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Management Control Reports

Not by Money Alone . . .

S. K. Bhattacharyya

The use of specifically designed reports for

measuring, controlling, and monitoring manage-
ment performance at different levels of manage-
ment has become widespread during the last
The extent of effectiveness of management control two decades. The objective of these reports is
reports has not matched the great promise generated by to provide to the organization and its managers,
the development of concepts of management planning and on an ongoing basis, management control for
control, and advances made in data processing in the achieving the planned levels of organizational
last decade. The primary reason for this gap is the mone- and managerial performance. Significant ad-
tary orientation of such reports. Analyses of current
vances have been made in recent years in
theory and practice indicate that while the requirements
developing a conceptual framework for design-
of non-monetary or operational data for control has been
recognized, they have not been translated into an opera-
ing such management control systems. Some
tional and managerial framework. Recent studies of
of the major advances relate to :
Hofstede, Sord and Welsch, and Bhattacharyya and 1. Schematic classification (Anthony, 1965) of the
Camillas have highlighted the need for integrating mone- management planning and control process in three broad
tary and non-monetary data into a common framework. streams: a) Strategic Planning, b) Management Control,
and c) Operational Control.
They have also suggested operational and managerial 2. Recognition (Anthony, 1965) of requirements of
guidelines for designing management control reports ref- goal congruence between organizational and individual
goals in designing such systems. 1
lecting the critical variables at various levels of manage- 3. Identification (Dearden, 1969) of problem areas in
ment. In this article, the 'nature of such variables has administering management control system which focus
been analysed in some detail and illustrated, assumptions sharply on ROI (Return on Investment).
4. Development of conceptual (Dearden, 1966) and
for designing effective management planning and control operational (Marples, 1963) frameworks for developing
reports have been formulated, and a conceptual frame- and reporting performance data for management planning
and control.
work has been suggested. 6. Recognition of time span problem (Dearden, 1968)
in performance appraisal based on management control
reports which relate to relatively short periods.

The widespread application of electronic data

processing, which began in mid-sixties, has
S.K. Bhattacharyya is IFCI Professor of Management at
the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He is
significantly contributed to excellent logistical
a consultant to and director of several public and support for much quicker data processing and
private sector organizations. He was a visiting professor expeditious reporting. More importantly, EDP
at the Harvard Business School and associate consul- has made it possible to analyse performance
tant with the McKinsey & Co. Inc. His areas of interest data by way of various permutations and com-
are management planning and control, and organizational binations of managerial variables, e.g., products,
structure. locations, customer groups, functions—market-
ing, production, purchase, etc. Management

1 Possibly the first study which generated this under-

standing was the General Electric Project.

Vikalpa, Vol.1, No.4, October 1976 1

reports for analysis of performance data for 2. Management control reports are poorly designed
and seem to follow textbook prescription of cost classifi
planning, decision making and controlling has cations and variance analysis and overwhelming concern
reached new level of sophistication, hithertofore that all data should be precise and mutually reconcilable
in a neat financial accounting sense. Moreover, in most
not feasible on manual basis. Given all these situations they fail to match the requirements of differing
developments, it would be reasonable to expect planning and control data needs at different management
that management reporting systems would attain 3. The financial data in the management control
near-ideal level of effectiveness and efficiency reports are developed on the basis of generally accepted
accounting principles which are based on external and
and make significant contributions to the total statutory reporting considerations arising out of Companies
management task of attaining the organizational Act rather than management usage. In other words, the
basic objective is to develop periodic "score-keeping"
goals. profit and loss accounts and cost statements rather than
Most thinkers and practitioners who are provide a cutting edge to management's desire for iden
tifying what is wrong, what can be done, what needs
knowledgeable about the realities in this regard to be done and who should do it.
in the business world have, however, come to 4. The cost data in management control reports tend
to follow excessively finely tuned classifications required
the conclusion that these expectations have not for esoteric variance analysis which provide little or no
been substantially fulfilled. Many analysts attri- help in managerial analysis of performance data.
5. Most management control systems are designed,
bute such relative ineffectiveness of the manage- implemented, and administered by professional accountants
(or in recent years, computer specialists), who are basi
ment control reports to organizational consi- cally functional or systems specialists. Such professionals
derations. Amongst the major reasons identified are primarily concerned with financial accounting, tax,
finance, etc., of data processing. Such an orientation
by them are : possibly hinders the development of adequate under
1. Inability (or unwillingness) to process meaningfully standing and insights relating to critical operational vari
the control data generated and to take toughminded ables and the total management framework whereby the
remedial action based on systematic review and follow-up strands of individual functions can b« weaved into a total
in a climate of mutuality and collaborative action. managerial fabric in the context of management planning
2. Absence of a properly organised controller's depart and control.
ment or the ineffectiveness of the controller, where such
a setup exists. Practising managers would have very little
3. Lack of management support to the management difficulty to relate these dimensions to the
control system stemming from top management styles and
values or inability (or possibly, unwillingness) to use effectiveness and efficiency of management
quantitative data for planning and controlling.
control reports in real situations. The problem,
Much has been written on these very real then, is not one of lack of concepts or a sus-
problems of management which need continued taining framework but one of failure of systems
future attention on the part of behavioural design and administration. This article probes
scientists and management thinkers. Perhaps these problem areas, identifies causes which
Marvin Bower of McKinsey and Co. Inc., the contribute to the problems, and suggests what
world renowned firm of management consul- designers and managers can do to resolve these
tants, puts this issue in the most fundamental problems.
terms when he identifies these problems as
indicative of "unwillingness to manage." The Problem Areas
present article does not propose to explore these In beginning our analysis of the problem
issues. It limits its examination of ineffectiveness areas, we assume that management control
of management control reports to the other reports in most organizations are prepared with
major consideration—systemic problems in the reference to annual budgets. The organizational
areas of design and administration. It is hypo- budget sets the financial performance goals for
thesized that such ineffectiveness—or systems the organization and for the various functions
failure—arises because : (marketing, production, etc.), product groups
1. Control reports are usually oriented towards mone- and productlines, regions, etc. These targets are
tary performance and, therefore, focus wholly or primarily
on monetary data ignoring that management control then broken up into smaller period (monthly or
depends as much on insights relating to "means" as quarterly) budgets which in aggregete match
knowledge of "ends." The assumption seems to be
management control and accounting data are identical. the desired level of performance for the total

