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Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor
English 1106
7 March 2020
Check point 2
Week 5 OOC
“Issue 5”
Understanding Rhetoric "Issue 5" by: Losh, Alexander, K. Cannon, Z. Cannon
In this reading they go over the importance of group work. They explain that to be successful
in life you will have to be able to work in groups. When working in groups you need to be able
to collaborate and share ideas. When collaborating it is important to listen to everyones
thoughts and ideas. You should compare ideas and come to a decision of what is the best what
to go about your group work. They also remind you when collaborating remember who your
audience is because they are often a very good collaborator since you are focusing on pulling
there attention in.
This is important not only because we will be doing group work in this class, but as the
reading said we will be doing this through out our lives. These techniques and tips will help us
to become better when working in groups. By building our teamwork skills this will help our
overall project and future assignments.

Week 5 IC
Ashley Eubank
Warm up 2/19/20

1. I have worked collaboratively with people in all of my lab classes while performing the
tasks to complete the different labs. I have worked in groups to complete worksheets or
activities in classes. In high school I had to work with some friends to put together a net
for softball practice.
2. Working together saves a lot of time and also offers another person’s perspective.
Hearing their ideas might teach you something you did not know before. Also sometimes
working in a group may be the only way you can complete the given task. When working
collaboratively it is important to listen and hear everyone’s thoughts and ideas and take
them into consideration.
Week 6 OOC
“Introduction to primary research”
"Introduction to Primary Research: Observations, surveys, and interviews" by Dana Lynn
In this reading it explains the different types of research and how depending on what you are
researching it could change how you research. People can take surveys, observations, and
interviews as a way of conducting research. When conducting primary research it explains you
need to make a timeline of how much time you need to allow yourself to conduct your data.
This timeline will allow you to completely collect and record you data you need for your paper.
This will help when deciding which type of data collection will be best for my research when
conducting my field work. I also need to decide how my time my field work will take me to
conduct and get the data that I need. So by understanding how to make a timeline I can give
myself the amount of time I will need for the field work. This will help me deciding the
questions that would be most helpful for my research as well.

Week 6 IC
Warm-up and research notes
Ashley Eubank

Reflection on “Intro to Primary Research”

I found this reading extremely useful since it told us how there is many different ways to conduct

research. I thought it was also important how they mentioned they best way of research for one

person does not have to be the best way for someone else. The concept of the timeline really

stuck out to me. Since we have due dates when we have to turn in our data, we collect then we

need to plan our time out wisely. The primary research question should help you have data to

back up or have evidence that can lead you to answer your research question.

Research Notes

There is one person who is wearing dark grey sweatpants and a light grey sweatshirt and purple

shoes. She is sitting in dark blue chair which has metal legs. She is typing on her computer.

I am inside and I cannot see outside. There are no windows only walls and big wooden doors.

There are no animals around me.

I see off white walls and brown wooden doors. The colors are very plain and do not stand out to

grab your attention.

The temperature is comfortable not very warm, but it isn’t cold either.

There is not a particular smell that sticks out to me.

Sounds flow through the hall that sound like strong winds or a storm is going on right

outside. Sounds of machines working and then they stop all of a sudden are happening and this

continues to reforest itself. People talking from a distance can also be heard

The lights are on in the hallway but yet it seems dark and empty. It seems almost abandoned.

There is a tv on the wall and several doors through the hall, most of then have what looks like a

keypad on the wall you have to type on to be able to enter the room. There are also dark grey

recycle bins in the hall. There is a bright red fire extinguisher hanging on the wall.

Reflection on observation

My labtop because I found is easy to type and take my notes as I observed

The continuous strong wind sound and keypad of some sort on the wall near most doors. I chose

these because I wasn’t completely sure what they were, and it brought interest to me because I

wanted to know and understanding what they were.

I chose this place because it seemed interesting and gave me a spooky and abandoned feeling.

Writing with so much detail really makes you notice more stuff than you would. Trying to focus
and pick out all the details going around you allows you to open your eyes and really take in a lot
of different things that are there or are happening. This activity is different because I won’t be
sitting there and observing a hallway I’m sitting in because I will be talking to be but it will be
similar since I will have to observe what they say and even the tone they say it in which will
make me really focus and pay close attention to the person and the interview we are having.

