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Plant-based (PB). Plant-slant. Vegetarian. Ovo-vegan. Pescatarian. Flexitarian. Lacto-vegetarian. Raw

food. Mediterranean. Full-on Vegan. No Oil Whole Plant Based (NOWFB). Every day we are hearing and
reading that adding more plants into our daily nutrition is the best meal plan we can do for reducing
cardiovascular disease, preventing cancer, and improving chronic disease symptoms. If you haven’t yet
noticed, the concept is also gently creeping into our grocery store distribution increasing the number of
products that are available to us.


If you are curious about going plant-based, this workbook is for you. There are many, many reasons to
transition to a primary plant-based lifestyle. If you are reading this workbook, I am going to assume you
have your reasons for considering a change. Perhaps you are curious. Perhaps you have already done
your research and want to improve your health, help the environment, prevent heart disease and
cancer, and/or save the animals. Perhaps your physician mentioned or recommended a plant-based
lifestyle to you. If you fit any one of these categories mentioned, this workbook is for you.

The focus of this workbook is about discovering primarily plant-based meal planning, not just “plant-
only.” You can certainly choose the latter as your route, but this workbook is for those who want to test
some ideas about the plant-based concepts, and also, learn about themselves in the process. Regardless
of your reason for wanting to add more plants to your diet and the plan you want to use, each of us will
do best when we create our own individual plan.

This workbook was created blending my healthcare background, coach training, and my experience with
“going plant-based” into a workbook to help others. My own experience was sort of traumatic, no
drama intended. It was. My husband was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and wanted to do
everything possible for a positive outcome. Easy for him. He is a peanut butter sandwich guy. I love to
cook. I love the art of cooking, and meat. I love pizza and pasta. I love French cooking and butter. I didn’t
want to be a short-order cook. I didn’t want to eat Buddha bowls for the rest of my life. I didn’t want to
cook separate meals. And I didn’t want to give up meat and cheese entirely.

What DID I want? I wanted to be supportive and I wanted to be healthy as well. I was in the Anger Stage
of most Change Models for at least two months. I admit it. I wasn’t nice. Shame on me.

There are so many ways to change a behavior. Like Mike, my husband, some people can transform over
night. Some people are intermittent changers whiles others just go forward quickly. Others resist, resist,
and resist. Other people make changes, may back slide a bit, and then get back on track. There are early
adopters, slow adopters, and never adopters. That’s fine. That’s who we are as humans.

I think most people are somewhere in the middle and tend to be incremental changers unless a crisis
happens and are forced to change. Philosophically, most of life is about incremental change unless there
is a crisis, and sometimes, people don’t change even with that motivator. I am an incremental changer
and I know there are incremental changers who want to test the plant-based theory. They don’t know
where to start, what to start with, or how to judge how they are doing.

On a great note, my husband is doing great. We have one more year of therapy and then we see what
happens. We are hoping that armed with plants, our outcome will be in the “best” category - a 75%
chance no reoccurrence or metastasis.


Ten years ago my mother died of pancreatic cancer, my dad from severe complications of open-heart
surgery, and my husband, Mike’s, cholesterol levels were a bit elevated. We were also watching Mike’s
PSA levels for prostate cancer. Our cardiologist believed in patient education and gave us the books The
China Study and How to Prevent Heart Disease and suggested we watch the movie, Forks Over Knives.
We did all he recommended. We bought in just a tad.

We also read books on nutrition and cancer and decided we needed to add a lot more cruciferous
vegetables in our diet. So, we started adding two to four cups of cruciferous veggies at a time specifically
by using the sweet kale salad mixes available on the market. We cut back quite a bit on meat (only once
a day) and I still gravitated to selecting chicken, pork, lamb, or fish as the primary ingredient for a lunch
or dinner meal. I sautéd, roasted or grilled, prepared a French sauce, assembled it with a few poorly
cooked vegetables, and called it a meal.

I still loved to cook beef bourguignon, porchetta, and we loved our Texas beef BBQ and TexMex. We
started experimenting with frozen meat protein replacements made by Morningstar, Quorn and
Gardein. We were doing great but we still loved to eat out and did not think of ourselves as primarily
plant-based. That was not in our vernacular. Nor was vegetarian. Over time, though, we ate more and
more cruciferous vegetables. I created over 20 recipes that we ate routinely with the salad mixes and I
wrote my first cookbook, 21 Days of Sweet Kale Salad Mix Recipes.

Fast forward to 2018. My husband was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, much more advanced
than we were prepared for. During the initial diagnosis and treatment planning phase, we met with an
integrative medicine physician to discuss plant nutrition. Mike reread The China Study and we watched
Forks Over Knives again. He was convinced to make the change to full-on vegan. I was still in shock from
everything going on. I really didn’t know where to start.

Magically, the Forks Over Knives online cooking class appeared on my Facebook page. It was a deal and I
thought it would focus my attention on learning to cook better, healthier and more beautifully. In the
classes, I learned how to accurately cook vegetables, grains, and legumes without oil. I thought I knew
how to cook, and I’m sure I learned some of these techniques in the past, but many were brand new.

The course started with knife skills, moved through steaming, blanching and roasting techniques, and
then on to sautéing without oil. We progressed all the way to making vegan cashew cream and learning
about spice combinations. One of the benefits of the course was viewing the beautiful dishes the other
20,000 participants around the world were presenting for the task projects. Most importantly, the class
created a better relationship between the harvest, the goodness of the earth, and myself.

I now have a lot of techniques in my arsenal. I am still an avid reader of Cooks Illustrated, Alton Brown,
and The Food Science Lab and follow the Blue Zone recommendations as well. I know I cook more than
many of my counterpoints, and study cooking as a sort of second career. I realize everyone is not like
that and they struggle with what to do.

I absolutely love the online cooking course and highly recommend it. My purpose here is to fill the gap
for those who aren’t ready to do the full-on course, don’t cook or minimally cook, and guide those who
just want to know what they can do bits and pieces at a time.

Perhaps you don’t cook. Perhaps you have fears. Perhaps any number of reasons that are preventing
you from getting to 90% or more of your diet from plants. I hope this is the workbook that will help you
move forward.

PLANTS - Where we get our flavors and colors

There are over 20,000 plants. Except for the meaty, glutamates and fat, almost anything we use to
improve an animal – based dish probably comes from a plant. Think about that. With plants we get the
following flavor profiles: Sweet, Sour, Tart, Savory, Umami, Floral, Herbal, Heady, Woody, Musty, Spicy,
Citrus, Earthy, Grainy, Malty, and yes, Vegetal, just to name a few. Unfortunately, if plants by
themselves are cooked poorly, and your memory of a green bean is of a chain cafeteria with veggies
swimming in grease, your brain may register vegetables as all about salt, mush, and over-cooked ferrous

With a primarily plant-based eating pattern and experience, we get the nuances of the vegetables
themselves, and then we can enhance the dish with layers of flavor from other plant-based options of
seeds, grains, herbs, nuts, berries, etc.