2 Vikalpa
organization. The control reports at the lowest their attention is not diffused over areas in respect of
which performance is satisfactory and requires no
level, i.e., at the operational level, are designed remedial action.
around measurement of performance of indivi-
Notwithstanding the great achievements of
dual responsibility centres with reference to
the budgetary control system, many thinkers
their budgets and highlight the variances. The
have identified the reasons why such budget
operational level reports for these responsibility
based management planning and control is
centres, e.g., production shops, functional de-
ineffective in many situations. Some of the
partments, marketing territories, and productlines,
reasons identified are :
are then aggregated into product group,
functional or regional reports to provide similar 1. The problem of directing activity towards a goal
by way of generating the required individual motivation:
kind of management control information, com- This problem is ignored by and large in the case of cost
paring targets with actual performance for accounting and budgeting excepting in so far as it deals
with the issues such as understanding (or the lack there
executive management heading such operations. of) of accounting reports by others. (Stedry, p. 12)
These executive management level reports are 2. The problem of setting up standards of achievement
to be reflected in the target: There is considerable doubt
in turn aggregated for the entire organization whether performance, measured by budget variances,
to provide the top management control reports serves as output measure of the effectiveness of the
system. (Hofstede, p. 122)
again comparing actual performance in relation 3. Budget pressures lead to many human problems
to organizational targets, relating to sales, cost and tend to place the concerned managers under tension.
This tension may lead to inefficiency, aggression, and
of production, gross margin, overheads, profit perhaps complete breakdown. (Argyris, p. 25)
before tax, profit after tax, rate of return on 4. Budgets tend to make managers see only the
problems of their own department. 2
investment, cash flow, etc. This modular con- 5. in many situations, variances are not susceptible
cept of budget-related control reports, which to effective managerial action because of the multifunc
tional nature of most remedial tasks. (Bhattacharyya
is built up by aggregating successively the and Camillus)
modules at operational management and execu- 6. Budgets are not backed up, in most situations, by
action programmes identifying what requires to be done,
tive management levels to generate organiza- who will do it and by what time such action should be
tional control report, is almost universal in its completed. (Bower)
7. The lower level supervisors/managers are concerned
application. with achievement of operational tasks; usually they do
People in the business world as also not feel that the budgeting process is fair, relevant, and
useful to them. (Sord and Welsch)
academics rightly claim the tremendous contri-
bution made to the management process by The Stranglehold of Monetary and
such planning and control (based on budgeting Accounting Data
and reporting). These claims are based on the There are other studies which have high-
following premises : lighted many deficiencies of most budgetary
1. The budgetary control system forces the corporate control systems, in behavioural as well as in
management to translate the long run organizational operational terms, which significantly reduce the
objective into specific financial terms.
2. It brings in the discipline of formalized and systema effectiveness of such systems. These problem
tic setting of targets consistent with the potential. areas have in the past received considerable
3. It forces the management to break up the organiza
tional tasks into functional, productline, and regional per attention and new responses are being conti-
formance targets. The organizational targets are broken nuously evolved for overcoming such problems.
up into more specific financial targets of achievement for
the lowest level responsibility centres, i.e., production However, it is contended that one of the major
shops, functional departments, territories, productlines, etc., problem areas in the budget had not been
thereby providing a means of monitoring the achievement
of the total organizational objective by way of controlling
the performance of all the responsibility centres. 2 According to the Argyris study, the operational
4. It allows management at all levels to continuously managers think that budgets never show the reasons why
measure the performance, relate performance to the de they have never been met. "I think the budget boys think
sired level of achievement, identify areas of shortfall,'and] things are simple—just add up the figures. But factory
take remedial action. knows all the things that could easily affect them. These
5. It allows reporting by exception at all management factors are important to us. There are so darn many
levels, pinpoints responsibility for performance, and focuses extenuating circumstances about each budget. But the
management attention sharply on variances ensuring that budget people just don't see these circumstances."

