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Assessment in Science

Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement.
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement.
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be defined
as the process of gathering
the data and fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It involves
collecting data with a view of
valve judgment about the
quality of a person, object,
group or event (Ajuonnma,
Assessment in science
education can be defined as
the use of various
techniques to determine the
extent to which learners’
programme to which they
have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the process
of gathering information to
monitor progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An assessment
may include a test, but, also
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring, etc.
Assessment is a
process by which information
is obtained relative to some
known objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad term
that includes testing. A test is
a special form of assessment.
are assessments made under
contrived circumstances
especially so that they may
administered. In other words,
all tests are assessments, but
not all assessments are tests.
test at the end of a lesson
or unit. We assess progress
at the end of a school year
testing, and we assess verbal
and quantitative skills
through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most usefully
connected to some goal or
objective for
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment yields
information relative to an
objective or
goal. In that sense, we test or
assess to determine whether
or not an objective or goal has
obtained. Assessment of skill
attainment is rather
straightforward. Either the
skill exists at
some acceptable level or it
doesn’t. Skills are readily
demonstrable. Assessment of
understanding is much more
difficult and complex. Skills
can be practiced;
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there is
always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does in
relation to what it signifies
about what
he knows. In the section on
this site on behavioral verbs,
to assess means to stipulate
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in the
form of written descriptions.
Ajayi (2016) Assessment is
an ongoing process aimed at
understanding and
improving student learning.
It involves making
expectations explicit and
public; setting
appropriate criteria and high
standards for learning
quality; systematically
analyzing, and interpreting
evidence to determine how
well performance matches
expectations and standards,
and using the resulting
information to document,
explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students for the
new pattern of competency-
based teaching and
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and democratic
process, involving various
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid and
reliable evidences about total
development of the learners.
(e) To form sound judgments
and take timely decisions
about learners’ instructions
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of assessment
1. Rational mode: It will be
used at planning stage for
planning any programme or
using participative
methodology to get experts’
opinion for arriving at
2. Formative mode: It will be
used at the implementation
stage to identify inadequacies
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies and
development of materials.
3. Summative mode: It will
be used at the review stage
to judge the efficacy and
effectiveness of the materials,
strategies, programmes,
outputs and collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer to a
set of procedures and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that process
by which the usefulness of
various factors of educational
process, the usefulness of
various activities of persons
concerned, and the
interest, attitude, aptitude,
personality and educational
achievements of the
students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite words,
symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement in
educational evaluations would
be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the attributes
or dimensions of some physical
object are determined.
Educational measurement is
not a new concept. The
teacher has been testing
since times immemorial in
order to know their progress
in studies, and to see what
type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if they
are optimal and what
direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of the
method of
teaching he uses, for which
these tests have been found to
be very important. These tests
become all the more important
in the present age, and it is
expected from the future
teacher or
pupil-teacher that he would
gain skill in constructing
several types of tools of
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative Measurement:
Perceiving the characteristics
of an object, person or activity
the form of a quality is called
qualitative measurement; for
example, describing a student
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative Measurement:
Measuring the characteristics
of an object, person or
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for example,
to measure the I.Q
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110 is
quantitative measurement.
The needs of measurement are
as follows:
(1) For Measure the ability of
students, finding out their
interest sand aptitude at the
time of
admission, and admit than on
its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and personality
after admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific classes,
and to assist in their
personality development.
(3) For find out from time
to time the effect of
teaching on the students
achievements or change of
behaviour), and to guide the
students on its basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and evaluate
the educational achievements
of students from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the educational
progress of the students and
remedy them.
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the process of
observing and measuring a
thing for the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is perhaps
the most complex and least
understood of the terms.
in the idea of evaluation is
"value." When we evaluate,
what we are doing is
engaging in
some process that is designed
to provide information that will
help us make a judgment
a given situation. Generally,
any evaluation process
requires information about the
in question. A situation is an
umbrella term that takes into
account such ideas as
goals, standards, procedures,
and so on. When we
evaluate, we are saying that
the process
will yield information regarding
the worthiness,
appropriateness, goodness,