Write-Up Discussion
I chose to focus on all the observations I made since my setting was in a hallway and didn't
have a lot going on throughout it. I chose to focus on this because it was everything I was
seeing and hearing going on around me. I didn't not find it difficult to write about because I
used my memory and the notes I took while observing my setting. This process relate to my
fieldwork because I will have to take detailed notes on what people saying during the
interviews I conduct.
Question: When conducting interviews what other observations could be focused on other
then just there responses?
Fieldwork Write-Up practice
Ashley Eubank

Ms. Taylor

English 1106

28 February 2020

When conducting my research, I sat down in a hallway and begin to take in observations.

While sitting there I notice that the colors throughout the hallway were very plain and mostly

consisted of an off white or beige color on the walls and had plain wooden doors. I could not see

outside in any direction I looked; the hallway consisted of no windows that would allow me to

see outside. There were not people in the hallway except on other girl who was also taking

observations. One of the most interesting observations I saw was that on the wall right outside

most of the doors there were keypads. It looked like they maybe could be used to unlock the door

with a number code. While sitting in the hallway the temperature was comfortable it was not

chilly but also not very warm. Another interesting observation I noticed was the sounds that

flowed through the hallway. A sound of a strong wind or a storm was constantly flowing

throughout the hall. The was also the sound of some sort of machine turning on and off that

persisted while I was there. From all that I observe I got a very spooky and abandoned feeling

from this area that I observed.

Week 07 OOC
“Issue 6”
Ashley Eubank
Understanding Rhetoric "Issue 6"
Before you start collecting data or even decide how you want to conduct your research you
need to be organized. You need to have a plan on how you want to organize the data that you
collect. When saving your data it is a good idea to name it and put it somewhere that it is easy
to find later so you can go back and look at it when you need to. Also your data needs to be
organized for when you present it.
This helps when planning how to go about organizing your data. Also knowing that you should
save data in an organized way so that it is easy to find and present will help later on when
compiling all you data for the overall project. Naming your files will not only help in this
research but for all work when you need to access it quickly.
Week 07 IC
Ashley Eubank

Warm up issue 6

My overall reaction to the reading was that I found it extremely helpful when trying to prepare to

start my research. Organization was a term that really stuck with me throughout the reading. You

would use a quote when you want to state something said by a different author but don’t want to

change how it is said being you think it is very meaningful to you work. This will help draw

attention to your writing style. You would paraphrase to give an overall summary of your finding

or argument. I’ve already been paraphrasing but the idea of being so organized really helped me



One day, the detective received a letter from an old, creepy, scientist dude. The letter contained
a key which unlocked a safe. But when Liz found the safe, it was empty. She suspected that the
window washer saw the key and opened the safe while he was washing the window. Liz
suspected this because the window washer was suddenly able to buy an engagement ring and
go on an expensive honeymoon. Liz found receipts to back up her theory. When she further
looked into his part in this investigation, she came to the conclusion that he tied to a missing box
of beverages. This box of beverages was sent to the man who got sick and later died at the
hospital. The investigative team found that the bottles had been tampered with rat poison. At the
factory where the boxes were originally being shipped, the window washer’s footprint and his
window washing supplies were found.

We chose to say the window washer poisoned the man with rat poison. We chose to begin right

above her where the map was opened up and we just tried to find a way to tie everything in to
connect the window washer to the crime and didn’t focus so much on an ending spot. Trying to

figure the rat and the little dot beside it took us awhile to put together that it could be poisoned.

We just worked together to figure it out as a team. More serious because we took as if we were

trying to solve a real murder. We can compare Liz’s research with our own because we have to

have it all tie in and relate to solve our research question and it needs to be in a order that makes

since that can lead to the conclusion of our answer. TO show we need to have order to lead to a

conclusion in the end.

Annotated Bibliography-Half Draft

Ashley Eubank
Ms. Taylor
English 1106
19 February 2020
Research Question: What are the effects of social media on mental health?
Annotated Bibliography
Author and title: Jeff Cain “It’s Time to Confront Student Mental Health Issues Associated with
Smartphones and Social Media.”

Cain, Jeff. “It’s Time to Confront Student Mental Health Issues Associated with Smartphones
and Social Media.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. Sep2018, Vol.
82 Issue 7, p738-741. 4p.

In this journal it explains the relationship between social media and smart phone use and
mental health issues in students. Over the years mental health in teens has got increasingly
worse. One reason suspected of making more and more young adult’s mental health deteriorate
is social media. The is a connection between depression and the use of phones. From research it
is shown the more someone spends using screen time the more unhappy they will be. Social
media can bring down someone confidence when seeing how “perfect” someone else’s life is.
Social media can also result to people being lonely in person and in crowds, because they are
used to talking over the internet and lack the confidence and ability to have those relationship in
person. In adults it was found that if they use their phone frequently is can be associate with
depression or high stress. In teenagers the overuse of phones can lead to less sleep and symptoms
of depression. Some people use their phones and social media so much, so they don’t miss out on
events or news that is going on. They also can become addicted to social media from the feelings
they get when people like their posts or comments the receive. It is even believed that
smartphones and social media are the new drug for this generation since the actual drug and
alcohol use among millennials has decreased but the use of smartphones is continuing to go up.