This workbook tool is designed to help you create self-awareness of where you are at, take a short 14-
day journey, and reflect back on what it was like. You will be examining your knowledge and relationship
with vegetables, grains, legumes, herbs, and cuisines. We will start with what you like to eat, how you
eat, what you enjoy to eat, and what might be interesting to you.

This workbook is about creating awareness and making different choices, not cooking. You will be
making choices that you feel will work for you. Some are easier, some may be more difficult. There may
be suggestions to use take-out, frozen, canned, and some healthier off the shelf foods, such as boil in
bag brown rice. You will also reflect on what your beliefs are about preparing, cooking, and eating
plants. These are your thoughts and beliefs. They are yours. No one is here to judge.

Over the 14 days, you will be:

1. Testing new flavors, some at untraditional times
2. Testing new textures and consistencies
3. Testing a few new techniques
4. Expanding your color palette
5. Discovering what is in your grocery store that supports plant-based meal planning
6. Building a relationship with the goodness of the earth


In general, this book is not supporting any one plant-based theory. Thus, I will be mentioning healthier
full meal choices in the frozen, grain, and canned sections of your grocery store. There are suggestions
using some readily available meat protein substitutes and some readers and students may not
appreciate that. Yet, you may have to start somewhere, especially if dicing onions and carrots is not your
thing yet. Some ideas may not comply with a certain theory. Again, this is about testing ideas, tasks, or
concepts that will work for you.

As stated earlier, this is not a recipe book per se although I do include a few easy things to create and
reference a few dishes in my first cookbook that are really easy. I share a few very, very short “recipes”
that help you see how to add flavor to your meals. But overall, the purpose of this book is for you to
test some plant-based ideas inside and outside of your comfort zone.


HOW THIS WORKBOOK IS SET UP: This workbook is divided into 14 different meals over a two-week
period. Ideally, you will do one meal a day. The first day is breakfast, the second day is lunch, the third
day is dinner, repeating these three and following up with a dessert day on Day 7 and Day 14.

Each day meal event includes a debriefing, a self-appraisal of current status, some options for changing,
and preparing for the next day.

READ AND DO: This is a workbook. Take a chance. Do the tasks. Answer the questions. Learn more
about yourself.

BE A STAR! For each day, there are several options to achieve a star. A “One Star” change is generally
an “easy win”. It is fast, low-cost, and simple to apply. It’s a quick mind-shift that you hopefully see as

not too painful, can integrate easily and routinely over time, and feel immediately great about.
Remember, each step, each little change, IS great!

There will be extra options to achieve more stars. They may include things like getting outside of your
comfort zone a bit, stretching your capabilities, or requiring a bit more planning.

We know there are days that are busier than others, thus there are options for easy reaches and then
there are at least two more options to reach more stars. The stars are just for you to see how you are
doing. The minimum stars we want you to reach are 14. See how many stars you can reach in 14 days!

PICTURES PAINT A THOUSAND WORDS: Take pictures of your food. Even as you progress over two
weeks, it will help you see the transformation happening, even if it is your new salad at the salad bar.

COLOR ME A FOODIE: Look for color in your food. Meat is red and brown. Chicken is white and dark.
Pork is pink and tan. You are opening yourself up to a whole new world of technoplant color.

BECOME SCENT-IMENTAL: The spice section or your local spice shop or grocery store is your new
friend. Explore. Take a moment and inhale all the wonderful new flavors you may experience over the
next 14 days.

ENJOY THE SACREDNESS OF PLANTS: Taking pause to learn about plants as food also creates a
sacredness to food including its beauty, where it was grown, who grew the food, and what it has to
offer. Someone had to plant the seed or tuber, feed, weed, nurture, and harvest this sacred food of the
earth. In my humble opinion, it doesn’t get more beautiful than that.

EAT MINDFULLY: As you make (or in this case, eat) the change, take pause. Consider this exercise a
type of Mindfulness exercise in which you are in the moment. Consider the mouthfeel, the texture, the
consistency, and the complex taste of the change food item. Our brain becomes used to our crunchy,
sugary cold cereal or toast with jam. Pay attention to what is happening in your brain when you take
pause to crunch down on a less sugary, more robust, perhaps a bit savory new whole grain cereal,
bread, or when we first sample creamy chia pudding? Your brain may scream “this is different!” But
remember, our brains our hard-wired for the things we love.

With this workbook, we hope you experience and learn more things to love.

Most of the food products suggested should be available at your local chain grocery store either in the
produce aisle, canned goods, dried goods, frozen or health food sections. Many stores are calling
sections of the store “plant-based” or “veg” and designate aisles or tags with symbols designating items
as healthy with a green leaf or other insignia. As you shop, start looking for these sections. Note the
plant sections may be sections within a section. For example, a vegan Indian sauce with a green tag may
be in the International section, not the vegan section of the store.

If taking time for shopping is your concern, there are some ways to approach it. Here are three options
to expedite the process but it is totally fine if you get excited and want to go shopping every day.
Location and access to food is a huge barrier for some. Time to shop is for others.

1) Do the Test Drive in four meal “waves.” Each wave is one test of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Shop
in four different visits. You may choose to review one set of breakfast, lunch and dinner meals, and
go shopping for just that one set or “wave.”
2) Another option is to review all 14 meal change days, commit to what you want to try, and
incorporate all the new shopping in one trip. The beauty of that option is that you can see all the
great things you are going to try in one observation.
3) Finally, instead of physically shopping (which I highly recommend to develop a new pair of eyes
focusing on plant-based concepts), you may choose just to order your food online and pick it up or
have it delivered to your home. Some test drivers may feel the grocery store may distract them and
derail them from the test drive. That’s cool. I totally get that after sitting in my car and eating half a
roasted chicken.
4) This is a self-paced workbook. Ideally, participants do the meal tests in order. Of course, that is only
a suggestion and a recommendation. Participants are free to choose what will work for them.

I am not a nutritionist or a dietician. I have over 30 years of healthcare experience and am incorporating
evidence-based medicine with my background of cardiopulmonary rehab, process improvement,
coaching and my own personal experience. By sharing my personal ideas and experiences, I want to
fully support bringing primarily plant-based eating to the forefront.

