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JACKSON/HINDS LIBRARY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD BYLAWS ARTICLE I - Name, Authorization, and Purpose ‘The Name of this organization is the Jackson/Hinds Library System ‘Administrative Board, hereafter referred to as "Board." ‘The Board was created pursuant to terms of an agreement between the Jackson Library System Board of Trustees and Hinds Library System Board of Trustees dated July 25, 1986, which agreement received the consent of the Jackson City Council and Hinds County Board of Supervisors on July 29, 1986, and August 1, 1986, respectively, and in accordance with $39-3-13, Mississippi Code of 1972. A copy of the AGREEMENT FOR CREATION, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT OF THE JACKSON/HINDS LIBRARY SYSTEM is attached. The purpose of the Board shall be to exercise the powers and authority and assume the responsibilities delegated it under $39-3-17 of the Mississippi Code, 1972, and the aforementioned City and County Agreement. ARTICLE Il - Membership ‘The Board shall consist of fourteen (14) members, seven (7) of whom are appointed by the Jackson City Council and seven (7) of whom are appointed by the Hinds County Board of Supervisors, all as more particularly set forth in Section 5 of the Agreement. Members of the Board upon appointment are expected as part of their respective duties of office to generate in their communities and with the funding authorities an understanding of the purpose and needs of the libraries within the system. Any Trustee who shall miss four (4) consecutive meetings of the Board during any fiscal year may be subject to removal by the appropriate governing authority who shall be notified in writing by the Secretary of the Board os said absences with a copy of the letter sent to the Chairman of the Board and to the Board member in question. ‘Should ny member appointed by the City cease to be a resident of the City of Jackson or any member appointed by the County cease to live in Hinds County, notice shall be given to the Board and a vacancy shall be declared. The appointing authority will be notified by the Chairman with the request that a replacement be appointed. ARTICLE III - Officers ‘The Board shall elect from among its members a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer who shall serve a term of one (1) year, with the election by written ballot to be held at the regularly scheduled September meeting. Officers may serve two (2) consecutive years in the same office. Newly elected officers will assume their responsibilities in October. ‘The Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board, sign documents as authorized by the Board, act as liaison between the Board and the library staff and appoint standing and special committees as needed or as authorized by the Board. ‘The Vice-Chairman shall preside at meetings of the Board in the absence of the Chairman. ‘The Secretary shall see that minutes of the meetings are kept, and shall attend to notification of meeting and other necessary correspondence. The Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be required by the Board and also those duties that usually pertain to such office. ARTICLE IV - Committees ‘The Chairman shall appoint committees of one or more members each for such specific purposes as the business of the Board may require from time to time. Standing Committees will include: 1. Personnel Committee - duties shall include the annual affirmative action update and report.. 2. Policy Committee 3. Budget Committee ‘The Executive Committee will be composed of the current officers and the immediate past Chairman, ‘The Chairman shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members to provide a slate of nominees for consideration at the regular September Board meeting. ARTICLE V - Meetings The Board shall meet regularly on the fourth (4th) Wednesday of the month at 11: 45 a.m. except in the months of June and December when the Board will not meet. Meetings shall be held at the Eudora Welty Library or other such place as may be designated by the Chairman. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary at the direction of the Chairman or at the request of eight (8) members for the transaction of business as stated in the call for the meeting. Eight (8) members at any regular or special meeting will constitute a quorum authorized to transact Board business and to take actions as approved by the vote of a majority of those present. In the absence of a quorum or during months the Board does not hold regular meetings, the Executive Committee is authorized to approve payment of bills and employment recommendations of the Director and in other matters requiring immediate action. Such actions shall be promptly communicated to the remaining Board members. Parliamentary procedures will be the accepted method of conducting business with the latest edition of ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER as the approved guide. ‘The Order of Business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following items which shall be covered in the sequence shown as far as circumstances will permit: Call to order. Roll call. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting (s). Financial reports. Action on claims. Report of Board Committees. Director's report. Board Chairman report. Unfinished business. New Business. Adjournment. eer areene ARTICLE VI - The Director ‘The Board shall appoint a qualified Library Director who shall be the executive and administrative officer of the library on behalf of the Board and under its review and direction. ‘The Director shall recommend to the Board the appointment and specify the duties of other employees and shall be held responsible for the proper direction and supervision of the staff, for the care and maintenance of the library property, for an adequate and proper selection of books and library materials in keeping with the stated policy of the Board, for the efficiency of library service to the public and for its financial operation within the limitations of the budgeted appropriation. In case of part-time or temporary employees, the Director shall have interim authority to appoint without prior approval of the Board provided that any such appointment shall be reported to the Board at its next regular meeting. ‘The job description of the library Director shall be placed on file in the administrative office. ‘The Director shall attend all Board meetings except in case of an executive session when the Director may be asked to retire or when excused by the Board at the Director’s request. ‘The Director will be evaluated on an annual basis by a special committee made up of equal representation from the City and County appointed Board Members. Its findings will be made available to the Director who may, at his or her option, attach a written statement before these findings are reported to the entire Board through the chairman of the special committee. ARTICLE VII - General At the July regular meeting of each year the Board will select a qualified accounting firm from three (3) quotes solicited under the Director's supervision to oversee the accounting operation of the library system and to perform the year-end audit. ‘A contract for either one year or three years may be negotiated. The firm appointed shall be required to report to the Board the results of the audit at its regular January meeting. ‘The Director and business office shall make available to the auditor all records and information essential to the performance of the audit. ‘Amendments to these bylaws or to any policy documents of the Board may be adopted by a majority vote of members of the Board present at a regular meeting subsequent to notification in writing of the proposed changes. (Bylaws adopted May 27, 1987, by the JHLS Administrative Board) (Amendment to ARTICLE VI - The Director, Paragraph Four adopted October 26, 1988, by the JHLS Administrative Board) (Amendment to ARTICLE VII - General adopted July 26, 1989, by the JHLS Administrative Board) (Amendment to ARTICLE II - Membership adopted January 24, 1990, by the JHLS Administrative Board)

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