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⦿ Fosa craniană posterioară, dorsal de trunchiul
cerebral (subtentorial)
⦿ Separată de cortexul cerebral prin tentorium
⦿ Conectat cu TR cerebral prin pedunculii cerebelosi
⦿ Loja cerebeloasă
› inferior – faţa endocraniană a porţiunii scuamoase a
› Antero – lateral – faţa posterioară a porţiunii pietroase a
osului temporal
› Superior – cortul cerebelului
Configuraţie externă
! formă: ovalară, sferică
! Dimensiuni
◦ Lungime – 8–10 cm
◦ Înalţime - 5 cm
◦ Diametru AP – 5 cm
◦ Greutate – 150 g
! Alcătuire
◦ 2 emisfere cerebeloase
◦ Vermis (median)
! Prezintă 2 feţe
(superioară şi
inferioară), separate
de o circumferintă
pe care se află un
şanţ adânc numit
fisura orizontală.
! Faţa superioară
◦ Median – vermis
◦ Lateral – emisfere
◦ Raporturi cu faţa
inferioară a lobilor
occipitali, prin
intermediul cortului
! Faţa inferioară
◦ Median – şanţ adânc
numit vallecula ce
adăposteşte vermisul
◦ Lateral – emisfere
cerebeloase (convexe,
raport cu fosele
cerebeloase occipitale)
! Incizuri
1. Anterioară
◦ Orientată spre ventriculul IV
◦ Poate fi considerată faţa
anterioară a cerebelului, cu
2 etaje:
● Inferior: prezintă median
lueta, de la care pornesc
transversal 2 lame de
substanţă albă (val medular
posterior);inferior, vălul se
continuă cu mb tectoria
● Superior: prezintă median
fastigium (infundibul V4),iar
lateral extremităţile
cerebeloase ,unite, ale
pedunculilor cerebeloşi

! Incizuri

2. Posterioară – pătrunde
coasa cerebelului
Fisurile cerebelului:
! Împart în lobi, lobuli şi
! Pe faţa sup: fisura
primara separă lobul
anterior de cel posterior
! Pe faţa inf: fisura
postnodulară separă
lobul posterior de
! Lobul post mai prezintă:
◦ Fisura posterosuperioară
(pe faţa sup)
◦ Fisura orizontală (santul
◦ Fisura prepiramidală (pe
faţa inf)
Lateral Intermediate
Zone Zone

Floculonodular Lobe
! Corespondenta

intre lobulatia
vermisului si
lobulatia EC
! Santuri de pe

vermis ce se
continua pe EC
Lobulaţia cerebelului Lobulii vermisului Lobulii emisferelor
Lingula (I) Vincingulum lingulae
FAŢA Lobulul central (II-III) Ala lobulus centralis
SUPERIOARĂ Culmen (IV-V) Lobulul patrulater
Fisura primară
Declive (VI) Lobulul patrulater
Folium (VIIA) Lobulul semilunar
Fisura orizontală (şanţ circumferenţial)
FAŢA Tuber (VIIB) Lobulul semilunar inferior
Piramida (VIII) Lobulul digastric
Uvula (IX) Tonsila
Fisura posterolaterală
Nodulus (X) Floculus
Rostral lobe

Caudal lobe

Flocculonodular lobe

Flocculonodular lobe ≈ Vestibulocerebellum = Archicerebellum

(rol în monitorizarea echilibrului)
Rostral lobe ≈ Spinocerebellum = Paleocerebellum
(lob ant+piramida+uvula) – coordonarea tonusului muscular
Lobul posterior ≈ Pontocerebellum =
Neocerebellum (conectat cu neocortexul, rol în actul motor
Vascularizaţia cerebelului
The vertebrobasilar system arises from the first part of the subclavian arteries and
travels cranially through the transverse foramina of the upper six  cervical
vertebrae. The left and right vertebral arteries unite after they enter the cranial
vault through the foramen magnum at the pontomedullary junction. Here it forms
the basilar artery.
Three  main branches provide vascular supply to the cerebellum, two of which
arise from the basilar component of the system and one arises from each
vertebral branch of the system.
• The first branch from the basilar artery is the superior cerebellar artery. It
arises bilaterally and inferior to CN III. It provides perfusion for the superior
cerebellar region along with the superior medullary velum, pineal gland and
• The anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) arises inferior to CN VI at the
pontomedullary junction at the proximal part of the basilar artery. It then
courses posterolateral to supply the inferior and anterior cerebellar regions.
• Thirdly, a posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) arises from each
vertebral artery, just superior to the rootlet of CN XI. It provides arterial blood
to the cerebellar nuclei and its inferior surface (including the vermis).
Clinical Considerations
! Signs of Dysfunction
◦ Impaired Muscle Synergy
◦ Reduced Muscle Tone
◦ Evident in Skilled Tasks
◦ Ataxia
● Lack of Order and Coordination in Activities
● Slow Movement (Bradykinesia)
● Mild Muscular Weakness (Asthenia)
● Asynergia
● Speech difficulties (Ataxic Dysarthria)
● affects respiration, phonation, resonance and articulation,
but most pronounced in articulation and prosody.

Clinical Considerations 2
! Dysdiadochokinesia
◦ Clumsiness in Alternating Movements
◦ Tapping, Speech Sound
! Dysarthria
◦ Ataxic Dysarthria
◦ Scanning Speech
◦ Slurred and Disjointed Speech
! Dysmetria
◦ Error in Judgment of Range and Distance of Target
◦ Undershooting or Overshooting

Clinical Considerations 3
! Intentional Tremor
◦ Accessory Movement During Volitional Task
◦ vs. Parkinson’s Disease Where Tremor Lessens During
Volitional Movement
! Hypotonia
◦ Reduced Resistance to Passive Stretch
! Rebounding
◦ Inability to Predict Movement
◦ Cannot Hold Back Movement
! Disequilibrium
◦ Unsteady Gait, Body Wavering

Cerebellar Pathologies

! Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)

◦ Thrombotic, embolic or hemorrhagic
◦ Vertebrobasilar Artery
! Toxicity
◦ Chronic Alcoholism
! Progressive Cerebellar Degeneration
◦ Friedrich's Ataxia: Autosomal Recessive Heredity
Degenerative Condition
◦ Combined Sensory and Motor Dysfunctions

Clinical Considerations
Ataxia – incoordination – speech, eyes, trunk, hands,
Medial lesions
Flocculonodular and vermal lesions
- balance “drunken sailor gait”
- wide stance, falling to side of lesion
- nystagmus, difficulty in visual pursuit
- posture
Clinical Considerations
Lateral lesions
Deficits are ipsilateral to hemisphere, via crossed
dentatothalamic path and crossed corticospinals
- Deterioration of coordinated movement
- Timing delays affecting muscle contractions

- Hand coordination with repeated tasks

Intention Tremor Drunken Sailor Dysdiadochokinesia

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