This workbook is designed for those who do not have food restrictions, such as gluten-intolerance, nuts,
or other food allergies. For example, if you are allergic to peanuts, it is up to you and your physician to
modify this test drive to meet your needs. You may absolutely partner with your primary care physician,
specialist or dietician to meet the needs required by your team. It is up to the participant (you) to follow
physician’s order in regards to what food should be limited or avoided.

This guide is not intended to replace your physician’s orders, prescriptions or plan of care. It is intended
to create discussion and enhance your health and your relationship with your healthcare team.

This book details the author’s personal experiences with and opinions about transitioning to a primary
plant-base meal plan. The author is not your healthcare provider.

The author and publisher are providing this book and its contents on an “as is” basis and make no
representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this book or its contents. The author and
publisher disclaim all such representations and warranties, including for example warranties of
merchantability and healthcare for a particular purpose. In addition, the author and publisher do not
represent or warrant that the information accessible via this book is accurate, complete or current.

The statements made about products and services have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease.
Please consult with your own physician or healthcare specialist regarding the suggestions and
recommendations made in this book.

Except as specifically stated in this book, neither the author nor publisher, nor any authors, contributors,
or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this
book. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including
(without limitation) compensatory; direct, indirect or consequential damages; loss of data, income or
profit; loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties.

You understand that this book is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed healthcare
practitioner, such as your physician. Before you begin any healthcare program, or change your lifestyle
in any way, you will consult your physician or another licensed healthcare practitioner to ensure that
you are in good health and that the examples contained in this book will not harm you.

This book provides content related to physical and/or mental health issues. As such, use of this book
implies your acceptance of this disclaimer.

Copyright © 2019 by Lisa Boesen

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

The material printed in this book is intended purely for informational purposes and does not constitute
legal or medical advice to the reader. You should seek medical advice with respect to any particular
question or matter. The story and opinions expressed in the book are entirely the opinions and related
experiences of the author.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2019

This two week test-drive will involve the following:

___ Limiting meat or chicken to 3 ounces once a week. Bonus points for eliminating meat and dairy for
two weeks
___Limiting salmon or fish to 3 ounces once a week (optional)
___Testing at least two new protein substitutes
___ Observing how much oil I use
___Reducing dairy to twice a week or eliminate altogether
___Reducing egg consumption to one egg once a week
___Intentionally decreasing use of oil, including olive oil
___Limiting added sugar
___Testing at least five brand new vegetables
___Testing three new beans or legumes
___Testing three new seeds or nuts
___Testing one new grain, flour or pasta
___Eliminating processed food – soft drinks, chips, desserts in a bag, etc.
___Eliminating fried foods including French fries and chips
___Eliminating fast food (does not include healthy take-out)
___Limiting take out (you will see why later)
___Eating to only 80% full
___Testing at least 20 different food items (we will provide you tips and guidance on how to do this)
___Testing at least two new whole grains
___Celebrating success with one plant-based dessert a week (does not include fruit as a dessert on
other days)

Ready to get started?




Check all that apply:
___I eat to live ___I live to eat ___A little of both
___Meat and potatoes are my thing ___I focus on meat or fish first, then plants
___I have not been exposed to a variety of plants
___I eat everything even if it is may not be well-prepared
___I prefer spicy ___I prefer bland ___I’m basic. I don’t try new things
___I try everything at least once ___It has to look good to eat it ___Some textures bother me
___I live alone and cook for myself ___I live with others and cook for others too
___I don’t cook ___I want to cook but don’t know how ___I mostly grill
___I cook but use prepared or frozen foods
___I can boil, steam, simmer, roast, and sauté vegetables
___I am great at assembling prepackaged and prepped food
___A slow cooker/pressure cooker/Instant pot is/are my best friend(s)
___I eat out more than 25% of the time

I enjoy these cuisines.
___ Chinese ___Indian ___Greek ___Spanish ___French
___Mexican or TexMex ___Italian ___Thai ___Mediterranean

I am interested in adding these cuisine(s) to my diet:

___ Chinese ___Indian ___Greek ___Spanish ___French
___Mexican or TexMex ___Italian ___Thai ___Mediterranean

I have tried: ___ Tempeh ___Seitan ___Tofu ___Other non-meat products

___Soy milk ___Almond Milk ___Oat Milk ___Rice Milk ___Cashew Milk
___Macadamia Nut Milk ___ Plant-based Cheese ____ Plant-based spread ___Other

My favorite meatless option is: _______________________________________________________

My favorite non-dairy product is: _____________________________________________________

Of my daily intake, I think I currently eat:

___25% whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit
___50% whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit
___75% whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit
___not sure

My biggest food product challenges(es) are: (lack self-control, tend to buy spontaneously, have to have at
every meal, cost, etc.)

My current favorite dish(es) is:


I would love to try a new version of this dish: ___________________________________________________


I love these 10 fruits: (checkbox)

___apples ___apricots ___bananas ___blackberries ___blueberries ___pomegranates

___grapefruit ___dates ___figs ___grapes ___lemons ___limes
___mangos ___melons ___oranges ___peaches ___pears ___raspberries
___pineapple ___plums ___tangerines ___cherries ___strawberries

I avoid these three fruits:

1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________

I am willing to try these three fruits:

1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________


I love:
___almonds ___pecans ___cashews ___hazelnuts ___walnuts ___Brazil nuts
___pine nuts ___pistachios ___peanuts

I avoid:
___almonds ___pecans ___cashews ___hazelnuts ___walnuts ___Brazil nuts
___pine nuts ___pistachios ___peanuts

I am willing to try:
___almonds ___pecans ___cashews ___hazelnuts ___walnuts ___Brazil nuts
___pine nuts ___pistachios ___peanuts

I love:
___chia ___sesame seeds ___sunflower seeds ___pumpkin seeds ___other_________________

I avoid:
___chia ___sesame seeds ___sunflower seeds ___pumpkin seeds ___other_________________

I am willing to try:
___chia ___sesame seeds ___sunflower seeds ___pumpkin seeds ___other_________________

Complete the self-assessment by checking the appropriate boxes
Don't Like at Am Willing to
Love Like OK All Try Notes
Bok choy
Brussel Sprouts
Cabbage (red or green)
Cauliflower (white, orange,
Napa Cabbage
Swiss Chard

Leafy Greens (some cross over

to cruciferous)
Dandelion greens

Bell peppers
Green beans
Green or snap peas
Hot peppers

Don’t Like at Am Willing To
Love Like OK All Try Notes
Vining Plants

Roots and Tubers

Sweet potatoes

Alliums and related

Spring onions

Daikon radish
Mung bean

Other (Please write in)