validity, legality,
etc., of something for which
a reliable measurement or
assessment has been made.
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted to
determine the temperature
of the
classroom they would need to
get a thermometer and take
several readings at different
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or not it
is appropriate for learning. In
order to do that, students
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is such
evaluation which is
before giving final Shape to
an educational policy or
programme, curriculum,
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For it,
the evaluator first of all
prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then he
analyses each of its steps
and receives
approval of the specialists. This
approval is received with the
help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is such
evaluation which is conducted
order to test the utility of an
already existing educational
policy, planning or
curriculum, teaching method,
teaching aid or evaluation
method. For it, the evaluator
constructs the most suitable
measurement tool or method
based on interview,
questionnaire or
rating scale, for evaluation of
the educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching aid
or evaluation method. After
this, he tests its utility on the
of related standards (Norms)
and statistical calculations.
Finally, he decides whether
educational policy, planning
or programme, curriculum,
teaching method, teaching
aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is to
continue, what should be its
The Need of the Evaluation is
as follows:
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement.
Assessment in Science
Assessment can be
defined as the process of
gathering the data and
fashioning them
into interpretable form for
decision-making. It
involves collecting data
with a view of making
valve judgment about
the quality of a person,
object, group or event
(Ajuonnma, 2006).
Assessment in science
education can be defined
as the use of various
techniques to determine
the extent to which
learners’ programme to
which they have been
exposed. Educational
assessment provides the
necessary feedback that is
required in order to
maximize the outcome of
educational effort.
Assessment is the
process of gathering
information to monitor
progress and make
educational decisions if
necessary. An
assessment may include
a test, but, also includes
methods such as
observations, interviews,
behaviours, monitoring,
etc. Assessment is a
process by which
information is obtained
relative to some known
objective or goal.
Assessment is a broad
term that includes testing.
A test is a special form of
assessment. Tests
are assessments made
under contrived
circumstances especially
so that they may be
administered. In other
words, all tests are
assessments, but not all
assessments are tests. We
test at the end of a
lesson or unit. We
assess progress at the
end of a school year
testing, and we assess
verbal and quantitative
skills through assessment
instruments whether
implicit or explicit,
assessment is most
usefully connected to
some goal or objective
which the assessment is
designed. Assessment
yields information relative
to an objective or
goal. In that sense, we test
or assess to determine
whether or not an
objective or goal has been
obtained. Assessment of
skill attainment is rather
straightforward. Either
the skill exists at
some acceptable level or
it doesn’t. Skills are
readily demonstrable.
Assessment of
understanding is much
more difficult and
complex. Skills can be
practiced; understandings
cannot. We can assess a
person’s knowledge in a
variety of ways, but there
is always a leap,
an inference that we make
about what a person does
in relation to what it
signifies about what
he knows. In the section
on this site on behavioral
verbs, to assess means
to stipulate the
conditions by which the
behavior specified in an
objective may be
ascertained. Such
stipulations are usually in
the form of written
Ajayi (2016) Assessment
is an ongoing process
aimed at understanding
improving student
learning. It involves
making expectations
explicit and public;
appropriate criteria and
high standards for
learning quality;
systematically gathering,
analyzing, and
interpreting evidence to
determine how well
performance matches
expectations and
standards, and using the
resulting information to
document, explain, and
improve performance.
Objectives of Educational
(a) To prepare students
for the new pattern of
teaching and competency-
based assessment.
(b) To make evaluation an
integral part of teaching-
learning process.
(c) To make evaluation a
cooperative and
democratic process,
involving various stake-
holders of evaluation
(d) To collect more valid
and reliable evidences
about total development of
the learners.
(e) To form sound
judgments and take
timely decisions about
learners’ instructions and
learning environments.
Modes of Assessment
Three modes of
assessment are:
1. Rational mode: It will
be used at planning stage
for planning any
programme or activity
using participative
methodology to get
experts’ opinion for
arriving at consensus.
2. Formative mode: It will
be used at the
implementation stage to
identify inadequacies and
weaknesses in the
programmes, strategies
and development of
3. Summative mode: It
will be used at the
review stage to judge
the efficacy and
effectiveness of the
materials, strategies,
programmes, outputs and
collateral effects.
Measurement in Science
Measurement beyond its
general definition, refer
to a set of procedures
and the
principles for how to use
the procedures in
educational tests and
assessments. Educational
measurement is that
process by which the
usefulness of various
factors of educational
process, the usefulness
of various activities of
persons concerned, and
the intelligence,
interest, attitude,
aptitude, personality and
educational achievements
of the students are
measured on the basis of
definite standards and are
expressed in definite
words, symbols or
units. Some of the basic
principles of measurement
in educational evaluations
would be raw
scores, percentile, ranks,
derived scores, standard
scores, etc. Measurement
refers to the
process by which the
attributes or dimensions of
some physical object are
measurement is not a new
concept. The teacher has
been testing students
since times immemorial
in order to know their
progress in studies, and
to see what type of
behavioural changes have
occurred in students, if
they are optimal and
what direction these
behavioural changes have
taken. A teacher wants to
know the shortcomings of
the method of
teaching he uses, for
which these tests have
been found to be very
important. These tests
become all the more
important in the present
age, and it is expected
from the future teacher or
pupil-teacher that he
would gain skill in
constructing several types