Vol.1, No.4, October 1976 3

identified in any of these studies, and it requires Past Inhibitions of Theory and Practice
attention of the systems designers, corporate
management, academicians, and researchers It might be useful at this stage to analyse
who are concerned with developing a more briefly why management planning and control
effective framework for management planning systems, in most situations, have been equated
and control. Briefly stated, this problem arises with the financial budgeting based reporting
because most budgetary control systems (and, system or as Dearden (1973) calls it "financial
therefore, the management control reports) are control systems." He views economic or mone-
almost entirely framed in monetary terms. Bud- tary resources as only a subset of the total
gets in most situations deal with financial targets resources of a company and defines "economic
highlighting the required performance in resources as those resources traditionally mea-
monetary terms—sales, cost, gross margin, over- sured by the accounting system." He postulates
heads, profit after tax, return on investment, that "the financial control system, then, is a
cash flow, etc., thereby failing to pay attention subset of the total management system."
to five major dimensions : A survey of the current literature indicates
that thinkers in this field and designers of sys-
tems have almost invariably limited the scope
1. While money has the great merit of providing a of their work and writing to monetary control
common denominator for purposes of measurement, it
essentially represents one of the several outputs of mana systems. Anthony who begins by defining
gerial action. Effective management plannig and control management control as the "process by which
should focus on critical variables at all management levels
which determine management success and effectiveness managers assure that the resources are obtained
rather than merely report one of the output. In other and used effectively and efficiently in the
words, planning and control should be as much concerned
with the process and means as with the ends. accomplishment of the management's objec-
2. The executive management level managers heading
functions, regions, or product groups are basically con tives," goes on to assume that such systems
cerned whih monetary performance in respect of their own have an underlying financial structure and
activities. This is rightly so because they are held respon
sible for translating the long term organizational goals underpinning. He says :
into medium and short term (usually annual) targets of
financial performance. However, this assumption is not Since the managment control process encompasses the
valid either in relation to corporate management concern totality of the organization, management control sys-
ed with the thrust and direction of the organization tems, with rare exceptions, have an underlying financial
as a whole or operational management who are charged structure; that is, plans and results are expressed in
with the responsibility of carrying out specific short term monetary units. Money is the only common denomi-
tasks effectively and efficiently. The data for target setting nator by means of which the heterogeneous elements
(i.e., planning) and controlling, therefore, should reflect of outputs and inputs (e.g., hours of labour, type of
such appropriate weightages between monetary and non- labour, quantity and quality of material, amount and
monetary dimensions at different management levels. kind of products produced) can be combined and
3. Financial data, comparing actual performance with compared. (Anthony, 1965, p. 41)
financial targets, do not provide any indication relating
to the contributory factors leading to such results. Invar
iably, a further ad hoc analysis requires to be made for In rationalizing the above assumption, he says :
such financial variances in operational terms (e.g.,
wastages, rejections, machine and labour productivity, A management control system is ordinarily built around
utilisation, market share, and price) or in relation to a financial core, since money is the only common
external factors (e.g., market condition, competitor be denominator for the heterogeneous elements of inputs
haviour, availabiliity of raw materials, inputs like power, and outputs. (Anthony, 1965, p. 78)
and regulatory measures).
4. An excessively fine tuned accounting oriented
managerial analysis shifts managerial attention from critical However, Anthony allows that the two extreme
variables and leads to rationalisation of inadequate finan parts of the management planning and control
cial performance based on factors which are not either
reflected in the targets or reported in the control reports. system, i.e., strategic planning and operational
5. It is seemingily assumed that all managers, irres control, might require non-financial and non-
pective of their professional background and management
level, are versed in the art of financial analysis. Since monetary data. According to him :
profit, cash-flow, return on investment, etc., are the
desired outputs, it also seems to be automatically assumed
that all managers understand the sophisticated financial Operational control data are often nonmonetary. They
analysis reflected in the budget and control reports. may be expressed in terms of man-hours, number of
items, pounds of waste, and so on. Each operational

4 Vikalpa
control system is designed for a limited area of appli- Several authors reflect the obsession with
cation, so that it is feasible to use the basis of measure-
ment that is most appropriate for that area. (Anthony, monetary structure of control systems though
1965, p. 78)
their views are normative (as distinct from the
conceptual base of Anthony's reasoning). For
In analysing the nature of the strategic planning
example, Welsch describes the purpose of per-
process, he comments :
formance report as follows :
Strategic planning relies more heavily on external infor- 1. Comparison of actual and planned costs, revenues,
mation, that is, on data collected from outside the assets, liabilities and equities to determine the
company, such as market analyses, estimates of costs extent to which the profit plan was met or exceeded
and other factors involved in building a plant in a (performance measurement).
new locality, technological developments, and so on. 2. Analysis of variations between actual and plans to
(Anthony, 1965, p. 43) determine causes and to provide a basis for correc
tive action. (Welsch, pp. 83-84)
However, having made these gestures towards
the possible claims of data of nonmonetary The illustration of a performance report provid-
nature for strategic planning and operational ed by Welsch (p. 341) is entirely composed of
control, Anthony feels it necessary to return to financial data relating to direct material, direct
his theme that money should be the only labour, departmental overheads—all in monetary
basis for management control system. He and cost accounting terms. The interesting thing
rationalizes his position in the following manner: is that while it provides a great deal of variance
analysis in monetary terms, it is not considered
Although management control systems have financial necessary to highlight the critical operational
underpinnings, it does not follow that money is the factors which lead to such variances.
only basis of measurement, or even that it is the most
important basis. Other quantitative measurements, such Robert Deming (p. 216), who conducted
as enrollment, grades, market share, yields, productivity his research under Robert Anthony relating to
measures, tonnage of output, and so on, are useful.
So are non-quantitative expressions of quality, ability, characteristics of effective management control
co-operation, and other attributes. We simply mean based on an in-depth study of a large indu-
that, in most organizations, money is the only deno-
minator that can relate the various pieces to one another strial organization came to the conclusion that
and that a financial structure is therefore essential to performance report should be in economic
the management control process. (Anthony, 1965, p. 42)
terms :
In another context, he adds :
The committee stressed the importance of designing a
management control system which contained certain
Moreover, in management control system, nonmonetary economic fundamentals. These were 1) cost-price-volume
information should be reconcilable with monetary infor- relationship, 2) segregation of fixed from variable costs,
mation. Information on the number of personnel should and 3) an elemental cost system which easily provided
be relatable to information on the cost of personnel, different costs for different purposes. The author added
for example. (Anthony, 1965, p. 43) a fourth, flexible budget reporting and controlled
transfer of budgeted funds.
This article questions the validity of
Anthony's assumptions on three counts : Deming, in spite of his detailed research, obvi-
ously found it easier to explain effectiveness in
1. The management process, and for that reason
management control syetem, cannot be assumed away to "cookbook" terms rather than probe the process
relate solely to money, i.e., the end and not variables of management control.
which lead to such ends, i.e., the means.
2. It is necessary to design the three distinct parts of Similarly, another renowned author Robert
an integrated management planning and control system Beyer from the field of public accounting
representing a continuum—strategic planning, management
planning and control, and operational control—with different equates the whole process of planning and
underlying structures, some in terms of emphasis on control with profitability accounting.
money and others in terms directing attention to external
information and operational data.
3. It is unnecessary to assume that all nonmonetary Some Recent Research Findings
information should be reconcilable with the monetary
information in the management control reports for pur
poses of management control (as distinct from requirements Fortunately, researchers who were involved
of accounting).
in analysing and probing the nuances of the