Social media, mental health decline, Social media addictions, depression, high stress, short sleep
patterns, and negative effects associated with technology.

“From their 2016 survey of 5099 graduate and professional students across 34 schools, the
ACHA reports that within the last 12 months, 41.5% of students ‘felt things were hopeless,’
51.8% ‘felt very lonely,’ 55.3% ‘felt overwhelming anxiety,’ and 33.5% ‘felt so depressed that is
was difficult to function(Cain).’”

“Other members of the popular press have reported that the trend toward digital communications
has resulted in students who are lonely in crowds of thousands because they have substituted
authentic, face-to-face relationships with virtual friendships (through texts, Facebook, and
Instagram) that are void of emotional nourishment(Cain).”


Sleek S. The physiological toll of the smartphone.

smartphone. Accessed October 9, 2017.

Toma CL. Taking the good with the bad: effects of Facebook self-presentation on emotional

well-being. In: Reinecke L, Oliver MB, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Media Use and

Well-being Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge;2016.

Questions: Even though rise in anxiety has been associated with social media use, why do people

continue to constantly use social media?

Annotated Bibliography

Ashley Eubank
Ms. Taylor
English 1106
19 February 2020
Research Question: What are the effects of social media on mental health?
Annotated Bibliography
Author and title: Jeff Cain “It’s Time to Confront Student Mental Health Issues Associated with
Smartphones and Social Media.”

Cain, Jeff. “It’s Time to Confront Student Mental Health Issues Associated with Smartphones
and Social Media.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Sep 2018, Vol.
82, Issue 7, p738-741.
In this journal it explains the relationship between social media and smart phone use and
mental health issues in students. Over the years mental health in teens has got increasingly
worse. One reason suspected of making more and more young adult’s mental health deteriorate
is social media. The is a connection between depression and the use of phones. From research it
is shown the more someone spends using screen time the more unhappy they will be. Social
media can bring down someone confidence when seeing how “perfect” someone else’s life is.
Social media can also result to people being lonely in person and in crowds, because they are
used to talking over the internet and lack the confidence and ability to have those relationship in
person. In adults it was found that if they use their phone frequently is can be associate with
depression or high stress. In teenagers the overuse of phones can lead to less sleep and symptoms
of depression. Some people use their phones and social media so much, so they don’t miss out on
events or news that is going on. They also can become addicted to social media from the feelings
they get when people like their posts or comments the receive. It is even believed that
smartphones and social media are the new drug for this generation since the actual drug and
alcohol use among millennials has decreased but the use of smartphones is continuing to go up.

Social media, mental health decline, Social media addictions, depression, high stress, short sleep
patterns, and negative effects associated with technology.

“From their 2016 survey of 5099 graduate and professional students across 34 schools, the
ACHA reports that within the last 12 months, 41.5% of students ‘felt things were hopeless,’
51.8% ‘felt very lonely,’ 55.3% ‘felt overwhelming anxiety,’ and 33.5% ‘felt so depressed that is
was difficult to function(Cain).’”

“Other members of the popular press have reported that the trend toward digital communications
has resulted in students who are lonely in crowds of thousands because they have substituted
authentic, face-to-face relationships with virtual friendships (through texts, Facebook, and
Instagram) that are void of emotional nourishment(Cain).”

Sleek S. The physiological toll of the smartphone.
smartphone. Accessed October 9, 2017.
Toma CL. Taking the good with the bad: effects of Facebook self-presentation on emotional
well-being. In: Reinecke L, Oliver MB, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Media Use and
Well-being Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge;2016.
Questions: Even though rise in anxiety has been associated with social media use, why do people
continue to constantly use social media?