of tools of measurement
and evaluation.
Types of Measurement are:
1. Qualitative
Measurement: Perceiving
the characteristics of an
object, person or activity in
the form of a quality is
called qualitative
measurement; for
example, describing a
student as
very intelligent or dull is
qualitative measurement.
2. Quantitative
Measurement: Measuring
the characteristics of an
object, person or activity
in the form of quantity is
called quantitative
measurement; for
example, to measure the
(Intelligence Quotient) of a
student as 140, 120 or 110
is quantitative
The needs of
measurement are as
(1) For Measure the
ability of students, finding
out their interest sand
aptitude at the time of
admission, and admit
than on its basis.
(2) For measure their
intelligence and
personality after
admission and
accordingly divide
them into specific
classes, and to assist in
their personality
(3) For find out from
time to time the effect
of teaching on the
students (educational
achievements or change
of behaviour), and to
guide the students on its
basis and to
inspire them to learn.
(4) For measure and
evaluate the educational
achievements of students
from time to time
and to provide them
(5) For find out the
hindrances in the
educational progress of
the students and remedy
Evaluation in Science
Evaluation is the
process of observing and
measuring a thing for
the purpose of
judging it and of
determining its “valve,”
either by comparison to
similar things, or to a
standard. Evaluation is
perhaps the most complex
and least understood of
the terms. Inherent
in the idea of evaluation
is "value." When we
evaluate, what we are
doing is engaging in
some process that is
designed to provide
information that will help
us make a judgment about
a given situation.
Generally, any evaluation
process requires
information about the
in question. A situation is
an umbrella term that
takes into account such
ideas as objectives,
goals, standards,
procedures, and so on.
When we evaluate, we
are saying that the
will yield information
regarding the worthiness,
goodness, validity, legality,
etc., of something for
which a reliable
measurement or
assessment has been
made. For
example, I often ask my
students if they wanted
to determine the
temperature of the
classroom they would need
to get a thermometer and
take several readings at
different spots,
and perhaps average the
readings. That is simple
measuring. The average
temperature tells us
nothing about whether or
not it is appropriate for
learning. In order to do
that, students would
have to be polled in some
reliable and valid way.
Types of Evaluation are:
i. Formative Evaluation:
Formative evaluation is
such evaluation which is
before giving final Shape
to an educational policy
or programme,
curriculum, teaching
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For
it, the evaluator first of
all prepares the
preliminary draft of the
proposed educational
policy, planning or
programme, curriculum,
teaching method or
evaluation method; then
he analyses each of its
steps and receives
approval of the specialists.
This approval is received
with the help of interview,
or rating scale.
ii. Summative Evaluation:
Summative evaluation is
such evaluation which is
conducted in
order to test the utility
of an already existing
educational policy,
planning or programme,
curriculum, teaching
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method. For
it, the evaluator
constructs the most
suitable measurement tool
or method based on
interview, questionnaire or
rating scale, for
evaluation of the
educational policy,
planning or programme,
teaching method, teaching
aid or evaluation method.
After this, he tests its
utility on the basis
of related standards
(Norms) and statistical
calculations. Finally, he
decides whether such
educational policy,
planning or programme,
curriculum, teaching
method, teaching aid or
evaluation method should
continue or not, and if it is
to continue, what should
be its form.
The Need of the Evaluation
is as follows:
(1) For test the
educational importance of
the activities of
administrators, other
personnel and guardians
from time to time, and to
suggest for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the
effect of the curriculum
at different levels in the
achievement of
educational objectives, to
give suggestions for
improvement and to
enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being
used from time to time, to
find out useful/
useless methods, to
suggest for improvement
and to enlighten the field
for research.
(5) For find out the utility
of textbooks in the
achievement of
educational objectives, to
suggestions for
improvement and to guide
for research.
(6) For study the effect of
the use of various means
in teaching as to their
place and kind of
use, and to suggest
measures for
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement.
(1) For test the
educational importance of
the activities of
administrators, other
personnel and guardians
from time to time, and to
suggest for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the
effect of the curriculum
at different levels in the
achievement of
educational objectives, to
give suggestions for
improvement and to
enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being
used from time to time, to
find out useful/
useless methods, to
suggest for improvement
and to enlighten the field
for research.
(5) For find out the utility
of textbooks in the
achievement of
educational objectives, to
suggestions for
improvement and to guide
for research.
(6) For study the effect of
the use of various means
in teaching as to their
place and kind of
use, and to suggest
measures for
(1) For test the educational
importance of the activities of
educational administrators,
personnel and guardians from
time to time, and to suggest
for improvement.
(2) For analyse the
educational objectives, to
test their utility, and to
suggest for timely
(3) For find out the effect of
the curriculum at different
levels in the achievement of
educational objectives, to give
suggestions for improvement
and to enlighten for research.
(4) For study the effect of
teaching methods being used
from time to time, to find out
useless methods, to suggest
for improvement and to
enlighten the field for research.
(5) For find out the utility of
textbooks in the achievement
of educational objectives, to
suggestions for improvement
and to guide for research.
(6) For study the effect of the
use of various means in
teaching as to their place and
kind of
use, and to suggest measures
for improvement
Testing ,Assessment,measurement and
Evaluation in Teaching
Definition of evaluation
The verb evaluate means to form an idea of something or to give a
judgment about something. The term comes from the French word
‘évaluer’, meaning “to find the value of”. The origin is from the Latin
term ‘valere’ meaning “be strong, be well; be of value, or be worth”.

