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A Critical Analysis on Health Effects of Cell phone


With the fast development of Smart phones and tablets features causing the various bizarre
aliments. Most of the research describes the effect of mobile radiation on human body and
some research describes the psychological effect on human body. The application creators
designs their product to get kids and youngsters addicted on it. So as a result, youngsters are
spending too much time in games, social media websites, googling, changing smart phone
wall paper and taking selfies etc. The Pew Research center shows 60 % of teenagers spending
too much time in online is major problem, it causes the various problem to human. We have
gone through many websites are,,, and Conclusion. Overall assessment describes the evidence associated
with the effect from the mobile phone.


You wake up in the morning and reach over to check your phone. That is how most of us start
our day. The mobile phone has become an adult pacifier without which most of us cannot
function. Like children, without our pacifier, we get fidgety, restless and anxious. The result
- most of us suffer from the new age disease - Nomophobia (no mobile phobia), even if we
are not aware of it. But none of us stop to think about the effects this new age habit has on
our now maturing skin1

According to the study, 60% of teens—those between the ages of 13 to 17—say that spending
too much time online is a “major” problem facing their age group, with about nine in 10 teens
dubbing it a problem. More than half of teens (54%) say they spend too much time on their
cellphones, and 41% say they overdo it on social media

Mobile phones and tablets have become the most effective communication tools especially in
metropolitan cities. Exposure of the general population to radiofrequency (RF) fields from
mobile phones and other communication tools has become universal and continuous in recent
years . The number of mobile phone users has gone up to 5 billion in a world of 7.4 billion.
Development of using mobile phones has increased concerns about the safety of health, in
recent years. The studies reflected public concerns about childhood and adult cancers. The
possibility that some individuals experience hypersensitivity or other symptoms in response
to mobile exposure was a high priority for research [3]. As time goes on, new technologies are
coming. Accordingly, the diseases appear and transform. There are already a number of
health disorders related to bones[1]. Experts have warned that a number of new vulnerabilities
are spreading, such as 'cellulitis' spread by cell phones, 'cam dizziness' for videogame lovers,
and 'nomophobia' depression if the cell phone is loved[2].

The emitted radiation in mobile phone and tablet is electromagnetic ray in the microwave
range (850–1800). Collected evidence indicates that the frequency produced by mobile
phones or base stations may affect the health of the people[3].

2.Cell Phones and Health Impacts

Here are the secrets Bizarre ailments spread by cell phones

you probably didn’t know.


Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. Recent studies have shown that holding a mobile
phone close to the skin can cause swelling, redness, itching or blistering near the cheekbones,
ears, jaw or hands, commonly termed as mobile phone dermatitis. Metals such as Nickel and
Chromium are responsible for this. These are widely present in almost all mobile phone

Premature Wrinkle-action

Today, age is not the only factor that is responsible for the occurrence of wrinkles. In fact,
people in their 20’s have started complaining of crow’s feet around the eyes. Constantly
staring at the small screens of mobile phones and squinting to read the small –font-text can
lead to wrinkles around the tech-neck area (area underneath the chin and around the neck)
and vertical furrows between the brows.

Your Phone and Acne

Every square inch of your cell phone has around 25,000 germs, making it one of the most
unsanitary things you come in contact with on a daily basis. In fact, your toilet seat is cleaner
than your mobile phone! With each phone call, these germs transfer onto your face and can
lead to an outbreak of acne. 

Phone induced Pigmentation

Mobile phones tend to get warm after prolonged use. When these devices get warm they tend
to interrupt the normal melanin production of your skin, causing dark-spots and uneven tones
in the long run.

Night time routines and Dark Circles

Part of our night ritual has become to check out the latest FB posts or what the twitter-ati are
up to or maybe even the latest WhatsApp forwards. But when our eyes look at a bright screen
in a dark room for too long, our brain has a harder time relaxing and getting into sleep mode.
The time the body needs to wind down and relax itself gets taken up with more stimulation.
his results in loss of good, restful, rejuvenating, much-needed sleep.

What’s Up Fitties
It has now come to prominence with the new name, What's Up Fitties. Since this is a problem
for those who use Whats-Up, they put the same name. So this is something that everyone who
uses Whats-Up needs to know.
stenographer thumb disorder
The type of stenographer thumb disorder is the result of all the finger degeneration and
muscle and bone problems in the typing machine before the cell phone arrives. As you type
more time on your cell phone and computer, similar depreciation problems are called by
various names, such as 'text thump', 'whats-up baits', 'blackberry thump', 'techneck', 'cell
phone elbow syndrome'.

When we are constantly typing and chatting for a long time in processors such as Whats-up
on the cell phone, we use the fingers in our hands and bend the head for a long time.

This can lead to health problems. Some people only use one hand to type on a cell
phone. This will cause more damage to one hand only. Instead, when you type with both
hands, the effects on the hands are slightly less. Similarly, the size of the cell phone can make
typing a little easier because of the larger the area. When using a slightly larger screen, such
as a tablet or laptop, the head and neck are more likely to cause more pain when the head is
Muscles and bones
Muscles and bones are affected and the eyes dry out as they have been looking at cell phones
and computer screens for a long time. 
Blue light emitted from such digital screens causes temporary visual impairment and
impairment of the retina. The use of these tools to avoid sleep at night can cause sleep
disorders and memory impairments.