Author and title: Leah Shafer “Social Media and Teen Anxiety”
Shafer, Leah.“Social Media and Teen Anxiety.” Illustrated by Wilhelmina Peragine, 15 Dec
2017, Harvard Graduate School of Education,

In this article it explains how the rate of teenage anxiety and depression has gone up over
the past years. Suicidal thoughts have also increased and is usually teenagers that use a lot of
screen time and are mostly girls. Since the first iPhone was release there has been a rise in
mental health concerns in teens. Social media allows the teens to get feedback on how people
feel about them and how they look. Teenagers wanting to fit in and have friends has always
existed, but having social media gives them a different way to put themselves out there on a
much bigger scale and can also change how they present themselves. The pressure and anxiety
teenagers are feeling have constantly existed but since social media is such a huge platform this
could be the cause for the growth of these problems. There are many pressures a person can face
when posting a picture on social media. People feel they need to post pictures that are attractive
so then they can get more likes and feel people like them. Another social media problem that
some face is when people post hurtful or unwanted comments or picture which you can’t control.
Another issue can be feeling left out of an event when you see certain posts of activities or plans
you were not invited too.

Keywords: social media, anxiety, sleeplessness, loneliness, poor self-esteem, mental health,
insecurity, pressure, adolescents
“One study found that 48 percent of teens who spend five hours per day on an electronic device
have at least one suicide rick factor, compared to 33 percent of teens who spend two hours a day
on an electronic device” (Shafer).
“She’s seen teens with anxiety, poor self-esteem, insecurity, and sadness attributed, at least in
part, to constant social media use” (Shafer).
Walsh, Bari. “Helping teens develop the digital literacy skills they need to manage the glossy
images they see on social media.” 20 Sept 2017, Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Questions: Why do teenagers feel the need to know how others feel about them?
Authors and title: Satinder Kaur and Deepika Vig “Selfie and Mental Health issues: An
Kaur, Satinder and Deepika Vig. “Selfie and Mental Health issues: An Overview.” Indian
Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 2016, Vol. 7, Issue 12, p1149-1152.
In this article the addiction of taking selfies is explained and how sometimes negative
outcomes are associated with this addiction. Incidents have occurred where people trying to take
selfies have died on numerous occasions in India especially. There have also been several studies
that have found a connection with taking pictures and a person self-esteem level. It is usually
found that the more selfies a person takes the lower self-esteem they have. They more selfies
someone takes also is linked to loneliness, being self-centered, and seeking attention. Dr. Charles
Sophy, a psychiatrist, is quoted in the article and basically talks about how joining social media
adds on to the already existing peer pressure every teen goes through. The article explains the
more time people spend on social media the less happy they usually feel. Another topic argues in
the article is that the more selfies someone take and spends on social media the less the tend to
have personal skills. These people lack the ability to be social and personal with people which
therefore makes them tend to become lonely.

Keywords: mental health, addiction, social media, selfie, depression, loneliness, selfie addiction,
“The extent of selfie addiction can be well judged from the fact that many deaths have been
reported in India due to increasing obsession of taking selfies in general public” (Kaur).
“The more people used Facebook ‘the worse they felt’ and ‘the more their life satisfaction levels
declined over time” (Kaur).
Campbell, C. (2014). Nobody liked my selfie and now the country is going to hell. Retrieved
Carol (2013). How do selfies impact self-esteem? Retrieved from
Questions: Why do unsecure people take the most selfies?

Field Work Half Draft

Ashley Eubank


English 1106

1 March 2020

Field Work

Interviews questions

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?

If yes why and if no why not?

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

Do you think social media does more harm than good?

Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?

Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

Interview answers
1st interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?

“I think it can”

If yes why and if no why not?

“Some people’s self-confidence isn’t high”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

“Because people see other people doing better than them and could hurt their self-confidence”

Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?

“No not really”

Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

“I am on my phone a lot”

What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“2 hours”

2nd interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?


If yes why and if no why not?

“People lack self-confidence”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?


Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?


Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

“Probably yeah”

What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“5 hours”

3rd interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?


If yes why and if no why not?

“because they see images of other people and want to look like that and they think they should

live that way instead of their own life, and it isolates them from the world”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

“Because they believe the people’s life are exactly like the pictures and want to live perfect


Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?


Do you think you have an addiction to social media?


What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?
“4 hours”

4th interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?


If yes why and if no why not?

“Because you rely on social media to interact with people and have their opinion of you based on

social media”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

“Lack of confidence”

Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?


Do you think you have an addiction to social media?


