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PROBLEM SET #1 Cherokee

Da Kang


a Ꭱ e Ꭲi Ꭳ o Ꭴ u Ꭵ v
Ꭶ ga Ꭷ ka Ꭸ ge Ꭹ gi Ꭺ go Ꭻ gu Ꭼ gv
Ꭽ ha Ꭾ he Ꭿ hi Ꮀ ho Ꮁ hu Ꮂ hv
Ꮃ la Ꮄ le Ꮅ li Ꮆ lo Ꮇ lu Ꮈ lv

Ꮉ m Ꮊ m Ꮋ m Ꮌ m Ꮍ m
a e i o u

Ꮎ na Ꮏ hn Ꮐ na Ꮑ ne Ꮒ ni Ꮓ no Ꮔ nu Ꮕ nv
a h

Ꮖ q Ꮗq Ꮘ q Ꮙ qu Ꮚ qu Ꮛ qu
ua ue ui o u v
Ꮝ s Ꮜ sa Ꮞ se Ꮟ si Ꮠ so Ꮡ su Ꮢ sv
Ꮣ da Ꮤ ta Ꮥ de Ꮦ te Ꮧ di Ꮨ ti Ꮩ do Ꮪ du Ꮫ dv

Ꮬ dl Ꮭ tla Ꮮ tl Ꮯ tl Ꮰ tl Ꮱ tl Ꮲ tlv
a e i o u

Ꮳ ts Ꮴ ts Ꮵ ts Ꮶ ts Ꮷ ts Ꮸ ts
a e i o u v

Ꮹ w Ꮺw Ꮻ w Ꮼ w Ꮽ w Ꮾ w
a e i o u v
Ꮿ ya Ᏸ ye Ᏹ yi Ᏺ yo Ᏻ yu Ᏼ yv

Καταπληκτική Χάρη

Ο γιος του Θεού

πλήρωσε για µας
τώρα Αυτός πήγε στο Παράδεισο
µετά αφότου πλήρωνε για µας

Τότε Αυτός µίλησε,

όταν αναστήθηκε:
‘‘Θα έρθω τη δεύτερη φορά’’
είπε όταν µίλησε Αυτός
Όλος ο κόσµος θα τελειώσει
όταν Αυτός επιστρέψει
όλοι µας θα Τον δούµε εδώ τελειώνει ο κόσµος

Ο ενάρετος που ζει

θα έρθει µετά
στο Παράδεισο τώρα δια παντός
θα ζούνε ειρηνικά

Ο γιος του Θεού πλήρωσε για µας

τώρα Αυτός πήγε στο Παράδεισο
µετά αφότου πλήρωνε για µας
ο γιος του Θεού
πλήρωσε για µας

2. There are two main dialects of Cherokee spoken by modern speakers. The Giduwa dialect
(Eastern Band) and the Otali dialect (also called the Overhill dialect) spoken in
Oklahoma. The Otali dialect has drifted significantly from Sequoyah's syllabary in the
past 150 years, and many contracted and borrowed words have been adopted into the
language. These noun and verb roots in Cherokee, however, can still be mapped to
Sequoyah's syllabary. In modern times, there are more than 85 syllables in use by modern
Cherokee speakers. Modern Cherokee speakers who speak Otali employ 122 distinct
syllables in Oklahoma.

a) Walela Amazing Grace (Cherokee Version) lyrics: u ne la nv i u we tsi / i ga go yv he i /

hna quo tso sv wi yu lo se

b) Cherokee is an endangered Iroquoian language and the native language of the


c) Sequoyah did not succeed until he gave up trying to represent entire words

d) Once Albert Gallatin saw a copy of Sequoyah's syllabary, he found the ... Cherokee is
the most populous Native American language spoke
3. As with many Iroquoian languages, Cherokee's phonetic inventory is small. The
consonants for North Carolina Cherokee are given in the table below. The consonants of
all Iroquoian languages pattern so that they may be grouped as (oral) obstruents, sibilants,
laryngeals, and resonants (Lounsbury 3 1978:337). Obstruents are non-distinctively
aspirated when they precede h. There is some variation in how orthographies represent
these allophones. The orthography used in the table represents the aspirated allophones as
th, kh, and tsh. Another common orthography represents the unaspirated allophones as d,
ɣ, and dz and the aspirated allophones as t, k, and s (Scancarelli 2005:359–62). The
unaspirated plosives and affricate are optionally voiced intervocally. In other dialects, the
affricate is a palatal (like ch in "church"), and a lateral affricate (like tl in "atlas") may
also be present.

Scancarelli, Janine. "Learning to write in the Cherokee syllabary." Mid-America Linguistics

Conference, 1994.

Holoman, D. Kern. Writing about music: a style sheet. Univ of California Press, 2014.

Books, Time-Life. The Art of Photography. Time-Life Books, 1971.

Seok, Kwang Gun. The impact of intercessory prayer upon the spiritual growth of church

members. Oral Roberts University, 2008.

Seok, Kwang Gun. The impact of intercessory prayer upon the spiritual growth of church

members. Oral Roberts University, 2008.

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