Vol.1, No.4, October 1976

effectiveness of the management planning and The validity of Hofstede's hypothesis was
control process in the marketplace situation established by the study of Sord and Welsch
or practising managers, who are charged with based on their examination of management
the responsibility of making the management planning and control systems in 1 1 2 companies.
control process effective, did not take the They came to the conclusion that managers
narrow and constricting view reflected in the and supervisors find very little of relevance in
works of Anthony, Welsch, Deming, Beyer, et al. management control reports as is evident from
Hofstede brought this basic dilemma up in some of the comments quoted in their study:
his research findings by holding the view that
Provide me with more adequate, accurate and timely
the objective of the periodic reports is not only that facts about the working situation, so that I may measure
they are understood but also that they are used... performance and progress at predetermined intervals,
there is some correlation between understandability and make comparisons with plans and goals, and have a
attitude indicating that understandability of reports is a sounder basis for decisions. (Sord and Welsch, p. 195)
hygienic factor in budget system. (Hofstede, p. 202)
Another supervisor expressed his viewpoint in
He dramatized his viewpoint by the following
slightly different terms :
quote from a manager whom he interviewed:
I pass the report on to the foreman with a number of I think our real trouble is due to the fact that a great
questions on a slip of paper. They take it to the budget majority of the planning personnel have actually lost
accountant to find out where the figures come from contact with shop conditions and people. This condi-
(second-line manager). (Hofstede, p. 202) tion leads to loss of confidence by the people in the
shop and results in confusion and costly improvisation
and changes. (Sord and Welsch, p. 207)
He identified that one of the factors contribu-
ting to this lack of understandability relates to The research findings of Hofstede and
the monetary or accounting underpinning of the those of Sord and Welsch were in a sense
management control systems, based on the implicit in the finding of the practising managers
following reasoning : relating to the effectiveness of management
The accountant's language is different from the mana- planning and control [(process. W.F. Oswalt,
ger's language and this impairs the understandability of General Manager—General Purpose Control De-
feedback information by the manager. (Hofstede, p. 214)
partment of the Industrial Power Component
In support of his arguments, he quoted the Division of General Electric Company, stated
comments of a manager receiving such reports in blunt terms :
and a staff executive concerned with the pre-
To a degree undreamed of by most accountants, how-
paration of such reports : ever, the engineers and manufacturing people accept
or reject projects based upon analyses containing these
The only way to improve the understandability of these accounting short cuts, and there appear to be an
reports is to make us all accountants. Just forget about appalling number of cases where the accountant himself
it (second-line manager). (Hofstede, p. 214) does not recognize either that these decisions are being
They do not understand it fully, because the results are made or that they are made in blind acceptance of
published in accounting jargon. We have made it too these average short cuts. (General Electric Study, p. 19)
difficult (staff interviewee). (Hofstede, p. 214)

The greatest contribution made by Hofstede Perhaps the most valuable contribution that the
in this area was his distinction between General Electric Study made was in developing
accounting information and management infor- understanding that accounting based reports
mation. He recommended : for relatively short periods—a month or half
year or year—fail to differentiate the manage-
Design the management information system yourself
after thorough discussion about what line managers at ment and control implications in terms of
various levels, down to the foreman level, need to know balance between short range goals and long
and what you can supply. Do not use reports that serve
for accounting consolidation simultaneously for manage- range goals. Perhaps an even more lasting
ment information. Give more detailed information to fundamental contribution was the evolution of
lower management levels and more general information
to higher management levels. (Hofstede, p. 299) the concept of key result areas most of which

6 Vikalpa
ware articulated in non-financial or managerial From the above analysis, it is clear that
terms. To quote Lewis : the management planning and control procees
encompasses things beyond the mere monetary.
To check whether a tentative area was sufficiently How should we then go about designing, imple-
basic to quality as a key result area, this test question menting, and administering an optimal system
was applied:
Will continued failure in this area prevent the attain- which truly subserves the requirements which
ment of management's responsibility for advancing help optimize the correlation between resources
General Electric Company as a leader in a strong, comp-
etitive economy, even though results in all other key and organizational objectives?
result areas are good ?
The result of this evaluation produced the following
eight key result areas; Required Assumptions for Effective
1. Profitability Management Control Reports
2. Market position
3. Productivity
4. Product leadership To reflect the understanding and insights
5. Personnel development
6. Employee attitudes developed from the analysis so far, the following
7. Public responsibility
8. Balance between short-range and long-range ten assumptions about the factors which consti-
goals. (General Electric Study, pp. 30-31) tute the determinants of effectivenss of mana-
gement Control reports have to be made:
It might be of interest to mention that General 1. The most important assumption relates
Electric has developed quantitative indicators— to the different management levels in an orga
direct or surrogate—for all items except item 7. nization and the differing nature of planning and
More recently, Bhattacharyya and Camil-lus in control responsibilities at each level. The three
their study of 90 large Indian companies found distinctive management levels a systems desig-
that: ner should be concerned about are Corporate
Management, Executive Management, and
The effectivenees of management control systems Operational Management.3 In the light of these
should be considered along two distinctly separate
dimensions. roles, the planning and control responsibities
These two dimensions are: i. the managerial of the various levels of management are set out
effectiveness of the system and ii. the technical in Appendix I.
effectiveness of the system.
The managerial effectiveness of a management control
2. The management control reports must
system relates not so much to the financial results reflect the critical variables at the recipient's
and operating performance of the organization but level of management. We define "critical
rather to the ability of the management control system
to pinpoint and anticipate problems and to provide a variables" as those dimensions in the operations
vehicle for management action.
of various levels of management which substan-
The technical effectiveness of a management control
system on the other hand would concentrate on the tially determine their effectiveness. Another
achievement of the organization in relation to specific way of identifying such critical variables is whe
primarily financial indicators of performance such as
sales, production, costs in general and overhead in ther continued failure in these areas would
particular. (Bhattacharyya and Camillus, pp. 39-40) prevent attainment of the desired level of per
formance even though the results in all other
Bhattacharyya identified the criteria a reas a re satisfa ctory. For example, the occupa ncy
relating to the content of the management rate is the critical variable in the operational
reports as follows: management of a hotel organization (the criteria
for identifying the critical variables are outlined
The information thus may have to be necessarily
tailored to each organization's unique managerial and in the subsequent part of this article). We also
operational characteristics. Nonetheless, while each level need to distinguish the nature of the critical
of management would require financial and nonfinancial
information and operational or physical indicators of
performance, the relative mix of such information will
significantly vary for each level of management. 3 See Bhattacharyya (1976, pp. 9, 10, and [22) for a
(Bhattacharyya, p. 21) detailed discussion and identification of differing needs
of information at different levels.