What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“9 hours”

When asked all four participants said that they thought social media does affect people’s

mental health. A lot of them respond with people that lack self confidence could develop mental

health issues through the use of social media. One person talked about how seeing images of

other can cause them to want to look like that instead of themselves. Another person mentions

how people only react over social media and let people judge them on social media. This can
lead to a lack in personable skills. Most of the participants said that social media does more good

than it does harm which shows social media does have benefits. None of the participants felt

pressure from social media. The participants admitted to having addictions and being on social

media a lot. The ranges of daily averages on social media ranged from 2-9 hours. From the

interviews it can be shown they all recognize that social media does have problems that can lead

to serious mental health issues. We can also see that being addicted to social media is a real thing

that today’s generation might be suffering from. One person said they think the biggest cause of

mental health from social media is cyberbullying. People that lack self-confidence and then

receive mean comments or messages on social media can be strongly affected from this and

suffer from some issue like depression. Another point mention in one of the interviews was how

people rely on social media to interact with people. This can lead them to lack social skills and

can cause them to feel lonely because they never get to experience a person to person

relationship. Seeing pictures people project as their life can sometimes be deceiving but others

will believe it to be true. When seeing how great others look and how perfect their lives seem to

be can cause others to look down on themselves which has a significant impact on their mental


Field Work

Ashley Eubank


English 1106

1 March 2020

Field Work

Interviews questions
Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?

If yes why and if no why not?

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

Do you think social media does more harm than good?

Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?

Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

Interview answers

1st interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?

“I think it can”

If yes why and if no why not?

“Some people’s self-confidence isn’t high”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

“Because people see other people doing better than them and could hurt their self-confidence”

Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?

“No not really”

Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

“I am on my phone a lot”

What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“2 hours”
2nd interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?


If yes why and if no why not?

“People lack self-confidence”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?


Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?


Do you think you have an addiction to social media?

“Probably yeah”

What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“5 hours”

3rd interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?


If yes why and if no why not?

“because they see images of other people and want to look like that and they think they should

live that way instead of their own life, and it isolates them from the world”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?
“Because they believe the people’s life are exactly like the pictures and want to live perfect


Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?


Do you think you have an addiction to social media?


What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“4 hours”

4th interview

Do you think social media affects people’s mental health?


If yes why and if no why not?

“Because you rely on social media to interact with people and have their opinion of you based on

social media”

What do you think is the biggest reason social media can lead to mental health issues?

“Lack of confidence”

Do you think social media does more harm than good?


Do you personally feel pressured by social media in any way? If yes how?


Do you think you have an addiction to social media?


What is the average daily amount of time you spend on social media?

“9 hours”

For my field work I chose to conduct surveys. I decided on this method of research

collection to help me better understand if people recognize social media problems and what some

of them are. This method was most useful to my research since majority of my secondary

research gave numbers, percentages of people that suffer mental health issues that can be related

to social media. By asking the participants if they think social media can lead to mental health

problems or making existing issues worse, we can get a since of people being aware and also

what some of the issues causing these issues are.

When asked all four participants said that they thought social media does affect people’s

mental health. A lot of them respond with people that lack self confidence could develop mental

health issues through the use of social media. One person talked about how seeing images of

other can cause them to want to look like that instead of themselves. Another person mentions

how people only react over social media and let people judge them on social media. This can

lead to a lack in personable skills. Most of the participants said that social media does more good

than it does harm which shows social media does have benefits.

None of the participants felt pressure from social media. Although none of them directly

feel pressed a few of them mentioned how people feel they should live their life bases on what

they see others doing on social media. When people feel this way it puts pressure on them to post

pictures pretending to be someone they aren’t or live a life they don’t which can be draining

mentally. The participants admitted to having addictions and being on social media a lot. The
ranges of daily averages on social media ranged from 2-9 hours. A huge problem today’s

generation suffers from is being addicted to their phones and social media. People consistently

being on their phones has really change the way people communicate in the world. Most people

today are more comfortable talking to one another behind a screen than they are face to face.

From the interviews it can be shown they all recognize that social media does have

problems that can lead to serious mental health issues. We can also see that being addicted to

social media is a real thing that today’s generation might be suffering from. One person said they

think the biggest cause of mental health from social media is cyberbullying. People that lack self-

confidence and then receive mean comments or messages on social media can be strongly

affected from this and suffer from some issue like depression. Another point mention in one of

the interviews was how people rely on social media to interact with people. This can lead them to

lack social skills and can cause them to feel lonely because they never get to experience a person

to person relationship. Seeing pictures people project as their life can sometimes be deceiving

but others will believe it to be true. When seeing how great others look and how perfect their

lives seem to be can cause others to look down on themselves which has a significant impact on

their mental health.

In conclusion we can see that social media drive people to gather likes and

other’sopinions based off pictures that sometimes does not even represent who they truly are.

The want to have people like you and share stuff with people has always existed but social media

has given it a worldwide platform. Although this can be good it has cause people to pretend and

hide behind screens. Other times people can say degrading stuff to other with plays a big role om

mental health. Being addicted to social media plays multiple roles when affecting mental health.

One of the biggest would be lack of sleep with can be degrading to mental health.

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