Am Willing to
Love Like OK Don't Like at All Try Notes
Basmati rice
Brown rice
Bulgur wheat
Jasmine rice
Steel cut oats
Wheat berries
White rice
Wild rice
Other grain(s)

Barley flour
Buckwheat flour
Chickpea flour
Rye flour
Spelt flour
White flour
White Whole
Whole grain
Whole wheat
Other Flour

Don't Like at Am Willing
Love Like OK All to Try Notes
Other Beans

French Puy
Split Pea
Other Lentils


Am Willing to
Love Like OK Don't Like at All Try Notes
Asian sweet
potato glass
Durum wheat
(White regular
Italian style)
Glass noodles

I enjoy:
___Tofu ___Soy crumbles ___Seitan ___Tempeh ___Mushrooms
___frozen meat substitute products (Quorn, Gardein, Morningstar, Praeger, etc).
___ Texture Vegetable Protein (TVP)
I avoid:
___Tofu ___Soy crumbles ___Seitan ___Tempeh ___Mushrooms
___frozen meat substitute products (Quorn, Gardein, Morningstar, Praeger, etc).
___ Texture Vegetable Protein (TVP)

I am willing to try:
___Tofu ___Soy crumbles ___Seitan ___Tempeh ___Mushrooms
___frozen meat substitute products (Quorn, Gardein, Morningstar, Praeger, etc).
___ Texture Vegetable Protein (TVP)

I enjoy:
___Oyster ___Cremini/Baby bella ___Shiitake ___White Button ___Lion’s Mane
___Dried Morel ___Chanterelle ___ Portobello ___Other

I avoid:
___Oyster ___Cremini/Baby bella ___Shiitake ___White Button ___Lion’s Mane
___Dried Morel ___Chanterelle ___ Portobello ___Other

I am willing to try:
___Oyster ___Cremini/Baby bella ___Shiitake ___White Button ___Lion’s Mane
___Dried Morel ___Chanterelle ___ Portobello ___Other


1) Choose one grain or bean a day and use for lunch and dinner. Example: test hummus for lunch in a
wrap or dip and test chickpea soup or add chickpeas to a salad, side or soup for dinner.
2) Frozen vegetables or as nutritious as fresh. Don’t be afraid to use a bag of frozen soy beans, lima
beans or even potatoes to save you time.
3) Most major grocery store chains have their own version of ready-made kale mix salads. Just be
aware of the added dairy or meat ingredients such as cheese, bacon bits or the dressing. I
recommend tossing out the dressing and making your own.
4) Food management is a big part of eating plant-based. There are some veggies that last longer than
others. Brussel sprouts, cabbage and carrots seem to last several weeks in the vegetable bin.
5) Fruit seems to be the most perishable of produce. Don’t be afraid to try new techniques such as
roasting, sautéing, pureeing, and drying fruits, or even mixing with a vegetable or use as a topping
for a soup.
6) If you have a sad looking vegetable, consider making a soup, or roast, steam and puree for a future
dish. For example, red peppers can be eaten fresh or roasted. I take sad red, orange or yellow
peppers, roast them in the toaster oven, puree, and add to a tomato chickpea Middle Eastern soup
for added sweetness.
7) Experience a vegetable three ways. For example, instead of buying baby carrots, buy whole carrots.
Peel and eat raw. Roast them in the oven. Steam them in an Instant Pot or on the stove in a
steamer basket. If you over cook, you can always mash into a nice side dish!
8) Non-dairy products are not going to taste just like dairy products. Some will be close. Others won’t.
It depends on your palette and your preferences. For example, when you whip silken tofu, it is soft
and pretty but just doesn’t look like whipped cream. It is off-white. Not pure white like cow’s
9) Your spice shop is your friend. Prepackaged spice blends may work better for you at first. Below is
a quick and easy guide for pairing nuts, seeds and spices.
10) Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself if your dish doesn’t come out as you wanted. Learn as you
go. Failures are the best teachers.


Cuisine Herbs/Aromatics Spices Nuts Seeds/other

Italian/Sicilian/Sardinian Basil, fennel, garlic, Chile, black pepper, Almonds, truffle
leek, onion marjoram, white pepper hazelnuts,
oregano, parsley, pine nuts
rosemary, sage, thyme
Thai Basil, cilantro, galangal, Chile, coriander, Cashew, Sesame
ginger, kaffir lime, cumin, turmeric, almond,
lemongrass, mint, curry peanut
Mexican and Spanish Cilantro, garlic, onion, Chile, cinnamon, Almonds Sesame,
parsley, saffron coriander, cumin, pumpkin,
paprika sunflower
Moroccan/African Chive, cilantro, garlic, Cardamom, clove, Almonds Sesame
ginger, mint, onion, cinnamon,
saffron, sage, rose coriander, cumin,
Japanese and Chinese Basil, garlic, ginger, Chili, cardamom, Peanuts, Sesame,
miso, scallion, vinegar, coriander, star almonds, seaweed
wasabi anise, cashews
Turkish and Greek Cilantro, dill, garlic, Anise, cinnamon, Almonds, Sesame, pine
marjoram, mint, onion, chili, fenugreek, pistachios, nuts,
oregano, parsley, sesame, sumac, walnuts almonds,
saffron, thyme cashews
Indian Cilantro, fennel seed, Anise, black pepper, Almonds, Sesame
ginger, garlic, mint, cardamom, chili, peanuts,
onion, saffron cinnamon, clove, pistachios,
cumin, curry, garam cashews
masala, fenugreek,
mustard, rose,
tamarind, turmeric

Take a moment and review your food assessment. Write down those items you love and want to buy and
those items you want to try. This will help you on your first shopping list.

10 Veggies I love: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Five veggies I will test: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Three Grain/Pastas/Flours I love: ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________

One Grain/Pasta/Flour I will test: ___________ ___________ ___________

Four Legumes or Lentils I love: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Three Legumes or Lentils I will test: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Four Nuts/Seeds I love: ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Two Nuts/Seeds I will test: ___________ ___________ ___________

One meat substitute I currently use: ___________

One meat substitute I will test: ___________

One dairy substitute (milk/cheese) I currently use: ___________

One dairy substitute (milk/cheese) I am willing to try: ___________

One mushroom I enjoy: ___________

One mushroom I will test: ___________

One noodle/pasta I enjoy: ___________

One noodle/pasta I will test: ___________

Other Shopping Items

___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________

What is my biggest concern I have about test-driving a plant-based diet?
___Expense ___Prep ___Variety of meals ___Going out to eat
___Feeling different than others ___Fear ___Cooking for my family who are not PB
___Access to whole foods ___Access to quality fresh vegetables
___Access to unusual spices/herbs, etc. ___Storage/pantry space ___Getting nutrition
___Family support ___Fear of failure ___Other __________________________________

I feel very comfortable preparing vegetables.

____ Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

I feel very comfortable preparing grains.

____ Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

I feel very comfortable preparing legumes or lentils.

____ Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

I feel very comfortable creating different cuisines in my kitchen.

____ Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

I feel very comfortable using different spices when cooking.

____ Strongly Agree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Strongly Disagree

I will commit a minimum of this much time daily for the test drive.
___30 minutes a day ___one hour a day ___ two hours a day ___whatever it takes
___other ___________________________________________________________________________

What are my reasons for participating? (in other words, what may be the benefits? What may happen
if I succeed)

One thing I want to be sure to accomplish:


What may happen if I don’t participate?


What are my resources to help me?


How I will move through my barriers?

How I know I am successful (make it easier on yourself – complete your checklist or more!):

How I will celebrate when the two weeks are up:


How I feel right now about my nutritional status:

___Great/Awesome ___OK/Minimal Improvement ___Moderately OK/Needs Improvement

How I want to feel about my nutritional intake:

___Great/Awesome ___OK/Minimal Improvement ___Moderately OK/Needs Improvement


This section is optional. The intent of this test drive is not to produce metabolic results in a short
amount of time. This test drive is not guarantee weight loss or short-term results. It is important to
understand what is happening with your body when you change your nutritional intake.

Height: _____ Weight: _____ Blood pressure: ________ Resting Heart Rate: _____
Total Cholesterol level if known: _________ Fasting Blood Sugar: _________

Symptoms during the day: ___Reflux ___GERD ___Burping ___Generally feeling full
__Gas Other: ________________________________________

Symptoms during sleep: ___Reflux ___GERD ___Burping ___Generally feeling full

__Gas Other: ________________________________________

Bowel movements (yes BMs): ___daily ___multiple times a day ___firm/hard

___sleek/easy to extrude ___runny

Energy Level: ___High all the time ___Waxes and wanes through the day ___Sluggish some time
___Sluggish > 50% of the time ___ Feel like I never have energy

Other symptoms I manage:


Final Prework
We eat with our eyes. Our minds have preconceived notions of what a meal, particularly comfort food,
looks like. This exercise is designed to have you start embedding what dishes with many plants look like.
There are many plant-based food bloggers online. This website recommends 10 of the finest bloggers
currently on line.

Assign yourself 15 minutes for this prework.

1) Sit in a quiet spot without distraction.
2) Research vegan food bloggers on line.
3) Select five websites and save them on your personal electronic device.
4) Peruse the pictures and recipes for 5 minutes.
5) Close your eyes.
6) Listen to what your mind and body are doing. Does it feel anxious? Is your mind wandering? If
so, gently tell it to “move on.”
7) Open your eyes and begin to look at the pictures for another 5 minutes. Ask yourself the
a. What do you see?
b. How many colors are in the picture?
c. What makes it pleasant?
d. How is the dish arranged or how are the plants placed?
e. How do you imagine each plant to taste?
f. What cuisine is the dish?
g. How do you imagine it feeling in your mouth?

What I Discovered About This Exercise

(feelings, perceptions, etc.)


Let’s start with breakfast. It is usually the easiest to address and is generally a quick win! Use the blanks
to log what products you used.

What I usually eat for breakfast:

__Dairy milk ___Eggs ___Meat ___Cold cereal ___Hot cereal
____Sugar substitute ___Sugar ___Avocados ___Butter ___Bread
___Quinoa ___Nuts/seeds ___Cheese ___Beans ___Non-dairy milk
___Dairy yogurt ___Non-dairy yogurt ___Fruit ___other__________________

One Star Options

___If I eat meat or eggs, eliminate both.
___If I eat cold cereal, check my cereal box for added sugars. Change my cereal to
a very low or no-added sugar cereal and test for enjoyment. Example: bran
flakes, bran buds, rice, steel cut oats, etc.
___Use a whole grain bread product (check the package for the Whole Grain
Symbol) or sourdough bread. See example. Aim for a bread product that has at
least 16 grams of whole grains (=one serving).
___If I use sugar substitute, test a plant-based sugar such as monk fruit or erythritol _____________.
___Eat one fruit I enjoy. Remember my list! ______________.
___Cut my jam in half or eliminate.
Two Star Options
___Sprinkle hot or cold cereal with flax seed or a few nuts I enjoy. Remember my new nuts! _________.
___If using dairy milk, test one plant-based milk product ___________
___If using butter, test one plant-based spread _______________
___ Test making old-fashioned oatmeal, or quinoa. Add some dried fruit and my nut of choice.

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things


Lunch may be more challenging. Much depends on if you dine out or eat your own lunch, employment
and commitments. There are options for both. Use the blanks to log what products you used.

What I usually eat for lunch:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in lunch ___salad or salad bar ___meat ___soup
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___bring my own food (non-leftovers) ___leftovers ___pizza ___pasta
___vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___Add ½ cup of a beans, lentils or grains to a dish or as a side to my plate. (Remember my “love” and
“willing to try list”. ________________.
___Use a whole grain option for my home-built sandwich or wrap or request whole wheat or grain
bread for my sandwich or bun.
___Use at least two new and different vegetables, beans and/or legumes at the salad bar (example,
kale, squash, garbanzo or red kidney beans).
___Choose a salad with the most vegetables, even if they are not ones I prefer.
___Choose the dark, leafy green salad option at the salad bar or cafe. Intentionally select a dark leafy
romaine, kale, or spinach or the baby garden blend.

Two Star Options

___Choose or build a dish with at least three different colors of vegetables.
___Substitute one meat product in my salad for one new plant-based item. Example: Substitute the
chicken and add ½ cup garbanzo or other beans, some nuts or avocado.
___intentionally select a restaurant that offers vegetable, lentil, or grain soup. Or bring my own plant-
based vegetable, barley and or bean soup, canned, frozen, or off the shelf.
___Prepare a lunch that includes a pre-packaged sweet kale salad mix without meat or dairy. Create a
homemade vinaigrette of: one garlic clove grated, mixed with ½ tablespoon of olive oil and one
tablespoon of lemon juice, and a dash of salt or a spice mix.

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

Dinner may be the most challenging for some people. You may be cooking for others or be on a
timeline. Let’s work through some options.