l/o/./, No.4, October 1976

variable at each management level. For this the data in respect of them, processing such data,
reporting the results and taking remedial action should
reason they are termed as Key Results Area for be such that they are commensurate with the benefits
Corporate Management with their focus on derived by way of effective management planning and
long term effectiveness. The corresponding
variables for Executive Management is termed In regard to item c, it is not the intent that
as Key Success Factors and is related to the performance indicated by financial statements
effectiveness and efficiency of the ongoing and management control reports should not be
operations within a shorter time span—usually reconciled periodically—say every six months.
a year or so. For Operational Management these In fact, this is both desirable and necessary.
variables could be Key Indicators of Performance However, the important thing is that problems
which would relate to critical dimensions of of reconciliation created by accounting" systems,
the short term—usually monthly, fortnightly, or e.g., elaborate overhead "recovery" systems or
even daily-tasks (an illustrative list of such delayed processing of materials received due to
variables is provided at Appendix II). suppliers' bills being not submitted and accounted
3. The management control reports must for or backlogs in "stores issued" pricing, etc.,
subserve the need for both financial and nonfi- should not be acceptable as valid reasons for
nancial data of all the three levels of manage- lowering the credibility of management control
ment. In selecting such data, both financial and reports. Accounting systems must come of age
nonfinancial, some of the basic principles are by introducing simple systems reform compatible
as follows : with management control.
4. The management control reports must
a. Each manager requires one or two key indicators provide only data relevant at the concerned
which clearly measures the success of his operations
along with a few other carefully chosen indicators which level of management planning, decision making,
enable him to analyse the performance in relation to the and remedial action and that the data relate to
key indicators.
b. The indicators must be truly critical to the success aspects of operations which are controllable at
of the operations of the manager at his level reflecting the level of management. In classifying the
the characteristics of such operation in terms of market
ing, production, finance, personnel, or such other factors costs reported, it will also be necessary to diffe-
which makes his operations "tick." rentiate between those costs which are variable
c. In selecting the indicators, both financial and
nonfinancial, careful attention should be given as to with volume of operations, those costs which
whether they are complementary and mutually supportive. do not so vary but are susceptible to manage
However, there is need to overcome past inhibitions that
all "numbers" must be mutually reconcilable in the rial action at the level, and finally, those overhead
accounting sense. In management planning and control, costs which can be related to the responsibil-
the major requirement is one of providing understanding
and identification of problems, the factors which lead to ity centre without any allocation.
such problems and alternatives for resolution of such 5. Only material data are reported and
problems, taking remedial action rather than accounting
reconciliation. nonmaterial data, which are either not signifi-
d. The indicators chosen must be such that they cant in terms of their impact and effectiveness
relate to factors which are controllable by the concerned
manager and matters in respect of which he can take of operations or which are not susceptible to
remedial action. The managerial cost for developing the managerial action, are clubbed together. In
indicators (or as Westwick4 calls them, ratios), collecting
other words, the management control reports
4 Westwick identifies a similar framework and goes on must reflect an ABC approach to selection of
to specify three basic principles for the selection of such data for management planning and control.
critical variables, which he calls "ratios"(page 3):
6. All data both financial and nonfinancial
1. Different ratios are required for different industries
and even for different firms within an industry if are reported in a single format so that the mana-
they are operating in different ways. ger gets a bird's eye view of his total operations.
2. Within a firm, different levels of management re
quire diferent ratios and so do managers with A particular merit of the single format concept
different functional responsibilities but at the same relating to management reports is that it enables
level in the hierarchy.
3. A manager's need for specific ratios changes as the manager concerned to see the total picture.
his problems change. It highlights to him the mutuality and interrela-

8 Vikalpa
tedness of the various factors, financial as wall buting factors which will require remedial action
as technological, and generates the required on the part of the corporate management. If the
understanding and insights for managerial analy- financial and non-financial information are truly
sis and remedial action. Of course, the designer complementary in nature, it would be possible
must have deep insights relating to materiality to analyse financial variances by relating them
and relevance in order to combine all required to the contributory nonfinancial or operational
items within the compass of single page format indicators of performance.
while retaining the recipient manager's interest. 10. The final assumption is that the
7. The total organizational objective must frequency of generation of management control
be broken up into discrete and distinct goals, reports must be tailored to the information
targets and tasks for different management needs at that level of management. Obviously,
subunits or responsibility centres ( Bhaftachary- such frequency would be the greatest at the
ya, p. 16 ) so that in their totality they contribute operating management level and would relate
to the attainment of the organizational object- to production, marketing, and functional data.
ives. They would get reduced successively at the
8. The reports must be based on a executive management level, where the thrust
modular structure. This means that the manage primarily would be towards financial data reported
ment reports in financial terms for each responsi at monthly or quarterly intervals and at the cor-
bility centre represent building blocks which porate management level, where the data would
are progressively aggeregated to derive the relate to overall financial performance, the state
management control data for the next level of of environmental variables and competitive
of management, with such other additional data at longer frequency. The distribution of the
nonmonetary (e.g., environmental, techno management control reports should be such
logical, functional, and operational) information that a manager receives the management control
which is required to serve the distinctive need reports only in respect of his own operations
of information for that level of management. It and for his subordinates. This will ensurse
needs to be emphasized that while financial that his ability to analyse the volume of data
data will be aggregated at each succeeding is kept at a threshold level consistent with the
level, the nonmonetary data will have to be human capabilities of analysing quantitative data.
specifically tailored to the unique requirements A secondary assumption in this context is that
of each level developed on the basis of the given the building block approach in design, it
understanding of critical variables at that level should be possible for a manager to pursue
of management. Two distingushing character- deviations from desired results to the lowest resp-
ristics of such nonmonetary data are that they onsibility centre by calling for such information,
supplement the financial data and illuminate when necessary, with the clear understanding
their analysis; also, being disparate in nature, that such additional information would be
they are not susceptible to arithmetical processing called for by way of exception rather than in a
like financial data. As noted in Appendix II, some routine way.
critical variables might be common to more
A Schematic Framework for
than one level of management.
Systems Design
9. Managers must always be provided
with measurement of actual performance, both The above assumptions can be integrated
financial and nonfinancial, compared with the in terms of a conceptual framework for systems
desired level of performance. The structure of designers5 whereby the different variables and
the control reports should be such that the design choices can be facilitated. This basic
variance between the actual and the desired
level of performance should be susceptible to 5 The methodology for design and sequential steps in
developing reporting formats are described in detail on
easy analysis and identification of the contri- pages 25 to 33 of Bhattacharyya's book.

