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The Sisterhood of Nigh

In the beginning there was only darkness. Chaos emerged from every corner
of the land and there was no one to stand up and unite the people as one. Failed
attempts of building a government were short and unloved, moreover futile for no one
would agree on a common leader. Then however, a man stepped up and brought
forth an idea so perfect and ideal that it was bound to work. To create equality among
every man, woman and child. Communism. The idea of diminishing the status of being
"poor", a status also known as proletariats as well as decreasing and even destroying
the gap between the bourgeaisis, the rich and the poor. In theory of course.(118) Every
man, even the one with the right mind and heart can become corrupt and indeed that is
what politics does, corrupts even the purest of things. A government created to
help the people in(by) all means necessary, the same one which preached of rights for
both males and females of all ages, in both financial and social status, went
rouge(rogue). (179) This (has) of course affected art, since art is influenced by the acts
of society as well as the fact that art was controlled and censored by the government, I
would go to the extent of saying that it was even used as propaganda in order to
adhered and show the civilians what the social norms were, as well as proper and
improper deeds.<(run-on sentence) Furthermore, communism might have started out
with the right ideas, however, the fact that those ideas were so ideal contributed to its

Being a female, a girl, a woman, an old lady is the hardest thing on this
planet. They do so many things people are ungrateful for. They procreate and uplift
everyone and everything surrounding them.<(a bit stereotypical and generic?)
Give a woman groceries and she will make you dinner, give a woman sperm and
she will create a life. She can do so many wondrous and miraculous things and yet she
is compared and equalized to children and crooks or sometimes is even brought
enough beneath them.<(reword, and prove it) She is looked down upon and
viewed as housing for the man's child.(362) She is the most valuable roughened up
diamond, covered in dirt, that no one seems to notice or acknowledge as a valuable
stone. Up until the 19th century a woman has been(was) denied her basic rights and
was considered to be the lowest of the low(prove it). Among the first countries to give
(women) the right to vote was communist Russia(when? proof). In order to create a
society which grants equal rights, equilibrium among the sexes was to be made,(new
sentence) the government was fully aware of this, so through its manipulative, influential
ways the act(use) of propaganda was committed by Alexander Rodchenko a well known
photographer and Soviet follower whom was paid to create a posters displaying the
equality which was meant to be seen among the crowds.<(run-on sentence) The piece
was actually a company poster ( the company was name was "Profsonoz") displaying
how women in the workplace are respected and their views and ideas are valued. The
wording other than the name of the company displays an inscription which states
something under the lines of "The works of females is our strength" and "We are the
protectors of female attempts." (559) Thus, through cliche ways Rodchenko put across
the word of the values and strengths, as well as equality of women.
In addition, one of the many reasons why the communist government was
chosen(it wasn't chosen, it was a revolution) by the people as the ruling government
was because it promoted women rights and freedoms. (607)

Art has the ability to twist and bend the meaning. To cover the truth like a veil
covers a woman's face, and hide her expressions and feelings. To show one thing and
yet hide another through deceitful trickery accomplished through various techniques.
Wielding this kind of ability, no this kind of power, one would be able to control the
masses at their own whim. Politics would have to gain this skill as an ally to appease
the crowds whom chose them as their voice. By using an artist Rodchenko, whom
willfully and gladly would lend his knowledge of art to the government, one would
have the ability to convey laws and constrictions through means of colage and brush
strokes. By using bold typography, and sticking to a common yet empowering colour
scheme, which consists of black, red and white on a manila sort of background,
Rodchenko succeeds at creating an impact on the viewer as well as an opinion and
feeling. He creates a reaction, no matter if positive or negative, it (n)either astounds or
mocks the views or ideals of the public. He uses images which display hardworking
women pursuing the acts of their given career. He also centres an enlarged image of a
woman engaged in the reading of a working manual by leading the viewers eyes from
the edges of the paper to the centre, through the use of colour, shapes and
proportions. The simplicity of the design, compliments the complexion of the
photographs, making them almost seem as though they were images being
holographically displayed. The textures of the black pictures work very well with the
flatness of the colours in the background, since they seem highlighted by the colours,
thus indicating their importance within the piece.
Therefore, through the use of different techniques, Rodchenko succeeds at
making the art speak to the people.(903)

As bluntly stated above, art does not impact society, tis the other way around.
Famine, starvation, war and other happenings impact art throughout various ways. They


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