic microorganism, a bacteria is a unicellular organism and fungi 
is a plantlike microorganism 
Infections spread throughout hospitals because workers do not do proper protocol and or 
patients’ diseases are very contagious and spread to visitors, then workers, then etc. We 
can prevent this spread by washing hands, using biohazard containers, disposing of waste 
and doing other protocol to ensure safety. 
Chain of Infection- Thursday 

Osha stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration and protects employees 
and make sure they work in safe places 
● Who 
● Medicaid 
● medicare 
Blood flows thru pulmonary vein 
Service doggo 

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