Vol.1. No A, October 1976 9

A Framework for Planning and Reporting Systems



Tasks of Purpose of End Product of Purpose of Criteria for

Manager Planning System Planning System Reporting System Effectiveness
(Reference Point For
Reporting System)

Assign respon- Identify goals & Desired organizational Measure & com- Relevance for
sibilities to next tasks requiring structure reflecting municate actual decision making
level of mana- managerial assumptions of authority performance in and remedial
gement achievement and responsibility relation to desired action, and
performance controllability of
results reported

Allocate Specify input- Time-phased statements Motivate managers Organizational

resources for output of corporate and unit to act in the interest and individual
achieving assumptions objectives, goals & of the organization goal congruence
mission tasks by better self-

Monitor mission Analyse and Determination of Diagnose deviations Prompt repotting

achievement identify key areas critical variables on from benchmark for remedial
for success which plan is levels in respect of action and
formulated critical activities generation of
meaningful data
for future

framework for designing management planning other at executive management levels and
and information system could be represented another relating to operations management,
in the matrix form shown above. e.g., factory performance statement for a sugar
Somewhat similar assumptions regarding factory.6
the interface between management planning
and control are also implicit in the writings of Conclusion
some scholars in this field who have taken In designing management control reports, it
position that management structure, planning must be kept in view that finally their effective-
and control are part of a continuum, e.g., Vancil ness is governed by at least four other dimensions
and Bruns at Harvard Business School, Lorange which are not ralated to the design variables.
at Sloan Business School. These nondesign foactors, which are beyond
the scope of present article, relate to :
Some Illustrations: Control Reports and
1. How effectively the plans are formulated and devel-
Key Indicators oped in the light of the strategic and tactical context of the
organization, keeping in view its competitive and regulatory
Appendices III-V highlight three illustrative sets environment and its own strengths and weaknesses ?
of management control reports designed reflect- 6 Illustrations of formats based on these considerations
ing the various considerations outlined earlier- for telecommunication operations are available in Tele-
communications, XXV, June 1975, pp, 37-40, setting out
one each relating to two engineering organiza- the formats designed by the author and his colleague.
tions—one at corporate management and the Professor J. C. Camillas.

10 Vikalpa
2. How well administered is the formulation, settlement Bhattacharyya, S. K; and Camillas, J. C. "Implementation
and review processes incorporated in the management Problems of Management Control Systems." Technical
planning and control system, particularly in terms of the Report No. 86. Indian Institute of Management,
behavioural requirements of participative process which Ahmedabad, September 1975. (mimeographed).
substantially determine the effectiveness of such systems ? Bower, Marvin. The Will to Manage. New York: McGraw-
3. What are the styles and values of management at Hill Book Company, 1966.
various levels in terms of using formal planning and
control as a dynamic managerial tool ? Dearden, John. "The Case Against ROI Control," Harvard
4. Finally, how effective is the controller's organi Business Review, May-June 1969.
zation, particularly given the requirements of professional Dearden, John. Cpsi Accounting and Financial Control
and managerial capabilities of the controller himself, his Systems. Reading, Mas*: Addison-Wesley Publishing
operating style, relationships with various levels of manage Co., 1973.
ment and the effectiveness of the work organization in
his department? Dearden, John. "Time Span in Management Control,"
Financial Executive, Aug. 1968. Dearden, John; and
Henderson, Bruce. "New System for
If an organization pays pointed attention to Divisional Control," Harvard Business Review, Sept.-
Oct. 1966.
these administrative and managerial factors Doming, Robert H. Characteristics of an Effective Manage-
and designs its management control reports in ment Control System in an Industrial Organization.
the light of the various dimensions highlighted Boston: Division of Research, Harvard Business School,
earlier, it is reasonable to assume that such reports Hofstede, G. H. Game of Budget Control. London: Tavi-
will contribute substantially and significantly stock, 1968.
to the success of its operations. Marples, Raymond P. "A Relative Contribution Approach to
Management Reporting," NAA Bulletin, June 1963.
P l a n n i n g , Ma n a g i n g a n d Me a s u r i n g t h e B u s i n e s s :
A Case Study of Management Planning and Control
References of General Electric Company. New York: Controllership
Foundation, 1955.
Anthony, R. N. Planning & Control Systems: A Framework Sord, Burnard A.; and Welsch, Glen W. Management Plan-
for Analysis. Boston: Division of Research, Harvard ning and Control. Research Monograph No. 27.
Business School, 1965. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of
Argyris, Chris. The Impact of Budgets on People. Ithaca: Texas, 1964.
School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell Stedry, Andrew C. Budget Control and Cost Behaviour.
University, prepared for Controllership Foundation, 1952. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1960.
Beyer, Robert. Profitability Accounting for Planning and Welsch, Glen A. Budgeting, Profit Planning and Control.
Control. New York: Ronald Press, 1963. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1971.
Bhattacharyya, S. K. Management Planning and Information Westwick, C. A. How to Use Management Ratios. Eipping,
System. New Delhi: IE Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd., 1976. Essex: Gower Press, 1973.