What I usually eat for dinner:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in ___salad ___meat ___soup ___pasta
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___leftovers ___pizza ___ vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___ Make an easy no - meat tomato-based spaghetti sauce with whole grain pasta. (feel free to use a
meat substitute such as Quorn, Gardein or Morningstar crumbles). No cheese!
___ Make a ready-to-eat bean/veggie burger or my choice of non-meat burgers with a whole grain bun.
Pack on some spinach or leafy greens for more nutrition.
___Roll my own bean or meat substitute burritos with a whole grain burrito tortilla.
___ Make a salad bowl with a pre-packaged salad mix such as sweet kale mix, Asian, Southwest, etc.
Use a bit of smashed garlic, lemon, and salt in olive for a dressing. Add a cuisine-matching bean. (black,
soy, garbanzo, etc.) and nut or seed.
Two Star Options
___ Choose a Thai, Indian or Chinese take-out and choose crispy tofu or the vegetarian option, and
brown rice instead of white rice.
___Make or buy a vegetable minestrone soup and add an extra two cups of kale and/or brown rice or
pearled barley or farro.
___Test a bag of frozen protein blend – Italian, California, Asian, Southwest, etc. (Birds Eye, Hillary’s,
store brand, or similar). Add a leafy green salad or kale mix salad.
___Recipe option: Add Southwest or Cajun spices to a can of pinto beans, ½ cup of crushed or chopped
tomatoes, and several cups of kale mix, kale, cabbage or other greens. Serve over “boil in a bag” brown
rice, with a green salad and sourdough bread. Three stars if you do this one!

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

Great job on building your first breakfast! Let’s move forward with a new one!
What I usually eat for breakfast:
__Dairy milk ___Eggs ___Meat ___Cold cereal ___Hot cereal
____Sugar substitute ___Sugar ___Avocados ___Butter ___Bread
___Quinoa ___Nuts/seeds ___Cheese ___Beans ___Non-dairy milk
___Dairy yogurt ___Non-dairy yogurt ___Fruit ___other__________________

One Star Options

___If I eat cold cereal, Change my cereal to a very low or no-added sugar cereal and
test for enjoyment. Review Day 1 for options.
___Use whole grain (check the package for the Whole Grain Symbol) or sourdough
bread. Shoot for a bread product this time that has at least 25 grams of whole
___Eat one new fruit ___________. Remember my list!
___Cut my jam in half or eliminate.
___If I eat meat, or eggs, eliminate both.
___Sprinkle hot or cold cereal with flax seed or a few nuts I enjoy.
___If using dairy milk, test one plant-based milk product____________.
___If using butter, test one plant-based spread.
___If using sugar substitute, test a plant-based sugar such as monk fruit or erythritol.

Two Star Options

___Mash one avocado with some sea salt, a bit of crushed garlic (optional but worth a try! Trust me!)
Smear on whole-grain toast. Top with grape tomatoes or sunflower seeds.
___Test easy peasy Chia Pudding below.
The night before, put one tablespoon of chia seeds in a small Mason jar. Add ½ cup of my milk of choice.
Remember, this is my test-drive. Lisa is giving no judgment. Stir well and then let sit overnight in the
fridge. In the morning, I will have chia pudding that feels like tapioca pudding. I will add some fruit, a
drizzle of honey and call it breakfast.
My Quick Shopping List
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things


Congratulations on testing our first plant-based lunch. Some options are the same. Some are different
today. You choose!

What I usually eat for lunch:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in lunch ___salad or salad bar ___meat ___soup
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___bring my own food (non-leftovers) ___leftovers ___pizza ___pasta
___vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___Add ½ cup beans, lentils or grains to a dish or as a side to my plate. (Remember my “love” list and
“willing to try list”. ________________
___Use whole grain bread for my home-built sandwich or wrap or request whole wheat bread for my
sandwich or bun.
___Use at least one new and different vegetable AND bean at the salad bar (example, kale, squash,
garbanzo or red kidney beans))
___Substitute one meat product in my salad for one new plant-based item. Example: Substitute the
chicken and add ½ cup garbanzo or other beans, some nuts or guacamole.

Two Star Options

___Choose or build a dish with at least four different colors of vegetables.
___Choose or make a pasta with a whole grain pasta tossed with a dark leafy green vegetables or
microgreens, grape tomatoes halves, a bit of olive oil, and pine nuts or chopped walnuts or cashews.
___Bring my own plant-based vegetable, barley and or bean soup, canned, frozen, or off the shelf. Add
a handful of kale, kale mix, spinach of my choice for added benefit.
___Prepare a lunch that includes a pre-packaged sweet kale salad mix. Use my own dressing. Add a
complimentary bean for added protein.
___Order or bring a vegetarian, bean, or avocado burger or sandwich. Test a non-dairy cheese or mayo.

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

Congratulations on eating your first primarily plant-based dinner! Let’s move forward with the second!

What I usually eat for dinner:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in ___salad ___meat ___soup ___pasta
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___leftovers ___pizza ___ vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___ Make tacos using non-meat crumbles or beans, rice, avocado or salad mix. No cheese.
___Make a no - meat spaghetti sauce with whole grain pasta. (feel free to use a meat substitute such as
Quorn, Gardein or Morningstar crumbles)
___ Make a ready-to-eat bean or my choice of non-meat burgers (available in the freezer section).
___Roll my own bean or meat substitute burritos on a whole grain burrito tortilla.
___Make a salad bowl with my greens of choice, one new grain, bean or legume, two favorite
vegetables and one new vegetable.

Two Star Options

___ Choose an Indian, Thai or Chinese take-out and use crispy tofu as the meat option. Choose brown
rice instead of white. Rice.
___Make an Indian or Thai dinner using a frozen non-meat substitute, a vegan jarred sauce, and brown
rice. (Feel free to use a boiling bag option – just get started!)
___Prepare a cruciferous kale mix stir fry using a new Asian noodle or brown rice, kale mix, soy beans
and a store- bought Asian sauce.
___Create a special healthy topping for my dish made with 1 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1 tsp sesame seeds,
one tsp of coarse ground nut of choice, and 1 tsp of a spice mixture such as Cajun, Tex-Mex, Italian,
Greek, Asian or Mediterranean and serve it over my dish. My favorite is 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1 tbsp
sesame seeds, 1 tbsp sunflower seeds and 1 tsp taco seasoning.

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

Way to go! You are half-way through the test drive! Celebrate your success with a few sweets! Plant-
based of course!

What I usually eat for dessert:

___pie ___cookies ___ice cream ___frozen dairy yogurt ___candy
___fruit ___cobbler ___other

One Star Options

___one serving of a non-dairy ice cream or gelato or yogurt. Add fresh fruit for a bonus point.
___one piece of good quality dark chocolate. Enjoy something with a nut for added enjoyment and
___one slice of a store-bought plant-based dessert such as a vegan pie or cake.

Two Star Options

___Make some chocolate cupcakes using Kodiak muffin mix, substituting milk or water for plant-based
milk, and liquid egg substitute.

