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February 20, 2020

5:15 – 6:15
a moral or legal duty to A duty or obligation to
do something satisfactorily perform or
complete a task (assigned by
someone, or created by
one's own promise or
circumstances) that one
must fulfill

üExamine the pictures posted on the walls.
üStay on the picture which you strongly disagree.
üStudents in the group will defend or explain their answer.
üPresentation can be done on any of the following: role
play, narrative discussion, graphical presentation or
anything that you are comfortable of doing.
üFrom the picture you selected or from any of the other
images, present to the class your better version of
being a resposible enterprise towards your
üPreparation - 7 minutes
üPresentation - 3 minutes per group
q 10 POINTS – Content
q 10 POINTS – Presentation (clarity of voice and actions)
q 10 POINTS – Teamwork
How important it is for the business to be responsible to
all their stakeholders?

Is it a good value of the business that they are

responsible to their obligations to various stakeholders?

Is being responsible with our obligations is a good

example to follow?

What is the importance of the topic to our daily living?

Can it aide us in doing our personal stuffs as a student,

as a son or daughter, as a family member, as a friend,
as a citizen of the community?
• This is the primary responsibility of a company to help
develop the economy.

• Thus, a company should earn profit.

• Company operations should be within the bounds of law.

• The company should follow rules and restrictions

dictaged by law and comply with legal requirements.
• Companies are expected to be ethical in their dealings
with stakeholders, especially the general public.

• A company operates ethically when it does not cause

harm or threaten the life of anyone in the course of its
• This is an obligation of a company to help the community
in worthwhile projects which are beneficial to the people
in the community.

• Thi is a way of giving back to the community where the

company operates and earns profit.
vwith the same group of the previous
activity, name/write specific obligations
and responsibilities of an enterprise as
discussed using the Pyramid Model. At
least 3 on each aspects.
vOutput per group will be written in a
short bond paper.
vTime allotment : 5 minutes
1. Search for 1 Filipino entrepreneur whom you think
is socially responsible in terms of economic, legal,
ethical and philanthropic aspects.
2. Mention their activities that would support in #1.
3. Use short bond paper.
4. Submit next meeting.

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