Vol. 1, No.4, October 1976 11

Appendix I Planning & Control Responsibilities at Different Levels of

Planning Role Control Role
Formulating Approving Reviewing Taking Remedial Action

CORPORATE Managing Director. 1. Strategic Plan 1 . Approving Performance of the Periodic Policy
MANAGEMENT Functional Directors, (Setting out long- Profit Plan/ organisation in Review and Policy-
Product Group/ term objective Programme relation to shifts necessary to
Operations Directors, & strategy) (Broken up in components (say achieve the long-
Functional & Product 2. Action Plan terms of short monthly targets) term objectives as
Group Department (Translating the term targets of of annual profit well as the targets
Heads not represented strategic plan achievement) plan set out in the profit
at the Board level into quantified 2. Approving plan
targets of Contingent
achievement) Plans &
3. Action 3. Action
Programme Programmes
(Setting out long- (Short term)
term strategic
and tactical
actions to be
EXECUTIVE Product Group 1. Profit Plan/ 1. Approving Performance of Monthly review of
MANAGEMENT Directors, Programme for Annual Plans product lines. product lines, regions.
Operations Directors, the organisation for Product lines/ regions, function or functional and unit
Functional & Product unit Regions/ units in relation to policies and action
Group Dept. Heads, 2. Contigency Plans Functions/Units components (say. programmes for
All Regional Managers 3. Action Programmes 2. Contigency Plans monthly targets) of achieving
and Executives (re. 1 above) (re. 1 above) annual profit plan organisational targets
heading profit centres 3. Action Programmes
with multi-functional (re. 1 above)
OPERATING Productline Managers, 1. Profit Plan/ 1. Approving Performance of Periodic view of
MANAGEMENT Regional Managers Programme/ Responsibility Responsibility Centres production unit
(heading product Operational Plan Centre Plans/ at periodic intervals regional sales activity
group sales). for their respective Programmes weekly/fortnightly/ programmes with a
Production Managers, productline, forming part of monthly — in relation view to taking
Functional Managers production unit. productline. to operational plans remedial action
in regions heading regional sales production unit setting out targets of relating to shortfalls
service activities activity or function or regional sales performance in performance
2. Contigency Plan activity plan
(re. 1 above) 2. Action Programme
3. Action Programme (re. 1 above)
(re. 1 above)

(Reproduced from S.K. Bhattacharyya, Management Planning and Information Systems, I.E. Learning Systems Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1976.)
Appendix II An Illustrative

List of Critical Variables

Some Key Results Area for Some Key Success Factors Some Key Indicators of
Corporate Management for Executive Management Performance for Operational

1 Return on Investment (ROI) (FOR EACH PRODUCT GROUP) 1 Actual Production as Percentage
of Production Capacity
2 Profit After Tax/Sales 1 Rupee Contribution per Unit of
Sales 2 Work-in-Progress as Percentage
3 Sales/Gross Assets of Total Production
(Turnover of Assets) 2 Rupee Contribution/Product Assets
3 Rejection as Percentage of Total
4 Price/Earnings Ratio 3 Rupee Contribution/Advertisement Production
and Selling Expenses
5 Profit After Tax/Price/Earnings 4 Repairs and Maintenance as Per
Ratio 4 Order Book as Number of Days' centage of Total Production Costs
6 Profit After Tax/Interest Paid 5 Downtime as Percentage of Total
5 Orders Obtained/Quotations Made Machine Hours
(Interest Cover)
6 Receivables as Number of Days' 6 Rework Percentage
7 Capacity Utilization Percentage Sales
8 Value Added per Employee 7 Overtime Hours to Total Hours
7 Finished Goods as Number of Days'
Sales 8 Labour Productivity Index
9 Changes in Market Share
(Compared to previous period) 8 Advertisement & Selling Expenses/ 9 Machine Productivity Index
10 Orders Outstanding as Number
of Days' Sales 10 Overhead Cost per Employee
9 Payables as Number of Days'
11 Receivable as Number of Days' Purchase 11 Goods Returned :

12 Finished Goods as Number of

Days' Sales
11 Total Purchase Price Variance as
13 Raw Material as Number of Days' Percentage of Budgeted Purchase
12 Plant Capacity Utilization
14 Payables as Number of Days'
15 Capital Expenditure/Depreciation
16 Research & Development as
Percentage of Total Discretionary

Notes : 1. Some of the indicators are important enough to be reported at two levels of management.
2. The Key Results Area for Corporate Management will include critical indicators of external environment and
competition. These will be unique for each enterprise.
Sales -Number
10 Raw Material Inventory as Number -Value
of Days' Consumption -as Percentage of Goods Sold
12 Complaints:
-Value of goods in respect of
which complaints have been
received -as Percentage of
Total Sales

Vol.1, No A. October 1976 13

Appendix III Performance Report For
Divisional Manager*
^ Division Month Year 'age f

Financial Performanca Operational Indicators

Rs. in lakhs (up to two places of
Budget Budget Rs. in lakhs
This Month Year to Date This Month Year to Date
Actual Variance Actual Variance Actual Variance 1976-77 Actua Variance

1. Margin on direct sales Order booking

2. ndent commission 1. Direct Sales

3. Export earnfngs Order backlog

4. Total earnings (1+ 2+ 3) Order booking

5. Penalties ' 2. Indirect Sales

6. Rewards Order backlog

7. Contribution before divisional 3. % Margin on direct sales

8 Monthly
CD Personnel related expenses Previous Month Average Year to Date
Travelling & conveyance Actual Variance Actual Variance

Sales promotion & product 4. omers Rs.

advertising Cust landings
outs progress No. of days' sales
incl. etc. (excl. prog, bills etc.)
Net distribution cost bills
Other direct expenses Manufactured
I 5. Finished Trading (incl. sub/ ass.
I g Sub total goods companies)
8. Divisional

Inventory carrying charges inventory Total

Interest charged No. of days sales at
6. Unadjusted t
Interest earned advances Rs.
Pure advances
Total (% of adj. ord.
1 Expenses 7. Extraordinary credit
to CO
s Interest & inventory carrying 8. Working capital
$ charges This Last
Total Year to Date 9. Others Month Month
Total Expenses (incl.
sales sections)
9. Adjustments (specify)

0. Contribution

( ) stands for Unfavourable Variance

NA stands for figures Not Available.