In the educational context, the verb ‘to evaluate’ often collocates with
terms such as:

 the effectiveness of an educational system,

 a program,
 a course,
 instruction,
 a curriculum.
According to Weiss (1972), evaluation refers to the systematic
gathering of information for the purpose of making decisions. It is not
concerned with the assessment of the performance of an individual,
but rather with forming an idea of the curriculum and making a
judgment about it. This judgment is made based on some kind of
criteria and evidence. The purpose is to make decisions about the
worth of instruction, a course, or even the whole curriculum.
Evaluation is thus larger and may include an analysis of all the aspects
of the educational system.

Definition of assessment
The verb assess comes from the French ‘assesser’, but the origin is
from the Medieval Latin ‘assessare’ meaning “fix a tax upon,”. 
Another derivation of the Latin term is ‘assidere’ or ‘adsidere’ meaning
“to sit beside” (a judge). Reference is made to the assistant of the
judge whose job was to fix the amount of a fine or tax by estimating
the value of a property.
Assessment is thus the process of collecting information about
students from diverse sources so that educators can form an idea of
what they know and can do with this knowledge. While evaluation is
concerned with making judgments about instruction, a curriculum, or
an educational system, assessment is concerned with the students’
performance. In other words, one assesses an individual but evaluates
a program, a curriculum, an educational system, etc.

The verb ‘assess’ often collocates with:

 skills,
 abilities,
 performance,
 aptitude,
 competence.
According to Le Grange & Reddy, (1998, p.3)

Assessment occurs when judgments are made about a learner’s

performance, and entails gathering and organizing information about
learners in order to make decisions and judgments about their

Assessment is thus the process of collecting information about learners

using different methods or tools (e.g. tests, quizzes, portfolios, etc).

Educators assess their students for a variety of purposes:

 To evaluate learners’ educational needs,

 To diagnose students’ academic readiness,
 To measure their progress in a course,
 To measure skill acquisition.
There are different types of assessment:

 Formative assessment:
It is process-oriented and is also referred to as ‘assessment for
Learning’. It is an ongoing process to monitor learning, the aim of
which is to provide feedback to improve teachers instruction
methods and improve students learning.
 Summative assessment:
It is product-oriented and is often referred to as ‘Assessment of
Learning’. It is used to measure student learning progress and
achievement at the end of a specific instructional period.
 Alternative assessment:
It is also referred to as authentic or performance assessment. It is
an alternative to traditional assessment that relies only on
standardized tests and exams. It requires students to do tasks such
as presentations, case studies, portfolios, simulations, reports, etc. 
Instead of measuring what students know, alternative assessment
focuses on what students can do with this knowledge.