___ Test this Chocolate Avocado Mousse recipe

One avocado, mashed
½ can of full-fat coconut milk – stir well!
6 ounces of bittersweet chocolate – melt slowly in a microwave and cool slightly. It should not be hot.
¼ cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp hazelnut liquor
Place the avocado, coconut milk, and syrup in a food processor and blend well. Process until smooth.
Add the melted chocolate and flavorings and process. Stop occasionally to scrape the sides.

The consistency will be a pudding texture. Divide between four parfait glasses and chill for at least one
My Quick Shopping List
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

Congratulations! You are half-way done! Ready for some new Breakfast items? Let’s go!

What I usually eat for breakfast:

__Dairy milk ___Eggs ___Meat ___Cold cereal ___Hot cereal
____Sugar substitute ___Sugar ___Avocados ___Butter ___Bread
___Quinoa ___Nuts/seeds ___Cheese ___Beans ___Non-dairy milk
___Dairy yogurt ___Non-dairy yogurt ___Fruit ___other__________________

One Star Options

___If cold cereal, use my new low or no-added sugar cereal
___Use whole grain (check the package for the Whole Grain Symbol) or sourdough bread. Shoot for a
bread product this time that has at least 30 grams of whole grains per
___Eat one new fruit. _____
___Cut jam in half.
___Eliminate meat and eggs
___Sprinkle hot or cold cereal with flax seed, dried fruit, or a few nuts I enjoy.
Remember my list of new items!
___If using dairy milk, test one plant-based milk product.
___ Make a smoothie using 2 cups of spinach or baby greens, ½ banana, 1 tbsp flax seeds and ½ cup of
plant-based milk.
___If using sugar substitute, test a plant-based sugar such as monk fruit or erythritol.

Two Star Options

___Test a non-dairy yogurt such as cashew, almond, soy or coconut. Add some flax seeds, whole grain
granola crumble, dried fruit, or nuts of my choice for three stars!
___Test making steel-cut oats, either quick cooking, conventional stove top or pressure or Instantpot
cooking. (Extra stars if you make enough to scoop extras into muffin tins, freeze, and have on hand for
at least one more breakfast meal. Ta-da! I am batch cooking!)

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things


Congratulations! You are over half-way now! Good luck with a few new options!

What I usually eat for lunch:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in lunch ___salad or salad bar ___meat ___soup
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___bring my own food (non-leftovers) ___leftovers ___pizza ___pasta
___vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___Add two ½ cups of beans, lentils or grains to a dish or as a side to my plate. Remember my list.
___Remember. No meat. Substitute one meat product from a salad for one new plant-based item.
Example: Substitute the chicken for ½ cup cannellini beans and some nuts or avocado.
______Choose a dish with at least three different colors of vegetables. Extra points for a dish that has at
least four different colors.
___Use whole grain bread for my home-built sandwich, wrap or request whole wheat bread for my
sandwich or bun or wrap.
___Bake or microwave a sweet potato. Top with drained black beans. Sprinkle with salsa and plant-
based cheese. Add my new nutritional yeast sprinkles for added flavor and nutrition.

Two Star Options

___Intentionally select a restaurant that offers a Mongolian or similar stir fry type meal preparation, or
options of grains, beans, legumes and vegetables.
___Take my lunch that includes a pre-packaged sweet kale salad mix. Recreate the bowl using a
different cuisine. Remember my cuisine to-do list!
___Order the vegetarian, bean, or avocado burger or sandwich. No cheese, no mayo.
___Test a plant-based frozen entrée, bowl or wrap from brands such as Sweet Earth, Saffron Road,
Amy’s, or similar.

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

Congratulations on completing my second dinner! Again, you may be cooking for others. Let’s work
through some more options.

What I usually eat for dinner:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in ___salad ___meat ___soup ___pasta
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___leftovers ___pizza ___ vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___ Make a no - meat spaghetti sauce. (feel free to use a meat substitute such as Quorn, Gardein or
Morningstar crumbles or Textured Vegetable Protein) Extra star if I use a whole grain pasta.
___ Make a ready-to-eat bean or non-meat burgers (available in the freezer section).
___Roll my own bean or meat substitute burritos. Extra star if I use a whole grain burrito.
___ Make tacos using non-meat crumbles, kale mix, and plant-based cheese.
___Make a salad bowl with my greens of choice, one bean or legume, one new grain, and three of my
favorite vegetables.
___ Option: Choose an Indian, Thai, Ramen or Chinese take-out or delivery and use a protein substitute
or vegetarian as the meat option.

Two Star Options

___Make an Indian or Thai dinner using a frozen non-meat substitute, a vegan jarred sauce and brown
rice. (Feel free to use a boiling bag option – just get started!)
___Create a second special healthy topping for my salad made with nutritional yeast, sesame seeds,
coarse ground nut of choice, and spice mixture such as Cajun, Tex-Mex, Italian, Greek, Asian or
___Make a super easy plant-based soup. Rinse a can of garbanzo beans. In a blender, blend the beans
with a can of tomato soup. Add a spice blend such as Italian, Greek, Mediterranean, Spanish or
Mexican/TexMex. Sprinkle with the nutritional yeast mixture and some chopped fresh herbs. Serve over
a grain for extra nutrition.
My Quick Shopping List
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things


It’s the final Build a Better Breakfast day! You can do this!

What I usually eat for breakfast:

__Dairy milk ___Eggs ___Meat ___Cold cereal ___Hot cereal
____Sugar substitute ___Sugar ___Avocados ___Butter ___Bread
___Quinoa ___Nuts/seeds ___Cheese ___Beans ___Non-dairy milk
___Dairy yogurt ___Non-dairy yogurt ___Fruit ___other__________________

One Easy Thing I Will Do:

___If cold cereal, enjoy my low or no-added sugar cereal.
___Use whole grain (check the package for the Whole Grain Symbol) or sourdough bread. Shoot for a
bread product this time that has over 30 grams of whole grains per serving.
___Eat one fruit I enjoy.
___Cut jam in half.
___Eliminate the dairy and meat.
___Sprinkle hot or cold cereal with flax seed or a few nuts I enjoy.
___If using dairy milk, test one plant-based milk product.
___If using butter, test one plant-based spread such as Earth Balance or
___Make a smoothie using 2 cups of spinach or baby greens, ½ banana, 1 tbsp flax seeds and ½ cup of
plant-based milk.

