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Assess it impact on public health animal and aquatic environment.

3 reason why antibiotics are given to farm animals.

a) Antibiotic prevent animal suffering. (to treat sickness to stop animal suffering)
b) Antibiotics given to farm animals keep them healthy, which makes healthy food.
(antibiotics help make food safe by keeping animals healthy and reducing bacteria
entering the food)
c) Antibiotics are part of sustainable production (responsible use of antibiotic helps keep
animals healthy and minimizes the impact on the environment)

The benefits of antibiotic in animal feed include

a) Increasing effiency and growth rate.
b) Treating clinically sick animals.
c) Preventing or reducing the incidence of infectious disease.
d) Increase animal weight.
By far the major use of antibiotic among these, however, it increased effiency, that is to say
a more efficient conversion of feed to animal products and improved growth rate.

Risk of antibiotic in animal feed

After animal have been fed antibiotics over a period of time, they retain the strains of
bacteria which are resistant to antibiotics. These bacteria grow rapidly in the animal.
Through interaction, the resistant bacteria are transmitted to the other animals, thus forming
colonization of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The bacteria flourish in the intestinal of animal, as
well as, in the muscle. As a result, the feces of the animal often contain the resistant
bacteria. Transfer of the bacteria from animal to human is possible through many ways.the
primary exposure of human to resistant bacteria occurs in farms and slaughterhouse.

Slaughterhouse: a place where animals are slaughtered for food

Colonization: the action by the bacteria of establishing itself in an area
Flourish: grow
Figure 1: shown how can antibiotic resistance spread to human

Risk of antibiotic in aquatic environment

The majority of aquaculture production relies on the use of antibiotics and input of other
artificial substances to treat or prevent disease. Therefore, studies on antibiotic residues in
the aquatic environment as well as in fish product numerous. These residues could
a) Increse the occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the aquatic environment,.
b) Increase antibiotic in fish pathogen.
c) Lead to variations of the bacterial flora both in sediments and water sytem.
d) Transfer these resistance determinants to human pathogens and bacteria of terrestial

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