Definition of testing
Simply put, a test refers to a tool, technique or a method that is
intended to measure students knowledge or their ability to complete a
particular task. In this sense, testing can be considered as a form of
assessment. Tests should meet some basic requirements, such as
validity and reliability.

 Validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it is

supposed to measure.
 Reliability refers to the consistency of test scores when
administered on different occasions.
There are different types of tests:

 Placement tests: It is designed to help educators place a student

into a particular level or section of a language curriculum or school
 Diagnostic tests: they help teachers and learners to identify
strengths and weaknesses.
 Proficiency tests: they measure a learner’s level of language.
 Achievement tests: they are intended to measure the skills and
knowledge learned after some kind o instruction

Measurement is the process of scoring or attempt to obtain a numerical
description of the extent to which a student has reached a certain
characteristic. Measurement results relating to the search process or the
elucidation of quantitative values. Measurement (measurement) is the
process of scoring or attempt to obtain a numerical description of the extent
to which a learner has achieved certain characteristics.

The function of Measurement

a. Instructional
1) Principal (basic purpose)
o To determine what knowledge, skills, abilities, habits and attitudes
have been acquired.
o To determine what progress or extent of learning attained.
o To determine strengths, weaknesses, difficulties and needs of
2) Secondary (auxiliary functions for effective teaching and learning)
o To help in study habits formation
o To develop the effort-making capacity of students
o To serve as aid for guidance, counselling, and prognosis
3) Administrative/supervisory
o To maintain standards
o To classify or select for special purposes
o To determine teachers efficiency, effectiveness of methods, strategies
used (strengths, weaknesses, needs); standards of instruction
o To serve as basis or guide for curriculum making and developing
Evaluation adds the ingredient of value judgement to assessment. It is concerned with the
application of its findings and implies some judgement of the effectiveness, social utility or
desirability of a product, process or progress in terms of carefully defined and agreed upon
objectives or values. Evaluation often includes recommendations for constructive action.
Thus, evaluation is a qualitative measure of the prevailing situation. It calls for evidence of
effectiveness, suitability, or goodness of the programme.

The Purposes of Evaluation

According to Oguniyi (1984), educational evaluation is carried out from time to time for the following
(i) to determine the relative effectiveness of the programme in terms of students’
behavioural output;
(ii) to make reliable decisions about educational planning;
(iii) to ascertain the worth of time, energy and resources invested in a programme;
(iv) to identify students’ growth or lack of growth in acquiring desirable knowledge, skills,
attitudes and societal values;
(v) to help teachers determine the effectiveness of their teaching techniques and learning
(vi) to help motivate students to want to learn more as they discover their progress or lack of
progress in given tasks;
(vii) to encourage students to develop a sense of discipline and systematic study habits;
(viii) to provide educational administrators with adequate information about teachers’
effectiveness and school need;
(ix) to acquaint parents or guardians with their children’s performances;
(x) to identify problems that might hinder or prevent the achievement of set goals;
(xi) to predict the general trend in the development of the teaching-learning process;
(xii) to ensure an economical and efficient management of scarce resources;
(xiii) to provide an objective basis for determining the promotion of students from one class to
another as well as the award of certificates;
(xiv) to provide a just basis for determining at what level of education the possessor of a
certificate should enter a career.
Other definitions of evaluation as given by practitioners are:
1. A systematic process of determining what the actual outcomes are but it also involves
judgement of desirability of whatever outcomes are demonstrated. (Travers, 1955)
2. The process of ascertaining the decision of concern, selecting appropriate information
and collecting and analysing information in order to report summary data useful to
decision makers in selecting among alternatives (Alkin, 1970).
3. The process of delineating, obtaining and providing useful information for judging
decision alternatives (Stufflebeam et al 1971)
In line with this fine distinction between assessment and evaluation, we shall briefly
deliberate a little more here on evaluation and leave the discussion on assessment to the latter

Faustino, Carmen, Kostina, Irina, & Vergara, Omaira. (2013). Prácticas
evaluativas en el componente de inglés y francés de un programa de
licenciatura en lenguas extranjeras. Lenguaje, 41(2), 353-382.
Retrieved September 29, 2018, from

Le Grange, L.L. & Reddy, C. (1998). Continuous Assessment: An

Introduction and Guidelines to Implementation. Cape Town, South
Africa: Juta

Weiss, C.H. (1972). Evaluation Research: Methods of Assessing

Program Effectiveness. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), USA: Prentice-Hall.

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