People who spend too much time on cell phones, computers, and other human face-to-face
conversations with human face-to-face communication are reduced. And this causes more
anger and more stress.
Digital screens
Overuse of such digital screens in early childhood can lead to attention deficits, impairment
of language skills, and eye vision disorder. It can also cause problems in children's brain
development. Parents avoid spending too much time with their children and are accustomed
to giving them a cell phone to calm them down, causing them to become addicted[1].
Experts have warned that a number of new vulnerabilities are spreading, such as 'cellulitis'
spread by cell phones, 'cam dizziness' for videogame lovers, and 'nomophobia' depression if
the cell phone is loved.

Mobile Elbow
After the introduction of smartphones, most movements have been accompanied by heavy
use of the big toe and index fingers. This causes more pain in the big toe and forearm and
wrists. The American Orthopedic Academy defines this as the mobile elbow problem. They
say that this is the next most likely cause of nerve damage called "carpel tunnel
syndrome". They advise that you can reduce the work done for the fingers by reducing the
typing and sending a voice message.
Gaming Disorder
Over one billion people in the world are immersed in cellphone games and video game
games. The World Health Organization says most of them are serious gaming enthusiasts
known as the 'gaming disorder'. Lack of sleep, lack of work and responsibilities, and boredom
in everyday life. PlayStation and Console, WiR. It is revealed that video game players are
easily affected by such gaming tools. They get tired quickly. Affects the eyes and joints.
About 10 percent of people who suffer from sports are identified as the most vulnerable. In
many countries, including the UK, there is an increasing number of people being treated for
such infections. They often range in age from 13 to 25 years.
Selby's lust is high today. Researchers at Nottingham Trent University, who have studied it,
estimate that some people are not able to control their cell phones, and some post a maximum
of 6 cell phones a day on the social website. Many people have changed the mindset of
having to share a cell phone image on a daily basis. The support they receive is what they
hope will build confidence and happiness. Otherwise they are left in a state of
anxiety. Experts define such extreme cell phone attitudes as 'sufferers of cellulitis'. Between
October 2001 and November 2017 in the UK, 259 people died from accidents while taking
the Selby.
Text Neck
Too much tilting the head to work on computers, cell phones, and to watch videos, games,
and social websites causes neck muscle damage. It is estimated that about 60 lbs of pressure
is on the neck. It causes cramping and pain in the neck muscles. This vulnerability is referred
to by researchers as the ‘text neck’. They advise that working and viewing the screen in a
straight or slightly downward position will reduce neck damage and eye damage.
Traveling or work environments can create a situation where a person is unable to use his cell
phone for a while. They define this effect as ‘nomophobia’. The word is newly added to the
Cambridge Dictionary. It is warned that such extreme attitudes can cause stress and a variety
of effects.

53 percent of cell phone users reported being more disturbed for a short period of cell phone
use. Doctors predict that the best change in symptoms will be by cutting back on social media
time by 10 minutes per day.

Computer Vision Syndrome

In today's habit of viewing computers and cell phones in the sand, the so-called eye
damage. It is estimated that 90 percent of people in the United States watch electronic screens
for more than 3 hours daily. It is also predicted to cause dry eyes, eye pain and vision
loss. They are advised to follow the medical procedure 20-20-20-20 to address this
problem. This means that the eye care method is to look at the object at a distance of 20 feet,
20 times, and at least 20 seconds[2].
We have go throwed
 Don't use your phone in bed.
 Get a real alarm clock.
 Make meals a phone-free zone.
 Turn off notifications.
 Delete unnecessary apps.
 Complicate your lock code.
 Focus on the person you're talking to.
 Put your phone on airplane mode[5].

 Use hands-free devices like headsets or Bluetooth or put your phone on speaker mode
whenever you can to avoid direct contact with the skin.

 Experts recommend that you hold your phone at eye level and increase font-size to
avoid these skin problems. Also use eye creams with a cooling applicator to help relax
the eyes, skin firming creams to boost elasticity and the production of collagen. 

 Clean your phone daily with an antibacterial wipe and remember to maintain hygiene
before exchanging phones with others as well.

 Mobile phones tend to get warm after prolonged use. When these devices get warm
they tend to interrupt the normal melanin production of your skin, causing dark-spots
and uneven tones in the long run.

 Try and limit the length of calls. If that is not possible, remember to keep alternating
your ears when speaking on the phone. This will help reduce the occurrence of dark
In the present study, the studied population was of both sexes with an teenage group
therefore, this shows the importance of the issue. These persons have high performance in
communities, so their illness increases the burden of the disease[3].

We found that the use of mobile phones was associated with a mildly increased risk of skin
problems. This is the first systematic review on the effects of mobile phone radiation on skin

Overall evaluations showed that the effects of mobile phone skin diseases are weak and have
no statistical significance. Some studies have shown weak impacts, and some studies have
found that over ten years of mobile use have been effective, but mobile phones are still a new
technology and little evidence about long-term side effects is available, as a result, prevention
is the best approach. Epidemiological studies on this topic are limited, and its long-term
effects have not been evaluated, and there is a gap in the assessment relationship between
mobile phone radiation and skin diseases. People are worried about the health effects of
mobile phones, especially since it is part of daily life. As a result, the implementation of
standard policies and strategic planning for primary health care by government officials on
this topic is necessary to reduce people’s concerns in order to provide suitable solutions for
high-risk people. These programs require extended studies on mobile phone technology and
its impact on the safety of mobile users. Our study has limitations. First, only few studies on
the study of mobile phone radiation and skin disease are available. Second, we did not have
the ability to access the full text of some articles and low levels of evidence.


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