Two Star Options

___Test making and enjoying a bean breakfast burrito. Extra stars for using non-dairy cheese or no
cheese and/or adding a vegetable such as a potato, sweet potato or roasted red peppers.
___Test making pancakes, toast, or muffins with an egg substitute such Bob’s Red Mill Egg Replacer or
Just Egg, or similar. Use real maple syrup in moderation and non-dairy spread or no spread for extra

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

My Final Thoughts on Completing the “Build a Better Breakfast” Test-Drive

___It wasn’t as hard as I thought

___It was harder than I thought
___It was about what I expected

What I discovered about myself:


Things I liked the best and enjoyed:


Things I will continue to do:


Things I still want to do:


What I will continue to test:


How I will make this happen:



Congratulations! You are almost done! This is your last lunch! Make it happen!

What I usually eat for lunch:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in lunch ___salad bar ___meat ___soup
___sandwich or burger ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___bring my own food (non-leftovers) ___leftovers

One Star Options

___Add ½ cup beans, lentils or grains to a dish or as a side to my plate. (Remember my “love” list and
“willing to try list”.
___Substitute one meat product from a salad for one new plant-based item. Example: Substitute the
chicken and add ½ cup garbanzo beans and some nuts or guacamole.
___Use whole grain bread for my home-built sandwich or request whole wheat bread for my sandwich
or bun.
___intentionally select a restaurant that offers vegetable, lentil or grain soup. Or bring my own plant-
based vegetable, barley and or bean soup, canned, frozen, or off the shelf. Enjoy my soup with a salad.
___Choose a dish with at least three different colors of vegetables. Extra points for a dish that has at
least four different colors.
Two Star Options
___Take my lunch that includes a pre-packaged sweet kale salad mix to get FIVE cruciferous vegetables.
Extra points for getting five veggies in one dish!
___Order the vegetarian, bean, or avocado burger or sandwich. Extra points if I eat without cheese or
other meat products.
___Create a noodle dish using whole wheat noodles or pasta, Asian soy or buckwheat noodles, healthy
ramen and vegetables. Include a bean or legume and use a new spice mixture.
___Visit the international aisle of my grocery store and select a plant-based rice or noodle option. Add
vegetables, my nutritional yeast topping, and a complementary bean for added nutrients.

My Quick Shopping List

__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

My Final Thoughts on Completing the “Launch a New Lunch”

___It wasn’t as hard as I thought

___It was harder than I thought
___It was about what I expected

What I discovered about myself:


Things I liked the best and enjoyed:


Things I will continue to do:


Things I still want to do:


What I will continue to test:


How I will make this happen:


You have created two dinners and this is the last one! (or maybe not!). Great job!

What I usually eat for dinner:

___fast food takeout ___dine-in ___salad ___meat ___soup ___pasta
___sandwich/burger/wrap ___fish ___beans ___grains ___fruits
___leftovers ___pizza ___ vegetables ___other___________________________

One Star Options

___ Make a ready-to-eat bean my choice of non-meat burgers (available in the freezer section).
___ Make tacos using non-meat crumbles.
___Make a salad bowl with my greens of choice, one bean or legume, one grain, and two new
___ Choose an Indian, Thai. Chinese or other cuisine take-out and use crispy tofu or vegetables as the
meat option.
___ Create a plate using ready-to-eat protein blend, roasted vegetables, and steamed baby potatoes
finished in a sauce blend that complements the protein blend. (i.e. Asian, Tuscan, California, etc.)

Two Star Options

___Make an Indian or Thai dinner using a frozen non-meat substitute, a vegan jarred Indian or Thai
sauce and brown rice. (Feel free to use a boiling bag option – just get started!)
___ Make a pumpkin bean grain soup using: ½ can of pureed pumpkin, 1 can of cannellini beans, 1 cup
of cooked or ready to heat farro or barley and a spice of choice. Puree the pumpkin and beans. Heat the
puree with spices of your choice. (Italian or Mediterranean work well). Serve over the grain. Add a few
chopped cook potatoes for more interest.
___Create a special healthy topping for my salad made with nutritional yeast, sesame seeds, coarse
ground nut of choice, and spice mixture such as Cajun, Tex-Mex, Italian, Greek, Asian or Mediterranean.
___ Create a pizza using store-bought whole grain crust, tomato sauce, plant-based cheese. Top with
mushrooms, spinach, arugula, and sprinkle with an Italian-inspired new nutritional yeast mixture.
___ Test a quinoa mushroom walnut burger or other vegetable only burgers. (available in the freezer
My Quick Shopping List
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

My Final Thoughts on Completing the “REDISCOVER DINNER”

___It wasn’t as hard as I thought

___It was harder than I thought
___It was about what I expected

What I discovered about myself:


Things I liked the best and enjoyed:


Things I will continue to do:


Things I still want to do:


What I will continue to test:


How I will make this happen:



Way to go! You are done! Congratulations!

What I usually eat for dessert:

___pie ___cookies ___ice cream ___frozen dairy yogurt ___candy
___fruit ___cobbler ___other

One Star Options

___one serving of a non-dairy ice cream or gelato or yogurt. Add fresh fruit for a bonus point.
___one piece of good quality dark chocolate. Enjoy something with a nut for added enjoyment and
___one slice of store-bought plant-based dessert such as a vegan pie or cake

Two Star Option

Honey Roasted Apple Dessert – ingredients: apples, honey, vegan butter
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Peel, core, and large dice four firm cooking style apples. Melt 1 tbsp of vegan butter in an oven-proof
skillet. Add the apples and stir occasionally until lightly browned but still firm.
Drizzle 2 tbsp honey on the apples and stir. Place skillet in the oven and roast for 20 minutes until glaze
becomes think and sticky. Serve with roasted almonds or granola topping.

Raspberry Mousse – ingredients: silken tofu, raspberry jam, agar agar, maple syrup
Place ½ tsp of agar agar in a small bowl. Add ¼ cup hot water and allow to cool and thicken.
Drain the liquid off of one package of silken tofu. Do not press. Place in a bowl and whip with an electric
mixer with the whipping attachment. Add ¼ cup of maple syrup. Whip for 30 seconds.
Fold in the agar mixture into to tofu mixture. Fold in 1/4 cup of low sugar raspberry jam or puree.
Place in serving dishes or bowls. Place 1 tbsp of jam in the middle of each dish and swirl in for a pretty
effect. Chill for two hours before service.

My Quick Shopping List

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What I appreciate about the task/activity:
What I had difficulty with:
What will I do to work through this barrier:
What I will do tomorrow:

___ Tested One Thing ___Tested Two Things ___Tested Three Things

My Final Thoughts on Completing the “DESSERT DELIGHTS”

___It wasn’t as hard as I thought

___It was harder than I thought
___It was about what I expected

What I discovered about myself:


Things I liked the best and enjoyed:


Things I will continue to do:


Things I still want to do:


What I will continue to test:


How I will make this happen:



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