•Reproduced with the kind permission.of Larsen & Toubro Limited and the C. C. : GGM & JGM
other authors of the report - Professors J. C. Camillus and Ravi J. Matthai C. C. : MANAGER-ACCOUNTS
Appendix IV Kothari Sugar*
6 Chemicals Limited •

Consolidated Monthly Factory Performance Statement for the Month of .

0> distribution : unit manager total investment :
copy : chief executive (sugar division) No. of workers :
Date due : 10th of the following month

This Month C. Cane Analysis This Month Up to

A. Production Transferred a.
Sugar Std this
Budget Actual Variance
Act. month
1. Quantity (in quintals) Sugar Balance Actual
2, Value (at 'standard variable cost) 1. Sugar in Cane
2. Sugar In Bagasse
% of actual production to budgeted prodr. 3. Sugar in Mixed Juice (1-*2)
Standard variable cost per quintal 4. Sugar in Filter Cake
Actual variable cost per quintal 5. Sugar in Final Molasses
Closing stock (quintals) 6. Sugar undetermined
Closing stock as a % of production 7. Total losses (2+4+6+7);
8. Average Sugar Recovery (1-7)
b. Molasses
Quantity in quintals 9. Molasses % Cane
% of actual production to budgeted prodn. 10. Bagasse % Cane
Closing stock of molasses (quintals) 11. Fitter Cake % Cane
Closing stock as a % of production

This Month 0 Physical Indicators of Performance This Month

Standard Actual Variance Std./Bud. Act. Var.

B. Variable Expenses Qty. Rs. Qty, Rs. Qty. Rs 1 Capacity Utilisation %

1 . Mixed Juice 2. Total cane crushed (in loni)
2. Lime 3. Total hours cane crushed
3. Sulphur
4 Average rate of crushing
4, Superphosphate per 24 operating hours
B. Caustic Soda 5. No. of days cane crushed
6, Other Chemicals 6. Total area registered (acres)
7. Total Processing chemicals (2-6) 7. Total new areas registered (acres)
9. Packing Materials 8. Yield per acre registered (in tons)
9. Other variable expenses 9. Mill Extraction
10. Reduced Mill Extraction
11. Boiling Mouse Extraction
12. Reduced Boiling House Extraction.

f 13. Overall Extraction

14. Reduced Overall Extraction

? TOTAL VARIABLE EXPENSES 15. Total Sugar bagged (quintals)

Reproduced with kind permission of Kothari and Chemicals limited and the other
authors of the 'eport - Professors S. Sugars P. Meemiakshi Malya, and Udai Pareek.
Appendix IV (Contd.)
Kothari Sugar* & Chemicals Ltd.
Controllable Expenses This Month

Total Cane Purchases Cane Crushing Boiling House Engineering Sec Administration
Bud. Act. Var. Bud. Act. Var. Bud. Act. Var. Bud Act. Var. Bud. Act. Var. Bud. Act. Var.
1 . Power
2. Steam
3, Lubricants
4. Turbine spares
5. Carriage chains
6. Centrifugal liners
7. Laboratory chemicals
8. Other stores ft spares
9. Casual labour
10. Overtime
1 1 . Travelling & conveyance
12. Vehicale expenses
13. Other controllable Admn. Exp.
14. Other controllable expenses

Total Controllable Expenses

Relatable Fixed Expenses
1. Salaries
2. Wages
3. Insurance
4. Depreciation
5. Other fixed expenses

Total Fixed Expenses

Appendix V
Eastern Engineering Products Ltd
Light Engineering Works

Corporate performance statement for the quarter ended

Part B'

I. Market Share & Price Levels II. Indicators Of Performance

This quarter Up to this quarter Up to this quarter last year

Major Up to this Up to this quarter

Major Major
Eastern Others Eastern Others Eastern competito Others This quarter quarter last year
competitor competitor-
a. Profit/sales
A. Local Market
a. Home Model b. Sales/Investment "
- Average price
c. Return on investment "
- Share of mkt.
b. Luxury Model d. Inventory as average
days sale
- Average price
- Share Of mkt. e. Credit days allowed
c. Industrial f. Credit days received
- Average price
g. Debtors/S.ales
- Share of mkt.
d. Total Local Market h. Current Assets/Current
i. No. of complaints and
B. Export Market sales value of products
C. Total Market j. Man-days lost (due to

III. Economic Indicators

K. No of people left
This quarter Up to this quarter
1. No. of persons trained -
a average money supply Officers — Others
- beginning
- ending m. New products introduced
b. cost of living index n. Capital Expenditure/
- beginning Depreciation
- ending o. % Growth in sales
(compared to last period)
c. consumer price index
- beginning p. Productivity Value added
- ending (Total sales goods & services
d. % increase or decrease in production of goods processed purchased)
Wages & depreciation
by Eastern products •
Goods A
e. Estimated next 12 months production
Goods A

* Part A relates to the quarterly financial performance statement relating to total organisational 'sales, gross
margin, profit, profit before and after tax, cash flow (with brief details for each division )
" Investment = Fixed Assests + Working Capital (Current Assets - Current Liabilities).
• Name of the company has been disguised.

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